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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1906)
THE ; OREGON DAILY JQinZIAlX POHTLALD, TUZZDAY EVEJJINO, FELrU.I. 17. ' l.-X i it t- . LIVED 3 YEARS AS niznER's VJIFE Edith Crater States That She : Married Adventurer, Suppos- rg Insane Husband, Dead. WIDOW-BRIDE I RELENTS V AND TAKES BACK GROOM 'Reconciliation and Love Feast Fol low -. Quarrel. Between Strangely 7 Assorted Couple and . Miner Ie ' Again in Yerkes Mansion. - ' (Journal "pedal Serriee.1 ; Denver. Col, Feb. XT. Edith Crater. th actress whoa name w widely ex plotted In the career of Wilson Mlsner, said la an tntervlewi . "I met Mr. miner more than , four years ego. ' He waa ao handsome, kind and affectionate that the grief that al moat overwhelmed me when tar hue band. Harrr A. gamma, waa taken to the insane aaylum waa removed by hU presence. - He proposed that X marry him. After I heard that Mr. gamma had died In an Insane asylum In California, 1 cladly accepted Mlsners proposal and went with him to . Alaska. - There we were married.' "We 1 lived together In Alaska and her for three years, until I learned that my huaband wa still alive.'' A New York dispatch states that Mrs. TOrkea-MUner haa forgiven her hus band and taken back Mlsner Into her affections and that he la now tneteiled In the Terkes mansion on Fifth avenue. The reconciliation la aaid to bar oc curred at the Netherlands last night . 't Mrs. TsrXes-Mlsner I quoted as statins- that there waa a plot by Interested parties to separate her and her husband by the circulation ..of mallcloua false hoods, bat that the ' conspiracy had failed. She aaid that aha was tld all sorts of dreadful things about the young bridegroom and foolishly -credited them until Investigation showed them false. Bha says that Mlsner never aaked her for' a cent either before or after mar riage, but always gave her the best of edvtoer In regard to financial . affairs. She states, however, that all she haa now is his. If be wanta It. aa but for fc- hla Intervention aha - would have re signed her rights as trustee under the will and begun a contest. Mrs. Mlsner Is quoted by her friends as aaylng that aha had found keys to safety vaults containing securities and believes the estate . to be worth fully t6e.ooe.ooe.. . ; v ... t . . HOPKINS SUCCEEDS : , HIMSELF AS MARSHAL ' . (Josrssl Special tonn.) ' - -" ' ' Washington, Feb. J 7. The president ', today nominated Charles B. Hopkins to be United States marshal for the west ern district of Washington, Hopkins Is . a . well-known politician of eastern '. Washington and haa bees United Statee . marshal for ths past four years.. Hla home waa In Spokane, but when the new district was created last winter he moved his headquarters to Puget sound. Hopkins had charge of Charles weeny's , -fight for . United .State - senator last winter at Olympla. waa formerly a newspaper man and' afterward a lobby ist. . . ... ...... , ,s: - . . REFUSES clemency; . TO MURDERER WHITE fSwctal tnepetefc te The JesrasM " Olympla, Wash., Feb. -27. Governor Mead has refused to Interfere with ths ' hanging of "Kid" Whit and the execu tion will ttk place at Walla Walla next Friday.- White waa found guilty of first degree murder for killing a man In a Seattle saloon. ' Ooqaille Logger Killed, . .' . .- . (Aevaui Dwaatek to The Jeamal.) t Myrtle Point. Or.. Feb. 17. Thomas , Kookard was killed at Bridge, Oregon, about 11 miles east of Myrtle Point on the middle fork of Coquille river. Sat- : urday. Rockard was trying to tireak a log jam. when he waa caught by a log and killed. Rockard was about It years of age. dUsa Lewis Beat Brand. -i ;. j; "... . - Sterling Silver Salad Forks '"from MMio SI A beautiful variety of de algne to select from, high-" ly finished In the polished or ; French 'gray. ' '.;Th weight 'represents value of th highest order, with at tractive prices , to , corre spond accordingly ( The en graving la special feature. ' Co. Third aad Washington Ste. . j Jewelers ' - (, j Silvers IthaJ Manufacturing Optlelaps. -Where QmaUty U X Seal1 ; i?: t Vbsolutsly Puro HAS JO SUDSTiWIE . A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alumorphos. ; phatlo EJECT 41,000 PEOPLE FROM EES l!l KEVnOKK Remarkajsje Shifting of Popula tion Caused by Big Build- -Ing Enterprises. ' tJearssl Special gerrlcs.) New. York. Feb. 27. A remarkable shifting of New Tork'a population has been caused by the big building enter prises launched within the past four years. There haa been taken out of the center of New fork more man f i.vuw people. Twelve thousand persons have been evicted from homes which were torn down to make place for the Pennsyl vania 'station. Up In the region of ths nsw Improvement of the New Tork Cen tral 1,000 persons were sent to other parts when the work of tearing down the buildings began. The tunnel bridge terminals also caused block after block to be condemned and scattsred the oc cupants through the city or sent them to Brooklyn, making a total of 41,000 evicted thua far. In alt, with the new parks that ars contemplated, and with the wiping out of the Lung block in Cherry hill. It la estimated that when New Tork haa her next wholesale moving day there will be 100.000 affected. . . . : , GASOLINE MOTOR CAR ; VrTO CROSS CONTINENT v ' tJearsal iseelal Ssrvte.) Nsw Tork. Feb. 17. Running under her own power,, the gaaollne motor-oar Ogertta will start from Weehawken. ths terminal of the Pennsylvania railroad, today on her long Journey to Ban Fran clsoo.. This wUl be tho first attsmpt to ran a car by electrto motor across the continent on rails. Another aelf propelllng motor-oar la about to begin the trip on . the eastward trans continental journey, .starting from San Francisco. Already this car has run without r pairs or accident mora .than I, 000 miles. SENTENCED TO YEAR IN ' JAIL FQR LAND FRAUDS (Jearaal Special Serrlee.) -' Omaha, Neb., Feb. 17. Rev. George Ware tbla morning was denied a new trial. - Ha was convicted of land frauds and aentenoed to a year In Jail and lined I I, 000. . Ha will appeal to higher courts. Seeks Divorce. Eugene, Or.. Feb. 17. Frederick R. Welch, a sawrb.Ul man of this city, has begun suit against Lucy May Welch-Tor divorce on statutory grounds. He names. Thomas vBowers as corespondent. 1 Ths Wslchea were married in Lane county in September; ltt. and have two chil dren. Ruby M., aged years, and Esther Pearl, aged . - . i i i ii . .ft f.; .'1, " V 1 : i v .fWi- .... f J . WUaon Mianertf San Franciaoo, Who 'I-" -i ''. formerly' Mrs. I. r" .X acid i c . flirnnennn itt moo fiD.D0.UUU lit LU00 II SH1P-BUILDIKB TRUST J. P. ,. Morgan's j International Marine Company to Wind Up Its Business in March. UaMal Beaolal Siim.l "Philadelphia. Feb. 17. With book loan to syndicate- members amounting to,eoo. equal to 11 1 per cent on Investment, , the ttO.000,000 syndicate organised by X P. Morgan Co. nearly four years ago to float the 1170,000,000 International Mercantile Marine com pany, will bo wound up March !..-' - Under the syndicate agreement, sub scribers will receive ttO.000,000 In col lateral trust - 4 H per cent bonds, sold at par with a- bonus of 4 per cent. on preferred, and 40 per cent on common stock. Securities, for which ttO.000,000 In cash will be paid In current market prloea, are worth t44.l7l.ooe. The net loss Is 11 per cent, tt.ttl.000. , FUGITIVE GAMBLER IS ? HEARD FROM IN HAVRE ) ; .A; -.-: I, ;. - fjnareal Rneefal Karri r. V ' . Walla Walla, Waah.. Feb, 17 Joe Wright, one of the three men alleged to have fjeeoed John Elsler, a' Montana mining man, of, tl.ttl In a three card monto game at Pasco a week ago has been heard from at Havre,' Montana. Wright sent a magnificent pair of buf falo horns to John Smalls, a local sa loonkeeper, and wrote a. letter to friends telling them where ha might be found. Although warrants bava been Issued for the three men It Is doubtful. It Is aaid. if the Pasco, authorities wlU over serve them- '- 'v .. . .., Wright and his pals. It te said, would fleece some Innocent and they in turn have been relieved of their coin by Pas co men. Who are acknowledged past masters at draw poker. Soma bigl) stakes It la aaid hava been played for at Pa aco the paat winter and tho return of ths three sharpers for trial would atlr up a . scandal that several Pascoltes would not hava unearthed for a mint of money, tt la asserted that gambling la the only charge that can be brought against Wright and hla con federates. .'.'.'.-.' " PACKERS WERE ALLOWED TO REFUSE ANSWERS ' (Special IMspatcft te Tb learaaLI Chicago. Feb. IT. In the packers trial Commlssionsr Garfield this morn ing. Identified telegrama .received from hla representatives during the Investi gation. The court admitted them ae evidence. The government claims that they prove that tho packers were al lowed to refuse to answer questions propounded during the Investigation. it r "a . 4 i ' T . . t 1 Has Mads Up With Hla Wte,-, Yerkes. C'''-"' v :- - .' "", V;, in . ' N EVA eooth's cc23 :::: ) COOM ceii: j Salvation Army Leader's Pack of Twenty Canines a Nuisance , Luxuries at Her Home. ' (Jeanul Spettal aerrles.1 ' ' Chappaqua. N. Fab. IT. This quaint hamlet,' famous for having been tho homo of Horace Oroaley, la hoping that Miss Eva Booth, the Salvation Army woman, will move to soma other town and take her dogs with bar. So has over a scorer of vicious pupa on her place. ' Miss Booth lives In Chappa qua and goes daily to Now Tork. While she Is busy In tho great wicked city saving souls, her immense pack Of doga scatters around town, attacks teams, causes runaways and other annoyances. ' Chappaqua people regard tho doga m nuisances. Just what part theea nu merous canlna pets, moat of thorn hand some oolllea, have la Miss Booth's un selfish campaign for tho oalvaUoa of sinful folk la not apparent Among other evidences of . abundant means about Mlsa Booth's aetata, with tho big handsome three-story country house and 41 acres of lawns, are a man aeoretary, a woman amanuenala, a housekeeper and other servants. ' . . TIUE TO LET FEOFLE TRY - (Continued front Page One.). . Guild's lake." aaid tho mayor. "Should the park board because of a little senti ment stop those enterprises T Would it bo right for them to do sot Let Pence continue with his scheme and wrThin four weeks bo may become boated and want to go back to Colorado from whence he came.'' "If they desire to fill Culld's lake why do thsy not purchase a dredge, make a basin in tho center of tho lake and flu in around It for sites for machine shops and factories, and make Jt harbor r asked Levinaon. The mayor aaid that lie had Investi gated Into that Tory . thing several months ago and that government en gineers had declared that It waa not feaaible and could not bo dona. Would Olvo saneg Chance, ' 'It seems to ma," . continued the mayor, "that If Pence signs a contract and gives a bond that he wUl not dam age the park In any manner, wo -should give htm permission to ran water through this flume.for a few months. I have no Interest In this man's schemes, or In him personally, but I am willing to give him a chance. I think ha should be permitted to develop these resources If he cn." .' - When the vote waa taken Commis sioners Lewis and Meyers voted in the affirmative and Colonel L L Hawkins i In ths negative. Pence told Commis sioner Meyers he would write an apology to ths board for building his flume across the. park without permis sion. , ' ' f . Immediately after tho meeting Pence notified hla engineer-to bava tho break made by the mayor In the flume re paired. As soon af it Is finished he will begin sluicing jjown the hills again. CHINESE GUESTS HELD OFF STRAITS OF FUCA (Special Dtepateh to The Jeeraal.) Port Town send, Waah, Feb. I7The Dakota has not yet been sighted off Capo Flattery. - ' A heavy storm pre vailed all night along tho, coast. Tho ship la held off tho straits of Juan do Fure. , . -' . The reception committee has . come from Seattle and is awaiting tho arri val of tho Imperial commissioners. Thar banquet at the Washington hotel, Se attle, has been postponed to Wednesday night. ' . . .. ., ,. . JOSEPH LEITER TRIED FOR VIOLATING LAWS J- (Jowaal Special Serrles.) " Benton, 111.. Feb 17. The eases for alleged violation of state mining laws brought agalnat Joseph Letter were called . thla morning and the trial ad journed to this afternoon. Some of the greatest lawyers in tho state are on both- aldss. . 4 n Oharoh Dedicated. -, (Sseclal Owpatch te The Jeeraal.) ' Eugene, Or Feb.' 17. The new Pres byterian church at Creswell wss dedi cated Sunday, Rev, , Q. Knotts of Albany delivering the dedicatory ser mon. The building has Jnat been com pleted at a cost of tl.tiO -Quite n sum of money waa raised at the services Sunday, but there ta yet a amall dsbt to pay off. The building is modern ln all Its appointments and has a seatins capacity of about too persons. BIG-REAL ESTATE DEAL"' S IN GILLIAM COUNTY ; . , . (Sperlal Dtopateb 4e The Joersal.) ' Arlington. Or.. Feb. 27. The largest real estate deal ever consummated In Ollllam county- -w s closed here last week, when Ooorge P. Sink of Alex sold to O. T. Sturgess of Arlington 1.IS4 acres of land . for tli.OOO. and C B. Spencer sold -to C. W- Martin of Condon 1,710 acres for the. consideration -of I25,7i. ' These two sales are record- breakers and go to prove the value of Oregon land In this section. ',.... Boat miss tho flrat Installment of David Orahasa Phillips' great novel of. practical Amerloam pollUoe. will start In The Sunday Journal, March a. . . Margherita Vat Coming. . (Jeeraat S pedal a lee. I Rome, Feb. 17. It is officially denied that Queen Marghorlta WiU tour America In an automobile. . ooBiraa t zmxT ajts OOVOaT STS. on BAT An SriOaTT . Blnno from 11 a. aa. te S p. as. Mullagatawoy Soup (Free with Meals). Chicken naiad. Mayonnaise Press . . Ing . .. 20c Boiled Salt galmon Bellies. .1K Baked Halibut ..15e Pried Rasnr Clams - i...;r-.l(li Columbia Biver Smelt , '. i . . . . it ..i&l Wiener Sausage and Sauerkraut... 15g) Pried Chicken, Cream Orary ...... XBI Breast of Veal, with Cauliflower.. .BOe) Short Blha of Beef, with Macaroni. 20 Pork Tenderloin, Cream Oravy . ... .2Ro Baked I rab Pie, Home Style...., .lfti Veal Kidney Sauto on Toast. .'.. ..,16a Hamburger Steak.. Tomato Sauce.. 1 ft e Head Cheeee. Potato Salad. .. ... .l&i Spring Lamb, Mint Bauro and Green Peas 1. V. I. .30o Roast Chicken, with Dressing.. tt2S Roast Beef r.lw4 We ars eoine to close out all odds and ends and broken lots. : Our,' sprinjr stocks are tirrivino; daily and we must make room to display them, It you wiU note prices in this ad vertisement and then conle inland see the others you will readily be convinced that NOW is the time to buj : is -ejrv w . maw r r - e . T TWO-VXaC- KAM04A T cvvvrea in vt vrwn, res amCSAJb sUOtf 3.00,. ew '' - SrOUraaT OAJC OVCrrOSXSa, . ' K mirror, tlt-tO; sale " price . ........ .......31Q.SO sLOo sowx, soe w nx. . .. i : : O "V P ';'" IP! $5down DIGNIFIED CREDIT FOR ALL SI WeCk '" aauaro U aiahad great aaany kesnoo In this otty and iolay setd tho great tnajortty , ., 11 Ritvai m cm tho credit pma. Wo wtu funiah a home few-yon oat credit as wo wtU far- - Riiye. ;.. ft UUJ9 a , BUk saria. of arttolon, We do mot isjsrlialnsei ta amy omeo, hot 7 ' It 9x12 a all oilk sad we have yet to koa of amy eJawatwfaotlBm tm wfeioh wo aere . g ; 5 mn anm mm w Axmins- -m ter Rug iTTlvN Jf)) I I r S FIRST AND III TAYLOR STS. GERMANS LARGEST OWNERS UOF STEEL TRUST STOCK Association Which Controls Iron Business of Fatherland Buys American Holdings. . (Jaaraal Special Serriee.) New York, Feb. 17. The German Steel Kartel. a voluntary association which practically controls tho steal business of Germany, haa become the largest single stockholder of the United States Steel corporation, according 10 circumstantial reports circulated In Wall street. Of the total of tlOI.IOI. 100 outstanding common stock of the steel corporation, tho Kartel la said now to hold between ana si t.eee, 000 at par value. - 1 Buying for the account or tne Kartel becan when the United - Btatea Steel common stock got below 10 and con tinued until the low point of 1 was touched . and the following subsequent rally to IT. Ths average prlco paid for the 000,000 to tSO.000 shares purchased was II. and all tho cash ever put np waa 11.000,000, but 110,000,000 waav borrowed to carry tho stock. . MOHUNDRO REFUSES TO DISCUSS HIS FAILURE ' ' (Special DlepateB to The Journal.) Walla Walla, Waah., Feb. 17. Walla Walla politicians are astir today over the receipt of new from Washing ton last night that Senators Ankeny. and Piles had recommended A. J. amis, re ceiver of the Walla Walla tend office, to succeed J. I Mohundro aa register, and Jesse O. Miller of Dayton as reoelver. Register Mohundro was out of town yesterday and waa not aware the nomi nations had been sent In until Informed of the fact by a reporter at tho land office this morning'. Mohundro rsfused to discuss hla fail ure to secure the indorsement of the Washington delegation for . reappoint ment further than to aay that hit friendship for Eugene Lorton and Warden Kees had Incurred tho displeas ure of . the Crocker-Stevensdn-Baker crowd and that they were mainly re sponsible for tho . aght being waged agslnst him. -V ' ' '. j WHOLESALE ARREST OF .. . SAN FRANCISCO GAMBLERS , (Joamat Special Servtee.i San Francisco. Fsb. 17. This morn ing 240 gamblers and visitors who were arrested last night at a new joint opened by Daroux 4k Harvey were ar raigned In four batches and their cases postponed until - Thursday. ' More than tl.100 In money, numerous stacks of chips and a full layout- of gambling paraphernalia were gathered In, Die trio Attorney Langdon. who Instigated the raid unbeknown to tho police, says he will continue his fight on gambling until It Is stamped out. . - . ' Card of Thaaka. .' We wish to eitead our thanks to the Foresters of America and friend a for their sympathy and words of oondolenoe and beautiful floral - pieces during ths reoent sorrow occasioned by the death of our beloved son and brother. , MR,, AND. MRS. U. T. FANNING AND FAMILY, .. fiTY 1 ' ' tf 0-:'- BUM uxilaa weaaaig TlMMMaM VABXOm STJIT, 1'. ' evv. diuv priuw, . ajs9.0V wpecwi f l.OO weak. K - . fixe niMXnn BBJBSSn, In quartered ; sale price ....,..23.50 Special terms , .', gi-oo dowst, sloo wxax. - . . yom and wtn trust ron.' "lro wUl neUoew ImpV tojav '', $l ffttV. fff i a 11 M m ' - : " " TN x U rr xYaV EE OS tin r'sk s aw a liill.UI at. . v k GREAT GATHERING TO -- WATCH ROAD-MAKING (Washington, Boreas of The JearaaL) Washington, Feb. 17. Senator Qearln. who haa boon taking aa active Interest in tho good roads movement, haa re ceived ' a latter-from Judge Soottv of Salem promising to make tho proposed good roads meeting at that place the biggest demonstration' over bald there. It is planned to build the road near Sa lem near the streetcar line, so that It can bo reached without difficulty, and run special excursion trains from ths northern part of the state and from Eugene, and It la expected that 10,000 visitors will attend tho demonstration, whloh will -consist of practical work illustrating tho proper methods of build ing roads and speeches by road-build lug experts. v.". , " ; ' ; .WOMAN'S HAND ; : (Continued from Pago On a) . ." fort to get something accomplished toward clearing np tho mystery and bringing tho murderer to ustloc . ' , - Xeertgwa Sag Bono Motblag. Captain Bruin aaya that unless De tective Kerrigan, Who Is supposed to be conducting tho investigations In bo half of the police department, produces some results within two days, ho pro poses to tske ths case out of bis hands and turn It over to some one . who will accomplish .'. somsthlng. . Tho captain says that as yst Kerrigan has not se cured anything definite. -Kerrigan as sorts that he has been working . dili gently but admits that ns has been un able to seoure any clues. . It was learned several days ago that a former bartender ef Kuhn'e working a few miles out of the city might possess valuable Information on - tho esse, and tho detectives admit thsy hava not at tempted to see him yet and 'secure bis evidence. When asked about this man and what he might know Kerrigan re plied: - .. . "Oh. I'll see 'film after while. I'm -V"-' .';'; V' .'',v, ' ' - prevention la , ' '')': ' J I worth a pound ' ; . ' M '. ... ' I .Icra We give special attention to the ALL-IMPORTANT feature of FITTING Ch2aren Feet PROPERLY. If your chOdis safierlng,from "fsHen Instep" or "flat foot" we recommend our celebrated if"' 'w j'Acai - ROSENTIK!AL,S:ilii ' Sole AseartS MANAKTS CLttOATXD law YCWC SHCSS T 1 1 : JY JJai ssb gs''''' fMATaT TWfflL Ito. ama-Mtv. atftit mM 1 ( atwla . BlAAsl. aawkla.1 mai l wasrfMdh . J wiive a f e.Vi m m isiai aaa-- , - .. .. ,-,Tf...., , S9.TS ' 111 lue ' ' . v. ZOWaT, SLOS win i , - . '. : - ' 'wasnnD ; oajc , IS. HntiAlaftre4 H. mih. . mjt lk. Manila 11ln- mala prlco MJ.1I o)iuown - r a. Jewel r Ra FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. DON'T DOSE THE STOMACH Chwe Catarrh by BToatklag- .nasal ' 1 Bold Vnden aj wooeare. wasw voa . .r There la one treatment fOr nasal ca tarrh whloh 4a based upon common, sense and at the aaane time la thor oughly scientific Jiyomel Is not a .euro-all; It Is a spoclfla for tho cure of catarrhal troubles, - Breathed through tho neat pocket Inhaler that comes with every outfit' tho aromatlo healing of Hyomel penetrates to the moot remote part of the nose, throat and lungs, healing all Inflammation and killing the catarrhal germ wherever present. : ' So suoeeasful haa Hyomel boon In the euro of catarrh that Woodard, Clarke 4k Co. aell It under a guarantee, that tt will coat nothing unless It gives satlafaotlon. The complete Hyomel outfit sells for tl and oonsists of an Inhaler that can.' bo carried in tho vest pocket, a medlolne dropper and a bottle of Hyomel. Tho In haler lasts a lifetime, and If more -Hyomel Is needed, extra bottles can be obtained for 10 cents. It Is the moot economical of all remedies advertised for ths. cure of oatarrh.. and la tho only one that treats this disease without' gtomaohf dosing, applying tho medication and healing where tho disease germs are present ' Do not dose tho stomach to euro nasal oatarrh; breathe Hyomel. knowing , that if this treatment does not euro It will? oost yon nothing. ..... . 5- If net cosvenlest to ebtala nrosMi ef Wood- srd, Clarke A Co. or seme other dra foist It wtU be A rarded from the laboratory or siall m receipt ef price. The K. T. Booth, Co., Hyo aval kaUala. Ithaca, New Tork. - still working on tho case; yon needn't he uneasy about that." At present a German bartender, em ployed by Kuhn at the time of his death, ' appears to bo tho principal worker on tho ease. ' He reports regularly to Ker rigan at the police station. ' - . Baldwin's Health Tablets. Take them tonight bo troll tomorrow. ' Cures constipation, ltd. Druggists, w - Children's feet are often rained by being misfitted by inexperienced and cheap saleepeople. - ' , ; , rcc?w I V V I 1 1 '