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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1906)
-THBr-OREOONPAILYJOURHALr-PORTLAN iDAyi:YE:iiijQUAECJijLi: lPlfnOflS"IIAIIDEfl DOivrrArsALEr.iT Supremo Court Make Decisions in Six Cases .-Two From. A v Multnomah, : vONE IS DISMISSED ' : ' -AND OTHER- AFFIRMED Case of, Louis E. Lyon and Milbert F. '.: Price Against Henry; Westermire 'judgment of the Circuit Tribunal , 48 U DUWtcb U Tne Journal.) - : Salem, or , March 0. The supreme ourt handeddown sis decision today ;.M' roIJows;Z.Lt!L. ..'.yuU. ' ' - Philip Stein, respondent, against R. K.. Phillip and Laura, a Phillips, ap pellants, appeal from th circuit court f Multnomah county, Alfred F. Sear, Judge. .In Sn opinion by Judge Bean the decree of the lower court Is reversed snd the, complaint dismissed. In the cane of Louis E. Lyon ana urn- hrt F. Price. aDDellanta, against hienry ttMlnmlw Munnnilent, snpffll from xne circolt court of f Multnomah, the judg- .a merit of . the lower court is affirmed by -opinion f Juettca Moore. ; In the ease of George D. Spragu and ethers, respondents, against Sophronla - Smmwaa' armellant. an- appeal from the circuit court of Marion cbunty.'aflTrmed" , Kevember ,27. 105. by Judge Moore, ikiIIIkii on .raissrlng is nnnmn in : Is lipheldr "'- TTWhich Uid Wot Kegister.--,r j c- -- , t- I. opinion by Justice HaJley.- -r la the suit of Benjamin Bull, reapond- ntr-alnst Pettis P Piyn and Henry -. viMmr. axscutors of the eatkte . of ' James JLyttle, deceased, appellants, jty en brief: sillrmed by an pinion try i. ihai nrr fl-Jirkunn. annellant. against A. W Stearns and H, J. Wilson, respondent., appeal from the circuit rcourt for Douglas cotmtyrthe-ludgment of the lower court was affirmed by sn opinion by Judge Moore. In the ease of Ooodneugh Mercantile aV Stock company, respondent, .against O. W. Buck, defendant, and Cecil Gallo ws y, trustee, estate ft O. W. Buck and the bank of Elgin, appellants, appeal front the circuit court of Union oounty. 'that was reversed and dismissed. Janu ary t, 10. In an opinion by Judge Moors, petition for rehearing Is do- tliOrti i r i n " - ,,MaM, TWO EUGENE RESIDENTS ' DIE OF TYPHOID FEVER 8peUi Ctopatek te TV Joral.l "" Eogene, Or4 March' 10. Aden Oalney Mathews, a well-known cltlsen of Eu ' gene, died at his home Sunday evening of typhoid fever, at th age of 47 years. ' He was born at Pleasant Hill. Lane county, and has always lived In this vicinity. " He lesve his parents, a widow, two daughters, flve brothers sna two sisters. He . wasu-Woodman effpf tvery-day history I still aa llvsly as theorld aud Knight of Pythias, th two orders uniting and conducting ths funeral services this xorenoon u ne "body wa - Pleasant- Hilt- Mis Jennl Johnson, daughter of Mr. sod Mrs. K. A. Johnson, died her Sun day evening of typhoid fever, aed IS years. She cam to Eugene with her parents from Minnesota five years ago. - Beside - her parents, eh leaves , two sisters and on brother. The funeral wa held this afternoon, th body being interred In th Masonlo-cemetery. TWENTY-FIVE MILLIONS -OUTPUT OF ALASKA t f jQnrftai gmej,! gerrice.) San Francisco, March HO "Only S7,0;th-W8Ji" mined In" the Klondlk't -last year," raid B-U, Hasxardwho Is at th Occidental and who has large mining r Interests In Alaska. He say that this year Alaska, outside of th Klondike, will add $29,000,000 to the world' supply af gold. Mr. Hassard continued: - "Abo'it th same amount was mined la Alaska, but this ytartterrn ho doubt ; that th total figure will reach $25,000,000. Copper deposits in the territory are phe nominal and are as yet practically un- touched, . Sixty Jhousand Americans In th territory are satisfied with their "ma terial prospects In that new country, but bellcv they ought to nav a right to . govern themselves through a local leg islature lust as the people . of Uncle tarn's other territories do." T li'lV s ;',""-..Vv;! 4 ; M. Jul Sarrlea.' ; J 11 former French minister pf jug ; floe, whe lias been aked by PresiUent . Vail lore to undertak ihm work of forming- a new cabinet to succeed that ef M. stuvler, which resigned after 'the chamber of deputies bad failed to " sustain It eti sn Important measure - bearing oa tli charch Inventory que- POPULAR INTEREST Three Investigators, Some Attor ney! nc'-a Few Spectators .- . . Attend Inquiry. - COMPANY MAKES ANSWER iLTQ'-VARIOUS. COMPLAINTS L. J. Cleland Says That J. H. Toomey .'i Barr Hotel, Last Year Burned Gas That Went ' ITupugri:, Meter Interest Id the city council's investi gation T)f" the Portland Ga emnpany-t on tbe wane, judging from the proceed ings thla afternoon before the epeclnl ee-mmltt -chara-ed- with the - Inquiry, Only three members pf the-commlttee appeared ' in. the council Chamber, and aside from the attorney for the gna company and the JUregonlan, scarce! s, corporal's guard of outsiders waa in attendance.' -The -. afternoon was de voted to the hearing-of testimony la refutation of complaints of overcharges son the gns company s bills.,- ; L. 4. Clcland of the collection depart r; , .,u. first w)ntiji vaMrd -nd he WM lnterr0fltUj by J. N. Teal, attorney for the company, as to the principal complaints presented at previous sessions of th Investigate in committee. Mr. Clcland testified first . a, to th--complaint - of - J. : 11 IT Toomev. .proprietor of the Barr hotel. who was one of the star witnesses for I ths Orraohian. 77 Toomey a bills, said Mr, Cleland. were really no greater In th winter of 10( and IMS than they were a"yearreTors. Toomey lid sl-meter In his hotl nd tm ytar. ago one .of . these,, meters of order and registered nothing, "lull's WW nwaulaa lenis mf gas through it When this defect In IMs'niBtei was rtlsesvsrsd th rnmpsny had a ettlement with Toomey, who acknowledged that, h bad been ostng the gos constantly which this meter was supposed to register, and admitted that bis bills were undercharged. The complaint of George H. Howell was then taken up by Mr. Cleland. who read figure showing that in th last three years Mr. Howell' consumption of - - has . been -' from two to thre times greater than that of his neigh bors living on th sunt trt -- HENRIK IBSEN IS SEVEfmGHTTODAY - '(JoarasI Special serviet.) Chrlstianla, March 10. Dr. Henrlk Ib sen Is celebrating his Tlth birthday to day. Although he baa to eom extent recovered from the severe Illness which brought him near death's door last year, his health Is still poor and his .strength feeble. Owing to bis weakness no ef fort was made to arrange for today any public demonstration in bis honor. "Xw Ing to bis Illness Dr. Ibsen was practl caHyrompetled tr -give -up bis literary cMvlty, but bis Interest In the events ever and hi secretary read to him .from tha dally paper every morning. A, i - a I a ...... - . . SSLn.'hi'noflhilaiia of Hsrry T.nny. following house d urlnay the- flayT- SOME, ONE SHOUTED ; BUT IT WAS NOT HEARD '(Special Dlipatrs te The Jouml.) Victoria, B. C, March 20. When the report of tha commissioners on tha Valencia wreck was read this morn ing in open court lAwson, represent ing th Paclflo Coast Steamship com pany, took exception to that part which referred to th Queen aa. not reporting th discovery of Ufa on board to th Csar and Salvor. - ' It I said that th evidence went to rhow that It ... .,r...t.A e- -im Queen and that It wa reasonable to believe that those on the Queen thought It - wa - beard on th other steamer The report was amended so as to. In clude th fact that some on on. th Queen shouted this to th other ves sels, but that H was not heard. DIVORCE SUIT FOLLOWS - i THE GOLDEN WEDDING (Journal Siertal Service.) I'klah, Cal., March to. After being wedded for more than half a century, Mrs. Leonora Gunning, aged 7i years, has brought suit for dlvorc e gainst Alfred Gunning. Statutory grounds are alleged In the complaint. Gunning la ft years old. Th couple celebrated their golden wedding some years ago.' Th news that they have not been happy astonished many of their friends, snd Is the talk In Lake county. where they have resided many year. M0R0 WARRIORS ARE- . NOTHING BUT BANDITS (Joarnal (serial Servles.) Washington, March . 20. Major Hugb Scott, who ha just returned from the Philippines, where he tried for eight months to dislodge th Moro from Mount tsjo without fighting, declare they are nothing but bandit and out laws, whose act' have turned them against all th tnhabitanta of the Is land. He says that they are regarded ytnFUlplnoaai wa would-a. Jesse jamea gang. VANCOUVER DROPS OUT OF BASEBALL LEAGUE (Rpeelal thspatek te The Jasrnal.) Vancouver, K. C, March 20. Vaa couver will not be represented In the Northwestern -Baseball league this sea son. The director of th club have decided to give th gams a rest for year. - Everett -and Belllngham have also dropped out. and It la improbable that th league will go through. Van couver will endeavor to get Into league with Settl and .Portland next year. . . . ENGLISH SPINNERS SAILING FOR AMERICA ' (Juaraal Sneelal Prvc. Lonlon, March z. The Investigating Committee appointed by the Manchester cotton spinners sailed for tit United State today. "Th primary object of to committee 1 to Investigate th method of baling, marketing and trans porting raw cotton, which It Is con tended Is unsatisfactory. Th commit tee also will inquire Into . th actual cost of growing cotton on a commercial basl Id the southern tat, y- - -, ' -; ;f -' ...,..,;, ..rry,-. v-; -, 3 f M, Snow Scene on Portland Heights Photo by Journal Staff PLANS MONSTER CAMPAIGN FOR LOCAL OPTION - iWtilif&tbir ArttH6aleo'iagtt io-Organfra Thlrty.Thousand,, Voters for the Cause. - tSeeoial JHspstch t Tee Joarnal.) -. Seattle, Wash., March 80. In a- cam paign of this state, wide In Its scope, E.. H. Cherrlngton, superintendent of th Washington AntI-8aloon league, has planned to organise 10,000 voters In th tat, all' church members, to - leo member of the next legislature' who will' votk for a local option law. . . The fact that there t no senatorial electlrfn or.rallroad fight In th next legislature that would Un up th factions gives th Anti-Saloon league Increased hopes Of success .with local . option.1 -y- .A' newspaper will? be started by Mr. Cherrlngton. for which ha says he baa already obtained 3.000 subscribers. PUGILISTS ON-TRIAL F0R.DEATH.0F TENNY (Journal Special Service.) San Francisco, Maroh 10. The pre liminary examination of FranklNell, "Spider" Kelly, Tim McOrath and John rmjliu 1 ti iuaiininuiuvcr - M a,ua t th contest .win Fiankls Wall, began today.,' Th autopsy surgeon, who re peated the testimony given at th In quest lo the effect thaJsXenny died from hemorrba- of th brain, was th only witness examined. Th case was then continued until Thursdsy, when Mark Bhaughnenay, ThomaSBnrks snd Billy Roche will b tried at th same time a th c;htr four. . . WASHINGTON PARTY 7 ROYALLY ENTERTAINED (Joeraal Special Sorrier) San Francisco, March 20. Th Wash- ftna - ton delcgalloru-headed by Governor Meaa. visivea moudi iKinaipai, iniw-r morning, and -thla-afternoon was ten dered a reception by th state board of trad and " again- this- venlng-w1lrT banqueted by th commercial bodies at th Palace hotel. Th delegation leave for southern California tomorrow morn- n. - , DEFAULTER HOWARD -DEAD IN GUATEMALA (Jonraal foeola Service.) Francisco, March 20. Report "8an forwarded by th American consul at Guatemala atate that Allan Howard, th San ' Francisco broker, who de camped with $00,000 belonging to cli ent and leaving Ms wire, ha died In that country of yellow fever. When h died h bad aeven centa la hta posses sion. . . HAMILTON CALLED A -LIAR BY-ROOT (Journal Rpeelal Service.) Washington, March 20. Andrew Hamilton' alleged statement that Bllhu Root extracted . from Governor Hlgglns a pledge that the Insurance matter would not be Injected Into th extra session" wa presented to Root tdday, who said: "If Hamilton said that he'e a liar. Thar la not even tha suggestion of a basl for auch a tate ment. BAER ACCEDES TO ' REQUEST OF MITCHELL --"-! (Journal Special Bervlee.) New York,, March 20. After a meet ng of the anthracite operators today It wss announced that lYeaident Baer had written Mitchell acceding to a re quest for a conference of th anthra cite operator and miners. TWO UMPIRES SELECTED BY PRESIDENT BERT (Joarnal Sperlal Servles.) San Francisco, March- 20. President Bert of the Paclflo Coast league an nounced today that he had decided upon two of the men who will act -a (implren th coming season, Th third man -will be selected next week, when the names of th three men will be made public CTJSEO OOaSTJaCfTXOir. . Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan., writes: "Vr husband lay sick for three months. Th doctors said he had quick conNumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard' Horehotind Syrun and It cured him. That ws six year age find slnr then we have always kept a mttle In the house. We cannot do with out It, For coughs snd cold It has no enusl." 2lr. iOo and tl.00. Woodard, Mara at ta TV. . ' 1 ' 1 ' , , . r r - - ' . 1 AT THE THEATRES. "The Beauty and the Beast" Tonight. Th - b I g - tr ury- Lan London - and Broadway theatre (New York) spectac- and th Beast" will b th attraction at the Marquam urand theatre tonlgnt and tomorrow, night with' a special prloa matlne tomorrow-afternoon. ; Barney Bernard, who made decided hit la this cityjast fall with "Th Financier" is Ith th . company. Th stage la crowded with performers of all g ratios and Importance, and yet tne groupings ar at all time artistic and beautiful. The ballet of th season Is a charming assemblage. In which daintiness sur vive In spit of' th Immensity of the picture. Th smoothness with which th production moves bespeaks excel lent stag management. , . Advance Sale "Cousin Kate." Th advance sale of seat for ' th clever ' actress, ' Alberta ' Gallatin, who comes to th Marquara Grand theatre next Friday and Saturday, March with a special Trice matlne Saturday In th society -comedy' "Cousin Kate." will open tomorrow CWednesday), at 10 o'clock.' Th author, Hubert Henry Davla, ha given tha public on of the l-oddest and at th ssm time moat sue ceisful plays on th stag todi Matinee Tomorrow at Marquam, A special price matlne will b given tomorrow- (Wednesday! afternoon a.t the Marquam Grand theatre, when - the musical extravaganxa, "Th Beauty and th Beast," win b tn tiracuon. this will afford 'parents an opportunity for taking heir children Ato See thla greet fairyland production. Curtain at 1:16 o'clock. . . . i. - "Scotty" at the Empire. Scotty, King of th Desert Mine," now playing at th Empire, with th rear"Scotty," la a melodrama that would draw in th large bouee of th east at first-clsss price. . It is Charles Taylor's best and broadest effort. Like Arisona," It -la a story of'th south western desert Its production requires an Immense amount of scenery and properties. - Ths last performance Is Thursday night, and there will also be another popular matlne Thursday aft ernoon, at which every one can go n th-stage .and watch ths feeding jjlAhe Alaskan doga. , Reilly and Wood's Companyt . Thla la a week for theatre-goers. Along with th many and other good things ther I th Reilly tt Woods bur lesque company at th Baser, .wmcn every on says Is away th beat that ha appeared her thla season. Bom burlesques ar good, and aome ar not so good, and other are a surprising revelation In beauty, fun and music Reilly Wood I among th latter class. Remember th bargain mm- nee will b given tomorrow afternoon at 2:1S o'clock and ther 1 only on other matinee, which will b Saturday, alao th closing performance of th company In Portland, ' . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Grand. ' ' ' For all-around mrlt th vaudeville entertainment this wreck at th Grand ! th best th hous ha ever given. Th act of Josephins Gaasman and hr little negro boy 1 a genuine triumph. Another epecial feature Is th radium ohoru of Harry Clark, headed by Glorlne. Del-a-phone, tha human telephone; tn musical Shirley, with their 'archballa; Maria Sparrow,- -tha comedienne, and the songs and pictures combine to complete m first-class ntrtainmnt. LL... At tha Star. '' Ovr at th Star this week th man agement haa a bill of espectat tntrst to tha lovers or llgm ana aury araaw ment. BeveHy tt Danvers a-rs offering a renned oomeay aeicrt wumu m- het tha hous haa sneiteraa in several week. Reckless Reklaw, th greatest of trick bicyclists, doe som halr-raia- i.f .rid sensational reals on nis wnm Mis Rosalia Sheldon Is a vlvacloua erlo-comio ntrtainr. Th others ar god. "' ..'..' .. .At ..tha Lyric Theatre. Th Lyric toclt company this weak nroaant "Betsys fnoiograpo, at screaming farco-comdy. Th rputa- tlon of th company 1 o well known to th average theatregoer tnai worn of . recommendation ar hardly neces sary. Matlne at 1:1a- p. m.. an(i.iwu evening performances . v- DEWEY ADVOCATES . : BUILDING BIG NAVY (Joarsal (paelal Service.) Washington. March 20. lewy was befor th hous commute on naval affairs today and expressed his views that the sovernment ought to Increase the navy by hssvy battleships and endeavor to lead In new design of vessel a He favored auout boats and submarines. f'. " -vrt. I Photographer,, SUBURBAN. OFFICIALS DENY PUBLISHED REPORT MartageriSuggf-6ays-lt4sWholJy Untrue That Council Will Be " Asked for Franchise. : . (Special Dlapatrh to The Jeurnal.) Vancouver, Wash., March K0- The offlclal of th Vancouver & Suburban Railway company are highly Indignant aver th published report that they In tend to ask th council asaln for a franchlB - along " th street ' of" Van couver, and that to thla end officer at th company and Mayor Eastman bad practically agreed upon tha street over which, th franchise was to be asked for. John H. Augg, -manager of tba com pan "Tlykr story pi tbsC w company. , a Id thla -mmg', re la nothing whatever In tbs published In a Portland newspaper w ar to ask th city council-, for a franchise. W mad application aev- eral time for a franchise and war turned -down. - Wt will not-- gain ask th council for a ilk grant. - Th story wss mad out of whol cloth snd wss th chme of certain persona who aee they mad a mistake In opposing our franchise when befor the council. In thsy ax trylns; ' to aauar themselves with a majority of the peo ple who were In. favor of granting a franchise. I want it plainly understood thatwa-,wltt- make no - further - over tures to th elty oouncll to seoure a franchise. If on la granted us It will be at someone else' suggestion," FISHERMEN OF CLACKAMAS sHJOLOJIEElfi Will Discuss Amending orTish Laws and Indorsing of Candidate. . ' (Special Slspateh te The Jonrsat) Oregon City, Or, March SO. A meet- tnrbarbencaned"by th fishermen of - thlg - county - for - Saturday- evening, March 24,' to discuss th matter of fish legislation. -Tha Intention of tba meet ing la to Indorse soma candidate tor th legislator who will look -after- their Interest and try to have certain fish laws amended Th fishermen on th Willamette and Clackamas river wish to enjoy th same right and privileges aa th fishermen on th lower Columbia. Ther ar about 200 fishermen In Clackamas county and th Indorsement of a candidate would certainly mean nis nomination and election. - SENSATIONAL DETAILS - OF BATTLE FALSE rJnanu! gDseial Service.) Washington. March 20. Governor Id of the Phlllpotnes cable that all th sensational details of tne Moro rignt ar falsa. Some" women and children were killed by preliminary shelling at a dis tance. There was no anting or any on except uch as wa necessary. aarflars too. BljrlUe oma. ' igM.l nianiek la Tb Joarsal.) Oregon City. March xO.Th hou of V. D. Currln of Elyvlll was entered Friday afternoon by robber -who thor oughly ransacked It, taking a 1200 not. 121 In money and a considerable amount of paraphernalia. Entranc to th hous wa gained rrom in rear winuow wmi th two daughters of Mr. Currln were awsy from home. The polic have been working on th. cas but no .clue ha been-secured, , .... .' afotltS. V The Oetek toveated srand. Many raladrop ar bellow. ;. Aa Iceberg ottsa laata SOO years. L irk. r.n rlom sarthiroria Is feet Ions. - Mlaers eontBlt seleld least ef all. working. BQna Kllsabetk had B.004 dresses Wats she led. - Dlekens' wrfeU sell foot. Males batter thaa during bis lite. . - . nn. n.hoe.nif tree. .Wbea "rat Inl logs, will esMtlme feteb as araeh as flO.nnO. A tannine caasmere seawi require iv sosu teee an tbre awn's work tor six saoatba. riareTmea bare etrtrt erders aerar te prearB laneee tba IB atsstts before tbe Gersua emperor. . A rbestnat tree at tb foot of Moont ttoa lit feet In etrmmferewe ana S.OtiO rears old. URIC ACID AND GRAVEL ire esnaed by tb Kltners being snahle to prop. i- aun. the Imoiirltlee from the blood. Irv- liK'e Burhn Wafers are tbe only euro remedy tor thle condition; they cleans tb kldsejs from all wors-ot material, build tbe .skraakea wall of tbe Kldneya and prevest the forme Ilea tt tbe tirla Acid, -sold at SOe a pox by . U. e. Bkldmor ft Oo- Druggists, IB -bird st ol ageate for yortlaad. Or. c imwm m2 1 iEDiis you::6 LOVE y e-aaiea-SsesB-a-ai -. Youth Who Waa Kidnaped by Irate Father Wins Consent by Threatof Suicide. ,, - (Journal Special gerrice.) , Waahiifgton. March-. Alplions Ee- taya, son -orine- premaenr-nr pncnrai la returning to Waahlncton to wed Mlsa Stella Baksr. from whoa aid, be was kidnaped last December and re turned to bis parent In Managua.. When Zelaya reaches Washington plans' fpr th wadding will be completed and It Is understood. ln a.f ew-days he will b on tb way to New Orleaua with hi brlde.... ; . , - After Zelaya's kidnaping he returned! nvu vim Tuwiiiar nis luvt ior Mis Baker and declaring that he would return .to.. make her his wife. Ha used very argument with hlafatlier, but all failed' until " theyoungman- declared that If he wa not allowed to wed Miss Baker be would commit suicide, a his elder brother had don becaun h was not permitted to- wed the. woman he loved. ' '. . ... . . . : President Zeleya waa Anally won'over and when th boy reached bis majority, a few weeks ago, bis father consented to hi coming back to America, and marrying the young woman. ' . -. SMALL PURCHASE, LARGE CHECK,J3ULN0FUIsDS A warranbaas lsaucd from th police court this afternoon for "the arrest of Ben Klein on th charge of obtaining money by false pretenses. M. Rosen thal, ' manager -Of -,Ui-NatlonaI "TVIne company, I th complainant. . - He al leges that th .company was ' bunkoed out of fl2B by Klein. - v. v . Klein bought small- quantity f win and preferred 'a check for $125 on th First National bank of Portland In payment.- He 'represented that he bad deposited .Ca latter. . of -credit -for 13,000 drawn -on th Honkong A Shanghai Banking company, with th local tnatl- teUot-aIniia attics I IBl sbsass-itkatiks liaj neither funds"or letter of credit In the bank.... ' " " ' ' - : - - - - Unas been ascertained that Klein left the 'city Sunday night. - His unlawful operation ar said to cover a - wide fteld.- John Conrad wm mulcted of 1100 by him, Goldstein A LeasUt of t and Robinson, th clothier, of fl.10, it Is aid. - BELIEVE SUSPECT IS . ' : GEORGE DAUDERMAN (Jearael Spx-lal Berrloe.) -Bisbee, Arisona, March 20. It Is be lieved today that th suspect under ar rest at Tombston and 'thought - to- Blmpkln la George Iauderman, wanted at Crlppl Creek In connection-with th Western-Federation -Inner circle" of fenses. - Tbe description f the two men ar nearly th same. The Pinker- tona are awaited to identiry. A strong guard la kept over tba wan In oustody to prevent a rescue by tba- Western Federation miner here. It Is said that Slmpklna or Dauderraan- was smuggled io Mexico by tn -tatter erganiaation-two-week agoTImWhaTwar kliuajli to b her about than; H was recognised by men formerly working with him. He. waa her to assist with th agitation for a local union, which failed. . RETAILGROCERSAFTER THE TRADING STAMP At a meeting of th Retail Grocers' association laat night a committee waa appointed to appear befor tha license mmltts af tn) otty eeuncu evjpon sider th proposed .trading Stamp or- i . irk. MMMlttM mrmm nn,l ntmA uiiiiu. -rr h request of Councilman ,Aiiiniiilnw-J''"'J"- of th llceois commute and eonsists of I. Kellaher. F. Dresser, D. C. Burns, Oeorg 8. Lewi and C. B. Merrick. . It wa resolved at tha meeting that no-political candldatea ahould b In. dorsed by th association. Numerous requests for Indorsement had been made by varloua candidate, but It wa dv clded-tnat-po-partwnaieveT' snouinr ost taken In political affair by tb associa tion Th flrmaf Ottnthr - Jk - lckynndle Can nam William were aamuiea 10 membership. ; . . . . , BnildUf In IVrrtland. t Building permits have beea Issued as follows: H. Benson, repair to brick building. Morrison, between Fourth snd Fifth street, cost $22t; C. A. Zygowskl, eottag. Vlllard avenue between Milton and Holman streets, cost f 1.000; A. H. Bell, repairs to residence. East Ninth street, near Tsylor. cost $600; Jo Ply wockt, cottage, on Cook.avenue. cost 1000; F. H. Gates, cottage. East Sev enteenth between Karl and Rhine street, eost $1,100; R. A. Proudfoot, renalrs to restaurant, 273 Washington street, eost $2,000; Wallace, Corcoran A' North, repairs to store, comer Kront end Taylor atreets, coat $1,000; O. W. Gordon, two cottages, Mabel between Hamilton and Seymour- streets,, cost $1,000; -William Morgensen, three resi dences, corner East Twenty-ninth and Yamhill streets, cost IS.000; J. A. Bryce, corner Clackamas and - East Twenty-second atreets, cost $2,000; J. E. Durham, residence, East Twenty-eighth between East Taylor and East Salmon streets, cost $2,900;' Nora B. . Barker, residence, corner Lovejoy and North Twentieth atreets, cost 18,000; 8.' Col lins, stable, corner Knott street, and Vancouver avenue, cost $1,100; Mrs. Anna C. Otla, cottage, Raleigh between Twenty-ninth and.JThlrtleth. atreets, cost. $l.$0". . :. ... ess Aeoldeat Block Traffic, - At Third and Washington streete thl afternoon th rear truck ef car No. (01 of th Portland Heights ltns ran Into a curve of the track diverging from tha main Una and traffic on tho two streets was blocked.' The car was finally righted bv snother, which was attached to 602 by a chain. Car No. 601 waa palled upon th track and pro ceeded t tb height. Jt was . un injured. . ' ;.'.' - v Thsatr Company Xnaorporates. - Articles of Incorporation were Aled this afternoon by Attorney John F. Logan for tha Baker Theatr company, composed of George U Baker, Calvin Heillg. John M. Hainpolls, Milton W. Seaman and E. R. Helli. The cap ital stock- is - 11.600, divided Into 10 eharen. The articles-state that th company may organise . and aonduct theatres and give exhibitions of all sorts. - ., i . Marlon meglstratldm Slow. (Specie! Dispell te Tbs Jearaal.) Salem, Or., March 20. Marlon county voter ar somewhat alow tn registering, so far only 4.IU bav had their name recorded. Salem registered voter up to th present number 1.400. About 1 toe voters rT vt unregistered. Th nreaent itatln ahowS 1.041 Republicans, 99 Democrats, 111 Prohibitionists and tl BoolsllsU. - - v --- - I PR CFOTFinilF- irillElllTiCES Reichstag -Passes -Mtasure-Col lecting Tribute ' From Menn 1- bers of Reigning House. ' KAISER'S BLUFF PROVES MISERABLE FAILURE German PapetsTry Jo Cover Up De- iat -of Emperor's Protrarn -tt-AI-1 feclraa--Faitn' ILostHn-- InwranTe- Companies:. ; .' - -v--' r, - - ' (Journal Special gervlee.). . Berlin, March !u As another sign of ' th decreasing glory of princes by thi grace of God or othrwlee, th commit- -joe on taxation of the reichstag has Just decreed that, like other mortals. klng snd knlners must psy tax on tit mam-, in on which cornea into ; thc-lr . bands. , through Inheritance. -- " . - WJian, some ttm ago,, a member of tha reichstag Introduced a btl -imposing quit a heavy tax on Inheritances, all the reigning' princes, who nr k , way looking for new objects of tax- at Ion, approved, of It because It con-" tallied-6, "pars grapli i r6lh-checrTha f mmbrs of the reigning htis wheuld b exempt from this aew burden. Th member of th committee, how-' ver, reasoned that as th necessity fur Imposing new. faxes mainly rlsea in the ever-Increasing naval and military budgets, and a the army and navy ar " tha special hobbies of th prlnoes, it was-no mora than just that they pay , their part,-and the paragrapiv xmpur ng them waa atricken out. - Really ther will soon be very little In - being a prlnoa,- however, when- the rhosen of -th people In whos-hand - llss the real power -keep-on curtailing the nriVI1eeee mtui lnrn.ln. tli Kur. TTfW!TriTle'cYslfh"ae ago knew no other law than their own' swct will. -" - ' " . Oormaa BlnC Called, j Like masterful irenerals coverlng-np their retreat, the German papers, which I a few months ago told their reader how Germany was going to humHiate France and her now friend - and ally. Great Britain, ar new using all their. Ingenuity to conceal th Jact that th kair-s blulf In Morocco has been called and that Germany has autTered a great defeat In Algeclraa. '. " They try to prov that only their " lov of peace and the most sltrulstle generosity have - been the motives In the German policy at th conference That the fact that Germany alood ab-, solutely alon without a friend, ahould have had anything -to do .with- her change of front, la Indignantly denied and tha .assertion of an Kngllsh paper that - Germany is nnancuuiy junaoie ta- conduct a -war haa also aroused their anger. - - - - -v A Berlin papev which la known ettrn to voice th kaiser'a personal opinion, aa,y concerning thla: VRsoenC nmclaX-statistic . show that Oermany fit y----" i billions of foreign bonds, principally Japanese, Argentina, Braslllan, Span ish. Portuguese and Turkish.. Th amount of thla la about four time Indemnity paid to ua by Franc af tar ;na rran-Prnssian-Trar." "In case of war w would immediately throw these bonds on the market In London, Paris and New York.-We would -probably lose about two million, marka by doing ao, but our 'enemlea - would lose far more, and a general panic would be th Immediate result. . nanclaUy natter - pre- pared for war than any other country. .... 1. 1 V. . . . Ana tner r prooauiy I ,, .... .kl. KaUer 7ove lor AmeHca. Onc mare th kaiser haa shown his love for th American peopl. TJhst tb peopl of th United States having been unfortunate enough to'hav been born In a, eauntry that be la prevented from visiting shall not be deprived of that nleasure of listening to his voice. haa graciously maa sermon. 1 am not-.-sur wmcn, u eager phonograph and donated the pre-.. - crdto Hum." . 1 have been Informed that a number of American officers are to b Invited, te be the guests of the kaiser In tha great military maaeuverk this fall, lu which half a dosen or mora army corps will take part ' Remembering the unfriendly critl clsm of formr years, th kaiser this year will only b a spectator, leaving th command of th troop to General Field Marshal Prlno Leopold of Ba- WThi reeoiutlon, of the Equitable Life, Assurance company to comply with th German law will probably not help the company much. - - Confidence in American lif Inaurane companies Is thoroughly destroyed her and It will undoubtedly be a abort tlm only befor th states go Into th In surance business. - especially as state life Insurance ha been a pronounced success in Denmark, wher it ha been tried for many years. ; J bonta to" ce Teft, (Journal Speelat Service.) Washington... March 20. It Is rn mored tljat Theodore P, Bhonts Is slated to be made secretary of wsr in th ' vent that Secretary Tsft is appointed to tb supreme bench. EVERY HOUSEWIFE ahould see to It. that thejnedlrlne chest always contains a bottle of the Bitter. It la needed, not only to keep up her own strength, but to'protect th mem bers of her family from sudden attacks of Stoma a, Trouble, Cramps, tto., v HostetterY Stomach -Bitters . .. v when taken promptly aoon re stores natural conditions. Out 53 y saws' reoord proves thl claim beyond doubt. It always cures (' poos APparrni bxok nit- - AO KB, . PBltAU IUI,' nrozoBBTioir, DTBPZPgIA, UTI TBOUSMS, COX.DS or BIPPB. . Try It today, but innlst on getting Kostette'." I t Is th best fot : you, r: -...- - 'A I! m AT a