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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
THE OREGON; DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVjCIINO. NOVEMBER Sp. 10J. -. i oFOIi TING EVEUTS M any;,',' Athletic ;y and , Sport Matches Scheduled for Thanks- giving ' Throughout Nation. , '.fc MULTNOMAH AND OREGON T.7 V ; 1 ON - LOCAL GRIDIRON , ' '. " i . ; Pennsylvania ' Met Cornell, Mich ; figin Tackle Chicago! and O. AJ C. Uwni; Encounter, University of ' Washington on Football Field. .t .-,- V V - v :. ,tt? . - " : , 'Thw are many sporting and athletic event , scheduled for today throughout the .country, ;ehlef among which Is the , Pennsylvania-Cornell game at Phlla- delphla. .the Chicago-Michigan match at ' Chfcago, the Multnomah-Oregon- game in thle city and the O..A. C,-Washington r scrimmage at Seattle. i Among the many event Hated .for Ntoday . the ' following ar- the. most Important: , j s 4 s , (i ' 'JooteaU Matches. ; ' v;'''; ' ' Multnomah-vs., Oregon- at -Portland. 1 . ft Washington at Seattle. .!, University . of Chicago vs. University ' of-Michigan at?Chlcego,.V- '-.' " Missouri university -vs. Kansas i unl- .- varsity at Kinui City. Missouri. ' Northern Normal and . Industrial va. , Yankton college at Aberdeen, South Da- kola. Ohio Medical university vs. , Denlaon university at Columbus, Ohio., f Washburn college vs. Colorado college at Tones-. Kansas.' v,- . . v , tTnlverslty of Mississippi vs. Btata Agricultural' college at Jaeksa, Missis sippi. . s - .; ... '; Johns Hopkins ' vs.' TTnlverslty ol Maryland at Baltimore, Marymnd: ' V Pennsylvania . va Cornell at Phjla- l,lnhla . ' Fordham va. Holy Cross at Tordha-n, New Tork.. i.-. . ,u;.. -a...-; j ir ; George Washington university va Washington and , le at Washington, j),.c." - -. - Ohio State university va Indiana uni varsity at Columbua. Ohio. Kenyon . vs. . University of Cincinnati at Cincinnati. Ohio, t , Western Rceerve university vs. Case Bclentino school at Cleveland. Ohio. v . Otterbeln va. . Wittenberg at Spring- Held. Ohio. - i - 1 University of Virginia va University of North Carolina at Norfolk. Virginia. Vanderbllt - vs. Sewanee at : Naah vllle, i Tennessee. , . 7 University of Alabama vs. University of Tennessee at Birmingham. Alabama. Auburn vs. University of Georgia at Macon. Oeofgla. .( .' , '- State Agricultural and Mechanical va University of Texas at Austin. Texas. Washington university va. Knox col lese at St. Loula. Missouri St. touls university vs. Iowa at StJ . Xioula, Missouri Denver university vs. School of Mines et Denver. Coloraflo." " " - - Notre Dams va South Bend Athletics at South Bend. Indiana, - University of Illinois -vs. tTnlverslty ef Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebraska. University of South Dakota vs. Morn Ingslda at Sioux City, Iowa. Georgetown vs. Carllale : Indiana at , Washington. XX C Liafayette va Bucknell at Easton. Pennsylvania. ' " ' . Lehigh vs. Washington and Jefferson at Washington. Pennsylvania.: . - alnli . Vngtllam Card. . " Charley Sieger va Harry Senter be iorm Ihe Eaatern A. C Portland,' Maine. . , Athletla Wnatm. , National croeaountry championships " of the A, A. U. at Travera Island. New York. .'-! - ' -. ; New England cross-country champion ships of the A.-A. U. at Boston. ' Hans Baoea. ' -' , Race meeting of the Piedmont Hunt club pf Virginia at Oakley. Portland Hunt club run for club cup. ; Al Hammond of Spokane..-.: 1 " ' " ' ' " s ' A' i' ,;i ':' I ... si nBnuuuninmaaamnumiBiimnHim 7 J ii II i k -: OPERAS OF i LATEST VOQUE : DUNLAP New York -J:- '''XV -'SOLE AGENTS - '' ROBINSON ca CO. 289 WASHINQTON ST. ;zztrrzxiKxnnuaixixxzzxrxzxzxU 7 J I 1 'Sm i' H- M t 4 r'' 1 "3 t '" "i : I J i .-! ' ,v ;! t : ' ', Coach Shorts of Oregon. ' NAUGURAL DAY HANDICAP , - On BOARDS TODAY - r Thousands v of Racing Fans Gather to Witness Annual; : Event at Crescent City. " (Jonnul Melal flerrir.) ' '" New-Orlaana, La.. Nov. .10. A great crowd of enthuslastlo devotees of the turf. filled all, the grandstsnds and In closure at the. fair grounds this after, noon and heard the bugle call an nouncing the opening of - the annual race meeting of . the Crescent - City Jockey club. The event of the opening day. as usual, was the Inaugural hand! cap. three quarters ' of a mile, f 1,600 added, f-: i"? " T ,.,-; ." . . If stables ' overflowing v with " speedy horses count for suoceas. the meeting Inaugurated today will be on of the grandest in the history Of the Crescent City club. Despite the yellow fever ep- demlc of the past summer, tne air- ferettees -withrlval --racing organisa tions and several other; obKtaclea cal culated to minute against the success of the meeting. ' the outlook for the season la of the rosiest tint The prom inent stables throughout the country are presented at the track and the Jockey talent Is of the highest clasa. Mora than nominations nave been received -for - the various stake events to be decided during the winter. The entries for the Crescent .City derby, one of the classic events of the Ameri can turf, include many of the best colts and f lilies In the country.- The total of stakes and puraea for the season Hats to tiini The officials of the club in charge of the meeting are: -' Clarence McDowell, presiding judge; E. J. Bryan, assistant judge; , Alexander ' Brewster. patrol Judge; A. B. Dade, starter; Martin Na thanaon, secretary. - , . , ":v YESTERDAY'S SUMMARY OF TWO RACE TRACKS . - , (Josraal Bpeclal Service.) ' ' ' San Francisco. Nov. - 10. Yesterday's results at Oaklsnd track were: Six furlongs Ion Wataon won. Merry Oo-Round second, Abe Meyer third; time. 1:H14. V , v. ' . Seven . furlongs Holly Berry won, Yellowstone second, PrestaiM- third; time. ., Seven furlongsDora I won. Warts Nicht second. BQuntlful third; ' time, 1:2. Mile and 20 yarde San Primo won. Bannock Belle second, Dixie Lad third; time,- 1:44.' . - .v .' I futurity 'course Matt Hogaa won. Procrastinate second, . Pickaway, third; time, 1:UH.. Six and one half furlongs Judge wain. Oraslllo second,. Brier j Thorpe . third; ttmev !:!,- - - - . -. v At ' Washlagtom. " . . "(Jnamal Speetal Servtre.) ' Washington. Nov. 10. BennlngS race results:- . :. f ' -;, . . Six furlongs Collector Jessup won, Echodale second, . Mlntia third; time, l:l2-t. -' .:- Mile Descend won. Gentian second, Paon third; tlme, l:4. ' . . The Vestal, mile and a -half Santa Catallna 'second. Klaraesha second. No blesse Oblige, third; time, S:44. STx 4 furlongs Fancy Bird won, 3en Hodder second,', Jupiter third; time, 1:17 4-1.:- .-. . . ;'. --. f - Mile Copper won, ' Cylvanla second, Norn da Plume third; time, 1:47 2-6. . . Mile and a furlong Palette won, Ar rah Gowan second.' .King Pepper third; time, 1:60 t , SILK AND HENRY HEATH 1 - ,v ."London HOTEL PERKINS BLDO, TEAMS IN ARRAY Oil GRIDIRON This' Afternoon the Northwest Championship Will Be Fought Out on Local Held. ; MULTNOMAH AND OREGON J ARE BOTH CONFIDENT Oregon Backers Are Not Very Flush ' With Money, While There Ms a Bankfull of Club Coin in Sight How Elevens Will Lins Up, - . The nreaenca of the Oregon team and supporters in town last evening had the effect of thoroughly stimulating the Interest In todsy-s game between Mult nomah and Oregon. Aa. soon as tne vis itors reached town they began putting uf their money on the team from Eu rene. but after a couple of houra the Oregon money waa all used up, while there waa na . end .to the Multnomah currency. The .visitors .didn't want to put up. even money on their-chances, making an endeavor to get even money on the result snd winning the wsgxr nhould the game be a tie. . That Is what the a-av Seattle snorts-wanted last year. even .after Seattle defeated Multnomah. While the clubmen are not-doing very much blowing over their chances, there la a deep feeling permeating each player that the club Is out to win and will win despite the boasts of Oregon. -- Over field's eleven Is In good condition and know how to play the-game. While they have not had the training bf Coach Coach Earl "of Chemawa. BTioft's meniinImaTndTaTenaTbTe training yet -they feel that they know enough about ; the game to score a touchdown or two,' at 'the same time holding down the opponents. ' ' . Oregon players are , cocksure of -vic tory... T,hey, cannot sea anything else. Though feeling this way, they dislike very much - to put up their money at even a respecianie price. The same will start Dromntl at S:1S o'clock and the 'teams will Una . up as follows: . ( i Multnomah. . r , PadUae. ' . Orrsnn. OverSnid !.. C Bug (ITS) Maiinn (1T1J.....K. u. I, Molina (177) Burl im i,. h Hrintrn iitoi Pratt (ISO). ....... K. T. !,.... Armiilscr HAM MrMIUas (ITS) LI. K McKlnnr (ImT) DvwUng (149). a. K. L Moon jlflB) lordaa (14N) () ...L. R. R. . . .Cbaodle (l.f'i Nnrpur t Jiva. ...... ..u. . . ajararr,i try Umn (312) R. H. V. . . . . Templrtoa Rlaboe (17D.......L. H. L.... Hard Jcmoe (IKS) :...r Krrroa (10) Bubatltutes; Multnoman Keller and Wllklns. center; Butler, guard; Klrkley, tackle;-Haya, end; Rupert and Stockton, quarter; Owens and Lonergan, half backs: Dolph and Clark, fullback. Ore gon Wood,, quarter; McLean, Hammond and Ray, guards. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE, i CLUBS. oa Anrle . 10 .S04 .62S .M0 .7 San Fraaclaoe in Oakland ..... 6 "attl ...... I'oftland V... 12 IS HI 0 .4ns .40 Taoeoia 5118,17 7 -I - Jxrnt 40'Bl!5fln2! 5BpTtS , ' Portland Wins One. " . ' (Jnemal Hncctal Serrlre.) . ) . Bokeraileld. Cel., Nov.. 80. Portland won from Oakland yesterday by better batting. The score: ' ' R. H. VL Portland 0I0Z0S 2 s 4 Oakland-... ..000 0 190 I t Batteries Jones and Bueae; Hopkins and Hackett, umpire uavis. ... 1 1 i i ii . , . 0Brlea Blew Tp. flnarnat Spedsl Serrlce.) Los Angeles, Nov. 10. O'Brien took a balloon trip yesterdayvand the Angels won, 10 to 1. Jha score: Los-Angeler r.o 9 1 9 71 1 10 1 1 1 Batterlea Orny and itoas; O Brlen, ynch and Hogan. Umpire Perrlne. X"; To Wrestle - fo World's Title. -: (Journal Smrlal S-rrlca.) . Asheville. , N. C. . Nov. 10. Both Charles Olsen of Illinois and James Parr of England are in the finest fettle for their contest on the mat here to nlaht. and all Indications point to a desperate struggle for supremacy. The contest .- la for tne middleweight wrest ling .-championship of. the world. The men. will wrestle to a nnian, tne -winner gaining two falls -out . of three and carrying off the lion's share-of the gste receipts besides a side bef and the championship title. " - ; .'"".' Wemea 1 Shooting- Touraey. ' (Journal Special Baulks.) . Canon City, Colo Nov. 10. A dosen women were among the crack shots who faced the traps this morning at the opening of the Thanksgiving day tour nament 1TT the Canon City Quit ojub. Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and ether allies Wer-represenred among the experts. Soma good spores were made In the opening events- ' Fullback Kerron of , Oregon,' ' - GREAT CROWD GATHERED T MARSHALL FIELD Th ' Chicago and Michigan Struggl Has "-Attracted a -' .Mighty Athletic Host. (Journal Special Serrlce. 1 ' Chicago. Nov. 10. A mighty throng of people, - decked with bright colors in which maroon - and -blue- prevailed, wended their way to Marshall Field this morning to be on hand early for the annual football contest between the rival universities of Michigan, and Chi cago for the western championship.' A steady stream . of automobiles and coachea poured down . Michigan avenue and ' Drexel - boulevard, - affording evi dence that the big game was to bs a grand event from the -social as well as the athletic point of view. .:. The confidence exhibited by Chicago men who arrived early on the ground wbb factor that made Michigan bet tors wary about laying money at the ruling odda The Chicago men seemed generally' quite certain that their team would at" least' score,'" snd tnere"were plenty of men willing to -ehow -their hope of victory by taking the short end of the betting proposition. Thla ln face of the record of the two teams for the season hsd a tendency to make Michigan supporters a shade less cer tain In their prediction. .There waa some talk of bets of S to 1 on Michigan, but 1 to 1 seemed mora- like the pre vailing odds. '. ..' - :, Cycle Bacliir at Coaey.. , ' " (Joernal Special Serrlee.) ' .. ""' New' York. . Nov. SO. Today's cycle ran meet on the Conev Island evele yatn'Twrnraegnirw-'Wiy-ornniesT Important racing events or thai char acter of the season in the east. . Many prominent amateurs from thla and other state are entered .for the various races and It Is quite possible that some ama teur records will be broken. The race meeting is held under the 'auspices of the 'New York state division of the Century Road Club of America. There are 6 prisea zor the nrst ot men Who finish In the races. . A silver loving-cup will be awarded to the club having the largest numbec, of "entries-and another sliver loving-cup to the club scoring the greatest number of points. . George Douglas of Spokane. . CrossrOountry Boa. . ; . (Jon real Special Service.) ' New York, Nov. 30. The national cross-country championship for runners will-be decided by a Ove-mlle run on Travera Island today, All prominent athletlo clubs of Greater New York and of the stata and also the hfg colleges and clubs In Philadelphia.- Boston and Men t real will be represented by thelf best. runners and there will be some, fine sport.. , ;, . . ,.- ; Asoot rark Meetiar- , (Journal Special Service.) ''' Los Anseles, Nov. 0. The fall meet ing of the Los Angeles Jockey duty. opened auapicloutily today at Ascot Park. The 1300,000 offered in a taken and purses has attracted a large and hlgh-clasa entry list and the out look Is fright for a most successful meeting.. J Nothing gives that de licious feeling of -absolute cleanliness to the mouth like ' - o; Liquid, Powdt'ry or "Putt , I'- : v UVELV DOUTS AT ; LOCAL ClUD Annual Prelude to Thanksgiving Football Match Attracts a Packed House at Club. ' .. RENNICK'S PUPILS SHOW UP IN GOOD FORM Edgar Frank. Defeats Hammond, Douglas Wins From Dranga and ,., Welsh '; , Beats Bonier, Large ; Crowd njoys Exhibition.. ' A parked gymnasium at the Mult nomah club last evening thoroughly en Joyed the boxing and wrestling exhibi tion tjetween the sturdy athletea of tho Spokane and Multnomah clubs. iThe enthusiasm was at Its height last night. Among the visitors at the club were the Oregon football players and the mem bers of the Oregon Olee club. In the tonteata the local club men more than held their own against the visitors. - Tha hardest event of the evening was between Edgar Frank and Al Hammond. Tor three rounds these two clever fel lows went at each other In lively fash ion and the referee had to call for an extra round In order to give a decision. In this round Frank ahowed his superi ority, putting it over the Spokane boxer nicely, and waa awarded the decision.' Young Welsh rracked Bottler in the short ribs In the third round and ttie latter went out. Before that Bottler had it on Welsh In good style, but the punch that put Bottler out of commis sion could be heard nil over the house and the crowd knew it was all off with the recipient. , . -. In- the third bout Douglas of Bpokane won the decision from Dranga of Mult nomah by better fighting. Douglas is a clean boxer and hit a much harder Mow than hla opponent, though Dranga put up a game bout. . In the wrestling contests the honors were-divided between Multnomah and the Y. M. C A. Wagner of M. A. -A. C. defeated Livingston in a half a minute, and Wlllgard of Y. M. C. A. won two out of three falls from Montagus. The entertainment - was greatly - en Joyed and- tha partlcipanta came in for merited applause. . . - . . . WASHINGTON TEAM MAY' GET SURPRISE TODAY ' (Special Dispatch to The Jearsal.) V . Seattle. Wash., Nov. 10. The report which r. Roller 'brought back of the game between the elevens of tha Ore gon Agricultural college snd the Wil lamette university caused consternation In the training quarters ' of the Uni' verstty , of Washington, eleven. While Coach Cut re kept hla men In active training eJ l iaat-wwlr there wftS Tiof the dash to It that had characterised the 'varsity's work of tha two previous weeks. - It .was. evident that the play era thought they-had the Thanksgiving day contest with the Oregon Agricul tural collage cinched and there waa no uae to do anything more than keep in condition. It was - necessary on sev eral occasions for tha coach to group the players together on the field and give them a heart to heart .talk on the necessity of putttngsnap In 'the play in order to prevent a slump. - After InntjTlfhJnjirirliniit the Wash IffgtoTf Team were rather confident of victory.' Frank Lonergan of Portland will referee tha game. . The lineup will be: .- ..'.'-, -,..,-;.( .- . Washington. ' - - O. A. C. Blinker ...... .R. E. L. ........ . Emily McDonald , ...R. T. L. . Walker Jarvis .R.O. L Dunlap CrlnV' ,.ft..,.,...C. .,, Cherry Rosa ...';.. .... L. O. R.. ....... Bundy Pullen .........L. T. R Dolan Grimm .L. E. R. . Cooper Cole ........ ,....Q...... Rlnehart Bagshaw, :- .t .: ; Christy .:....R. H. L......... Griffith Wlnsor, Tllley. .L. H. R. ... t ..... . Root Palmer, Bha w ..... F ........ Abraham OREGON BOWLERS BEAT THE WOODARD-CLARKES The Oregon bowling team got three Straight ' games from, the Woodard Clarkea on the Portland - alleys : last evening. Tha Woodard-Clarkes only had four men, so it waa easy sailing for the Oregon.' Captain Kruse of tha Woodard-Clarkes had the high average, 1S 1-1; heialso had tha highest single score, making 204' la his first game. The scores were: ; - - - Oregons ' " (!) liS S) Bwlnney . . ............ ,185 11 lit Ingle . . ................147 1Z7 168 Hamilton ..127 151 110 Mosher . . , .......KC 187 120 Keating . . .17 17S 173 ' .Totals . , ' ........, .,T7 7S8 704 i- i Woodard-Clarkes (1 1) (J) MncGregor .............. 133 .132 180 Lunney '. j ,.1S4 15S 133 Orlmm .. . .......101 147 ' 114 White ..Ill , Kruse , . ..204 S00 191 ; Totals , . :...'i.i..,..71 14 (It Friday -evening the Oold Leafs bowl tha Oold Bonds on the Portland alleys, and the Llpmans the Roberts Bros, on tha Oregon alleys. . '.'', HAMILTON CORBEtT WILL' LEAD PORTLAND ACADEMY Hamilton Corbett,' crack left 'end on the champion Portland academy foot fall eleven. ' waa unanimously chosen last night to captain the P. A. team next season. Young Corbett is a brother of Harry CorbetUiwho played back for several years on the Multnomah club team. Snd Is a moet promising football player. His best work waa done .this year at left end, where he wna exceed ingly active In getting' down-the field under kicks, a hard and sure tackier, a careful man in recovering fumbles, be sides being rapid .In advancing the ball. After the election his teammatea gave him a hearty cheer an?l wished him success during .his incembency. , WHITMAN AND PULLMAN ' .TO. PLAY IN. SNOW (Special niapetrti to The Juaiaal.) - Walla Walla. Wash.. Nov., 30. En thusiasm Is running wild among tha M A Creeplnc Death. Blood poison creeps up toward tha heart, causing daeth. J. - E. Stearns, Belle Plalne, Minn., writes thst a friend .idreadfully injured --hla hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Bucklen'e Arnica . Salve drew out the poison, heeled tha - wound and "saved bis life.- - Best. In the world for bums snd sores. I fin st Skldmors's drug store, 161 Third street . , :. : -. -- ' --. V - -r- -. ; ytrzlzz ilut tha usa cf Vitdi Haiti. TTTj ECENT investigation has disclosed an alarming condition of I Jf affairs existing, in this widely known family remedy. . t Qm It has been proven conclusively that unscrupulous, manufac . turers havebecn selling Witch Hazel not only below the recog nized standard of strength, but which is adulterated with WOOD ALCOHOL (poison), FORMALDEHYDE (poison) or both. ! ; These conditions prevail throughout the United States and aro , especially alarming on the Pacific Coast. Of thirty-three samples of Witch Hazel bought of retail druggists and department stores in -San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Spokane and Seattle, . twenty-seven were adulterated with WOOD ALCOHOL,- (poison), FORMALDEHYDE (poison) or both. , s ,, , ; . The sure way to avoid the danger incurred in using these poison- .' ous witch hazels is to use the only standard extract of Hamamelis ''', (witch hazel), sold only; in original packages as bottled by the man- ofaciurer. .r'. ivv--,IT. IS ''"':: ' ';.'.:.' - - : 4 -; fy Bond's extract':;: ; ' V ; ::.v V-: ') ; It costs morv fcijt it Is worth the difference. ?. i ' asc a copy TOWARD THE BLUE; MOUNTAIN ', i: VSi ', A WINTER. WALK ' By EDWINA STANTON DADCOCK -...-.v.- '.'-.. :-;:; 'v, . . ' iV , tjt thm, Chrlatmaa jiumbir of THE OUTING v '. V . It is worth while ; it y. 'ycltongsewlooa N. B. This number color plates,,;;, For sals by t male cauiuer. DaralvaJa. tnmara. He- has- sunvotlon when tha victim ta not and will atop hemorrhages In an . . . SvsMr , jii. i anaaBflai. own- nneaicinea from Chinese roots, neros, duos, teas, all of which ere entirely harmless, and whose medicinal prooertlee are unknown to American doctors. He uses In his practice over 0 dtf ferent Oriental remedies.. Hundreds of testimonials from a-rateful pa tlenta, . . . .. - ,.' A - - ' ' Dfe. WI1NQ - UEEi::':::C::.'' ii somTK yotravrx aTBan. : . ' PORTLAND WIRE Phone Main aooo ; V afiflnvY " ----- w SPECIALIZING - athmodbir"n dental establishment. Dr. W. A. Wise has maoe a special study of extrnotlns teeth without pain. rr. T. P. Wlaa-ls an expert on sold fllllnsr, crowns . end brldffwork. pvery other dentjst i in the offlce Is especially proficient In soma one branch. Dr. Sturdevsnt makes a specialty ef children's teeth anu resulatlns. - WISE BROS., DentlsU Falllns bll, -Third and Washlna-ton. I a. tru to p. m.: Sundays. S-12. Main 20:t. - Work done on weekly and month ly payments., , ... ,. ; ... - DB. w. a. wisa .MAni Kiulir In antlrlnsrion of the in Lual Thanksslvlna; same with Pullman. Even a recent ran or six incnes oi snow has not chilled .their ardor In tha least. Il'kll. Manna.-, Ifl tiliaV With tMmS scraping the; snow from "the srldlron crowds or siuacnis are raeeiina iwim u k n , 1 r nA MnM ' mnA vail la a. uaj v . . . v.v - . aa well aa new ones which have been composed especially ror tne occasion. Harold Ellis was unanimously -.aciea t?til 1 man has iMt dAWfl a larre croafd of rooters to support their team and - tha Whitman ' students are determined to ' cast them far i In the Openiaar at Tnrf War. ..'",' v J- I Joernal Spaelal S.rrvtea.1 -.-, V. n.lnnn. TCnV flTha .' SfHvi m Kui .... tH Amarlran' Tn rf association and the - Weslp rn Jockey ciud Dearan nerv m,ukj, whwh wm vi,ir lsatlons opened race meetings at their i,..ta In Knmniitlllnn In aach other. - Both organisations opened with a rair numuer oi rmrwa sua ivm n. of, prises. 1 The Western Jockey club track drew most of Its racing materia) from the east, while the majority of tha western owners sent their -. horaea to race on tha-Clty park .track, v ' Jl'J. tast Oame a alem..-1-'-- -- - (Special Plapatche'The Jmirnat.l T. -''"" Salem. Or. Nov. ao.Willamette win play tha last game of this season thin sf ternoon.- with -the -sturdy - Indiemaof Chemawa on 'the Willamette field. Che- mawa has a strong team thla year snd held the heavy Bhermnn Indians down to one touchdown, and played the strong team from Fort Htevens a scoreless gume. . ' . - ' ' INCREASED VALUATION i FOR JACKSON COUNTY 1 hi- V - l... - (Special Dispatch to The J noma I.) ' . . . Salem, Or, Nov. . The summary of the assessment roll Of Jackson county, which was filed with the see. retary of state yesterday, ' Shows thst the gross vnhie of sll property Is 111, 71,710.74, which-ahowa an Incresse over last-year. -, ' - The summsry also shows that there arr mi.185 teres of tillable land la tha county and 93f,02 that are nontlllabla There are 70 miles Of railroad and 114 miles of telegraph and -telephone lines. It shows sl-o that cattle are raised In greater numbers . than Sheep snd goats READ v.-;' :' ; .--.asc.a copy ;.; MAGAZINE: will put fresh air in :; .' - - irr.' - our - veir. contains'six full iix full-page; all Newsdealers DR. 1711 LEE The Great Chinese Doctor LOCATED IN 5 . S SINCB PORTLAND 188 O '..'rr.' Ha Is called treat because ha cures all ' dlsesasea without resortlne to the knife. ' Call and have a free examination. He will tell jou the exact nature of your trouble. He treats succees fully every form of fe comDlalnt. an private ana oiooa.ais rheumatism sno all fl)eroer had rreat aucceaa ltu curlPf eon- too r.nch run down by the dleeaaa, bu.mll.! ahnrt time. . He brawl his rosnvurs, omaaeir. i .... UANONirOFHCETMIElNfr 1 '. WISE AND IRON FENCIM ; a A- rt Un - J t aaaaa. BratuiU. DVPOU T VW ff 01 auu wawa weayvwiB v , Poultry Netting. Etc ;r .;. . . & IRON. WORKS 363 FLANDERS ST., Near Thlfd NO PAIN d. t. r. wrsa :', .W aave teeth if only a good root, re V mains at prices most reasonable. ' We restore old decayed teeth to uj fulness snd beauty at low prices, x J . We replace lost or sbsent teeth Vlth out plates at very low prices.;. . . ' '.f Wa extrsct teeth . without 'pain : and':-: free of charge. . . .-, .. ., , ; ', ,. . v . Wa treat and tighten loose teeth and soft or bleeding. gums are mads sound and healthy at small cost. Wa guarantee our plates' to fit' " We give youTtra-beal dental work for the Joweat cost consistent with first-: " class work.. Coma and have free exam -inatlon and consultation and learn for yourself what tt can do for you. Boston Painless Dentists tfllH Korrisoa SnX, Opp. Kale a Vtaak - --f ; - -, aaa vostoffloa, . Hogrs-r-S:l0 .lro- to p. mu-r Sunday" " iS0 s. m. to 1J:0 p. m. ' or swine. There are 12.154 head nf cat. tie, 1,204 head of sheep and goats,' 1,494 head of awlne and 1,611 head of, horses and. mules. , Schilling's Best me an i ' 'urn '.. -t hahtaf-i of good -enough quality at 'fail prices. C V t I -