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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY- EVENING, MARCH 1, v 1806. GAS COUPAUY DE11IES EVERY CHARGE ilGlilOST . V . Says It Has Cold Dollars or Full "Value'lor JEVry;Shars A; of Stock., v .' ' HAS NOT. BEEN CRAFTING : THROUGH SLOT MACHINES It Not GettSntTRIch pnTpepoaitt nffers'tn R-n Plint n CitY it Any Time ' for Fair Conaideratlon-- Scores Oregonlan for Unfairness 1 At the meeting of th council lnve tlgation committee last night Jo eon ; elder' the affairs of tbd'TOrtland Oas -company snd look tnto It 'management, r. Anwnintf - MntUA tn the pharrs ; .hlok have been mad. 'agamst by thai j. Oregonlan. denying each allegation, , and giving reasons. The answer la full xol- lowsr ' . - To tha Honorable the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon The charges made by the Daily Ore gonlan against the Portland Oaa com s pany. .divested of personalities, art sub stantially t -, -i . ,- Ftrst-vrnat thta company has wa tered its stock. This Is not true. The k- company haa got gold 'dollars or. full - Talus ror every share or stock outgtand j ing, ; . .' v ' ,'. . Second That this company haa "been S Browing . rich on deposit exacted for , thause of . meters. - This IS not true. The deposits are only .required in the rase of atrangera and those -who will ajive no guaranty, ;-. ; - -. - Third That thla, company haa been working some kind -of -graft-through , slot meters. This is not true. The use x of slot meters la not encouraged by thla company. "" . ....... ... ........ .. t ,- Fourth That-thla company "is1 pro- '. poalng a reduction in price in prder to nead orr investigation. Thla is not true. -The price Of gas haa heretofore been -voluntarily reduced and will ba reduced again. In. accordance with thla pelley-a T" "T heretofore announced by this comoan v ; Fifth That thj gas -furnished by the company la of low candle power. This la not true.. It la above the average, though It has fluctuated' In quality and probably will agalic Perfection la not claimed. . -' i Sixth That this eompany Increases ,- the pressure In order to force a greater , consumption of gas. To any ona fa miliar with gas distribution, and with the pressure used in this city,, the state- i ment is absurd. The company, by ex ' : cesalve pressure, is the -greatest loser through unaccounted-for gas. The con sumer can absolutely control his con ; sumption by tha atopcoclr at the Jet. ': This company deelrna at this time fo ,' rail the attention xf the committee and . the publlo to tha following facta: Thla la a public. utility corporation, . , and it ought to be open to investlga . tlon'ln the interests of tha public. That i "vaatlgatlon. should ba a fair one to as--'T certain fault a and remedies. - It should ;. - ; not be a mere vehicle for personal spite. 4 As. this company haa.. a publlo fran rhlae, so baa the Otf gonlan. . The duty ' .-oX Xh.OrsgonUii to-tall tha truth la aa - great as the duty of this company to , rurniaH boneet .gaaT. The duty of the i!. Oregonlan not to depreclate-aird'rnln any great enterprise-In this city la aa areat ...aa tbe duty of this company-to a-tve the publlo gaa at the Joweet fair price. '-. Thla company will never oppose any ' fair Investigation by the -council - or f other body representing the cltlsens of -Portlaadi And -In-the-oplnloti-o this : company the untrue, exaggerated and iBailclpu. statements of the Oregonlan were not necessary to any honest in- vestlgatl" 'v'r t the Interest of the , TJubnrr Such Investigation -' upon any " r )ionest complaint would have been met In a friendly spirit by this company at '. any time. . For It cannot be made too eraphatlo that thla company recognises the rights which tha publlo has In It . -- - and ita dutiss to the public. Thla com pany recognises that . whenever? a mu . . nlclpallty dealrea to own and operate V ita own gas works It .ought to have the 'right to do so; and thla company, la ' willing at any lme to turnjTrlo the ; city for' municipal ownership and opera tion Its entire plant af that fair price ..which - both . constitutional , right , and " common, fairness "between men guaran- , tees. " ... ' V This company Is not a monopolist but has'ompetitora f or lofh light and power, and, its own semaniiuerean aa jwell a what "it bellevee-to be its duty to the publlo oompels It to give the beat . service It can at the loweet rates. It 1 1 nftlTTntiTimers and haa waves vetlAiunist 1. Ift04 zMXt : Sftonft -been In a fixed condition, but is always ng its plant and endeavoring . to Improve 1L Therefor. It does not hope to always please everyone, but It doee the best it can. It has never claimed to give perfect satisfaction. : It wel- comes svery bonest complaint aa tending rvoppen Its own eyes to Its own peaeible defects, and It always has and will con tinue to try .to reduce the complaints. . As it must be perfectly apparent-irom . the undignified personalities and venom of fjte Oregonlan's attack that the Inter est bf the publlo has not been thereal motive of this attack, thla eompany sub mits that the Integrity of purpose of the - Oregonlan and ita honest effort to pub lish only true facts in the Interest of the publlo Is morally quite as much on .trial before .the -people as la ths effi ciency of this company.. Instead of - producing proof cm the charges of graft, dlshonestmethods and- bad gaa, made over .and over again by the Oregonlaa In its columns, the Oregonlan finding that It must be the complainant In thla :' rase la seeking to befog and obscure the real laauea by aummonlng this com pany to brine before the committee 4i franchises, all Ita tiobka and documents showing amount of money received from ' sale of gas, all Us book and documents showing money expended for manu Tacture of aras. all books and documents showing money expended for construc:Tlhat manner they had accumulated a tlon and maintenance, all capital stock books, all receipts and vouchors for ' money expended for . conetruetlon or maintenance, and Ita tax receipts for 1 ivajrears jiaat wThla jon?Pny..rlinnothB. fact the entire -amount that aaid om-4 - see where tnese documents snea ine ' sllgbtetlght on the Issues msde bjr . the Oregonlan; Dut wnenever ins com ..mlttee shall conclude fhat? sum tnfor ... matlon la nacasssry It aillJnnd that tiITO.t , franchises of this company are puniio arts printed In the-reforda of thta atata and as accessible to tha Oregonlan oy to any cltisen aa to thla company; that the ' assessment and taxes paid by this com- JIRVING'S BUCHU WAFERS; t-nr iff KUnsf TrtiiBIHTHno pals 1s Hie ks-. 'ni tram f . afhtimn Is the erlne ImpflMlhle ' ' and srtuallr rebuild ths sbrunksa wall of the i. kMners. T- euntsln Jot wkst Is wanted tn r. remore the dUM-SM,, heal the ears spot tnl f, rtilha ta whole orsan. TheT Br fsll 1 in erlns rVt wllMa a fsw hours sad cars ta stay eSrad. Sole at BO a boa hy T U. 4. Rrlaner Cto imisTtsta, J8I . Tkiit st sole agents for Voraiana, Or. IT BK OREGOtlllII v pany are public' records and open to any ons, aa ta the assessment of every other taxpayer. The auditor of the city has "been , asked Jo 'inspect . tha bopka of this oompany and make hta public re port, to bring all these books., paper aod voucher before , the committee, covering -a they -do a period of aaarly 14 years, and deposit them here would ba a useless thing, would seriously cripple tha business of this company. and would certainly result la much, complaint:. The present Issues ara whether or -not"' tha statements made "by the Oregonlan are that evidence should first be directed, and in support of the foregoing denial this '"impariy nmlt In separata articles its more .deAnue; and extended answer aa follows: -..--i,- . . Watering ajtook- . Oh the of January. 106, tinder a ' heading- reading aa follows, "Greedy Gas draft WIU Cut Price Vlt Will Also Further Water Its Stock to Conceal Ita Dividends": '.'Promises mei)ollar Rate" ; -""in order to hide He big profits from the consumers t'' J,lt:i'. .5" ao again," said Dally Oregonlan printed published and circulated amongst other things In connection with certain repre sentations as to ths increase In the capi tal stock of said .company set out In a circular letter Issued by said company ron January I. 1I0. the following state ment, "and (meaning aaid gas oompany) refralna from explaining satisfactorily why last year the capital 'stock wits ralaed or watered 140,000, and why S26O.0O0 more water la to be added next month. If not to afford a means of con cealing big prof i tanAnd- thera are other cunning trlcka in the pamphlet, made up to deceive an easy public," and fur ther states. "A favorite method of cor poratlons that make big- profits off the public, of concealing their, graft, la that of Increasing or watering! their capita) stock so that the heavy earnings can- be disbursed tn dividends. I Con sequently the gaa company-swelled its capital stock o as to keep down the dividend rate and hide- its profits from the .public Thla method j la pursued by public service corporations all over the United 8tate In order to, pull the wool over the eyes of the public." That tn and by aald article the aald Oregonlan charged and Intended to charge that in the year 1905 the aaid aras xompaoy .In creased its capital stork 1400,000 with out receiving value therefor, and In- tended In the month of rebruary. lto, to Increase It to the extent of 1260.000 more without receiving value therefor, and that nothing was paid for said stock so Issued In 1905, . and - that nothing would be paid for tha stork Issued In 10, In order that aald company might declare and psy -dividends thereon and tajthat way deceive the. publlo by pre tending to declare low dividends while In truth and In fact they were paying large , dividends on the actual Investment.'-. ' V 'That thereafter and on the thirtieth day of January. 1000, on the ssme sub ject matter, under the beading "'How to Btop the Gas Graft," and heading a paragraph "Watere Ita Btoek." the said Dally Oregonlan . printed, published and circulated the following statement: "The Portland Gas company ,ls pursu ing the usual stock-watering plan that is adopted by public service, corpora tions to conceal exorbitant earnings so that the people cannot demand lower rates. ' By Injecting water Into Its stock and falling to retire 1tsr bondw the com pany -pays -big dividends without 'rais ing Ita dividend rate; for example,-. In the last two years It has Inflated Its capital stock from $400,000 tov 11,600. 000 and kept ths dividend rata on the stock down to 4 per cent, thereby dis bursing among the stockholders exorbi tant profits more thsn twice ss large as Swo years -ago under - the guise of legitimate dividends.'.' Other reference are made thereto, tha "Intent and purpose of the same being to create the Im pression smongst tbe customers of said company and the publlo generally that the . officers and stockholders 'of said oompany wsrs deliberately, intentionally and purposely Issuing stock of said company without value forHhe purpose of being-1- enabled : thereby to charge exorbitant-amounts for gas consumed in order to pay dividends on the stock so Issued.- That saia statements - so published, and ..circulated and each of them ia false end untrue. That In truth and In fact the number of ahares issued by said oompany since August 1. If OS, la as st out below, snd thst for saoh and every share-oo- issued said eompany received the par value thereof, to-wit; One hundred dollars -4n money and no watered or other stock was issued or issued for any, conalaeratlon. than aa aforesaid. - . ; '. "" JtoaibrTsf ' K.ont Pate ;. et Bbrfc Y On. as a emit Anftist 1. lo3.:..J.l(W -' . $100 " t210.000 ISunaeripUoDS for two-yesr bond eoaTcrted Inte stork.) February l.-lsnO, .I.tXH) too - 2.V).ouo Fsbrasry 1, .2,800 - - 100 . 360.000 ' Tnuii :T.7rr.T.T7. .". r. . r.-. . . . . aoo.ooa That ssld auraa of money so received have been used in acquiring property, bettermnnta and making extensions In connection with the plant of said com- of watering stock that tha. aald paper referred to In the statements just here inabove quoted. - That-as' a matter of fact there la now a continuous demand for improvements and new mains, par ticularly In that portion of the city ly ing on the eaat aide of the Willamette iHver and Improvements are now in con ftemplation involving the expenditure of not less tharf $174,000 during tbe year U0 on aaid east side. . Deposits by the Oonsnmers of lCoasy ; T-Vt Wttk, the Oaa Company. - , That on the fifth day of January, f lo)i,-the-sald dally Oregonlan printed. published ' and circulated a statemsnt headed "Grow Rich Off of Public's Money." and In -said article made the following statement: '33aa meterln 14.661; value or gas meters to company; $(0,8(0; deposited by tbe pub-. He for use of meters, $87,766": and in said lartlcle' further charted that aald company " required " deposit for Ita meters from Its consumers and that in fund amounting at th date aald article wasvPUbJUhed to . $67,766. That aald statement so made and published Is false and untrue. That tn truth, and pany . had on deposit from gas ron- aiimara nn " the first day of January. 1904. waa the sum of $$.880.15 and aald sum was not deposited for the use of obtaining many years before the pres-. ent owners ofaald company acquired tha same, said money Is carried under aft account entitled "Meter Deposits." That It la the custom of aald company tt -nil times where a customer Is tin nwtt to riufre either satisfactory reference or a email deposit to covsr ths payment of such bills as may ac crue.' and said sum l the accumulation of .deposits so made. That as a tnattsr of fact -the officers of the company pre fer and encourage In every way' they ran the furnishing of 'references, or guarantees rathecihan the making of deposits. That during the year ltOK, notwithstanding aald deposits, tha aaid Everyone Should Know How lo -U- Cure Croup and Be Ready . i-rrl-W'teo tbe Attack v " Coraes; ; r A Kotber'a Darling avda4 Want he Baya. TMOUTX AOTIOsT aTBOBBflAJlT. feel that God haa blessed Dr. Acker with snaclal knawleda-e to DreDare that rtrand medicine called Or. Acker's Eng. lah. Remedy for Throat and L.ung Troubles. .. It savea children every urns when they are attacked by Croup. Every mother should know about It, -end I will tell you about my experience. I had a darling boy of four years to die with CrouD. "My doctor did all he could, but 1 thachlld.couJd.jnot be jnade tovomlt, That was before i Knew or ur. acner a After I did hear of it English Remedy, r,-mnnha-nil rlrl vii stricken with Croup. I gave her this medicine, and in Ida nf twentv minutes she vomited and was better right away. During tha win ter aha had Crouo four, timea, and it brought her through each time all right. I, myself, had Bronchitis pretty bad and Dr. Aoker"a English Remedy cured ma -completely. - Before I close, I want to tell you about my neighbor's boy, named Jobs Nana.' He had Bronchitis, too. He got worse all the time. My husband wsnt over to his home and told htm ahmit mv caaa. Than his mother went to town, got a SO-cent bottle of n Acker's English Remedy and 'he took it. He came over to our liouss" a few daya later and aald ne waa ail rigni and also said two. doses relieved him from the start. You can understand by my letter why I think so much of Dr. Acker's English Remedy. . I repeat that God's . blessing must really have been bestowed - upon Dr. Acker. (Signed) Mrs. John Teager,. Rochester. Pa." -' . - - --i-- . No need to-add anything more to euch testimony only to say that Dr. Acker'a English Remedy is the fore most medicine of the world for all throat and lung troubles. Ton can prove this for yourself and it will not cost you one penny if It falls. All drug gists sell Dr. Acker's English Remedy on a positive guarantee to do all we claim for It or your money will be re funded to you at once. Could you ask ua to do more? Try It today. - Be sure to ask tot BB. ACXXB" BaTOtlSX 1 , - - 'a ra.'l. : AU Druggists tBo, aoo, Bl-oo. company - lost accounts amounting ' to $1,717.47. t. Blot Keter. ' On the fifth of January, 1900, the aald Daily Oregonlan printed, published and cireu-leesd' "Then followed the alot machine metera. It Is tha aim of the -oompany to place slot meters tn every-house, and In a great many Instances It .has prevailed upon consumers to allow them to be placed in their homes.- Gltb-tongued agents for the company made house-to house canvasses In behalf of the alot meters, with the plausible story - that when It cents, is deposited In' one of tbe meters the consumers got full value in gaa Those, who . have - used sucM meters soon got wise to the fact that they were furnished with about 1$ cents' worth of gas for their 2$ cents, and tney also learned that they were not receiving the. benefit of the reduc tion te $1.1 6 -per 1.000 feet., but were paying the old rate of $1.60 per 1,000 feet.! That the facta. so published In reference to . said alot metera are so commingled that' they have to be sep arated In order to make an intelligent denial or explanation. The gas com pany denies that its agents at sny tlms ever made a bouse to house canvass for tha use of said metera and deny that they encourage their use. That said metera ara placed, sometimes In houses where customers rent their rooms to other tenants who desire the gas com pany to collect for aa used in such rooms in this way. That in other cases said metera are used at the request of the eustomer and In other cases where customers desire. gaa but do not wish to give a reference or make a deposit. Thai It la true that the price for gaa used through aald alot meter Is fixed at the present time at IU0 per thouaand, but that no deception or fraud or mlarep reaentatlon of any kind waa aver made to. any cuatomer or uaer of auch meter as to the amount of gaa he waa to re solve for a - given amount of money. That on the contrary, in order that they may understand the use of them and the amount of gaa they would secure for their SS cants, the facts ara always fully stated. That the amount of gaa a customer receives at present through ' alot meter rorg s centa isapoutiBD feet, .That aald "alot metera cosFabout t wloa Who - prleer-ofan-ordinajpy meter. That there la considerable loss In the use -of them through parties causing them, to work by false .tokens . and spurious coins and that additional time la required in looking after, the rol and for these , reasons the price was not made the same - that where a cua tomer uses a regular meter and paya Ma bill regularly. That O" the eleventh flay or. J-nruarr. I ltOS. Under a heading Hlot Meters V"How the Greedy Gas Latest Steal.1 Company Filches From ths Public by This Method." said paper published th following statsmenU- 'At a, conserve, tlva estimate axhe aald company haa about 6.000 of theee metera In Portland, using from' 1,000 to $.000 cuble feet of gai each month. Taktngtha"maxlmuin figure of .000 subscribers and eetlmst lngv the gas consumed through each meter at $.000 .cubic feet a month, th gaa company will thereby receive an ex cess from escb subscriber of 70 cents a month. A total sum of $$,600 on the month, or a total of $42,000 a year. In 10 years it will be aeen the unsuspect ing patrons of the gas company would be filched under this conservative esti mate of very close, to half av million dollara." " That under the heading "Will Probe This Steal," satd paper' states: - "This phase of the company's dealings .with the publlo will probably be included In the items to be prooed by a special committee on Investigation recently ap pointed by -the council." , That aald statement so set out above is false and untrue, and was made for the purpose of creating the Impression In the minds of the customers of said company and of the publlo generally that they ' wwr being wronged and stolen-' from by said gas company. That aa a matter-of-fact In January, -1804, the .number of prepayment metera in use- was 1,207 and not 6,000. . That the amount of gas consumed per meter for said month was 711 cubic feet and not t,000' euhle feet -and-tho-average- uae-of gaa through aald metera per month for that year itftfi waa about 0tt nuhla feet. I Conducted on safe, lines that have stood -the test "of time. Profits of the business paid to policyholders at the end of each year. ' L. Samuel, Manager, Macleay Building, 288 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. '--, I 1 .V' ... ' That lnateadof there being an exeea collected from each subscriber af 70 cents a month, amounting to a total aum of $$,600. or any other sum. ths enllreBJnountot, cash received. fromJ said meters for the month of Deceraoer. 106. was $:,$41.80, or an average of $1.0$ a meter, and that' aald gaa ooat the customers using said meters lees than $1.60 Her thousand, cubic feet. ' BedaettoB la trio. ' - ' On the 12th dsy of January. 1804, tha aid Deity-Oregonlttn published and printed under the following . heading, 'Greedy Gaa Graft Will Cut Price." "Promise .'Dollar Rate." the following statement:. ."Extortion by tha ga graft has ralaed such , a storm of popular wrath that the graft will try to pacify -the people by reducing the rate from $1.15 a 1.000 feet to $1. Aa already pointed, out ' by tha Oregonlan sven a $1 rate will make a fat rake-off for the 'ga company, because the cost. of supplying tha gas as shown by expense half that price.". "The get-rlch-qulck raft t'-r'ai arnrdr huldi ta the f'rm of Portland and hopea that by giving up a' trifling shars of Ita profits it will be able to allay the popular indlgraae tlon."-- - - - . Tha aald company denies 'thai It Is a greedy or any kind of a graft, or that It baa promised a reduction for the pur pose of allaying -popular wrath or te pacify the people r for any other pur pose than In accordance with Its aettled pollCTvJif reducing-the prlc to th con sumer . aa rapidly as ths same can be dona, and denies the ooet of supplying gaa la leea than one half of the present price" or propogedredoction. On the-; contrary, allege It la largely in axoeea thereof. That the following voluntary red uctiettsltr price have been made by said company since the year 1$81: " Price per thousand from . August, IMS, to May, 1H8. .............. .$280 May, 1863. to August, 1000 126 August, 1000, te August, lo.. ....... T. , 1W August) MOt. te August. 1004. . 1.64 Auust. 1K04. to MoTsmber. 1906 l a) November, 1SOS 1.18 - That regardless of this Investigation, It la and was the Intention of the eom pany to make, further reductions In the price of gas as rapidly as the business and consumption thereof warrants, and this company haa already, in pursuance of. this polloy, announced its Intention of'raaklng a reduction of $1 per 1.00Q feet dining tha current, year. That thla reduction can only be safely made and In based upon an Increased consumptions of- gas." Thst -aa - compared" with the price charged for gaa throughout the United States In cities of like also and similar-coildltlonfh pric charred" for gaa In thla city ia aa low and lower than In the majority of euch cltlea. Cbargwa for storting Bteaara. That amongst various other charges made and published in said paper are some to the effect that charges are mails ., .by sald.,jCOtDPAny..fpr. jstUag meters; that It encouraged Ita work men to aa pipe the houses as to create leaka and that headlines published in Said paper during- the time mentioned were so worded as to charge that "gas consumers are bunkoed," aa well as other statements too numerous- to- re peat, reflecting on the Integrity of Its officers and aald company, and its busi ness was constantly and contlnuonaly preferred to as a "graft" and "afeal." xnai aaia onarges were maoe in suen a way that it la difficult to make' spe cific answers thereto. Thla company alleges . that - auch statemente and charges are-Talse. untrue and malicious and thereabout allege that they place meters In tha houses of all consumers without cost; .that they -test and will test the piping in houses where meters at;e placed without coat; tbat In every wiy" possible they seek to avoid leaka or other causes for complaint; that they maintain at very "considerable- ex-4 penes' a force for tha purpose of 1n vestlgatlng complaints and testing meters,. snd. while as afact there are eome meters i which do not register ao eurately, t-heee Instances are rare, and said company seeks to. maintain and does maintain their meters so that the measure - corroctly-end only correctly the amount of gaa consumed. - That during the year 1805 said eompany ex pended for the - purpose of setting me ters, ; investigating complaints, - testing pipes and-'work of a like nature thf sum of $11,894.8. --rrr "" Quality of OaaC , " That said paper lias published com plaints aa to the quality of the gaa furnished by this company. In reepectj to' tnis complaint saia company alleges and will show that the gaa it furnishes Is of as high a candle-power aa that furnished by any gaa company on thla coast "and much higher than furnished by ths majority of auch plants. Bald company admits that at all times said gaa has not been of the same or equal candle-power. That there has been hie beyond -tho-f control of the company at the Ume to handle; such: as large rmprovements then and now under way, varlattona in the character of oil, etc That not withstanding these dlsadvantagea more or leas temporary the candle-power of said - gaa has - been-substantially- main tained at from $1 to II candle-power. . Fartloolar Complaints, . That aald paper printed, published and circulated a number 01 Individual oom plalnta respecting the charges made by said company for gas and quality there of. Some of aald complaints were anonymoua, and All that could be were investigated, and thla eompany will submit under-oath the result of such in vestigations. -This company has about 14,000 consumers and It la ita purpose not.xtnly-t satisfy said -consumers- but to Induce-further consumption - of its product with new customers. That It baa active, energetic; and Intelligent competition both for lighting, heating and for power, and the officers snd stockholders of this company are more interested than by any possibility any one else could be In aeelng that its pa trons receive proper service and courte ous treatment, and are satisfied both as to quality and price.- That while con ceding It makea mlatakes, and while conceding- that it is possible that those not familiar with - its business may think that if theylhad It in chargethelr would operate, it differently. It does claim and allege that there Is nov ad van tags taken of ita patronanmd that ita officers labor diligently to keep And maintain only.frlendly .relations with its customers and to fire them satisfac tion. ' That since the organisation of aald company to and including the first day of January,' 10. Ihera. baa .been paid dividends amounting In all to 81 per cent, as follows: ' 10$ dividend per cent. .. 1803 dividend I per cent. '1004 dividend per cent. lfl dividend "per cent. . t OoBolnsloB, Thla company instate and it thinks every Intelligent cltisen wlltrrecogniae, TTI UJ , . - ' . ' Artistic Hctere I I ... ..'.;...,',. . , , . . C " XlH1 Great hTtY . .Vjr-HOl ' Tarn nxwi i- !. . w i t .15,000 yards aH-6ilk Me9saline ' Ribbon, 5 , :ncne3 wide; the brilliant soit! finish. The "ribbons that are so popular for millinery purposes, -sashes,: belts and neckwear. T Most extensive rangeof ? newest colors: ', ever shown. A superb value- at -'85c; most decided bargains, at;.. efciC Fashion's Favorite Wash , Mercerized, Poptinette 20c. - One of the very prettiest wash goods of the ninn A hio-hlv mrceriied cloth with OODlin "wearevSolidtrolorsrT'avyr 4 l.l a ngnt Diue, green, lan, wnue. . Novelty Ginghams 18c Hardly-trr be--distinjruished 'from-theTnost-expensive - foreign productions" Checks . and plaids in a most Varied assortment of colorings. , jyew Colored Dress JSoods ' SM OF POPULAR NEW 50c DRESS GOODS . 5M 44-Inch Gray Panamas, plain and plaid, tailor suitings; sll - wool f flfl beiges, vlgoreaux. etc all shades of gray; special at. yard........ New French and Novelty Plalda. exclusive atylea, at. per yard. 51.00 Et-lnch Cravenette Coverts,' now colors, per ysrd ;,.......... .Sl.TS Novelties In Gray rress Goods: We show ths latest weavea and newest de alms invisible plaids; checks, stripes, mixtures, overplaids. In light snd i-medlum grays, twilight gray and the popular black and white tXKQ effects; pMeee--raefronupejysTd1.00 to. ...... .,...,fr.r."'v : . : , NFW BLACK DRESS GOODS i m -i 44-lnch Slack Tropical Panamas, a pew weave, lightweight, per. 431nch Black Wooi Taffe'taa, per yard. Se to. ......... .1 44-lnch Black Shadow Check. and Plaid Tolle; very stylish and . -new, per yard. $1.00 and. ...... .i ........... ...VL. ...... f. 44-lnch Black French VoUee. $1.00. $1. and..... 1. ........ 44-lnch Black Shadow, Check Sicilians ... a, i-k T..k iii.wiMt Meirnaa. Cunella. Artsola. Prunella. Peau d'Boie, Bolld Convent Serge, eta. per yard ... ..-...u. ..... 44-inch English Mohair Sicilian, high lustsr; too quslltyl per a yard. ......... i .......... i that though Ita method of eonduotlns; Its business may not meet the approval of everybody; though men of-ea great skUl and sxperlence aa those who are now running the business of this, com pany may honestly criticise, and If thev had the matter In charge would do dif ferently; yet. after all, ao long aa tha methods Dursued by the present mats-. )rwnOTt ro honest, being responslbls for results they must De me juages ji how they Will run their own business,,; That If this, council-neuevee uiai me time haa-come when the city of Port land ahould own Its gaa plant and the bualness of producing gaa for ths bene fit of the cltlsens should be tn the hands of a commission- representing the cltlsens, then this council should say so and steps should be. -taken to that and. and thla company- will meet such a mdveTSPTubUc-sptrtted :way, sees. Ing to protect Itself only tn one thing, that it gets the same fair price from the city that it would get from any other purchaser, - If mere Is complaint that thla company Is -violating Its duty to the publlo, it would expect this com mittee to be given full Informalon as tor' alt thos:thlnsawhIen"c6noern the public- and are needed to- protect - the people'e interests. But it does not recognise the right or wisdom of Inves tigating Ita business except for an bon eet public motive and only along the linea Indicated by the necessity of serv ing the public For example, in the matter of coat of gas, the bare actual cost of manufacturing gaa can be ar rived at within a certain margin with eomoarattve ease and certainty, but the kcompertaon between one city's cost and another's 1 worthless, because laoor i may be cheaper, fuel may be cheaper. L0UtpuU.muchgreater, acceaaiDlllty to natural gas or petroleum may oe avail-, able, and that City which lias fh great eat number of consumers per mile of main will always hsve the, ad vantage, 1 others thtrnrs-belngequal.over' a city with fewer consumers per mile of main. But the mere cost of making tbe gaa la not all of the coet of the gaa, so far as furnishing It to the consumer Is con cerned. To this eost of manufacture must be added laying pipe In new dis tricts, vearlv -depreciation in plant, re pairs and other Items very difficult of exact determination ana on wnicn non rat men could differ. - This oompany has eadeavored-to make the coat of gaa to the consumer as low aa possible, con sistent with the full and safe protection fof its stockholders and bondholders... ft has received full par value on ita bonus mA It. slnrk. sad has nut' 41 reeds into this plant, and It haa steadily reduced Its price whenever It was thought It could be safely done. Tbeee facts are the best evldenca-of the in tegrity of Its Intentions, r In the future. ss in the peat, it will voluntarily reduce the price of gaa when with justice to Its bondholders and stockholders It can do an. it recosnlses 'Its duty to the public but U also, owes its duty to those whose money It has solicited and need for the benefit of the public. PORTUAND OAS COMPANY. By C. r. ADAMS, President , The North Jpend Harbor advocates the consolidation nf that town. Marsh- fjfiaM and Empire City., 4 You Can Save of Kid SU5t$1.50,iU5 KID CLOVES TViia ia oreit Ki'cr H tloLKi& Glovtii SWOapair to select from all sixes ; all I V colors. One and two-claso Paeue Glace kid Rlovesi oointsUtciune; tans, modes, reds, grays, white, cream, black. These are the best kid glove bargains we -have ever offered. -"We had planned this sale are such superb bargains sale began this morning 2500 Pairs $1.25, $1.50, $1.15 Kid Gloves at 98c Point de Venise Lace Capes : And Novelty Collars, $6 Values; $1.$5 iPoint de . Venise and Novelty '..Lace: Capes and "Collars ; 6 to 12 inches deep, In white, cream - and ecm. This season's yerr newest de- " signsr-Xalues to $6.00; for this special sale at. ..... ....... 6-lnch AlWnen Suiting 35c - ' An- excepionai-value. in an all-linen fabric Medium weight. Colors are light blue, pink. redr black,-pink,- tan, Alice blue. .Bhepherd riaida, all awlora. -'Vlalda and Shepherd Flald Bio hairs. Bew Flaids with solored dots. All-wool rrenon. Ohalllea. ' 44-lneh BngUsh Mohair iotllaas. ' , Tailor Baitings In Bew Mlztares. Ail -wool Albatross and Bum's VeUlnga. All-Wool Colored Fanamaa. $1.00 :. .sijm $1.55 ...91M ...SlS .11.25 ; . 9c JWfelabk Prrparationfor As similating iteFoodandBetfuIa ling (be Stooaths andBowels of Promotes DigesHon.CheerPu ness arid ResLConlalns neither OpiumXorphine norfliieraL 1VOT 2fARC OTIC. AojjM-siftvxiJmBx Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Tlon.Sour Stonwh, Diarrhoea Worms .CoTTVutsiorts .feverish-: ness arid Loss OF SLEEP. FaCSunilo Sidnahtra of J. v XEW YORK. WORK OF VOLUNTEER FIREMEN APPRECIATED (Rssrlsl Dtajtc Is The amraal.t ' Adama, Or.. March 1. M. A. Fer guson, chief of the Adams volunteer Are department, atatfi't'-at tha managers ef the three wsr -.. Which were ssved through the i t rort of the tiltl 1 10. and Jo"T 1 i ve t'"t I sens hava ctanaiat , hi. -i nf - ' 1 is'i m. "11 8 I 1 , ') : .. ' - --" vwa 1 iiiti lis sisia vaMsW8C--r-7?-- 77c fo 27c on Each Pair Kid Cloves . . . .V. heartv riealtrtv. vlffntwni Bale) Knfirlisn waliunz loves, browns. for Saturday, but the gloves that we could not wait, i ne at 8 q clock snarp. at Little Prices Glove Sale dftsfe:':- a7Ut p- White Mercerized Waisting 25c :. Poplin weave with or without designs. Plain weave ground with raised dot, figured and flowered designs. -.: (ellei Tailor-Hade Suits Here Superbly tailored, full of the dis- . tinctivenesi'that. finett design ing and workmanship can give them and that women priit to - highly?' Early Spring daya are ..the days to enjoy most fully the rwearirig-ef - smart, new, tailor made suit, and : the Lipman- Wolfe, .stock contains : adl tha beautiful styles that particular Women will be most proud, to - wear. Every fabric and color that is favored by fashion, ;The . fit, fjnish, workmanship the best that money can provide. We will make a apecial exhibit today ol models ranging in '-price fr;oni f 22.fcO to $70 Jlllld . For Infanta and ChndroC Tho Kind You iiavo Always Bought ForiOvor Thirty Yoars Rl sacks of wheat which he had stored In the warehouse, contributed 124, all of- whlch will be used fer better f.r rro- tectlon In the city. Im the Interior eomp-. ' vator company a i ' company were '' forts of the r :; .- . " -- ' aw Bears V In iiK (Iso a - air --