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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1905)
n ZTHEToREGONrDAI "if 1 .. .;.,., . v '; UK'..,; '- ALL HAVE HONEY FOR GIFTS Holiday Trade Better Than Ever Before, . Say Portland . -rT-"1-Merchants. PEOPLE BUY BETTER " CLASS OF GOODS, TOO Some Stores Report Increase. Over Last 'Year of Fifty Per Cent, and All Give Exposition "Credit-for Happy' StateDf Affairs; X 1 i With holiday trad aa an Index. Port- d pporie are efn to hava mora radr money "per c a plCat7U"iT"nrF Tl SH a "year aao. Tbe aalea by rcall merchants In dicate thla; reoords of actual aalea prove that' t be total volume of holiday trade . at thla time is Immensely larger than it was a year aso. and that of this total - the proportion of caah aalea Is cbnsld ' erably larger. . It Is generally admitted that, retail r trad at the holiday season la a correct criterion whereby . to. Judge the proaper- ity of the people. When times are hard - the average man . curtails his expendl : turea for gifts: when times are good he naturally manifests liberality.. Another manner of Judging th status of th average man la the quality of . -the gooda bought. . , Tha prosperous times Invariably Indue th sal of higher classes of gooda Judgad by this rule. Portland is enjoying th an tithesis of penury, i .,, "' ' Trad Heavy Already. . v The people ar lnvSdlng the- retail stores aa never before. - Trad la heavy already, .although th holiday season Is barely begun.- . This forenoon at i:SO ' o'clock business had begun with a man. - and by o'clock practically' every re tall store in th city .was , handling . , trad ap to capacity. An optimistic spirit ruled among th heads of departments . and tnanagera It seeded only a glanr through a ator to reveal fhe unuaual magnitude of ' the bualneaa that now is being trans acted. In numbers of instances 'th books were produced and sales totals ;-.. werc ahown from th firms' records, to , prove th often repeated asaertlon that business Is heavier Jn volume and that caah salsa ar heavier In proportion . to th total. v ...;..., i ,. . , . - Conunoi reople Buying. . "The common people are buying lota of gooda," said W. P. Olds of Olds, . , Wortman tt King. "Money Is plentiful. mora plentiful than ever before; besides ' .-' that. ther. are more people to buy. so that from any point Of view th condi . tlors ar such as to make us optimistic ".. "-lor tha Immediate future and th year . that is to come. r ; . .. ? "Of course, the exposition left much . money 'In the city that has found ita " way Into the. channels of trad and every on got a share of it Cash sales . .. sre heavier than a year ago, in propor tion to the total, an extremely satis fying condition. Furthermore, w look " ' for n diminution of trade, but expect . that ltos will be better than ltOC. "One .of the gratifying featurea of th preeent time, is the fact that peopl are - buying better classes of goods than they. were, and thla Is true even al- - , though Inst -year waa .a record-breaker. Th state of . prosperity Is determined . not so much by the totsl sales as by the quality bought, for the reaaon that , when good goods ar bought It prove Tonka, the usual cheat for iranLlla costs one or two centi for 'a certain amount; ;! Schilling's Best vanilla a dol lar." 1' ' ; ''-'''i: ; One Is strong (he other is fine. One is rank; the other is delicate. Nevertheless four- fifths of "vanilla" is ; tonka. The 98 cents accounts for it. i C 7 - -, .: .f - V' .' The- terrible . ."Black . Hundred" of - Russia. Thii organization is com posed of the rabble -of each large . city. This photograph shows a band parading in Moscow. ; Their motto is "Down with the enemies of the autoc acy," and they are .used by the authorities to provoke 7 riots.. To the J "Black- Hundred" are ascribed the massacres of stu dents in Moscow, and the whole sale murder of Jews in Odessa. th higher purchasing power of the con sumer. That Is th condition today." - All Xav Koney. 'The on great good thing In th pres ent state of trade." said A. Wolfe, of Llpman, Wolfe A Co., "Is that so much money came Into th city during .th exposition and was dlatrlbuted among all sorts of people. It la not th total amount of money coming Into a city that af facta retail trade favorably,. It ja the distribution among all- : classes. - the scattering of the money among th butcher, . the baker, the 'grocer, -'the carpenter, th bootblack and all . the miillltiirla nf rln.if. nf wpjlf in jr people who are thus able to buy a little morJ than before. If . a' millionaire makes $500,000 he won't spend In th stores a dollar more than before. . If-the me chanic recelvea f 1 a day mora he spends a large part of that dollar In tbe atorea at once. And. that la what la making. re tail buaineas'la Portland 'today: heavier In volume and caah sales greater In pro portion." . a , , "The people atr buying a better claas of goods this year," aald Q. M. Healey, manager of Woodard, Clark A Ox, "and cash .aalea are heavier than a year ago. The holiday trad is beginning satis factorily, which means that It Is to be larger In total, and this caah Is more ready than In 104 at this time." . Belling Mora and Bettor. William Roberta of Robert Bros, aald th earn: . ' ( "W ar selling more goods and a better grade.' With us th holiday trad proper has not yet started In, but th volum of business Is st much heavier than a year ago that you would scarce ly, credit th statement were -we not to show yon the books. We have examined our sales books totals and find that bualneas Is to per. cent larger than a year ago at this time." . ,, V; 1 ' Bbanahan told th - same story "Business Is larger and the peopl hsv more ready money than ever before." - E. ' J. Jaeger of Jaeger Broa. wore a smile that "wouldn't come off" when asked concern! g th holiday-trade, and said: . "We have been laying by holiday goods for customers for Hie past month and have been aatonlabed at th 60 per cent 1 Increase, of the. business of the season.' Last year the- higher grade of goons went 1st in the holiday aeaaon; this year they are - going right now, and everything-Indicates that Portland Is at a high stage of prosperity. Th exposition brought much money to town and the trade during th holiday season la reflecting It in Increased pur chases by all classes." v CONSUL MAKES CHARGES . AGAINST' AMBASSADOR (Jon rami Special Service.) ' ' "'" 1 "Washington, D. C, Iec.- 7. Th charges made agalhHt David E. Thomp son," American ambassador to Braxll, by Consul-Qeneral Zecger- at 1 Rio de Janeiro, ar - being carefully Inquired Into by the state department. No offi cial statement as nature of the trouble can be had. Solicitor Penfleld, who made a personal investigation, at th direction of the president, has re turned, but so far has made no written report- Mr. Thompson accompanied Mr. Penfleld on his-return on a leave of ab sence, end' Is now at his' horn In Lin coln, Nebraska, where he denies that ther la .any friction aa to his official standing. ' , JOHN DALY PARDONED ' '. BY THE GOVERNOR (AperUI Dtapateh to The Journal.) Salem, Or., Dec. 7. Oovernor Cham berlain this morning- pardoned John Daly, who has served four years of a five-year sentence for breaking out of th Marlon county Jail. --., - - - Visiting Indiana Depart. ' (RpeeUJ llpateb la The Juarnal.) - Pendleton, Or., DecAT. About 10 In dians, men, women and children, were lined up at tha Q. R. A 'N. depot yester day, all In gorgeous eolnrs, headed for Olllo and The Dalles. They had been visiting in Indiana on th Umatilla rewsrvarion, and wer of the Columbia River: tribe of Indiana. A number of th Umatilla Indiana IcTt with them to I if. ---j, -ri v . .... r:- -:- .,,1:v"' v-i'f .' .' , , ., . . ...... i WILL ' WORK FOR NEEDS OF STATE OF BRECON Twentv-Five Delegates Are Ad- - ... . 4 pointed to Go to Wash ington. Special Dlinetcs to The JoarnaLt ' Salem, Or., Dec. 7. Governor Cham. berlaln. President. Hofer and Secretary Walter Lyons of' th WlllaraetU De velopment league have appointed 1 26 delegates to go to Washington .and rep resent the needs of the state ofVOregon Judge Georr T. ' Baldwin, Klamath Falls; L. J. Simpson. North Bend;- Dr. Tower, Marahfleld; W. L Vawter, Med' ford; Lou Stinson, Salem; C A. Hardy, Eugene;. B. F. Jonas, Toledo:' R. D. Hume, Wedderburn; Warren Reed, Gar diner; Fred C. Baker, Tillamook; Judge Taylor, Astoria; J. N. Teal, Portland H. M. Cake, Portland; K. C. Apperson, McMlnrrvUle; E. W. Haines, . Forest Grove; L. T Griffith, Oregon City; Cap tain A. B. Graham, Portland; Percy Toung, Albany, O. W.. GrlfTuv Eugene; F. W. Benson. Roeeburg; Major Blumen rotherTBanaoff!' Virgil Waters. C;llrvxT lis; Ike Bingham, Eugene; Dr.. W. N. Ellla, Albany; M. A. Miller, Lebanon.. TWO DUCKS COST - THIRTEEN DOLLARS It is cheaper to buy ducks at market thantb-alt a ' friend for them on the other sT3e of the Columbia. It la also cheaper td pay fines than hire attorneys. These are among the' conclusions ar rived at by J. G. -Shearer,- a local Ufa Insuranc man, sine the eloe of an episode which began last Monday at Vancouver. Mr. Shearer was spending th afternoon In the city of barracks and encountered a young man., with about a bushel of ducks in a bag. After admiring tha game for a tlm th Insur ance agent mustered up enough courage to aak for a pair. Th hunter gave, iur m pair, in uunicr . . v.. them to him freely and i- -with brlshfTP"' .? "pt IZT 1 f h. r...t . ,nm. Heved worse than at first supposed. Ha Shearer climbed onto tha ferry. Hardly had the boat started when a deputy sheriff nailed the would-b epi cure with a warrant of arrest. The charge was attempting to take ducks out of the state of Washington. Going bfeore Justice Harris of Van couver Mr. Shearer ' was fined $11.40, which h deposited with the intention of f anting th case. - He - learned today hat, a lawyer and costs would take $17.10 as -a starter. Th fight ended there. Mr. Shearer has decided to for feit his $11.40. - ' 6ATES CROWD SECURES BIGGEST STEEL CONCERN " (Joaraal Special Service.) , ' New Tork, Dec. 7. It la announced by those who a re In a position to know that John Gates has secured control of tha Tennessee Coal aV Iron company and intenda to make the concern the largeat Iron and steel concern In the country. In the atock market today the, action of th stock was most exciting, there being an ad vane at on time dur ing th session of $10 on every share over the closing of laat night. It Is charged by some of the financiers that L money rates in this market have been manipulated during tha paat feek solely to allow Gates and his crowd to aecur control of Tennessee Coal. During to day's seaalon call rates went aa high as 26 per cent... ' ;, . , TQ FORCE LA FOLLETTE TO RESIGN HIS OFFICE (Joaraal Special Borneo- . T ' Madison, Dec, 7. A resolution to com pel Governor La "Follett to resign the office of governor or else that of sena tor waa Introduced today and summarily killed. - Xe Waa Good. - ' From thsy-Clevelaad Leader, ' Mlas Aakham And do you paint noth ing but animal pictures every dayt Mr. ITAuber Well, on Friday ' I paint flare, - iThe favorite dentifrice. Used by people of re finement for sixty year's. "i Forms: -Liquid, i Powder Sr fasti . ASK YOUR DENTIST 15 YEARS OF TORTURE Itching and Painful Sores Covered Mead ana ooay. CURED IN WEEK BY CUTICURA ' "Vnr fifteen renn mr calo nd I "forehead waone mM of cab, and my- body iu corcrea - wa ores. Wordj cnnot expres bow I safiered m th itchiaff and pain. I had Hvrn hope when a friend told me Cnticnra ooap ana appijing vaucura Ointment for three aayt, tny head was clear a erer, and to my ur- priae and joy, one cake ot aoap ana one box of ointment made a com plete cure In ena week, (signed) H. B. Franklin, 717 Washington St., Allegheny, Pa." , , w COSTS 80 BENTS TO MAKE 6AL10N OF LIQUOR This. Retailed In Chinese Gin Shops Costs Unfortunates Twice as Much. Chief of Police Grttsmacher, who Is bending every energy toward having th' Chines ginmllls of Portland abol lshed. la securing evidence dally of th vlleness of th trafflo which sent a half dosen men to their graves during; th paat three months. An Investigation of th manner in which th poison Is prepared for th victims shows that there la not a single ' drop of whiskey used. ' Th Chines buy spirits at St cants per gallon and pay th government Its tax of $2.10 per VWUWHa uia.iii ivm t,.1i. Th spirits run about 100 proof (th av- erar whiskey being from St to 81 proof), and th Chinas reduce it to about proof, sometimes lower, which glvee them three gallons of diluted spir its for every on gallon purchased. This is called "rectifying," and. when recti fied th stuff Is served as whiskey.- - At first glance, it hardly seems pos- lblB or ." chin1 joints to pay so high a liquor license, when when their pa. trons ar th most poverty-stricken residents of th city and th liquor Is sold at S -cants for on gill. Th se cret Is that th venders manufacture it for less than 10 cants a gallon and their Income from that quantity, in retailing it. Is never less than 11.60, a profit) of at leaat 80 cents par gallon, v I would as soon think of drinking wood alcohol as that stuff," remarked Chief Gritsmacher. "I earnestly hop th city-council will aee the urgent ne cessity of revoking th glnmlll licenses." AFFIRMATIVE SIDE . CHOSEN BY; WHITMAN fSDeetal DliMteb to The Joaraal.) Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wanh.t Dec 7. The college debate council has decided to choose the affirmative of the question submitted by Pacific university of Forest Grove for th second . Inter collegiate debate. -Th ..Cjuesttonjiil!? RUlVeu mat tne miiTsiaie commerce commission should be given power -to fix railway rates In disputed cases, these rates to b In fore until reversed by the higher courts. . The Whitman team Vlll be chosen at the annual Intersoclety debate December 19., The Athenaeum will be repreaented by Sutherland. - Baldwin . and Gardiner. At lta tryout laat night the ' Phreno koamlan chose Walter Eells, James Gil breath and Roy Wolfeto defend th negative agalnat th Athenaeum. ,., MORGAN BOUGHT GOLD BRICK IN CINCINNATI (Journal Special Service.) Cincinnati, Deo. 7. Receiver Judson Harmon, of the Cincinnati, "-Hudson at Dayton, wTrtcti J. T. Morgan bought says that in--financial aitairs 01 in com- Id that ha could not talk regarding the possibility of sensational develop ments or an incriminating nature. DELIGHTFUL NEWPORT. v Splendid Weather at This ropala ' raolfl Coast Bssort. ' --- Delightful In-ovary particular' la-the weather at Newport, and the Souther Paclflo and tha Corvallla A Eastern rat), roads hav resumed their cheap -rates to this place for th winter. Particulars by aaklng at Third and Washington streets, Portland. rathe Tonnd Guilty. v' ' (Special Dispatch to Tka JoeraaLV"; Dallas, Or., Dec, 7 F. W. . O. Muller, . found guilty last . night at 1 . o'clock on a charge brought by bis 10-year-old daughter, will be sen tenced December 1$. Muller was mall carrier on th Buell rurak free delivery rout when; arrested. He awaited trial three weeks In the oounty JalL His eld est son brought th charge on behalf of his sister. Judge Burnett' of the cir cuit court Will pronounce sentence. , - -( Football. Otim of - the season's ' best gnmea Oregon Agricultural college va Mult nomah. Saturday, December I, Mult nomah field, 1:30 p. m., rain or shine. Admission 60c Get tickets at Schiller's, Nau's, Row ' at Martin's and Hotel Prklna t .... ... The -.,s eases, cancer, paralysis, tumors, rheum Um- and -ail disordsrs of. th stomsch. liver and kidneys. Hs haa had areat succaa In curlna eon. sumption when the victim le net and Will stop hemorrhaares in an. IHcredlr own medicine from Chinese- roots, teas, an or which ar entirely harmlexe, and whoa msdlcinal prorrtles ar unknown to American doctors. He uses (n his practice over (00 dlf - frnt Oriental -remedlea . Hundreds of, testimonials from gratf ul pa tient . . -.,- , DR. WIINQ 11 TaTOBTSt JfOTTBTK STBBBT. ' . BIG f,lEIJ TO TALK . AT: INSTITUTE 4 sm sa Sessions ' Open Under Auspices of Evenino; Star Grange in Grange Hall. INTERESTING PROGRAMS ARRANGED FOR MEETINGS Talks on Fertilisers and Plant Foods by C H. Welch and Professor A. L. . KneUly--Qther Themes Dis cussed by Authorities. . , ' . Th opening session of th farmers' Institute, held under the auspices of Evening Star Grange and tha Oregon Agricultural college, was held thla morning In the grange hall, near South Mount Tabdr. Th Institutes are held each year In every county and yearly are beoomlng-.inara of an educational factor. - " In attendance at th present lnstl tut ar Dr. J. Withycomb. director of th experiment station r Professor A. L, Knisely, obenMst of th station: Profes sor A. B. Cordley, entomologist-of th station; -J. W. Ballsy, stat food com mlssloner; Miss Snail of , th Agricul tural college department of domeatlo science, and Professor F. L, ' Kent of th Agricultural college. . In addition, th inetructora of local domeatlo eel- nc. dressmaking .ana music scnoois will SDeak on their line of work and the principals of th Montavla, Rus ellvili. Lents, Arleta, Ladd and South Mount Tabor schools will lead In edu cational discussions, while state and county superintendents of ' publlo' In struction will give addresses. Th program this morning consisted of an address of welcome by J. J. John son, master of the grange; response by Dr. ,-Withycomb. and talks on fertilis ers and plant foods by C H. Welch and Professor A. L -Knlsely. Bee culture waa one .0.ihe ehlet topics of tha aft ernoon and waa consiaerea oy u. ik. Rlce of Green River, Washington. H. A Lewis of th Russell vllle nursery dis cussed the training of the tree, whli Professor Cordley talked of fruit prats. and R. P. Rasmusaen spoke on spray- lng. Thla evening pure food laws, fruit insiiection and the grange will be con sidered by various specialists. The In stitute will close Saturday night. . STATION CHANGE. December 10 Southern Paclflo la Cbam- feer of Oommsro Building1. ' Th Southern Paclflo station, hereto fore located at Fourth and Tamhtlt streets, will be moved December 10 to the Chamber of . Commerce . building. Fourth and Stark streets. TEETH Savedney The Rnatnn Dental ' Parlors. 21' Morrison street, ar giving their annual December reduced price for th pur pose of advertletngjhelr American Sya- tem of Painless uentisiry. -Come at once and have free examina tion., . .. : .:. ; .. . . ' Until tannery 1 we wUl esrtraet teetk free) silver fillings, SSe up) gold fillings, TSe up) set of teeth, $MK best set, ea.ooi gold crowns, e&AO; whit crowns, SB-", ., ,, -,., v-- -; All work auaranteed for tan years. Ladv attendant alwavs present.. All work don absolutely without pain by specialists ex from 12 to z years' ax. perience. .... ' ." Boston Painless Dentists b ttlH Morrison -, Opp- Meier rraak aae rvraaM - HOURS i:$0 a. m. to I p. m. Sunday, :s a. m. to ii.iv p. m. nr isniTT - xm BxrxmiBircB, XaT MFTJ T ATTOBT, IBT ZQUirBtBaTT, nr xaTOwxBooa, xm sucexss. Bladder Trouble. ' Xydroe!, Tarloooele, Pimples, ulcers, Kidney Oomplainta, Blood Poison, , Berv one Debility, - fitrleture, Xhenmatlam, ' 2frlvate Diseases, me - . v" , Jiost Vitality. .. AH manner of Chronic Afflictions of men and women. Most modern and sci entific treatment, no outtlng. No pain ful operations. No detention, from bust ness. No misrepresentation. Reputation established for honest and fair dealinga wun ail pauems. Loiuuuauon ana. ad' vice free. r" -,- f. ; . .. . . Cor. Bd and Yamhill Bta, VortlandV Or. T FIRST . 1 DR.VING LEE . :. , ... .. . . . , Great Chinese Doctor LOCATED tN PORTLAND SINCE I88O He I called great because he cures all , dlsesasea without resorting to 'th knife. Call and hav a free examination. He will tell you the exact nature of your trouble. He treat successfully every form of fe- ' tnele anmnlalnL ell nrlvsta end hlvut dis too r.uch run dewn by th disease. niy, snort time, ris brews his herbs, buds, bsrks and vegetable UEJE """:':.'tT-.; rOBTaT9, 0BB90. AVcelable Prcparalionfor As slmilating theFoodandEcgula ting theBtoioochs aiiJL3owcls of L Promotes DigcsHoitCheer ness and RestContains neither Opium.Morphine norliixaL ISOTTi ARC OTIC. AU Smv ,; ' lujiu Um- . . (7W,llfV A perfecl Remedy to r ConsflM-, Hon, Sour Stomach, Dicurhf'j " Worms .Convulsions .FeverisJiiv ness arid Loss or SLEEP. Fo Simile Signature of , ' NEW YOI1K. EXaCT COPY OF WSABRCR. ' If you to suffer , from Dyspepsia or Indigestion blamd - yourself only, a sure cure is within your rekchT . ha cured thousands; it will cure you. but noV - unless you take it. " . . Qo to any druggist and get . a bottle of Chase's Dyspepsia Cure. Take it according to direc tions for three , days, and if you are', not .' satisfied" that 'it is doing you good, go to the; druggist and git your money back without . . question or argument. - -, ... 50c. and $1.00 Per Bottle THE CHASE MFC. CO., NEWBURCH, N. Y. E FOR SALE BY WOODARD, CLARKE "ft CO. IN W treat successfully all private ner vous and chronic diseases or men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. W cur STPHILI8 (without mercury) to stay cured for ever. W remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In 15 days. Wa atop drains, night losses and spermatorrhea by a new method in a short lme. W can restore the aexual vlgor of any man under f0 by means of local treatmen peculiar to ourselves. We Cure Gonorrhoea . in a Week Th doctors of ' "Vhls Institute are all regular graduates, hav bad many years' experience, have been known In Portland for 16 years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case unless certain cure can be effected. i vvw pjunrente a cure in every case we;. Undertake or charge no fee. Consul ta-t tlon free. letters rnnflffnttl . Tnaf rti tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed' free In plain 'wrapper. We cure the worst cases of piles In two or three treatments, without opera-' ion. tun guaranteed. - - If you cannot call at .Office, write for cessful. r- Offlc hours, to I and ? to t. Sundays and Holidays,. It to 42N DR. W. NORTON DAVIS 5c CO. bfflcea In Van Noy Hotel, ttH Third Street. Comer Pin, Portland, Or. 15 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A NtWIrAFtl FOR, 3L - U Jii For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Dought the Signature of Munb Nra vmni unv - ): I - . ' :" " question blank, -r . . - Home treatment euo. AW np( Use Vj For Over ' : v ' - Thirty. Years ' TKflMHIMMMel F '-- ALL TH B 1 PKOfLX return their visi 7 i-AAAAA X WW WW WW WW WW WW V V f f Www WW WW w r : ' . ' r