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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1905)
THE" OREGON"' DAILY " JOURNAL. PQRTIJlNPr' SATURD AY EVENIrj- "MEMBER 8,1903 L9,.ja TOOf.lllTUMy,Ef.!AliX!i TRANSPORTATION. TR ANS PO RT ATIO N. In an Effort to , Break, th . Market, Short Are Offering Hope at Lower Valuea In the Big Eastern Cities That Is the Scheme. TODAY'S MARKETS Astoria & Columbia . - River Railroad Co. FRESIDEHT DAUGHTREY C M DRIED FRUITS ARE STILL RISING' M arket Strong In All Lines Quotations Are Moving " . . Upward Again. and POTATOES LOWER ON LARGER SHIPMENTS Hops Are Advancing Although the , Bears . Ars Offering !, Supplies at '- Lets Prices in Order to Break the ..- Growers. . Front Street. Dee. S. The principal feetares ' of the Portlsad whulrate markets today rI DtM frails still advaacing. Hop prloM srs moehig upwsrd. . ' '. ood tnrkey sre IU wsnted.' Wheat and float trade Bomlnal. " Polatoca srs ranging lower. . Oaten .amrks. a trifl telin. l'aaliriowT la showing sdvsaee. . Trade aaya batter high Cblckea narkat i a dull affair. ' Tree Sara Bnttar la High. Among ttaa butter bade It m the genersl ha- ' presskm that peasant prices ara loo high coa Marias tba ertltod sad values ta ether ptaeae. - rertland continues to pa fka highest, buttar mar ' tat la la United Btataa aad oa tala scoouot there la every chance for a complete wrecking ef qootstlone la the tnr future. Far several 7 aara tbara baa beta a bitter war eiaoug tba rresmerle tor eoatrol of tba supplies of bat- 'ter fat aad thai has led ta several greet ad- ' vssces la tba quotations oa tba maaafactured . article. Every aeaaoa thu same mlitaks la suds by tba local prop la . aad tba raault la that California aad tba east ablp heavy, aoppllaa to . tbia market and aril their product, arhlla cream rr bmb hold thenr prices ap aad likewise bold their sooda. Tbara la always a limit ta prices oa say arttels: coaipatttloa regulstlng what that price should ba. As Portland prices ara aow sa high, it will-ha aa-easy, matter for outsiders ta taka control of thla market. ' Thla aota ef werntng baa been Bounded by several heavy handlers of creamery products. At tba moment there ta aa weekaees to Inral quotations. Hup pllea ara act larger tbaa tba da ma ad.' hat even considering this, tboaa wba- baa (ona tbroajli ' tba mill aay that prices abonld ba lowered la ardor ta keep California from entering . Dried Endta Ara StiU Advancing. , Many has bars tba' advaacee la -tba drlad fruit aiarkat smce tba opening prices war madr this aaaasa. A abort crop all over tba country a aaoM products has canaad tba advaacee ta ba frequent and rapid as wall aa bear?. Prunes of all drlad fruits ara tba only prodoct that t aot eoaaldarahly higher tbaa prevtoue years. Higher Tslaaa ta ether Unas are eaaalnt area . thla market ta look apward. Drl9 paacbaa aad prtoola ara sbmoc tba leaders of the ad- aanaaa, bat applca ara aot far behind la fhelr ' tiara. Today aiost aalnea were (lrea aa addi tional braiat aad a tlfbtealnc ef prlcaa is noted la all lines. " Alone with the adraaera af dried fruits are . Iha brary flnctDaUtBa. aUawa .la .tba caaaad artlcla. Vesetablaa of all aarletlea aad quali ties ara awrlng anwanl, aoma Unea hetof with drawn from tba market aa far aa rernlar aota Hobs ara coacarard.. . rlap Pilsis Merinir Upward." ,,. Htip 'price dre anh apward. Heporta of aalaa-at sometklnf better than IS cents are , repted from faidrnemtpnco and ahnoat every (rower af -chu4ca. has bad aa offer of 11 ceata 1 Ma "tee-beam ara of ferine bona at lower f!a area hi the eaat, thna attemptlnf to break the ' market an they can boy rheauer. Grow era la caere! are now holding br'ler. Oead Turkers Are StiU WaaUd. Althonah there la no great demaad for tarkeyt ' theae daya. the market la by no meana aluaip Ing. -Fancy birds woald find a aala at the price: There la. howerer, but little call for "ctiir' .stock, and tbeae bring aery low flgnrea. Tba entire poultry market la qtilet. Decks aad free woald aell at the price. Rgga are- firm, bat - Berhanged. ' Kerelnti Just dribbling. . , Patateaa Ara Kaagteg tewar. There la a lower mark la potntnea today oa , arcenat af the con tinned beery arrlrele af poor grade in Can torn la. - A wire recelred this morn ing stated that the top there for fancy' was Pa cents. The steamer senator carried a heavy cargo. - Oaleas Ara AdTaaoed. Aa adraace of about ( cents la made today la oaloas. There la Do great demand et lite moe.cet for' enppllea. bat the call from the oath la .more per. latent than a few dars ago. t'allfornla suppliea are - aow practically ci haualed. area those remalalng being of Inferior aad poor keeping quality. .Oroware ara boldkig. XitekaU Ceatreto the waraats. It new traaaplre that McKlnley Mltcberl area red -eoatrol of the supplies of gsniet bill potatoes ta this at.te, tnere being hat f-w sacks remaining anaold .la the bands cf the grow era. , It ta elated that Mr. Mitchell paid aa high aa I1.1J for bis stocks In order to roomer" the market. Thla waa coasiderablr awe tbaa the price mllng bj the opea mar iStml" 7'Vn " ow, ' kto The following prleea are paid t Trent street , .. 7 th "'' fr choice quality in round lots. I Prlcet paid prodncem, are a aiieclfled' . . -j .. ram, Tloar aad feed. , , ";" WHEAT New club. 71c): red Baeelao. (ejci bliieatem. 7Jc: Taller. T4f7ftc. ARL.CT Teed. $2M) 22.UO; rolled I22.M qtZt.tai; brewing. IzJSvmM.twi. t'O E.N V dole, $27.tW, cracked, IS.OO per ton. TB-l.fB per cwt. 1 ' OATJ Prodncem' price No.' 1 white, 128.00: tray. 24.6(t2u.0O. ' PLOVaVNew eeatera Oregon patents.' 14.3ft: slmlghtj W.atKjj.70: eiport. a .4ns iVrml. ley. $3.703.NO; graham, Us, a.6u; rye Bus o.X: balee. 2.TS. . ' "' iUJrr-rn,. ,17.60 per ton; ml.l- e?poo,,.5r mntrr-tl9t0i HAT Prodacem' price Timothy, Wills mettt plley, fancy, f I1.0utl3.00; ordinary. 7.MHU I- L.?.m,r,n. Off"". M.ontl5.n.; mlsd. M.R0.U(); clow. H.0Or.OUi grain, as.frua .; cheat, S.uu.o. Batter,- Igga aad Poultry, BI7TTJR PAT P. o. b,- Portland Sweet cream. 2xc, mm. aHc. -Bl TTl;lt ""f creameryaoc: mitslde fancy, , STSr: ordiuary, 2.V; sffe. lU I7e. F.UUS No. 1 freab Oregon, candled. 'Jaci cold storage and eastern. 272b4c: - 'HISIWK Sew Pull cream, lain, JiUe: , .Ttng America, IR'e; Cheddar, UUf. JAMB-Jackrabbltse' l.7 p.r ks. : -POUI.TRV Miaed cblckeai.- lumlu,c: fancy )tss. ion 11c per n,; rooster , T.L Mi no per lb: fryer., msQIle per h; brolleraT - lie per lb; dnrka. Ufll&e per lb; geeae. if Vi tsrkeya, l.'.wldc per lb; dreaeed, llf2u per lb; eoaaba, $2.7t)lu per dos. . " - . Heps, Weal aad Xidea, . 'HOPB luoa Oregon. choice. lleJIie' prime. HKe; pour grade. 1m Waahinaloa'. IfWlle; i4 rnipa, 7 He- ftw choice. Wool, iBua clip. Taller, eoarae to medium. ?i;2ftttc; oe. MajWcj ssstera Oregon. utiTX. MtillAtR Nominal. ltiQ3c. K!IKK!uKt.NBHhesr1ng. If.tf3uc eaeht short aool, 2utiic each; medium waul. tvlifiSe each; .4.g wool. each. SATURDAY PRICES IN , THE WHEAT MARKET 4 a - q : - - J... !.;' May. . 4 Chlraco .......I .MHAt .I74A. ah . Bt iulB. -.-. - i 4 4 MllwauSea .844 ,s;4B d sk Kintal C... i7IS t ........a) -MlTmoBrmHB r.TT-TVT .SaHB d Mrertvuol ..... id ll'Ad B la-sd IXiluth .64B Wlnniplr-,'.... ....... .Tik. :.. Baxt ranxlaco. Llit . 1.41 . . , JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS . TO SHIPPERS 4 Thla Is from a circular from 4 d Kvsrding aV-Farrell: "Ara we a thankful f Well, wa certainly d ara. Vie have many reason for qV which to be thankful, and not d least of thee Is tha fact that d shippers of dressed turkeys took d advice and sent good birds only . 4 ' In almost every Instance. They 4 d were very wise in thla matter, 4 d for . seconds and culla sold fer ' 4 e very little-money, we are also 4 4 'thankful for the. fact that birds . 4 d came early, for prices eaaed off d d ' a Ifood deal the day or so prior d d to the holiday. There was a rood . d) 4 price for fancy dressed birds d d" Vt came In early. As a rule ' q 4 this was Zl cents, . which Is' a d very good price. We note that 4 the market in Ban Francisco and 4 on the sound slumped sjbout the q same time that It did here. The d market will want a lot of fancy d birds for Chrlatmaa vancy q ' dressed ajoorla will be wanted here on the inn. zotn ana list; ' also a lot of dressed feese," . ,;. TAIXOW Prime, per lb. UOc: No. t and greaer. tflX'c. t ni t iim bakk irrse per ta. HIKEJt Dry, No. 1, Id Iba and op. 16HO llWe pee Ih: dry kin. No. 1. ta It Iba. lac: dry calf. No. 1. ander 5 lbs. 13c: sslted bides, leers, aonud. CO Ilia and orer, 1I He; cows, i4tPtc: stsgs snd bulla, soand. f)Tc; kip. 1ft Iba, Br; calf, aoand. oader 15 lha, 11c; Creen. anaalted. 1c leaa: culls, lc per lb leaa; oraehldea. aaltedT"each.npl !STT.75; dry. each, ti.OHett.oO; colt hides. 2tlr3e; goat sklus. eommoe, each, lQJ!Vc; Angora, tack, iUtqf i.O0. -" traits aaa Taraiaaiaa. - - POTATOES Beat tn-eena. 7ilT5c pee ssck; prcdncera' price for car lota. 6u)A.V! per. ssck; ordinary. Antfo&c; prndnrars' price. dOaj&Oc; sweets. I. BO per sack: per crate. ONIONS Oregon yellow DanTers, l.; pro- dncers' price. No. 1. l 00ft 1.10; No. S, 75 ifie; garlic. 01 ine per lb, . mmu rat itb Apples, uregen. i.wb I. KO: fancy. Il.76ttz.tai: nrsnges. new bbttI, I2 1.W: seedlcas. 11.008 J t: bansnaa, 44 sjAHc per, Ih; lemnna, rhnlce. H-"0 per but; finer. la.OA per box; limes. Mexican, tl.ZS per 100; pi nee nn lee 4.0 per doa: grsprs. II.&0 JI TS; peara, gl.2nl.oO par hoi; pomegranates. II 25 per box; tsngerlnea. $1.75. VBOETABLEH Turn Ids. new. It. 00 per sack: (crmta. tl.00 per aack; heats. tl.onill.zS per ssrk; Oregon radlahee, 25c per dos: cabbage, Oregon, fl.onaj 1.23 per cwt; green peppers. 7c per in; t'a:imrnia to ma tore, si.uuar. i.j; asm alps. 10nM.2n: string beane. tfluv; cauli flower. t2.iai02.2S crate; rhubarb. Ih; green, peas, au ioe lb: beraeradlah. ec per lb:, arti chokes. KVattl.OO per doa; bnthonse lettuce. tl.nuall.75 per box;, celery, local. n?aac per dos; eggplsnt, tl 50 pec-crate; puaiklm. fit: equssh. me; cranberries. Jerseye. 1 12. one) 13. 00 per hbl: -looa hay and Tillamook. tl0.00; rad takes. Mc per dos, . .. PHiEii rat lis Apples, evaporated. ri 10te per Ih: sprlcots. 10H13c per lb: oraches. lOVirtlw per Ih; sack a tie per lb leaa; utiinaa. So ta 40. SUc: He drop aa each sixteenth smeller else: flss. fallfomla black. kde per -lb: California white, fte per Ih; nates, aoiosa, sc per lb; raraa, fi.u per la-ie bos. . -.. a .' wrsosrles, sts, Xta. rfJAR Sack -beats Cnoe. sfl AO- now iter ed. ts5 rlt graaulated. ta.55: dry graBulated, tS.ftS; Couf. A. ts-to: beet granulated, t-VS; extra O. t-a: gniden C. ta ; P yellow. t4.6: Mils. lOe; Vi hhla. SSc: boxes,-ROc sdasace oa aack heals, lees 2ftc per cwt for cssb, II days: -mspre. t4MVe per H - i- (AbOTe pncee apply to aaiea er leas rasa ear lota, far Iota at special prlcaa sableet ta uctnatlona. ) ItojiKT ts.BO per erste. . ' CorrBB Package branda. $18 TS SALT Csarae tlslf ground. 100a. .pet ten: table, dairy. Kta.Jll.oo: fOOs. t10.7: Im ported I Jeer pool. BOS. 117 00; 100s.- Ild.6n: zzs. li no;, extra site. dbis. sa. os, - no). 4.ofnlM): bulk, 130 lha, tt.ooa 5.09; aacks, SALT Coarse Hi If groand. 100a. per ton. t7.00; 60s. per ton. t7.60; LlTerpool. lamp rock, $11) .60 ner (on; 60-lh rock. t7.0u; loOs, fS-TS. t.HAlX BAI1S C'slcatta. 14c. ' Rlt'C Imperlsl Jsnsa. Nn. 1.- Set Ne. t. Bi5c: New Orleans bead,'. Tc; Ajax. 6c; Crenle. Btje. .- I . PF.ANH small white. tr7ft; targe white, tt.zn: pink. WTfl; bayea, ft. 50; Umaa, 16.00; Mexican reaa. vc, NI'TH Peanata. Jumbos. ac per lb; Vir ginia. 7 He per Ih; roasted. Sc; eocoanuts, WKtflOr prr ,,; walnuts, 15tfl5c per Ih; pine nnte, in)12e per lb; hickory nuts. 10c pet Ih: cheatnnta. eaetera. Iftarldc per Ih: Bra ill nuts, lee per Ih: filberts. 14m IV per lb; fancy pecans, 13St018ic; almond a, 1517f per lb. . Paiata, Caal 011a, Xta. PJOPB Para Manila. 14Vc: stssdard. 13lie: alssl. 11c. t'OAI. olTe Pesrl or Astrsl Csses. Jnt4e per gal: water white. Iron hhls, 15c per gal; wooden. ISc par gsl; headlight, 170-dcg., cases, tSSc per gsl. (iASOIJSE M-deg., cases . 14 14 per gal, Iron hhls ISc per gsl. hen si k es-aeg.. esses zte per gai. iroa bhla. 18 4c per gsl. Tl.KI'KNTINK Is cases me per gal. weodea blile Sdc per gsl. WniTB LP. All Ton lots. Te per lb: 00-Ib lots. Be per lb; leas lots. ne per Ih. winn N ailb rresent nase at SXT. I.INSEIcn Olle-Pnre raw, In 8-bbl lots. 6nc; 111 lot. 51c; cases. 6ec per gsl; genuine kettle boiled, esses, 68c per gsl; 5 hbl lots. 62c; l-bbl lot. Me per gsl; groand cake, car lots, t20.00 per toa; leas hsa ear lots. 130.00 per ton, - Meats, risk aad rreeteene. FRESH MEATS Front street Beef steers. 6Qc per Ih; bogs, block. 7He per Ih; peck ers. 7c per lb: nana, ewoe per lb; cowa, 6HQc per Ih: real, extra. 7wHe per lb: ardl nary. Be per lb; poor, 6c per lb; mutton, fancy, 6r7e per Ih. ' HAMS. BACON, etc. Portland nark (meal) hanw, 10 to 14 Iba. !2e per Ih; 14 to 16 lha. 12Hc per Ih: breakfast haeoa. 1B1U. per Ih; picnic. SSc per lb; regnlar abort clears, na smoked, lie per lb; smoked, 12c per lh; deer bscks, anamoked. 10c per lb; smoked. 11 sic per lb: inma bntts. 10 to is-tba. nn- smoked, tc per lb: smoked. Pe per lb: deer bellies, nnsmoked, 11c per lb; smoked, 12c per lb; .bowlder.. SSc! per lb. LOCAL -LARD Kettle leaf. . 10a. lie per Ih: 5s. IlUe per Ih: fto-lb tins, 10'e per lh: strsm rendered. KM. lor per. lb; 6s, 10H per in: comnounn. im. nc-.. - -CAXNRD PALMON-Colnmbls rirer. Mb tslls.; 2-lb talla. $2 75: fancy 1-lhv flats,; H-ni rsner nsts. rancy I -in otsm, gz.Ta: Aleaka talla. pink. 85 a 90c; red. tl.60; Bomlnal 2s. teir.tim: - rlSII-a-ttork Cod. Tc per in; nonnders. He per lb: halibut. 7c per Ih; crabs. tl.5o per dos: striped Ian. 12He, per Ih: rat Beta. 7c per lb; aalmon. allTeraldea. dc per lh; iteelhesila, 7c per Ih: berrnr. 6c per Ih; eoles. dc per th: shrimps, loc per Ih; perch, 6c per Ih: hlsi-k cod. 7c per lb: alleer smelt, 7c per lh; lobsters. l.'-e: rresa mscgerei, ac per 10: crawnn s per dos. OY'MTKRS shoslwster bsy. per gsl, t2.ZS; per ao.-k. t.175. - t'l.AMS Hard-shelly per box, tJ.OOrexor dsms, t2.00 per box; ... , COTTON ONE LOWER TO TWO POINTS UP New York. flee, t. Cotton futures closed 1 point down to t points higher, nftk-tsl quotations by OTerbeek, Rtsrr A Cooke company : Open. High Low. Cloae. January II..1S 11. H4 11.21 II. 1124 February .11.42 11.41 11.42 II S4'(J3 March .aM 11.87 11.47 11.4KB AprltHr-. II.Mtl.TS May .11.06 11-71 11 no 11.I1B June ..... 11.44t.1 July Jl.7r 11.7d 11.70 lt.7t Angnat ...1..... .H.m 11. n 11. Wl 11 WW Uecember ...... ..II. 20 11.20 11.09 11.10211 HI OkLXAkl COTTON. . New Orleene, Oea, lb Suet cotton aachaaged. middlings, lle. r .. y ' IAS rBAVCIsOO LOCAL STOCKS. . Pas rraaclsca, ICC. Off Ida I closer r Bid. Ask. 4;,r 41 ii" 1 f'ontrs roals Water... 47 Spring Valley Water.,...., B. V Uaa K Metric.. Ilfstofcea emgar , ,., iliitrhlnana Miner Makawcle Sugar Onowes Sugar ,. Pasnhsn Sugsr Alsaks Parkers' Csl. Wine Assarlstloa .....iTr.r ricesnle Rteemahlp (,,,,,,.. I'scllle t la lea let. 41 " Bit ti 91 M'4 1011, ih" 7 IV LARGE SHIPMENTS HURT TRADE Belief That Principal Bull Inter , est Sells on Strong Spots Causes Others to Let Co. , FOREIGN SITUATION . y IS CLOSELY WATCHED Recent Trading; Makes -Some Con verts to Bull Side but Their Con viction! Are Not Very Strong- Corn Regains Early Loss. SATURDAY'S WHRAT MARKET. -: Close t'lnee lwa Cloee Hat. Prl. . Bat. Tear ago. rtee .84iA I .Sot t " tl " May .K71kA . .SHU B -.00 U l.lOt July b3 .4(4 AOi . J' rhlcago, Dec. 3. Lognn A Bryan say! The large world' wheat ehlpmeata estimated for Moo Oar tended ta abate Ue coafldeoce somewhat, bat. tba fact that the principal bull Interest a hollered to be marketing wheat oa tha at rone- aoota broach t oat boom eommlssloa housss selling. The uncertainties attached to he fore Ian political, outlook and the possibility of race It lug at any moment an Argentine cable telling or had harvesting weether. etc.. coupled with the support br the hull Interest oa the soft spotar --heee-enade the local crowd timid In becoming too aggressive oa the abort aide. The recent market hsa made some eonrerta to the ball okle, though their coaTlctlnna ara by no means .firm. A letting down of the aupport would bring out emne liquidation from this element, which le banking oa the foreign altna tlnn alone to bring hleher prices. The msrket still looks like a dradlng one, but the ander- aa ssims mms tirm. , " Oern Aagaiaa Xasa. la coca the early easing off la prices waa all regained and a little more, too, which seemed to cents Isrgely through abort -co raring. , Cora Is srtlng better. It glreo rrkleuce of sgala being free from manlpnlstloB. ' December oats- declined oa UqaldaUoa. . . . . . tlqB-idatlea la PrerUIoas. '. ta proelelnae llanldatloa. - snnnlamented he parking house preaaure, brought out quite a lltrte long atoff. At the low point the mstket ran Into some resting orders snd the desire to take -pronto an abort Bales brought about quite a substantial rally. Sentiment st the moment la mixed with the msrket clearly two-elded. utocibi qaocauoas oy yrerneck, Starr m Cooks company; WHEAT. Open. Jftgh. tow.' t .S4 t f .S4. . ..SHth .ssac -nrrai Close. I .S4HA .B7t A .8314 .44B .444 Oec. . Mar.. July.. . .S4 .S44 - .8J - CORN. - .44i .4.1 .444 .444 .44 .444s , .444 . ,44V OATS. .24 . - .32 1 - . ,811a .SIT, .so' .aor .30 Dee. !t. Mer July..... .44, B .HB ,ia .80 B Dee Mar juiy.e;.. hi ESS PORK. : Jan...... 1. -, lS.dft stay l&AZtt Il.lH u.30 ls-tav, I.ARD. Tlee.,... T.'4"T.g1" r.Vt T B - lea 7.19 7.19 7-i7V4 .T 11I May..... 7.30 '7.90 T.23Vi . - BHOKT RIBcJ. - Jss...... an 4, ess an Msy... T.I3H ;T.iak T.os --w t.isj- , nrMAXT OBAK MOTZMgyT, - Chicago. Dee. S. Prtmsry receipts:' ; t Tialsy." Ten r ill Rush. Hash. PB4.000 73U.O00 Wheat Corn ftHt.oial M1.000 Shipments: . Wheat t.ssi.nno tajt.drm 1 42B.00O Corn .......... .... sftS.OOO rieerancee: Wheet. none: com. sua. one hnahela; eats, 902,000 bushels; floor, 32.000 bar- re ta. CHICA00 OEAIM CAE LOTS. - Chicago. Dee. S.-rlrala. ear Iota: Cars. Orsde. Est. Wheat 7(1 1.1 4.1 Cora 9H2 1 !7 Oats .- IIS 99 W4 Wheat, cars today: Mtnneanolle R41. rrnhitk 16, Tear ago: - Mlnneanolla 14. Duluth lie. , CHICAGO CASK WHEAT. - Hid. No. t red.... I .m $ .97 No. red .9,1 .m No. 1 bard , . ,B4 .Hn4 No. 9 hard .90 JMt No. 1 Borthera ..... .R7s No, J northera J .N7 No. S spring J.. ........ .91 ,gj SAX EEAECISCO OBAIjr MAE EXT. ' Sss Fraselsco, Dec. 2. Official prices: WHEAT- Opea. High. jam. Close. $1.41 1.334 I.IK May tl 4IH tl 41S tl 41 Dec ......... 1.83'Xi . l-S-tfa - 'BARI.ET. , May 1.224 122 1.924 - Dee 1.21 1-23 LTmiOOL SEACT MAE EXT. Mrernool. Dee. 2. Cloee: Wheat necenihr. As 11U. d lower: March, ta 1M d higher; stay, us iuq. 'a signer. Corn Jsnusry. 4s 4d. Vd hlsher: Msrch. 4s 3'Ad. M,d higher. - - JTEW TOBX BAEE STATIMZET. New York, Dee, X Bank statement: ' Decrease. Reserre .Sl.T2n Reeerre, less lolled states Losns 11. 994.0110 Sliecle 4.42.TJKI lgsis ao.zts) lleposlta ..'..J- T.BM.POO ClrmUtloa 934,100 Incress. COMSTOCX MIKIHO STOCES. Ssa Francisco, Dec. Bid. Bullion ...... ..t ..11 Hel.ber .9.1 .Ottclal close: Bid. ' SsTSgS t -til I'OfoHl Id I nlon Coa . .91 Tellow Jacket... .21 Kxrbcqner ..... .49 ; Hale A Korcross. 1.49 ton. Cal.-Vs... 1.59 fiuhlr e.oO Caledonia ...... .73 1'. ...... 1.4(1,. Andes .91 Hrorploa , ,14 POETtAMP SAME STATE MEET. CIcsHngs .....V1 J02S2 fla lances .' 1U8.B4S.US STEEUE0 -EATZS. . New' York. Dec. 1 Sterling rates: Demand. 49&.7049.VIS; 00 dsys. 4t2.4Ae4H2.ef. VEW YOEX 'comx MABEET. New York. ! Dsei 1 Coffee futures dosed anchsnged ts 10 prints up. Offlclsl qaotatlem:, - di.i . ,b t sua . A.t. Jsnusry tfl.79 td.Mi'Jnlr ...j.,.7 An 17 .19 Kebritsry Msrch . April .. Msy ,.. Jane .. n so e tsMAiignsi T on j.sii eon T.oo T.10 T.16 7.nni September ,. 7.49 ?lli)rrober T.90 2o Noremlier ... 7 95 T.20J December . . t.9 T.f.o T Wl 7.90 9.70 T0EEI0X COrrtE XAEEET. -Jlsvre. Dec. 9. I 'of fee declined U to . Hamburg declined 4. Rio rei-elpts. 10.000 hags; msrket stesdy; -Hsntes, 90.000 . hags; msrket firm aad anchanged. XrvT-TOEr CASH COTf EE . JCew York, Dec. 9 Cssh coffee: Us. T Ete, t a-leei he. 4 Saataa. e. . - - Knew Xabare. rrom the PhlUdelpbls Bnlletla. ''Jim." ssld the densrtment store manager, "yoa know thst lot ef open-work Indies' stock. Irgs left 'over from tsst sammrrt" ,.."Tes. lr." . m , -- "Mark - em np 90 per eest sad label 'etg 'CfemuMoarase Wlateg1 Hosiery.' V MANY CAUSES FOR THE BREAK Bank Statement Was Bad but It Had Been Discounted for Two Days ; " . PRESIDENPS MESSAGE . CAUSES SOME FEAR What Action the Chief - Executive ..Will Take in Regard to Rate Lee illation and Life Insurance Mat ters Much of Mystery. LOSSRS. ,, IMexlcaa Cestrsl Sugsr ........... H inciter do preferred.... Baltimore, Brook lya Canadian ...1 Great Westers .. Bt, Paul , C. A N. W ., Cbeaapeeke Colorado Sonthera do 2d pfd Illinois Central... Ixxlarllla . , I H kisty do preferred I Locomotive 2Heupie's Osa I Pressed Steel, pfd. i'sclne Mall IReadln Mouthern Rsllwsy.. St. UAH. W Texss A Psrlfte... .. U nion Pacldc .. ll. 8. Rubber .... ,. IMteel. pfd ..... .. Hlfentrsl Lesther ... ADVANt'EH. Metropolltaa Anaconda , 9 I Brie , Amslgsmated ..... SI do Id pfd Atchison .,. Vi do 1st pfd , Csr A Foundry .V. . iiMlssoorl Psclnc. Delswsre A Rudsoa lN'Norlh America a .. r-rrssed steel car., SlUenubllc steel Bneh talanS I A. nufl Rock laland CI do preferred.. do preferred.... 9 4oathern Paciac... S. r 2d pfd IH Teaoeesea Coal ... TS U, B, Btsel ' Wall Street. New York. Dee. 9. The bank tstement wss fnlly as bsd ss was expected, the decresse la the re-err t lesrlng tbe surplus now at about t2.o00.0o0. Tbe ststement fur nished another surprise la the Urge extensloa of loans. ... it also brings to mind a warning that tbe money situation baa aot altngetbet cleared. . Coupled with thla. the presldeat's message to Ceng reaa. with fears ef one- vt hb etrenaoua recommeadatloaa la the rate question and the possibility or the gorerament dabbling la the life Insurance case In New York, were pertly responsible for the eerly decline la tbe last two sessions. The msrket closed Irregular, bat with aa Improved tone. There seems leas conddeaee at the moment and the trade awaits new- derelopmenta oa Interest rates and tbe message of the president. Ths chsngea were . rather Barrow. Lead wss agala strong, t ston I'aclnc, Copper and St. Psnl were well supported. RorkIslsod ad vanced shsrply on short covering. Ofdcial quotations by Orer beck, Starr A Cooke company : FRIT DESCRIPTION. . Anaconda Mining Co.. Amat Copper Co. , . . . . Atchison, ixnn ....... - preferred Am. Car A Fdy com do preferred A mer. Augar. com .... Amer. Smelt., com ... do preferred B. A Ohio, am., Brooklyn R. T. .. i'snsdlsn I'selrte. 172 Chlrsga A Jtlioa. com. . do preferred .- Chi. A O. W.. com Chi., Mil. A at. Psul t ni. a Ohio.. Colo. Fuel A Iroa. com. Colo. Sontbern com . . . . . do second preferred . 4 do first pre f erred.. ... Delawere A llndaoaau.. Del. Lack. A W D. A R. Q, com 94 !47 Erie, com ..... do second preferred. ..I do fust preferred Illinois Central Louisville A Nsshvllle.. Met. St. Rsllwsy Msnhattaa Railway .... Mex. Cent. Railway.... M., St. P. A Ste. M.... do preferred Mleennrl Psclflc M.. K. A T.. com do preferred New York Central Northern Pacific Am. locomotive do preferred Norfolk A V. eaters, com . North American........ M. Y.. Out. A West.... Pennsylvania Ry P. O.. U A-C. Ce Pressed Steel Car, com. do preferred . ParlAc Msll Steam. Co.. Reading, com. . . ., .do 2d preferred....... " do 1st 4wef erred Rep. Iroa A Steel, com.. do preferred.......... Bjnck laland ............ do preferred Southern Ry... com do preferred!. . . . .-, . . Soutbera Psclflc do preferred St. LIU. P.. 2d pfd. St U A B. W., com... do preferred Tries A Pi rifle Teaneescs Coel A Iron... T-. St. L. A W com.. ' do preferred".;..:..... f'nloa Psclsc, com V M. Rubber, com...,.'. - do preferred I'. A Steel Co., cam.... do preferred , . . . . Wheel. A U E, 2d pfd. Western. I'nloa Tele.... Wabash, com do preferred Cenfrsl Lesther. ...... . 7a 1 90 179 1404 119lllS in.i - 23 23 PB4l,10nt4 84 M 19S. Ill, 7 69 57 M M 924 M' 91 129 99 55 " 110 39 109 29 92 2 59 12 121 121 tm 36 56 Bd 1.14 l:4 5414' 04 110 no M 99 10.1 108101 30 JO i 20 2 ' ) sou 40 2 I" 40 40 451 4d I 46' 49 do preferred.. ..lioa Total sslea fag day, 9NB.900 shsres. BOSTOE COFEXB STOCES. Bnstes, Dec. 9. Copper close: Hid. Adveatore' . .t 7.00 Bid. Did 7omlnOB,.t 92.75 Osceoui ...... 109.00 . Alloues 41. SO Arcsdlsa 9.25 PsrnH ....... 28.00 Atlautle Hlnghsia .... rslumet ..., Tentennlsl "VHer Ksrtgs. West ... Kim 91.26 . 94.29 975.00 27.58 " 74.2ft IPX 2.75 "hoenlg 1.50 Qulu-y ....... koysl Ksnrn fa ..... Mhsunoa 'I'smsrsck ... Trinity I'nlted Copper, Itah ........ Victoria Winona Wolverine . . . n I.'.' S. Mining. 7 Tcaa. Coppi-i., r , 107.00 23 IIU ' 2.50 7.75 129.0O 10.00 94.7.1 59 50 9.50 9. Ml 129 50 HO.7.1 99. IM FrsnkllB 17.79 Hreene Copper 27.50 firsnby 10 12 sises ... Mlrhlgsa .... Mohsnk ..... Kevsds f'oa.. Norlbi Butts.. . I bu 14 l CO 50 '0.75 74.75 1 TOEOfAH snxiXS STOCES. Ssa Frsnclecs, Dec, Scial close: nld, Montssa t2.50 9. Tonopsk sleeks, of- Bid. Dixie . ..'.... .117 Kendall .20 Columbia Mt.... .11 Jumbo .92 1 umbo Kites. .. , .19 Hlsck Butts..,,-, .11 tlolilea Anchor.. .NO MHver Pick .19 Kss A O'Brien.. .iMt Dhfo Tonopah... ,24 O. Bull Prog 19 DlamondOeldi ... .92 Ixise Htar ...... .07 Horns ..Hi 11 .ask Boy ...... .11 Midway ....... 1.47 Me.Xamsra .... Eelmont ....... 1.55 Ni-th Hlsr w Rrsrue "7 Hold Mnuntsla.. .00 Irs Butler .... .97 Kevsds .11 Med Top ...... ' .75 Ton. ExteBSloa.. 5 20 Unlddeld ...... .59 Ssndstorm M Adsms ........ .09 Mohawk ....... .1 SOVEEEMEET' SOXDS. - ' Kew Terh, Dee, S.-Klvernme9t hondsTj ' - . Dsis.. . Bid. Ask. bio,.. e h. n o 101 s 4 ' 04 N. 9 reg IH.tO No. 9 eoupoa luo No. t regT, lPOa No. 9 amsll bonds.,,., Wo. 4 reg ,1007 . No. 4 coupon... ...Xlfhrl No. 4 reg ,. I25 Nov 4 coupon 1P15 rtst. of I'olnmblr, 1 95s Philippine- 4s .... r 1 Ion 104 104 109 l'4 10914 l.l:l 144 laiC i:mu IIS'4 110 UvVi :U0V Uvestock Shows a Slow Tone as a ResultLooking for an Improvement, Portlsnd Union Stockysrda. Dec. 1 livestock receipts: Hoga Todsy- 70 Week sgo ... ... Prevlons week 50 Month sea 10B - Cattle. Sheep. 119 S3 91 ... ' 107 "Too much turkey." ssys President Dsugh arty, "for llrraloch ta show a pood tons thess days. - All markete are quiet hut we expect an Improvement during the next few dsys." At present Ibis Is tbe sltustloa: Hogs, fair; cattle, fair: ahcep, dull. Ofdclal livestock prices: Hoes (test esstsrn Oregon. 'I 5068.90: b lockers and China fats, 3. 00; stockera gnd feeders. . t4.00r4.2R. Csttls Best eesterfl- Oregon steers. 93.2941 1.50; light and medium steers. 12.25; light cows, 12.29'. stockera ant feeders, t215; hulls, tl.W. Sheep Wethers, ; 5c: mixed sheep, 4c; strslght . ewes, tc: lambs, 5r. Cslvsa Onod veal. 150 to 200 pounds, BQ5c; rough aad heavy, b3j3c. XASTZEX HOGS STEOXS. Cblcago, Dee. I Livestock receipts: ' Hoas. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago ............ .22.000 l.tsio Ksness City ... 5o0 .... . ami ,300 Omshs 5.20 100 Hogs Opened strong with 95.000 left over; receipts s year ago. 12.200. Prices: Mixed. t4.Soai5.n7: good. t4 Bou3.05: good. 6.05; rough. tt.73ti4.3; light, 4.759.0O. ; Cattle Steady. Sheep Strong. ' - 1 X asters. Outfitting; Compear ag.uei, ' The banquet given by the Eastern Outflttlnx company to employes on Wednesday nifht at the store. 190 Wash. Inaton street, proved a moat delightful occasion. Following a precedent estab lished eight-yea ra ago this firm an nually tenders n evening's entertain ment to employes only. These functions m KAMAmlnv ..oh vase mora rmnnlnr snd more enjoyable. - tTpon this occasion the icaat was aervea on tne aecana uoor, snd speeches were made by M. J. She mansky, manager of the store; Mr. J. D. Bhemansky, Jr., snd Mr. I. Bavoy, which were heartily received. The en 11,. Ina.r flnor had been cleared and dancing followed "the banquet. t j 1 ' Tronble Wsa Expected. . '. . V rrom. the St. Louis Post-THspatch.' A burse'. A korasl My klugdom for a norsel" v . - : . -' . -.' -- Rtrbsrd III wsited, but there waa Be re sponse. "I shonld sot bare come oat In this ants without more gasoline." be muttered u It stsrted. oa foot toward home. NO PAIN TtETH,..' We save teeth If only a good root re mains at prlcca moat reasonable,. - -We restore old decayed teeth to. use fulness snd beauty at low prices. We replace lost or absent teeth with out plates at very low prices. We extract teeth without- pain and free of charge. We treat snd tighten loose teeth and soft -or bleeding arums- are made sound and hesRhy at email cost. iTStes to AC We give you the best dental work fur the .lowest cost consistent with first class work. Come and have free exam ination and consultation and learn for yourself what ' e can So for you. Boston Painless Dentists 891Vt Korrlsoa SV, Opp. Sfsle S Traak . - and rosteffloe. Hours 1:90 s. m. to t pv tn. Sunday 1:10 a. m. to 19:90 p. m: e Portland PORTLANLV OREGON. ' -,' EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL. . TRAVELERS. Everything to eat and .jdrlnk, and It coats no more In. the ; Portia! Hotel Rathskeller than elsewhere in the city. Every weekday night from 9:90 to 19. Et. 0. SOWBSI, SfSBagsi.' BSSmSBs, IT CURES vi Scoffs Santal-Pcpsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation. erOatarrhof the klaitoer and IHeeaasd Eld ys. as oubb aa rax. cures ilrkly aad permanently the worst eases of Moworrmaoa snd 4) teed, aa matter ef bow f ng standing. Abaolately rmlem. sold by drnggista. rlos tl.m, or by mall, bos. IIS, Sl.W, S BOXaS, S4.IO. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO. BsllssotitalBa, Oksa. br Wssdsre. Olarka Oa. 'or Kldnev 4X uiaaaer troubles. mm Cures In j 48 Hours! URINARY i discharges; Hack Cstsiale ft. bear tbe saiaeAlprO 1 tVI tea Sale OVBRBBCK; STARR & COOKE CO f v ' Members Chicago Board of Trade, r -OsVsVlXr, lmOTIHOX OOTTOEJ, STOCES ASn BOSTSS. '.109 Third Stree;. McKay BulMlna, Fort land. Or. ., r j y ' WSJ BO A STBl TIT COsflDSBlOX BXJSTWBSS. '- Coatlnuous Msrkets try Prtvste Vlr ' tjulck Service , REFEREKCKS Ladd t TUtorw bankers, and Vni'.rd States Nstlonal Bank of i-ortlandV. '. ; ' .....'-- ' ' -. J -. - ' '-. - ' ' :: ' ;;'' , ; . ' UNION DEPOT. Arrive. Pnr Mergers. Rslnler. 11:20 9. Delly.. Clsrsksnls Westnort. Clifton, Aatorls, Wsr-I ronton. Plnvel. Ha mond. Fort Stevens. ttssrhsrt Park, Seaside. Astoria aad . Seashore, Express Dally, ' Astoria Express. t :50 B. ! Dally. ,. J. C. MA TO. O. F. and P. A., Astorls. Or. C A. STEWART, Commercial Agent. 241 Aider etreet. Phone Main Bis). ALASKA ' FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS-",' ' Leave Se.ttle I . B, JtrTIBSOE." November Sir via WrangsL "DOLPHIN," Xevemser 9, 17, via Wraagsl. "FAEAUON," Mevwnhsr 10. 94, . via . . Wrangsi. Metlakahtla. - '. CALLINO AT ' . , '."-. Xateklkaa, ' Juaaaa. Souglaa, Halaea, Sksa way. OoBaeeta with W. t, A Y, roots for AUla, Dawsea, Taaaaa, Hem. te. tat All Seatksastera Alaska FsrU. Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful Alak,n "ladlsa Bsskstry." "Totsm Poles." THE ALASXA 8. S. CO. Frsnk Woolsey Co.. Agents. 999 Osk 8t. - Fortl.nd. Or. $i.oop$i.oo; Turkish Bath and "smoA bssS ta (j - tha tdekt. mU far St. King's Baths Barents aad Wi I.N lng-toa Bta, , FlseaS aod Urgast- ss4As) im test e4il. oaaiEEOEA, SUSt. IFEllI.M. B-marieBLl. VAJLIOOCZX.X, XVOBS OT kCAXXOOO, mXCITJTlfJkTISaf, XOXXXA, AXTXrsCA nd SXZM DllEaals, , Wl want avery rnan afflicted wltn ins . riiuaus to hnnentlv Investlgkt our special ayslaea of treatment. We in vlte In particular an wnu nivs arsmeo elsewhere- without success, all wbose cases have been sbsndoned by ' femllT phvalclans and Bo -cat led "lXClAle. ttlTS," all whose troubles have been aaaravsted ann maoe worm oy mi un -e VSSS glUrPT.111. TRIAX. TBXATatBirTS and. ao-called SEE Oil -ICS). Wt will explain to you why such treatment nas raiiea io cure you, ana will demonstrate . to ' your entire satls e.inn that wa cin cure vou safely. quickly and permanently. Our counsel will cost norning. ana we win so oj yoa as we would wish- you to do by us If '.. revaraert . Write for our home treatment If you cannot call, ThdDReLIEBlGSTAFF EVoons aad T, Winchester Xtoase,' Sol sad Sornside sTtreets, rortlavnd. Or. XtstabUahsA 187S. Evory Woman woDderfnt FOB SALE BT W000AAO. CLA1KI CO, PEWtiYnqYALiWVW f-s. ArvsilHsil ft Only 04Ssi, WHjrkTW Alv7.vsr.Hatir. La4. bm Pr.ffiK Tat AW rf V A M arvSLB ia EX aVrfpajnSStae-. Ba-lal A E I ki AJS sasy , n EBvam srw rw arvjl-v TJ nan asi IS Ur.l 4lltl taWtAVltl IkwrnM. vMlt fUhMMriMM. Ttek aHveSS BdwNleeS) 0SltlStM-fH vs4Hll1vMrM4 IsmlUr tisianv. Bmf r yaxtr lirnfiM, r efa4 4, la SHtenBlM (br FaHlrHlArtm, TatlaMtss.lS ataU Kllvf farr I all fags,-m itrftr. -T t lass MsklL. Kt.flft VerMttmntslmtS. MM 11 Dru- hkVlihS)tr ('hemval I'w 9mm. M4tasts I i-7 sowxrnro, aointrirs s co, . (Established 1919.) emVsamBmasBBsat 1 V WETZAT A9TP STOOX BBOESBE Stooxn 4, OrcrtiBd floor, oxxAMBxm or ooafMiiEcni. - ' Lea res. t'M a. as. Dally. T:00p. m. Dally. ... . ' t . A- eS?V i(r.' .VJS iVl iV' SV minwrsaieaBnasnoaM xnow sNviMiMlill BNuttth. wonder! rmMSifflBi1-- rlln. Spray "rJe.Trl.'f: NVTYtLj est Moot Convsnlsnt. ft-av,'ais''1 is 1 Osseass Isetsstly Ask year erseslst tar tt. hj' i dee If bsrsnnolsur-nly the 'rJ'ZZo. ' oUier. hut send atsnip for IK .'A llliistrsied eook-MW. Ttgrvee ' m 'M f nil psrtloularssnd illrections In-' viZ' AT vsllishlslo Urtles. MIRVXI.40,, 0!j'iJll'iM ' a m. ass bt.. Itn vunau mUS A O ci MO 0 Oregon 3 Trains o the East Daily 3 inroags nillmaa stsndard and tourist- sleep. Ing-csrs dally to Omshs. Chlcsgo, Bpokana; tnurlat aleeolneere rf.ll. J".l. . . ' rr.rou.h iH 7- ....:":,- My condrn tedl . weekly to Chl. aVo. RBlng wi.ireers isesis rree to the Cast dally. I'NION lit for. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAOO-POKTLANII - tiPKClAU. For tbe East via Hunt lug toa. ' ' 015 a m 1:19 n. i lislly. Daily. v SPOKANE FLVBU., For Ksstera Wsshlng ton. Vi'slla Walla. Iw Iston, Coeur d' snd Great . Northers points.' 6:15 n. m Dully. Dally. ATLANTIC EXPRK9H. For the Ksst vU Hunt Ington. 9:19 p. m 7:19 l Dally. Dslly.. ' Columbia Blvsr Division. FOR ASTORIA and way) 8:00 p. i points, connoting with (Dally About ' 5:00 p. m. eg. 8und,ay. atmr. foe llwaco snd ex Bundsj. inna xicscb. wstmr. msrnroay. Hssaslo. Asht. dork. 110:00 p. a TamklU Eivar Eeuta.. FOB DAYTON. Oreeoa City and Tamhlll river 7 no s. m. Dslly eg, 8nady, T:9fl a. m. Dally T ex. Sunday. points, stmrn. Kuth snd Modoc. Ash -at. dovk. (Water permitting. y Snake Elver Bouts. rnit l.twinns iii. t:40 a. m. end srey-pn4ntB from lor unon sr 4:00 a. m. rlvslTrsl-i mpnna. wssn., stmrs. usny kpoksae aad Uwwtoa. j t "at. , rridsy TICKET OFFICE. Third and Wsshligtos fenl isirnnnne Stain Tl f W I Y I V i ' V II , - . ti.i.. . . . L. CHA10. Ueaeral Pssssager AgsnU EASTv'a SOUTH Lsaves.' I'KIOX DEPOT. ' - Arrlvos. OVKRLA'.'l) KXl'ltFSS. Trains for Bak-m, Hosa- burg. Ashland. -aera-mento. Dgden. San Frsa dsca, Stocktoa. la Aa- teles, Kl Psso, Now. Ol ans and tbe East. Morning trsln con nects st Woodbitrn dslly - escept Bonder with train for Mouaj. Angel. 9 1 1 v e r t o n Brownsville. 9 p r I a g field, Weadllaa aad Natron. 'A Enaeoe asssenger-cntl- t:4 S, St. 7:25 s. BU I JOa. I 8:69 p. Sb 4 :18 p. 7 A a, B 4:90 a. a l10:4Bp.l TWts st Woodburn with 70:99,- Mt. Augel aad auivar. Ion local. Corvallla passenger. BhcrldsB passenger. Forest Urove pessenger. 9:99 p. m. - 9:in a. m. Ill JO p. m. Dslly. , i IIDslly axcept Bunds y. . rcrtlaad-Oawsga Snnarbaa Bervie and TaatklU . Division." .- A,es n.srivs raLs-ifi" i-r v p.. IB., Dally excepTilaS:V: :0i ,,. Hetnrnlng from Ow.go jriv. Portlsnd d.Ur 9:30 .. m.: 1:99. 8:09. 11:10 p. Bl. l:l B. m. ti.r "'". ;;' J SR: 7:JV 9:30. ll'ei s. - Suadsy only. ,0; 2l am foe Dallas and Inter. medlete joints dslly 4:15 p. m. Arrive Port land 10:1 a. .- ' . The inoeteiHiene-j.i'-nn.."..- -ep,,.f dally, to Monm,.h AirlU en... nerting wiib noumere - ar Dsllss Bd Indeenc. ..,ta snd sU'r-T.ncl' ' ti", 19; ooBd-cls- fsre Bin, secono-eiaes "'- . Ttckets to Esstern points end Enrepei alas Japsn. China, llonolula snd ,";", tllty Ticket Ofdce .vn-ner Third aad Wsah Ington streeta. Phone Mala 719. , o. w. sTiNoitn. . i"1?:... City Xlcaei sgrsi. ...-- TIME CARD of . TRAINS Portland: DAfLT t'KIOS DKrOT. .' Yellowstone Psrk-Kn-sss Clty rJt. Louis Spe elel foe I'hehslls. t rll- Irslls. Olympls. Orsys nsrbor. Honth Bend. T enms. Seattle. Hnoksne. Iyewlston. Bntts. Bll- II nea. Denver. Omshs Ksnssa City. SU Louis snd Houtbesst. North Cosst Limited, electric lighted, for Ts mms, Besttle. 9vksns. Butte. Mlnneauollt. 91. Psnl and ths Ksst. Ptlgst Hound Limited, for Chebalis. Centralis. Tsonma - sad Seattle Only, l '' Twla CTty Expresg. for Tscoma, festtls, Bpo ksns, Helens, Bntte. yellowstone Psrk, Mln nespolls, St, fsul aad the Esst. A. D. CHARLTON. Asslstsnt Oenersl Passenger . Agest, 25S Morrison St., cor. Third. ., ' ' Portlsnd. Oregon. ' TMt COMrOrTTASIX WAV. City llcke't Ofoa, 199 94 it, Fkea tea. 1 Overland Trains Dally 9 Tk Ortsstsl Limltad. the Fsat MaU BEXXBTDZS XBBTIOB ' rr-TO-DATB BQTIlrl9rT D CQTJBTIIOUB) asiriivse from IARRIVE 9ortlaad Via Seattle 7 :00 a. m. 9:66 p, m. "Via Spokane I fob a. th. 1(0. st. b sr. oo.) Orsa trorthera Steamship Co, B. S. DA kCOTA. TJEO. 1C B. B. txTJETXESOTA, TIE 1. For Japan ami China forts and 4 Manila, MTFEOtf TTTSXBT StAIBXtA Jaoaa Mall Peesmshlp t'ompany) B. B. ITO 9CAXTJ. - - kslls from Heattle for JnpAn, . China and all Aalhtlc Porta . About TJecemher 11. ' For tickets, rates, berth reaer. rations, etc., rnl on or address 0L DICXBOX, C. Pi ft T. A. Portlsnd, ' Or. B. 0. TXX.XXS, A. G. P. A.. Peattle.' Wash. IS eOBBkT. v 1 ' IQlOOetN nAU lafll au' JO & ' s 1 Depart, Arrive. . ..'... 9:90 a. m. 4:90 P. as. i - ' Too p. m. .7:00. m. ; t ' "to p. si. loat s. si. 11:48 p.m. :t0B, a ssi saw v --- - .. m u .TSiWI 9:90 a. m I 11-41 n. an I Mln m l I 1 i i.1 ,1 W' '-, J "r- ) - -