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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1906)
.HIE .OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 20, i, -18c j i . m mm -- m.: , " i a.-'-' . a t. - '. M 111 t - .- A2T ttf.l I II ' ll 111 vncl ' ' r : t T mnm. eoWtr ; The store dons its best dress this evenine (8 to 10). Tomorrow and Thursday 8 "A.M. to 6 P Mt that you'may hav favorable, conditions the newstyles the handsomest andcstlnerchandisethe world produces. The displays and decorations have been planned on a very ' extensive scale. No expense has been spared to make the event one long to be rpmembcred and which will down in store history as the most successful exhf pitioh of its kind ever attempted in the West. Plan a store visit for this evening. Programme -J :.. 1 Music by selected .orchestra oHO pieces? Professor Benjamin Amsterdam, Conductor. "TA.'-r - 1 March, "Tannhauser'l . . . . . Wagner 6 Solo. .'. . . ... . ... . . . . Mrs. Ros,e Eloch-Bauer 2 Overture, "Merry Wives of -Windsor", .. . , , .' . . . . . ' Nicolai .7 Sextet, fronr " Lucia". , .:. ,t . . .-. i j , ; . ;. , , Donizetti Sr-rSolosi t .V. . .. . .. ...... ... . .Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer "-" -r-8-Selections: from '"Woodland''.... ....;; . . . .Luders electicmr,'Theh-Gun'TV7TrriTTi ifin mm Luders 0--Sokii-jLJLjLl .."rMrScRosftlBlcich-BaneF 5 Melody in."F". v..-..yi.i;;,RubensteinlO-'.Turkey in the (store) ; Straw".-. ...... .Bonnell (--Music lr special' orchestra in. the Upholstery Department Third Floor. Beautiful displays of merchandise - everywhere ' I 'AJ . ' t r-l- e - . i t- TT1 - z. ' -- mM m ii -.n.rnnJu .. . Cloaks ana jyiuunery ccona riour - r . Great Easter Sale Underwear Xjtmtt rhlt Underskirts inada of fln' fabric. ' Mlnsooks and lwni; mtd' with fitted waist bands and wide flounces trimmed In beautiful wide embroid ery edging and Insertion, clusters of tucks, beadtnfr and ribbons: also circular' flounces-made of val. laces, insertion, ribbon and beading; all have separata dust ruffles; plain, lace or embroidery, trimmed; grand values at $242.50 Pettic'ti f 1.33' $ 5.00 Petticoats f 2.98 7 JO Petticoats f 4.89 $10.00 Petticoat! 5.98 $12.00 Petticoat! T.16 $16 Petticoats f 10.98 '- "Women's Drawer of fin nainsook and cambric, wide umbrella styles, with "wTJe "Bounces of very Bne-embrolderlea and ym, laces. Insertions, cluster of tucks,, fitted waist bands, eta; handsome styles, Targe vJrletyp great values at $2.50 Drawers at f 1.59 $2.00 Drawers at 8 1.19 $125 Drawers at. .69 $445 Drawers 2.49 $343.50 Drawers f 19 $140 Drawers... . . 89f Thousands of handsome Corset Cover In fin nainsooks and cambrics, trim med in dainty embroideries and laces, insertions, tucks, headings and ribbons, blouse fronts; great peclai values at the following low prices $1.75 Values....... 9Te $2.5043 Values.. 1.49 $34044 Values.. f 2.12 Four great special ' lot of Chemlee; wonderful val. at - these extraordinary low price....... .................79, fl.19, fl.8T and s)3.08 Women' Nightgown of fine nainsook and cambrics, all style heck, long or short sleeves, trimmed in fine laces and embroideries, tucks, ribbons, beading, etc.;. no two alike; great special value at the following low prices $L73 Gowns for. ..98$3J0 Gowns..f 2.29 $6.00 Gowns ....f 3.48 $840 Gowns..... 4'6 $12.00 Gowna....fe.9T :. Women's $3 Shoes? Oxfords $1.98 An important Easter sale of women's standard ,1 Footwear, shoes and oxfords, 2000 pairs r Every good style tn all sizes and widths Pat- I entcolt Bluchers in shoes and oxfords, heavy ! i i.i J a a ni i t I H aoio v ici rua patent up piucnera m taign or low - U thoeynrliKht-or- heaw-soles Chocolate- ktd.- Blacher oxfords light or heavy soles Tan Rus sia caifBlgcher oxfords, heavy sole Johnson - Bros.' best $3 Footwear AH new Spring and Summer merchandise Every woman should anticipate her needs for many months to come at the remarkably low price of Si .98 'the pair : Map orders will be promptly filled Order today LalFi. a; 1 4 Great Sale of Bonne Femmes We place on sale today three grand bargains in Bonn Famine, the richest curtain for the home. All new patterns this season. Made of heavy Arabian cable nets. Designs corded on both sides with 10-Inch lace ruffle on tli bot tom. Three widths-to match in eanh design. - Oreat special value at 36-inch, $5.00 value, each.". . .83.89 50-inch, $7.50 value, esch.. ..f 5.98 ' -l . - 72-inch, $12.50 value, each. ..8965 -jr.. - : - ; 16c to U figured Madras, blue or green grounds, floral and - Oriental - de- CO. - signs In handsome variety. (0 In. wide; great speo. -val. -at, per yard. . .OOC Custom Shade and Drapery Work our specialty. Best materials and work manshtp. Lowest prices guaranteed. AH orOerapromptly executed. Expert New Couch Covers at 3.38 Each Special lot of 100 handsome new Couch Cover of heavy double-faced tapestry: Oriental designs In the best oolorlngs; knotted fringe . ail around;? jb to Inches wide, t yards long; regular $4.60 value for. ,,iWJO Special lot of Magdad stripe Couch Covers, Oriental colorings. 0 in. f Xi wide, S yards long; the best S3. 50 values, each........ yJJ Plain Jute Rep, BO Inches wide; will wear well for Couch Covers; blue, CO brown, red and tan; the best $1.00 value on sale at, the yard OOw Bagdad striped Tapestry, suitable for couch Covers, best pattern and AAi colorings; great special value at this low price of, the yard. BSSSSL... . .8. ., -. . r . I ' ' ... - 1 . "1 ' . 'LL'1JIU Town-lipics? ToinaaTi Axvmaim. u..u tir.Bi.'Ttm Besstr sod tbt Beett" Biker .....Mutcsl Barleaque Kmplre "Bcottr VtU.ITlll VaudevlUt l.rrle Orsad Bur ' Invitation have been Issued by the Sister of Charity and the graduating class of St, Vincent' hospital training school for nurse to attend the graduat ing exercises at the hospital Thursday evening atg o"cloek. The address to the graduate will be delivered by or. William Jones. After the presentation of diploma and medala, ah address will be made by Archbishop Christie. The grrnluafng rlnaa ..consist of the foiiow Ing: Misses . Margaret Alice Tjrmrnr Anna Maria -Mikkleseiw- Christina Mackay. Ethel M. Mart, Edith J. Houck, Portland: Nell II. Flndlay. Carlton. Ore gon; Helen A. Rueter, Forest Orove; 3essle H. Hick. London, England; Hilda A. Engelhsrdt Victoria, B. C, and Lydla Fletcher, Walla Walla, Washington. The Oregon Labor party, which is . only a month old and has a membership of about 100, went on record last even ing as being opposed to J. L. Rand, Re ' publican' candidate for congress, from the second district During the Course of the evening several , speeches-were made, when It was suggested - that the laboring men scratch the name of 'Mr. Rand. At the conclusion of the meeting the executive committee met and dis cussed ways -and mean of furthering the interest at the primary election of workingmen candidates. ' The party will meet at 210 H Yamhill street next-Monday evening. . Articles of incorporation for the Gold Standard Logging Jack A'. Swivel com pany were filed thin morning. In . the "office of County Clerk Frank 8. Fields ,by R. A. Proudfoot, J. d. Owen" and J. H. Page.. The main object of the .company is to make Jacks,- swivel and other logging machinery and too.,--The corporation, will have, a capital stock of -H0.OO0. ; . 1 "W." TL - Coffmsn wag ' appointed- this morning administrator Of. the estate of Charles James, who died 'on - March .11 at the Good Samaritan hospital. Mr. James was a southern -Oregon-mining man. All the property he is said to have left In. Multnomah county Is a LADIES Neckwear AND -Shirtwaists "MOT THE COMMON KIND' Hcwctt Bradley. CBV Co. V HABERDASHERS . 344 Washington St ' sliver watch Valued at $6, a pair of blanket valued at $150 and $14 in cash. A. L. F1nley,"W. V. Spencer and A. K. Mackay were appointed to act a appraisers- of the estate.- James Is said to have had a sister, but her addrea Is unknown. . v - . Escheat proceeding were commenced this morning by Attorney Oglesby Toung for the estate of William Morgan, who died January It, 1104, and who 1 said to be without heir. . The opmplalnt'ln the suit was filed on ' County Clerk Frank 8. Field, and It I thought that the caa will be tried at The April term of the circuit court. The estate which the commonwealth seek" to obtain 1 aid to consist of an unpaid note for $100 payable to Morgan, a silver watch aid to be valued at $6. and $117.40 in cash. . Miller Murdock la administrator. Tomorrow evening appropriate exer cise will he held In celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the estab lishment of the first Women's Christian will, be a banquet at the Y. W. C A. hall. Sixth and Oak streets. In the even ing which several members of the first union will attend. Ftve-mlnute ad dresses will be delivered by several The affair will be In charge of a com mittee composed of- Mrs. Elisabeth Dalglelsh and Mr. B. Lee Paget.,.. l ' When the city board of school r di rectors purchased additional ground sev eral months ago for the Brooklyn school, they brought Jacob Bauer's saloon with in 400 feet of the school. Consequently the' saloon will have to be closed or moved. This order was made by the liquor license committee , of the elty council yesterday afternoon. - The pro prietor was granted permission to run his place In Its present location until April 1. . , v : W. A. Buchanan, administrator of the estate of Oeorge W. Buchanan, has settled with, the Oregon Railway A Navigation company for' his death. George W. Buchanan was killed in the railroad - wreck at Bridal Veil Febr ruary 0, 190$. The company has agreed to pay $1,600 damages for the death and $500 for expenses Incurred. . This agreement wax , approved by County Judge Lionel R. Webster this morning. Fruit and. Shade Trees. We have a fine lot of all kinds of tree, shrubs and bushes, roses, eto., at our tree yard. foot of Yamhill street. Call and see our stock or telephone Main . 471 and ask oar tree man about them. Portland UfralSeed-Ca ; ; There Is quite a lot of ladies' apparel In that large stock of good being aacrt-flccd-at Will Wolf Co.', 12 Morrison street, between First and Second. The garments ' were bought only because In the lot, and are being disposed of at almost no price at all. This Is a clothing store, -and not a dry good house at all. '.. "' ' '. ' -' - :. - ' Robert 8. Farrelt ha filed a declara tion that i-wttt-b a candidate for the nomination on the Republican ticket for state representative. Mr. Far re 11 re side at $10 North Twenty-third street. He declares " that he will support the people' choice for United State sena tor. HI platform la, 'Square- deal to alU;' , . .. F- A.. Bdwen baa flledLav declaration that he' Intend to be a candidate for the Republican nomination for justice of the pear or the ML Tabor dis trict. Mr. Bowen'a platform ia "Faith ful performance of duty. . - i Hemir Stoffer 1 reported to the poll re a missing. II disappeared from the Hotel aur Rhelnpfals last Saturday. Stoffer 1 a maohtnlat, .aged it year. All hi personal effect were left at the hotel. - 'A' sealed verdict from a Jury In Judge Sears' departmelnt of the circuit court regarding the case of the Oregon Water Power ft Railway company aanlnst M. Devaney was read thl morning at the opening of court, the verdlot having been arrived at about 1:10 o'clock last night Devaney - was allowed $$,000 damage from the company for I M, acre of land, to be taken from his farm to be used as a part of the right-of-way for the line the company la building from Cedarvlll to Troutdale. De vaney farm la two mile west of Ce darville. Suhkoda Banarjee, m Hindoo woman now traveling In America, returned from the sound yesterday and Is the guest of Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett to day. To-night she will speak at the Men'- Resort, the Presbyterian Institute, Fourth . and Burnslde streets. Her protege, Mr. Bls-a-Wl. will lng a song In hi own tongue. . , revoejt: iiiiw, SAYS VAUGHfl But Councilman Shepherd and Masters Are Nof Ready to - ,Make Recommendation- CONCANNON-TAKES- JfYORD. TO -SEATTLE In the tasty ad of the neat and tasty Berlin Steam Dyeing and Cleaning work yesterday the telephone number. Main 417, should have been given. It we Inadvertently omitted. Concrete Construction Co.,, 701 Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete stone blocks. Contractor for all kind of eement work. Tel. Main 180. Lost The man who lost hi eye glasses can have them replaced for $1: a perfect fit gvarunteed. Metsger A Co. Ill Sixth street. Jeweler and optician. Why pay $3 to $10 for eyeglasses? W guarantee a perfect fit . for $1. Eyes examined free. Metsger A Co., Ill Sixth street L ' - - G. W. Kenney this morning filed a declaration r that he was. a candidate for precinct committeeman 'at Urea ham. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oils and fine gasoline. Phone East 78$. Women' exchange, 18$ 'Tenth street, lunch, 11' to . Soft coal delivered at $ per ton. Ring up Mam 8157. rfif; iffirdwh'Eye-EarTMarquaiBL - Clean Inside mill wood. Tel. East 414. SKIN GRAFTING TO SAVE BOY WHO WAS SCALDED At the north Paclflo sanatorium yes terday Dr. R- C Coffey, with the as ststsnce of other phynlolans, performed the operation of sklngraftlng upon the 11-year-old son of Professor W. C Alderson, principal of the public school at St John. - The skin was furnished by a It-year-old brother of the suf ferer. , Three week ago scalding water was accidentally thrown over the boy body and the skin was almost entirely burned off from the waist down. He was removed to North Paclflo sana torium. It Is said that he and the brother who furnished the skin are Im proving as rapidly as could be expected. The operation is said to have been en tirely successful. j i ----- - - --J ra bsst ooTjroM mvr. : S. L. Apple, ex-Probate Judge, Ot tawa Ciu, Kansft, -writes: "This is to say that I have used Ballard's 1 1 ore hound flrrup for years, and that I do not hesitate to recommend It a the beat cough -avrup I have ever used." the, eOc and L(w-Woodard. Clark Co. - - SOUTHERN PACIFIC TO FIGHT. FOR FRANCHISE Councilman Vaughn Argueg That the Judiciary Committee Should Recora- . mend Taking Away Permit to Run Car on Fourth' Street. Councilman W. Ty Vaughn urged the revocation of the Fourth street fran chise of the Southern Paclflo Railway company at a meeting of the Judiciary committee of the city council yester day . afternoon. Councilman Shepherd and Masters said they were not pre pared to make any recommendation. Vaughn Introduced an ordinance several rrtonth ago to revoke the - franchise and it has sine been In the band of the Judiciary committee. Attorney W. D. - Fenton of the Southern Paclflo has submitted his argument tn brief why the franchise should not be taken away. "I am ready to report on thl ordi nance right now," declared Vaughn. '1 believe thl franchise should be re voked." -- - - ' ': - "I am of the opinion." replied Shep herd, "that If we revoke thl fran chise we. will have to recompense the railway company." "Let' revoke the franchise, and the recompense will be an after considera tion," urged Vaughn. . "There ha always 'been a doubt In my mind of the city' authority to re voke thl XranchlaeLjald Masters, "be cause of the peculiar rights vested in the corporation by-the " stat law. I have talked to Judge Webster and other attorneys regarding It and they have told me that It could be revoked. I do not understand that Mat law myself. We might repeal their franchise and make them substitute electrlo power for steam power on the road." "Let' repeal the ordinance granting them' a - franchise and force them to come to us." insisted Vaughn. "Once the franchise Is revoked we could dic tate to them. We could then fix -the time for which the franchise would run, compel them to us electrlo power and fore them to pay some compen sation, to the city. I believe w should place- ourselves rights 1 1 -we- h ve-he power to revoke this franchise let's do It and then we can dictate to th South ern Paclflo." .... Further' consideration of the matter Vil postponed to a special meeting"' of the committee to be held next Wednes day night At thl meeting the committee-will also consider the ordinance levying a 8-mlll occupation tax on all electrlo and gaa companies doing busi ness In th city, providing they do not under their franchises, pay I per Vent or .more of their gross earning into the' city treasury ' There Is to be a boulevard along the 8ail beach, - - ' j -. , Thomas Concannon. advance agent for Dr. Douglas Hyde, left last night for Seattle, after having completed hi la bor in Portland. Before hi departure he was entertained at the home of IS. H. Deery. where he delivered an. Informal talk on the work of the Gaelic league. Dr. Hyde will leave San Francisco Bunday night and la expected to arrive In Portland on the following " Tuesday. The local committee on entertainment mefTlast night-and discussed various plan for entertaining the visitor. The Ancient Order, of Hibernians has secured $00 reeerved seats for the Hyde lecture. The musical program In con nection with the lecture wll be under th direction of MraWalter Reed. - It will be brief,' because the lecture wUl occupy an hour ana a halt Dr.,Hrde will be Introduced to the au dience by Archbishop Christie. MAINCTPERSONAtT 1HVI Attorney M. D. Clifford of Baker City, former circuit Judge, Is In th city, at the Imperial hotel. 3. E. Ferguson of Astoria, of Fergu son ft Houston, contractors and build ers, who have considerable government work, 1 registered at the Imperial. - Among the Imperial hotel guests is L. F. Conn, an attorney and . politician of Lake view. ; . -r At th Perkins hotel is J. E. Rand, Hood River merchant . Among the lumbermen in the city 1 E S. Collin of Ostrander, who Is at the Perkins hotel. W. 8. Cone, a San Francisco lumber man. 1 among th guests at the Per kins hotel. Editor A. Bennett, member of the State Press association, and author of "Rabbitvllle Sayings," from Irrlgon, is at the Perkins hotel. t Mrs. . tealle Butler of Hood ' River, wife of Leslie Butler of. Butler Broth er' bank, 1 shopping In Portland and topping at the Perkins hotel. ' Milwaukie Country Club. Los Angeles and Oakland races. . Take Sellwood and Oregon City car at First and Aldan , : AJCTJgWICgVTS. EMPIRE THEATRE XJrOAOKxrZlrT ZXTBaOaDIWAlT ' TWO MHT ON LY TWO FrUay aaa Saturday, Minsk U aas 14, KBW VOKK'S POPU.AR ACTOB ' OLIVE a I. ECKHatPT Xa the naational Naloaram - "A fioHT roa MONoa" MAT1NF.K HATVRDAY PlttrCH IV, Sfie and Ooo. MATIN Kg I'RICKS loe, Ue and ZSe. .DON'UORGCTJBE: Apollo Rin!i - LEARN TO SKATE TONIGHT Beginners always welcome. . A good rink in a good place by good manage ment . ;- . ,.-. 'Oirxe aaxj. Marquam Grand-Theatre S W. T. Pangla, Manager. Direction N. W. Theatrical Association. C.'lielllg, President Z. L AND WEDNESDAY MCHTS March 26, 27, 28 . . Special yio Matin Wednesday a tot . K. 77 J The Mighty Monarch of All llerry Uaslcal Plays ' Direct From Suooeasful Baa of SM Time at the Vow Tork Castas. 6. C WHITNEY'S MUSICAL COCKTAIL WOTJIBLE CJiSTX axataryn Ostei sia rred W. Mace - xteglsa agoAvoy av. at Oraham Bveleea, Suamore K. w. Ohssssm i X.olu McOonneU , Xarry Stuart , 1.11 Bloodgood Fred Boraby Oertrnd Wallao Oharle A. Btonrea. A rUN FEAST aa4 CAR. NIVAL OF BEAUTY RAW! POUF! Aft Nw - Sowg-Jrflti Unlfti DancM By Sbxmre. ' Jerom and Sch warts 75ENTERTA1NERS75 THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN PONY BALLET AND FAMOUS CHORUS BEAUTIFUL - ' Baadsomaly ItarM Gorgeously Oowaoa Aagrsiaavtad Oreaesra. . ,, BTXamra rxuasa Lower Floor, tl.(0. 8109; Balcony, $1.0, 7.0, 10c; Oallery, 85c. IGc; Boxes and Loges, 810. at&TZXBB VBXOBB Lower Floor. 81.00. "5c; Balcony, 7lo and tOo; Gallery.-5e,-85c Boxea and. Logea ; . . - - . . . ftBAT. BOW UZ.UBO. OABBIAOaa AT 10:4g O'CLOCK. Margm Grand Theatren'SUt,M - atac ax oraia T0Moaaow A TUB CLKVBB ACTRESS f" Alberta Gallatin "J", la the BoeUtr Diuu Cousin Kate Empire Theatre 12U aad MiiiHia. Phaaa Mmtm I IT. - - "iitw i. primin. hit. Chaa. A. Tax lor Off era Hla LateM asd fireataet ... j Plaw. KABQCAMHBaKBTBEATRI- rrlday sad atway Vlgkta, Mareh M M. 'OS eeauu-rrie Matlse Saturday BVEMNO PBtrrS Parqnet, ' 8t.l. Pirqixt clrele, 1. lUlqony, ant rows. TSc: laat rnwi. BOr. tiallerr, SAe aad 'Sc. Boxes and kfea, 8tO. MATIN EK I'BirES Pareoet. II.- larqoet rlrcfci. TBe. Eatlr baleaar, 60c. Oallerj, 5c aag He. Marquam Grand iIeafrertOTSwta TOOHT AJIS T0M0BX0W BlOBTt, Rpeelal Prire Matinee Tomorrow, The Spectacular Muelca! Extravafaaaa. : THE BEAUTY AND THEEEAST" Brenhif Prkw-Sfic, .v, SOe, 7IW. f l.'oOi 81-80. Matinee Wree-toeSBe. BOr, 75c, 81. ' - ' SCATS NOW Slil.LIN Baker Theatre Orago TtT Oew tmn. ' (rae. L. JtalMr. Mrr. Tamtalll and Third eta. Pbone . Main IhiiT. . TUB BOMB or MUSICAL BL'ELKSQt B. -A W1N.MNO SLMBIR THIS WEEK. REILLY AND WOOD'S BIG SHOW, Tleaded T Pat Reltl, Comed Ian. A Pmfnalua et Good Tblnsa run, Miwle and Pretty Blrle Urand Hpectaenlar Ballet, . :' "Hades Vp to Date." Wfdneadar Barsaln IHr Matinee. 85 eenta te anr Ml. Other MathMt NateriUr (laat per form.iHI , itwi, IV. 8Jc. BOe. r renins Prloa, 2.V, ftr. doe. TV. - Mil Attractioa . "aHaa Mew .Xora It." .. . . Scotty, Klor of th Desert Mine A Realtotle Drama of the Great Bottthwaat-. I ' t,l.Tm. "aaalve ftteae BettlaaaTM ... - ! " ' w maaa) - Beituaa-Tvi . Larloada ot Sonrntm. aa4 rnmartln Speelal Uatinea Hhorada, Laat Perforsunr Thartay M-bt. Prices Erealag. lAc. ga 8Bc, 60c. Matinee. Xr. 26c. ' Neat Week "Ol Olaoa." ,"r LYRIC THEATRE THB JNCOMPARAHLR LTBIC BTOCK COM . PASt PBBKBNTS "Betsey's PhotogrcphM -A raraa-CaaMdy ts Tkree Aata. "'". ADMISSION, 10e; BEHEBVBD BBAT. SO. STAR lTHaAIUf Weak of Bares 1 KTIDIT AgD . DAM VESA , Bertaed Comedy Btett'k Artlata Das B .! BTIae Baaaiia Saelaaai Miae - raa - Baenolrf OvaatliM and lawraaua will c. Kr li i 10c Te ear arat Is te houOT eiest bote lc. Grand TaTEATBX Wt Blarck IV peclal raature ' . u..irB mrxi I . p.i-m Bar - V Xer W. I - -1 Tie t