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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1906)
1 to ' ,r yr-'--l good -nv n iin: f .1 r' tenit sad H.urdy; gtrej ' aoc er!v breexe. '. .'.', , B . W M f , V--Li III r - " . X. ... -. . . - , : 4' 'VOL. IV. ko.::3. II. Di!l Taken Up by Senate, Num. v erous Amendments Offered ' and Voting Time Scheduled . '?H' '1 .' for Flve o'Clock: Philippine COMOTTEE V TO REPORT FAVORABLY : Former Measure Reducing Duties on v Sugar, V Rice J and Tobacco to . Twenty.Five Per Cent of Dingley Ratei and, EaUbliehing Free Trade ' ?on All Other Articles, '(taml apeelal servles.) " : Washington, Feb. 14v The ship sub sidy bill til taken up by the eenato today and a vote scheduled for I o'clock. A number of amndtnenta were olferd. .The Philippine committee will report to the senate favorably on the bill re ducing the dutlea oa Philippine eugsr. . rloe and tobacco to IS per cant of the Dingley rataa Ed i establishing free trade In everything else,; ' Senator Gearhr today'' Introduced e bill authorising the aecraUry of, war to correct th muster rolle of the Roane rlvar Indian war In-order to place- on record the correct enlistment datee of I participants. ELKINST RATE "BILL. wee .Ylrglaiaa . Xntrodaee - ;,--.- -, rwvrUUag tow Bete Correction.'. , ... ... (Joor, fipwl.i BrrrW.) - - .';. 'Washington, fab. 14. Sana tor Elklna .: yeatarday Introducad hla bill for rail- : way rata Icclalatlon In tbe aenata. The mceaure provldea that whenever any , rate, fare or ebarae eaUbllahad by rail. roads ahail be unjuat and unreaaonabla, " thelntereUte oommerce eomrotaaton . " . iahalf have power fcfter "complaint -and bearing to make an order requiring auch . rata to be tnodined ao far aa ahail be naoaeaary -ta Order to remova the un v. raaaonableneak 'and nnlawfulnaaa. The t', order la aubject to modJtloetJoo or con- , til IMUVR VJ M WWW fcW k . STOPS A STEAL . Xe Vellette tfeeee AMejapt e wtadle v' v tadlaaa Oat ef 'Oeal UiU. .' . -1 Uwral Beerlnl wrle. , ''" : . ' Waahlngion, Feb. 14. Bona tor La Toi lette of Wlaoonaln haa prevented the " naaaaa'a of a bill Pfopoatne the aale of ' coal landa of the Choctaw and Chlcka . eaw Indiana for a nominal eum etl- . ' mated at IS.006.000. The landa are worth . more than 140.000.000. and will produce 't to' the Indiana-wider the terma they are now leaaed more than I100.000.00. The ' land haa been developed for le yeara i .'and aocordlna to the bill, would have been Bold at the appraleemene of lOA yeare ao. The Choctaw. Oklahoma . ' Gulf railway, tbe preeent leasee, would kave been the beneficiary under the pro- posed aala. v-- -ct-i -.-.v :- - BERJNO SEA CLAIMS. ' ravorable eper oa Anewta Aaiarloaa ". ',; oalaie e Bate Olremrt Ooart. f ' (Jnaraal Bpiwtal IWlee. '. ,t Waahlnaton.- O. CL. Feb. 14. The house JudlcUry committee haa reported favorably en the Kahn bill, allowing - American sealers to Uke Bering aea clalma Into tbe atnth circuit court. -r COAL OPERATORS GATHER FOR STRIKE CONFERENCE . a. v, ' -A i ; nara1 epeeUl arlea. ' New Tore, . Feb. 14.Tha anthracite mine operators, including the president ;of the coal carrying railroads, are la i conference today preparatory to tha -. meeting: tomorrow between themaelvee and the United Mine workers. It. la es i peoted that the minora committee will , put forward lie demande and will ad' 1 Journ to consider tbe reply. The ep eratore are united to real at the demande made by the mlnere end to precipitate ' tbe etrlke. - - vibRTLAND MAN TALKS TO, DALLES CITIZENS ' ' ' ( (afcTTJitiietartr-Tiie leaumt.r--- ; ' The Dallea. Or Feb. 14. J. B. Tabor, eecretary of the Portland board of trade, will meet the clttaone thia afternoon at 1 o'clock for . tbe purpose of getting f.- the .cooperation of The IMltea In pub . llahlng a pamphlet deacrlptlve of the . rMwurcee and natural advantagee of the . dlRerent counties of the etate., . v. . VOLCANO IZALCO IS : - . , IN ACTIVE ERUPTION 1 . " 1 . ' ' :' tAMraal Bptal eervtce.) San Francisco. Keb. 14. Paaaengere arriving today on tha steamer Acapulco , from Panama report that the volcano Isalox in the atate of Klcaragua, la ' atlll In eruption. Isalco, which baa long been extinct, broke out January t. and the eruptions Uke place every ie mln- tea There baa been aoaie damake bat o Ions of life. . PAT CROW'S LETTER TO PRIEST ADMITTED , , . . .-. v. - (Joreal ' I arHL r - Omaha, Feb. 14 The court tble morn In admitted aa evid'tice a latter of Pat Crowe to Father Murphy, confessing tht h I ' '"".j Fdward Cudahy end ' ' t r t Inturoede with -'. V House Cleaning New. York 'Ufe to Sail for: Europe to Get Account-. Injrom Hamilton BMemtreaaamma) v, - ' V DEMAf.'DS RESTITUTION 'TT THREATENS EXTRADITION Rejiort to Be - Uade on Campaign I Contribatioaa John A. UcCall'a . Condition - Continuea Critical and k Lata' UagnateIe Expected to Die Rhrtl. ' V',--:r . ,rr:J i -' (Joarml BpeeUl Serrfce.) ' . Kew York, -Feb. 14. The trustees of tbe New York Ufa Insurance company met today to take action upon the re port made by the Fowler committee re tarding the. finances of the. oompany. H waa announced that. Thomaa P. Fow ler, chairman - of thet bouae cleaning committee, would go to Europe March I oatenalbly for pleasure, but- to de mand of Chief lobbyist Andrew' Ham ilton on pain of extradition, aa account ing or raatltutlon of the $l,00,oe wtta which he waa entrusted and which pre sumably waa apent in Influencing leg islation favorable, to the lnauranoe oom pany. Before Fowler aalla the com mit tee'a report on the eampalgn. con tribution will probably be submitted. Fowler, District Attorney Jerome and Attdrney-General Mayer have had nu merous eonferenoea lately regarding the extradition of Hamilton, and in all prob ability criminal proceedings will be In atltuted againet tha former lobbyist . It ie claimed by McCatl'a frlenda that ahould ha die he will leave but a amall estate having refunded la to the treas ury of the company 2S 1,000 advanced to Andrew Hamilton and having aur rendered all hla life Insurance policies amounting to 1400,100. ' Of the money advanced IS M00 waa In rash. and the balance on a note secured by mortgage on McCall'a eommer home . at , Long Branch. J. .- . '...- . A: 'John JL MoCaire condition Uila morn ing continuea critical and the attendant physicians admit that there le scant hope for the 'recovery of the ex-p resi dent of the New York Life lnauranee company, who le dying at hla home at Lakewood, New Jereey. ' The laet rltea of the Roman Catholic ehurab- .were administered- to Mr. . Mo Call yeatarday. Three - phyeiclana are in constant attendance and numeroua other physlciajia have been consulted. Mr. McCall la Buffering from disease of the liver and kidneys which haa prog reaaed with great rapidity during the last few montha causing the patient to loaa mora than it pounds In the last two weeka, ..' '.' ' . ". .f ':- FIRELiis STOVES ARE ORDERED FOR THE ARMY '. (Joaraal gpeelal Barrtaa.1 ' '' Waahlngtoav Feb. 14. Commlsetry Oeneral Bbarpa haa. ordered three "fire less cookers" sufficiently large to cook food for 10e men to be eent to the. Pre sidio at San Francisco, the Philippines and Washington, respectively. Tha fire less stove, or haybox as It Is aometimes called, le merely a large, air-tight chest filled with etraw. felt, paper or some other nonconducting material. - Nesta ar hiade la the TOIIng large enough ie hold eooklng pots. The cooking la started on the etove tn tha ordinary manner and then, without taking off the cover of the kettles, they are placed in tha nests within the cheat ead tha lid shut down. The theory la that, they will continue to cook for hour with the heat derived from the stove.' In recent tests of the cookers at Fort Riley they were found to be very oatlsfactofy. Wbea taken out of the box four or five, hours after they, had been placed therein; cab bage, beans, custard, corned beef and other foeda were found to be eooklng merrily away at temperaturee from 17 to if degrees.-.: ... y-- v OHIO'S TWO-CENT LAW ; SCARES RAILROAD MEN ' - ' tioeViMl UseeM aerrfee.) V ' Chicago,-JTeb,-14. A meeting the Central Passenger eaaociatlon la being held her today. Repreaentatlvee of 44 roads. Including Gould, Vanderbllt. Cas aatt and smaller aystema, were present to discuss what appears te be a crista la railroad affaire caueed by the newJ I -cent tow m onto. . one oincuu De clared that the public le going to lose instead- of gala by' auch measure He said that tha roads - would reduce the number and quality of tralne through Ohio and . aald that Ohio would enjoy fewer safeguards against accldenta. THIRTY-FOUR MILLION FRANCS OWED DY COM Haemal . Parle. Feb. 14. Couateae d Caatel tane ha left Parts and le staying; at Barrlta with,, her children, - where aha will remain until the eult le ended. Figures given the eountese show that the count's debt amount to,000 fraaca, or about fMoe.eeet . joh:i a.'u:::j pleads NOT GUILTY TO CHAr.3ES Uoeraal gserhd earHee.1 -Chicago. F-o. 14. Jebit A. Unn.xelerk of the circuit court, pleaded not guilty to charges of mbesalment, forgery, l-r-"y end the withholding et public r r' . - I 1 1 1 1 .. I 1 1 1 , .i ; L PORTLAND, tOnHCOri WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEEHUARY- i 14. ie03. SIXTCEN PA0S3. ; PRICE TWO ! ttavnrmr esssrtrrsDtt USANCE ' ; : CAKXOAD OF COM J7f& j Some of the' Odd Wedding Preeetitt - From Friende in Varione JJ Wk;: MARIE WARE : r.VKINLEY H ASTETIS TO IORiEflTffi?iiHER HUSBilll 1 v. Announcement That Land Swin dling . Spouse Has Eloped With PlJxtle1yp V J;7" Passage Yesterdayj--Heney Denies It. .(-;"' , . X Vlissl gssrhl gerrles.t ' " San Frandsoo, Feb.. 14. Mrs. Marie Ware McKlnley, wife of Horace O. Mo Klnley, who waa Indlcted'for land frauds in--Oregon.-left for the-orient' yeatar day on tbe ateamehlp China. It la mid that aha haa gone In eearch of ber hus band. .McKlnley. It la reported, traveled to the orient , with Xlttle KgypC a dancing girl of this city. 'The couple are aatd to be at present in Shanghai. ..... , Two days ago there came word from Oregon that Horace O. McKlnley . had deserted his 'wife and fled , with the dancer. Mrs, McKlnley. waa located In this city. i She la on of four mlaalng wltneaaea wanted by the United 8tatas anthoritlea .to ' testify In the Oregon land . fraud -cases. Teaterday secret eervh-e sgenl learned that Mnv1t Klnley had Ukeg passag on the China. Her nirme does not appear oa the pas senger liat of tbe liner, and It ,la T SITE FOR THE NEW ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL DEFINITELY CHOSEN It haa been definitely settled that St. Mary's new cathedral 'will be erected on. the' north aid of the Mock now ooeopled by tbe archbishop's residence and will fee Sixteenth street.' The aw dlflo win suceeed the preeent cathedral ea Fifteenth street and will be known - aa the Bishop's See. Of eonre a cathedral In a dlocea In the Catholic church le always considered thai o metal church f the bishop In charge, whether he be an archbishop, cardinal or pope. The pop le known aa the bishop of Rome, Here . Areh blehop Cbrlatl Is known as bishop of Portland, while hla official title Is bishop f Oregon City. . The new cathedral wilt be an tm poalag edlflre and planned -eo that It will serve the many purpoaee) fanpaaed by - tha nvr-ehaagtng carenaenie - of the church. The plana for the building ar not yet completed, but eafncleat Is known, to. warrant th statement that JrarUand'e new catbedral wlU rank w.4 Received by - Mlee t Alice Rooeevelt Parte of the WorUL- i that. eh fe booked under an aaenmed name.' ; "r ' . V . '' ' - "' V" '"". r .. Attorney Heney and the elater-ta-law of Mrs. McKlnley denied that Mra. Mo Klnley had sailed for tbe orient yester day to Snd her husband. ' Tbey claimed that ah waa etlll in the city and would be at the Holland house this afternoon. Marl Ware McKlnley ls the only one of the deferldanta In ' the Patar-Mo-Ktnley trial who ' escaped eonviction. While the evidence ehowed that she was Implicated In the frauds, there waa room for doubt ea to the extent of her guilty knowledge and - tha Jury accepted the prosecuting ' . attorney's recommendation of. acquittal Lik Puter and McKlnley. ah afterward gav . Important Informa tion to the government Alativ to other frauds i which ' wer under Investigation. i (Continued on Page Two.) tbe finest in tbe Vnlted SUte ee far ae style, room and accommodations are concerned.- While It will not coat a great enm of money Archbishop Chriatle thlnke that the pariah wilt be getting tta money's worth and still b keeping within tb lmttts of Hs financial ability. The; new building will be patterned after a French Catholic church la Chi cago, said to be on of th moat typi cal bulldlnga of its kind in the coun try both for beauty f architectural da slgnaaA substantlalneae. The seat ing capacity will b about 1.500. The peers wlU be of tha latest model in sarlng roomlnaa and comfort. A grand new orgaa will be installed when th bulldlag ia ooenpleted., - On. account of th archblahop being engaged tm - several affairs' of hnport artc at the preeent tlmeMt Is nnt known exactly when be ahail accept tha plana and let th rotitruota for the work, but It I thought -that work wi:i be com at.ctl it m: s ' if ' IrtjereAi vifii a e?ar t UT C0STI0G 3000 GiVEfl TO ALICE White House Bride : Rscsivsa Headpiece Trimmed With Em press Josephine's Lace, .. NECKLACE OF DIAMONDS r i . -PRESENTED BY GROOM Kalser'a Gift Arrtveg From Germany -AdmUiion Carda ,td Wedding DUappcar One la Sold for Four Hundred. DoUtnL. . ;I" :.r ' , ; ... ., 'Braal gpeelal Serrlre.) Washington, D. C Feb. 14. Express wagoaa, letter-carriers and special mea aengars ar arriving conatantly at tha whit House, carrying preeent and flowera for Mlae Hooaevelt The gift of tb kaiser arrived today and will be banded Mlaa Boosvlt on tha ere of th wedding. . It la a maanlAoant nlaoa of Jewelry, inatead of the eat of china so frequently described. . congreaamaa Xxnsworth'a present to the bride arrived from Clnolnnatt. It la a necklace of perfectly matched dia monds, each weighing three fourth of a carat, mounted in a novel and artletlo way. ' ' , '. . .- - . Another present for Miss Alice Roose velt has arrived In New York ' from abroad. It was an floe laca hat from Parte, , It waa made especially for her. It la a picture hat for summer wear, made of Irish applique lac that - was one th property of the Km press Jose phine. It la adorned with two oetrlch feathers, said to be th longeat ever plucked. -The crown is trimmed : with pink roeee.. i .. .. t - . Ke ports are current today that cards of admission to tbe wedding have die appeared under . mysterious clrcum s lances. One etory ie that somebody in Cincinnati received a formal Invitation without any card of admission. - An other story la that an admission card haa been sold for 1400 and efforts are being made to and tha seller and pur chaser. " ' . . . .. HEAVY WINTER TRAVEL - IN AND OUT OF OREGON ' Ispatlal IHepatea 4e Tea aooeael.) 1 Baker City, Or4 Feb. 14. The heavi est westbound travel to Oregon that has occurred In any January la tea years le recorded for the January lust closed- end le now' continuing in February. In fact, travel I heavy in both direction to end from Oregon by all tbe gate ways, and It Is particularly noticeable In the teurtet class, iaeludlng hwndreda of people who ere coming to Oregon to personally investigate oonditlona bare for agricultural" Investments, more par ticularly. On. one train which paaaad Baker City Saturday there - were 44 tourists from tbe middle west; most of them went through to Portland, but a number -expressed a determination to return te Baker City, and aaatem Ore gon after they had, used the, limit, of their tlckete. . . ... - - i It Is estimated that thia year.'l0, will eee even heavier travel la this ter ritory than during tbe Lewis and Clark fair. Tble time it will b for buslneee only, and the stream of people that will good tbe country will Include many who visited Portland in l0f. and became Im pressed with this territory. Now is th time for Baker City to get In Its nno work, and through the work of eom mltteee and leagues atop off some of these people and put them neat t the good - thlnga-ln Baker county. . . BOOM L0NGW0RTH FOR' - GOVERNOR OF OHIO "'iJearael Bserial Bsrrtee.) ' ' ' '' Columbus. Ohio. Feb. 1 4. Attorney. General Wad H. . Elite launched tbe boom for Congressman Nicholas Long- worth for governor last night at ta meeting of the Ohio Republican club. Tha Future ot tn nepuoucan rarxy In Ohio' waa th topi for discussion and Ellis took advantage to euggeat a aw state leader ia th person of Long- worth. Sine hi engagement with Mlaa Rooeevelt and hie break with Boae Cos' of Cincinnati Longworth has been hailed aa a leader by Republicans in southern Ohio, With the national administration back f him he would make a formidable candidal for governor, as he le wealthy and has a eleaa record.' Jekm Oalg KegaAy 9ead. ' Bpartsl Ph" te Tke Jearaal.) Aberdeen, Wash.. Feb. 14. Judge Irwin of the superior court baa ap pointed appraisers In the eetat of John Craig, who disappeared from th f hatchery near Monteaano mora t a even years ago leaving rio trs" I - hind hint that haa ever been t Consequently he l I - t and his estate la to be r . . hla rltlvea. The - llam 1 B. 1 . I ' eraMBMBWeaMWaaaaaaaHraf ..I Mob of Five Hundred Does Not Scare Council Into Action ' ' ' . Against Spokane Ex- J - - -ecutfve.v- v-:;-v:.- REFUSES A HEARING TO LAW ENFORCERS City . Commuwlonef ' Handle Re moved Becauee He Would Retire ' Conaultinc Engineer Gill to Save Latter'a Salarr Mayor j Foreitalla . Advert Actiotv . j . ,. :.-".. TUpeM Dlepstrb t Tie Jenrasl.) " Spokana, Feb. 14. More than 100 men attended th meeting of th city coun cil last nlgbt to learn tha outcome of the impeachment proceedlnge petitioned for againat Mayor Daggstt, which re sulted In a vote of to 4 not to Im peach the executive . t because of non- enforcement of th Sunday closing laws. Th council refused a hearing to the members , of - th Law Enforcement leaaus, who charged the mayor with vio lating his oath of office. Three police men had been detailed to prevent a riot. The prealdent of tha council would not hear the attorney of tha law enforce ment people, who afterward stated that he would not atop, -but "'would pursue other line. It ie thought - that the mayor might be reached through the sheriff. Cltr Commissioner L. B. Handler waa removed from office by the city council last night and William B. Roy in stalled. ' The mov waa made on the recommendation of tha mayor, who sent a communication to the council eiating that tha term of Handle- bad expired. Allen r. Oill. "consulting" engineer of tha cltr. waa the bona of contention that led to the summary dismissal of Hand lav. Handle and the president ot tha board of public worko decided to remove Gill and aav hla salary of H00 a month.. The mayor's appointment or Moy xore atnlled that. ... - - Roy waa aa active political partisan of Mayor Daggett in to municipal cam paign of a yar ago. ween an enon waa made to make him a commissioner, which failed becauee Handleya term bad not expired.. ,;;.. . I : . i ' I LEPER BASES DEFGItLIITIES m Mm: officials : Afflicted Main Demands : Assist ance In Way of Transporta- . tion and Gets It. '.:.v J - , f Jearaal gpeelal aerrlee.t '.. San ' Bernardino. Cel., Feb. 1 i.T. Papann haa startled the county officials by appearing before tb board of su pervisors, expoelng hideous deformities In His arms, lags and body and declar ing that be la a leper. Ha earn from Loa Aneelee determined to secure as sistance from tha supervisors In getting to hie borne la New Orleans. In explaining hie case to the officiate be said that ha had contracted the dis ss in Honolulu. He had been in a leper hospital on th Island and then .s ship In nan. Francisco, where he waa again confined in a leper aoe pltal, but lost bis hospital . papere In Loa Angeles. - When Papaan mad th chocking ex hibition there waa a general exodue of elttBen having ' business befors tn board and th newe apread quickly. Not earing to argue with a leper the board gave htm transportation . as far aa Yuma, where ha will be further helped en his way to New Orleaaa. ' 'V-- 1 0GDEN C0UNCILMEN . JON TRIAL FOR BRIBERY tBaBjammammaBBgasnaa; ,- V t ', i (Joerasl aeealal servtea.! -Ogden, . Feb. 14. Fred Chambers. president of the city council, and Councilman Move and Craig are on trial charged with taking city money for etttlng ea a board of equalisation. Th defendant virtually admit th. charges but plead Justification. ' . k .. The lid bag been put en gamming oy the . district attorneyv Sixty arrests ware made last .night. '' Saloons will be cloeed on Sunday and scarlet women driven out of the city. PRIVATE TROLLEY LINE TO HARRI MAN'S MANSION :, . ,.' , , '..,'.; - aesrsel gceetil gervwe.l Peterson. N. J.. Feb. 14. Edward Harriman has completed arrangements for th construction of a 10-mil pii vat trolley Una to hie new ll.OO0.000 manafcm at Forest Lake.: The line will run from New burgh Junction on tha Erie through Tuxedo to tha mountalna abov Greenwood lake, where Hsrrl man'e summer home la to be. The road will have two paaawnger rare, on of which wilt be a finely furnished parlor ear." It le expected that work on the line will be begun In the spring. vecsel i:j c::t; cffc:::'. CEilTS. g?0;, Four Killed and Four Injured in Collision Between Frisco ',' Passenger, and "Freight at ? V;' Columbus. Kansas. H SEVEN CARS: SMASHED ON SOUTHERN PACIFIC Freight , Train " Demolished Near - MUleraourg and Traffic Blocked " Mall Train oiy Missouri , Pacific Strikea Bad Rail WhUa Running Faat and Ia Ditched, ". ..r : .:' -'."' (Joaraal Sperfsl service.) ' Columbus, Kan., Feb.. 14: Four per sons were killed and four Injured. In a head-on collision between 'Frisco pas senger train No. Ill, known as the -Meteor." and a freight train loaded with ooaJ. near here thle morning.. ' The . deed are: .'. . ; Harry Roundtrea, baggageman, pas eenger. .. :. Av. .:"...'.;.' .; Engineer Oeorge Woods, died en route to hospital.. . - . , A. H. Hurkay, passenger, who died of heart dlseaee from excitement. - Unidentified passenger. Jbody ; partly cremated. The engineer and - fireman of , the freight were both badly hurt. The wreckage took fire, th ears of tb paesepger train wer entirely con sumed, aa war many of those ot tb freight train. . Th coal Is afire and burning fiercely. The passenger train was running at. a rapid rate of speed, aa was tha freight. and in th early morning noura were almoat together before th crews of th tw engine saw each other. Al though effort a were made to check the ewlftly moving tralna tha dlstanc w not au""' -t and tue pionster enr'nes t, U - 1 'i trrino 1 ---t. 1 no causa cf t A. tr Is au. - 1 to have been a miaunoerstandlng of or ders on th pert of one of th train orewa.. v ' ! . ' . ' Fire . eoon added Ite horror to the scene, but all the Injured war rescued before th flame reached them, except on pasaanger, who-was partially burned and has not been Identified. - Surgeon and nurse wtre hurried to ths scene and a wrecking crow I at the pile of debria making effort to quench the flame that ar raging tn the Immense heap of coal from tbe wrecked freight . FAST MAIL WRECKED. Three Ttelame aad Two BfaO Claata Zajnrad at gjaeeenada, Mlssanrl. ' (Jearnsl Beerlal aerriee.) ' - Oaaoonade. Mo.. Feb. 14. A man train on the Missouri Pacific waa wrecked en the ' approach to the bridge over th Oaseonade river today and three train men and two mall clerVe hurt. No pas sengers war In th ears attached, Th tralnyWae running nearly a mile a min ute when tha engine atrack a bad rail and Jumped the 'track, two cars being thrown Into the ditch. Tb clerks tried to sav th mall from tb burnlag car, but much of it waa lost. S. P. TRAIN DITCHES. Seven TT4g 4)ejrn TJ - sTeeg, .. ..... XUlersburg SaUy Trnfftei. . (Saeelal Olseatcb te TkelearaaM - Albany, Or.. Feb. 14 Through freight No. til. In charge' of Conductor Belt and Engineer Oarriaon. wa wrecked near MUlersburg this morning near th eoeri of th fatal accident of yesterday afternoon. An axle broke and aeven care were piled up In a heap and about 0 feet of track torn up. Traffic has temporarily - been Interfered with. Wrecking crewa ar en th scene and It Is expected to have the track cleared this afternoon. . ; ; ;".";'..." ROCKEFELLER IS HIDir.'3 in mansio:j of his sc:j . J. ' (loarsal Rpertal Bn-rtr..) New York. Feb, 14. -John D. Rocke feller baa been found, acuwrdlng to M. E. Palmedo, tha procea server, wh caught H. HTRogers, and who haa Wn after Rockefeller for several weeka. But he hasn't served th subpoen yet. Rockefeller has been at Poc un interruptedly, 'it : Is said, sine mtary It, when he went np from i i York under cover of night. - He I a been sequestered In th mansion of bis aon. a quarter of a mil from hla own home, unknown to th process servers, who have been camping out for yir months at Tarrytown. NAPOLECrj CF BALTIC ; CETHAYED CYAtPY ,.. . (Joeraal gprtal gervt St Petersburg. 1D. 14. i t olutlonary leader have been a-r-at Riga, among thra being on 1 ateln called" th "Napoleon of t t tic," who orrnled and 11 ' In th Pltio proi - t much r-'-. J ' t' ov. l:tf- ft'! o. . A ( ' i it.. ( ' "".