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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1906)
THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAt. PORTLAND. SATURDAY. EVENING, MARCH. 5. ,i':J. t r .r. A SEASON OF, PLEASURE IS ENJOYED . - - '. c- . . . Honors and Courtesies Showered f Upon Oregon Maidens by .... ... people of Honolulu. WELCOMED TO ISLANDS A DECKED WITH GARLANDS StCeieUlsUlYN vu B(V VI Wiw"-e Soon Reached Got- at Land U ernors ana FrfficeT Wan Upon the Young Women. " By Mollis rroebetel rTrSpeelal Xerreapoedeace t The eosreal.rr : .Honolulu. Hawaii, b. II. After six daya -of -what-The -Journal girls had V looked forward to aa ah enchanting voy- but .which might be summed .BP . ..daily by almost the enure party with , the following diary: 'Went to bedeea- alck, got up seasick, apent the day aea- elck; th island of Oahu wee alghted at L-i ebouk-tL'e'elock yesterday morning. : Te the -' weary voyagers on the Sonoma, . longing not only to jee land but ' able once more te aet foot ashore, the Island," aa It arose eloudllke On the nortson, auggeated that it waa perhapa j: only an Illusive vision, '-which night be , , cruelly a natch ad - away " by the ever ; present a walla of the mighty ocean. Aa the Sonoma, plowed forward the , cloud grew Into a haiy . ..vtolet-tlntad island rising-out of "the deptha ot.the ' aea. Aa we came nearer, the. purple changed to vivid greena and browna and . the coast line eaaumed av rugged, wild -appearance, wlta the Jagged" tope er the : ' mountains edged agalnat tha aky like ;T"huge eharp-pointed aaw teeth.' At the foot of thoaa jagged cliff a the aurf beat with aa incessant roar. -.r .... , BCtiBfltt-TJlamSftJ-HaaC . 1 After-rorandrng-Diamond Head one weta ', ' the'firsT view 'ofHohblultb "Pecked iff - her-profusion -of tropical verdure and .' looking out upon a bay beautiful in lta varying colore, sets the "Mistress of the Paclf lo."! with ' her back to the Vide amewbTtror"iava domes" mr yolcanie peaks, giving reminders of thoaa .daya when thla aoene was the amphitheatre of that fiery power at -work upon the - building of tne island paradise. . It waa 11:S -o'clock when our boat anchored la the bay, but on account of r- -an out-going ateamer we. wera unable to land until S o'clock. A jsoon aa our . eblp aet anchor a delegation of Honolulu . young men who had come out in a yacht to meat and welcome our party came en ',"."." board, bringing with them garlands of .. flower called in the native vernacular "leU," wlta-whlch tbey4eeoraLed, each . member of Tha Journal'a party. It la with a feelinsvof Just pride that I wriU that after this, marked ahow of att en- tlon from- Honolulu's eltlaena that-Tha Journal'a party immediately became the '.'center of attraction, not only by thoaa who bad- coma to great them, but tha entire list of passengera, and all were :, eager for Journal badges te carry away . ( pa son yciujSh . oaraal Baity Baoarts. - f -The Journal' party, escorted by Messrs. vexum,' Downing, Johnson, Tay lor and Cannon, ware the Brat te go - down "tha gangplank, where they were ' met by Hon. W, A. Wann, County Trees-, ,.urer Trent ana Mr. Boyd or tha Royal Hawaiian hotel and conduoted thro&gh the throng of interested spectators to carriagea which wore waiting to take ua to the hotel, where, delightful aeeom modatlona had been prepared. I - will -just add that there had not been-In I ' .Jl -.IJ-XLJ JLj- w ITft entertain your friends teyourVvm home. -Are you an accomplished pianist? "Are you a tal ented singer? Are you possessed of great reading or dramatic ability? -Probably not, for these --ar the exception, not the rule.- Do you ever tu A A little short of conversation and wish you had .' some little 'diversion for those friends you wish to entertain? No doubt you do, and here Is the very thing you have been looking for. It is a want and a necessity as well as a luxury for every home and through this ':::'' - '."' ' .'. -. ' ; I """"-;'--';--,v..:.,v. . ,; UNPARALLELED FREE OFFER The Journal is now enabled tooreaemtoachjofjts readers, old and new, one of these rich- - toned instruments : , A $7.50 Columbia Graphophone Mf-W: Absolutely.:; FREEv; It brings to your home all of these accomplishments you would so like to possess, and it is so simple in construction your little child can easily operate it. This is a reduced reproduction of the $7.50 COLUMBIA UKAPHUFHUNE. it cannot De TMAI17TH1S COUPONTO hHaV-JOURHAL-TODA or ioquire at :rColunibia Phonogfraph Co 37i.H!a.$hinloi! t end get m Una for - one of the graphophones. yeara an incoming boat that had at t meted so large crowd at the whart Immediately on reaching the hotel the party .waa thoroughly interviewed by reporters from each of the leading liewepapen and weie then eeeortuil the beautiful park' In front of the state building, where photographers - ware kept baay for aome time, the result of which, the pictures of. The Journal'a prise wlnnera appeared in their next laauea with- meat creditable mention. Soon After retiring to the hotel Acting OoTornor Atkinson called te par bia re- epeote to . The Journal party and ef f ered every courteay In hia power te be granted ua. i Altasiirw a aemplata Itinerary ef euf tvialt bad been prepared before onr ar rival we were Immediately extended many outside invitations. One especial-I ly wortny ox napuon, ana wnicn, iirea as we ere, was to attend a ball given by the Rebecca lodge tha aama evening, and which proved to be moot enjoyable. Aa aoon aa the enchanting atralna of the Hawaiian- mnalo accompanied by the blending of their voices waa heard Rtt-HlPUghti Pf vaniahed. ' .:' ' . wiorat facade. : .-- ;: Today waa a great day for Honolulu. The floral parade waa a grand success and a wonder te all who bad aome from a. leas-favored dime. . It" was a alght never - to be forgotten. Inimitable and not to be aeen elsewhere than in the picturesque Isles of . thd aouthern aea. Tha atriking feature of this-unique pa geant waa tne ra-n riders, arapea tn their many-colored flowing riding coa- tumea. It la estimated that no -otner event on the Island aver called forth so much anthualaara or waa witneaaed by so many people.' The entire course of tha parade waa lined en both aldaa by an appreciative and enthuslaette throng. - The - tally-he- In which The - Journal girls rode waa third in the Una of di visions and waa beautifully decorated with lUma. iela, Intermingled with, green, with the name "Oregon" formed from let tare woven Xror he)aPn each aide. Tha Journai party In tha parade waa tha gueat of W. A. Wann. . The fact that the decoration of the Oregon float waa'orlhe "natlonartloWrmaa1lTirt wtth-tha ewattajtrand"-ne we peeved" along aimat were orr and otre-vary arae wera hears for- 4ae-Otego glrla. Kach member of The party waa dresaed In white and on thalr bead wore a lei of the yellow tllma- and carried hand boquet or American Beauty roeea, the gift of Mrs. Wann. Thla was a much appreciated courteay, aa . rosea are very scarce on the islands. The party also carried American flags, presented by Mr. H. Bews, manager of the Hawaiian hotel, which they waved In recognition to the applause of the crowd. Besides The Journal party. Mr. and Mr. Wann and Mr. Bdward Dekum rede In the Ore gon float. ,'-, -: -.' ; Mm ei la yataaa. -Tha next conveyance waa a handsome turnout In which eat Prince David and Colonel 6am Parker. ' Badges wera aent to them from ear party, which they amlllngly accented? gallantly doffed their hat In recognition and paid ua the honor of "wearing "them tir the parade. Aa a gallant the prince la faultless. One of our girls accidentally dropped bar flag, whereupon tha prlnee Jumped to tha ground, rescued the fallen flag and with the grace of a true prince ,r turfreorimd lta bwrierVT "" . : The grand review of the parade for tha awarding ef prises waa held before the grandstand at Kaplolanl park and they ' were awarded by - Frtncese David Kauawawakoa. - -When -Tho Journal party waa called up to receive their prise the prlnceaa amlllngly aald: "Ker the first four-in-hand and lta oontenta." - , The crpwd' broke out la-enthuslaatle applauae -nd the - band struck up America." The day"e feetlvltlea closed with a grand balDet tha Royal Hawaiian : : nat CgM Yom Do?- With a Subscription to : . .This: The COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE received the ; Highest Award -at the ' St : Louis World's .i Fair, 1904 Paris Exposition, 1900. -. ' v Date,. .it t " The Journal, " ."" . . . , . -'. Fifth and Yamhill Streets: ' . ; ,. ; :' v, ., ... ..... .... .... ;. i - . Please send solicitor to my address to explain FREE GRAPHOPHONE OFFER. - - ; - Name. . . .'. i'i . .v. , . ' : -: - ........... I ...... , - - somaAmo rammaowi EDrTORDAlh We are watching with intereat affair 1nXdaho and "thr threatened troublee-in China and between France and Ger many, yet we expect that men generally are more interested in those elegantly tailored eulta we are turning out at ft to lit each. ' These 'garments conalst of the latest and. moat exclusive patterns. specially manufactured for the lead! n swell, -tallore' of the country,' tin 'fin" tlemen who wear tnem may oa assurea that their clothes are nobby and up to tha second In all things that belong to atvla and fashion. Our own,. war la upon clothes that fit like baga oa a hitching post.' You can t buy thai kind frbm ua at any price. We carry a fine selection of gentle- men a furnishing gooos la connection. TAILORS 133 Toorth an. Bet. Waabiagton hotel and which tha aristocracy . ef Honolulu attended an masse. .. Our manv Oregon f rlenda. who have evinced ao much Intereat in our behalf. will be pleased to know that wa are having honor and courteelea ahowered upon ua by the hospitable people of Honolulu, and -although we have beea In the islands but 14 hours, we have en- Joyed a eeaaon cf pleasure and auon aa ia only to be found in Hawaii, the beau tiful land far away. r- Madame Johanna Gadskl, the world ambuTlolTrino, Who wQl be heard' in a popular and classical aonf re. ' chal at the Marguam Grand thea I tre next Thursday evenlnf; March 8 "The Plant Tree." that rreat novel by Savld Ornkaaa PMlllpa, will Intereat yon, , foy tt deal with the vexing pros lam at practical Amariean politics. It WlU eemmaaee la nesrt naday'a Joua- Be sure -and gl ri. - . . 1 Dougnt tor less,. mtee. Paper ,. , 1 1 1 1 ROCICS EASILY v Columbia Intake Pipe , Takes in Chunks of Stone Weijhjng ' Sixty Pounds Each."' GRAVEL AND HARDPAN : - ALSO BEING PIPED UP Dredga Portland - Much Stronger Sin Being Rebnilt. ".Says'" Captain -tSTOVtt WiUJatari. on Eaat Side Experimental Fills In Week, of So. Rocks weighing I pounda are being taken ihreusa 4he-motkm pipe-of the areage coiumoi. which Is deepening the channel In front of the new Albina dock belonging to the A.R. 4 N. Ce ment gravel and hard pan are also being plped-up. ad -deposited- euthe beak of 4 the river. . Captain Orovea, who la Jo charge of the dredging operaUone In the harbor, saye it la tha hard sat for matlen that he has had te contend with ao far.' Ua aaaerta that thla la th first time that an. .attempt -has -been made to pips out such heavy rocks. After the .work Is completed at 'the point where the Columbia 'la now em- plqyed, aha will , be moved to the Par elflo Coast Elevator company" a 'dock. where a deeper channel will be dug. A contract for doing a certain amount ef dredging In front ef that wharf waa closed yesterday. It is estimated that it will require about -three - weeka for the Columbia to complete the dredging operatlona which hav been laid -out for her to do, ' It la auppoeed that the aama aort of material will have te be bandied t the elevator dock.' '"The dredge Portland - ia ' making - a fine showing -since ' aha was rebuilt aald Captain Orovea thla morning.' Bhe la doing much batter work than before. gaseng-tlk- l For the next week the .Portland 'Will na engagea in deepening the channel in front of tha Portland Flouring mllla-lfihe Aiier, xnax wore; .. nag ; peen. compierea.1 She - will -start In on the con tract of making filla to eaat aide property. - She wiU make a run of a few daya on the east aide work In order that it -may ba learned the-eoet of operating her. Thla will depend. It la explained, upon the -character of the formation. " If the experiment proves that the cost will not ba excessive, she.' will be employed there tha greater portion of the- eprlng. Captain. Orovea aaya It would be m great accommodation te him if the pi lots and captains would have their ves sels proceed slowly while passing the flour -nillL He asaerta that otherwise the crafts create euch heavy awells that they hinder hie work.. JOURNEY A WONDER. Bneyg Trip la Current urprlaea Sfartae : ' ' Ken, Wne lta Xavertagatei-- Imm reiicg 0.' 'Mnrf ryTaaslstaht aeo retary .of the department of commerce and labor, passed through Portland thla morning on hia way eaat-from Seattle. where ha waa at the head of the special commission aent from - Washington to make an investigation into tha Valencia disaster. The inquiry la practically completed and the otner mem bare of tha commission will probably leave for tha eaat on Monday. . Mr. Murray .aald ha was particularly Intereated in reading the article in Tha Journal the other day concerning the remarkable rapidity ""at " which the whistling buoy waa carried by the coast current from Oray'a harbor to tha rt7rTftgriver, British Colombia; The rtTT. Ii buoy made the trip In Mr. Murray aald he did not believe that such an incident, had ever been dupli cated.. He intendr te make a full report of the. matter to the department oa.his return to Washington. - - Commander J. F. Werltch, lighthouse inspector In fhl district, la also much interested in the subject and -declares that If he had another tender at hia disposal ha would make n thorough in I vestigation or tha current. ' - "I would go to Grays Harbor," he as serted, "and place - another whistling buoy ef the eame slse as that which made the remarkable run In the current I dm euro that I would aeeure moat valuable data. But unfortunately one ef our tenders le out of aervlee and the Heather ia needed - for carrying sup plies." " roiBjnan4erjrJich.aavahatALgoonl aa he can get matter aa am Intends te take current observations from the ' lightships stationed at the vaiioua polpta along the coast - FEBRUARY. DUTIES. Oaawm eceipte ea Zmportsi S&xty-elg . Thousand Sollara. Heavy transactions wera made at the custom house in February notwithstand ing there- waa a perceptible falling off In the export business. Duties on Im ports collected for the month amounted to is,, as against bo,iii.t for the corresponding period of laat year. February, 190, In the matter ef im ports .ran far ahead of the average monthly ahowing for ltOS, which ap proximated more ' than tte.oOS. The money taken in laat month represents the tariff which waa collected on thai goods brought on the oriental liners and several sailing ahlpa which came front Europe, 'If February le criterion. the f average monthly showing ef the Im port business wiU be one fourth greater than in lies, r- RED0ND0 FLOATED DeoUoad of Tbumaet aad Sunt Oral Sad to Be Jtemoved. After "removing her deckload of lum ber and 1,100 aacka of grain the steamer Redondo, wbloh ran oa the government Jetty oppoalte 8t Helens recently, was floated thla morning. - ene at once pro ceeded for Portland under her , own ateam and will arrive"" early thla. after noon. The vessel will moot et Mont gutiiery dock, where' the remainder of her freight will be removed. It Is then planned te -plaea her on the oTryaocTT for repairs, it is not peiiavea inat ane waa ao badly damaged as at first be lieved. : Taylor. . Toung Co., the lo cal agwnta, got a telegram which said that she waa making good progress. The ateiamer Henderaoa accompanied her., r- - i ;- -. " SAILORS COMPLAIN. Seamen aa Snip Berlin Bay They Were Chamghaied at Sen Franoisoo. - i Bailors from -tha American ship" Ber lin made a complaint to Shipping Corns mlsRtoner - Barnes yesterday that they had been forced te make the voyage on the vessel' from Ban FranclscC agalnat their will and . requested that some I are prevented and, cured by the greatest of all, and strictly scientific remedy for ' ' Throat and Lung Troubles.' Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc,, vis t "Cared of p. 1 had been ill for Talladega Epri, Ala., tetter uutlf t trisctDr. by eotttinulnar Its nse, I riticna, 7 . fjoc and XK atepa be . taken to foroe the captain te pay them their wagea and release them from - further service. - - Mr. - Barnes re ferred them - to. the district attorney, and it la understood that ' the aeamea won their, point. The men declared hat they were ehangaled at Ban Fran- clsco. While under the innuenca or Uquor In .the back, pert ofjt aalppn. at! the Bay. City, they aald, -they were made to elgn thalr namea to a docu ment of which they did not know tha A,ifa.t1tiv"avarr"t""wara have- much are4TlurrlBa-wr-t,c,ard Berlin Snd'dtd not know Tny Timd ahtppedTta-make a vnyt age unui xomw were lar sural aea.- iiw Berlin arrived at Qoble afew daya ago. wiU remain there uiitll about April 1. when-she wlU eome' up, to J'orUand and load, cannery auppliea for Nuaha- gak riven Alaska. . . ,. -.-.-r. t- MARINE NOTES. Astoria. March IV-Arrlved at -1:40 a. m., Brltlab ateamer yarmont from San Francisco. Arrived down at a. nv ateamer Columbia. . Arrived . down at : a. m.achooner Beulao. ' Ban Franoisoo, March t, Balled at It laat flight, steamer fJorthlri,-Of Port land. . AsUria, March I. Arrived down at I p. m. steamer Aureus. - Astoria, March . Condition of the bar at I a, miv-rough;. wind aouthwest weather elntilv. - - " r - DEKOUriCE NEWSPAPERS FOR PUBLICITY SIVEH GRILIE Chicago Club Women Think That Publication of Murders Brutalize Community. (Jesreal Specie! Servtee.). Chlcaa-Q. March . "XJeasa publish' lng the detalla of crime and you check lta progresa 'ana - nun ins muraerer from-his irtnnacle of fame, "ill crlm- final frienda become Impressed with the SFUBU lyejl' ' aajjil' BfW (uujiuiubi V'w aeration in priaon. Four lines la print Is sufficient to chronicle the fact that a man of Hoch's stamp has been hanged, and a like amount of space la ample for giving out tha news of . all revolting murdera." . .. Thla idea la sdvanced by Mlaa Har riet B. Thomaa. president of the South Bldeglub cfChlrago,' whose members have, unanimously adopted resolution denounclna- -the "publicity given - crime tn Chicago) through the medium of the press." - - ' - Mies Thomaa, who claims to voice the sentiment of the elub ever which aha presides, goes. deep 'into the subject of modern civilisation. Bhe holda that the detalla ef a horrible murder, if. given to ths ejublie, are calculated to fasol nate a certain aeotlon of the community d brutallte It to aa alarming extent ' A Mnmaa Qoavealenee. .. . .' From Touth's Companion. . certain western railroad which has not 'yet beea "reorganised" by wall street Is etill owned and operated by the blunt-spoken old lumberman who built it Laat year, after particularly aevere ac cident upon it the agent for an auto matic block signal ayatem called and trted te get a contract for Installation. The old lumberman examined tne de vice attentively, and seemed, much Inter ested. - - ' -- ': - .. "Your chief engineer recommends it highly," said the agent "He told me to use his name with you, and tie would aea vou later." "Wall." aald tha lumberman, "i recaor It le a pretty machine. I like to alt hers snd see It work myself, it's so all-fired aura. But come to using It upon my road vouna- feller. I've been vanning a railroad soms longefn yoiv'.end I'll teU you aometblng. , .. "Accidents is bound te happen about enoe in so often, no matter what you do. I've got three brekemen-ln Jail now, and I've vewed-to hang tha next one, and the public la pretty well satisfied. But what satisfaction is it going to os ror any one if-1 g te wera? and - hang; aa eld -automatic machine."- , Qreen, Short Slab-Wood Frenv-taman-Poulaen's mill on the liatsiJsldsjjidlhsJgortland mill -WV-the West Bide, will be sold at $1.50 Per Load For a ahort time, aa per the dlstrlota advertised by vs last Fall.- Theae prlcea wiU hot be continued for long. Banfield-Veysey FucI Co: Tel. state SSS. SS4 nosB ITSUI. : ilj'B:t -0 Lrxl Q " IF i .i hi ii ! iisn S I ii.i - ., ai laa-. s Wi-ssi. Fen g:::sij:.:?t::!, GGJsnsjirixcoLD Pnemaonia Alter Doctora Failede some tins with Pnsamonla," "and tris csisr ths cr of twtf doct6rs,1)at grrsw no" Ktnrt Ksw Clstry."---Thr first liosr pirejirelisf; tnd, wu perfsetl? enr?lt- - r . :r "'j? BSCOMHKMDED, ' aVASLAJSTBSD '."-JV- '. :.- AMD sou . & O. . SKIDMORE ft CO. " TtefncptlaCclcrtd frcil Don't monkev wour rJma kwav. But WALL PAPER neOOclptyou. lelect your WAtWjL.' HANGINGS from THK LATKST . rlTrTqT" TTTT fLTllTB naHwn. l-lVESEHPADnS :j? ... Ij... To out-of-town customer. . . on request. - Porlland Pain! and Wall Paper Co. :.""', Phong Main 4979. , .' - - '- :.. , 16S-170 Second 6tret, het Morrison and Yamhill Suxets.' ' f 6.W.WEATHERLY. CoauanoCoke T mtm li gM ?r' m a WE ASSUR5 OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD-- LESS OP -COMBINE" n'ELHrTHflOSfflOPDIS STOLEN FROfJ HOTEL Souvsnlr Hunting Kleptomania on the . Increase Plated ; Tableware Now Used. - iJoarnal Special Serrlet.) ' New Tork, March i. The head waiter In one of New. York's most celebrated hotels said: . . ."The form of oouvenlr hunting klep tomania, or plain petty- larceny, which cravaa silver spoons, la very much ea the Increase, r Tills notei lost ix.oue spoons last year, moat ef them small, dainty tea, coffee or sherbet epoona, engraved with the hotet monogram. "After a very recent ainner nere that-f larga state eocletf Just 161 silver spoons ' went ' borne with the gneeta. We ehall do practically nothing about It Prosecution would be profit' The hotela aave themselves now by using cheap plated spoons for big Sin ners. Solid ware le used only for gmalL exclueivs dinner partlee." , Beatraotive Bugs. ;'.'. ' from Countryiaiiin America. If Lhe power of the mosquito had not been proven. to .us. beyond a doubt, we would be Inclined to regard the eatlmate of.410g.fr0.aoo"ual lose te eur farm Ing interesta caused by Inaecte. which iaa been maila hy iha rlaparf ment of Ag riculture, as too atartllna) to be true. Such an Immense sum being wen worth the eavlng, the department has In its employ a large atari ef men whe are study ins the lire history or tne per nicious insects te find out where they rt vulnerable. The work haa been go ing en tor aome yeara and much prog resa hsi already been made. The cotton worm, which formerly levied . an an. nual tax of 1 J 0,000,900 on the eotton crop. Is now controlled " by sprays; It haa proven that the ravagee of the Rua elaa fry, which sometimes havs reduced the . wheat aareaga In Ohio 40 par cent, and-In Indiana per- aent,' baalde greatly Impairing the yield of the re maining acreage, can be .considerably checked by planting wheat at aeaaona when the fly U aet ee rapeciousj to writes 3. W. MeKlnnon of I H i I ' ft 1 ri a a ' rl I VI r v V t -1 Samplsa -Tiy tg jJ.aPECj HM.CARUDCK. Ti'itjrrison PhoneEast244v, OR COMPETITION There's Another Reason Than looks why your teeth should be kept in perfect condition your- health. Without- gooJ -teeth- it's impossible to masticate your food pJJerjyiJln4r?(J 1n4igeition"ehsuet and a long, trair'plr troubles. We examine teeth without . charge and do for'them exactly what -they need.'- """".:' (' j' " WISE BROS. Main 2029. . riThlrd and Washington." - Open evenings anduadsyaWork done on easy payments. Learn to Write; ADS -.' armJUsiTLT ajto at- ... . TBAOTTTBiT. . I, - A course . In our school thor oughly equips you to take charge .of an advertising campaign to the beat advantage. . , . -:. ..,., V - UU OS OB WSRI US IT Was. SAT TOW. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE s-J ' rr. WS aUolng ":Ay- f Ttk ABB STABj: eodllng moth le cohtrolled by arsenl- cal sprays and 120,000,000 worth of ap plea gaved ea a result. The orange and lemon orchards of California have been relieved of the while aesie which threat ened to deetroy them by the Imports v tlon from Australia of the ladybird, a natural enemy of the acale. Many other Instance could be given of tha wlailnm Of watching tha lneecta. . , Pteferrea Seek Oaanedi Oeeda. , Allen A Lewis Best Brep.0. - T?. : -llr-WalT Stieel. 1 n "r ta a Wsn street rrowd a Claalnaattas, think sg that he rteocnlsed s .fol.ii emhrells eaarr . a fa awe's arm." ahonfff8top "tBlfT'-anor" laetaely feaaa the teamlag thoroofhfire St tart and bimeett tlon. , ' ; TjrTAXtTABIrB TOM BXBmtATISM. t 'have been aufTering for the past few - ?eara with a aevere attack of rheuma Ism and found that Dnllard'S Know, Un Iment waa the only thlnsMhal gave me satisfaction and tended te VHeVlate my " pains. March 24, '01. Jnttti C. XDernan, kinsman. 111. 26c, (Oo and li.OO. Woodard, Clarke Co. x C J" --4.V- V