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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1906)
ziiz . cr.zcor; daily . journal. rcr.TLAi;p. Wednesday evening. ' April 11, . iscr , ' L WASHIRCrrON HOTEL TO BE RAZED . - ' V ' I . ' - t ..... I - I 1 ':,- . " .- -' ' " ' j, i .,--...-. Ulsttf Conznss of Scrpxsslng Speciilty Shops. A Unique Croup of Stylt ir.J i I , Quility Expositions. STORE OPENS AT 9 A. LI THE "DIFFERENT" STORE STORE CLOSES AT K ll t i J .1 r-'. i I t A In Portland's Easter Shopping Annals! I ijL,..,.-..,... .lr. ih-,, TWO MIGHTY BARGAIN EVENTS WILL MARK AN EPOCH IN NOTABLE STORE HISTORY A Forecast of Unprecedented Triumphs in Local Merchandi$ingTodaY9s Store Hews Is Ultra Unusual in Importance! " V It has Intense interest to all who care to save without the sacrifice of style or quality., Read: , ft f - .Washington Hotel Seattle, WhkhI to Be DemolUhedUSo-Tbat Deony Hill May B Raxed. ' -'Special Din patch Th JoorMlJ ; ' Seattle, .Wuh... April , II. All Is , In readiness t begin within the next 4 hour the tearing away of Denny, hill with huge steamshovels, to be followed ' by the wrecking, and clearing; from- if. 'present site of the Washington hotel, lone known ' as the most picturesque acenle hotel In the northwest James A. ' Moore has let the contract for rasing the nfll and by May 1 the big hostelry will be Invaded by an army of wreckers. Work will first start at Second avenue ftnd Btewart street. . ' v . ' ' ' Recent increases In real estate values n Second street, north of pike street, have caused the coming demolition of 'the Washington hotel and the tearing down of the great hill upon which It stands. James X Moore, the owner of the hotel, wilt reap an immense fortune by destroying hs large hostelry and Hitting down the hill to the grade of , Second avenue. In many plaoea the cut will be feet, .and the city engineer's department has figured out mat f.vtt. 00 eublo feet of earth will have to be excavated. . ' ' Wtn Benefit Many. ,-tot only will Moore's act of destruc tion bring a fortune to himself, but It means large fortunes for property-owners within five blocks of the hotel.- The tearing down of the hotel will open up a large . retail and residential district that in the past has been cut off by the huge mass of earth towering In the alt with the hotel on Its -summit. ' . -' A , a result Moore's, announcement made some few weeks ago that he would tear down his hotel and the hill at his own expense was received with' Joy by the city and property-owner. In . the vicinity. -Moore has - agreed to tear down the hill bounded on the weet by Second avenue, on the east by Fourth avenue , and on the south and north by Stewart and Virginia streets... respect ively... Moore has agreed to tear down the entire hill and dedicate to the city free of cost a 00-foot atrip for the ex tension of Third avenue. - Moore has also agreed to pay his assessment for the Improvement work that will be done on Fourth avenue.' Thir city In return pays his assessment for the regradlng of Virginia street, which will amount to-17.000. ' One dollar dam ages will - be allowed, him In ' the - con demnation proceedings for the. Improve ment of Third avenue north of .Virginia street. - The allowance of this nominal sum saves Moore under the law from being taxed anything for the benefits his property will derive from the Im provement Of Third avenue north from Virginia street. -..:.,ir- vropoaal Zs Aooepted. '-. . The city council passed an ordinance accepting the proposition of the owner THOUSANDS BREAK ? FERTILE PLAIfl Mwr? WdtrwrT-amf Children Pros " r-Dr In What Was One . : ;; Thought a Desert. ' , ifnTi ar - nnrrriai anvil" v OF GORGEOUS PROMISE xxrni rn rrM rvin With. uWWBo TI au wiwn Vvire v w w out Irrifation-lf Sheep Are Kept t Off Bunch Graaa Will Provide Pas. turag ud Excellent Hay, ' . By C M. Hyakell. . . ' On Crooked River, April T. Two hnn fl red miles through central Oregon and not a grave. A few years ago It might have been said that no reasonable man would willingly be found alive or dead H &-mL ...TnHaw IkiMIMII. A men. women , and children- abide -and . prosper there, and It la extremely sel dom that death vlslta them. . It Is. one f the most healthful regions In the world. They are raising sheep, cattle and grain. Wherever water flow In accessible channels they are undertak ing irrigation en a small scale, in lo ealltlea -away from streams they are hauling water for domestic use from the ne rest river or welL Eight Port land men traveling overland with team to the upper Deschutes country found little - encouragtment to water " . their horse at most stopping places; - not that water la scarce or the people are Inhospitable, bat because it Is no fun hauling water. -. , Central Oregon, has been to a consid erable extent misunderstood la the pub lic mind, from dissertations by scien tific men on the volcanic character of the soil, distance to underground water, L- . Bg STRICT ARMY :r t - ORDER ON FOOD Victorious Japanes Know tha Secret ol Strencth and Healtlw :" In the Japanese army during the late - war wtth Russia, strict regulations were enforced to promote health among the soldiers. ' These regulations covered every phase of hygiente living. They -were especially etrtct In regard to feed. "The origin of strength In the human body Is good food." eeld theee instruc tions to the conquering Japanese army. And thle la Just as true in America as it im In Japan. "The origin-of strength In the human body Is good food." . 2 " In this country we have the Ideal good food.- It im the food which glvee ,to the body and uraln perfect strength and per fect health. We refer to Malt-Vita, eo eft en called "The Perfect Food." becanse a. ut.. wu aImam w .... ah v w wum mraj needs, - end rn the exact proportions which science haa ehowa are necessary to health and strength. Maita-Vlta la the whole ef the beet White, wheat grown. This la the reaenn it la ao rich in vitalising, refreehtng, muaclo-bulldlng, blood-making food el menta - The wheat, after being thor oughly cleaned, im conked and eteamed antll the starch cells break down. It Is then mixed with the malt extract and rolled out Into wafr-like flakea, every ' grain of wheat a fluke. The malt ex tract, art active dlgeetlve aa-enf. converts the gelatinised starch of the wheat Into maltoae. er malt engmr. M;ilt u A veir nutritious and ts easily aigeeted own br the weakest stomach. - Maita-Vlta to baked In great ovens until l to crisp and brown, ready to eat. That la how It eamee to you the mnet strengthening, iirat dellntous and rleitneet fond In the world. All grocers ell Malta-Vita. scarcity of rainfall and vegetation. The descriptions were all right . so far as they have gone, but they have not gone far enough. The traveler. through cen tral Oregon , finds . that hs soil will grow crops of grain. If aherp were kept off the wild lands would support largo growths of bunch grass that . Is excellent -pasturage, for all ' domostlo animals,' and which if eared for In the usual manner, of hay. farming could, be cut annually In quantities sufficient' to fill all the haymows. None . of these latter practices are In vogue. , .,' Country How to Farming. The - lands - have ' been denuded by sheep, the country is new to farming, and the mass of the people now in. It have been living . there only two or three years. They are this year break ing thousands of acres of virgin plain and sowing wheat. Here and there a settler has, with shovel, dynamite and rude windless, punctured the .. earth through alternating strata of volcanic aah and rock to a depth of '100 feet and secured an Inexhauatiblo well of good water, which he la laboriously drawing to the surface by means of a rope and a bucket. The windmill agent haa not yet arrived. All - Improvements are In - their In fancy. The modern method of drilling a well, putting in casing and surmount ing It with a wind pump and galvanised iron tank has not been adopted. .When It Is there will be no lack of water In central Oregon. - These Improvements have not been made because the settlers are not quite roadyr-tt"taks a good deal of money to drill deep well a build tanks and pipe water to houser.bem and pastnro. as they do down in Iowa after to - years of - progress and - -preparation for these conveniences. Central Oregon farmer are Investing their capital in small houses, farming outfits, first-class horses and barbed wire, and are building fences with juni per pnets. Juniper Is of the cedar fam ily. It la said to be the longret lived fence post known to tho civilised world. Juniper trees grow In abundance for fencing and fuel all over central Ore gon. Many miles of ftnees are being built, new roads opened, and aid. pralrto roads eat off by barbed wire. . - ' Xrel, Bowly-Brokea - You travel miles through Crook coun ty, and so on either side of the road level farms of 1(0 acres, newly broken by tho plow and seeded fov tho first time with wheat, oats or barley. These plains occur in various sections of cen tral Oregon. The term "central Ore gon' Is by no means restricted to Crook county, although that county contains 7.750 square mllesi Rhode Island has I0O square miles. ' ' ' ' Too central Oregon farmer sows only half a bushel of wheat to the acre, as against one and a half to two bushels sown by the Nebraska or Dakota farm er. Tho Crook . county man harvest from his alleged arid land 10 to 11 bushels ef wheat to the acre, without water. The crop has run to IS bushels, but that much Is not expected, nor Is It likely to happen ' with' any degree of regularity until tho character ef the climate changes to something more moist, as Is predicted by those who have watched tho evolution, of soli and rainfall hi semi-arfd regions where cul tivation and vegetation are Introduced and promoted from year to year. It , is, predicted by settler that the crop conditions will steadily Improve antll central Oregon will become fruit ful whether Irrigated or not. aad wtll attract a normal amount . ef rainfall during tho summer season. This pre diction has substantial support In the proved theory ef Irrigation experts, who havo solemnly testified . that - after" a few years of cultivation and production ef empa lit a previously arid belt brought n.ider Irrigation tho rains grad ually Increaeo In frequency until the annual precipitation. Is doubled. . - Fertlaad Organist m fleerlel Dasafea tm The JesrnsLr , Whitman College Waihr Weitie, Wash.. April 11. Harold Vincent Kllllgan. or ganist of tho- Calvary Freebytertan church; of Portland, gave, a recital on the Roosevelt pipe organ nt the college chapel yeaterday evening. This is the third lit Ike series- of organ recitals being; gives by tho aoilego this spring. of the Washington hotel. IA the paat the elty has seen no. way by which the same result could be obtained at a coat lower than 1 10,000. Moor declares his offer to the city was dictated purely by business motives. - The Inoreaae In the value of hla holdings- will reach close to 11,000,000. The boom that is certain to follow In real estate In the vicinity will make the land now covered by tho hill among the most valuable In the city for retail business. ? The Washington hotel was computed In 180 by the Denny Hotel company. It was then, known as the Denny hotel. The site it occupied waa the most sight ly in the city and a bistorio spot from the fact that It was used as a signal station during ths early Indian wara For a decade after Its completion- It waa involved In litigation. Cornell univer. slty paid 130,000 towards Its construc tion, all of which waa lost In the many liens placed upon the hotel. For II years after Its. remained unoccupied. James A. Moore waa finally Induced to open lt.v Thousands of dollars were spent n making It fit for occupancy. : It was opened In time for the reception of President Roosevelt tn 10I. Simultaneously with the commence ment of work on the excavation of the hill work will be begun on a new theatre on the western side, near Stewart street; which Moore wtll erect for John Cort. . , , BUYS OLD DUSTER UHKHOl'llHGLY Morton I. Cook Takes Fancy to ZZ Picture and Buys It Cheap at Fair Auction.: PROVES TO BE WORK OF FLORENCE WILLEMS Painting; Evidentljr Purchased by late James O. Fair During; One of . Hla . European Trips Value Not Known to Heirs. - ' (Joeraal SpecUl Serrlea) , Ban Francisco. April 1L "Ooing-go-Ing-gone; yours for tS. Please step up and put down a deposit." . Little did Morton U Cook think when he stepped . up to Auctioneer - Arthur mine for a song. --. It was at tb sal of furniture of the old Fair mansion wKtk v- 1 ordered by Mrs. Hermann Oelricha Mor ion i-. 1,001. me advertising - man, dropped In at the sale. He was sin gularly struck by an oil painting and decided bo would tike It for his homo. It was knocked down to him for III. and ho sent it to nnmn'a i k- -- -4 before be sent It out to his house. About a week later, when he dropped Into tho picture store Oump Informed htm that If he eared to sell the picture ha would be glad to buy It. But Cook tlH admired the painting and declined to sell.' He waa Informed by A. L. Oump, who had. studied the signature and traced the history of the picture, that It was a Wlllems and that It was worth about IJ.SOO. It evidently had been picked up by James O. Fair. while In Europe, and after his death tho value of ths picture was not known to the heirs. The picture ' Is strong In color and? action and entitled The Engagement" Florent. WUlems, the artist, was born at Liege. His paintings are . few la number and bring high prices. . SQUAW WITH BIG KNIFE IS SEEKING REVENGE (Soedsl Dtsaeteh ts The JeaneLl Arlington. Or.. April 10. A squaw from Rock sreek, a small stream Just below this etty. arrived hero this morn ing In search ef Indian Joe," who had stabbed her husband with a butcher knife last Friday. She swears she will kill him with tho soma knife which he used ea her -husband.- The- men-soar re led ever the ownership of land. The wounded Indian la In' a serious condi tion In hi tepee at tha mouth of Rock ereek..' - ... naii CUT RATES SAVE MONEY Come at oawo and havo free examination. WB EXTRACT TIETH FREE; SIle TER FT LUNG 8. lie UP; GOLD FILL- rsaa. 7o vr-, set of teeth, m oot IPLINDrD SET. I ; OO LD CROWDS, ti oo to; whits crowns, iloo TO III. All work guaranteed for ten yeara CSSTCn PAIMISS DENTISTS III Morrison St. Op Meter Fraoa and Fastofflosv , A Sensational Sale of Fashionable Easter In the Garment Salons Second Floor oQ)nvni $10 Hals $5.00 TOMORROW $10 Hals $5.00 mmmmmm . Ml I I A Another Mastodontie' Bargain Event t A Carnival of Beauty, Fashion and Values Ectleolnr Any Similar - Trade . Movement Ever- Planned and Consummated by Any Western House I The Third In , . ,, the Seriea of Monster Spring Salsa Planned and Promised Months Ago I . - - - - This House WU1 Open on Thursday Morning s Sale of Faihionabl EASTER MILLINERY that will surpass any similar vnt ever .attempted weat of Chicago I In Fact, We Much Doubt if Ever Better Values Were Civen by Any Houia in America at the. Start of a New Season. ' r . : , . - . . The Millinery Sale Will' Cap the Climax of . Startling- Sales Given oy Thii Houie This Season. WE HAVE PRE-EMPTED ROOM FOR THIS SALE FROM THE GARMENT SALONS The Sal WHIT 1,000 Hats In ths Monster Sals Thursday Morning I Scares of Extra 8aliDotU Hay Been Encagsd to Walt Uoon ths Throngs. Held Thursday In the Suit Section. Near the Washington Street Elevator, on special table ranged through the center of the big Saloni of Dreia. Millinery Best Values Ever Seen up to $10 Choose for $5 Every hat In the record-smashing sals Is of the newest vintage, correct In every authoritative style detail, freah front the boxea, dainty as the buttercups on ths hillsides. BUT ONE Or A Did you cstch that? And thst stvl no to tha minute, mad bv tha moat facings; ostrich plumes, quills, wings, flowers and ribbons for trimmings. A grsnd color sssortment to chooas from, ambracing gray, old rose, light blMS. pinks, una, Alice blues, navy, grsena, brown a, prunes. Lavenders, black, white and wIl, every color you can think of that fashion has thought of.- Every shad tha fa wanted to match the pratty Easter gowns. The prettiest lot of trimmed CC f)f hats you aver saw that you could buy and pay op to 110 each for her on Thursday morning at., ...... ... . JrJtVV srUKUBM THAT EXTRA ROOM HAS BEEN TAKEN AND THI8 SALE WILL BE HELD IN THE SUIT SALONS on Second Floor, nsr Washington street elevator. Sale opena at S a. m. - Be on hand early, for though there's plenty of hats, yon know ths crsam will be Bkimmad firat, and you may avota tns crowaa u yoa corns aariyv- --r- HAT FOR EVERY FACE, EVERY AGE AND EVERY GOWN. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $5.00 The Biggest Treat of All the Year Awaits Women vho Buy Undermuslins Tomorrov A GLORIOUS SURPRISE FOR PRC-EASTER PATRONS OF THIS DEPOT OF - - SURPASSING VALUES ! , , . : : . . Sale Opens Thursday Homing in the Annex 2d Floor The lingerie embrseed within the scope oMhis tremendous Sale will tint mo rfisannnSn- . Ing no mstter how high you rane your expectations. - The visitor to the Annex Saloni where dainty Underclothes for women hold forth will need no srtist's eye to soon be eptivted with, :the. innate. beauty of. th.garmenl-presd"OtrtIr a great white field befor her, and marked so abiurdly low. One instinctively handlei each piece ai a treasure like ths fair weareri to be not to be rudely grained.. We promise our visitors to the Undermuilinn' realm, tomorrow the treat of all the year in viewing and shsring these dainty, band-made French conjured gar ments. - The grand distribution of these unrivaled valuea will begin promptly at S a. m. Simul taneously with the great Millinery Sale. The aecond floor will bo the Mecca of Enter buyers tomorrow. . . , ' , , . Beautiful Undermuslins One-Third Off Regular Price French Hand-Made and Embroidered LingcrUs of fine nainsook snd lawns, bleached or unbleached. Some are daintily trimmed with lace. GOWNS ::r.....;, ;;.Our $171 to S27.00 valuea at ONE THIRD OFF DRAWERS ......... Our fJJO to ! ISM values at ONE THIRD OFF SKIRTS ....:.......Our $4.50 to 1150.00 values at ONE THIRD OFF CORSET COVERS. .Our $2.75 to I 13.00 value at ONE THIRD OFF CHEMISE Our $2J0 to ! 15.00 vahMS at ONE THIRD OFF During the remainder of this week w offer anything in our entire Jtockoftine rrencn lingerie st vwis i niKU sjrr. - WOMEN'S UM NIGHT GOWNS FOR $1.19. Women's Fine Nainsook Gowns, low round slipover' neck and-elbow sleeves, trimmed with Valenciennes lace, besding snd drsw rib- bono; our $2.00 value. Special at, each..... 01.19 WOMEN'S 75e DRAWERS FOR 5c Women's Fin Cambric Drswefirwith two clusters of four fins iuefcs- - escn snd three-inch flounce of embroidery; our 75 vslue. ' Specisl at, the.pair . . ........ r. w. B&4 WOMEN'S' $2X0 PETTICOATS FOR $IJJ. Women's White Cambric Petticoats made with deep Spanish flounce with cluster of five hemstitched tucks, deep embroidery ruffle arid lawn underruffle; our $2.00 value. Special at, each....... ,.,,.f 1.33 WOMEN-SLMCORSETCOVERS $1.23. ..: Women' Corsef 'Covers of fine cambric or nainsook and trimmed with Valenciennes or torchon lace or embroidery: a larre vartetv of - J styles from which to select; our $175 value Special at each ,$13 Special Sale of Easter Ornaments FLOOR Double Eggs with Cklokena; regular value loo. special. .Of Oroteuo Figures with egg box; regular value 10. Special t....B4 Chlekoa wtth Neat; regular value llo. Special .... .4 Dutch Baky with Cgg; regular value See. Special 16i Bison Egg with rigure; regular value SOo. Special. .... 15 Hen aad Chicken tn Basket; regular value eoo. Bpeotal. .20 4 Hundred of Special Eastor reeMabraneos, many bow - - . .and novel designs. EASTER SALE OF CUT CLASS Libber's aaata en a piece of Cut Olae assure the receiver ef fh werVJ" St. Alt Cut Olas this week at Special EaaMer Heduetton. , Thousand I article to select front. Visit the Crystal room. Special Sale of Correspondence Paper Druggists' Sundries and NotionsFirst Floor - : tic box Writing Paper, white, plain or ruled. Special .............t4 If box Linen CVMh, KM and Plat Writing Paper, gpsefsl 16 10 box fine, high-grade Writing Paper, now shape envelop ea - Special. .19 ee Shelf Paper, lace edge, la ll-yd. piece. Special ... ... .............. 3f 10a bottle Carter Photo aad Office pasta. Special................ &04 4e roll Toilet Paper. Special, tw roll ................ ,t .......54 lOe box Crystallised Camphor, for killing moths, eta. Special . .......... .4 Ha Imported English Tooth Brushes. Special.............. .......... .IS lie Coot bl nation Hand aad Nail Brushes Speetal ........... .......... ...fl) Wire Coat Hanger. Special, each .44 Jo package of 1 dosan heavy black ktohatr Shoe Laoea Spectl...v.7 Large sis flat tablet Ironing Wax. Special ..4 lie fin heavy mounted shell color Back Comb .49 Pldel la Brush Skirt Binding. Special, I yards. ...................... .8 am onromTHLarr sxs or Pietfy Initial 25c Hat Pins at tOc Each Am pace setter to tho big Sal of MUltnery on Second Plane, the owelry Shop chtm la with splsndld aeoord la a ea that women wtll be quick fb appreciate. With tha elaborate coiffures and tea peculiarly poised Hat this sisenn there -1 greater than ever necessity for Hat Pin for holding the Hat seen rely la place apoav th bead. - Just now a Ha ef Initial Hat Pins, prettily engraved 1 round, swart and shield shapes, tn Hnmmm nt si 1 ver ' and guomstal finish, worth St, wilt b sold. at ta special price of each . . .10 M Sterling Silver Hat Pkt t vartousi Seslgns; ssoeptlpnal good value at Mo. Speeial. each It 4 Hundred ef Peary Rat Pm to nlet from ta anltd gnld. stnne-eet. Imported garnet and hand-patnted miniature, richly aameled aad Jowoled, r"H"T to. s-r r r i ,i, ............. it. Exquisite Hosiery for Easter AVearers Th great Easter Show are oomplet In fh Hosiery Shop. It' a eight wall worth viewing. Immense la scope, fascinating la beautyand th value arer tempting. Every woman must need complete tho en sera Mo of perfect gowning wtth pretty and tasteful hosiery. Don't ml theee Easter display. - pisw ri. . . . : - 1 - woanupa utu Women's Liele Ho. . splendid rality. In plrik. blu. whffe.'Yleux rosea claret, purple, emerald green, myrtle green, onion shades, champagne, marine blue, embroidered plain gaaso, lace and lao boots, at. pair ....... .......S04"te H.TS A pretty Itn of Women' Silk Hoee in eolor at, th pair. ............ ft. $l Black with assorted shades of silk embroidered boot at, paly. ...... .I g Black thread silk, with embroidered boots. at. palr.M.,,i,g3.X to SS.OO Colored Silk Le Hoe at, pair $i.7ft to $a.SO .---.------- ----- - cMxtBwwww non. ' ' ' Children's ptnft. blue, tan, white and black ila-fmlhod Iloae, highly met eerlsed; look Ilk silk, at, pair..,.,..,.,..,,.,.,..,. ...36 to BO Sam a shove, not quit so fine, at. pair. ........... ,.8S SO and 35 Infants Silk Hoos In ell wasted shade, at pair. .50 infants plain and lac meroorlaod lisle Bote, all shade, at. pair. ...... .95 Infant -Soak, all shade, at, pair ...... ,...,.;...-..,,,,,;,-... ..25 Parasols Bewitchlngly Beautiful jc-xv ire. xnr Stxtk SWee Aaubrav .. A Parasol Show worth eomtng mllee) to see. Mover such charming beauty shows a now la th eaqntelre area tlon that women mast needs havs to complete th perfect enessiUe of Easter gowning . Paraselev wtth stitched border, whit enameled frame, natural wood handle. Price, each ,..,.......,.,.,. Sj i.)S) 'lav with eraorold- ery edge) or embroidery Insertion. . Prmes, i each.,...a.SO. a.w4. t.l.M eiethi Paraaona, with ftv little tMka and hemstitched border; enameled frame, and natural wood handle. - Prtoev each.... ....St.7s Pielty Pemgee SUk Par!, with fancy eelored piping and border; entered enameled handle to match border. Price, each.,.-.....,.,, 1 Us as s SUai TnfTetn warasela, with fancy Dresden hnrder: trimmed elm lace and tucks, gold-plated1 frame and natural wood handle, , Price, each, up to 91A.4tP Tory Xaaasem Taffeta am Paeeeela, with fancy border of print ws re ribbon ht plak and blu com hi nation, with hendi to match horder; o 1- plated frame. Price, each ti ,L J Tfcrc'j!;!r.3 fovr Urtr fa Sc.t V.. "2 sTovelty , Pasaael hav IS n Id -colored r" t ' I handle. They are her In navy, green, fed and wttt' t Ths v ar very tyl1h and a new hapa e r sol selling agents for Portland. I