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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1906)
:t-;.V::'.v:v;,. v the oitzcau da 'V'- ILY - JOURNAL, - POHTLAUD, : THURSDAY - EVENIKO. MARCH -I KC3.: a-sf?ii;;c "fc;,;em- c:cDVan!iStoro'sLltfJeCffi Ycvn YcIes TOKiasri AMvtatzvn. , t - Mirtjumm Grand. , Maker ........... Kaiulf ., .. Crasd . . . . . Shrhton foMert .'.Musical ftarloaue ..."ttum.a Until" ';.tfuui A -Hat" VaulT!He Veitae.Ml . Presiding ElderCoffe of the Fro Methodist church has prevailed upon Rev. ...Jl.-'1--- Whltoomb,' president of : Ureenvllle college,- Greenville, Illinois, who came to the coaat on a visit to th .Free Methodist seminary at Seattle-, to . pr Portland a short call while In th : wst. :Mr.i. Whltcomhc: Is mntsrt r'ihe ablest mlnlMters In hm Fres Methodist denomination, and that those desiring . may, have en opportunity to hear him h Will preach in the Uliv Branch, mls sion, 2S First afreet, near . Columbia, atwrday-nd" Sunday evenings. and the Free Methodist church. East "Ninth and Mill streets, on Sunday at 11. a. in. ;.. Mrs. Julius J. Kuhn. wlf of the mur dered east' aide saloonkeeper, was, this morning; granted permission by County Judge Lionel- K. Webster to reopen the suloon of her late' husband, -located on the corner of Williams avenue and Weldler street. Mrs. Kuhn says that the longer the saloon remained closed J he less valuable It became. A . partial report of the appraisers of the Kuhn uatate was filed . today, showing that the saloon's wares are worth test. Kuhn's personal household' fixtures are valued at St2.: . . ' News has been received In Portland that Henry Rustln, the electrician who planned the illumination for the Pan American and St Louis fairs. Is dead at his home, In Florence. Nebraska. ... His demise -occurred on Tuesday last Mr. Rustin was formerly chief - electrician for the Portland Railway company. 'While here he married ttrsrdaughter of Captain Opd win, U. S. A., who was thei -stationed t Vancouver-barracks. " T Carl Denton; organist of Trinity church, gave recital on the new pip organ In the Episcopal church at The UUe on Monday evening last at which a largo and appreciative audience was present, .Th-j)rograjn Included, works by (Tullmant, . Woatenholmne, Tours, Dubois. Adams and others. Mrs. Ernest LaJdUw was the assisting vocalist and charmed the audience with her artlstlo singing. - On tomorrow svenlng at the Whit Temple Will O. Steel will deliver an .illustrated lecture on. i Mount-Rainier and other mountains of Oregon and Washington under the auspices of the Masamas. Mr. Steel has some fin ..views of Mount Rainier and other peaJt in the northwest and some Interesting information about -trt -originals of the pictures. Articles " of Incorporation for " the Henry, Berger company-war filed In the -county clerk's office this morning by Henry Berger, -Henry Berger Jr.- ami O. W. Caldwell. Its capital stock being tlO.OOO. Yesterday afternoon the Pa- "cltlo Reduotlon company . was Incorpo rated by W. D. Scottr RA JRsld: and Ira. P. K. Reynolds with a capital stock of ... - v - - Through his attorneys, S. C Spencer nd W. M. .Davis, Frank Reese yester day Med a suit against the Lewis and , Clark Exposition company for tTOO ha allege la due him for grading, oiling and other - work on the roads leading through the fair grounds. Interest on t700 from May 1. HOI, la also sued for. The Mlases Helen and Jessie Raid re- 1 turned yesterday after a long visit with relative in Astoria, to - the home of their uncle. J. Thortrarn Ross. About Jh middle of April they expect to go to caliromla ror a several weeks stay, returning again to' Portland before leav ing for their home in England. - - t Penney Bros.' Friday Special Five -big bargains Ja wine: tl-tO grade of Whit or Red Port, at $1 per gallon; tl.lo grade of Muscat, at tt per gallon; 11.60 grade of Sherry, at tt per gallon; grade of Sauterne, at tl per gallon. Phone Bast JtT. - Free delivery, t7 ttl Bast Morrison, - . flu j. (By on r, pote.") . Qernfans clttln' ready -far a wun jonusjniiie. - Colored folk at'Mprlngfleld a - climbln' up a tree. - Mayor of Portland city pullln' - nrimoe up b--Ua rootSr ... Sergeant Stephen Hogeboom 1 told to ''chute the chutes." -Oh, there's a Joy In every circle happiness a stalkln' 'round ,i An' still we're doln' washln' at six? r copper cents a pound. Uati oalled for aad Aslivwwt to aay part of tae city. Union laundry ' : raooav An oozmatM. ru.iuaim. CLAIMS 1 OR. WALKER HELD out so:.:e ASSETS Helen E. Ball Makes Serious Ac i . cusations Claiming In- ; terestin Estate. v Dr. Ralph C Walker of Portland,, who soma time ago filed a petition la bank ruptcy In the federal court, has been opposed by Helen E. Ball, -daughter of C A. Ball, who claims an interest In the bankrupt's estate. Jn her objec tions to the discharge: she avers: "That said Ralph C Walker, bank rupt., .committed on -offense punishable by Imprisonment as provided In the act of bankruptcy that Is, has knowingly, falsely ami-fraudulently-scheduled the claim of Dr. A. D. Walker, the father of said bankrupt, against the said es tate for tilt, and the claim of Mrs. K. F. Walker, mother of said bankrupt against said estate, for the sum of $50, when. In truth and In - fact- neither of said parties had a Valid claim against aid estate.1' , In- addition. Miss Ball claims that Dr. Walksr, wUh intent to misrepresent hi financial condition, "concealed or failed . to keep, books .of-account and records, from - which such , condition jplght be ascertained. 8he also de clares that Dr. Walker "fraudulently concealed, while a bankrupt- from- his trustee and the creditors, property be longing to - hi estate In bankruptcy," supposed to be worth not less than $500. -Besides "making false oath with ref erence to the said property so con. I coaled.' MIS Ball declare that' Dr. Walker, four month Immediately pre ceding the flung of hi petition In bank ruptcy, "transferred or concealed, . or permitted to be concealed, property of the said bankrupt with the intent to hinder, delay and defraud his creditors," including a considerable sum of money and an interest In lot I and 4, block It, Irvlngton. Multnomah county, .., - . t-- FORMER LIVERY STABLE S i FOR ST0RES1WD OFFICES Mary A. Waist ha filed a suit In the Alt court for the purposes offreoing4 herseu rrom Frank O. Welst and get ting back her maiden nam- of Mary A. Selfert The couple were -married at Eugene, Oregon, October If, ltot. . D. sertloa 1 charged. V - Van C. panning, an east eld under taker, ha filed a declaration to become : a candidate for the nomination for county coroner.- He asks that the fol lowing be printed after his ntn primary ballots: "Thoughtful car to all duties of th offle." . . " Connty Judge Lionel Webster will ad dress a meeting this - evening of -th Christian union at the First Unitarian church chapel on ths subject. "Efficiency -of Convict Labor for Building Roads." The publlo 1 cordially invited.- -- ' . r -j ... "r-.- ' ( - Watches. Watches, Watches On easy weeaiy payments, si aown, too per -week. -Uotft-go Without a good timepiece.-Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street Why pay : $$ t $10 for eyeglassesf W guarantee a perfeot fit for $1. Eye examined f re. Metsger A Co., Ill Sixth street " Quality, Quantity and Quickness Is the rule at the Morris restaurant lit Washington street . .- Gold medal for lawn grass and sweet pea. Butser, seedsman, lit Front Thursday Night club's monthly dance ,t Burkhard hall tonight 7 7' . , Toder's piano studio. Phone E. M5. -"- Joseph J - .Llbf-haB-ftled-adeclara tion to become a candidate for ' the nomination of constable) of the west Justice of the peace office. His plat- t: Qreen, Short Slab Wood " Extensiveyalteratlons are to be made to th building belonging to th D. P. Thompson estate, at th northeast cor ner of Third and Madison streets. The building was formerly occupied by th Anderson Bros.' livery stable. It Is now vacant and will be entirely remodeled. Th first floor will be fitted up for stores and th Second floor for offices. It is said that two additional stories for offices will be added. To permit for making th repairs was Issued yes terday. -J,aw Kllgreen Is , "th . con tractor who has. undertaken to do the work and th consideration named la tlt.OOO. ; . - Other permits have been Issued as follows: H. L. Camp, repairs to spart msnt house, corner Taylor and Four teenth streets, cost tl.900; S. White, cottage, corner Weldler street and Wil liam avenue; O. D. Stanley, residence. East Second between Nehalem and Lee. streets, cost $2,(00; T. 8. Holden, cot-, tag; corner Alberta and North Elgh teenth streets, cost, $1.180: Corbett Falling A- Co.,Tepalrs 6 store;-corner Front and Oak streets, cost $1,100; J. W. Dlmlck, cottage, corner East Eigh teenth and East Washington streets, cost Il.tOO; John Elfers, repairs to real dence, corner Olbb and Second streets, cost 1100; A. Carlson, addition to store, corner East Water and East Morrison streets, east, . $300; Mrs. Harrington, oornsr Borthwlck street and Killings- r.iot): otto Erick- son.- repairs to residence, tit Missouri avenue, cost $600; A. L. Miller, cottage, corner Alblna Avenue and Jsssup atreett cost ll.OOt. ? , CARE OF THE TEETH. a Wis la Tims nss Tour Tt Millions ' of people sr - carelessly undermining their health In a way least suspected. Th guards to th gatswsy 4 ef -heeith are- the- teeth, and -co .constl- tutlon Is so strong that It will not finally succumb to th Improper masti cation of food. And how can you properly masticate your food with loose, sore, sensitive teeth T Th habit of car ing for th teeth daily,' especially at night and morning,' and. if possible, after each meal, should be established early in life. - Those who have neg lected to do mo should lose no time in consulting a reputable dentist and then persistently caring for th - teeth day by day. Children especially should be taught to us the tooth brush and some rellsbl dentifrice. , The more pleasing the preparation. th easier It will be to teach them Ita dally use. , A- fragrant refreshing liquid IS recommended, ss It Is a mouth wash . as wsli as a tooth cleanser. Powders and pastss can be safely used, provided . ; they., are .Jf re from fermentable sugars, , acids and gritty substances, so says . Dr. H. is. PVltchard, . representing th Boapdont preparations, who is spending several days In - Portland interviewing the dentists and showing4 each by special tests how beneficial Sosodont is In the healthy maintenance of jtha teeth- mouth and gum. - . ,- From Inman-Poulssn' mill on th sryarnd-tht Fortuna mur oimnr -West Side, wIU be sold-at r J 7 Per Lohd -for a short time,' ss per Thi'dlstrlcts advertised by us last Fall. These prices will sot be continued for long. Banfield- Veysey Feci Co Cel. TSUU gas. MM f Eies at 3 Pairs fdr :50c FcW' tonorrowf 84)th" W best btntjvn ot lyw'foT economical men 10,000 ptirt of the celebrated MShawknIt" ox to be told at a phenomenally low rrice This Immense lot of high-grade half hose pcrchased Cnct froa CcTIat Lowell, l,ias,rnd ere what -the f mannfecturer ctvBs "slightly hnperfecf'We fall to Cad any imperfectiora, after e- amining oyer half the lot An imperfect figure or a isisplaced stitch caused by the sGp of a Shuttle can hardly be called an imperfection Every good style is irvcloded, a great ; variety of fancies in the latest designs and colorings, plaia black, tan, blue and grays, : black silk lisle with spEt foot, black sbc lisle with linen feety tan cotton with split foot, I Mck cotton with ecru feet, and-mottled grays in all sixes Every man and young man fn Portland and vicinity should supply his hosiery needs for many months to come a,t this : - wonderfully low price If you can't come yourself send mother, sister or friend Phone and moO orders wCl be promptly tilled See Fifth-St, window Tomorrow only 3te.50c Mctfs Fornishins Goods Specials Special lot of 25 dox. inea't unlaundered White SHirts, re- A! inforced bacMmenv bosom, all sixes; beat val.ver offered., NSsfC 10Q dorerCnie'n'i Silk Four-ln-Hand Tiei In t food Ttriety of ... patterni and colorings; every, tie- regular; 25c value, ,1 Qf -r your choice today- at. . . .............. . .. 50 doren men't fancy Wtb Suspender lt -food petterns,")0 lax 50c values at.... M J 29c leather ends; regular 50c values at Men's "colored, stiff-bosom Shirts" In good patterns and coloringvdetached culfs best $L00-values at...,. .. Special lot of boyt' unlaundered Shlrtt, In.all sittsrregu C. r laf 50c values oh sale at. ....... ;... ...... ...i..-.ww Men's 25c pure linen Handkerchief,-all widths of hern; COf great" tpedataIaertodtytlhTeecT7Trrr7?rT; Ribbons 200 yards of Persian Ribbons - in -dainty colorings, suitable . for tab: collars; desirable styles in good assortment; 40c value at. . , '. -r.-. nT.94 3,000 yards of striped Tab RitK bons In rose, Nile, yellow, t)luerwhtte,ttld -rose.strrpes with white ground; 35c val ues for,-yard. ....... ..23 10,000 yards of beautiful Silk -"- Foille Ribbons, 5 in. wide; all the popular shades; T 40cquarity".Tr7Tfr,rrTf ."3 1 e 5 Pod Lineris t 100 doren Bleached Turkish Bath Llowelsy big sizes fine quality; great special value at, . . ; . .. ; . ...... 2T Fringed ' Turkish Bath -Towelsr-ftrff ' bleached, big sixe; best value ever offered at this low price of rr. SOar 100 dozen all-linen - hemmed Httck Towelsr40c value at.. . . .-....-- 200 dozen all-linen hemmed Htick Towels; 22c. value at . . ......... 15at Hemmed Marseilles pattern - Bed-- spreads; vreat value at.. ....f 1-10 Hemmed Marseilles pattern Bed- tpreadsf $1.75 value at .rrrrr. f t.4 Laco Curtains and JXurtfrin: Materials 200 pairs of, White Ruffled Net Curtainsv ' Battenburg edgcnd insertion, imita- tion Cluny . edge and insertion; very best styles; regular $2.50 values on ""sale at this low fj 1 flQ price, pair. V 1 SpecTaTiot of Brustels Net Curtains, dainty al lover patterns in big. variety; vegular $4,50- nd $5.00 - C4!" fftk values, pair...... w.. V2 5,000 yards of dark colored Cretonnes in ... the best patterns and shades; the regu lar 15c. quality on sale for,,: J J q Special lot of . White Lace Curtains in good designs, 54Jnches wide by 3 yards 5,000 yards of colored stripe Madras In the newest designs - and . colors; the regulafloWgrade-on sale at ihi 30inchAlabjan Cib e Net, the best 30c 'quality on ;sale io lay at this "Ol .special pricer yaril .... McierQ Franks 840th Friday Surprise Sale I?me Silk IPefficoats ''1 Valnes to $14at.S6.85 Another great distribution of high-grade sCk Petticoats is planned vf or tomorrow 300 of these in a splendid assortment of styles and colorings to be -told af an cn usually low price Made of the best tpiaKty taffeta sCks with deep pleating, shirred, tucked, stitched bands or three rows rnching on ruffles-Red, navy, green, brown, .long; the regular $1.25 vaiuesgfliVghtand darkaysTblack-and a fine assoitment of. , w.. r- - i . . , - - . . , . . . cnangeopie colors nanosomeiy maae ana nmsneq, rosj widths,- best product of the leading silk petticoat manufacturer in the land Values up to $14.00 tomorrow only at . -. , . ; Grand openiagsale and display of "Mara.aUe" Lingerie Watsts Beautiful styles In a great assortment at prices ranging from $3.50 to $15X)Q Second frloor $6.85 JIKiUeA- form is: 'Honest in of flee, and strict tteMioa-: amain ."- , Hran Inside mUl wnoiL.lTsl. Blast Alt. Ask for Frits' tamalea. atTheenlc-Uwe of the WoTroV4-Ft Th Denver a Rio Grande. In eonnee. thm with th CK Rr a N.,-has estap Uehed tourist slseplna; ear service be tween Portland and Denver,- leavrnf Portland at 1:11 p. m. dally. , This put panwnrers tn Bait Lake city at 1:40 the second mornlns, where they have th privilege of spending th day. Leavta Bait Lake City that evenlnar stve a dayltcht rid through Colorado's "won drous Rocky mountain see nary th fol lowing day. . That you may form, some Ides, of the soenlo attractions of the Denver A Rio Grande write oT'eall upon W. C, McBrlde, 12i Third street. Port- Ua4 POSTAL REC TWENTY-FI DID tir V A VP TS MORE THAN ER CENT GREATER The stamp, postal cards and .other receipt of th local postoffic for last month aggregated 1 40.0 2t, an Increase of tt.0ts.31 over February, lt06, or tf.t -per etfht. - - Th ltsmlied etaternent. which Post master J. W. Mlnto will - forward to Washington today, Is a follows: - - not. i ltoS. Stamps, eta ...... UMSMO ttl.ttl.T4 Other source .... UJ.tO . , Totals ......... tt0.02t.00 The Increase of last month. ovr. Feb ruary, ltot. la receipt other than tamp, postal cards, etc., was tt.!6. . "Now that we have passed th t40,000 mark. It will not be long before w will reach tSO.000 In receipt per month," said Postmaster Mlnto . this morning. "When you consider th 26.1 per oent Increase last month over th am pa ri od of a year ago, you most not forget that In February. 10, we were hand ling vast amount of Lewi and Clark fair matter, which helped to swell our postal accounts. This year we have none of that. These figures show ' a steady and substantial growth In th volum of Portland' . postofflc bual- n. . "Th offio record for th paat three months have bean phenomenal m. De cember, ltot, our Increase percentage was lt.T over December,-ISOt. January of this year It was tt.t per cent over th - corresponding month of th pre ceding year." FIRST!! W ISTLfTT, 7 xxFEaxnrca, BErUTSTIOg, ttrrpHEiiT, XMOWLESOt. a taooxa. , HOGEBOOM PAYS EIGHTY DOLLARS FOR GOSSIPING Polio Sergeant lIogebooTn 'has been adjudged guilty of Imparting Informa tion to flswspapers before first report ing to his superior officer said yes terday afternoon was ordered , by the police committee of th city executive board" suspended for 10 -day without pay from January This mean that th ssrgeant' little talk with a reporter regarding the reported attempt to kid nap Maud Bheek cost him ItOVi.--1 Th charge against Patrolman I K Evans of failure to patrol his beat prop erly wer not substantiated. It de veloped that th patrolman was suffer ing from a stone bruise on his heel end could not walk far at one time and when discovered In th hallway by Captsls Slower h wa resting. He was admon ished to report to Ms superior here after any -physical aiimcnCwhlch would Interfere with hi perrtmnance- r duty, "Chanson - du- Paplllon" ChlJ3ltUmt.Chwajnlrte nam a patrolman ror duty a truant Clothinjr Men ,Tcuor3:L;:':;:. Habcrdashcrs ; ' li.::u.- - Vf. J. W. Oltlaa, retwesMllns weU-taaNr rblrase wnolauw MiThnt TillnrlDg blah. Itohnwat, will 4 at IJOTSl, FOKTLAND fRI. lr AND BATl'RDAT, Mark t aat ft. to lh imrpM mt pla-ln ta line la Portland. Aareaa wtaklns to aarare and renrwt a Snt elaae Cbleas Tatlorins Use will do wall Hour a is iw a. si, i:w te S nil at jt a t . uu, r by spselataMst. officer, te work under th Instruction of th Juvenile court and th city super intendent of school. He will eonfer with Judge Fraser. Several have ap plied for th position, including Patrol' men White, Burke and Jone. MRS. SHELDON SINGS : TONIGHT AT MARQUAM Oregon singers are making themselvo felt In the greater ' world t mualovTb newest of th Portland pilgrim to re turn from advanced vocal study tn, Europe under eminent master la Ann Beatrice Sheldon, soprano, who. with th assistance of Fran Boyd Wells, th young American pianist, will give concert at th Marquam Grand theatre tonight at t:t0 o'clock. Fellow-Students with Mr. 8hdon In Parts report that her French dicUon -unUBually good and speak In the highest terms of her singing. The concert program follows: 1-. ax i'Pur-Deoeetl "-4QW1 Italian; U (Old French Vj taiUaJ (a) "Die Malnachr and fb) "JachtlgatrX tBrahms); (a) Fruhllnganacht" (SchtisI manni; a; aria, "uinc tueiioesj ; ) grand aria d "L Cld" MaswenSt). PTino-i-"Bo " Rasch" Wis" MogllohT'-n dsntlno. scherso, op.- tl (Schumann); fr Th HIHe-Vye" (Victor Harris): (b) "I Think" (D' Hardelot): (eX "I My Oar dan" (Liddl): (d) arlett de "Romeo at Juliet '-(OounodJ.- "That is xaft In th last analysis nobody knows a but w do. know that It I under etiict law. Abuathat law, vnly allghtly, pain reaulta. Irregular living maana de ransement of the organs, resulting tn Constipation, Headache or. l.iver trou ble. Dr. King's New 1.1 f PU1 quickly readjusts this. - It s gentle, vet thor ough. Only ISO at B. a. Ski dm ore v 'QtticU Relief Bladder Traaklee, XyemaU, varieoetle, -yimpUa, tRetfe, XldiwT OamsUlsts, BlaoSllaUes, kwKss Detuity, StrMara, ' Bkaasutuas,. . Vrtrate IHaaases, -'Uas, . Last Vitality. All Meaner ef Chnmle Afflletlaae ef sms aaa wemea. Moat SMdtr sod eeUatise treat mast. Ko eattlas. No painful operations. No. detention from oaalnaaa. No nlarepreeasta. tlos. Bepsutloa establUkad for soseat an4 fair olln with .all satlasts. . . CessalUtlpa ssd sdTlce free... ST. LOUISMEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY On. faisal sad TaaUlU eta., Psrtlssd. Orege. Hotel Eaton: Oemer ttsirlses est Watt fark ttmsfc - N2W Itaadaosielr fenlabod, elarastty eeslppas. rkepraafi-risi BUnatae Walk fraa heart of annppiBs in nBaas autrlet, all larfa. eleeirle writ las, (try, eouM4a ruesia.stsaai soa'tad, Laraa eftlma, lssata. sstoalas, ladlae reeeptloa sarlars.. Boom or mmu or loiapDoea, . PriraU Maslkss ateets Was sad sssaSMrt, special jutes wisisiiiiilsl sua. - ITU MAS XATOV. ly ef akxot Bedseta, tsekassV) i j- Milwau Country Club. Lo Angela and Oakland recea. ' Taka Beltwood and Oregon Cttv cars at Firat and Alder. - THREE DROWNED IN WRECK OF TUGBOAT Gloucester. Mass.. March 1. Th u Wlllard struck m rf ff Rockport this tnomhig and sunk. Three f ber crew H v were drewned j is fiven' CuU," burntr praint, ' bruise and woundt of all kinds ly prompt ute of Pond'i Ex tract. Cooling, Soothing, Heal ing. The old reliable standard Pond't Extract will, if properly applied, do away with all dan ger and at the tame time cool the akin, reduce the swelling, prevent inflammation and allay the pain. 'TJ7.r?'?'.-.'-' Wiuh Htl it m$l tht $mm thing. On tnmhtu itvtnty immfUt Wittk lldKtl10 fun find tt "jtul mt f4l"jiiy'twt nutrt ftund t nnuin id gAeeAser for mmlhrd r . tt vid dmngtr fittning intul tn hiving POfifimfnAC EJasseiKi Wative SWT sap wn ssjssig 9 SsMWr BUN aSSaaBBaw I ' Kldaay troubles, aheuaaarlan, Ntvw W k s. No Alcohol. WsMlwa) SSejasj"s fa SBVBnsWVMMtBas'IMIi M flV A food Moantsa. aa a V4. JJa an tt at tqwij i) JtS jrtsl sr. mmrmr alssrrrs nattvs anas cov . For modern dental work. - - Wer 14-re- nowned specialists. - Lowest price conalsteot with flrst-elaae ' NEW YOnii DENTISTS rotmnt an r.zrtxno-m rra. . Open day and night from I. IS s as. . MatU X 9- ss, , ' ... . " -- .; BlffiOKIBS ...... - ; . -v , - i.-v, t i w e are onerine new and aecoiid-Tiand : Diamonds" and" Watches on easy payments w - at prices lower than IjOW y houaa from the - pacific to the Atlan. tic ocean. We -can - truth fully state we have the beat selected and largest stock of Diamonds in.. the state of Oregon rang ing Jn "priceav from $5.00 to $1,000.- Come in. look at our stock and convince yourself of the genuineness of this advertisement. , You : will find everything as represented. Wa want voir to be come acquainted with our Store and our method of sen- - ing on easy- payments it's so different. We give you L possession when -Terms: ment. cemana no - security and charge ' no in terest. - rJarxfiKoeli 74 TC"1) ST- KA3 CAS Seats. Now r Selling L Abae Beatrice - Fran Boyd 5HELDON-WELL3 CONGERX-- - Which Take jJscIat4h TbisE Marauanr Qwria Theatre venin:.' March 1 st t:tt tVpLOCXV " Seats $1.00 CaQcry SOe Marquam Grand Thktrc Tbonday Evening lUrchJt, Kr. lead a.CksjrOMsegl HaO, Sew ' MM1 JOHANNA GAD SKI . HorBAKO 1K lOHO-RiciTaU : Kr. Fnak tsTsn at tae Fiaae. ADTAlfCl SALE Ori.NS MONDAT MOBKINO. slABCH S, 10 O'CLOCK. PRICKS Lower Soor, S3 end tZ. Balossr. ta. ssd St. OsllT, U S Tse.-aaee aad ksjss. Ili. Empire Theatre Ml I tea W. BaesMa. kUseser. .PerUaad'S Moat fopalar Tkaatre. Ibaisbt asd ail thisrerkr th beaetlfel plag, "HUMAN HBARTa" 7 A Rs itery nf the Arkaaaas Rills. "As grcafe-a a Spray of Applo-Blmi iism." Pathos aad Ossiisj rlcklr klaadea. Atwsrs faTorlt. , ...... Matlsae Sarardar. BvoelDg Price lc. Sac, He, toe. ": Matin lOr. lee, S6e. - Most Wk. BUrrir and Mark la . "AJtOUSD IH TOW." . , DAUER THEATRE amhin asd Tklrd sts. Phoae Mala ISOT. The Boai of Muslesl Barlaeaue. - TOMOHT. A TOMORROW WIGHT, tATUBDAT SLATinaav Mlsh School Olrh Wealth ef Baantr. Mnele sed Benght. 1 as acrfwaua Barmqoe n iwe am. - "BOTXb STARS AMD tTsUPEt." htarday MatU.I Ustperfnrsses) ISe, Sts, Nlfbt pHroa SSe, see. tOe. Tic. Veal AttraetleatsrtlneMfttadar KaAtas, L.YRIC -THEATRE THB ZVOOatPABABU . LYRIC ATOCK CO. ' -Pwaeal ta-siasihig Cosiedr ta " law acis, aauiM. - "LostA Hot" "A mvnx cm ton tn Bttrrs." ; Adatlsaioa Me; Baearvsd Boats, ),- ' STAR mint " vlfslB Bliksissl. Week ef Pah. SB. WUI ft Uf . Tke Boral ttssmaf .. ' Wteis-BW'" "a taa of Malady. Stat eaaopt a as. art r ... gi-Mulloa- Caaaa, Weak of I.k. . .i L .a-aJ A faaltle KtJ .ItjVJ-rta. . T rsSiumm. a-iwt'. irM.ra, l . mT Matlae, 1 RELIEP for LADIZ3 ntSUCH Taarf Wat Crt.-t-nal and anlr genle t op M vllw rapoor and "Ore tradaaaark. . ler "' IT tl 't ' ' , - ' -