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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING; MARCH 27, !lSC3. ELECTRIC ROADS FOR EU6EIIE Royal BIG STEAL! .Council Practically Dacidaa to ": Grant Franchise to Syndlcata Plymouth of Fall River' Line Burnt to Water't Edge in 1 Newport Harbor. ' ' of Capitalists. - . Saves Healffi LOSS WILL EXCEED v V ' ONE MILLION DOLLARS ' PORTLAND, EUGENE AND ' OTHER MEN INTERESTED FLAHES DESTROY fffS ISIS . . . ..... .. V - .Will 'Alio 'Construct B ranches to Sprinffitld and Up McKwuia to Blue River Mines, a Distance of 40 Miles, and Bridge Willamette. VSgetlsI Dkiestes to The Jmul-l Eugene. Or;. March 7. At a special UMtlnf of the city. Council lsat aright v it .. waaractlcally decide, to grant franchise to ttK Pax ton of Portland. , a. B. Hengen of Nw York, A." B. Wood of New York and F. 1 Chambers of Eugene, to conatruct ah electric railway T-,.rtni for thtadty.-lfwaa announced for the flrat time laat rrfght that theae '.'V : men. who have satisfied the -councllmen of Eugene that ,they are "wall financed.. : Intend to build an electrlo railway from r-j Eugene to Springfield, a dlatanca of four ; -v- miles, and a a tram rUwy from Bprlng " neld up the McKenStc to tho Blue river mines, a diaUnco of 46 miles. The Wll lamette .will -be- brtdced In the , north ; west part of Eusene and the- Una to Bprlngfleld will extend up the eaat aide t of the riven, In an entirely different eve Motm projocted. " It Is propose to fun team locomo- xJiirea over- the F.iisgne-Bprtnsfleld llnl T tir the erdl addition to electrfc care, for the hRT!f a..!l'Z,. rL?,V-, I rns; of frelsht from tho McKensl val ley to igugene. It -1 announced -'"that r .-i.' work will begin-early, ln-I7. and"a ,il and a half of tha streetcar sys- Jem -completed within a year. . The franchise provides for the entire . svstem to bo completed within three years. Hengen is the principal owner ef the Oregon Southeastern railway, . -i- between Cottage Grove and tho Bohemia .mlneav Wood 4a general iMMftr ef tho . road and nlao or the Oregon Securities -- company In Bohemia. Chambers -Is a Eugene banker.. ' .r : ARMY SERGEANT LEAVES--: A SNUG LITTLE FORTUNE - 1 ' - (Journal Snstiat Bsnle. ' 1 ' . St. Loula, March. !7.Wohn M. Wll-."- llamaon, for 21 years a private and .. aargaant In company F. Twelfth United ' States Infantry.-whoao funeral took place yea tarda y from his late residence, ' left a anuc little fortune. Many years sgo. when hls jrealmeat waaat - San JoserCallfornla. he lent a friend 1300 to aaalat In aatabllahlng a email meroan . , tile bualneaa. He became a partner In ., the bualneaa. thrived and at the time of ' his death owned a half Interest in the f enterprise, bis aha re being estimated to . be worth more than 4.00. : A short time ago Wllllamaon retired .' rrom the army, owing to an affection of ...Ihe heart, rssultlng In hl death last . , , rrlday. . . . -. . - :; y ::many converts at . corvallis meetings (Special Dispatch te The Joannl.j ' Corvailla. Or.. Mach IT. A larger ' attendance nightly marks the progress of ths union and Methodlat revtvala hero. -Bvansrllat- Miller -attho-opera 1 - house gives "chalk talks" to the school auplla at 4 p. m. dally. At I o'clock Tr and - T;S9 o'clock daily '4har are bmU - Ings at both the M. E. church and at the opera bouse.- , v ' ' Rev. T. L. Jones, leading the Matho v dlst revival, has .converted 41 people, V while st tho union meeting there are many more. ' . , ; r; ' : Te BobaSs a X sriwUe. - Ta Grande, Or., March 17. A debate will take place rn thla city at Steward's opera bouse next Wednesday evening between the debaters of the- l- Orand " high school and Profeaaor Hockenber- ' ry s school.' Tne question is. "Keaoiveo, , ' That the amendment granting suffrage ' to women In Oregon ah ou Id be adopted." ' ' Gold medals are offered to the membera . T of the winning team. The high school has ths affirmative of tho question. eat te Asylum. . . Eugene, -Or.s ; March tlj John T. Col- line, aged about It years, residing at - Wendlinax was committed to the Insane ' asylum by Judge Chrlaman yesterday ,"V" afternoon and taken-to-Salem today. .. Recently he) was arrested for beating his wife, and on Friday night of last - i week, at Springfield, ho attempted aul .. . rtdo. Made in Oregon . hi . - . hi Diamond Mounted TCrflafTcaTfy conceived a e to deelgiilng and with eparlal merit as' to workmanabtp. Platinum Adds great tone to any piece of Jewelry end en riches the effect of Dia monds end other Pre rlous Gems to a marked - degree. : - tteslgne submitted Willi favorable prices to In terest. .,, mtf. ...Cos.-14 eV WasMng tOAr- JKWKI.KrrS. ... PII.VKRrtMITIIA, MANTFAi'l TRINO ' , OPTICIANS. , Jewelry Saves ROYAL SAKINO POWDER CO., HtW YORK 3-CCNT STREET CAR FARES FOR THOSE WHO LABOR. San ; Francisco Ordinance Pro vide Cheap Rates Morning , . and Evening Hours, . - , 1 , 1 I.hIm t nance Introduced by Supervisor Duffey in the board laat night becomes a law, 00 and Sifter May 1, paasongers on stre t railroads of . this city during the hbu re when the. working classes travel to and from their labors will pay a S-cent fars. Ths ordinance,, which was referred to ths Judiciary committee, provides for thla rats between the hours of I: JO and I o'clock, a. dv And between S and 7 o'clock -p. in.'; r'."-". " la order to overcome ths difficulties arising from lack of copper coinage on the coast,- It la provided that tickets en titling the holders to transportation with in the hours stated and which alone shall be accepted - as fare shall be sold In books of M apiece and It shall not . be obligatory upon arty-street railroad to sell any passenger less than - one com plete book. It is provided runner that tne transier system at - present -In - force -shall apply to the travel within tha hours and upon tha conditions named. . . MANTPAY LAST TRIBUTE TO LATE MARTIN BOTH (Spselat Dispatch te Tat Joaraal.) Rainier, Or.. March 17.- Tho funeral of tho lata Martin Both was held hero Sunday at-S o'clock in the afternoon under the auspices of ths Elks of As toria, who cams to Rainier In a special train. - Mr. Both was born In Germany, Martin Both. coming to thla country when a young man, where he has been engaged In the aalmon bualneaa on a large scale. As sn Elk and a representatlvs to ths senate, Mr. Both was well known In Co lumbia county and Astoria. Ths funeral had the largest attendance ever known at a' funeral In Rainier. Members of four different lodges psld their last re spects. ' TO OFFER ISLANDS;: (Continued From Psge Ons.) the -Philippine problem before his pres ent term st tha Whits House -ends.-'He Is represented ss being convinced that the ownership of the Islands aa pos sessions .and not parts of the United States la not acceptable to the people of. the United States and will eventually mean much larger expenditures on ths part of our home government than have been made oven thuo far. .- . - There . have been frequent consulta tions on .tho Philippine. quest Ion between the president. Secretory Root and Sec retary Taft, who' succeeded Root In the war department. , Having been formerly governor- of the Philippines Taft waa looked up ts upon entering) the Rooso- I velt cabinet aa ths highest and most I competent authority on Aslatlo condi tions. He told the president and th ' administration advisers, it la aald. that ! tho Filipino people would soon accept ths American government snd that out breaks such ss recently have been wit- . nessed on tho part of -tha Moeoe and the Pnltjanps of Samar would cease. '. There la reason to believe now. how ever, that Governor Wright, who suc ceeded Taft In ths Phtllpplneh, and Ian em! Leonard Wood and others who have sines been In chsrge of tha military force In tbs Islands, hava dlffared with Tsft's presentstlons. College sf OsftSory sorts!. ,'' (Speelal . Dispatch ta The JnsraaL) Willamette University, Salem. Or.. March 17 The pupils of tha college of '.oratory gave a recital In the university : chapel yesterday evening before a large and -awrwiatlve aurtlenca " The pro- gram conaiated of II numbers, two' of I which wero piano aolos, ons vocal solo j and eJrht readings. - The recital waa given under the di rection of Iean Savage. ' To draw tho firs out of a burn, heal a exM without leaving a scar, or to cure bolls. vborea, tettor, ecsema and all akin and scalp diseases, use IeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve. A spclflo for piles. Get the genuine. No remedy causes such speedy relief. . Ask for iJeWitt'a ths genuine ... PUTER GETS AWAY FROn GURUS sBaHsassassaHssSsBBassiBSHaBBiasa " Kirg-Pin of the Oregon Land Swindler Arretted In Bo- ZIZItoributEecapet.IIll DRAWS REVOLVER UPON " -SECRET SERVICE AGENT Crowd Witnesses. Tussle Polic Fail to Render Assistance Reckless LSpJsJt. olL3ftLShowttJnJPoii- ' land. :- ; : : . (Joaraal Bpaelal tan lea.) ' - Boston. Maes., March 17. S. A. D. Puter, who Is wanted by the government la the land fraud cases in Oregon, was arrested hers laat night by Secret Berr ies Agent W, J. Burns, but saoapod aft er being In custody leas than half an hour. He drew his revolver) upon Burns,; who. through a, mistake of ths Boaton police In not coming to bin as sistance, was powerless to prevent ths eacape of his prisoner,, who threatened to" kill him if he moved. Burns grappled with -Puter. trying to disarm him twice, but Puter for a third time got free from Burns' grasp and gradually backed away with the re volver pointed at tho official. Ths struggle was ' witnessed by a large crowd, who Joined ths offlcer-tir his pursuit of tha fugitive, but were unable to overtake him. L Puter had been calling for mall sd- dreaaed to. John U. BrowneU. S. A. D. Puter has boms ths repota tlon of being a dangerous man and his usually qulat demeanor conceals a reck less spirit. Though seldom Involved in quarrels few men can use a gun mors quickly or effectively than he. An Il lustration Is afforded by an. Incident which occurred In thla slty Shortly after Puter's trial and conviction In Decem ber. 104. .Together with Several men and women Puter waa In the rear room of a Sixth street . saloon .drinking heavily, whenj one or tne men present made a remark which . threw Puter Into a rage. An eyewitness of tho affair described It ss followa: - . "In an . instant Puter's gun wss out, cocked snd leveled. It was so quick that I couldn't even sea what pocket he took It from, though I waa looking right at him. : He shoved the gun up against tho other fellow's body cursing- and swearing, snd I thought there wss so wing to bo a murder. Theother fellow t had to eat his words." , ' NINE KILLED AND V EIGHTEEN INJURED (Joarnal Special tarries.) Cheyenne. Wyo., March 17. The offi cial llat - of tho - doad In tho Natrona wreck on ths Chicago Northwestern, weet of Casper. Wyoming, Is given as followa: Charles Moll, D. D. Blue and B. F. Price of Casper; Budo Redekablo, Bar. ' Sarcar, ' Mame " Kamesktc, Ceto Benjenvlc, Mill Rodakeslo and Ilua Redakowlck. Three others are missing and believed to be stuck In tha mud under the wreckage or drowned in the creek. " Righteen are seriously In jured, five of whom will probably dls. MILT0NITES ORGANIZE LIVE PROGRESS CLUB Milton, Or., March IT. A progressive association has been organised at Mil ton, the folowlng officers having been elected: President, K. J. Davis; first vice-president, J. F. Sloverj' second vice president, J. Ia Miller; secretary, t. P. Peterson; treasurer, H. L. Frasler, A committee of five, consisting of E. J. Davis, C.-T. Davis, C T. Ooodwln, S. A. IMller, J . F.' Slover and W. E, Putnam, was appointed on permanent organisa tion. . . . READY TO REVOLT (Continued From Pago Ons.)' la Inadvisable for the people of Brittany io aet-JJjemsel yesaaai nst lhs-cabjneti which has the army at Its back. The bishop of Nantes who Instated that the Inspector leave the cathedral without Inventorying tha sacred relics, has himself gons among ths people ex horting them to follow the law as set forth by parliament and use only moral suasion where religious sentiments srs threatened. Ths Bretons, howsvsr, ars obstlnsts peo ple. Devout Catholics ars Infuriated and will refuse to accept ths sdvlce of their spiritual leaders. Despite ths de mands of the bishop and priests thst the Isw be obeyed they ars preparing to prevent Its Infcrrement. Arma ars be ing rtbufnlshed, 1 ammunition collected and stored snd guerilla warfare In the bleik Brittany region ; Is planned to block the stringent regulations Of the ! separation law. Xvaaaes Has Big Petittoa. La OrSnds. Or. March ST. Colonel F. S. Ivanhos of this city hsa regtatered with the secretary of atate tha most nu merous! y signed petition that haa been sent out front Union and Wallowa coun ties. ' He Is Republican candidate for district attorney .for Union and Wallowa counties. Fire Breaks Out Whila Boat la at Pier ,' and Thres Other Vessels Moored Near by Are Badly Dsm- ' aged. ' 7 ' (Joaraal Speelal Berrke.t Newport. R. X... March 17 The mag nificent Fall River Una steamer Ply mouth was burned to ths water's adgs and threw--ether steamers. at ths pier badly damaged by- flames this morn ing. Thirteen caretakers had a narrow eacape from the burning ship and sev eral - firemen who had - bean, out of f wero rescued with .difficulty. Tho i pair-shops and the warehouses along ths waterfront caught . firs and were bady damaged. Tbs total loss will ex ceed tl.900,000. Ths Are was discovered ahortly aft er midnight and every effort was mads by ths caretakers to prevsnt ths spread or tho flames, but their efforts were futile. When the ship became wrapped In flames she was towed from tha pier Into -tho harbor, whera she burned to ths water's edge. ; ----- Tha Plymouth will be. a total loaa. She was eno of tho "nest -veaaals that calls at this port. Her gross tonnage was 1.170, her length 161, breadth SO and her-draft 11 1 feet. She was built at Chester. Pennsylvania.' in lt0. tAU. but-about 60,000 Qt tha loss was to ths steamer Plymouth and. her cargo. HONORS ALMOST EVEN IN RACE FOR ANNAPOLIS r-Itisatck Ss T JaniiL flalam.. Or.. March IT. Tha "board of examiners in tha competitive examina tion held for tho appointment of a mid ehlpman for the naval academy at An napolis has -forwarded the results to Congressman 'Hermann without recom- 4-mendation. as tha examination waa very close -between two of the competitors. Walter Vincent Combs of Eugene and Irving Lenoir Ragadalo of ' Roseburg practically tied In tha examination. In making up ths average., counting tha phyalcal examination as one subject, Combs' average Is (I per cent and Rags dale's It.IO. But counting tha physical sxamihatlon as equal to the mental ex amination, or of tho .same relative weight. Combs gets It.St and Ragsdale Ragadala's physical examination ranked blghor than Combs. POLITICS IN WASCO COUNTY IS BOOMING ' (Special DlenatcB to The Jooraal.) ' "Tho DaUea. Or., March ST. Politics ta booming In the Republican ranka. Two candidates ars out for the nomi nation of aherUf; F.'C. Sexon, tha pres ent Incumbent, and Levi Chrlaman. On ths legislative ticket there are six can didates for ths- nomination P. W. Knowles, J. T. Hendricks, A. A. Jayne. E. F. Sharp, D. J. Cooper and O. J. Farley. . The county is snUtled to but ' two repreaentatlves and only that number can be nominated by either party. Tho contest will bo for nominations. --Ths Demoorata- hava not. announced their candidates, but unquestionably will not leave tha field to their Opponents, FIVE BANK-WRECKERS PLACED UNDER ARREST - : Mooraal Special Service.) . .. . . Plttaburg, Pa., March J 7. Five af reets have been mads hers aa a. result of tha failure of ths ntsrprlso National bank at Allegheny. Those taken Into custody ars Horace B. Nichols, prlvata secretary to William H. Andrews, Charlea Mepsner, George B. Rawlaton, B. P. McMillan, clerks, and George. E. Cook, partner of T. Lao Clark, the cash ier, who committed suicide last fall. ' A warrant Is also Issued for Thomas Har vey, former paying teller. They ars accused of complicity with 'Clark In stealing funds of depositors.. CASCADE LOCKS MAN IS COMMITTED TO ASYLUM (Special Dlepateb ta Tfts JenraalJ -i Tha-DaUea- Or March i7-.ieorge Hlnes was brought hers from Cascade Locks ysaterday and in the afternoon was adjudged Insane.' He is aged 48 years and tho cauaa of his Insanity is disease.' - Hs has brothers living In Can ada and Michigan. Two employes from ths asylum will take him to Salem this afternoon. .,',,.' . - - Burglars loot Baasas Bask . (Joaraal Special Servlee.) ' Bentley, Kan., March 17. Robbers this morning wrecked ths safe In ths Bank of Bentley with dynamite and escaped with $1,809 In cash. Officers srs in pursuit. , ... v. :..... Tit a nAj 1 BAA wa WW l riM-flisde to feeTintrnewy Batnlngf with Pond's Extract. Takes out the soreness and reduces swelling. After a hard day's work in the field nothing will refresh the tired firmer more thsa sn spplicstiofl of Pond's Extract to ths feet. Waih thoroughly In . luke warm wster snd rub with Pond's Extract, ta a few moments you will feel refreshed and ths tired feeling will hsve sndrsly disappeared. Wittb Hautl h ntt "Mf am . On tntlyiii a ttvtnty lamfUt Witch lUxtln tfun tftrtJ at "Jmt mt pd"-jifty.w noert Jtumi 10 ttmtain m4 khl r for totldthtlt r bath. T mvU da ir pinning intist Asvi'sr " ' Great faoia to the doctor he'r found ths heart . Of Spotlsss Town, tha vital part Which . prompts tha cook with happy smile : ; To culinary triumphs, whilo -The butcher butchers chserfuUyr Ths baker bakes right merrily, Ths cleanly maid works with a song Tho shining pots and pans among. Tha doctor's And wsa simply this, Ths heart of all domestic bliss THE SPOTLESS MONARCH .. RANGE. CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET -Credit I k M : .. c I Prices 1 You and 1 Your - Friends Too .--V ay - It's a good thing. Push It along GREAT I.0RTHER9 BEGINS ITS FIHAL SURVEY Branch Una to Be Built From Weriatchea Through Chelan and Okanogan Countiea. (Bnactal Dlspatek te The Jearnal.) Wsnatohea, Waah.. March 17. J. Crrderman, an assistant engineer In tne emplor of the Great Northern railroad, arrived In tha city- today with four as sistants and -"will bealn -the final sur vey of a branch line of tha Oreat North ern railroad tip ths Columbia river at once. Mr. Crydennan spent ths day Investigating tha - crossings of the Wenatchee river preparatory to survey ing a biidga site." Hs has made prep arations for establishing a camp II miles np ths river on tha west bank. ' Tha coming ot ths engineering party is been sxpectsd all winter. Ths rights to a preliminary survey made by ths company four years ago expire in August of this year. To hold Its Utls to- tha land tha railroad company will hava to build (his year.' For ths east two months Oreat North ern land agents have been securing Jhe right-of-way through Chelan and Okanogan counties. Aa ths survey wss msde before a great part of ths land In WOODARD, CLMKE & CO. DRUGGISTS - Pil TFAfT MlFWrMFG a AW Regular. :, ' J..,X..' ' .. SpeciaL - 15c Mustard, per package. ...... ........5 JJcJ5assafras, package .....V... T.7. . 5 J25c With Ilazel Salve. ;. . . . -- i ;-. .12' 10c Bronchial Lozenges 4f 5c Pressed Sage Leaves..... .2 - 5c Pressed Catnip ................... .2 16c Powdered Pumice Stone..... ........5 -25crfrrcttrre--ArrHea .... J8 Gold Fish Special : One beautiful Fan tail Gold Fish free with a 60c Aquaria. Price regu- ; lar 25c to 75c. ; . Aquaria l .7 7TT"r TttvVt vtii 50s up Gold Fish Food.,..........;. 10 WOODfLRD, CLARKE- & CO. - DRUGGISTS ThcMonarch - King of the -b Perfect Kitchen PRICE $49 TO $135 $1.00 A AVEEK A600D PLACE TO TRADE iaa - iai near ts)ect, soiTLAMr, T 'An.itfiJlMD Right "MADE IN OREGON" t Portland, May 19-26, 1 906 -GW-W-therly. CqalandGoke IJ.G.PECK. WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD- : LESS OF "COMBINEw ths county wsa settled upon, tbs railroad company will have a cheap right-of-way through Chelan. The railroad runs through ths ColvUle Indian reservation for tS miles. In Okanogan county a title to tha land may ba eaaily secured from ths government The remainder of the right-of-way through Okanogan county lies through ths north half of ths reservation that was not thrown open to settlement until after tha rail road survsy. was mads. For these rea III Aslii i J sas EmW M. A H mmm issr X I aVs HOUSEHOLD DRUGS Regular. 15c Paregoric .... . . . .5 25c Castor Oil .. ...................... .f 25c - Tincture Jamaica Ginger ......... . .10 - 25c Olive Oil ... . . . . .i ...... . . 13s 100 Quinine Pills, 2-grain .16 ' 10c 2-grain Quinine Capsules ..';..i..'..l4 15c Soap Bark ... . . ... ........ ..... .. ..5a. JLOcPowderetL. Alum--. .................. 4i , TIME TO SPRAY ROSE BUSHES AND FRUIT v.-,', TREES USE , . . , : ,';..',: :j Voodlark Rose and Fruit Spray ) "Prevents and destroys ; Aphis, Scale, SlygsCodlin-i ;Moth, leaf Blight and Mildew. V Does not harm the most delicate fruit or foliage. - r - I COMPLETE OUTFIT, SPRAY AND A j sprayer. PRiCE,;.v,;;...:......I.(i; Th . Monarch Rang has very advantage to be thought of and you have the advantage o f - posaeasing a range for which YOU CAN ALWAYS-t3KT0r-Ther manufacturer's guarantee ia not merely talk of the cheap kind. If a the "money talka" guarantee ' - which you get with a MONARCH RANGE. The proud possessors of Monarch Ranges have all found .this store OOOP-PLACE-TO-TRADE,f oftcoo Of Interest to Oregon ' : residents HMCarlooc oniornson Phone East 24 4 , OR COMPETITION ' sons almost ths entire right-of-way from Wenatchee to Orovlllo, where ths branch Will connect with tha Balllngham Bay A British Columbia railroad now build log. will be had for -practical? noth ing... Ths killing of many wild birds by ths savers cold In Grant county will render fruit crop mors subjeot' to tha ravages of pests. ...v , ;...' 8peciaL 10c Salts of Tartar ,.2f J