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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7," 1905. 13 FOR SALEREAL ESTATE, ' FARMS. FOR SALB Farm, Block and fro It ranches la all paits of westers and eouthern Orea-on, 1n eludlng th Iiikwi Hood Hlver vslley. o which w ean maka yam good price sad terra. W will nuMn tradee oa moat our property. Coma and m what wi have - co oner. MOBTHWKST LAND CO., : , . - 808 Uoodnough Bldf. . -.V"-, FINS acre to rat IP la amall tract; IB la cultivation, hoaee, new ham. 1 food wells V and fruit; land level and elghtly; 8 aiinutra' ., walk to fond 10-routa erhool, 10 nflnuteo to . . I . - y.v wmwn, .1 iuis, ar rare v -m ' 1 u.unu. m-ninui, service : ' price only. $200 per acre; will aril or 10 uvhi Iprmi If w-Mtaut . b . 1 a a I . . . ; twMf UuU, Ortgoa. Tk Mgant Scott MP. Kd ro.?ALB7,'r,p' ,h,r . tn. Lw . Alblns . Inunlr owaat. 388 Markat at. Lk boue. 80x100. acar Inman. Pouleen SalU. be owner, BOS brand ,,. , 'OR BALE Now 8-roora bona and oOilOO-rt '!". Kaat 31Mb, ar B. Brar V 't. . Owser oa pramlaaa. ' T-BOOM colonial boo, 81.5O0; .VX1 down, bat " -. uwiht. rooms fuaa. i D. GOOD COTTAGB, 60x100, . fralt. doable-track railway two blorke, elm fa. 8300; aiaat Bell; t . , ,vgrDjt ' '"I1L-2SH U mlla from depot H '"- ? i. m ,w 'burcbea and school; free mull . j , yrico asuu. v m. una, Baerwooa, or, riNK 8-room residence, went aide; will sell at B"iu. liu oia inira... . . fl.OoO New 6 -room enttat; ' amall nab - paynient, remainder monthly. Call ' 107 ft 8-ROOM - houss. modern, excellent locality; bargsla if taken quick. Inquire Ml Broad- . ! " "V- I r aj.mio A-roora boaaa, chloken-yard, trait tare. -, m-n. rrari ot.t MOBLaTliia. 8EB THI T-rooM BvxH-Ti boaaa, air lot ( lacinf union in. car una; prlca 2,000) ' FOR SALE FARMS. ,dO-ACK8 TARaf. 4 mllaa from Beawtoajlo f? BO Plow. ood orcbard. 200 traca . o"' Tarieua: piar wall faocad and croaa f-nftd; food farmhmiao, la good J "r" no ouier Dojiuinf a; k. r. . n.,"r'-'2no bottom Ua-C ao'enltlTatod, nod tram, wairoa and harocai. 10 Cowa, 1 -r-K aaiiera, i ojmni aorao. harnraa ; fj? H.W' u arialn; towta. load orchard. . v.,ow. hthul t . TO acrra a clear. HM trmtm. hrarinr n-K.- food 7 -room bouaa and otbor bnlldlnfat oa food) road; R. W. D. roalL I1.700. -SO-acrv farm, out oa Baaa Una road; ant -on. f araoa laao, - iarf nana and barn, " roodorchard; all tha atoek and food, ."rlca . fd.ooO; trnna. , 40 acria 28 la cnltlrattoa. fair houaa, bara , -and kophoaaa and all tha bop toola. wafoa. plowa, haroraa. raka and amall toola; boIimiI at far a waj: B. r. D. tnall; fxn ranf a 11 ; ujMi iron niy, rrira 4,ouo. 40 acrra SO la cultlralton, food orcbard, brarltif ; a food bona and bara, place wall , frncad and rroaa-trncad. B. V. D. mall, 4 ": mllra from BeaTrrtoa. It in lira to Portland, ' Irlcr 12.000; trrnia If dralrrd. . ' We bara a aumbrr food fortlee and clfhtird, lmprorrd, with atoek., to exebanfe tor etty V" roprrtj.' ...... , lolW acrra erneer and Hmotk land and , other cropa: 20 a Tea eroded to oata, 00 acrea in raltlTatlon. near it lereL.all tilled; dry araeooa do aot affrrt thla land, carrtee ; tnotatare the whole year; oa a food county Toads well fenced, cedar poeta, plank and ' ; - Wire; a fair bonne and barn, franary and ether tmlldlnira; 20 to BO tona timothy and cVoeer hay. 200 buahela oata. 400 aacka in Burbank potatoaa, S food horera, wafon and harnraa, plowa, harrow, mower, all nacre. . aary tarmfnf toola; 4 cowa. boa a, chlrkriia. SO ' aeree more nearly clear, la paature; . 25 acrea la Una timber, yellow Br and eedar; rannlna , water whole year; IS mllra te Portland. 4 . mllra to R. R. ; R. r. 1). malL Price B3.TB0 half dowa. balance loaf time, par-aeat, IT old la 10 dare. .,,.- - . XSPKr-CnABR RtALTT Room 1, Hamilton Bid., ' . r Third at., bet. Alder and WaahtBftoat, rOB KALC 190 acrea floe Bolt. . food eattle country; plenty oatalde ranfr; a barfaln. "Alltlim alia. A. Bl liulelluen. teiuu, 'Bitfuu. SO ACRIfiB land, all cleared end atreetcar line rannln thmuch It; Tory deelrable for acrra e - property fSOO par are,eeay terme; Brat. - claaa land; a barfaln; call early; eloaa Its Good corner near N. P. trrmlnaL A food reauoraat oa Bursa Ida, BtM0 barfaia-.' . . RATIONAL RCALTT C0-, . aix ,nne at. leo-ACRB farm, IB mllra eaet of Portland oa Baady rierr: 40 acrea under eultlTatlon, food ImproTeaMata. . IB acre oa Powell valley -'load, W mile aouth of rraerTotri abort dla ' tance from S car II nee. If acrea fond, level land adjolntnf Motor addition. TV. B. raca- belmer, 22T rallnf bldf. '. J. 110.000 FARM of 400 acrea. -ISO enlflvated. balance paetnret B0 acre cwrrr; bouea. tw e wnold aell la lota er eo acrra. I bl sen. Konie a. Kicareai. er 40B Beat Twelfth at, Portland. ID It BALI Btock ranch of t.400 acrea Bear - Oobarf, S mllra a or t bee at f Bnfraa, Lane county, Omroa; price low and term eeay. r. O. Chamberlain. Laboe bldf., IHniUad. A to-ACBB farm, all In en HI ration, 8 mllra . from roarrhonaa. 1 mile from O. W. P. t, By. Co.. IS.0O0; Term to aolt. or will trade fnt bona and lot. Joha P. Sharkey. T01 Cbam tier of Commerce. - FOB BALB 40 acre Terf Bn land, i& la raltlTattoa. He aire and level, rich black loam; It ad join Clarkamaa eta Mo and B. R. I oaly 10 -mllra frm center of Portland; will offer It ' for on weak only I at STB per acre. Ad drra 0 14. car JournaL .' , 40 ACRES all 'cbnlce land, part Improved; new hoosr, en Bn rood. SO miles east of Port ' land; a cheep farm, tl.ioo. HENKLE A BAKES, ' ' BIT Ablngton bldf. FREE LAND IN OREGON under the Carey Irrigation Art Deed direct frank:: state. Writs today. . Booklet and map free. B.- 8. - Cooke Co.; S51 Alder at. Portland. Or. ACRES la fin state of cultivation, oa fin road, i mil from electric line, old house, S sere In bee ring orchard; there Is no rock or grsvsl: prtcs 8LB00. M 14, car JoarnaL BARGAIN 80-acY Improved farm B ml lea aasi of Portland. LeCompt. 227 rront . . GOOD' FARMS. ' BOO acre dairy, oa -Columbia rive, sll storked, 812.0OO, 40 acres In ('lark county, . Washington, 18 miles from Portland. 82.AO0I well Improved. ' 20 acre, 4 mile from Ore- , f on City i good hooee snd barns 13.000. 40 scree, . near . Hogsn. Oregon, 81.800; - will , trade. W e have others. AU kinds of prop erty for sale and trade. . .STANDARD CO.. 88 Burn rid' St.. . BAROAIN 40 acres of good land, sear Car roll's Station, Washington, on connty road: a terms. E. J. tteleer. an Morrison st TO EXCHANGE. WB make a specialty of eicbaaglng property; . no matter what too have or where located. ' Hat It with aa and taers will be somathlnr NORTH WEST LAND 0.. , SOB Goodnoufh bldf. WANTED Tn buy op trade for small store In - country or small village. Address 140 Bus sell at Station B. Port Is nd. - WILL sxchang tw food bnlldlnf lot on " Union av. for residence and pay enah dif fer ace. Call 10TH Third. . Ho.onn aoo-A RB farm np the valley: Bne , bulldlmTa, sock and crop; will take 84.0H0 residence In J'ortlsnd snd five easy term ea . ths resssindrr.' Call 107 M Third. 6m TO EXCHANGE.. TO KZCHANUR for a huilneaa propoaltlon lm- , prvTva or. Buimprorea city property; me lin- ftroTemraui eu two find houieateade located n eaatera Oregon S0 mere ffnrrd, 20 acre anoir .eultlTatkia,. fooa . euuniu. oa nota Vlacea. plenty of wood and water, food boree- . power wwodeaw; thla property la rloae ta at. it. in rart. tne roaa win rroee ine place whea completed; here la a chaac for yoa and your wife enter te et a food home ' atead for the coat of Improvement, rot . pertlculara call at room Sod Uoodnoufh bldf. Wl bar a choir betel, -well fnrnlabed, food trade, bouee alwaya full, no ofipoaltion, bar la connection, which wa wlaa to aell or nrbaofr, a ownera are not hotelmen; w would take a food aaleoa and fire time on the balance. - now, ir yoa wani an aaianuaneo bualnrea. her at your chaoce; thla property la la I'olk connty. Koom sua uooauouf a aiaf. TOR SALB AND EXCHANOB Ronmlnf-aowse la all parte of the city, from a to 40 rooBW. at price that raa aa( ae duplicated by anyone, are aa 11 you are woimi iw oar- faina la tni line, a" uooonouira oiuf. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. THK MOnm, BTABLK8, Browa Poater. prop. Phone Mala 47. Uoardinf, urery ana aaiei apreaa and bagfafe tranafer, 2U5 IMrla at. A KNAP Heeee en erred buerr aad haraaa. Beany new. Anoereoo a cuiuiee, iiuiu j aiadiaoa. . - $1H BUY a food bora, aound, weight about (. son Kaat Tnlrtieta at. FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED aerlp. any alee piece ; lowest price, w. U. ttoweu. aoa uunow si wa- FOR HOMERTEADB. timber elalma aad acrip apply to BOB Commercial dik. TIMBER LAND WANTED I can handle - number of food timber claim la Deechutee timber belt,1 at once; title muat be perfect. J. N. liunter. Bend. Oregon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Wl print year name a B0 calllng-earda. proper alee and atrle, bbci ounne came. i. Browa Be male. 220 rirat. Portlaad. Or. POR BALB OR RENT NEW AND BEOOND- najvu BBWimi MAl.nmr.9. o I inui nv BP.WINO MA0UIm AQENCX. B. D. J ON US. 2M TAMBILL 8T. , MACHINERT of an kloda repaired. Oaataaalal Iroa 4V Steel Work, lifts oiiaaa LARGEST atoek of bottlaa hi aortbweett order filled promptly. Portland Bottle Mnpply (Ms 191 North BlffataaaU at. Mala UbB. SHOWCA8E8 ANDrXTDRB mad to orderi acoad hand good for MM. Carleo ft KaU trom. BaB coach at. Pboa Clay 871. BILLIARD AND POOL table tor rt a tat aale oa eeay payment. TUB BRUNSWICK-BALKB COLLRNDEB CO. 48 Third at., Portland. hf. BARDB St BO!, barlnf bought the eoav , plot atoek of plumbing material on tb Trail and Government Inland, offer all ' tb pip and fitting and very reaaonabk flgaree; alee the electric future f the Americas Inn Co., which will fa to tha buyer at leea tha half of eoat price- FOR BALB Four No. S American hoist horaa- powar and aot of aacond-hand- donkey ea flnea, eultabl for logging or holatlng pur poae. For Information and" arte apply to r. D. Karttner, Aatotia, Ongoa. WEBTERN OR BOON MININO MILUNIl t o. headquartera: atoek for eel - and la formation at 180 Pint at. . Phon Mala 1620. BOOKS bought, aold aad eicbanfed at .tb vum Boog eiore, jcai X a Bin ill aa. MOTOR H IL P., BOO volt: pulley, betting. new aoa or. eirrrricei foooe. v eatera Dai af a Co., 827-8 Washing too at. Pactfa TBS. A SO-INCH eorfaear, heavy pattern, food condt- iioa; a oarfaia. i. u. u. a. rrivata a change 0B. - -. ... . V"' - - MAPLB chiffonier and dresser. xtenatna table. csrpeTB7 eteei range. netera, weetern Baiv eg Co S2T-42B Washing toa at. Pacific TPS. HORSES jpf BII kmds for aale at vary bl price inquire s,o rronc u IF YOU hav fumltur for sale snd want a Mhi Ot Bp John Oka, TWO Imported southern beer hound for salt. new ueiay at., rortiana. ur. DIAMONDS, w a tehee and Jewebry st B saving i err in: , . , . mi, uviifti as i i ' '. , .nme sale and retell lewelers. Office SOT AlSikv rmig.. tuh'U ana Morrison. ONE Edison rotary mimeograph, almost new. Lail at oou ueiin Drag. LINDRMAN A SONS' piano In fair condition; original mat 7lo. ror sal, im; fi easn, balance 8S nr month. If . deslrsd. Pbon v Bcott 8138. . FOR BALB Two cows, on fresh cow with cair snd S8 enickeus. Cell oeo Kaat ru teenth at 'after 4 p. m. LA ROB stork aeoond-hsnd Remington and Kmlth-preraler typewriters, rrom u Bp. Underwood Typewriter Co SB1 Stark at FOB SALB New Foi typewriter, only ased few times gninf eaat: a I no jubo Buecial Win chester rifle. Box SOT, dty. . BULLDOGS On female, year and bnlf old. medium else, aolHI dark yellow. iu; two Sana, ma lee. B weeks, $7 80 and 810: also w cholc S. C. B. Leghorn cockerebi, ex tra food ones, at $2 each. At tent, three block north cremator! m, Scllwood ear Una. Address Box 88. Bellwond. FOR SALB A new. flrst-claaa steam tug, 87 feet 8 Inches long, 13-foot beam, oepth ef bold 4 feet; SxlO hlrh-pt assure new mgrse; B4-lnch by B4-lnch boiler.. .Address Joha La rson t. Bkamokawa, Wash. TWO brand new parlor carpets for sals, very cheap, at 811 Weet Park. PERSONAL. , CONFIDENTIAL, medical advice to women W - treat dlseaae at women exclusively, caring : with unvarying BUceees all female ailment from the slightest local Irritation to tha moat complicated Internal trouble: maternity case given- apeclpl attention, prlvata hospital ae i commodatlont professional lady nurses la at- - tendance; crmsaltatlnn and advice free. X Radium Medical Institute aad Sanitarium, Third and Alder eta., entrance BBS Alder at, , Portland. BP) MEN I ' ' '.' . . P. (Tltal-Powet) taMets will reetors to yoa the snap, vim snd vigor sf manhoods If 'yoa ars Inching la ths power ef vitality, Its loss rsultlng from Indiscretions aad excesses, ssend for s bos of these tablets snd be con vinced of their merit By mall la plain pk.. BL The Armstrong Tablet Co., Ins., BSt ToUma blk.. Detroit, Michigan. SPECIAL N0TICB TO WOM KN Doo't risk Kur lives by sa operation -whea yoa, raa cored by harmless methods; electricity properly applied will save life where opera tion kin. W paaaeaa th latest Inveotloa to control d I era sea peculiar tn womea. Dr. W J. Nace. M. R.. Medical Electrician. Of . firs 718 Drkam bldf.- Pbon Bed 8381. Office - hoars B48. B-B. ' ' DETECTIYB AGENCY Coefldrntlsl Invrstl. gat Ions; reports made on asy indlddoal bast pees or property I missing relatives located; . bed debts collected; chi rgee reeeoaable; err. . reepnndenre solicited .0 Oregon Detective Service, offlces 814 815 Columbia bldf.. , BBt ' Washington t. . Phone- Mela B81B. MRS. ANNA LITCKEY snd ETHEL WARD are , now located at JtfO Taylor at.( prlnclpala of the American Beauty Parlor, w cure el scalp diseases; all klnda of bath given; re trlc maaaare, manicuring snd chiropody l ats , Madams Karrew's famous remedies ; sstlsfae. tloo gnsrsnteed. Phone Main 2248. m mm PERSONAL. DR. AU.tri.UNI. dlsesae of women and ear wee Oi in . . J? . . . ... 1 . . UnelenM. e"e Alias aiug.. IDU mm TE8. Palnw Tablet make yoa sWp perfecHlyt they cur aervousneee and make yea etrongl Price Sue a bog, 8 boiea 12 BO; fuaraoteed. AU araerlete. or address Brook Iruf ', B7 North Third at, Portland. - - MANLT Tlfor restored by-Dr. Boberts' Nerve . Olonble. One month's treatment. 2; I mouths.- B5; sent securely eee oy msii. ' Agent. Woodard. Clark at Co.. Portland. Or. BOOKS! Here thry are; "Drcemrron." Hep Umeroa." "A Hot TanlrJls. "enny niH. "Twenty Tear a Faker." "Forblddeo Fruit." Boa each; Uata free. A. Schmale. i2 First at LOST power Twrtored be tb greet Dr. Lorsna' Nerve Toole Tablets; JBe per boa. 8 boar for SI SB. Writ er can at ysrll a Pharmacy .227 Morrison, bat let aad' Sd LADIES Tea appear -SO year yoanger, r. mors all wrinkle, hav akla like velvet by aalnf Orefoa Grape Bkla Food. Phon - heat 1247. MENI WOMENI Baymond'B pllla poelttvely . cur aervoueneaa and Uck of vitslHy;i, 4 Doles ff. flummer, Druf Co.. TO iniru, WHT lies alrai ekea eoo saa aecure a Hfe dselng Hoelsty. aad meet or eorreenoad with reputabl persons of thla sactioa, mssy -weelthy; the November register. 14 eenta. Bolt te Buassll bldf. Pboa Paelfl 828. . BriTII pressed whll yoa wait. BOO. Ladles' aairta preasen. poc. Ullbrrt. i'" auu si,. next to Quelle. Pboa Clay 80S. - DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWEl.RT, BOITOHT, BOLD OR ExrHANOBD AT UNCLE MYERS, PIONEER MONEY LENDER, 148 THIRD WT, NEAR ALDER. . . . FRRB aampht corn, bantna end wart cor. Bd wla L. Dssa. dspt B. Tauntoa,- Mass. Tt'RKIBR BATHS, 800 Oregonlan bMf.i ladles aya, gentlemen nlgbta. Mala ihss.,- W ANTED To know tb whereebootr of William Btephea Bmlth, . formerly of Los Angeles. Address Motbar. box 128. Santa Barbara, California. . PREB to oat of town patron, oar lateet eats- or ranry work, pi now lope, center Kce, shirtwaist and novelties. The Needle aft Shop. SOT Allaky bldf.. Portland, Or. DOLLS' hospital; rrpalrlnf and drees Inf. Xane nui ana west pars ats. , BINO CHOONO. Importer of Chinees root medi cine; sen tnineee tea that is certain car for all d lessees. . lt Bacond bet. TamhUl and Taylor. BEND B. B. RICH, PORTTJAND. OBBOON. Vt FOB SB ASSORTED SOUVENIR rOSTALH. BEND for free list of eat price and clubbing rsie on msfasins. jooe jwoa aura, shj Alder at. DR. ATW0OD, 18 Rnssrll bldg.. KWIU Foarth t. Female dlaaaaee and nflnmeate takes and cared for; open evening. Consultation free. . . MRS. Sophia B. Belp, pychomtiit. propnrTess: oaiir ii a l i to Toeeday and Friday. 8 a. m. 843M Yamhill. cor. Seventh. Pacific 108. Sunday vnlng meeting Draw hall. 181 Bacond at. DBS. M. A. NISBETH. Bwedlah speciallrta. cores rheumatism, kidney, stomach and Uver trooblea. chronic eonstlnstlon. onealtr and all chronic and nervoua diseases; no drag; a . aniiej i per monta. consultation ana asm onstra Hons free. Hood 1B22. 411. Morrison St HAVE rou aern oar holiday apeclalat 1. Btu- uio, uiiv. ruta ana waaninftoa. . THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO., 811 Ho kum bldg.. agente for the celebrated Mountain Bn remedies: core all female trouble, ale atomach asd Uver troubles; conaultatloa free. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremoet frtcra(1 society of northwest; protect tb living. 813 Marquam bldf., Portland. Orefoa. GET married; Ideal plan, beet reenltat send 10 ror particuiare to the raeina UMrraapoaaeaoa Club. Alma, Orefoa. MME. RELONIA BOTPTI A Reliable medium. eclentlfle palmlat; only reader or the Egyptian Tsmt cards la the west; reading 60 cents to 81.00 tor 19 days. Corner Morrison and Sec ond at. BALM tr- prOS for all female din seas. 828 Beet Belaaoat. - Phone Mala 4832. . MB. H'.UIMA r.uf P-llA HPIIIBW fhenilim. scientific palmlat; only reader of the Egyptlaa is rot earns la the weet; lire reading dally; open evening. , Corner Morrison pad . Bee- ona srs. IMPORTANT: Win Ton Inform M. T. Madden. SOB W. SOtb St., New York dty, If yon know wnars aiicnaei I, Man das 1ST . THE CHICAGO DTE WORKS ar atlll doing business at-408 Waahlnftoa at, ander new . management! ladle' and gentlemen' clothing cleaned and pre seed s all band work; repalrlnf or an kinds a specialty; sartsrartiea fuaran teed. Call .phone Brown 483. Prompt Barr ies for call aad deliveries. BALM OF FIOS for sll female dlssaaaa. 838 East Belmont. ' Pbon East 4084. BED CROSS Indicates relief for aU ta distress. 48 Third, corner Ash. .- . J. BNKELIS, the New York ladles', iellnr,- haa moved rrom vta rirst st. ro w ainer sr.: will be glad to see aU old enatnuiers snd .welcome to new ones. New York Ladles' 'Tailor, 288 Alder at . DR. WORLEY BENJAMIN, ths Foot Specialist. ursine wssnmf ton at. rjooa v. . nors reel made sound. ART EMPORIUM. PR0PFSS0B B. MAX METER, 848 Alder. Portrait sad landscape artist and teacher. I II II II I i i i i me, ' AUTOMOBILES. '" , HOWARD COVEY. Fifteenth snd Alder, agent for Cadillac aad Pierce automobiles; machines rented, reps Ire d aad atored. ISSAYBRSj. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, and Montana Assay orne. too Morrison at. ATTORNEYS. A H. TANNER, attorney, BOB Commercial blk.. Second snd Waahlngton ate. Phon Mala 848. H. P. BURLEIGH. Mwyar, US Grand a vs.. East rortiana. EDWARD T. TAOOART, attorney snd eelor. 418 Chamber er oommercs niag. ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES B. PfAHLET Public auditor and expert acconniani. . asm i, tewsw vi Commerce bldf. ' BLANK-BOOK MAKERS." HOWB. DAVIS 8i KILHAM. 108-111 Second st Blank book manufacturer: sfsnte ror .ones Improved Loose -Leaf Irdgers; see tb new Eureka lest, th beat oa th market . BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALD CO., 804-808 st. Lerrest batebsrs' supply souse sa the roast- BATHS MESSAGE. TOUNO lady give vapor, alcohol aad medicated bathe, Peru? sT, zbhh atarg. MOOREFIELD Turkish and steam bath, aalt flow, mineral betha; rhennatlsm given special attention; free trial treatment 100 Si Sixth. PaolOe 270. TUB SNOWDKN BATHROOMS Two lady at- tendaatei 3K7S Alter at., net. roartu bbi Fifth; tub and vapor aad nuaaafs. , Phon Main gtrns. MlSJt ENGLISlt rlvse medicated bstha and magnetic usatmaai I or rneamaiiassr i Sixth at -BLACKINO. WRSFOOT Blachlnv, ehenrutely waierprosf. I serves tne esatner, mssee mnei wres w cent longer. For aaM everywhere, 18 i IB cents. -CAFES. yim office ass wssnnntoa st r-bon Msle 771. nssiuel vigass. , CHIROPRACTIC POSITTVELY ceres all forms sf rbenmettain. A. Bva Hof as. SOB Hall au I'boa Mala BU4. ,W(rtifrs C DillJif. .iH5':, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ' B8rek-ui;n'8T co. Distributors of , , 1 .riNI CIGARS. " ' . Portlsnd. Orsgon. COLLECTION AGENCY. COLLECTIONS by tb Northwest Collection Agency; your bustneoa handled In a business Bison ar try as. 10-17 Labb bldf. DOES aay one owe yoa money I W collect bad debts of all kinds. 122- Grand are., room 14 and IB. Phon Eaat 4424. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glassware. ' PraeL Hegele 4k Co., 100 to 108 Fifth, roe. Stark st CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist, aatroloflst and spiritual llfrreader, ran five Important and reliabl fact about the peat. Bssent and future. 180 Seventh at, op p. otel Portland. Phon Padfle 714. CLEANING AND DYEINQ. XAMHIL1 CLBANINU PRESS! NO CO. Work called (or aad Ballvand. .rhon Clay 282. ) Portland B tears Cleaning Dyeing Werkai prsa tlcal hatter la connection. 211 4th. CUy T04. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed Bl per month. Pulque Tsllorlnf Co.. 84T Waahlnftoa st B. W. TURNER, profeaalonai dyer and cleaner. BOB Jefferson at Phone Main 2518. NEW process lac curtain cleanlnf, 50c to fl pair, eo utissn. stain neon. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleanlnf Co.. largest plant on the coast, torinf ana naming aia., iei pboo East 2M) Carpets cleaned, reflttrd. sewed and laid; both eteam and lateet com pressed air process; renovating Mtuniil and issusrs s specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction aad com pressed air combined; earpeta lenrd on floor i . . . ..... V wimvui mmrii, sum iwoi. s.e, vuev. . CARPETS cleaned on the floor! we raise as dust Phon Clay BSi. free oeroonsrrstion. COAL AND WOOD. KINO COAL CO. Sols sgente for the 'emeus Diamond eoal; try It and yoa will always nay It. Wyominf and Washington noose so), Virginia and Washington smithing coals: full weight fuaranteed. Tel. Mala 1428. A. L. Stephens, manager. CHURCHLEY BROS, hav removed from font Isra st to 488 Kearney St.. near lira; m now the largest woodyard la the dry. carry. Ing aU kinds of wood and eoel. Mala 881. GREOORT Bj MORRIS, successors ta Cala eV MrKane, dealers la wood and eoal at loweet S rices; satlsfserloa ruarsnteed. Cor, Tenth nd Irving. Phone Mala 4878. - WESTERN Feed Fnel Co.. on Front, betwi la all kiuos house cos la sad blacksmith . eoal. Phea Mala nun. ALBINA FUEL CO.s-Draler In eordwood. anal nd frees and drr .alabwood. B. R. sna Al bion srs,, S Blocks esst of ferry. . Bsst 874. tTBEL-BRTDOB FUEL CO. Dealers In ens I. eordwood asd dry alabwood. Phon Esst 484. BOXWOOD and planer trimming. Standard Wood Cq. Pbon Eaat 2315. Foot Bast Pin. TRY EAGLE LUMP COAL. M ton 83, ton $7 Henke. 145 N. sixth, racirie hi. OREGON FUEL CO All hind of coal and - wood. BOB Alder st Phone Mala 86. KIRK HOOVER. 11 Wats at. wood and eoaX Pbon Mala 4BBS. FULTON WOOD CO. Pbon Padfle 884 for dry and green aiatrwooa. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOODearpentera. ' rmllderai r. talrinf nnd Jobbing: stor asd office flxtaraa lit Shop SOB Columbia. Mala B2B7. WASHBURNB FI1TD, wsgoh builder sad genersl Job work. 88 Bth at Pbon Hood Bsu. P. B. VANDERHOOP, rarnenter and Jobber, 887 Stark at Phon Main 747. WV. FISHBBCK.-eerpenter; renal ring and Job- bins done. 21 Burnalda at I'bone alaia twi. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENSCH BROS., commlealnn merchants. Bear, feed, hay and produce, wa to m front . Pbons Msln 2698. t BVERDING FARRELL. arodnc and commhv alon merchanta. 140 Front st, rortisBO, ur. Phone Mela ITS. DANCING. WOODWARD'S dandnf school ef ths Western ,ea.iemy or Mosie, aionnsy sna inorsnsy. Spec stor Invited. Lesson 50c Dandnf S to H. Cor. Per nod asd Morrisoa. DETECTiyES. TELL a your troubles; are never Bleeps evidence traced In earn and criminal esses, au u. Henlnger. 18-17 Labb Mdf. ' ' dressmaking:-. ' ' KEISTEB'S LADIES' TAILORING COLI EOB. B02 aad 400 Allaky bldg.t writ toy Booklet. DRESSMAKING Strictly ap to date! latest, ds- mimmrn SSJI e . S FIRST CLASS parlor. 817 Allaky bldg. salts. Cowns, costa. jecgete. latest tyi; . vairi ound aad )ackt re lined. DRESSMAKING,: flrst-claaa and npjo-dare: rnaryea reasonaDie. lei, mam loxt. van 414 Fifth St. D00 AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB.C.E BROWN. D.V.S .D.C.M. Dog. Horse bos. pltsl.2ei7 Burnalde. Phonee: MalnsOWl; I'se q ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. BO BTH WEST ELECTHICAL ENGINEERIN0) uompany. ana atari et, fort lead. u. n. ror evrrjtbln la ths slsettlsal lias. Phea Mala 1BHS. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, eon tree tn-a. repairer, elerme wiring, suppnea. es First, eor. Stars. Main 880. B H. Tate. mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Ftnmltor Manefartartnf (ompanr Msauraetnrrrs t rarmtnrs sue ta vaos. Portlaad. Or. rrSNTTTTltK maeefarraetn sad snerlsl L Bavensay'a rumirur rsetory. stv rveen ex. FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only piece ta Portland to get French breed. riarrere at May lis. aixia su vsuy sut erf. Pbon Green BOB. GROCERS.; r , tin .we m wiiAiMeie fadurse and aommleeien msrcssBts. Fs ssd Osfc ats. ALLEN 4 LEWIS, eemmleetesi snd peodaee m-r. shsnta rront and Davis ats., Pert lass. Or. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-atr fnrnarrs save foeL I. O. Bayer rarnsee Co.. 2nd Becoaa. aisia eoi. GRINDING. Rssnra. knlvse. scissors aharDened te tmaijlarlsoa Co.. 40U N. tb. Paelfl HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. solicits opportanlty te quote price. laS let st, eor. Alder. Mela IBB. HAY AND GRAIN. I. O. COOPER A CO. Potato, fsed sad floar. 128 Union a vs. Phone Best 1S1T. HOTELS. HOTEL Psadletoa. Find le to. W.A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL Portland. American plant 88. 88 pr day, HOTEL St Oeorge. Peadletoni keadlnf hotel. BELTEDERB: EeropesB plant 4th and Alder ere. INSURANCE. LAMBERT. WHITMEB Bj CO. Fir Insnrsse . snd real eetate; offlcea t01-l8 Sherlock bid. Mala 1008; adept 404 Esst Aide. But 4ttl. JAB. Mcl. WOOD, employer liability and In dividual accident surety bonds of sll kinds. Phone 4T. BOB McKay bldf. H. F. B ARTELS COMP ANT Fir Insrrmno. 41 Sherlock bide Oregon rooaa nay oxe. LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON, eipert lock and krvamllh; r fenrral renalrtng; castlroa Draaing; au wors guaranteed. 2a7 Burnalda at. Puons Pacific BROWNE'S II TOWN-Iiwrt locksmith aad - bicycle repalrlnf. Sw Stark. Day viay rai Bignt poon, main ao, MUSICAL. LBKSON8 50c Piano, fultar, banjo, mandolin, violin; lnstrnmenta for sal. 241 Ss First, cor Main. Mrs. Martin. ' PIANO, violin, string and wind raatramenta, Professor Edwin A. Smith. &4, Twelfth- Mala 4TOB. .. . PIANO timing. $2; perfect work guarsntsed. GL W. Johnson. Pboa Mala 181L I. A. WEBCO. violin-maker aad repslreri work first clasa. SB Buaael bldf., 4th aad Morrison. BMIL THIELHOBN. teacher of violin, viols, cornet. Studio, 1PB Sixth. TrL Main 8008. FREE lesson on ths violin, mandolin, fultar and banjo. Levy's Muelo House, 171 Fourth. MACHINERY. PORTABLE loromotlvs boiler end enginer new man h price; s horsepower, u.. n. ri gott'a bw office. . s Huiasy niuf.- THS H. a ALBER CO. Second-hand machinery, eawmllle, ste. 248 Grand svs. , , MONUMENTS. NET7 KINGSLEY. 288 First Bt. Portland'! - leadinf-marble and frajilte worka. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOB SALARY LOANS. 42K-B Mohawk bldg., eor. Morrison end Third. Ladles or Gentlemen. No PuUldty. . If yon borrow 820 yon pay back 81.3A a week. If yoa borrow 828 yoa pay bark II 60 a week. .If yoa bra-row $10 yoa pay back 12.00 a week. If yoa borrow 815 yoa pay bark 82.85 a week. If yon borrow $.10 yoa pay bark 88 00 a week. Payments ouspended In case of ajaknees. Strictly Salary Loans. . ' XT? a rmcrfpRNT tniN no 42S-B Mohawk bldg., eor. Morrtann and Third. MONEY TO LOASJ : On Improved dty property or - for bnfldln purpqars, AnrKjmmat ob .frpro-ejoio yaraHm. with privilege to repay all or part of lnaa after on year. Ixisns sp broved from plana and money advanced aa ounoing prograaaias mortgages tsgsn up ana rep i acen. FRED H. STTtONO, Financial Agent ? S42 Stark Street. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage earner, saa fet OB hia aot. wltbent mortgage !VV00 Repay to ns 81H.M ar 8885 or 88.M gzn.nn Repay to aa I 8 85 -or 8x.n er II en $15.00 Repay tn n I 4.00 or $1.00 or $1.08 siu sice.ay oiof. . WHT PAY RENT when w ran furnish yoa money to bny or bnlld Ton a hornet SMALL MONTHLT REPAYMENTS with LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Drop a rard. or rail oa J. H. Hubbard. Bute Agent. 2P2 E. Morrlaoa st MONET to loan, aalarlrd people, tr a maters, etc , . without security; eoey psyments: largret bualnrea In 48' principal dtles. Tolnua. 238 Ablngton bldf. Phone Mala 8487. "MONET TO LOAN. Prlvsts money to loan at 8 and T per rent Interest for S to 5 -rears In atnounta of tMXJ and upwards. Boom 403 Commercial bldf. oersnns ercurlty; spedsl attaarlon to chsttsl mort fsgret antes boorhf. C. W. Pallet, 804-4 Fen toa bldf.. 84 Sixth et. HIOHLT . respectable place where ladlra aad gems can norrow money on olainouae en Jewelry. Collateral loaa Rank. 268 Wash ington st Pboa Black TL CHATTEL loans ta amounts ranrlng from $2S to en.ono; rooming -boasee a specialty, new Ere Lose A Trust Co.. SOB Abingtoa bldf. WB make all kinds ef loans OS food reurtty at lowest rates: special attentJoa fives na chattel loans. 108 Morrisoa at . MONET to lnaa In, sum of from $8,000 to an tsmj terma to suit th Borrow sr. Snp-io. Commercial blk. MONET tn lnaa en Clackamas ennnty Isnds. E r. and F. B. Rllay, BOB Chamber ef Coas- LOWEST rates on fnrnltnrs snd plsnos. Bssb" srs Lean On.. 448 Sherlock bldf. Clay 828. TO LOAN Stains to snlt on cbattsl secartty. B. A. Pram. BI4 Tb Marnaam. MONET to loan, on all kind of ercurlty. Was, Holl. room 8. Waahlngton bldf. $l.non ia.000 TO loan hv private party on real eat at eecurlty. 403 Commercial bldf. LOANS on dty. 'dnnVirban and farm property, any amonnt. csay terms. B. R DBTla, room 730. Chamber Commerce. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX NORTH RUP. 41B-18-1T Dekam bldf.. Third and Waahlnftoa ats. Psoas Mala 849. Bxamlaetlnaa free. DRS. OTIS MABEL AKIN. 408 Macleay bldf. Clay 7T8l Bos. M. S181. Consultation frr. THB very best Udy osteopath 'In town. Dr. L O. Johnson, eotte IS, Selling Hlrscb bldg. OVERALLS! BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS Bad m. rhaatcs clothing; union made. - Neuetadter Bros., aaeaafaeturers. . Portlaad. Or. PLUMBERS. DONNEKBERO B ' RADEMACHER.- Sanitary plamner. "84 Fourth st' -.Both phones. FOX A CO, senttsry plumber. 881 Second, bet Mstn and Salmon. Oregon Phone Main tool. PAINTS. OIL-AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH A CO. Ths Pioneer Paint 0s. window-glass ssd glssluf . 188 First et Phone 1884. ' ERNEST MILLER Bt CO., Second and Taylor Walt paper, pslnt nil at market prleeai free drllrery. - . . BASMUSSKN Bt CfT.-Jobhers. paints, otl, flass. saah and doors. Second and Taylor. PRINTING. I VELCII at DAVIS. Printers i Doers of e lever things with Inh and type en paper. Bteeraa . bldf.. Sixth and Morrlaoa. Mala 4147. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, pristine Mtbofrenhlng, blank boohs. Phons Mela It. Ina Alder st METROPOLITAN PRINTING. fHi.Pvv7 thins la printing. Mala 138. 147 rront si Derrrd le TUB. I8AA0 Is WHIThV fir lnsaranc. BOO Dskaa . bids. . , ;- ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, rrpalrlnf aad JoMilnf. J. Lestl. 212 Jefferson St. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, B48 Alder st. phone Mala . riui ruDoer stamps, eeia. aienci, He, rren cberke; aead for eataiogu wo. so SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, daadruff treated; ah am pee ing, manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mrs. B. F. Kyse. I86W Voortb. eor. Morrison. Boom S2. Phone Pacloe BBS. SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOODB'B Fnrelters Hia -Hlgbeet rrleea paid s. BIB Baoond st for aacnad-hand furniture. Phon Padfle 488. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SKINS, window lettsrtng. cloth banner, emnomlral electric fan snd sign of all klnda mads quickly. Foster A Klelesr, Fifth Bad Everett. Pbooe Eirbang e 58. - HOLIDAY SIGNS Office doors and window lettered at rut prices. Elrnglebel. 211 '4 Washlngtoa at., apatslra. Phon Hood 1784. SAFES. WB repair and rebuild automobiles, fas snflnee, printing presses, time locks, safes, open lock outs, do all kind ol macbln work. Columbia . Gae Engine Safe Works, 842 Second st PboBS-Psclfle 57ft. Frank J. Super, aupt. DIE BOLD Maagaaeas asfeai firs ssd barglar. prorf work: Jail aad prison work: lockout repairs, j. n. uavia, aa Tin ec SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. I SHOWCASES of very deecrtptloai benk, bar i - ami store nziurre msne vo orusv. -see sisi I Mannfactaiiaf Os.. Portland. STREET-PAVING. WARREN Construction Co., street paving, slds walks sad eroeawalka, TIB Orsfoatss bldf. THB Trinidad Asphalt Pavlnf Cm. ef Portia ad. avuu sisiBi arv ... a.- . . Wiucw mmjif TV l-s7srajs.nxB' f) SPIRITUALISTS. STANLEY. MEDIUM I-ocatre mtnea and buried treaaurre: nnltea the eeparated ; cause banpy marriage r glrea mrssagrs from departed Kivea one. xtn rirt t. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all makee. rented, eold end repelred. Cos at Agency, 23 stark. TaL 1407. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb.- brash, aoan. 81 per month. Lawrence Bros. Towel Bupply Cm.. Fourth and Conch. Phon 428. TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES. W hav them by the thousands; strong, healthy stock. Oar 1905 illustrated and priced rais ing ue telle alL PORTLAND BBED CO, Front aad Yamhill-eta. - TELEPHONES. THB only exclude telephone boaaa, B--B, Electric A Telephens Manuficturlnf son peny. 88 Fifth st - - ' TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, p la ooe aad furniture asoveC packed evsdv foe ahlnnlns nnd ahlooedt all work fuaranteed; large. 8-story, brick. ' Brs-pmnf . wsrenoneo rot atorag e. urnce 1KB rwsx bi, CM. Olssn. , Phone Mala 847. ina PAititaua m unnioua iniKdinn v.',. , ror. sixth and Oak ata.t neggage cbeekeo from hotel or resldeaes direct te deetlnetlon; psseengera thsrefore avoid rush and annoy' ance at depot. Private Exchange 88. 0. O. 'rlt-toflV rw.i'.jftjfl'ull moved and parked for shipping! snmmodlons one warenonss. Frost sod Clay sna, - OREGON TBANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone- Main 80. Heavy hauling sad stnrag. BAST MDB Transfer Co.. A. B. Rolromh, prep. 128 East Water Bt Phono Kaat 88. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Ns, BOOH Waah- ingtoa at Phone Mala anx. WELL BORING. JAMES W. GREEN SO years' experience n weii-normg tmainess in ana nnout fortlana; brat ef references, 890 Vancouver a vs. Bast 2882. - WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCE WIS WORKS BHB Bsst Morrisoa st Phons Bast 82L FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST 00MPAWT OF 0BE00X.. Tha Oldest Trust Oomeaay ta Oregon.. ... RESOURCES OVER f 1.250.000. ' Genersl ' banking.' Exrhanee on stl nsrts of lb world. Bavins serountB. Tims cert! fl ee tee, 8 to 4 per cent; short -call spedsl ssrtlaV eates, 8500 ar over, 84 tn 4 per cent. , Call for book ef "'ILLUSTRATIONS." '. Bouts .a at Corner Third and Oak Bta. . Phone Private Esehanee TB. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK., Vles-Prealdent B. LEE PAGET .Secretary J .0. OOLTRA Aadstsnt SecreUry EBCHAVTS' NATIONAL BANK. , F0BTLABD. 0XXG0V. J. FRANK WATSON... .PresldeBt It L. DURHAM.... Vice-President B W. HOYT Ceehler GEOR0B W. HOYT Assistant Cashier Transacts a Genersl Bsnklng Business. . Drafts and Letters ef Credit Issued A valla his to All Part of th World. Collection s Specialty. LADD TTXT0W. BANKFBB. ' (Established la 18881 T Transact a General Basking srsatnaag, Collections made at sll points en favorable rms. Letters of credit lasned available la Europe and all point I tbr United States. . . Sight Evchang snd Trlesraobte Transfers Sold oa New York. Washlngtoa. Chicago, St. I'ouia, i Denver. Omaha. Saa Francises sad Montana and British Columbia. Exchange aold on London. Pari. Barllih. Frankfort Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. ... ... u WITED BTATTS WAT70WAI BANK OF PORTLAND. OBVO0N. MOBTRWrST COB. THIRD ABD OAK 8TB. XTasssoTS a irsnerai wsnsinf a us in ass, DRAPTS ISSUED. AvalUhls In All Cities ef the Tntted State snd Europe Hongkong and Manila. OOLIICTTOBS KADI OB FAVORABLE TERMS. 4sreldent.... ..J. C. AINSWOPTH Vice-President ,W. B. AVER Vice-President R. TEA BARN KS Cashier B. W. SCHMFFR A sal. tan Caahlee... A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier '..j..'.. ..iW. A. BOLT FIBST BATTOWAt BANK ' -t. OF P0BTLABD. 0BZ00TI. '- Dsslfnsted Depiaitorv and Flnandnl Agent sf th United States. ' PresMeot.... A. fc. HM .Cssblrr .....J. W. NEWKIRK Aselatant Cashier. W. C. ALVORD Second Aealstsnt Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters sf Credit Issued Available la Europe , snd ths F.aatren Statra. . Sight Exrhsngs and Telegraphic Tr oaten arid en New York. Boetna, Chicago, Bt. Lnnla. St Paul. Omaha, has eFrancisoa aad tb prlnclpsl points In the Northwest Bight and time bills drawn In snwie to snll on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankrort-en-tne Main. Hongkong, Yokohama.' Copenhagen. Cbrlatlanla. Stockholm, Bt Peter ah ers. Mas sow, Eurrb. HoeolnlB. Collertloas Made en Fames Me Term. ' SECUBITT SAVINGS TSTfST COMPABT. 888 MsrHaen St., Portised. Or. - Iranssee a Oeserel BanVI-e Suihuna, BAVIN08 DFPABlstfNT. Interest A lei wed os Tim and M.rii,rs Depostts, Art a Truster for Pstat-. Drafts and letters of Ceerflt A-allabl h ATI Parts of the W orld. tf. D MS. . .-. . r-r1eet A. t f W 1 4 ............ . rirst Vice rvrrl test A. L V1H Second Vice President R G. J I M T7 Secret .ry 0F0 F. Ill S.,r:I.L ..Aeilatant Becr'tary M OR B ; 8 P"ne . 1 1 first t.. Portland. Or. Offer c FINANCIAL. JKX 00MTIBKBTAL C0MPABY. FINANCIAL A0ENTB. BTOCKB. BONDS AND MORTGA0BS. 88 Btsrk Street Pboa Mala IBTS. MORTOAaq loans Portland Real Satsta at La west Bates. Xitlea Inaured. A Sa tracts Furnished , T1TI.B OUABABTEa A IBUsT CO. tt Wsahlngton Bt.. Cor. Bsecsd. AT THE THEATRES , Belasco Bill a Success. .- 1 Clyd Fltrh'a "Olrl With the Oreea Err' haa proved th most popular bill ever eftr4 by th He la see stork company. It Is filing th ' kous alfbtly. Mis Lewrence he achieved a prrauoal triumph la th role of tbe Jealoo brida and th whole company Is ususlly celled orfor the cnrtala at ths end of esrh st th -esthrslllnB cts. .... 1 - "A Jolly Americsn Tramp." . . . . - " -" .v.,,' , KHUI let In. a . kvu nf .It l. . in... L.. catchy eperlalijr err promise held forth by "A Jolly American Tramp' at the Empire wres. iniu i ran ie ae it. aiaiiBe asiur. day. Last time Satardsy alfkt. "The Girl From Sweden."" Fred W Falkner will present hi new play, "Tbe Olrl From Sweden." st the Empire all Bext week starting Sunday matinee. Mr. Falkner has engaged a strong company heeded by Mlaa Madte IteLonf, who wllhout a doubt la th cleverest Swedish dialect comedienne oa the Americsn stag today. Many excellent aveeialtie areviu traduced. - ' Frank B. 1rTi"Tliorou'ghbred8. Wlnaoms, wilful, vivacious "tboroushlsred, bubbling over with life and spirit. . It would., be difficult to Imagine a mors handsome cuter te of beautiful maidens than those -fathered by Manager p. B. t are for bis attraction at ths Baker next week. First performs nee Sunday matin. ... Burlesque Amusement Popular. ' Th Baker I crowded at every per for mi bee, a fact which atteeta th popularity of ths bur leeque. Miner's Merry Burleequers thla week srs especially popular and ths lively eemedlans keep the audience In n constant roar of lagubter. . Laat three times tonight, tomorrow alf bt and Saturday matinee. Bee them. .Haverly'a Minstrels Tomorrow, Th Hsvsrly Mastsdoa Minstrels will be seen st ths Marquam Grand theatre tomorrow tmdayl sad Saturday nights, December 8 snd 8. with a popular-price mattered Saturday, with Fred Roseau, and Billy Beard as tha star com medians. Tbe asslstlnf eomedlsnS have bees carefully selected for their fno. making proclivities. The alluring contingent nclndra Joe Brown,. Brace Waiman. George T. Martin, W. F. Boyer. W. H. Parkerson and W. A. Wolfe. Watch for the bif pared to morrow at high noon. . ' y Advance Sale for "Pilsen." Th advance sals sf seats will open next Saturday momlnf at 10 o'clock for plxley and Ludrr's mualcsl-comedy saceeas, "The Prlur of Plleen," which comes to the Msrqusm Orsnd theatre next Tursday and Wednreday nights, December 12 and 18. with a special-price mati nee Wednreday. Jeea Dandy wlU play again tb role of Hans Wagner, tbe Cincinnati brewer, who on a visit to "Ire la acclaimed tbe prince ef Plleen. . Louies Willis will b tbe Ttvsdous widow pad ths other roles will be distributed among Bath Peebles. Marls Welsh, Marguerite Ferfusen, Psulloe Huntley, Ida Stanhops, Arthur DonaliMosv Ivar Anderson, J. Hayden Clarendon. Jantea . K. Roma, Peter Swift and many other. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. - Mandy's Thick Head. " The thlckeet-sbnjled iaa la town b JaBrl Mandy, the atar performer at tbe .Liberty that week. Mandy actually plscee a sssvy York on bl head aad permits a oommlttee from the audience to break ths rock with a- heevy sledgehammer. He also breaks pucks with his Beta.' Th Klllota, world-faawus musics I srthus, asd sll ether (rest sets on tha bill thla week. Bright Children at Grand. There are several ehlldrea en th Ml at th (Irand this week whs srs aroaelnf eew aldrreble Interest Ths hesdllsev la Baby Hawkins, who. asetatad by Polly Hasel, pre sent a playlet called "Th Puh Tea." Thi llttl tot Is as clever sa a full-frown artreaa and far : asore InterestlDgT. " Hsmld Hoff, a bee elneer. attends to the Illustrated songs and Is steadily receiving encores. The rest of tb Orand bill la Jaat what. Ins pubue aeamnas. M M ' " . 1. " Fun at the Star. . If tha'Star theatrs waa la Japaa tt would be known as "Ths I loess sf Te Thousand Lsufba." Thla week there to aot an act aw the' list that hf aot amusing. Da Wall aad Irving are coaaedy acrobats; Kittle Walsh trlla Irish etorlea a no, mug aonss; suuie hwv does a comedy -muelral act: Robertson ens) Robinson hav a comedy ahetrh: Fred PnrlBto sings s catchy Illustrated song nnd tbe Stare em ps ha a great moving picture. Maltose dally and tw per forms see each Bight ' "Surs and Stripes." - At tb Lvrlc thla week' there Is a renslnr melodrama. . entitled "The Stare and Stripes." Jos Thompson, the clever be rl tons. Is aragutf a new pictured ballad and tbe Lyrtscooe. with Bloving picture, entertain between sets. Matinee dally at 2:80 o'clock. Every srenlnf at 7:80 aad B s'dock. -. ' - . . MUST NOT WORK POLICE MORE THAN EIGHT HOURS (Spedal Dhtpstch to Tha Jcstrantr ' ' Hatena. Mont. Doc. 7. Re Datrla. a wall-known labor Uader. and formsr janitor of ths stata eapltol. who ereatert aomawhat of a sanantton two yearn aso by rafualns to permit nonunion dray man to deliver soma stats supplies at that building;, has aecurad an order from Justlcs of tha Panes Curtla direct Ins tha city of Hlna to ajiawer a chars of mladsmsanor December 20, for rwqulr lnf policeman to bw an duty for mora thah-lfht hours a-day. Thla la al les4' to rx In violation of tha ststs law, limiting tha work houra In all atnta, county and municipal offlctnta to elfht houra a day. Summons waa aarred on Mayor PurcelL ' " PATRICK SENTENCED TO DIE IN JANUARY (Joarnal Bpedal Srrvlee.l - Naw Tork. Dew. 1 Albart T. Pstrlck. th Naw Tork lawyar ronTlcxl of tha mnrdsr of Mllllonalr . William Marsh Hlca. waa lost nlsht aentanrad tw ba alactrocutad-aom tlma durlna; tha week begtnntns January It. . IJafora aeintanra waa pronounrrd tha convicted man a pamonal plaa to tha court In hla ow behalf. Juntlca Rogers, In tha orlmlnat branch of tha atatw auprwma court. pn houncad tha eanunc. Notion wa at onca aarvsd that an appeml o tli " prsmB court of tha Tnlted Stole on a writ of arrwr would ba tnken. Thl p plloatlon. It la aald. will act aa a ir. of Bxnrutlon.' 1'atrick waa rsttirnsd lo Sine aing. "christhas rn -r::r::o. paoiai mn - 1 r Bout i ' On I " ' train will 1 ' H.,,11 lie ' ' I " -v t