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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
I "I TIIS ORECOII DAILY' JOUKNAU PdRTl3Jb7tU f ToivnTcpics i - TOSTIOHT'g AMVIXlUim.' lrtf.. Km pLre " VjrU... Grand . ...Mantra! Burlesque Murray M ' ... A Women's ' Slat Jonathan II. Baker, one of Oregon oldest pioneers, who would have cele brated Ms 7Sth birthday next Saturday, died yesterday at his late residence, lit -Resmv street.- - He was -bora ln-Futaam county. New Tork, Maroh 10, At 31ty 4n-l4l MrBskeTmerrld Miss Mf ry K. Lavery, who survives him aa ' do sis children, the . seventh pre ceding him to the grave B. I, Roe, John P., Harriet 0.. Ura. lt. C Kins and Mrs. George Johnson. Mr. Baker went to California from, the east In 1147, and two years later came to Ore gon, settling - at Bt Johns, where he was the Urst school teacher. He then em barked In the ateamboat building busi ness, being one of the first men to en gage In that occupation on tne wiuam ette "Mver. ". ' .-," . ;' X The regular monthly meeting of the .probation officers o?the Juvenile court v. Ill be heldlnthe courthouse cnam "bers oOudge FraieiTlonlght oegTnnIng at T:I0 o'clock. Therr are 10 probation off locrs connected with the local chit .dren's court, and it Is thought that all will be present The monthly gatherings are in the nature-of experience meet ings, and all aorta of methods are dis cussed . regarding the care of : unruly Jroxganl.glrlivAa.welL ai th Jd411jj of unruly fathers and mothers. -An effort will be made by R, P. Rose. a coal mining expert, to have Coos Bay coal delivered In the Portland market by barge transportation. He has Just returned from the Coos Bay eoel field, where he made an' extensive Investigs tlon and found there was a large quan tity of excellent coal, but mined with crude appliances, and sold In San Fran- Cisco at a lose to the mlneowners. Hi says the coal can be brought to Port land by barge and sold at prices below tne existing Tatei Flowering Bulbs Free. We have had vary Isrse sale) of Hulls nil tiiulUs llm we are going to give them away to put "customers.7 Wr bivr pnt-themnp-ln 80 eent collections -whichwe-wt II - give away, absolutely free, when asked for and aa long as they .last, with every cash retail purchase amounting to S cents or over. Portland Seed Co Front : andTamhill streets. . ' Examinations for the following post . lions are to be given in Portland by the civil service commission during the month of March: Civil engineer student, 1 department of agriculture; laboratory ' helper, department of agriculture: aclen- una assistant in son management ana .... In soil surveying, surveyor in the Phil ippine service and topographs drafts- man. Panama aervlca. .-. Persona desiring . to compete should apply to Z. A. Leigh, department, city. ...- -. It Is reported that W.' R Bernard. chief of the local freight claims depart- - ment of the Northern Pacific railroad. who Is on his way home from St Paul headquarters of the company, comes with Instructions to remove the freight claims department rrom Portland . t " Tacoma. Such a . change , would take . - about eight or ten men from, this city. Some of them have resided In Portland ' for rears, and acquired home here, . '' County Clerk Frank 8. Fields this , morning said that he would order can vas bars In which to carry the registra tion, books during the primary and reg- ular elections, ' He saya that these bags can be kept and used for -many years, - whereas paper bags are always torn up ' at each election. - The canvas bags I will cost only 80 gents each; the paper ones cost it cents each. Kills Ban Jos Be ale. Wash or spray your trees .or rose bushes with our Rex .lime and sulphur solution. , . All - ready for use. Simply dilute with water. It costs, very little. Thia Is the time to spray. Full Instructions with each quart, gallon or barret Spray ers from 75 cents up. Portland Seed Co-, Front and YamhllL Among the guests at the Portland hotel la C W. Jones of San Francisco. California, who is to be married Wednesday evening to Mtsa Julia Co man, daughter of Mr. and Mra. E. B. Coman of lit North Eighteenth street. He Is accompanied by O. M. Scott And I. J. Scooffy, personal friends, both residents of the Golden Gate city. ' Robert Hayward pleaded guilty to larceny In the police ' court' yesterday and was sentenced to six months Im prisonment In the oounty Jail. Hayward was caught In the act of robbing gas meter slot machines on- the east side , and was placed under arrest He made no effort to deny his guilt We may be able to please you. When ever vou want to do aome house Delat ing. - paper hanging, tinting, woodwork J flnlahlng, call us , up by 'phone. You 1 till, find -Our estimate .reasonable and our work moat perfect . Ernest Miller aV Co. Phone Main I48S. The executive committee of the Port land board of trade will meet this eren- Ing at Its rooms in the Chtmber of Commerce building. Irrigation, reform in water right laws, consular service j ' and postal service will be discussed. - ' Eugene W. Barton hag begun a suit In the circuit court for a divorce- from Nellie A. Burton The couple were ' ' married at Clarkea Fork. Idaho, in De cember, 1SS7. Barton asks for the care -of thalr 1-year-old daughter. ' -. 'For Sale 0.000 euba yards of earth at lrth and Wash. ats. tJleWach A Jop- Ihij el-Labbe bldg. Phone Mala 14ltV ' It la rumored that Dr.' 8. C Blocum will become a candidate for the Repub- LADIES' SHIRT-WRISTS )R SPRINQ- H AVE ARRIVED THKVRlt EXCLUSIVE "N ot the Common Kind" ncivctt, Bradley , fiCOe ; SIUVts!.l;!oa St Crrmls Cut Ic:rrcw - Democrats ara eealag aad wlU have i hapay tlnia . ' - Thay'll mjny the halm? brsisis ef ear '. atmoaphsrt ril'lma Aad lette aa the 0. 0. K will east - apoa their trail, . AM wits etaqoeaee Inanrtal wHl'tlM-r -neu, - , . Bat Jvt tfce Mm ear laendry talk - wUI keep apoa the sauce, ; Dole alt ttafawnr wsaatag at eia ' Wka aa yea tklak ef tfcett All klaas ef lisaa esaept the faaey staff that mast ha ta-oaed by haae. sailed tar, wasted, traaed aad MlraW a I eaata par peaas. It's the eaLdna aa kay. heap aa ftediag Union laundry . bbcobd An Columbia. "? '. . ' el atala its. . llcan nomination "for county coroner. Or. 81ocum wa formerly assistant city physician, and is one of the most popu lar of Portland's younger doctors.. iunt Jerusha's Qullt'ngrpartyria to be repeated with many new features at Y. M. C. A. hall tonight Don't miss by"hahQra'g"!utri vn lonJixenta.. ' Stsamship Alliance aails from Couch street dock for Coos bay and Eureka. luesaay nignr. March f, at o'clock. F . P. . Baumgartnsr, agenW Main ML Lost The man who ' lost . his eve a penect nt guaranteed. Metsger a Co., ill Sixth street. Jewelers and opticians. ' - i ' Why pay ft to 110 for eyeglasaesV We guarantee a perfect fit for II. Eyea examined free. Metsger aV Co., Hi Sixth street , - Dr. H. I. Keeney baa returned from Linn ' county, where he has been - for several days, in consultation with phy atclane, , :- i . Quality Quantity, and Quickness . is the Tule at-the Morris resUurant Mtiiaat bei4a-I)ecember when a, girl un- Waahlngton street Miss Ella Frances Hoberg's concert tonight,- White-TemplerTtrtegt-o Dancer 'given- br-Thureday-Nlght club,- Burkhard hallThursday evening.- Soft eoal delivered at f S per ton. Ring up Main ll7;. - v . - ; Clean inside mill wood... 'Tel. East 414. Dr. E. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam. Yoder"s bUno studio.-" Phone E. Its. fiOnLE TRAVELS A LONG - I'AY ALL ALOilE -', Goes From Cape Mendocino to : Yaquina Bay In Three ' Weeks. The combined efforts of wind, tides and currents In three weeks carried a bottle from Cape Mendocino, California, to Yaquina bay, Oregoiw On February a passenger aboard the steamer Uma tilla put the following note Into a care fully sealed bottle and tossed It Into the "S3. - Umatilla, Cape Mendocino, CaL Feb. I. '01. To finder. - Please return this note and write and receive answer Yours truly. Clifford U O'Brien, lit Pandora street, Victoria, B. C.. Can.1 at picked up near the Yaquina bay life-saving station. A copy of the note found on the inside of the bottle was sent to Captain F. D. Toslar of Portland, who Is la charge of the Thirteenth U. 8. life-saving district by Otto Wellander, the station keeper, - 1 have not the least idea In the world why the man wanted to put the note In the notue with his address and then throw It overboard," said Captain Tosier thia morning, "unless-lt whether it would ever be found again and which way the currents at that time of the year would take it" - SERIES OF MISTAKES LEADS TO LAW SUITS A series of mistakes fed te a law suit between Mra. Olga. Senkler and F. T. Barry, which waa tried before a Jury In Judge Sears department of the cir cuit court In 104 Mra. Senkler sued Jacob Senkler .for a divorce and won the suit, together with one-third Inter est In a lot owned by her husband in Salisbury r-addition to Portland. The land owned by Senkler was lot I, block 1. Sallabury addition, but a mistake waa made In the divorce decree whereby the property waa described aa lot 1, block I. There are only three blocks in the addition. .' Noting this mistake, It la said that Senkler quickly sold the lot to r. x Berry. It Is now alleged that the name of the addition waa misspelled In tne deed given by Senkler to Berry. When the mistake waa discovered by Mra Senkler. she at once filed a suit through Attorney George & Joseph, to have the decree corrected.. This waa done, ana he then filed a suit of - ejectment against Berry, claiming that aha owned one third of the lot he pure ha aad. After being out but a ahort time the Jury decided that Mra Senkler waa the rightful owner of the disputed property, and she waa awarded III for rent and Interest t-. i- . MOTORMAN TOO BUSY TO LOOK OUT AHEAD ' Negligence en the part ef Motor man R. O. Johnson waa responsible for the accident -in which Joseph Antone sustained injurlee which resulted In his death . last Sunday. a wording - te) the verdict of the coroner's Jury last night The meterman la not held criminally li able but la blamed for not properly- at tending to hla duty. Antone waa driving hla wagon across the tracka of the .Portland - Railway company at the corner of Twntleth and Carter atreeta on March 1. when the ve hicle was struck by a ear and over turned. The driver waa thrown to the ground and sustained Injuries which re sulted tn tile death Sunday morning. The evidence . presented at the In quest tended to show that Motorman Johnson sounded no bell of warning and was not looking ahead. - The- testimony showed that the car was not traveling fast and that the impact waa so slight aa to be scarcely noticed by the pas sengers.1 Motorman Johnaon explained that he was busy with, the brakes trying to stop the car for a passenger to alight, did not aee the wagon on the track aheadiof bint and eenseauenUy did not rUH tne tons, f. ' , f IIKS AT If J TO SAUE COHRAD License Committee of Council Postpones Actlorrof Chier-M ' Recommendation. A UWYERDMITS CLIENT- )LDJJQU0RJDM1N0R Councilman Vaughn .. Reads State , Law -Requiring That License in Such as Should Be Revoked , Kay Not Given Chance to Testify. Another Instance of how"certaln mem bers of the city council wink at the law in attempting to shield saloon men was given at the meeting of the liquor U eenae committee yesterday . afternoon wnen the majority of the committee re fueed tw tetuHe the llwnse tf John W. Conrad, proprietor of -the Pullman aa, Fifth between Washington and Alder irvaia. .s . Conrad has bean arrested several times for varloua offenses. A report was made to the liquor license commit tee by Chief Orltsmacher asking that hla license be revoked. The chief made the recommendation because the lueni I bens of the committee had said many ttmea no complaint had been made to J the confmlttee of objectionable resorts. The committee two weeks ago cited the police and the proprietor of the Pull man cafe to appear before the commit tee for an Investigation Into the charges. Yesterday Ae ting - Detectives Kay and Jones, who made several arrests In the Pullman, appeared for the police de partment and Conrad was ea hand with hla attorney, Alex Sweek. " Jones told of two occasions on -which tha nMmi4tA imA tiaan amMla4-iha der age waa caught In the place. Con rsrt'wlthi his attorney hart appeared hi court and pleaded guilty and waa fined t , - A Uojitrr 1e jacJrnamtsrta. 1 hla to be true. , -XOUrtcnmaS-VMjiTjn I law that whenever a person was found gumy or serving liquor 10 minors me license to his saloon ahould be re voked. ' f - Councilman Shepherd argued that the revocation of the license was something tha court ahould decide, on. but Vaughn thought It was also something of which the committee should take cognisance. Councilman Anna nd said that Inas much aa Conrad had closed all his side entrances and side connections and waa going out of bualness June 1, he did not think the license should be taken away. A motion was carried to the effect that all action, on the communication of the chief be Indefinitely .postponed, -Acting. Detective Kay waa not given an opportunity to testify. Kay said afterward that he had ar rested Conrad twice In February for permitting women to frequent hla sa loon, and in one case had secured a con viction. - - . -. .. Chief Orltsmacher called the atten tion of" the committee to the fact -that Jacob Bauer was conducting a saloon wltnin 400 feet ef the Prnnklyn school. The license Inspectors were requested 16 j go and measure the distance as the com -mlttea questioned the assertion of the chief. . ,,-v . . . WASHINGTON PEOPLE TO FOLLOW PORTLAND IDEA ' Under the auspices of the Spokane chamber, of commerce, the Tacoma chamber of commerce and the Seattle run from Washington to southern Cali fornia, similar to the -trip taken by Oregon people under direction of the Oregon Development league. A. D. Charlton, assistant general passenger agent of. the - Northern Faotflo, haa Issued a circular announcing rates and itinerary. The Harriman lines are co operating, and William McMurray spent last week In Seattle and Taooma, work ing on the project . - kane. til from Seattle and 111 ' from Tacoma. The -train will be run from Seattle to Portland by the Northern Pa cific, and there It will be-taken In charge' by the Southern Pacific, - and run to Los Angeles, where the paasen gera will disband and return home at their pleaaure. -Where two-people oc cupy a double berth, a reduction of til wll be made on the second ticket pur chased. Deposits of III are required with the application for berth. Gover nor Mead haa signified his Intention to be one of the excursion party. . - On arrival tn Portland at 1:10 o'clock, March 17. the excursion party will be received and entertained br the Port land Commercial club, and a dinner given at the club In honor of the Wash ington commercial bodies. The dinner will last from T to 10 o'clock p. m. De tails of the entertainment were dla eussed at a meeting yesterday of the board of governors of the club.- '-- - CONSIDERING SIZE, IS ' HIGHEST PRICED RENTAL R. A. Proudfoot makes the 1 assertion that In proportion to depth and front age, the monthly rental which he cures from a pawnbroklng establish ment and Jewelry store tn the Creamerte building. 171 Washington street,. Is the larrest In the city. "This property haa a frontage of only nine feet and a depth of II feet" said Mr. " Proudfoot and - yet A. Daldvage pays me 1171 a month rent for It If the cigar store property recently alluded to In The Journal as being the highest rented property In proportion to store area drew aa much in proportion aa my property It would, rant -lor 1 1,060 a month. Inatead.of IIJ5." (American ooina tttbt a mp - courm . orrnr bat an biost. aMUed Malt Salmon BelUea...,.,lKa) wrled maser Clams 150 rrted Oolnaakta Blvar aaett. . . . . .15. rrted OawUdk lie, Xallkal ISo, Sa4- ........ .......isa Utae aTeak OVaaaa 20s OLent Bonllloa with Tosat 154 Ood risk aaUa, Orearn Basse. ... . Baked nm aad Beans ISe Corn Beef Bash wltSr Beaeaea Brg ttit arparheetl earnd oaesee .......... .1B4 m.16 oraaaalsd Oalvea Baalna .....t..aot We esrn ear awn Beef., . We bake aa ewa Bread, Bias aad Oak,. .. , . Coffee.' areaat aaa Btey aa4 Betatoea with eU steal. Silks and DressGbods a -v pieces vi new eui-wooi, aori J finish. ngllsh worsted serge In I- the newest colorings. wur- . grand?, Alice blue, ollve-wreenr mertlTirrr anffTJark navyrf fand some material for waists and coatumen; beat 11.00.. . OA . -value, for, yard ,....'... tO pieces of fine Black Crepe de Parts for . dreee skirts, ens . tumee. etc.. 40 Inches 9Q. - Wlde, best 1 value, yd. . c 10 pieces- of -fine black Serge; 'regular 11.21 value, no. .. yard.. ...7.-:;,OC New Gray Drees Goods Tn 1m- menee - assortment over ..100. styles. newest, ' prettleet, yaV.?..,,. .....50C tO $3 New Punjab CWk Silks for Wavltlttl mnA ahiflfjrnlal aels Wew-Foulard' Silks In dots and flgures three gradef new Taf . feta Sllka - Boys? Ncv 7 . - -1 T . tW - - I iil'i in I Little boys' Blouses in white or colored, Russian jtylesages 3 to 8years; great valueK at . v. . . . . . .............. . ". . . . . . . . . . oOec to f 1.60 - 200 COMFORTERS AT $1.69 EACH Special offering of 100 full-slse sllkollne covered Comforters; best patterns; -filled with Lanated cotton; beat value we ever offered at.... 1.60' "Sanitary" washable quilted Mattress Jrotectora; going at these prices 48x78 in.; reg. $2.00 val.fl.58 42x76 in.; reg. $1.78 val.f 1.38 -Beds and -Bedding of every description at the lowest prices beds, springs, mattresses, pillows, blankets, comforters Incomplete aasortment; all grades. Custom Shade and drapery' work our specialty. Beat materials and work manship; lowest prices; all orders promptly executed by expert drapers. The Great, Investigation wCI qirickly 60e Fas try Knives tSe Pastrv Knives Tf5o Christy Bread Knives . .... .ISO carving set, a pieces. ., .sua Carving set. J pieces aao lOo -Christy Steels ...... ......flo tOo Bread Knlvea ....'. ,...iao lOo Butcher Knives ..-;,... 60c Butcher Knives ........... .SSo Bllver-plsUd Knlvea and Forked set of I; 11.71 value Cocobola handle Knives and Forks, set of I .......Me Tin Tablespoons. I for ........lee I Tin Teaspoons, I fer . Wo Apple corers. eacn 16C lo Oyster Knlvea. each ........ ISo 160 Nut Crackers i. ............ .le lsa Feather Dusters ........ ...lae ISo Feather Dusters B8o lOo Metal Towel Rings ......... So , -,. "TaaraTiAjr warns. ' Best grade F.nameled Ware. lie Lapped Kettles , . E0o LlDDad Kettles I 0a Llrioed Kettlee Aba Kauceoaoa. saie nnci tOo Saucepans, sale price SSo Berlin Kettles 760 Berlin Kettlee S7e lOo Berlin Kettles ,...Bo 7So Diahpan aale price fiTe 0o Dlshpans, sale price S7o 6c Coffee Pots, sale price ...... 48o I6e Coffee Pots aes 11.60 Rice Bollere ......... ...L,1S 0o Teapots, sale price .a .4V TOo Teapots, aale price .......... 3o 15a Teapots, sale price ........ .ao 46o Washbowls .....3o 16a Glass Tumblers, dmen .....gee lOo Glass Tumblers, dosen SSo lOo Spoon Trays, each So OFFER OF DOUBLE RENT ' NO BAR TO BUILDING H. M. Cake haa sold to A rata Broth ers the southwest corner at Fifth and Main atreeta, for 117.600. The Bite con tains several small frame buildings, which will be removed to make room for improvements. J. O. Woodworth sold. to the same purchasers, for 111.000, a lot on Fifth near Salmon street. Plana are nearly ready for a Six-story office building of steel construction, to be erected by - Captain Buchanan, on Waahlnaton between Fourth and Fifth street Emit Schacht Is working on the design. f It la announced that Mrs. C. H. Lewis will build an eight-story business' struc ture on the lot now occupied by Jabour's restaurant, on Fourth between Waahlng toa and-Stark ttreerTh Jabour lease expires April 1, and although Mr. Ja bour haa.- It ts said, offered to advance the rental from 1171 to till a month, the owner has declined to make a new lease. ... . . Covey a Cook will build a garags 100 by 111 feet at Fifteenth and Burnald atreeta. Plans are being drawn by Emll Schacht. Ha la also making plana for a fire-story, apartment house to be erected by Bv C Jorganaon. at the cor ner ef Fifth and Main streets. Richard Martin-Jr. ts - preparing plane -for -a three-story brick -ulldlng-to be erected at the corner of Morrison and Tenth streets, for Dra S. A. and S. C Brown. WANTED TO SLEEP, COULD NOT; NOW ASKS DIVORCE V Policeman Stg Myers" yesterday filed a autt tn the circuit court asking - XVTAXVABU BOB BJCTtrSrATJJM. I have been suffering for the past few rears "With- a severe attack of rheuma Ism end found that BellaM'a n LJn Iment was the only thing ttiet gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate my rains. March It, na C. Dernan. Kinsman, III. - 26o, 0 and II.II. Weodard, Clarke aV Co. : S3a S7e 400 870 eao Wednesday Shoo Women's Shoes 5 A Wednesday Shoe Sale every m town fa interested in- For tomor row only we offer 1000 pairs of new, tip to date' Spring-Shcres -fat-patent leather- RlncherTuid ; lac"tylesflnd dongolas in lace and foxed Rlncher styles Eight styles, heavy or Dgt sites, every pair the best $3 value on the market AH sixes and"wldlh8 Tomorrow only your tf 1 f Q choice at, the " ''' Antidaate yoar taster Feetwar 1 1 $5 Curtains Handsome $3.95 a Pair TXZkB noom at w Spring Apparel Norfolk Suits for bovs 8 to IS years of age, , made with yoke effect, box plaits, single or ." double-breasted jacket, luit; splendid values i - at. ..... ,if . . . . . ,5.oo to. f a.50 Boys' Sailor and Eton Blouse Suits in ,blue serge, neat gray plaids and mixtures, checks, etc., Knickerbocker trousers, ages 5-to -10 years; splendid values... .f 3.60 to f 12.60 New Reefers for-boys and girls, nivr blue -serges and unfinished worsteds,. white serge, light-gray mixtures,-tan-eovertSr-etCj-ages-2yiU 8 years; each.....f 5.00 to f 10.00 Wafsta In. fch'te anrl: , fionirerl Madras', black sateen plain blue cheviot. iighfcand--medium -striped madraa-andpeta. 1 j caics, wun or wunoui tuiw, o v earf splendid values at. Boys' laundered Blouse Waists, 7 to 16 years, white, light or medium itriped percales or .madras; blue, tan, pink or black . stripes; grand vaues at, each. . ,-.T6V 85, fl.OO of Kitchen Good convince yon where the bast -tlMSeta,Jugar, Cream Spoon Trayand .Covered " Butter Dish, aale nrioe Hand Jell lea, each, aale prloa Olass Finger Bowls, dosen ... lOo Fruit Dishes, sale price .. Oo Fruit Dishes, sale price .. 76o Hand Lemonades, dosen .. Salt, Pepper Shakere .. 80 1.70 . .see ..4ae . .aoo .. ae ..lae vvu . .i.l ri:it9im -. . . . . . . . loo Berry Bowls .lSe Pirkle Dishes, each';. lae Celery Dishes, each ........... .gee - H - a Tame Man, etc., sale price. l-barCloth s Rack .t ; laorfjicnie Large -bar Rack '.. ISo Towel Rollers, each go Leather Dust Beaters ..S3e Butter Paddles, each ........... 4e Rolling Plna go, lae Potato Sllcera. each Bo too Bplce Cabinet gee Glaaa Washboards gee Dalny Washboards ........... .lee 11.60 Breadboards L1S Clothespins, dosen le Nickel Trays, each ...ISo Mousetraps, each .... 4s Oas Tapers, -package ...... Cuspidors, each Floor Paints, big can ..... Bxczaxwama. Chop Bowls ........lie, t4e Nickel-Plated Coffee Pot a l-plnt, 11. SI value H OT 4-plnt. 11.61 value -I1.1S 6-plnt, 11.71 value .il.a l-plnt Teapots, l.l value. .. .fl.OT 4-plnt Teapota, 11.60 Value ....$1.10 11.10 Teaicettiea are 11.26 Teakettles "Lindsay" Oas Mantles ...... .see $12,000 Lot 50x95 feet on Second street, 50 feet north of Madison. This la the best investment for tha money on the market in the city today, study its location and you will readily see. its future. . :'..,...., F. ABRAHAM 'ItS Second Street Water Front Nearly 1.000 feet of East Side river frontage, opposite Government build Ing; very level; deep water and rail road." Price" reasonable." "71 J. F. O'DONNELL & CO. 04 Mo ha wk : BUTT Bhen MaU BBOT. : : 1 for a divorce from Msrguiite E. Myers. He alleges that his wife has an Irritable temper, which she Is aald to have dis played 1 on many oeoaalona. And the guardian. of . tha .law. BUtea.JUat4il wife often Informed him that she did not love him. A " . - In review! rig his domestic troubles. Myers declares that hli wife one thne hired out for wages against his will and left him at home to do hla own rooking. Myers states that his work required -his being vp a part of the night and he waa thus compelled to sleep ' a portion ef the day: during the daylight hours In which Myers had act apart for sleep, Mrs. Myers Is said to have entertained company In the house and made many noises that disturbed the sleeper; . Mra. Myers Is also aocused of having: kept her mother with her. - At last. Mrs. Myers Is charged with having deserted her husband on Feb ruary 17, 1104. - The couple were mar ried at Vancouver, Washington! Novem ber II, lilt. - Store Sale 1 .98 woman Weedg Special lot of 300 pairs of White Irish Point Lace Curtains in plain and fisrarcd cmtrr. design in good assortment, 50 I inches wide, iyi yards vlong; all new goods. Best $5 value on sale tfl At vjaafe-a -Spring- ForChildren Entire new - stock of - Spring Coats -for mlasas . and nhll(1rn ahankanl plaldf- serge, kersey, broadcloth,- tweed a "and i sue y mix lures in tana, blue, gray, white. ..... .,. braid and button trim- "ing. finished. with and-emnrolttered ruffs and collar ages I loJt WW rears, at prices frorr4.60 to $14.60 Children's Dresses In net, - organdie and lawn, fan cy ribbon and laee - trimmed: also hand-embroidered piques -Xrama.?6tof26.00 Hsndaome new styles In "Peter... Thompson' and box-coat suits, in white. ' brown and blue, serge and mohairs, at prices from 6.26 to $26.00 " New Tan Covert Coats for sniasee and children new Wash Dresses for bovs and girls. New long black ' Glare Kid Gloves for woman, all elaea. "Fen-Ins" make. sa w valnca 'are to be obtained "Lindsay" Globes .BSe fU0CIotTeswr1ngers ...,...M.1S II.OO Clothes wrlflgei a . . . . . . r,fl-7e to Coffee Mills ... .7.9 11.11 Ironing Boards aee) 760 Ironing Boards .......... ..gos Sleeve-Bosom ' Boards ........ ,S8e Mopstlcks, each .las Wlr Soap Shakers . . . ! rT. . .. . .SOe Tack Hammers '. 4o Mrs. Potts' Bad Irons, l.t vat uee. set. sale price .... ... . . ,'.. Family Saw.' each lag Universal Food Chopper, 1.II aiuv, rvr, savie prut ........ . m m Frying Pans ....... .laa. its Rrlp Pans go, 15s, las wire uisn mod Fancy Match Safee Kettle Knobe. I for .. SO . .lae Mincing Knives . Galvanised Tubs . afla, Tse Wire Egg Whips, each roiato aiasnera. each 15c Snonae Basket . .lse Wire Soap Dishes, each. Wire Tea Stands, each Improved Egg Beater Pannaks Turner, each ... , .lae miainaj apuuna, aavn ..... aw Potecrapers. each Be Cooks Forks, each 4a, lee Tin Match Bafea, each. ......... . Be Asbestos Mats, each .......... .lae 14-cjuart Galvanised Buoket ....gee it-quart Tin Bucket BOo 0-foot Clothesline ........... .IBs 60-foot Clothesline 19o tOo Floor Mops 3fle Can Openers, each' ............. Se Juice Extractors, each . . 4s J so noun a trainers ............las Granite Teg Strainers .......... Be "Lindsay" Incandescent Gas Lights, complete g8o We Because our proposition Is one which gppeala to man's reason. .If . you are . interested in . the . gubject of Life Insurance; if vyou are desirous of Increasing -the- amount of - protection- to your family, or if you aire car rying an expensive form of policy., our proposition will be of interest to youU Our policies are free of all.seatrictiong and provide absolute protection at the lowest possible cost. COMA Life and Trust Company OF PORTLAND, OREGON Temporary Offices, Sixth Floor, - j Concord Building. ' Milwftukla Country CSub. Loe Angeles and Oakland raoea Take Sell wood aad Oregon City cars at First and Alder. Arc After Thinking Men 1 an CI J3TT3k ' Advamtce Ssls. Torccrrow ' is nrtrxK ' ' aeerte K. Oeaaa't Maaiaat OasMey Mttle Johnny Jcr.23 MAJiaVaJf TXEATBa, , MABOK S-1S. ISSt. IVBKINO PRtrrea fWw. l SO. Hal enay. l. Trie and fxe. , Eatlra alkwj, oe.' Boa sad lofea, 10. . ' t MATIN Eg NUeeg-lt. T6. . Me, , IS. , SBa. Rkpr TtipiiXt'e " '' v gas, L. Bakar. Vn. Yamhill aad Tkh-d sts.-" ptanna Mala ISOT. - The Hocae el Pesalar alasiaal Itaitsseea. twr Nlrat This Week Mat I woe W-frail , day aad Ha tartar, taa Ml( HmMI rtae Cnmiy aod BurlMnua (oaipaaj. WUXUMS' IMMsUALS" la I fWrsmlnt Hnrlna. - .' '''y am xxb oriaia. gvarrtblng Nr- aa--t'p, la lat Haatfu! " Cborua of 3S Girls la Cnrttona CastuaM. ' Splendid Vaadevllla Olio. Wadaaaaay Matlaas. - Bargaie Pay gOa te t " snd SOoi1-' ; Klht Prlrfs -tv. S6e, ne aid If, .t . -llaat Weak "THK ivUVK tnU." .. EmpIreTheatre! 1 mt and Kiiriissa. ; raoas Mala 1 IT. Mlltoa' W. geamaaT'llanaaw. PORTLAKD'g POPl'IR THK 4 TTtg. Tsoisbt All Waes Mallnx Batarday, V jna-raavtt vsiuinaia MURRAY A MACK AND THEIg A!.f.-TU CKOWD, . ' . a-gxonjb4g . . . is - ' MAROUNDTMRTOW Tke Latest Mastaal tatirs ef Irr Terb Ltfa. Kranlur Prices 15e, 2V. SBe sad eOe. Matinee Prleea J0c. Ae and Hut Attraoiloa "TH1 IBCggECTIOg." T- STAR Oaaiias TKXATag. FkUiias a lartsdeaa, Watta Aabtaa. ' las Mlldiad Maaaiai Will O. . Waak af Mar. I. gaaaad Weak aad rssiUtely Sayal Kawmilaa . ttaiataH. a- eeae-1 ths kooaa easapt aexas 10. -CtrantJ Swm Isssllss Masl Ksaasle Biaaa. TKXATBS. "Wash of lu. t rules Kaaasa Tke Taaalast af Oamsdlaaa. ailm Ja ils- atsatsse, - , . The Daatoas, Rareld Maff. - ' ' Note eaante af yrleaa aa aad after .Mas day. March ,S. ISOSi ETaalasa, Saadays and Holidays lse, Sfte. LYRIC THEATRE : Tke InrnmBarahia ITEIO STOCK OOMYAirr ' Freseate : V. A Woman's Oath''. A Raatlaaeatsl Draaaa la Thfaa Acta. ADMISSION, . toe; RESBRVgD SEATS. . SOs. APOLLO RINK . SEVENTH AND OAK ; The home of a most pleasant paetlma ; , . and healthful sport. , .-. TONIGHT Come, Join the merry throng and take , . ' - ' - . part In the. . ;OND MARCH ': Muslo ArtarnoonAnd Evenlngi ' .' ' . .Instruction free. . JONES & RANDALL, PropV IriF? Portlnnd PORTLAND, -ORKOON. ' EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQTJARnEHS-TOfl TOTJ1UBTB AND COMMERCIAL , TRAVELERS. Everything to eat and drink, and It coats no more In the rortlaix! Hotel atbshaBer "T than elsewhere In the city. Kvery weekday night from 1:11 to II. b. a Hotel Eaton Cerasr Besrieea aad West Bath raw BasdeneMiy raiaaaaa. elesaatty ess tp pes. flrepraof. r aa susatar wais iraai a tart as shopplns a il baelaess dlatrlet. all Urf. am. satalaa Hfhta. teleakaaa la eaek asart Larsa off Ices, kmnflef. saaeklnc. wrltlaa ladles recaptlaa parlscs. by saaU at talapaaee. Trivets stVas Wilts tralas aad Boom $I.OO to 03.OO a Dmf psalsl Batas Claisiiiilil Bba. Baa BAI XATOX. Orenserly W Hotel Bedpetk. Syakaae.) - r6ranodef a- dental work. Wortd-! newned specialists. . Liaweat price consistent with Arst-elass ' work. - NEY YOTK DENTISTS rOTTBTX ABB MOBaXBO IW. Open day and night, freea s sa. t , . antli . A. as. - FIRE Insurance, life and aeddent. employers liability policies written. Have ua sail en you. . -( : - ;..r. J. P, O'Donnell & Co. 04 kCehawfe Bldr. Baeaa i cio.coo Vary sifatly H rm BV. esaW ' 1 t TEETH -1