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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, J NOVEMBER 30. 18C5. V Town TOPICS TOVIOKT't AKIWIfXHTf. Grind.. Hrlim lkr . Cm pin l-jrtc... ' . Stir .., Llbrrlr "UkiMl airucoff .Mwlcal Brtuqu "CaaMlle ."Brether Agaleet pr-lhr .'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V V. 1 1 vauee.iUe : 7 : Ilia friends may now understand that the elevator In th new Klka'. bulldln la running with commendable regularity and .pat rone will find- n difficulty In ' reaching tli new and magnificent .atudlo perfected and completed by K. w. Moore, one of the moat aklllful photographers In tha country. Thla sal lery had tha governor for ita Brat pa. tron, and hja portrait, a superb work or art, waa completed yesterday. Kvery thing connected with tha atudlo, la tha beat that aklll. art and money can pro I at night .the Michigan' society of , Oregon and Ita frlenda met In Con cord la hall. Sixth and Aider streets. After in Introductory number by tha or Vhestra Miss Bdlth Nordstrom aang Im. Densa'a "A May Morning." Mlaa Ully recited "Higher Culture In DUIa" pU ingly. The feature of tha. evening waa the dancing and Ringing of the little Nordatrom brothers. After tha- pro gram the orcheatra took charge and dancing waa indulged In. , , n Tha Portland branoh-of tha Chrlatlan and . Missionary alllanr will holds Ita annual convention In the Flrat Christian church. Park and Columbia atreeta, De ' cember. t-. Pr. Henry Wlleon of New York will be tha principal apeaker. .He la regarded aa one of tha moat -lnflu ntlal preachera of tha metropolis Rev, Mr. I. Wlckwaae, another of tha apeak era, baa - spent aeveral years In tha "Jungles of Africa, where ha labored at a mlaalonary. .A successful meeting la .expected.. - ,' -Mlaa f Harriet TUeater. the children'a librarian at the Portland public library, yesterday spent tha entire morning at the South Mount Tabor school, talking to the children tn each room on Thanka. " slvlns Day: Ita Origin and Meaning. The children were deeplykjntereeted and llatened with undivided attention. The ; library opena Sunday houra today, being open for reading only, from 3 tin a p. m. . After Thanksgiving It's alwaye hard to think of what we ahall have to eat. Turkey we tire of, and uaually U'a back to the aame old bill of fare. If the ' readera of The Journal would note our market and grocery page Friday they could very easily order that which would be moat, taataful to .them. Colonel William Crooka of tha Harrl man railroad 11 nee In Oregon haa re . turned from hla annual vacation,, which waa apent vlaltlng hla 'fajnlly- at fit. Paul. He arrived today over the O. R. V N. and tomorrow will reaume duty at hla desk In tha office of General Man' ager O'Brien. . . .... . . - Never, before haa tha publlo had tha opportnnlty to get good good a at -their own price, as joewensteln la aureiy aelllng out without limit or reserve. Sale dally. z:10 and 7:59 p. m. Seata for - ladle. - Diamonds, watches, sllverwsre, "cut glass, Jewiry, etc., for yourself. Tha Portland Ad. Men' league will , hold a business meeting In th ' tower room of the Commercial "club Monday evening 'at ' I o'clock. December 4. A - proposal haa been made to change tha meeting night and thla question wlllbe considered a tha coming session.1- Presiding ; Judg ' Fraser yeaterday . ... ut T a Itarniiam T ' at lH'rtt,aa from Nettle Marquam. and the cuaTK'y'f of their j-yar-old son.' The couple were married In lilt, and tha plaintiff ' alleged that bla win deserted Mm two (. . yeare ago. Bulbs at'costto ibloaa out ' Our aa- aortment la not complete few kinds are missing but to clole them out those ws have left will be Bold at cost. Now Is the time to plant them. Butsere Seed Store. Ill Front street Plans have been made for United Statea District Judge Wolvertoo to take his oath. of office next Tuesday morn ing. The oath will be administered by -' Inlted Statea Circuit Judge w. B. Gil , bert. ,'y..J V- . . y . Bankrupt Sale. Clothing, genta' fur nlahing goods, hits, capa. trunks, ra . . . " Uses, boots and shoes, etc, at greatly . reduced price. To be aold In 10 days. 10 North Sixth street, cyner Everett. Penney Brothera Friday Special Four bla barraine in wine: neo ran. Muscat. Sherry, Sauterne. 11.10 grade at It per Million. Phone East 117. Free delivery, 8TI-II1 Morrison. V;; . . ,;' Watches and diamonds $1 down and loo per week. Good a delivered on flrat ; payment. Xmaa la coming. . Metsgar. , v Co., Jewelers, opticians. Ill sixth. " '.""India. Past and Present." will be the subject of an illustrated lecture by A. K. Mosumdar of Calcutta. Unitarian chapel. . Friday. December 1, p. m. . Varno Stain-Lao for chairs, sideboards and -reflnlahing any kind of work. Fir i le price 0o quart. 101 Front street. V'tVe ' '- ...' w'A small Inatltutlon, small expense, . small profits. That's why we sell so , . r , cheaply. Rubensteln. optician. Ill 4th. ' "'' Jonea loose leaf ledger and Eureka aheets; flrat prise at expoaltlon. Howe, Davie A Kllham, lit Second atreet. ' Why pay 1110 to 110 for ay glaaaea ' '. when' we guarantee a perfect fit for lit Metsger Ccs 111 Sixth street- ' .Merchants-' 4uiKh lie. Sunday chicken dinner 15 Palm reataurant. It Sixth. ' '' ' Portland's beat dancing ' school, 101 r Alder, Prof. Rlngly, Mlss.Buckenmsysr. -z-t , Damaged by llret Not much I Granite -floor paint now 11 gallon, 101 Front. St. The Marquam Program reaches th ' ; better alement of ad readers. , Damaged paint below eost, :tl Front , Fine ehloken dinner lOo, IIS Third. - ' " : Necessity, dlshpan. Sn. UT - , Frlta's tamales re tha best ; , : 0GLESBY YOUNG WILL ; , ;TAKE CAMERON'S'PLACE ' . Mayor Lane today announced th ap ' polntment of Oglesby Toung to act a 1 ; municipal Judga during th sbeenee of . - Judge Csmemn from th city, who left j 'laat ntght for an extended trip through . ; .. OHfornl and th . east, : Mr. Toung ''I win aaauma entlr charge of th olho during the time Juris Cameron Is out of th ity, lis Is wsll qualified to fill i I ha position, tiMng a competent lawyer. if will ett on the benrh In In municipal ."! court tomorrow mnrnlng. (rv4merican Restaurant , COB, T0 AITO COI70 STS. Open Say and Wight Roast Turkey. : L Stuffed y Cranberry Sauce and Celery . 35 Cents Coffee. Bread, Batter and Potatoes With ail Ordsrm spsoxA& snmro-BOOK rom tAoni ii - ". . ... i 171 1 EE L17 R I G I IT r 1 0 T Sayt H Cannot Imagine Want- ing to Be a Congresa- ' man. CONSIDERS BLOTTING ' . - PAD CAMPAIGN A JOKE It Deeply Interested .in River Ap propriation ( Work and Sy Para mount Issue la Completion of jett to, Insure Deep ChanneL , I am not a candidate for congress,'' said W. D. Wheelwright, who returned last night ' from a month'a -Vlalt in Europe. "I cannot imagine any clrcum. atances Under which I would be a candi date." ..' . - - 'Mr. Wheelwright waa anawering ' a query relative to thi blotting pad cam paign Inaugurated for him aa a con greaatonal candidate and for T. B. .Wil cox for United Statea aenMor. I waa shown one of the blotting pada lasued while I was abroad, and merely looked upon -It as a pleasantry on the part of the author." , ; Mr. Wheelwright traveled for . a month In Kurope, spending the time In Parla, Florence, . Rom and ' on th Riviera. ; , . I do not intend to go to Europe again rwhen my time la limited ao that I can not remain loncer than on thla Journey. said Mr. Wheelwright. "However. I had a delightful experience." Mr. Wheelwright la president of th chamber of commerce and naturally was deeply interested In the status of, the Columbia' river "Improvement faropaign mat la now unaer neaaway ana in wnicn some encouraging reports have . come from Washington Indicating that Preal dent Rooaevelt has been Induoed to favor the appropriation of .money. 'Apparently." aald Mr. Wheelwright. "the work-of Mr. Wlleoz and Judge Carey, repreaentlng the chamber of com merce and the board or trade, haa been effectlv.- - Th dlspatcfeeaVfrom Waah' Ington state that tha proaldent has sug geated that the commercial bodlea pre pare memorlala to congress aettlng forth the altuatlon. On behalf of the chamber "f CUIiiiiibius sui l a statement haa Uw' forwarded, and the facta bearing on the river Improvement are now in poasea- slon of those who have Influence In th premises. It is evident that with the Influence of Preeldent Roosevelt and General Mackensls and th potency of the argu ment that If no appropriation be made the jetty will be almost completely de stroyed, the river appropriation will be supported by enough members of con gress and the senste to Insure success of the movement. I believe that the paramount Issue la th completion of th Jetty and -the deepening of th water on the Columbia bar to 40 feet.." we should leave no pos sible effort unexpended to accomplish such an end." . I GET-TOGETHER CLUB WILL-DINE TOMORROW The - municipal Get-Together club. composed of the members of the city council, th city executive board, the municipal board a and commissions and head a of municipal departments, will meet for th first dinner tomorrow even ing at 1:10 o'clock In the rooms of th Chamber of commerce. Councilman An. nand haa mad all ar rangementa for tb gathering. A regular dinner will be aerved and the city officiate , will dlacuas topics which will be of vital Interest to the city. - All th officials a re enthualastlo over th vent If it proves a aucceas similar meeting of . th club will be hld vry month. ,;, ' Allen ft Lewis' Best Brand. -' , - on la tha cornerstone of the bualneas world. It la many a bualneas tnsn's chief capital. All utilise its bene fits. Why should not you, sines it la rreeiy orrereor 'We'll sell you a standard move fnerit aa good a watch- as Is made on the easy Davment Dlan. Call In and telle trover with our watch man. Irani hesitate to accept credit, for w ar anxious to accommodate. , GEVURTZfiSONS 173-5 First Street CAND DATE lull BSBBBBasBBnBBBaB'i1"" ' oiiE iiou;id British Ship Eskasonl la a Trag- edy Stage for Six Long Months. . ! ' f CAPTAIN LOSES LIFE" ' ' BY FALLING TO DECK Drunken Steward Tries to Cut" Throat, 1 Cyclones and Hurricanea Threaten " to Destroy Vessel and Commander : Feara Mutiny of Superstitious Crew III fortune followed th British ahlp Eskaaonl from tha day alia sailed from Antwerp until she moored. In Portland harbor yeaterdsy afternoon. , Old sailors. grissled by scores of battles with raging storms, say It waa because she left the Belgian city on Sunday, having sailed exactly at noon on May 11. With her flag flying at half maatln honor of her former maater, , Captain Thomas Townsend. who wss killed off Capa Horn, a portion "of her rigging and an anchor gone, officers and crew complete ly worn out by their six months' battle with tha elements, the agonies of th pssssge ended yesterday when th moor ing lines were put Bah ore. Tha ahlD had acarcely left Antwerp harbor when the steward. In a. drunken frensy, attempted to commit sulcld by cutting his throat, and th vessel was compelled to stop and secure a new pantryman. Juat aa the tug cast her hswser adrift and tha iCakasonl sat sail for her long pasaage 'around th cor ner. a head wind blew from out th English channel and the ahlp had to beat her way clear down to tha north eaat tradea. which were unuaually. light When th southeast trades were reached the gales began. .. Oyeloaea aad aTmnioaa. t Just ss soon ss the waters of th Cap Horn seas wer entered the ahlp began a (1-day saris of cyclones, hur ricanea and snowstorms On th only fair day during tha awful weather Cap tain Townsend wss killed. ' Ha had gone aloft at noon to look for a sail, and was coming down when ho slipped while getting over, th fore top; th ac cident occurred at noon, August i7, and the captain died In his csbln an hour later; his wife snd l-yesr-old daughter Norma wer by his aid at th laat. Tha body waa wrapped In a sailcloth shroud, then Incased in a cement casket and lashed under the i forecastle head, where It remained until Portland was reached, In the aeries of galea that followed the captain's death sails and parts of th rigging were carried away, and for two weeks after th fatal accident Cap tain MoBurnle, who had been flrat mat, says he never 'slept a wink. At ons tlm- tha- vessel-drifted near the rocky shore, and McBumle had to put.her aroandanrsaIT du south Into th Ice regions In order to get a fair slant of wind. - v - ' V Taea Cam Tog. After the gales subsided light winds followed ' until off' th Oregon coast. when the fog became so thick that the helmsman could scarcely see th mis senmsst. By a tug's refusal to pick her up 'when sh appeared off the bar and within - plain eight, th Eakaaonl waa forced to beat around ' off - th mouth of the Columbia-river for a J days. - - '-. -(.! r When she finally did crose In, and It mi I a i i i an lit s'i H'l talrls narlad after t fathoms had been let out, and the vessel swung around and . for 10 houra waa atuck on th muddy bottom. On of th hardest struggles Captain McBumle had wss to keep tha body of hla friend on board th ahlp. Th men muttered, weaving that It caused bad luck and that If not given to th ae lte ship would never reach port. The new captain "guarded th casket more carefully than he did his own Ufa. and In spite of superstitious fears of a score of sailors th body waa brought to Portland. . - . Th ship brings' general cargo 'to Taylor, Young ft Co.. and has not been chartered for outward cargo. - ELKS PLAN SERVICES IN COMMEMORATION OF DEAD Bervlcea In commemoration of tha membera of the' order of Klka who have died within the year will be held In the Marquam theatre Sunday afternoon, The committee In charge of th pro gram ia composed of A. H. Ellera, chair man; K. W. Moor, Charles II. Carey. E. E. Peterson and Charles A. Boyce. " Alt Elks-Mr requeated to be at tha lodge rooms at 1 o'clock. Xhe services at th Marquam will begin at 1:30 o'clock and the following program will b obeerved: '. "Dead Marth In Saul"' (Handel), Marquam . Grand - orrhestrs; opening ritualistic exercises, Portland lodge 143 B. P. O. ,.; roll call or "Our Absent Brothers.", secretary of lodgs; "Angels' Serenade'' (G. Brsga), Marquam Grand orchestra; opening ode. air "Auld Lang dyne"; prayer (from ritual), ohaplnln of lodge; mixed quartet, "Light of the World" (Stsrns). Mlaa Watt, Mrs. Walter Reed, L. M. Alexander, Dom J. Zan; addreaa. Rev. William S. Gilbert; "Consolation" (Mendelsaohn). Marquam Grand orchestra; reading, Thanatop sis" (Brysnt), Mlaa Bertha L. Kay; baritone aolo. "Th Plains -. of -.. Pesos" (Barnard), Brother Dom S. Zan. Port. land lodge 141; eulogy. Brother John C McCue. Aatorla lodge 110; mixed quar tet. "Stll, Still With Thee" (Foote), Mlas Agnes Watt. Mrs. Walter Reed. I M. Alexander, Dom. J. Zan; closing rltualletlc exercises by the lodge; dox- ology; benediction. Rev. William 8. Gil bert; "Sacred Grand March" (Grusn wald). Marquam Orand orchestrs; ac companist. Brother Ralph W. Hoyt, Portland lodge 142. . . MRS. COMPTON DIES - AFTER LONG ILLNESS Mrs. Nanoy E. Com p ton, wlf of. J. F. Compton, of th real estate firm of Compton Gibson, died at th family home, ft East (Alder street, at 4 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Compton had been 111 three months, suffering from Internal cancer. From th , hour sh wss stricken her condition haa been critical. While ah bore up with great fortitude and patience, th Inevitable wss appar ent to both herself and family. Three aon a and a huaband - eurvlve th mother and wife. On of th eons, W. B. Tompton. Is In bualneas at Bad lands, California; - A. M. Compton Is with Allen ft Lewis of this city, and John W. Compton Is a printer, also ero-1 TRIP OF. HORRORS Ployed in Portland. uneral arrange ments will be announced later. 1 Mrs-'compton came to rortisnd -1 $ yssrs ago with her husband and family and resided her el no. 8 he was a mem ber of" th Taylor ' Street Methodist church, and In Oh wise Clrcls of friends was popular. K jJ ' ' ;'-r '' -V"' -'. 18 oiioow wiria rowEB XAIXWAT C0MMXT. . hotel' EiSTACADA KATES t v iv xrrtcr raoic hotisihb a. Ms wiU SMkraat., 1 Km sa4 VwS st r -? Eewa 4 Hoard f mk 1 Snakiest, li. Luaosaea. sOe, , , XMaasr, eve. apMlel Tkk.t. laelasiag ' reasi-trlp . fan sad siaaer ....1.M apMlal Ttaaet, laelasla rewU-tris -(w Blast's U" taraa CARS LEAVE TICKXT Omn rBT AMD ALDX STS. Pally st TiN, s:sa, n s a. a.l l:M, ;, iM, T:lt s, Bb v.. ; " Psoas er Write L. O. MaeMahn, Manager XSTAOAOA. 0100. FamilyVcsIiing 1 at 6c Pound Is on . of th main featur of our bualneaa. -What's th us of a woman wearing her life away and Uttering up th house with v a lot of .slush, when we will do th work so cheaplyT No ehsrg for Ironing any linen no neces sary to be Ironed by hand. Speak ' with us i by telephone and learn , all about th plan. ' ; TELEPHONE MAIN 399 Union. Laundry BEOOaD AJtp OOI.tnUIA, NOTHING TO SAY? ASKS MRS. COE President of Equal Suffrage As sociation Discusses the Antis' . 'Tt Refusal to Debate. : - SHE IS DISAPPOINTED . ' y , BUT NOT SURPRISED Makes Brisk Reply to tha Statement That $he Women Opponent of Fe malt Suffrage Did Not Car to Seek Notoriety. ' i Mrs. SHenry Waldo Co. ' president of th Oregon Equsl Suffrage aaaoclatton. expresses regret that the association opposed to 'equal auffrag ha refused to engage In Joint debate. Mrs. Co ad dreased a Utter to Mrs; R. W. Wilbur, preeldent of th- antis. - inviting her to appoint speakers to meet others from the suffragists In a debate which would trim .ii r"'1'- fnr and against tha proposal to give women th privilege or voting In this stat.- Mrs, Wilbur replied that the women working agalnat auffrag war avers to th notoriety that would com to them wer they to enter th field as publlo spsak- era. and therefor aha and her asso ciates will not accept th Invitation of th suffraglata. Th offer or th latter was accompanied1 by th proposal that th proceeds be given to charity. "W ar disappointed that thsy have declined our challenge," said Mrs. Cos, today, "though we ar not surprised It seems t us that they have nothing to aay and no on who can say that. But there have been a great many articles written In favor of their contentions and w thought that if they couldn't enter into a regular debate they might' get somebody to read for them, "Th fact Is that they have nothing to say. One there were a good many arguments In -favor of their poaltlon, but th arguments ar quit antiquated. and I think they were, reluctant aboa presenting th fossils. "l am sure in situation would na more Interesting, and th publlo' eould find a great deal more to learn If th other aid would wake up. I fear they ar sleeping. Anywsy, a question with two aides Is always more Interesting than on' with only on side. ' t Milwaukfe Country Club. Eastern and Beat tie races. Take Sell- wood and Oregon City care at First and Alder. - y Where to Dine. . Merchants' lunch, . II cents: special chicken dinner Sunday. If cents. Craft's restaurant. 111-117 Fourth street TONIGHT at 8:15 Taylor St M. E. This entertainment Is given under the auspices of the KPWORTH LEAGUE and by th WESTERN ACADEMY f of Ml BlC.whlcn insures it being an enter tainment worth attending.'. There Is no better wsy of spending Thanksgiving evening. Admission 25c Miss Edith Kelly rraw)T ef CKiaisa, will receive plane pupil. t atsdio. IM lxtwawlale (flfteenta) at. LOKXTIZK METHOD. Pianoforte Voire FradvitMi. Pipe Crete, H.rnwar aa4 rv.nnnaDlon. StuSle ef raiDEBICK W. OOOO- BIt'H, aVi nelmonl Krnt. fhon. zr.a.1 Thahltigiving Entertainment B, K. aLLIW-SOOOW-ra le User st rirt CAegres.tlen.l rhnrrh. ffveel... snylla at , hi. .ladle, as nclk (JsktMatb at.. 8 a. SC to sons, p. st. a. si., and at th. IXnrthern Ceaaervatorr ef Mle. reesi (I iftbe eidl-i sees I .'., sally. r : .' A'.' -.:it . ssBBBsa DON'T WAIT! $1.00 i.Oevurtz&:S6ns 's,f. 173-175 First Street 219-227 Yamhill Street ' r nrTSBsTATSOSAZi ' , ... TUG OF WAR CONTEST HCBT RATIOSIS StVETDHS Merrill's Hall ; ; Seventh and Oak Streete ' :' , . .TEAMS ?. " Zrclaad. Vorway, rialaaa, wedsa, - snaay, eootlaad, Casada, Asasrloa, . PKCEMBER . CONTINU1NO EACH NIOHT TO AND INCLUDING! SATUR Contest for Champlonsblp and Cold Ued&Is . Admission aa. served Seata 80. Belasco i Theatre ' ' XLABOO KATXaV 0M. Utk sad Weak. eta. a.,U St. Mgr. , TOinOHT all wxrx. , TH1 QBBAT SUB8IAN DRAMA. MICHAEL STR0G0FF BIO SCENIC PBODCCTION. Pltrcmt Klskl: 3&e te TBe, Matar le. 8TABTINO WITH If ATIKIH Kill BCKOAT, tn tni -won Tneaxxv rrca.M Moaday Kvenlns, rcmlMr 4 Beaeflt for . Vfomea'S siaaange. Marquam Grand Theatre TKABaSUlTiSU aiBI University of Oregon . Glee and Mandolin Clubs . ' Oellege Vast. Fas, Btasts. Mess, tie. Me. sO. n. M, Beats sre sow sailing. u Rah! Rah! Rah 1 TONiapra TUB Niont AT TUB -., . MAkQl'AMI ' , Glee and MandoHn Club Concert and Entertainment The t.'. of O. and M. A. A. C. rWtf.ll Teams Will Aties. PRirica SSe. Mr. IOc. Tie, II.OA. or Empire Theatre Ib ssd Morrises, Pkeas Mils UT. . . biii.tos w. niAHtn. Manager. . . TUB POPfLAH THBATRl. Batrs ABsassetnMBt Toalfkt aad All Weak, , :.' Lanslnz Rowan Vertlasd'a ravorlte AetrMS, tn s flraad Bpectal . rroaucllna el l)uni..- rae( KsKitlen.1 Iria. CAMILLI." . WATISkl SAtlRDAT. Rasular r in Dir. Prleea will prevail Rren Ing: lie. 85c, He and BOe. All Matlseea: loe, loo, inc. . Kelt V. res, gtartinf BvM.r Matisee. "A JUIXT AMEKIfAS 1 RAMP." t . Baker Theatre Orates Tkestis Vs;; See. L SaAOT, Mgr. Yanblll and Tklrd St.. , Pkoae Mais 1SOT. THB BOMB OP MUSICAL Bl RUWQCB. Regular Mstlir R.tardar. Laat PertersMsce. se 1MV JOBIS.I. THB ORIOIXAL NtW 'i ' ' LONDON CAIETY QIRLS XeMtsg jpiiea. Me. BSe. foe. Tie. Matinees Inrrpt Wadnewlar). Iso, ISe. He, o. Wednesday SMtlsee, JSe ts say seet (apadaj). Kt ' Atlrartkm. "MIVIB'8 MIRBT BCBLMaTHs." Lyric Theatre s "TWB HOtllt Of IUC( FPaVB." WISX Iia: IABTlStt MOBSAT. MOVIMSIB fT. "BROTHER AGAINST rz : BROTHER" ' BtWIATTOWAL DRAMA IV mi ACTB. ADaUIIIOX lie. ' B.aerv.4 Bwt 80s. cm ONLY TWO DAYS MORE OF OUR STEEL RANGE SALE! TKRT WW Will "place one Eclipse Ranges and $1 a Week soon pay for it Down $1.00 a 8 ted ESaifs $SII9 131-133 QRAND AVENUE SPECIAL SALE ON 'ALL m and otocmi Prices Reduced on Kvery Suit, Overcoat and Ra!n coat for Men snd Boys. ' ' : MEN 8 ALX-WOOt. SUITS ' Beducd . to .MEN'S OVERCOATS Reduced to MEN'S RAIN COATS; , . y , Reduced to Great Sale Sample Underskirts A 88 .r Osa &aag Tkaat Bagular giliie a Faaey VWOMMMMSMTU. Skirts front ff to 88.M Saah. Saturday, Basement Toy DepL Opens A WWW TOT aABTBtBsTT. WatSBVa WS stATB TW2CTB OXTU YOBMU aa svAom, am am ssoirxaa a bcvos xjubozb stoox or . . , . . . .,-.' Toys, Dolls, Gamei, Wagons, Etc Almost f Anr On would aaeri-1 flee each of hla five a on bo a before EYE' SIGHT, yet many take tb enormous risk of losing it day after day by using aa inferior-' fitting glass off no glass at all, when a few1! momenta with a skilled optician would remove the danger. For the beet lens ' made and fitted by none- but IT graduate, oeo A. N. WRIGHT "The Iowa : Jeweler , 293 Morrison St STAR Be Oiaw Trie Clelr A Majmeed KmihwI, Bietars THBATBI wtix or HOT. B7T Vat Fr RutH A Bms Fi4 yarlsMai Mi Mm Brlsaa'as KatlaMS. 10a: ev'stZieSO.: THANkSCilVIXa roSTIXLOl'B, .4U to 10 4H P. M GRATtO AtBTM ins m HiM-t T H - i r. v - t ...... TWTATBt witxor B0V. ITTK . 1 1-... 1 "I - '. lHA.NR'ilVI' I I t ... ACT NOW! of these Great in your home, thereafter will Week I & Co. ..T6, f 8.75, $9.75, (12.T5 5.75, 97.65, 99.75, 913.75 fS.65, 910.65, 912.65 SATXBBT aad HLX Cut Prices $15, $18, $20 and $25 Suits and Overcoats to be sold for 910 $12.50 and 915; regular $4, $5 and $8 Pants :ut down to $2.50, $3.50 tnd $4.50; $3, $4 and $5 Shoea. to cloae, at $2.C0, P2.50 and 83.00; Ladies' ind Children s Shoes at One Half price of their value; Men's $3 and $1 Hats ape cial $1.75 and $2.50 ; deep cut on Men's Underwear and Overshirta ; also a big assort ment of Trunks and Suit "Cases. It Is to your interest to investigate this sale. John EeU; 01 At Two Stsrts-Ccc Hra ml Yarl.:.UaJ Cer.r.:rd and C;vfs Jtx Litcrty TI:c-tr2 p.t ,i(lll. -V" a ... of K.':-'( SpacinI '7