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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
v.-. e aovt.i-ae ,wtiini..aitwWWwqW Sas'iash' IWWIWWW W asy we-at .t , : i r : IT- HEW DOAdD OF GOVERIIOl FOP TIIE PODTLAID COr.g.IECL'iL CLIP 7-t very lof t-ro, s po"ir ms--'e r, .. -Vsd aa J.oriaX s-xwee ta - I av a-rtea. Ins- -tasaa, tvt ail u-j v .y I i .Sj ; "XW xm wm i pra . m . ,. .. -, 1 . ' a :i 1 DUILI ARE DROKEU ....,.!. , East , Side Contractors Erecting , Unusually . Largs Numbsr of . FIFTY NEW HOMES ARE u . v STARTED IN THREE DAYS Betterments Amounting t$ ,. Nearly Fifty Tbouund Dollars' Begun In Twenty-Four ) Working Hour Apartment Block Going Up. v: . - m t aid afte f Tk IowmI I la tk tor of li M. U Mlllw. KM Cut Morrtwa In three dayi bulldlnv permlte here bocn iMued to aaat aid oontraotora for Improvf mnla amounting to 4,MS. AM no Improvamant in tha lon Hat la for mora than l.0. and tha vaat majority ara for houa coatlna; frtm 11.000. to $1,609. thia thraa daya record la prob ably tha boat tha aaat aid haa made In year or mora, ead othar thtea days during; tha laat alx months bava uw such a bulldlnaj Ut. - Monday waa the raoord day far ear. ami montha, whan II of tha 17 pormlta laauad vera for aaat aide homaa, and amouutlnr to tll.7l of tha day's 111. 171. Fabruary 10 aaat elda permits . wra granted to the amount -ef It.llO, .and February II to tha amount of III. 4SI. Faw daya until tha praaant month aaw parmlts laauad for oast aids Ira provamanta amounting te mors .than 17.000 or ll.oeo, and froquantly waeaa paaa when tha 10.000 mars was , not reached."''- ' 1 ' .'"' - 8oma tf the buildings being erected and aoon to be atartad are: . Four 11.100 dwelllnga forO. V. Jackaon On Kaat Ash. between Sixth and Seventh atreets; 11.10 dwelling for 8. Morrow at Eaat Lincoln and Seventh streete; realdenos ooetlng 11,000 ' for t. A. Peters on Rue ell, near Commercial - street: another worth 11,100 for Mrs. ' U SUver. at Broadway -and Eaat Ninth etreet; two tl.aee realdenoea for H. H. Helde at . Maaon atreat and Vancouver avenue, and a 11,100 dwelling Tor C C, White at Eaat Ollaan and Thirty-Brat atraota. In addition to tlieee eeveral homaa of ' more easenalve type are building, ' among them the ft.SOO realdenoa of C Ilaneea, at Rooaevelt and Fab-banks atreets. Snd another of equal value tor . W. n. Richards In Unlveralty pant. A 12.000 houae la being built for N. S. ' Brande oa Eaat Alder and Kaat Thirty eventh atraota. and a realdenca ooallng almut IS400 Is being built for R. F. IXckeraon at Tascart and Kaat Twenty aUtfe streete. One of the moat coetlyaof tha new aaat aide realdenoea la the home ef W. J. Hofmann. which la being erect. - d at Eaat Twenty-nfth and Hancock ' atreets. The moat pretentloua Improve ment recently atartad la tha S, F. white tors and apartment block at Eaat Fifth and Belmont atreeta. the coat. of which will approach 110.000. . Heveral almllar blocka and four apart ment flata are 'either ander conatruotlos or soon to be atartad In the central east -aids district, and the outlook la that 'each year fewer privets houaea will be ' built In the district adjacent to tha eaat 'approach of tha steel and Burnalde brldgea and the flat dweller will Inhabit . tha land. :"., , " t- .-.'.. '..,'".'.' SEWER KEEPS MOVING. i Irvtaftoa Srala Vawlnds si Bass of - v : .: rtfty Feat Oar. ; , t Work on, the big Irvlngton, sawar is ' being sdvanced at the rate of 10 or '09 feet a day, the' haw ditch digger, making short work of .the formerly big contract A of excavating and-flUlng behind the. six foot conduit ' The sewer has progresaed bout four blocka on San Rafael-atreet '. and 4e making a better rate of apaed as the erewa grow acca a tomed to the opera. . tton of the new machine. '.Work la alao carried oa st odd tlmea.oa tha connect ' tng link .'-voder Wllllffma svanua. .. A block waa left untouched there to give tha newly ' filled' street. tlme to -settle TOOTH F0T.XER U insMtt as a osodorixer, antiseptk c2eaaalng agant and preeervatiTa. 1IIIG RECORDS 4f J ! 5 ,- - , . .... .' , .1 I . I t I 1'.. I I ; v' r UaBaaeSJBMBll I, E. L. Thompaon;- 2, Hugh McOulrt ,S,. C' W. Hodaon; 4, Edward ; Ehrman; S,. but at present a crew Is working on tha tunnel syaiara maieaa - ex niiiw complete excavation from the atreat aurfaca and whan the meaons are not at work on tha main aawer they are aet to work building the link which haa al ready been carried half way tip one block on WUllama , avenue. .A large amount of extra dirt la . left by the erews. this representing ' tha aiepiace ment of ths big aewer, and several prop erty-owners In tha vlolnlty are vaing it to bring their low lota np to grade. Tha dirt being already on the atreet It can be moved cheaply and the fills are being made at less thsn half what property owners had to pay for similar' work where tha dirt- had to be brought by ears and tssma from a consldsrsble dis tance. ... -,. . . V' ADVENTIST CONFERENCE. petaretea From Satire Ooas. Aiaaka aad , Bemlaioa S)atkey ea Bast Side. For 10 days ths Interests ef the Seventh-Day Adventlats of tha Pacific cos at, the Dominion of Canada and Aiaaka will center at ths chapel on Kaat Eleventh and Everett streets. where this morning tha annual conference of tha Pacific union of the church 'con vened. Teeterday afternoon the execu tive committee held Its annual aeaslon snd srranged a program of work and dlaouaalon ' for. tha conference, bealdes got nk over 'the reports from the various dlatrlcta ef tha conference. 'Should 'the full representation attend 'the confer ence there will be mora than 100 vlaitlng lav and mtnlaterlal delegatee which will present, tha greetlnga from 11,000 mem barn In' half a dosea states and twd countries. President A. O. Denlala of tha general conference of the Adventleta of tha nation and General Secretary E. R. Palmer ere among the Adventlats of national repute who win auena. ; COD'S CHURCH INSTITUTE. es XastltawonsJ See From aTerk- ; weae"waaer at Bast Slda Xoms. There are eeveral. east aide Inatltu tlonal churches but only ens that .has progressed to the point of opening head quart era for" tha homeless . where thay can be given ' work for meala. a clean bed 'and warm ' lodging. - Thla .Is the rganlsatloa known as Ood'a ' church that haa a three-story church, lodging bouse 'and home on Hawthorne avenue near East Sixth , etreet. A board of truateea manages the afalra ef the In etltutloo and Elder Q. T. Neal and his wife are In charge.. The elta was bought and tha building -erected by voluntary subscriptions and funds, sufficient, ,fol the needa of tha church are. provided by private generosity,-,. Tomorrow the chief workers and elders ' of - this church, which has ao creed, membership roll nor artlclea of faith,' will' open the annual Inatltuts in' the local 'home and fvpre sentatlvea from north weetern ottlet will be In attendance. Including the chief of the sect. Elder O. w. Bailey ef Bpokana, l fu;;ds : On This Account, Says, Russian - ; Papsr, Monsy Orders Wsrs ; Not Cashed. Vi'kk I v Inquiries have been made-Into ' tha oauae of ths refueai ef the Ruaalan poatal department-to caeh money ordara aent from tha United States to -friends and relatives In Russia. - Several ' per sona in Portland are Interested la ae oartalnlng the cauee, for It le believed many Jews will suffer ' greatly unless conditions era remedied. . - - The explanation of the refueai waa printed January f In tha RSaakbla Blovo (Ruaslan Word), one ef 'the moat pop ular da 1 1 tea In Ruaala. It was trans lated eapedslly - for Ths Journal, and f ollowai ',..'-'''."', ..', . ', "The Ruaalan ambassador to Great Britain requeated Baron Rothacklld, through the medium at the BrlUxb gov- A, t.' Craig. eminent,, to delay-for soma time the forwarding of the money raised for ths relief of the Jews who Buffered, -luring the recent maaaaeres throughout Rua aia. . As a motive,, the Ruaalanr ambas sador mentioned tha deafra of 4b gov ernment to oontrpi the dlstHbutien of these funds, jveommittss ef prominent Jews sailed upon Count Wltte, requeat ing an explanation ef the above,.1 and Count Wltta aaaured tha committee that the step was taken through a m launder atandlnav Iawrora ' Bchloeaberg ana Vareohavaky, prominent membera of the Jewlah pbllanthroplo eommittea, . t draasod aa Inquiry to tha minister of tha Interior, rsouestlng an explanation of ths government's action, In the above matter.. . ..' "Mr. DournoVO, the roiniaier, - ex plained that tha govarnmeat wlahed to exerclae Ita control only over tboaa aums which may eome without definite tnatruotlona for their dlatrlbutlon. The mlnlater aaaured the committee that It haa full 'confidence la tha latter to per form Ita task and took thla opportunity of firmly expreaalng himself that no further Jewlah maaaaerea are poaelble, aa all atepa have been taken In plaoea where Jews reelde, to quell any upris ing In the course of one half hour." ; Baldwin Health Tablets. Take them1 tdnlghb be well tomorrow. Curee- eonstlpatlon. : lie. Drugglats. , -i - mi I I ... i-. i - Fiefewee Stock Oaaaad ssSa ' ' , j' eUlea) Lewis Bast Brand. .',. , ',. ... ; 1 , t - . . rralt Oare and OaMrue. ' V ' (Cars 'and culture ef fruit will be tha eubjeote to- be- dlecueeed at a hortt coltural Inetltute te be held next Satur day, February IT. la ths Christina Val ley school houae. ' County Fruit la apector J. H. Raid will preside, n t Tke Cay Tea Bests Taking Oaoraulsioa), . Xaat Pay. Tour Cure Bagina. . . Jkt CW tlevr Oil fiiatowa "Par BwctUnc.' Tke Properties of its Ingrcdiinti are. COD LIVER, OIL Blood-making, Tluue-building, . Nourishing, . Suttsin- "fiUAIACOLrVntiseptie, Genn-dal a'trovlne. Cxtarrh-curins. ' ,t GLYCERINE Soothing, Healing, Softening. ' ' ".-'-: ( LIME AND SODA Bone-baflding, Teth-rrowih ''"('.... 1 -It is, a Chemically Purified FOOD Pleasilnt and Palatable, v. . ' - It it an APPETIZER Stimulating Desire for Food. ' " ' ' It ,is"aTO NIC Promoting the Functions of the -Digeitive Organs. ' . Physicians - use in their Own Fami lies and Prescribe in their Private and Hospital Practice, - tha ; Ozomulsion Guro For CONSUMPTION, CATARRH, BRONCHITIS. SCROFULA, ANAE MIA, MALARIA. PNEUMONIA and nil - PULMONARY COMPLAINTS. WASTING DISEASES OF YOUNG AND OLD, and for those GENER ALLY DEBILITATED. Always Uniform . in . Quality, it is Spcsdtly Digested and Assimilated. 1 , , For Convalescents j is an Invalua ble Recuperator in Connection with any Medicine they may be taking. . it brings back Flesh Snd Strength to those recovering from any Diseasee and Fevers.,.. . .A ';' '''.. . Those who take Otomuliiani enjoy Buoyant Health. : - "'... ' Beneficial Results are Obtained after the First Dose. There are two atoee os. sad lsa. BeHteai the Foamula ia priated in 7 laagaagea a each. Ozomulsion ' Labor atorixa , ; .r;v,smltlast-KaWTorit,.: ).:' , .,.1. OREGOH DOES HOT 017E A DOLL Practically Only State In Union With No. Debts, says 7 .Moore. ONLY BONDS ISSUED ' ' WERE FOR INDIAN WAR TEeseTWarealorBaearMalir A mmi SlalAM Ua Pni Hat. AM 9mA B Light District ' snd pioaed Gam bling Games, Says Mr. Moore. fl suppose the statsmant that Oregon Is out of debt Is ne longer considered newa," ' remarked ' State ' Creasurer Charles ' Moore at ' tha Imperial - hotel, "but I will tell you something that per haps may lntereet you. . - " , - "As far as I know, Oregon la the only state In tha Union today which prac tically doaa not owe a dollar and never had a dollar of bonded Indebted neea. However., when I make the latter state ment I do so with a alight- reservation. Oncs upon, a time,'-aa tha fairy story goes, there was aa Indian war In the north weat,. and the etate needed money. Bonds were issued, the proceeds of the sals of which were uaed te prosecute tha wa. . The bonds were outstanding such a short length ef time that it le hardly fair te charge them against 'ths financial record of Oregon.. ' "Excepting that - one time - the state has practically always been out of debt Once In a while a few warrants will get the better of ua, for a month or ao, but there have alwaye been f unda coming In to meet the outatandlng obligations That la a record which I do not think ran be equaled by another state la tha union. I know I am proud ,of It, and I gueae every ether taxpayer la Oregoa Is, too., -c ,. ., .... w( : . , '.. .'. ' i - 'Ths only thing new In Salem la the movement of the purity people and the building of tha Willamette Valley Trac tion company. I' underatand the alum dlatrkt has become a thing of the past. snd that gambling baa been ao cleaned out that there are but Isolated games, run on the quiet In the dark. "I believe that tha traction company le aincere In Its declaration that It In tends to build to Portland. Steel has been ordered, and I have bean told by reaponalblo parties that work of laying It aouth from Salem will begin at ones. -"Ninety minutes from Salem to Port land Is pretty quick time. It wllV help build up the capital besldee benefiting Portland In a hundred ways..: Just think of Jumping onto a trolley car at Salem at 11 o'clock, running up to Portland, having luncheon with a friend and get ting back home the mlddia'of the after noon. That means much for the two cities and the valley. .. After the road has made equally good connecttona with other cltlea In the valley we can expect the valley to grow faster than It haa, and Ha growth has been remarkable during , the last few years." . LARGEST FEBRUARY CLASS DOITS HIGH SCHOOL Fifty:Slx Boys ,'. arid . rls Com piste Their four Years' Course and Receive Diplomas. . V:;.!.v:- - . - - Ths largest ' February graduating Maaa In' tha . history of . -the Portland High, school -aaM farewell - ta fellow- atudenta and -. professors last night. There were II boys 'and girls who re ceived '-diploma at the sod, of a four years' course, a . , ' . . . i : -The exercises were held In the as .sembly hall of thd High schooL Mam. bare of the board of school . dlrectora and Principal - Davla oooupled easts on the platform. , Ir. . T.s L. Eliot gara an , address to the members of ths oUsa. Miaa Ethel Shea and Mies Kath leen Lawler 'sang. Mra. . Button pre sented tha diplomas . and ' wlahed ths young "man and women success. - - Fol lowing ,1s a list of graduates: - English Florence Allen, Albert Bankuai Lara Baty. Chrlattne Marthllds Bergavlk.- Ben 8. . Burney, OUia Loulae Cecil, , Hmlly Margaret Curran. Haael Ford. a Dorothy H. Qulld, Kulalls Har baugh. Martin Hawkins, Lulu Mae Haw- ley, Milton B. Henderson,' . Kathrya Ursula Hobaa, HatUe K.-Hoban. Hen rietta Hoi am, Emma M. A. Keep. Wil liam C. KeltT Sarah Bess Kern. Huldah C. Nelson, Archie P. Peary. Nellie Baaye, Earl Bead. Masla Claire Buft Ethelred Sherwood, Stella at Bmita. Roy C Soula, Carolyn B.' Thurman. Milton Vernon. Herman A. Wetterborg. Harry A. Swart. Roy Keat Terry. -. , Latin Emma Irene Bayer, ' Oeorge Ernest Polph. Olivine Flea, Olgn Oun derson, BeaeVM. Hammond, Ruth Han ssa, Walter Scott Jackson, Harper Nla. d --a tin A be re t OS U la, thai murk of toe sicao a 1 tnZMrx of manainl Is doe to tue vUatMst of certain of Natures la we. Lot to say that all sickness saenU bs rsewtod aa criminal, must appeal V very leajooabla Individual aa tadjeally It would be hanh. Meympthele, cruel, yes criminal, to condemn ths poor, weak, over-worked housewife whs alnks naoar tha heavy load of household cares and burdens,' and suffers frees, week nsssns. various dlaplacements of pelvle organs and other dorsngemeuts peculiar to her sex. Frequent baertes of chlldraa, with Its S Seting demands noon the pratera. eonoWd wiaa the ears, worry and labor of iw l laimTamlly. ta often the eaaaa of week - - - - rt i n iiisiia ante and dsbuity which are agare and U avated by the many hoaeehold carae. the bard, and never-eneiag work ; the saether Is called eo ta.perfsvia. Vr. Meree, tae makes of U world-f aaaed rem edy Sr woman's pecniiarweakneaaas and Uie Dr. Pierce's Favorite Piaaiuipuon ears that one of the reams obetaciea to See era of Shis claaaof mataaias la tae fact anas tea poor over- worked aoaeewue eaa not needed res from bar many aouaaool ge toe d care and labor to eoabie ker to aacure frona the tail beaeaaa-lt at kta Is a matter of frequent aaeeiiaacei la hie exteaalve practice .In taese eaaaa, m -an falk kau win. tboae in which hla treeso by reaaoa of the patient's Inability to a batata from hard work long enouga to be eared. With tboaa suffenna- noea Broiapaaa, aa tdn tjid Mfcmvaraloa or the aaaina otbae alepjacanieat of the womanly or eaa. It la veryaaraaaaiT that, la ao Mjm te tak ing hla Favorite Preacrtaaien tawy sbatataa from oemg very nam, or m was pennus, on thetr feet. All heavy llfUng or irauu- of any kina aaoaua auo no avoMeo. as a-n ova-door air aa poaaiBJe, wtab aaofSataaa, bt aaerntae la alas very laeportanl Let t paalaat observe tbeae reuae aa Baa lie rraacruiuoa ' wiu ao toe Dr. Piarae's Medical Adviser la sent free on receipt of stamps to pay rpret wf Sailing ontfc Bend to Dr. B. V. Pierce, uffale, N, tl one aent stamps for pa-per-eovarod, or U stamps for aloia-bound. - If sick consult ths Doctor, frees! charge by letter. All such eommaaloaalona are aoKi eaereoiy eonnaenwaj. Dr. Plarea's Pleasant Pants Invtsorata snd regulate stomach, llvsr aad aw wain. ley Jamtaon, Llllle Peneon, Harold Wil fred Qulgley. Esthsr May BkblOeld. Oerman Badie . Lucia pelovagV -B. Florence Junkln, Lao Krauae. Oeorge Otteq Jr., Edna H. Peterson. Benrlatta B.- Rothschild. Mollis Sega, Earner Dorothy Skans. Ada .Smith. ' Charles Sidney Spencer, Winifred Alice Young. Latin-- ana English Barn - rrancea Oberteuffer. Leo Bbaplrer. r Flrat-honor puplla were Albert Ban- sua. Chiiatlns Marthlldo Bergsvlk, Ollle L-ouiao vacn, "nenneits, xioium, bmim Franoao Oberteuffer, Edna H. Pstaraon, Bkolfield. Herman A. Wetterbora.-j? iiiunf fiun in -riil-r ma I DC inid id inni GOLD WATCH YOU LOST , ft f . '.'i.v.. ' Charles La wren oe, lenowa to tha Fort- land police as "Frenchy" and "Shorty" Lawrence,- was shot twice In ths light arm Jy Policeman. Clark while attempt. Ing to escape arreat at Beanie Mat Saturday; Hla photograph waa sent the autbotitlee here, with a requset that his record be looked up. , On looking through ths rogues gal lery Chief Orltsmacher found Lawrence's picture snd record. - He serveo) nvs years In ths Walla Walla .' penitentiary for burglary and two terma In the Salem penitentiary, one of II months for rob bing- o. Home or,av nooa street ana one or two ana one nan years xor aieei Built Scientifically From the Ground Up .TESTIMONIALS ; - OP ITS VALUE AS A -i DANDRUFFCIDE t AND v ;';-:'".'.' ; V- STIMULANT TO, ; ;the Iliv::f.-.-;. . ' MICRO IS NOT V - ' i ' X AN; ACCIpENT, BUT X Ths result ' OP''';-: ix - ALL THAT'iS -v' zX. known op , i DISEASES OF THE " SCALP AND THEIR ; ; . TREATMENT. .V- X JX Xr"2 V:.- .... ' v y enerji ; ' J i .,',..'. ;,:!'''.. y'-' : 'v'..-'" ''.f ;'.-'U " ''."-.; .--'' v "' ' i f. ''aBa,,',,.'--''.'''.".J-:;.'- Y'''- " ' ' 4".' ;,.-'- .i . ' '3 ; .!. ,t. .... -t -a - '' ... .. ' Llzniiktiurinrj Ckzabb, Pcrllzr.d, Oregon ; Spring ';- ' V. Various heigh to of : V ; crown ; x ::x and widths of brim : "I U ,3it Morrison St.xOpp Postotict fOl'.i'uCjnOrJGGa-, '. 'I s "' "'. i i 1 -aATMsssvc-r- v. el: f ing an evercoart 'from a second-hand store at First and Pine Streets. When Lawrenoe waa arrested' at Seattle a watch of tha ladles' hunting case pattern -was found on him. On the front of the oass ta the inscription "J. F. W." or T F. W." The number mwm. Cures Dandruff : AYD .Takes IheHair e'-C : Grow ' 'xx- i " x y " ' . x 1 ''' , ' ' ' " . " v ' r ' x ' '-''-J ,' ' j 1 "f "" ' - ' ay- ' j . , T " v A ' .." . r ' ; 7:CONTAiNS.;:';.' : PRE-EMINENT " r ,iomc "; il PROPERTIES' f '-. .,:'; ..', '!!.''-'':: 1 . ' i"sA. 'K'X woodadd; cunriE a i POR -OREGON I'BAinMwaai i I A I STIBSasw Muawf - a J anwnrs . I . .-.m I COtXPLZXKXt SOkAfk HIV I Wif ar awerw ' , w t- ereanr pw-w - I Best toilet aewaer. As- 1 Uftmm Hard Wateev 1 sWteae eaSSasina I vherT -T nuwaJ eetha jf " sasaxaau 9wm UNlawC THS BOX "ST" cNn? : v 4 '', AT AIA aTTOBaB rOB StHJO BT BS ' :. ' ' - - T Hftni II,1 v '.-J ' . HAIR? W l v:.''?;y , ''.- - II " II ' . r t Vvv-:v: Xyrk: It takes a" powerful sight more tosxlng to get the , hair back when it's gone than it does to keep it when ', '. you have it, so don't wait until you are bald before ' v .". getting rid of the Dandruff Pest. " '!. U' T i;jX ' - aananannnnv eaST a of 19Q5 -I , 'V.. v.'..": " -. -? of ths movement Is 1.121,114 aad ef tha ease 410,114. Attaohed te tha watctt waa a allk fob with a gold buckle Charles Tennant, aergeaat ef detectives, who- aent the - Inquiry, expreaeea the' .-. opinion that the watch and fob ward'; atolea In Portland. a ,- '.-. ?. if . Ask for ' JA'V. : Our Booklet TfiP Tmip an -,-, p wej-es ; -J: XX .XXi,.' Story of a .51 i " " i: -'"v-- ' t v . , ' - '. 'X:.r J'::'X X " ' . '-', - u "' - ;'V TELLS YOU ; IN A RATIONAL l : MANNER .THE"'' . " jvf CAUSES' LEADINCf --X ; DANDRUFP .AND'HrI, 'BALDNESS XXlSb , AND THE HYGIENIC j ''MEASURES TO :iXi PREVENT THEM, X SOLD EVERYWHERE r $1.00 PER BOTTLB' , ... -. ,. . , ,v i- 'i '," r ' V'-" . ,.f v. ' ....-,:" 'X ,-v. : ' f 4 '. 'A