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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1905)
.I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, 1905. 13 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. - BAB BARGAINS uOO 6-room house, lot 8Oxl0, front ear' H,. ..... (1.400 A -room house, lint" Sntshed: wod. hed b1 attHilldiui, lot oOxhx); I block ' from carllne. ' 4-ruom bona, lot BOxlBf, Mt to fruit ' aad herrice, 1 aioca rarun. 11.421 -room 8-atorr bouae: brn 11x18. - with bar loft; lot luuxloO. aat to fralt aad berrire; l binca rrora rarlln. InOuQuarrer block In laurel wood Park keel, about 1 blocka fromvJ carllne. 1 II. 160 A-room bouae. balk Bad pa a try i mall bara and outbuilding; 1 lota, let by mitt vara; jvooie oa cerim. . . 78 Hicee. karneea and backboard. - , Br William Cantwell, at . CANTWELL CO.'S GROCERY ST0BC . Waat an. aad Montavllla Carlla. . bast sips bbal estate company-. Phono Eaat 025. 404. Kaat Morrlaoa ai. 7 -room modern house. bmnt, tmprovvd street, close to steel bridge; thla. la a aaap; , -uric 12,400s tor ma l,oo oowa, balanca to suit... -room cottage, eloaa Id, $1,000; terms. - 1 a era, good aoll, l-room bona, bam, ate. .. food wall watar, plant of fralt, la Mil wanklal tklo Dlaca lo a baraaln. 40 acre, all in enltlTatktn. food bouse. I mile east of Portlend, oa Section Una ; road I 15. acres In orchard aad berries; ln veetlaste- for Investment. ; - ;' Alao suburban home and ansa I acraag of kl kind at bargain price. , ' SNAP. - 150 acre, fronta oa Whit Salmon rteer. ; Stat of Washington, H mile to school. church, atoro, hotel: on mala county road. - abort baal to Columbia river; land H all X foncad. M acrea cultivated. 6 acre la orchard. " fin bottom land for garden, bouaa, bara, etc.; for a quick aala will aU cheap) prlc . will aoon advance. 40 acres, . all choice land, part Improved: new kouaa, oa Ane road, 20 mil, oaat of Portland; a cheap farm. II. too. HENKLB BAKER, , BIT Ablngton Bldg. 10 ACRES, all cultivated. 20 minute walk Portland Helrhta ear; good roads, m acrea aelaet frulu, booae, bara. rhlckaa-baaee. etc.. lira spring, excellent drinking watar; tbla I aa Ideal place for ehtckea raising, atraw- " berries, etc. If yoa are paring $2S or mors aad hare roar own boar, thla la the place for yea. A few hundred dollar extra , for Improving bouse will mak same aa Ideal summer horn. Torn $2,500 caah. balance . $1,000, per. rent. Inquire 44S Sherlock ' bldg. No agents, "Move ajulck." 8To Wle-neBtd kits. I blocks to Hawthorn l arenue; $10 caah, $10 every mouth. $400 Fine lot aa Kaat Burnalde, rloaa In, , -dirt cheap. Other good bargain In lot. $780 4 room cottars, big lot, barn, fralt . .treee, good car aerrlce. e $.1.000 room modern boose, very clo In. $3.800 Strictly modem g-room booae. finest ' residence park; a great bargain; $700 cash, balance Ilk rent. n,500 High atyla residence, big corner lot - clo In; superb surroundings. , ... .. F. rUCHS. 148 Vk Plrat St.. - IP vnu'want to bar or rent a home, see as aj W have bargain la ImproTed and nnlm nroTed - property In- all part of Portland , and abarb. - Ust roar property with n for quick re .fi tnsna. CAMPBELL A M MILLAN, , , COR SALS at a bargain, modern T-raom boa en East Thylor, close Mn: tarma to aolt purchaser. Apply F 43. care Journal. - run, site s o-roons- cwibw -ost enex ewe; heaement and yard, hot aad cold water, bath; price $1,100. Address 0 40, Journal. 4 S-STORY brick balldtng. 100x100, en Bast , lde; .will pay S per oeat set' on $80,000: Klce $20,000; can glv term. Addreaa B , oar Journal. - - - . , B.1K1I.HKW amoBB smn am. iiivisiao a. . with bath, basement and porch: lot eoiloo; only $1,M); snap for email family; eaay ' term. - Tyson Klneell, 002 Commercial bU. Mala US.' $tB SALE Modern aabwrbna aottage. cloa to carllne. On location, ground 100x100. 0. W. P. Townalte Co.. 134 first t.. TWO fmo lot. 100x100, corner: food view of new mountain; cheap. Abo new modem " fumlebed l-room hens, bara. Boat 42a. a . i . . . . . . Hans iti II i SELLWOOn LOTS. $rdown and $5 a noitb; from $71 to $200... Selrweod Towaalt Co. Pboa Beet 4704. HslchtK. J. 0. Bberaor. IM Yamhill, ear, Park A OOOD corner, quarter aloe, near north era Pacific terminal; good Income property. Call ' earls. "Ill Flee St. National deal Intake Cm. WA0NER PETTY. S09 Commeretal blk bar - am of the beet bays In tbe city, lee them ' before baying aad be ooavlnced. S ACRBfl very fine land, lean than on mile from eleetrto, line. 11 mile from Portlan.i I a fin road; there I no rock ar gravel; liektl evei ana sway 10 clear; oo per sera, nay ' kind of tarma. I 40. car of Journal. ACBB TRACTSr 'j 0V SPgqALTT IS ACBB TRACTSI :. Pnll-aisad streets, water to each acr. '; TERM $10 PER ACRB CAH -$10 PER AgltE PER MONTH. ; ' To g to these acrea ' oa ' the seme ' ear, Kiy the same 6c far the lot nil pay. The t man I your neighbor, but he I re. atrlcted In- majority of feature that mak a true antmrbaa home. Open Wednesday 0 Saturday eve sings. A. C. CHrRcniix ti CO., lira HO Second it. .t 11 ACRES. H mile from electric line; no rock or grvl: fin aoll. eaay to clean run ning water, road on S aldea: $71 par acre, eaay term. I 60, car of Journal. S ACRES, U clear and hr cherry treee 10 year oin; so car larv; iui iujvihihr .iuv w fiovt $3M per acre. I II, care of Journal. 10 R ml by owner. 50xl2S at 420 North Union, . - with l-room modern bouaa; a good buelneee lot. GOOD THINGS -TO BUY. $T7B t-room boos and IU aero of fralt, one block from car m Oak Grove. 12.000 T room hone, all modern, and I lots on corner on Mt. Scott ear. S fin lot Mxioo near the boat nee can tar of St. John for $300 each. . $1,0001 lota aad email boaaa ta St. . Johns: term a. $1,400 New room boo aa 00x100 fralt aad. hrabbery; half cash. ' OR EGO BROS. ' Pbono Main SS0S. $1711 Peaton bldg. THREE now hooeea. rent or aala I snap. 1SS Poorth at-, room 10. Owner, S3.200 71 ACRES, 6-room bouae. barn, 0 tons hay. $1,400; horse, I acr select fruit, near Beaeertnn. $2,4001 lot. T-room boos, Thirty -second . and Belmont ar. $1.4o e-raom bona, 9 lots, 1 black from car. Gladstone. $:uw a-room honaa, 1 lots. MonttvlUa. . X. V "I 1 1, scm, v-rwM . ." ewn. orchard, gooa WSier, fO acres . srannue land. : BECKNER HIATT, 180 Plrat at. Sl.nno 5-ROOM modem bona it Rlghlan.1. 13 AO0 a-room bona, modern. West aldo. . $2,10014 block ln- Holladsy'a add It loo. . ij.MV Lota In Hawthorn Arena addition. ' U block oa Hoyt at., close In. ilA.OOO f( block no Bast Burnalri (treot. . isMI Lots nn Alblna sv. 42,761) S-teaha none, nc.viutrn ai, oriLHON ROWB. 227 Chamber of Commerce, ANY ONB wasting homo In Wood lawn, call Hast 410.. '-' - MODERN houses. $ to I rooms, la rye bits, on . small payment or exebang. Wanted Car penter, painter, steady work to rlrht man. w. J. Burden, contractor and builder, 81 Caaoa at., Mootavllla. Phono Bast 41$. IP yon want to bur or soil real aetata rail on we do not deal la an a pa, not list your property with as at Ita real vain: w will aell It for yon. Square Deal Real Eatste Co.. Sdo Mnrrlaon st.. Allskr bldg., room SuO. Phone PaclBc 0I. W. B. Her, manager. Son PA RMS. small tracts and lot: bargain O. W. P. electric line. 0. B. Add! toe, Lents, - Oregon. Take Mount Scott car." Be. $l.rsv room kvme. heeement. hot and cold wsferi hern, chlrken yard, frnlt tree, lot At 188: term. 4 Pearl t Moutavllla. k -ROOM bona, lot, htfra and fralt tree, oa Rodney ar. $000 rash. Pboaa Union $184. 1PMIRABI.R lota oa carllne, near school. Call FOR KALE OR RENT 8 room hone. 1 lot, no carllne, 2.nno cash: rents foralshed $.11 pet month, tall $"0 Unlea ar., r phone East lo. , . PINS S room hones and 1 lota, on east side, .st eserirtce-prie: owner must etl. Swart, tit Chamber Commaree. . n FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. OTTO ft CROCKETT, " ' 246)4 Washington L " ., . i ' - ' rAHstnl . , 59 acre raring the Wlllaavrtt rrrer. I j H lea ahor Oiagoa I Ity; about 1$ 20 'acre of bottom lead, about 8 sores of beareroam land, S houses, email bare; beet buy la lot valley. $i0; terms. 40 acrea 2a aere bottom lead, an nnder rultlratlon; room houee. bara. several ether building, 1$ bead of cattle. 1 team of kerasa. . karneea. wagoa, XM chicken. SO tou of bar. 26 acre fall aeedlng; H.ooO. And ereral other good farm la the Taller; alao 4 reaches; one of 540 acres. I2S acre, ftft acre and 4 acre, all well Improved and elegantly located: one of them baa a lot of atoch to aell with raack; thee ranchee are ' well equipped for general farming and atock raising. Wo kar alao I good Is r roe to trade for city property, Including atock; value range from $4,000 to $6.0u0, aad r cloa to ecaoei. church and atores. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. $H acre IVt mile from terry-laadlag, all ander cultivation except 44 acre of green : timber reserved for Brswood: good bouse, bathroom, chlcken-kouae, all kinds of fruit, good 76-bbl etatera. oa mala road I price $1,100; term.' IH acres. 2 mile from Van- eonver, all cleared, S-reom house, good rhtckea-hqua. 84 acres la bearing orchard, ' H acr atrawberrlaa, 75-bbl. cistern; price $1,060; terms. Aad aeeeral other lca tracla ' cloa In from $1,600 to $t).00ti. WEST 8irH CITY PROPERTY. " lOOxlun, 2 houses, aaar Thirteenth and Tarlor. $1 23. ftOxlOO. room souse, near , Twelfth aad Jefferson. $4,000. 12-room bouaa, i modem, on Columbia. $0.6aX 7 -room booae. . ground 100x100. -oa Twelfth St., $d.S0O. 4 room aottage, modera. on Lincoln at., $1,100. Eaat Side Propertr Two 7 -room bouse, ' modern, elegantly located. M.000 each, lo-room bouae, ckwe to carllne, ground 100x100, $2.tuu; asy term. 7 -room modern bouse, cloee to ', carUn. ground 100x110, $2,100; $S00 dowa. os is oca eaay. i -room moaern nouae, cewrsi walks, beet locality, elegantly furnished, full , lot, $3,700. l-room cottage, full lot. $750. a-ronm modern bouee, lot oOxleT, Very nice locality, only $t.2u0. 4-roum cottage, full lot. MOO. Small house and full lot, $(150. And several other good propoeltloas; terms oa everything. ' 1 ' i SPECIAL! A BIO NOB HILL BARGAIN! O.VUVl f . . A decant 10-room hooao on a SoxlOO lot on Kearney a tree t; lawn. Improved street, cement ; wrk.awr; lctrlc -Hgkt, ga. furnace, aU In, paid; thla property I worth $8,000: a lovely nem in ue rigni piace; the owner order Immediate aale at unnv-TBHUK. VOCLTOW A 8C0BET. Suite $01 Columbia bldg. Sao Washington at. A OOLD MINB . And fralt ranch ar different In that who gold la taken from a mine toe vara of the - property I decreased; when gold la taken from n fralt tree the value of tbo ranch Is Increased. Aad there la no plan when lb Increase la so rapid aad tba mult ao great ' aa In .the red apple belt at Hood River, Whit Salman aad VI osier, where we hare soma very fin orchard and berry landa to offer yon. W will put aom brand - aew trecta an the market a it week that you will ' want to know shoot. Come ta and aea the samples of apptee from tbla aectloa. - LANOILLB BAND, : Boom 10. Transfer Bldg., Sixth and Oak. $3. TOO, A SNAP Comfortable modem boose, . cloa In oa tb eeet aide, S llvipg-reom, bath. . ate., ga end electricity. Urge beeement con taining laaadry, two atore .and fuelrooms; . everything about tb bouse la Srst-claes re- pair; tb lot 4 ISO feet deep, contains chicken. , bona aad yard and number of So fralt trees; an Ideal home for comfort and can. eenleae. Call or addreaa the owner, room 600. tb Marquam. Pbono Mala $. I to 4 - am. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS - TO acre, all ebolc. level land; IS cultivated, aom beaver dam. running water honee.. ham. orchard. - W nrtle to 'church. school-otocs, ohoy, etc T aalUo trem Vaa , cnuver. Washing too. This 1 a bargain; $2,600. , . 40 acrea. ail nice Tandf aom a Improve " meats; now bouae. fronta on a good rood. 20 mile t of Portland. j mil to good - atom and school: only $1,200. i kO aere all choice land: T acre beaver, dam, 16 acrea cultivated; house, barn, orch ard; convenient to church, arhonl. - tor, , rreenMry; good road. S mile from Vcneonrar, - Waehlngton. - A bargain; $2,000. 158 acrea, all cultivated. In the famous Waldo hill. Marlon county, Oregon) H mile from B. R. atatlon; a cbtap farm at $46 par acr. t acr ebntea Improred land; new, mod ern house, bara. etc.; near Oak Grove, oa Orejron City earlier; $2,600. . 80 acres, Snely Improved: nice vineyard; Sn walks, with lawn and shrubbery aad or namental treee; So nous, good bara: near Oak OroT. A bargain; aew only $6,000. ... HENKLB A BAKER, : Z1T Abiogtoa bldg. CHEAP FARMS. 120 arras of eattlr land Bear Klamath Fall for $3,000: terma. $4,600120 acr, 40 acrea ander plow, 11 acre in hope, $0 scree of good timber. Bear Newberg. 1X760 8 acre of fralt and good t-room bones, good watar. In Oak Grove. $6.260 ll-acr fralt farm aad l-room heaa . at Oak Grave. $8,000 acre and good S-room bones, largo ' bora and -efclckee-hoaeee. all cultivated and asm fralt; I mile to conrthooao, S blocka to ebnreh and school. ... - $1,400 I room boas and esVacr of cnltl voted land. I mllea to nmrtboaa. S blocka ta , efcnreh and echool. $2,4004 acrea of the finest beaver id am land, only T mile from Portland, all fenced, fine water and well drained. GREGG BROS. Pboaa Mala 6303. $1T II Fentoa bldg. MORB BED APPLB LAND. ... 100 acre, unimproved, on White Salmoa river, ta tbe apple belt, all tillable, pertly logged, good timber- remaining) river and 4 spring on place; a fin location for aa apple ranch: wlir trade for Portland property, or $20 per acr takaa It. 10 acres, early berry land. I mllea from Hood River. 4 acre In trwherrle. I la r lover, email hoaae, 8 Inches water, an mala " road, telephone and R. F. D. : will trade la a smsll farm In vicinity af ortlaad. We have a list of good lands In tbe Hood ' fttver.' Mooter and White Salmon sections. DestTtb tb place yon wontd Ilk and we wJK find It for yno If w don't bav It. LANOILLB IV BAND. - Boom 10, Transfer Bldg.. 0th aad Oak. 10 ACRES Isnd. all cleared aad etreetcar Ilea running throngh It: very desirable for acres ye property; 1200 per acre: easy terma; nrst class land; a bargain: call earlyi cloee In. . flood corner aear N. P., terminal. A good restaurant oa ' Burnalde, $800; - bargain. , RATIONAL REALTY CO.,- ' 811 Pin at. SO ACRES land, all cleared and streetcar line running throngh It; very gealrable for acreage property; $3o0 per acre: eaay terma; Sret claaa land; a bargain; call earlv; close la, . flood corners nesr N. P. terminal. A good restaurant oa Burnaio, ssnuv; a barga In. NATIONAL REALTY CO.,", SIS Fine St. HOMRAKEKEBa AND FABMBRSI larV YOU y A. yT 1 - . Acreage near Portland on easy paymentscr good farms of any also rn any part of Ore gon or Wssblngton, Inspect my Imt of at . tractive bay for poo or wealthy. . Let me knovf bow mnch you win Invent, whet locality yoa prefer and wht hmd f a farm yon want and -1 will pick yoa oat ta Tory piece to your eetlsfsctton. F. FL'CHS, 148H First SU- F0B SALE - 120 acre, about 11 mllea aoutbeaat from Oregon City, T8 scree good timber, good aoll and ftiHT for farming: tb timber alone la worth mora than the prim asked: $8 per acr. - THE HART LAND COMPANY. 100 Sherlock Bldg.. Portland, Or. 100-ACRB farm. 10 mile eaat of Portland, on Sandy river: 40 acree ander coltlvstloa. good Improvements. ,16 acrea oa Powell Yalley road. H mile sooth of reservoir; abort dis tance from S carllne. IT mad adjoining Motor addition. W. B. Feck belmer, 227 Paling bldg. J $10.000 FARM of 400 aeree, no cultivated, balaae pea tore l 80 acrea cloeerl bouee. two hares; vennld aell In lots af 40 acres. Ad dree B.' Bell. Rout I. RlckreeU Or goo, or 40t Kt Twslftk St.. Pertlasd. FOR SALE Ktock ranch af 8 eon acrea neor Oobnrg. 8 mllea aortbeeet af Eeeeoe, La roanty, Oregoa: price low aad term easy. F. D. Chamber lain. La bee bldg.. Partis ai A to-ACRB farm, all la cultivation, S mllea from ptmrthonae, 1 mile from O. W, P. Ry. Co., I3.0O0: terma to rait, or will trade fr ' honaa and Int. Joba P. Sharkey, T01 Cbaav brr of Commerce. . . - POR SALE AO (ere good land, easy cleared; 1 mllea from Vanconver: $400. 0. A. Woe . tef, Orchard, Waaklitgtoae' - - - - FOR SALEFARMS.. POB HALE .. 40 "tree eery In land, u la enltl lie nice aad level, rick, block loam t ad join Ckckama eta t ion and B. bT aly 10 ml lea from center of Portland; will offer It ror. nee- week aly t- $71 pars acre, dress U 14. car J.mrnal. fRES LAND IN OREOOif oadoy the Carey , niiiusa iioeo direct rrsm atats. Writ today. Booklet and map free. B. S. -ooao JO., Zol Alder St.. Portia no. or. BARGAIN oO-acT Imprmd farm mile east " rwuaaa. Laeompto,- zzi rrant, - POB 8 A LB OR TRADE 119 acre. H mil from 0 lover atatloa. Bssry Jon,, Barer, OTVSVS. 20 ACRES cleared and fenced. 1 mile from a carllne. on main county road. $J00 par acre, laquir oa Tuiamoo at. FOR SALE TIMBER. CERT1PIEU Boris any sis piece; lowest price. W. O. Howell, IDS Chamber of Com mere. rOR HOMEKTEADS. timber clalaaa aad aerlp appiy to Hj commercial hlk. ' HORSES AND CARRIAGES. HORSES of all kind for aale at vary able prices. Inquire 230 Jefferson. TO EXCHANGE. - We have Aom f tb beet farm and atock ranches In southern Oregon to exebange for Portland property. Put a rash value on your ronerty and wa will take property ap to $76,000 and pay ana third casta. - Jttoo 100 ere or timber, l ml Ice from ranyouvuie, Oregon, estimated at 4.000.000 feet of good, merchantable timber, to exchange for vacant :ota. If yon ar a trader, and want a trad, be aa; wa can fix yoa out oa most any kind at a orai. NORTH WEST LAND CO., " J6 Goodnough Building. ' INYEHTIGATB. I have elty property tor farm. ' Farma foe rltv nronertr. General mercfaaadlae atore doing a big busi ness and money maker; rain $8,000; foe good farm or city property. F. FUCliS. 140H First St. FOB BALB. or exchange. S00 acres. gondfsrm and atock raack, 0 mllee from Myrtle iTeea Oreeonr thla la aa AI nlace. aad ran b be at a baraaln; must bar aom caah, balanca city property. , 300 Goodnough Building. . WANTED To bur or trad for email atoro In - country or email village. - Addreaa 140 Bo aellat. Station B. ortland. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALB OR RENT NEW AND SBOONtV HAND SEWING MACHINPInw BTAltuanu SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. B, D. JONES, S80 YAMHILL ST. MACHINERY of an kind repaired. C sired. Centennial Iron A Steal Worka. 28S Ullaas St. WB print yonr name oa 80 cslllng-earda. proper las aad style. 2fie; ISO baalaea earda. II.. Browa A Sctmale, 130 Pint, Portlaad. Or. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rant or for aala on eaay payment. -THB BRUNSWICK B ALEE COLLBNPBB CO. 40 Third t.. Portlaad. LARGEST etork of bnttlea m north weet; rdr filled promptly. Portlaad Bottle Supply Co . Ml North Blghtaoath 'at. Mala SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES ' made to order; oeeond-hsad good for eale. Carlaoa e) Ball strotn. 180 Coach at. Pboao Clay STL UNCALLED-FOR mounted specimen Bed for rags cheap. F. J. Br. 0Si Third at. BABDB k SON, having bought tbo eom leto atock of nlnmhlng material on the Trail and Government taliad, offer all tb pipe and flttlrura and eery teaaoaabl 8 cures; alee me electric nxtore or tn amencaa ian Co.. which will go to tbo buyer at leas than half of coot price. . FOB-SALB Pour No,-8 Aeeerlcee bote bar .powsrs and lot of aecond-haaa aooacy eo Btnee. suitable for loaclnc or bo let In a nnr- poae. ' Per tn formation nd prion apply to r. d. Haettaer Astorls, Oregon. , WESTERN OREGON MINING . MTL14N1 , CO. beedouartera: - atock for ' osl sad la- , formation at 180 Plrat at. Phono Man 1S30. BOOKS bourbt. aold and xchngd at tba -via aew store, jam isnaui ax. . PARTT rotng east will aell forntrtrr, almost - new, cneap. inquire ax aoe- ateeoa ei. WB want to bay a good typewriter; meet be a Bargain, suv Beeond sr. BDISON phonograph complete. 0 doeea records, - good aa aew, at 11 Beat Seventh at North. DAYENPORT. wardrobe, ehlffoaler, extension and other tables, chairs, carpet. Western . Salvage Ca., 827-420 Washington at. Pbono racms tvo. FOR SALB CHEAP A plush Bacons, length, bast IS. MT Pettygrovo at. SLIGHTLY need $400 upright piano, $128; $160 organ, $30. upstair ati rum St., cor. Main. BARREB Melcholr's reclining ebab? only -118; good, cheap. Inquire at Whlta, look Berke ley at., Portsmouth, Or. ONE team of horaaa, hamese. wagon,, gaaolln engine, wooa aaw, ail ror $ow;.or wui aeu . separate. OTTO 4 CROCKETT. S45H Waahlngtna St. PERSONAL. WB have a good, rash boainees, nicely located. gooa 10, coeep rent, waicn we ere aeorr mlned to aell or trad. owner baa to at, tend to other boainees; now, hero fct a chance to atep right Into a caah business, established, t almost' yonr own price and terma, or we will accept anything la trade that ceaoee need upon farm. r 208 Goodnough Bldg. CONFIDENTIAL, medical advice to women Wa treat diseases or women exclusively, curia with unvarying success all female ailment from tbe slightest local Irritation ta the most complicated Internal troubles: maternity esse given special attention, private hospital ac commodation: pro free tonal lady nurse tn at tendance; eonanltatton and advice free. X Radlnm Medical Inatltute end Sanitarium, Third aad Alder at.,, entrance 223 Abler at, Portlaad. - BB MEN I T. P. (Vital-Power) tablet will res torn ta yoa tbe ana p. vim and rigor of manhood; If yon are larklag la tb power of vitality, it loaa resulting from Indlecretlon aad excites, end for a bog af those tablets sad bo con vinced of their merit. By mall In, plain Bkg.. 1. The Armstrong Tablet Co., I a a., 10$ Tolama hlk.. Detroit, Michigan. - SPECIAL NOTICB TO WOMENDon't rtek Kar uvea by aa operation wnea yoa caa cored by harmless methods; electricity properly applied will ear Ufa wbor opera tions kill. We passeaa tk latest Invention to control disease peculiar to women. Dr. W. J. Nac. M. R., Medic! Electrician. Of ftc T18 Deknm kldg. Pkoae Bod 1381. Office boar w-M, S-S. - DETECTIYB AGENCY ConloVnttal htveetl- gatloas; reports mad on any ladivianai nasi nee or property: missing relative located; bad debts collected: charge reasonable; oor reepoBdoar aoltrited. Oregoa DeUetlv Service, office 114-811 Colombia bldg.. Ml Washington st. Pboao Mala 616. MRS. ANNA Lt'CKKY.and ETHEL WARD ar now iocs ted at 830 Taylor at.; principaw or the American Beaaty Parlors, we care all scalp diseases; sll kinds of bathe gives: elec tric mass. re. mantcnrlng aad chiropody: alao Madame K arrow 'a famous remedies; satisfso tloa guaranteed. I Mala 1248. DR. A08PI.UND. dleeaaee of woesea sad oar- gory. 80S Aluky bldg.. Third an merrmen. YES, Palm Tablets aak7a sleep perfectlyi tbey com aeivonaaess and maka.yaa etreegi rice 8oe a box. 0 boiea 11.60: gueraateed, 11 dragglsts, or addreaa Brooke Drag Cev. 181 North Third at. Portland. IANLY rigor restored by Dr. Boharta Nerve Disables. One sxoath'a treatment, $2: I axmths, $8i sent seen rely aealedOhy mall. A (sot a. Woodard, Clarke A Co.. Portlaad. Or. BOOR 8 1 Rera they arei "Pete merna." Hen. ta meron." ' "A Hot Tamale." "ranny nin. Twenty Teara a Faber." "Forblddea Fralt. " 10 each! llita free. A, Schmale, 220 First ax. LOST power teetered by tbo greet IX. Laren' Nerve Tonic Tablets ; xo per , boxee tor $1 28. Writ er call at Kyossll' Pharasary, 22T Morrlaoa, hot. 1st aad Id. LADIES Yoa enoeer 10 year manger, re move an wrlnalee. nave eam use veivei oy using Oregon Grips - Skin food. Fbeo last IMT. MEN! . W0 WIN I Raymond's ptlle p.l lively IBN1 Raymond' ptlbi p.l lively nee ana, lack af vitality ; Jk 4 - Plammer Drat Co. S00 Third, euro nervoes ; boxes IS. If PERSONAL. WHY live ilon when yon ct eecore a Hr oorapanlon by Joining tb Interstate Intro ducing Society, sod meet or correspond with reputable persons of this section, msnr , weslthy; the November rerletce. 10 cent. Suit 24 Ruaeen bldg. Pboa Pacific 820. SUITS pressed whll yon wait. 80e. l-sdlee' aklrta pressed. 60c. Gilbert. lOtlvt Slxtb St.. next to Quelle. Pkoae Clay SuO. DIAMONDS. WATCH FN. JEWELRY.-BOUGHT, . SOLD OR EXCHANGED AT UNCLE MYFPS, PIONEER MONEY LENDER, 143 THIRD T, NEAR ALDKR. . FREB sample corn, bunion and wart cure. Ed wla L. Da, dept. B. Tsuatoa, - Mss. Tt'RKISH BATHS, '800 Oregonlaa hli"l.i ladles daya. gentlemen night. Main 1038. WANTED To know th wheroabratr of William - Stephen Smith, formerly of Le Aurele. Addreee Mother, bos 128... Bant Barbara, California. . . FREB to oat of town natrons, oar latest cats . loa-na of fancy work, pillow tone, center niece, shirtwaists and ooveltlee. The Needle Craft Shop, 307 Altoky bldg., Portlaad. Or. DOLLS' koanltsl; repairing and draaslng. Yam bill and West Park ata ,,. BINO CHOONO. tmporter of Ob trie root njedi clnes: sells Chinese tes thst Is cert sin core for all disease. 181 second bet. YamblU aai " Taylor. SEND B. B. RICH. PORTLAND. OREGON, 15c FOR ASSORTED SOUVENIR tPOSTALS. SEND for free Hat of cut price and clubbing rates aa magastoe. Joae Book Store. 301 Alder t. DR. ATWOOD, 10 Roaerll bldg.. 18SH Fourth t. Female dlaeaaea ,and conftoementa taken and cared for; open onnbiga. Conaultatlon fre. MBS. Sophia B. Selp, paychometrlst. eririaa and propbeteea; dally 10 to 8. T to 0: elrclcs Toeeday aad Friday. S p. m. 843H Yamhill, cor. Seventh. Pacific 108. Sim day evening meetings Draw hall, 183 Beeond st. PERSONAL Instruction In shorthand, bookkeep ing, penmanship and English at a tuition re wa thsn required by the, business colleges. Address M. A. Alblo. 00 Sixth at. HAYB yon seen our holiday apeelelet $1. Sta - dm.. Olive. Fifth aad Wssblngton. DBS. N. A. NISBBTH, Swedish specialists, cure rheumatism, kidney, stomach and liver " trouble, chronic eoastlnstloa. obesity sad all chronic and oerveue diseases: no drugs; ao bnlfe; $10 per month. Consultation and dem- - onstratlona free. Hood 1022. 411 Morrison at. THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO.. Oil Do . kum bldg.. agente for the celebrated Mountain . Boa remedies : enre all female trouble, ajfte atomach and liver troubles; eoneultatloa free. 0RDBR OF WASHINGTON Foremoet fraternal eoclety of northwest: protect the living. 012 marquam Biag.. rorrisna. iiregon. GET married: Ideal plan, beet remits: send 10c ror particular to tn racirie Lorrea Clnb, Aim. Oregon. HMD.' ARLONIA EOYPT1A Reliable medium, scientific nelmlst: only reader of tbe Egyptian Tarot cards In th wast; resdlncs 60 cento to ' $1.00 far 10 dsys. .Corner Morrlaoa and Bee- ono r. ART EMPORIUM. PBOFBSSOB - .- MAX- MEYER. -48 - Alder. rorrrsit sna landscspe artlet ahd teacher, AUTOMOBILES.' HOWARD COVEY, Fifteenth and Alder, a cent for Cadillac and Pierce automobile; machines rented, repaired and stored. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, aad Montana Aassy Office, ins Morrnwn at. ATTORNEYS. A H.' TANNER, attorney. Ota) Commercial blk.. OVWOW SIM. nHHUl. LB. 1 UUU. Kl. Ill TBeta H. F. BURLEIGH.- Uwyer, 123 Grand avi. East Portland. - BDWABD T. TAGGART, attorney and conn, eel or. 410 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES B. PFAHLZT Public auditor gad expert accountant. Boom T, Chamber of Commerce bldg. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. ' HOWB. DAVIS A KILHAM. 100-111 Second at. Blank book manufacture ra: agents for Jones Improved Loose Leaf ledgers;, see th new Eureka leaf, tba beat aa tbe market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. I. BIRKENWALD CO.. 804-800 Everett L Largest butchers" supply bows on tb coast- BATHS MASSAGE. YOUNG lady 'gives vapor, alcohol and medicated Mth. Parle? 27. 2884 Stark. THB SNOWDP.N Bathrooms Two lady t- Fifth; tn ana vapot aad masaa ga. Pboa Main 8086. MOOREPIFLD Tnrklak and steam bath, as It glow, mineral hatha; rheumatlare given apeclal attention: free trial treatment. 00V Sixth, Pari 8c 170. BLACKINO. WEBFOOT Blacking, abeolntely waterproof, or, ai f tb leather, make shoes wear 80 per rent longer. For aala every where, 10 aad 18 cents. CHIROPODISTS. IF yonr feet are out of order, go to Dr. W or ley Heaiamia, norm, waehlturron ., tn root epeelaltet. Phono Hood 004. CAFES. THE OFFICE 18 Washington at. Pboaa Main T7l. Hsmoel vignesn. COLLECTION AGENCY." COLLECTIONS 'by the Northwest Collection Agency) your aoalaees hsadled In a Da lines manner try aa. 10-17 I .abbe bldg. x DOES any one owe yoa money Wa collect bed nem or u xinds. 1Z2 nrsnd av. 14 and 16. Phone Fast 4424. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WH0LEA-L ernrtery sad glaakwar. " Prhet, Hegem A Co., inn to log Firth, ror. ntara at CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST ST. GEO RGB ORMONDR, Frvptlaa seer. xHfl'4 weeniBgioo sr. I'aycnic palmist, neaier, oeao trance medlnm; wreatent advlerr love, bnsl neee. slcknees, mine, treasure, chances, Jonr ners, family trnuMear bring bck loved one; anitea eeperated: reading by mall $2, 0 ques tional telle everything. MRS. STEVENS,- Portland's leading palmist. aefmlngiet and snlrltnal nrereader, cs a glv Important and rrllabl facta about lha past. resent end future. 180 Seventh St.. opp. lotel FortUnd. Ikon Facta 114. "CHIROPRACTIC.;. POSITTYrir.Y cores sll forms of Dr. Eva llogaa. 2A0 Hall st. Phone Mala 004. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. EBBKRO-flUNST CP- ' , r Distributor of . '" F(NB CIGARS. Portlsnd, Oregoa. CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDVRD'Csrpet Cleaning Co.. largsst phnt on the roast. Ixu-tng and Harding it., trie phone Eaat 2X0 Carnela cleaned, reltted, ewed and laid: both steam snd latest cum. pressed sir process; renovating mattresses sad , feather a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, auction and com pressed air combined: eerpete cled on floor ...without removal. Main 6234. Eaat 2S04. CARPETS cleaned on tbe floor: we raise cost. Phone Clay 881, free demonstration. CLEANINQ AND DYEING. ' YAMHILl CLEANING PRESSING CO Work called fur aad o.llvered. Phono Clay . 182. Portlend Steam Cleaning A Drelng Worka- prac tical katter la conuertloa. Ill 4th. nay Tu4. CLOTHES elesned snd pressed $1 per month, fnlqo Tailoring Co.. 84T Washington ax. h. W. TURNER, professional dyer snd cleaner. oisj jerreraoa ar. I'booe Main ZD I a. NEW process tare curtain cleaning, OOevto $1 pair. 4H4 Main 8406 , COAL AND WOOD. KINO COAX, CO. Sole areata for the famous Diamond eosl; try It and yon will always hoy It. Wyoming snd Wa.utnrton house coals. Virginia and Washington eniltlilnc cost; full weUbt, guaranteed. Tel. Mala 142&y A. L. Stephens, msnsger. . CHURCHLBT BROS have removed from foot Da via st. to 428 Reamer et.. near 11th; la . now tbe laraeet woodvard In tbo cite, earrr Ing all kinds of wood snd coal. Mala 081. GRFOORY. A MORRIS encieaanra to full A v Mr; one. deelera la wood and coal at lowest prices; satlsfsctlnn guarantceoV Cor. Teeth and Irving. Phone Main 4876. WmTERN Feet A rel Co.. on Front, . between Gllsen and Hovt, dealers la all kinds of house eoal and blacksmith coal. Phone Mai 1018. . ALRINA FUEL CO Dealer In cm d wood eosl and green and dry slchwood. R. B. and AI. bin av.. 1 blocks east of ferry. Eaat 8T4. ST EFT, BRIDGE FUFT, CG Tler in coal, eerdwood and dry slab wood. Phone Eaat 424. BOXWOOD snd planer rrlmmlnes. Stsndard Wood Co. Phone Feat 1818. Foot Bsst Pine. OREGON FTTEL CO AH kinds of enal aad wood. B08 Alder st. Phone Mala SB. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water at.. Phone Main 4808. wood aad coaL CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, nrpenter. bntlders: rs- C airing and robbing: store sad office fixture nllt Shop tok Columbia. Main 62ST. WASHRTTRNR A FIYT. wsgon .hollders and general Sob work. 88 6tb st. Phone Hood bait. F. B. ' TAN 11! R HOOF, crpenfer and obbr. EST- Stark at. 1 Phone Main T4T, WM. F1SHBECK, carpenter: renalring and 1"h. blng done. 2AI Rnrnelde et. Phone Mala 0437. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LPNSCH BROS., commission merchanta. Oour, feed, bay and produce. 2(12 to Son Front at, Pbono Main 3M0. x ' EVERDINO A PARRRIX. produce snd rommla slon merchants. 140 front St.. Portlend, Or. Phone Main -IT. DANCING.. WOOOWARD'B dancing school of the Western Academy of Mnalo. Monday and Thursday. - Snrctators Invited. T.eeeon COe. Dancing $ to in cor. ncrnud nt Mornsoo. . DETECTIVES. Tiet. : we never Bride traced in civil snd criminal B. L. Hentneer. 18-1T Labbe bldg. DRESSMAKING. KFTSTER'S LADIES' TAIIX)RINO COLf FOB. 202 and 400 Allaky badg.; writ for booklet. DRESSMAKING Strictly ap to data; latest do sigas. 485 Clay it FIRST-CLASS parlor. 2U'Allekr bldg.i snlta, gowns, roars, jacxeta. latest style; skirts oonnd snd jsrkets reiineu. . DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.E RROWN.D.V.S..P.C.M Doo Horse boa. pltal.28T Bnrnside. Phone: Msln40N8; Psr.340. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. - NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Compsay. 80S atark at.. Portland. O. K. for everythlrar , la tke electrical line. Phase Main 1888. PACIFIC FJ.ECTRIC CO. Fnrlueer, contra c- tn. repilrer. electric wiring, eupniiea. let First, ror. Stark. Mala 080. R. H. Tate. mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Maaurarrnrers er lurnitnro Tor ue xrsao. Portlaad.-Or. FTRNITTTRR mannf.ctn-lnr and sp-dil ortlers. I. Bnveaskv's rornltnr rartorr. XTO Front el, -FURNACES. BOTNTON fnrftji fwl J. C. FRENCH BAKERIES. TH85 only place In Partland to getTrencb bread. Barrere May no. "r aixia ax. ueiry oeiir ry. Phono Qreen 80S. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocer, man. rsetorers sua ommuuio mercosnta. roorta aad Oak its. . ... AM. EN A I.FWTS. mtnmteatoa'aad prodnce me. r,KBi. rrorrc sna iiitw ere., rwniswa, vt, GRINDING. Basortig ItnfTM, rtors nha rpn to pffr turn. KiriPbTeti a vo.. 40t w. mn. neutr 7H-.. HARDWARE. Portlaad1 Hardware Co, aollclt npportnnltv ta qoots prlceav-. inn 1st ST., cor. Alder. Main lxa. HAY AND GRAIN. B. 0. COOPER CO. Pot toe, feed end floor. 188 i;nln sv. . Pbeoe Ret 1617. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendleton. Pendleton. W A. Brawn, mgr. HOTEL Portland. Amsrlcaa pla: $3. $8 per day. HOTEL St. Oeorgo, Pendleton! leading hotel. BELVEDERE: European plan: 4th aad Alder t. LOCKSMITH. . H. RICHARDSON, expert lock and keysmltht general eepaimg; reetiron oraamg: su wora guaranteed. 308 F eur Ik at. Phone Hood 1782. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert lockvmltk ' end bicycle repairing -re ntarc. uy paouo, Clar 821: night phone. Main 8SB. OSTEOPATHS. DRS ADIT A NORTHHUP. 41S-I8-1T Dehorn bldg.. Third and Wiahlngtnn at. Phva Mala 840. Examination free. IBS. OTIS MABFL AKIN. 4n8 Mscer hMaj. SS-vm am a A tb I e .1 Ta..1 l.lUai ar a. InlJF lira, nejanj, Bkl.- sl 8. , J. usail I aeB Ktvm as wrnee TUB eery, heat lertr oateopath In town. !r. ci , i. i . ,a -1 1 . .. niMi. v.1 . i U, W. funweni, ,.m. ,9, di !-. ii via' INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WBITS. fir kldg. . .. ' 100 Dakam LAMBFRT, WHITMKH A CO. Fire tneoraaee aea real aetate: eincee im-im Boevrore w-". Mela lung; dept. 404 Ras Alder. East 4.1. sen. Met. WOOD, employer" naoiniy aeo dividual crctdent anretv bond of all kind. Phono 4T. tilt McKay bldg. , H. P. RARTFTS C0X1PANY Ftre neneano. her lock bide. Orewoo Pba Clay an. MONEY TO LOAN.- I1EADQUARTRRS FOR SALARY LOANS. 42N R Mohaa k bid., cor. Morrison and Third. Ladles or Gentleman. N PnLUclty. If you borrow $2rt you pay bck 11.38 week. If yoa borrow t'Jfl you pay back $1.86 a week. If you borrow $ 0 yon pay berk 12 on a week. It yoa borrow $.13 you pay bark $2 36 a week. If you borrow $NO you pay back $3.00 a week. Pay meats auapeujed In raas of aleknem. Strictly Salary Loans. THB CRKHCBNT LOAN CO., 4284 Mohawk bldg., cor. Morrlaoa and Third. MONEY TO LOAN ' Oa tm proved city property or for bofldlnr purposes. Any amonnt oa from to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of oa after one yeer. lone - E roved from plana jnd 'money advanced as nlldla progrsasss: mortgsges taken np and repleoed FRED H. STRONG. Financial A lent. . 141 Stark Street. . THB STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, w.r -earner. na got oa bis not, without- mortgage Month. Vl Month. Week. tt on Repay to a $13.8$ er $8.08 or $8.88 $-8 00 Repay to aa $ 0 88 or 63.88 er. $1.88 $16.00 Repay to n i 4 on or $2.00 or $1.00 HO McKay bldg. WHY PAY RENT when 'we can furnish yon mon.r to hue or hnlid von a hornet SMALL MONTHLY RFPAVMKNTS with LOW 11ATKH OP INTKREcT. Drop a card, or call oa J. II. Hubbard. State Agent. 202 E. Morrison St. MONEY to loaa. salaried people, trimeter, et.. without security: eur permeate: largest hnslneee In 40 principal el t lee Tolmaa. S3S Ablnrtoe bldg. Phono Mala 0487. MONEY TO LOAN. Private money Iff loan at 0 snd T per rent Interest for S to 8 years In amonnta of $308 and apWard. Boom 403 Commercial bldg. MONEY to loan en real, perse! and collateral sernrity; speclsl attention to chattel rooct- ficea: uotea boorht. C W. Pall't, S04-S entoa bMg.r 04 Birth et. HIGHLY' resnrrtrble place where ladle nd genta caa horeow moaey on dlamonda and Jewelry. Colin feral Loaa Bank, 380 Wash Inrtoa et. Phone Black fl. - CHATTRL losne In amounts ranging from $28 tn $6,000; rooming-houses a sneclslty. New Era Loaa A Trust Co.. tn Ablngtoa bldg. Wn h.k. -fl hi Lu ee. II S p st lowest rates: special attention give a maiiet man. . Morneoa sx. MONEY to loaa la en me of from $$,000 ta 88 onft. terma to suit tb borrower. Bosom 100-10. Commerelsl blk. MONEY tn losn on Clackamas county land. R. F. aad F. B. Riley, 000 Chamber of Coat- LOWEST ratre on fnrnttnt snd plsnoo. Fast em Loan Co., 440 Sberlnck kldg. Clay 838. TO LOAN 4nma tn entt on chattel aacartty. R. A. Frame. 614 Tbe Mcrqnam. MONEY to loan nn all kind of necnrlty. Wa Hull, room S. Waahlngtna bldg. $t.nno$6.O00 TO- loan be private party o real estate security. 40J Commercial bldg. MUSICAL. PIANO, violin.' atrlng and wind matrnmenta. Professor Edwla A. Smith. 164 Twelfth. Main aVne PIANO tuning. $3: perfect work guarasteed. O. W. Jobaaoa. Phone Mala 1011. J. A. WESCO. elnlta-maker snd repairer: work 8 rat claese 38 Rueeel bldg., 4th sad Morrteoe. BMIfr-THIkiliORN.- teaches of -Inllavo-slnl, comet. Studio. IB",, Sixth. Tel. Main 3068. LESSONS one; pin no. culler, banjo, mandolin. -violin. Itm First. .. Main. Mrs. Martin. FRKX lessnns on tb violin, mandolin, guitar and b.nto. - Levy's Music Rouse, ill Fourth. MACHINERY. f PORTA I than Vi price: 4ty horeepower. 0. gott's Isw office, 4 Malkey bldg. H. Ptg- POR SALB One ninch Smith slicker, one arm eander, one two-splodle sbaper. bolt and pulley. 2H Fourth at. . TUN H. fl. ALBEB CO Second-band machinery, aawmllla. etc. 248 Grand av. MONUMENTS. NElf A KIN0SLET. 188 First St., PortUnd'8 - leading marble work. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and me. chanter clothing: union mad. Neaatadtar Pro. , manufacturer. Portland. Or. PLUMBERS. DONNRRRERG RADEMACHER. aanltary plumbers. 64 Fourth st. Both FOX A CO.. anltry plnmner. 181 Second, bet, Main end Kalmnn. Oregon none Mais mxt. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH A CO. The- Pioneer Pstnt Oa. I window-cms and glaxlog. ISO First ox. Phone 1834. ERNEST MILLER 4t CO.. Second and Taylor Will paper, paint, all st market price: tree delivery. BASMUSSEN A CO Jobber, paint, oil. gla. aaab and doors. ...Second and Taylor. PRINTING. WFI.CH A DAVIS. Printers Doers af clever things with Ink snd type on rper. Btearo bldg., Slxtb and Morrlaoa. Main 414T. ANDERSON A DfNIWAY COMPANY, printing. lithographing.' blank hook. Phone Main lr. an Alder st. J . . METROPOLITAN PRINTIN0 CO. Every thing In print tnr. Mala 1338. 14T Front at. RIDING CLUBS. PORTLAND RIDING CLUB Ssddls horses snd rnrrlanee for-Tent. W. O. Brown. 806 Alder. SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, dandruff treated: shampoo- Ing, manicuring, chiropody, face wor. Mr. B. F. Kyae. ln5V4 Fourth, cor. Morrbwa. Room 12. Phone Paris 200. R00FIN0. TIN ROOF1NO. guttering, repairing and JoMiing. J. I.oall. 2ij jerrereoa ai. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 348 Abler at. phono Mala T10; rubber (tampa. scale, atenrii. naggacm, trade checks: send for catalog Na. 36. SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOoDB'S Furniture Hems Highest Price m Id for second hand rural rur. . 810 aoeoa ex. Phone PectOc 403. SIGN-PAINTERS. Gtll.l) SlliNN, window lettering, cloth bennera. economical electric fane end sign ef sll kinds made qulrklr. Fter Kleleer, riflb snd Everett. Phono ' Exchsnge 66. - -- HOLIDAY SIGNS-Offlce doors ' snd window lettered "at cut prices. r.imienei, an a Ws.hlnclon et.. 'apelalre. Phone Hoo,l 179.1. SAFES. WK repslr snd rebnlld ailtomobllea, gaa enxlnei. printing presses, nine eicss. aaies. open eri outa. do a'l kinds of rotcHn vo.rk. t'olumbls (IM F.M'.-lna A fS Works, lit Secoort St. Phone Pacific B"tl. Frank J- Hiper. anpt. DIFROtD M.orsoe.e safest fire and hurries. pr. f work: 1.11 an. I pr'eon wrfc lH-.MitS Opened; repairs. J. FJ. luivw. IMi SHOWCASES AND FIXTUH: SHOWCARES af very dsaertortonf tsn.' b.r and ator Oiroree made to order. Ike Laiae Manufacturing Co.. Portland. STREET-PAVIN0. I AKKCN Conerructlen Co.. street paring, aids, walk 4 crosswalks. Tl Oregeels bio. THB Trinidad Aaphalt Psvtsg Ca. eg Portbisd. i' race aoo wereeaaee am. - - SPIRITUALISTS. STANLEY. MKDII 14 l-orsles mine snd hrld treesnre: unite tb eprti-d'. raaaea kiur marrlagea; ' glvee meseage ' from drpr.tfd loved onee. 224 V, plrat at. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, all make, rented, aold and repaired. Coaet Agency, 831 atara. Tel. isui. TRANSFER AND HAULIN0. SAFES, pianos aad furniture moved. parked ready for ablpplng end shlpoea; sn wore guaranteed; larra. - l-ajtury. brick. re preof wirebooa for storag. OfSc I2S First ec C M. Ohm. ; Pben Main 64T. THB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth and Oak ete.t bagcage cnecten from hotel or reetdeace direct to de.tlaatloas naeaenger tberofore avoid tnah nd aaaoy. a nee at depots, private Exchange 88. 0; O. PICK, file -88 First t. be twee Start ana ma at., phone boa; piano an rurniruro moved aad pecked foe ah lupine : asm medio brick ware bouse, Front and Clay era. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth Phone Main OS.. Heavy haallag aad atorag- BAST SIDE Transfer Co.. A. B. Holeomb. prop. 128 Eaat Water St. Phono Eaat 68. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 3001 Waab- imrron at. pa Mala xrrs. i ai u ii.,),' i i x jawnsajtart TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES. Wa bara them by th thrmeenda; strong, healthy stock. Our 1008 llrnarrated snd priced cata logue tell all. PORTLAND SEED CO.. Front and Yamhfll sts. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, see. "Co.! wr asnnrn.. Lewrenc proa, lowei nnppiy rourra ana concn. Phone in. TELEPHONES. THB only exclusive' telephone bona. B.-B. Electric Telephone Maauracturloa eoi pa ny. 83 Fifth at. WELL BORING. JAMES W. GREEN 30 years' raperlenr tn weii-onring bustnee in and snoot rortiaaa; beet of refarancea. 300 Vancouver ar. East 3063. WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCE WI.RB WORKa zrw naax Morneoa ex. ' rnono assx szt. FINANCIAL. P0ITLAND TRUST COMPAsTY OF 0BE00B. Tb Oldest Truat Company hi Or con. BESOUBCES OVER ll.3S0.0U0. 't.. General banking. Exebang on nil porta of tb world. Sarin account a. Time eertlfl- catee. $ to 4 per rent: abort -rail special eertlfl- eatce. aoiio or over, iv to 4 per rent. Call for book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS.' Southeast Corner Third aad Oak St. Phone Prlvat Exebang T3, PENT. I. COHEN . President H. L. PITTOCK .......Vice-President B. LEB Pl)8T.T.T.r.;.'.. . . .'. Secretary J. 0.. GOLTRA ..Aaslslast Secretary MEBOHABTS NATT0BAX BANB. PORTLAND, 0BG0B. ' ' ,, r I FRANK WtTSrfM . President K i. ill KH AM . . . .Tlc-rreloenx B. W. HOYT... , Cashier GEORGE W..HOYT..... Aaaistant Cashier Traaaacta a Geaaral Banking Buala. Draft and Letters of Credit ls.u-d Avallabla . to All Parte af the World. ' , I - ' Collection a Specialty. '. ' LAVSD ft Til TON. BANXEBS. . : (IuUUbd m 1181.) '...; . Tranaaot a General Bsahfn Baalnlsa " Collection made at all point on favorable terms. Lettera or credit issued available la Europe and all potato In th I lted State. ' Sight Exchange and Teleafaphlc Transfer oM on New York, Washington. Chicago, St. Loot. Denver. ' Omaha. Saa Franclsvu aad Montana and British Colombia. Exchange wild on IondViB. Pari a, Berlin, Frankfort. Hongkong, Yokohama, Maalla aud Honololn. i . . : FIBST NATION At BANK OF PORTLAND, OBEOOsT. Dislgsstsd Depository and Flnaarlal Agrat af ' tbe United States. President. A. L VHI-I Cashier ,...J. W. NEWK1RK Aaslataat Cashier ....W. C. ALVOKD Second Assistant Cashier B F.STEVENS Lettera of Credit Issued Available la Europe and tb Eaetern Ptate. -JUrht Fx eh. n re end Telecranhlc Tranafer rid on New York. Boetoa, Chicago, St. Loula, nt rani, (imaba. nan Franciac ana toe principal polnte la the Nortbweat. Bignt and time bills draws in soma to swx n London. Paris. Berlin. Fran It fort -on-the Main. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhacea. Cbrlstlsnls. Stockholm, St. Peterabnrg. Moo cow, E'trlch, Honolnlu. ' coliectlona Mada oa FivorabW Terms. ' u NtTXD STATTS NATIONAL BANK ' OF PORTLAND. OREGON. N0RTB.v7Y.8T COB. THIRD AND 0AX ITS. Traaaacta a General Banking Bnaia. DRAFTS ISSUED. Available In All Cities of the raited States sad Europe, Hongkong aad Maalla. 0OLLXCTT0NS MADX ON FAV01ABI.I TERMS. Prealdent ...... .......J. C. AIN8WOPTH Vice-President W. B. ATFH Vlce-Preddeat R. TEA BARN Ft Cashier ...B. W. SCHMEFR Aaalatant Cashier. ...... , A. M. WRIGHT Aaalataut Caabler ......... W. A. HOLT SECURITY SAVINGS ft TRUST COMPANY, 348 Morrison St.. Portland. Or. Transacts a Oeunaal Banking Buaiaoaa. SAVIN0S VCPABTMENT. Interest Allowed on Tim and Saving Deposits. - Act a Trustee for Pstatea. Draft and Letters of Credit Avallabl la. AH Parts af tbe World. C.'FJ ADAMS. ..e. TVealdent L. A. LEWIS ..... .Flrat Vlce-Preetdent A...L, MILT.S ....Second Vice-President R. O. JI BITTi ; Becrstery GEO. F. Bl'RSKLL... Aaslataat Secretary M0BBJS BROS, i , . - 131 rtrat It., Pertlaad, Or. Offer' Gilt-Edge tnveotaients la Mantrtpal aad Raliroaa Bond, writ ar t all. - THI CONTINENTAL COMPANY. -w etviaciir. arjr-m ' ' ' " STOCKS. BONDS AND MORTGAGES. 148 Stark Street., Phone Mala 1070. MORTQAQB lOANS 0a Portlaad Real Iitate at La weet Bat. Titlee Insure. AM tract a rurntane TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST CO. 340 xraaklarta St.. Oer. aaasaa. t TICKET NAMED FOR ; JOHN DAY ELECTION (Special Dispatch s Tbo Journal ) John Ua.v Or.. ic. 1 The followlj,! llckgt has hern nominaterl for th Jnhn Day city olevtlon: ' Mayor, Frank 'n- tor, and C. J. Mrlntoah; Reforoer. J. w. White: enunetlmen. K K. l.uc. Fred Bhaoka. U.' K. Potter. Tommy Maori, W. ''W; Myera. The) only laaun antu'l rmtM I that Of opening op th ircel of tha town that tho rlty'a rhnlceat lota may b reached and placen) upon Ihe mnrttet. -Th riff election will In ha place Dwrmbor t. ' Byaa Oo Bfor -Tim. Special lllspet.h twihe Jwni ) Baletn. tr lfe.'. 1 J. '. I I waa cnrtvloteMt of ptillina 'f footraco' In till city nn.te tl-nn ago biiJ acntenrrt tn erve ii,r- ill th ponlientliirr, wus v - rantod 21 days mine Id A i petition f"r a rrneming i.v ' prcme ronlt. line erty "r .. " i. Just eilrel. but l" '' ' ' .i file the l-'t It ..ii !! I - f ' I