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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
t-r II THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER H. ISC?. SPO EC A U E ATE I LETES lIlTERESTGHOrJO liiriiiEi 10 HE SHOW HI DIG BIDE ' y BEfifllllGSHD EM'S FACE all o;;e sore - ....a.. i:; ItlLl i i i i i i 1 Multnomah Lads Will Have to Co , Soma in Order'to Down. v Washingtonians. V- LOCAL' COMMITTEE WILL . ENTERTAIN VISITORS Winged M Art Training Hard for the Encoun $r , and a ' Number , of Lively Matiiea Art Expected . Spokane Bringing Good- Men. The boxing and wrestling carnival at tht Multnomah club v on .Wednesday evening between the. athlete represent ing Dokane Athletic club and Muuno maM t attracting the keenest attention tmong the admirere of clean athletics in tbls city. The local committee nas completed arrangements for the con tents and a good time is assured the flailing athletes. The 8. A. A. C. boys to meet the ath letes" of the Multnomah Athletto club are lit fine shape for the contests ' of brain and brawn.. The two boxers and the one wrestler are working hard and the Spokane representatives have been receiving the best of Instruction. In the 130-pound class will be George ' 'Itouglnss, . formerly the lightweight champion of Spokane, and although he retired from the ranks at one time, riving up the title, he still. Is entitled to it. - ' : ' ougIass is really a clever boxer , and a good fighter.. (He has a dissy assort ment of blows that may put a novice in a trance watching, him work out Hi lias a good left. and. an exceptionally dangerous right. In clone lighting, where be can jab with his left and up percut with his right, he makes one 'think of Kid Parker. He Is aggressive and always at, his man. Multnomah will have . to put a good man against Douglass to win from Spokane, ' The other boxer from the 8. A.' A. C. is Al Hammond, one of the best 1! j.ound men . in the northwest, profes sional or amateur. . He looks many points of the finished Tighter, but car " rlea a" deadly punch In either, hand. Therein do ge.ttlng around the fact that Hammond can hit bard enough to k In a heavier duns. He has the knockout kick, but in addition to that la a clever boxer. Hammond's position is a 'little stiff. but he points properly all the time. He is aggressive, never tires and. can take a lot of punishment He has also held the lightweight championship of Spo kane, plough a featherweight. These two men. have been trained of late by Eddie Qulnn and Honey Mel lody. 'The latter has been working out each day with Both the boys and bat accomplished a lot for .their good. louglass is .the more experienced of two 8. A. A. C. boys and began blf ' career under the old Y. M. C A. vat Kpokane. Hamond learned what he .knows, and that-is considerable, from Kddlt Qulnn, who took him in hand and gave him. special instruction. .. Qulnn thought,, when Hammond first donned " the gloves, "there is a, comer," and the - prophecy has proven" true. - The other representative of the 8. A. A. C. will be Louis Millgard. the well ; known wrestler. Millgard, excepting , Cisco Bullivant, Is the best-known wrestler Spokane, has. produced. He began his career In the old T. M. C. A. and -as one of the stars on the mat for seversl , years. He was the ,v welter-: weight champion Of the , 'city, . though ' legitimately a lightweight. On tin.' it tirement of Cisco Bullivant ie assumed the lightweight championship. 1 Millgard Is not a man of exceptional , strength. ' On the contrary, be has gen erally been compelled to meet men of 'greater physical , capabilities than he himself possessed. , Millgard wins his matches through - knowledge off the game and by the use of a head that seldom makes a mistake. . , -7, ,- Ike Boxing- rrogram. ' O. Dranga, M. A. 'A. C, vs. Oeorge Douglass. 8. A. A. C, 128 pound a ' K-' Frank,. M, A. A. C va. Al Htm- tnond, s. A. A. C, 114 pound a Hood Bottler, M. A. A. C vs. Walsh, M. A. a. C, catch welghta' Wrestling Kirk Montague, M. A.' A C, vs. Millgard, T. M. CA.i 143 lbs. , Bur Wsggener, M. A. A. C, vs. Harry Livingston, 7.- M. C. A.," 140 pounds, , Jack Grant will referee boxing. Bud Smith' will .referee wrestling. A Beautiful Gift. ' .What Is more pleasing to the eye, and an omapent for a home than a beautiful picture to glvt to your friends for Xmit? We have the largest dfs flTay of fine framed and unframed pic tures in Portland ; to 'select from;-also an immense line ' of moldings' from which you rasy selectli frame for your pointings, pictures, etc Sanborn,'. Vail ' Co 179 First street. "V- 1 71 Christmas; in Mexico. Spatial rmUmaa Xxourstoa Trala rim . . gomthera Vaoiflt Jtallvtad. : ;' On December It' a special excursion train will leavt Ban Francisco via the Southern Paclflo for the City of Mexico lxw . rates have been made for points on the Southern Paclflo in Oregon. Par ' tleulart by asking any Southern Paclflo agent, or writing A. t Craig, general passenger agent,. Portland. Oregon. . - . rrzzzzzzz:rrzzzzxzinzxKzrzzzzrrszxx:r2i 7 OF LATEST VOGUE DUNLAP New York 1 1 i ' . ' i' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ROBINSON CO. 2S9 WASHINGTON ST.' Washington Track Was Whit on tha Opening Days but Sun shine Has Prevailed Sine. VIRGINIA CROWD HAS PUT V OVER FEW GOOD THINGS Pact King Hat Run His' Last Race of Hia Career Situation , at New Orleans HaaVNot Changed and the Fight Will Bt Carried On. . (Josraal Spetttl Berries. New "York, Nov. 2. Although the racing at Bennings Ipgan In snow, the weather since has been Ideal ana tne racing has been fine... It e doubtful If there ever has .been a better lot of horses at the Washington track. The Virginia croad ha"' succeeded In putting several' good things bver, and this has put the local crow in rare good humor. The bookmakers have been on hand- In unusual force and appear to- be doing business despite the occasional killings.. , , - , , - The raising of the price of admission to the. track has caused some grumbling. but no appreciable falling off In tht at tendance. Steeplechaslng has formed an important and Interesting portion of the program at Bennlnga This Is nat ural when it la considered that the track Is close to one of the finest fex hunting countries In the United ' Btates, when the development of 'the cross-country horse Is held In as -high esteem a it la In. England. ' , - - There have already been some records smashed. Flip-Flap beat Race King's record for the seven furlongs, going the distance in 1:27 flat with 114 pounds up. , Race King later concluded to make another record, ao he pulled down cot tage Maids mark for one mile and 49 yards. Race King is the only horse that raced agalnat James R. Keene's phenomenal 1-year-old 8ysonfey this year and held his own with him, running .a .dead heat In the Metropolitan -handicap , at -, Bel mont -park. He has probably run his last race of the year, as he spread hi hoof during tht running of the-flftli race on Saturday. . It is not thought the injury Is serious, but it' will prob ably throw him out of training for the year.' It was the. flrut race llace King has won since he ran the dead heat W . ... W,,., . , ,t , . . . Jf ..... ' gltmatlos la Sfaw Orlaaaa. ' : 'The situation in New Orleans Is rather mixed. . The best opinion Is there will bt no combination of Interests there. and the battle royal which began last year will bt Continued. ' - . '-".: Tht fight haa resolved. Into a persotal one, with Ed Corrigan on tne side fend John' Condon on the other 'at 'tht fac tor J With either of these men out of It, the settlement of 'the trouble would bt a matter of a. few days only. But tht . feeling, between Corrigan, and Con don Is so bitter that It seems a prao tlcal impossibility to bring them to gether.. '-" :' I am Informed that tht feeling Is strong among some of the most, influ ential men In the Crescent City that if the two factlona do not get' together to prohibit racing altogether. la fact, the enemies; of racing already art framing up .a measure for presentation to the next legislature,, and wise ones say if tht. fight continues this year tht bill Is more then ant to become law. - This may 'induct Condon and Corrl gin tn hiiry tht httVrrtt, fr-it It lit sn-iiht ful, W.lliam P. Rlggs, secretary of the PlmUca race course, is '"tnthuslastle about the chances of the, new, -racing course at Montreal, and aald that . the local people were of the same frame of mind. In fact, ha said It looked at if the oooklng on the track would be done away with. Most of the local' folk are of tht opinion that tht Paris mutuals would bt tht' -beet system, and' with thst end in view there will probably be a movement in parliament-to legalise the asm . Mr. Rlggs sayt that tht best people in the dominion 'art interested in tht ntw course, snd that it will bt a success from tht ttart. Hamburg bat taken tht letd of win nlng sires, and Meddler it pushing Mel ton hard for second place. Hamburg's get, with five figuret to their credit, are Burgomaster. Artful, Hamburg Belle, Pegasus, Dandelion and Battle Axt. .,'.., "r Meddler hat Perverse, Hylas, Tanya, Colonial Oirl and Bedouin working foi bis record.' -' Old man Odora has left for hit home In -Georgia, where he will; put In tht winter. He has hoped to participate In a killing here with a horse belong ing to his son43eorge. It wss framed up to out the youngster loose In one of tht flve-furlong races here, but he went wrong and trill not bt . In condition to race until after tha flve-furlong events hsve all been decided) . t Kdward H. Bradley has decided to race at New Orleans this winter. H will accordingly 'ship Bed News, VI O. and the other members of hit string racing here to the Crescent City Jockey club's track as toon at tht Bennlnga meeting la over. ' - William Harler will go ' along at trainer and Mclntyre win bt tht stable rider. Mr. Bradley himself will divide his time between New Orleans and Palm Beach. f ... y ;; Rapid Water will bt tt New Orleans again this -winter In tht stable of Sam SILK AND OPERA HENRY HEATH SOLE' AGENTS - HOTEL PERKINS BLDO. Oregon and Multnomah Elevens Putting Forth Their, Greatest Efforts for Thanksgiving. WHY OREGON THINKS SHE WILL DOWN CLUB MEN Succtsaes Have Made Shorta' Aggre gation . a Fast and ' Formidable Eleven and Worthy of a Great Foe Multnomah Backers Confident Tht day of tht great game between Multnomah and Oregon ia drawing near, and from tht reports of tht doings of both tlevens ' there will , certainly be something doing on Thanksgiving after noon. It is safe to say that never be fore In the 'history of athletics in the northwest has such a widespread Into est been manifested in a football match aa that which Is being displayed in all parts of the state over tht Thanksgiving scrimmage in tnis cuy. - ' v 'Tht reason for the enthusiasm is manifest namely, tht known prowtas of tht Oregon eleven and the doubtful condition of Multnomah. Oregon haa never defeated tht clubmen. It has been tht ambition of Oregon for. years to down Multnoiaah, and in tha opinions of many who art well versed In the power of both elevens, it appears thst Oregon never had a better opportunity to demonstrate her Superiority and to vanquish tht old guard at Multnomah than tht one which will be afforded on Thanksgiving afternoon. Coach Shorts haa indeed turned out a formidably eleven, . aggressive, persistent, foxy, speedy and of great strength.. They are iwelt coached and have the confidence bination. - - v A On the : other hand,' Multnomah has had its troubles this season. - In the team that will line up agalnat Oregon not Ave of tbt men have played together In a game tbls year, and how rapid team woVk oan bt wrought out of a con glomeration of thia sort is a matter that la seriously disturbing and .worrying Coach Ovtrfleld. . . There. It ont thing certain, howtvtr. and that it tht clubmtn will fight to tht last ditch, never giving up for a second, and if Oregon wins Captain Latourettt and his team mates will at least appre ciate tht fact that they have been en gaging tn football with a determined foe. Anybodywho knowa "Hair" Jor dan, -Pete" Overfleld, "Mart" Pratt, "King" McMillan, "Chef - Murphy. Vhancy" Bishop, "Rube" Saunders, "Mr." Keller, "Bud" James, . "Spud" Dowllng.' "Ice" Burt,. "Marlue" Dolph ami tht rest of Multnomah's players can attest to their fighting ability and their never-aay-dit spirit,. Oregon may have her Templeaonav her Moullena, her Chandlers, her Kerrona and tha wholt bunch, but if tht wants to win from Multnomah her men will have to do some real lively stepping on Thursday afternoon. This it tht real sentiment at the Multnomah club. - ' Betting on the outcomt ,1s spirited at present end will be much more ao when the advance guard, with the Ore gon team, arrive here tomorrow morn ing. 1 Quarters have' been secured at Hotel .Portland for tht Oregon lads, and after the game both, elevens will ban quet at tht Portland.- - u. Hildreth, but It la not ' likely that he i will ha- aa farmlH.hl, I rlvil nt ehe Flying Dutchman gelding aa ha would have been -If Bad News had raced-last winter. Rapid Water also was a very sick horat last spring, but he did not s.mvm - - MMtiUt.l.. AiA Hail With sVtstts zas-ata., Seymour Butler haa gont to Lot An' geles... He Will be In chargt, of"tht meeting at Ascot Park. .. Ernest I Featherstont, acting for Senator J. W. Bailey, has told to F. Tl. Fink, of Montgomery, : Alaaama, tht weaning bay colt by Prodigal, dam Bes sie Wilson (dam of Tireless-ill. 2:14) by Red Wilkes, for $1,000. The young ster Has been turned over to James Brsdy, who will develop and train him for Mr. Flskv This It tht highest priced weanling ' told la Kentucky in recent J. R Haggln't big shipment of thor oughbreds from hit Rancho del Pasao atud In California hat started for New Tork and with ordinary luck tha hortet will bt unloaded here Sunday morning. There art over , BOO brood marea In tht shipment, comprising, the best blood in tht world, and It Is very seldom breeder Is given such tn opportunity tp replenish bit stock from such approved lines. - . - r v . - ' .. -. Tht biggest trotting horse sstt on rtc- ord It on tt Madison Square garden, un der the management of the Faslg-Tlpton compsny. and nearly 1.100 horses, all of recognised breeding, will be told to the . Horsemen from tl ptrte of tht coun try, tnd many from Europe, also a few from Australia, tnd Jspan, art In tht city, and when tht sale la cloaed many record prices win nave been paid for the'', animals sold. '' Over J 00 breeding farms and. private Individuals have made consignments, and their entries srt so trranged aa to makt ont or .more of the best sties a reaturt or each' day.- MEN OF ALL NATIONS - IN TUG-0F-WAR PULL The International tug-of-war contest advertised to open Saturday night, De cember t, tnd to continue for 'seven nights to Saturday, night. December I. It creating no little Interest among tht different nationalities represented. The Norway and American teams were hard at work last night ' Tht Sweden and Scotch-teams srs practicing today and tonight tht Finland, Ireland and Canadl an teams will take, tht root. Tht teams to meet on the opening night will bt Germany vs. Ireland, Sweden1 vs. Canada,' Norway ve. America, Finland Vs. Scot land. . . ..... i i ,i Different nations wilt meet each night Until every team ''hat -contested against tht other seven tnd tht final pulls tak ing plact on Saturday night, Decem ber .-. ' "' -."I ' ' ' " ' ' - Tht pulling tpparatut It 104 feet long and will extend from ont tnd of Jht hall to tht other ' ort a raised platform to that an audience of 6,000 people can wltneas every movement of tht rope. All the money reeelved for admit- slnns will go Into ths treasury of tht aeaoclatlooV'to which every member of the teams belong..' The contest will be for -the chtmplonship of the northwest. thevwlnncr, to be subject to a challenge from any team In the west.- Oold medals will bt presented tt tht winning team.'- . ' . ; L SPORTING GOSSIP. - Tha MuJtnomik'' roottra' - met ; last Infant's Terrible HumorEven Eye- ' lids Were Affected'-Suffered for V Many Months Nothing Helped Him Better In a Few Days, and CURED BY CUTICURA AT : EXPENSE 0F75 CENTS "My boy when an infant wai afflicted with a . terrible humor.- Hia (act waa all one bis, black tore, even the eyelids were tore. ' He Buffered for many months, and nothing that I tried helped him till I bought a e&kt of Cuticura 8oap and a box of Cuticura Ointment ' I washed him three timea a day with the Soap and then applied tht Ointment. In a few days ha waa better and before I had uecd the caka of Soap he waa cured and to-day he has ft aa good a complexion aa anybody, have also' used your- Soap for my hands to great advantage. 1 hey break out onee in a whilt in watery sorea, but when I use Cuticura Soap I can keep thara in good shape, (signed) Mrs. O. O. Aune. Underwood, ' Minn:, March 28, 19Q5.'' - : 100,000 MOTHERS DUy Tell Other Mothers: That Cutieur Soap ia the beat baby soap in. the world for cleansing and purifying the akin, and that Cuticura Ointment ' ia of pricelesa , value for soothing and healing itching, tortur ing, and disfiguring eruptions, itching, and chafings. ' A single application of Cuticura, Ointment, preceded by. a warm bath with Cuticura Soap, gives instant relief, and refreshing sleep for akin-tortured babies, and rest, for. tired, fretted mothers. : Bathe the af fected parts with .hot water and Cuti cura Soap,' to cleanse tha surface of crusts and scales and soften the thick ened cuticle ; dry without hard rub bing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation, and Inflammation, and soothe and heal. ' Cmrtw of, OMit ami WliBMtjis Sm verid. rmif prijl i TTtiini fury fluli Hi .Itmns , str MUt4 riM, Uwv Oan Itria Uaman.' night at tht club and rehearsed tht songs that art to be sung during tht game on Thanksgiving. ' The ' songs sounded good, tht enthusiasm was keen and the Interest at a premium. ' ., 'i -. v. ';-'. e -e . i : , The club team' turned out today "at noon and held an hour's practice. About 1 J players were present snd a' fairly good workout was held. " ' '.-. ' '. . e . e ' v ', Tha association . football ' team at Princeton university, was recognised re cently by tht General Athletic asaocla tion as a regular branch of university athletics. The full tchedult has not (been completed yet, but the Brat game Pa et. aKu..M.H i A ss & VI . aiiw wauia w it ajaw ynyvu tJtl DBlur day with tht Merlon Cricket club tt Haverford, Pennaylvanla. Tha squad it Improving under tht coaching of Ken neth 8. Bray, a graduate of Oxford, who has given hit tervlces. . ... - t , t - ,;'V';'..1'--:'. Burled under v'a""maat'"of football brawntjaung-Itddineoseelt' retained hfs composure.' - "What .would popper do?" he tsked himself. . i Just then tht bridge of his nose was kicked In. . - - - - Young Roosevelt flung himself Into the fray, exclaiming, "I have broken my bridges btf ort me." He Is now tht dsrllng of his clsss matea . ., . . .. ,. ; i - - v 9 yrtf sited Stoek Oaaaed aoota, Allen dt Trawls' Beat Brandt - v Didn'l Hurl a Kl 4-'. . .. . - ... ... .... 1 . The Chicago Painless ; t Dentists 5 -303ji Waahingt6n St, ' ! Corner of Fifth St Opp.Perldng Special "Rates ; r on "Dental .Work; i Full Set Teeth that fit... f 5.00 Cold Crowns, 22-K......f 3.60 Bridge Teeth, 22-K.';....f 3.RO Cold Fillings, i ..... . . . f IMO Silver Filling,. ;.;,..i 50 A 12-year guarantee with all work," ' ; Wa do ' strictly al wa advertise. Open evenings and ' Sundays. Bank reference. ' - CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS SaSSSt Tk, 1 Fit. a ; Finish and - f Fabric guarantetd.. Tha price will suit . and : The suit will fit. t- Wa handle no Ready Made Clothingr but makt ' " your Clothea to your order"" at from 920.00 to $45.00 tha suit. HltJ UlL& COVJLERS MEETING IS SUCCES Roberts' Team Assures League That They Will Remain in for the Season. TELEGRAPH MATCH WAS HIGHLY SATISFACTORY Golden Rods Confident of Defeating Denver and Will Issue - Challenge tiat Early Date Number of Games .Scheduled for Thia Week. - A short meeting was held tt tht Port land slleyt lsst tvtntng by tht Port land' -Tenpln 'Commercial lea rue. Bot tht Qtfld Bond and Roberts proa team gave tssiirtnct thst they.. would remain in tht leagua Tht prise committee, Morey, Wtllen, Oalllardand Jordan, will meet at the Portland alleys Sunday aft ernoon, 'December , at J o'clock to ar range for tht distribution of prises, etc All tbt bowlers ' art highly plotted with the showing tht Ooldtn Rod team made Saturday night in tht telegraphic match. Tht match was bandied by Tht journal. -:'' '' . Tht 'Golden Rods feel confident they onn defeat Denver In a return match and intend sending, them a challenge in tha near f uture. The Ooldtn .Rods bowl game against a pick team on tht Portland alleys xnursaay ariernoon. The tame will tUrt at t o'clock.' This week't schedule for tht lea sue it: Tuesday. November J 8, ' Portlands vt. American Oallds, on -the' Portland slleys; Brunswtcks ra Jose Vila, on tht Oregon alleys. : Wednesday, November 2, Woadard, Clarke A-Co. vs. Ore irons, on the. Portland' slleys; Golden West vs. Honeytnan iiardware Co., on tht Oregon alleys. ' Friday, ' December 1, Ooldtn Leaf va Gold Bond, on tht Port land alleys and tht Jbipman Wolfe A Co. ti ' Roberts Bros., on tht Oregon alleys. , ".".r "Vj"; r.j-'-.. .j' ;,.aarltk Worktos Kara. Zubflok Is working hard for his com ing bout with Torn Tracey. Yesterday he put in nt hour and a quarter, on tha road, making aboug. seven mllea Iq tht afternoon-r ha punched ; tht bag for 10 rounds and skipped tht rope 1,000 timet. Ht also boned eight rounds with his nparrlng partner, Young Hutch, a likely lad. , ; , , ... Bkoet at OUurtmtat, ,' l"Tht Multnomah Rod and Gun club, tha Portland Rifle- club tnd tht St. Johnt olub will hold a shooting match at Clare- mont tavern' on Thanksgiving, begin ning at 10:Sn a. m. ' - f Best tinlnttnt ea Baitfe. f Henry D. Baldwin, "upt City WaUr Works, Shulloburg. Wis., writes: "I have tried many klnda of liniment but I bava never received much benefit until" fused Ballard's Know Liniment for rheumatism and Betas. I think It 11. e bent liniment on earth." 26c, toe and $1.00. Sold by Woodard, ClsrVt A Co. , , . . ... Li s miner i .1 " nouen to Make Into a We will put a wool eerge lining into your black Thibet suit,' . (v Every man should have a black suit in his wardrobe. ' No telling when you may need one. ,.v . Our new shipment of Thibet cloth is as soft as cashmere and ' as firm as silk., ' THE WEAVE DOES NOT SH6wMn the cloth at all. It ' will not rough up or become shiny. ' ' . 'The wool serge with whch we line these Thitets is good , enough to make into a suit. , . .,,. . . , If a lining wrinkles or bunches up the fit -of your suit is ' ' . spoiled. , Serge will always keep its shape vand this particular " . serge which we use will outwear the suit. : ; ' t ' - ' Fine black Thibet made to your measure lined with wool ' serge hand padded throughout button holes hand finished . every seam hand sewed with silk $26. , t This 'suit cannot be duplicated in Portland for less than $40. aBaMBBSSBBBtatBBltMBHSBBSBBHtBBBSES ' ,r THE OUTING MAGAZINE DECEMBER, lp: J 1 ' Is the Best and HandjK)mest Number of this . Popular Magazine ever issued - ' Six Full-Page Color. Plates Six Eviy mrtlcU tt brilliant, full of tkm ' .. Truggmd flavor of ouidmr llfm, mud ; ' '- '. ' ' '..!. : ''..;. '.:''.'." . t '."." , INTENSELY 25c. A COPY, .'' ' '... v for a by girl farmer clears $2,000 :.'o;iMie Young-oman - Who Took Up - - Homtoad - Maeta With - r Great Success. . s (Speelsl Dispatch to Tbe Joarsal.) -Echo, Or Nov. 28. Miss Sadie Cop. plnger, . tht eldest -daughter Of S. W. Copplnger,. one of Umatilla county't largest land owners, Is tht banner wom an farmer of Umatilla. . She haa farmed tht land for two years, getting a good crop each year, and thia fall tht wat ont of tht'flrst to finish up her farm work, deliver her crop to tht warehouse - and -get her' receipts for the same. Two thousand dollars for a barley crop, clean money and deposited in tha bank, It the proud . record of thlt typical- Umatilla county girl. She . Intends . to follow farming Siext year tven snort extensive ly than heretofore. - - , Jr- W. Copplnger,- tht father, haa Just purchased 40 acres of land from udge Hartman of Pendleton; nine" tnlles feast of Echo, for a consideration of 19,000. Tht purchaser cams to Echo f Ivt veara ago from Tennessee with -a large family, and vory little . money. ' lit proved up on 1(0 seres of land, and haa made, almost a fortune tlnoe, de positing to his credit last year alone 111,400. He, is nowi buying large sec tions of Is nd about here" for each one cf his children, and the Copplnger fam ily- are among the largest land own ers In ttnttrn Oregon. :j --,-, aVantbtrt aerrayt artsert, (Journal SpeHel Herrlni. ) Omaha; Neb., Nov. Ji. Frank Lam bert, arretted In Portland In connection with the slleged conspiracy to defraud tht government of lands In Nebraska, haa turned states tvldenct and been Good Suit CDoOLILH (j)ILLj AMERICAN $100 A YEAR ' ... - ' all now$doatort NO PAIN Wt save teeth if only a good root rt " mains at priefs mott reasonable r , Wt rtstort old decayed teeth to bst fulnets snd beauty st low prices. : Wa replace loat or absent ttath with' out plttea tt very low prices. : V Wt extract teeth-without, pain and free of charge. .... I .... -'Wt treat and tighten loose teeth-snd soft or bleeding gums art madt touid f and healthy at tmtll cost. -, - t T t;.Wt guarantee our platea to tit. " ' 'Wt glvt you tht best dental work Tor ' the lowest cost consistent trlth first class work. Corns and hava fret exam- . Inatlon and consultation and learn for ' yourself what wt ctn do for you, . .. Boston Painless Dentists 991 H Morris oa St., Opp. Males ft Jhraok ' and postof f lot. . . . Hours 1:10 a. m. to I p. tn. Sunday 8:10 a. m. to IJrSO p. m. i-r" . indicted 'by,, the federal grand Jury to- , gether aitlt. Rev. George O. Wart and1' Harry Welch. - Rev. George Wart It rec tor of the Episcopal church at Iead and reputed to bt ont. of the wealthiest cltlsena . . .., - . , .' Jim Sam ttwit a Masos, (liiarnal gpedil Rfrvlre.) Chicago, Nov. 28. Colonel James Hamilton TeWts wag' indncted Into tbe mysteries of tht Matter Masons degree In thlt city' last night by. Apollo lodge? No. 134. Mitny prominent Masons from over all parts of the country were present. A banquet folowtd tht da- ' gret work. : . .' , . J I