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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 28. 1903." FOR SALE FARMS. . CHEAP FARMS. 820 ore of caul land sear Klamath Fill for 13 two: ItTiia. . $4.6iO ! rr, 40 irnt onder plow. II ' acres tu bop, 60 acre et food timber. Best ' Newberg. ' " w 1X760 (t acre of frn It and good S-rooat i bona. ood water. In Oak Oran., 8.V2S0 User fruit farm and -room boos at Oak Grovs. $3,0004 seres and good B-rcom hone, larita : tiara and cliv-kea -bouses, all cultivated and aoaia fruit; 8 ail lea to eourthouos, f block to church and school. $1.400 5-room bone and oaa a era of caltt , rated land. $ mile tu courthouse, 2 block U church and school. $1,4004 arm of the finest beam dam .land, only 7 ml Ira front Portia ad, all fsaced, (lua jralar a ad well drained., flRKUO BROS.- x i Pbon Mala $803. 817-18 .Featoa bid. to ACRES cleared aad fenced, 1 nlle from Be car line, oa main fount road, tJtiO paf . sere. Inquire 06$ TUlaaiouk at. . , lo-ACRE tarn. 19 mile eaat of Portland ea dandy rlverj 40 acre an dor mltlvstlo. good improvements. 1$ acre oo Powell Valla? road, 4 Bill aontk of reservoir; abort dls ' tsncs from 1 earliaa. IT acraa good, level land adjoining Motor addition. W. B, Fk- noimer. ui raltug Bldg. ItO.OOn rARM of 400 acraa.- 120 cultivated. ; balaaea pastoral SO acre clover; bouee, two ' barna) woo Id cell la- lota of 40 acraa. Ad- draa I. Ball. Rmtta I. R let real. Orsgua. r 400 East Twelfth at., Portland. f ro SALE Stock ranch of S.40O acraa aaat ,. Cobnrg, S as I lea nortbeaet of Eugene, Lea county, Oregon; prlc low and tar ma easy, r. I). Chamberlain. Labbe bldg., i'urtUad. FREB LAND IN OR EGO under the Care Irrigation . Act. Dead direct from atate. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. S. ,,' look at AJo., 251 Alder at., Portland.. Or, BARGAIN 0-aere Isrproead farm mllaa aaal or roniana. Luompt. seel rront. FOR RALE . . ' . ' - 40 acre Terr flna land.' In nittration. Ilea alee and lerel, rk-k Mark loam: It ad J Jolna C'larkamaa atatloo and R. - R.t only .10 mile from canter of Portland: will offer It one week only at $?6 par acre. Ad a O 14, car Journal. drea A tO-ACRB farm, all la mltlratlon. mlloa rroa roarrnonee.-1 nil rrom u. r. m at. .. Co.. $3,0110: toma to aolt. or will trad for bona, aad lot, Joba P.. Bbarkey, 701 Cbaaa. i 4 Der or comnre. FOR HALR $40 aeree.; all aet ta romia arehard . lappkt rrekal. ej Grand Road) valley, . Writ J. A. Tbropaon, M urano, uresoa. FOR RALE 00 acre rood mnd.-aaar cleared: 19 wile from Vaaraureri $400 0. A, Woe- ier, urrnaroa, TY a.nmaiua f ... . , ... FOR -BALR OR . TRADE 111 acraa. H "11 from Gtorer atatlon. Henry J one,. Barer, $2.T0nw-FiKR apple orebartf, acre, near th - ntyi o-room Boo, oar, rnirken-boa,. well. ' nr.ieHr lerma. 107 H intra. FOR SALE -TIMBER.'' CERTIFIED . price. W. aerln. - ay alee 1 aieceai ii. Howell, B8 Chamber ef Oobv r'OR HOMEKTEADR. timber elali ma aad acrlp apply to $00 Commercial blk, ' HORSES AND CARRIAGES. UORRE9 ef ll kind for aale at r . , able prlc, Iao.alr 230 Jafforaoa. A BRAltD KEW rlrht anrlnr wafoa fo eele eery cneep. . inquira Biackemita, 10V - Eal Ttater at., er paone caat woo. . TO EXCHANGE. tl.2no FOR 0-poom honae and) lot. baaernt city water and onthulldlnfa, 1 block from rarrlne Be owner, room . ranterhetry bldf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, IBS WIRE RAILS ........ .......$ . I foldiof bed ......................... $ ( M.IW Iron bed S.2S tX wool. ton mattraaa ................... 2.00 Bertaprlnra 1.00 W are rloetnf out all k oaar famlahlu re t coat and leaa. ; kLEMINO. 271 F1BBT BT. At TOMOBILE. food condition, ior aala cheap) . will axekanf for eltr property. 41 Drknaa. FOR RALf OR RENT NBW AND 8 BOON O- HANir BEWIKO MACHINR8.. STANDARD ' RRWIG MACHINE AGENCX. B. O. 0B3. 9m TAMHILL, BT. MACHINERY f all kteda repalnd. OeatoamiaJ : iroa steel won, aw uitaaa n.-- JT rlal awu Mm. 4 ,w JpUUn'Tda trppr. alee aad a trie, 26c; 2A0 baaluea carda, $1. , BroWa A bet male, 22$ Ftrat. Portland. Or. BILLU.RD AND k0L ti-Mckto rent r tor ala ob eaty' naymenta. TUB BQlN8WICK-BA' ' CfilXKNPEB CO. s - Third at ortUad. LARGE ' atock arensd-band , KemtBRtna .aad Rmltb-Fremler typewriter,' from $40 Bp. Uadarwood Typewriter. Oo.. 21 Btark at. . LARGEST atock of bottle ki Bortbwwrti rera filled promptly. Portland Bottle Bnpply Oa, $01 Nortk EKhtoeatk t. Mala 22M. BHOWCA8E9 AND FIXTTJRBB- made t orderi aecond baod tooda for aal. Carlao A KaU ' atroat, 280 Couch at. Pboa Clay $71. lNCALLKD-FOR monnted eneclmena aad far rac comb, F. t. Bran. $0$- Third at. ' , M BARDR ON. barter hoarbt th com . Biota ctack of Dlomblnr material on th Trail and Government Inland, offer all th" pip no ntttnir nn very roaeonaoM aatrrea; aia toe electric flxtarea ef tb Amerlcaa In A Co.: which will go to th payer at lee thaa - half ef coat price. . ..... t ., FOR A LB Four No. $ Amertcaa aotat bora. -. power aad bt of aecond-band donkr en ftnea, nltbl for Wllnr or bolatlng par rr. For Information and prior apply to D. Kattnr, Aatorla. Oceroa. WF.RtERN OREGON MINING MILUNll CO. - beadqaartera; atock for aal and In formatloa at ISO Flrat at. Pkoa Mala 1620. FOR BALE cheap, foang Panama parrot, ' Pettyrror at. : KEW $300 ntaoo, $100; coad-bnd piano. $40; or, tii.i 241 H Flrat. cor.' Main, apatalra. BOOKS' hoorht, wild and xchanfd at tba uni aooc ntor, xzw aamniu at. . : PARTY foltuj et will aell faraltar, almoet new, cheap. . Inquire at $84 Beech at. WR want to buy a pood typewriter! most b a barpalB. 209 8ctmd t. ; F.DIHOI4 r-harmrraph mmplet, $ doaea record, nod new, at 31 Et 8 Tenth at.. North. - DAVENPORT... wardrobe, eblffopler riteaaton nd otbry thlr. rhalra, carpet. Weatern 8alraa Po., ZI 2 WaablBRtoa It. Pboo Paclflc IM.i .-. . , -, , ' AT RARG.lIN Larre epal and tun-note rlnra; ,. alao rub, a took pin all nrrnaoded with dW . amnnda: rrr beautiful. J 12. ear JoaroaL PERSONAL. ' BR MEN! , ::' 'I "" ' ' ' . T. P. (Vltaf-rVwer) Ublel will reatore ta ' yoa th anap. Tim and rkror ef manhood: If roe) are larklnf la th power of vitality. It na eruiltlnt from Indlavretlnn and ieeeeca, end for at bo of tkeee Uhleta aad be con '(need of their merit. By mall In plain pkr . 4, The Armatmnc Tablet- Co.. lac., S0 Tolama blk.. Detroit. Mlcblfaa.., . - SPECIAL NOTICE TO WOMEN Don't , rlak tow. Urea by a operation wka yoo ran a ein-ed by 1 narmleea Bwtbod: eWetrldty prorierly applied will aare life where opere flona kin. W poaaea the lateat IneanUoa Dr. or. w. u ,1,"-. 1 ' . W. i. Naea. M. R.. Medical ElectrlrUn. floe Tl Deknm bid, . -v boar $-12, 2-8. , Pboa Red $281. Office 1 MRU. ANNA LtlCKEY aad ETBEL WARD are . now located at a.m Taylor t.( principal ef . the Amertcaa Beauty Parlor, -w cure all carp dleeaae and pnnltlrely grow hair; all kind f bath given; leetrle maeaage, manl . raring aad ehiropodyl aleo Madam harrow' . fanmu remedlea; aatlaf actio guaranteed. Phone Mala 224$, . - - ; DETKCTITE . AOENCT Conndeatlal lntl gatlon). report aiade on en lodindnal aval Bee e property 1. artaalog ralatlre loeated) bed dehra collected; rbarge reaaonable; eoc reepnndence ollelted. Orepoa DetCtlT Rerrlce, . eftlee t4MB fXnmhla bldg-. $ Wahlagoa C." Pboa Mala MIS. . MR". ANNA LrCKET and ETHEL WARD ire , now located at tt.'to Taylor !.). prlncliiala of Hie American Banty I'arlnra. We cur all .- eoalp illaeaaea; all kln.U of featha gleen; aloe trie meaeeae. manlcurtn and chtronoilr: al Madame Karrow fanxma remeillce; eatlafac tloa gurauted. rbone Mala iU43. , PERSONAL. DR. ACRPI-CNI. dteeaae of women and enr . rry. gog Allaky bid.. Third and Mortlaoav, YES, Paltno Tablet make- yoe aleep perfectly; ' they' pnra aerrvuanraa and maa you-alroual r'ire tvw box, a boxce r""" II dru.l. t. ... .a.d.u Brooke Drug Co., 101 Nortk Third et.. Portland. ' ' :' , MANLY rigor reetored by lr. Robert'. Necv Olouhle. One month a treatment, g.i; 1 Biontns, inr aent securely sesieu w ii. agsots, Woodard. Clarke . BOOKS! Her they are) "Decameron." Hep tameroa." "A Hot Tamal." "r'auu Illll, ' ."Twenty Tear a raker." "Forbidden Fruit. sue -each: lute rroa. . A. bcuuibis. - LOST powera reetored by the gTt ! I...'. ai Tahleta: tbe DeT b. boiea for $I.S9. Writ or call at EyeaelTa . Pbarmacy. 2-27 Morrlaoo, bet. let aud d. TBI 0lebrated Btar Hair remedy reatore fray and faded balr to Ita aataral color, pro, mote tb arowtb or natr: not aiwy, Balr I tore. $0$ Weealnjtoa. LADIES Yoa appear TO yar yooner, re ell wflnkl,. hare akla Ilka Tulret by aelna- ' Oreaoa Urape Skin food. I'boM Kaat 120T. . . . MK!I WOMBNI Raymond' pill poaltlTeiy ear Berrouanea and laok of rltaMtyj $1. 4 brae IS. Plummrr Dau( Va., mo TBira. Wilt llT alotta whea yoa caa aaear a Ufa companlna by , Joining th Interntat Intro doclnc Society, and meet or eorreapoad with . reputabl peraon of tbla eeotlun, mauy Wealthy; th Noeember reaiater. 10 cent. Butt S4 Raeaell bid. Pkon 1'aclflo M. SUITS preeaed whll. you watt. BOc' Ladle' klrta preeaed, Sue. GIlBert. KwVk BUtb at., neit to Quell. Phone Clay ftuO. , . DIAMONDS, WATCHER. JBWEI.RT, BOUGHT, SOLD OR BKCIIANORD AT UNCLPJ MYERS. PIONEER MONEY LENDER, 148 THIRD ST, NEAR ALDER-. . . FREB DPle aora. bunloa and wart cur, win L. Dean. dept. E, Tannton, Maa. Ed TURKISH BATHS, 800 OrrgftntaB bldg j ladle da, geatieaiea Btghta. Mala 1838. . WANTEDTo knew tb whereabouta of William Stenhea Bmlth, - formarly ef Lo An-relee. - Addrea Mother, boa 128, Saata Barbara, Callforala. , , - . FREE to oat of town patron, ear lateat cata , k'tru of fancy work, pillow topa. center Slecea, ahlrtwalat Kbd anreltle. - Th Needle raft Shop, SOT Allakr bldg.,- Portland, Ot, DOLLS hoarltal; repairing and dranlng. , bill aad Wot Park at. . Yam- 81 NG CHOONGC Importer of Chine cine; aella Chlnree tea that la root modi certain cor for all dlaeaaea. 1 101 Beoond bet. Yamhill aaJ Taylor. DISEASES of won-en a epedalty: maternity caeca glrea epodal attebtlon, prtrat hoepltal ceommodatloB; profeealonal lady nnrae In attendance; eonaultatton free. X-Badlnm Inatltnt and Raaltarlam, Third aad Alder, . entrance 268 Alder at. SEND B. B. RICH; POBTTTAND. ORB JON, 2V FOB 28 A8H0RTBD SOUVENIR, P08TALH. MIDDLE-AGED man aad bor going to Dearer fit -by addreeaiug t',nr Kanaaa City boob will pro: a. 1. car or journal. SEND for free Hat of cat price aad clubbing rat on manalno.;. Alder t.' - : I book Btar. vi DR.' ATWOOD, 18 Raanll bWg.. 18A Fourth r. remaie meeaaee- ami connoementa. taken and eared fori ope erenlngs. . Couultatloa free. - - M RR, Sophia B. Relp, parchon-etrurt, arirr and prophet; daily 10 to 6, T to ; circle Tueeday and Friday. p. m: 88-4 Yamhill, cor. Seranth. Pacific 108. Bandar renlng mMUnga, Drew ball, 162 Second at, -. PERSONAL htatrucMnri fc eborthahd, hookkeep- tng. penmanablp and Engllah-at a run Ion roe lea thaa - required by the tnulneaa college. Addrea hf. A. Albln, 08 BUth at. . , , HAVE yea een nor holiday peclakiT $1. Btn- ito. uar. rirtn ana vv aiblngtoo. DBS. ST. - A. NI8BKTH. - Bwedlab (peelallat. cure rhamtlanv kidney. tomaeh and llrer trouble, chronic cotutluatloo, obesity and all chronic and aerroaa dlaeaaea: bo draga; no kalfe; $10 per month. Consultation and dem- onatratlona tree. Hood. 1922. . 411 Morrtaoa it. DBS. N. A. NIRBETH. Bwedlak apecUllet. ear rlMBBsatlam, kklney. atomach and- Urea 4rotL ; blee, chronic ceoatlpatlon. ebeaity and all 1 chronic . and nerrona dlaeaae; no droira; no - knire; lio per ujonth.. Cnnanltatlon nd dm- onirioa ir. atoaa lux. . 411 Morriaoa c ART EMPORIUM- PROFE880 B. MAX ' MEYER, $48. Alder. portrait and lanSacape artlat and- teacher. A. H. TANNER, attorney, ono rommerctal blk.. BoaoBd and waahiagtoa ata. Phone Mala 848, 0. F. BURLEIGH, wyer, 123 Graid are. Eaat Peruana. EDWABD T. TA0GART, attorney and bldg. aelor. 410 Chamber ef Commerce 'AUTOMOBILES.. HOWARD COVEY, Fifteenth and Alder, agent for Cadillac and Plerr Butoaaobllee', ma chlnee reateo, repairoa no stored. . , ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDR BXTBACT10N CO, aa al nutans Asssy Office, 188 Morrtaoa at. . ' BL ANK-B 00K MAKE RS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 100-111 Second at. Blaak book manufactarera; agents for Jones improved LooM-iear Moo-era; aee in .aew Eureka leaf, tb beet ea th market. ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES B. PFAHLET Poblle andltnr and Xpert accountant, Hoom 7, Cbamber ef Commerce bldg. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES, f 8. BIRKENWALD CQi. 8O4-8O0 Everett t. Mrgeet batchers' Bupply boas ea th coast. BATHS MASSAGE. TOP If & laity iIvm wxtnr, alonhAl and ml1cat ketka ' n..ia av aa if a . " . nBllN. ell avsar aSI . X? 71 Ol 8U . '. . THB SNOWPEW BaV ROOM SUTeo lady at- . iMt.nlat HTU al.lee ea . kit' t-nnetli ana Fifth; rob aad- vapor and uaWage, , Puoo Main 6985. - ... c i- blacring: WERFOOT Bhicklnr. anenrately waieaproof. pre aerree the leather, makea aboea wear no per rent longer. - - For aal everywhere, 10 aad 18 wn. - ,.--.-. CHIROPODISTS. IF yoor feet ere oat of order, go to Dr. W or ley Benjamin, .snou, waeKlnrroo at., tno toot peelallat.-. Pbon' Hond. 804. CAFES.- THE 0FFICB -25 Washington t- Pboao Malr 111. namuei vigneaa. COLLECTION AGENCY. COLLECTIONS by the. North west. Collect too Agency; your oamnees aamiiea m a try as. io-jt Lsktw Bldg. DOES any en owe year mone t W collect bad oeDts or au amoe, in jiraaa av rooma TV and 18. Phone. East 4424. , CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WrTOI.ESALR crockery and rla T- Prl, Stark at Hegel A Co., 100 to lO Fifth, CIGARS AND TOBACCO.. ElRERO-lt'NST CO, aiBvioutors or - . - ... , - . . Flit CI0AB3. , " Portland, DANCING. WtMrOWARD'S daoelngiaehoal of the Western Aca.iemy or Mnaio, Mimnay ana Tnnrenay, Spectator fnvtted. Teaon 80s, Doaelag 8 A 11. Car. SecunA aad Morriaoa. . ., CHIROPRACTIC POSITIVELY care ill form of rbewmatlera. DrEra llegan, 2M Hall at. Pbon Mala not. CARPET-CLEANINCL STANDARD! Carpet Cleaning Co., Urgent plant oa the roaan l.oring and Harding ata., tele phone Eaet im (rarpeU cleaned, refitted, . aewed aud laid; both it nam and lateat com preeaed air proeeaa; renOTatlug BMttreaae au4 tea there a apeclalty. , SANITARY, carpet cleaamg. eoetloa aad coav preeaed tr combined: ean-ete cleaned o floor without removal. Main r.184. Eaat 2B94. CARPBTS cleaned en tb floor 1 are rata a daat. Pbon Clay $31. fro deewaatratloa. ' 1. HUNTER Bream carpet and Butrreaa eieanet. 000 Jeffereon. Phone Main 214, -r.V, ' DETECTIVES. TELL na roar trouble) w never ileep; rldaae traced m civil and criminal I caaea. R. L. Henlnger. 10-1T, Labbe bldg. " M CLRANINQ AND DYEINO. YAMH1L1 CLEANING A PRESSING CO. Work eallod for and uUvered. Puoo Clay Portland Rteam Cleaning A Dyeing Work; prae tleal batter la connection. 211 4th. Clay T04. CLOTHES cleaned and preaaed $1 per Boatb, Unique Tailoring Co.. 147 Waahiagtoa at. If. W. TURNER, prof ps tonal dyer and Cleaner. $08 Jefferaoa eL Pbon Mala 281$. NEW procea lac curtain rleaeias, 80 to $1 pair. 404 Gllaan. Mala 0408.- CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST ST. GEORGE) ORMONDR. Kgyptlaa aecr. Waablugtoa . faychle palmiat, healer, dead trance medium; gretteat advlaer ke bual- . Bea. mines, troaaur. rhanae. ' Joar- ' neve, family troublea; bring back loved one J .unite aeparated; reading by mall 2. RUea telle every thing. 2L MRS- STEVENS, Portland leading palmiat, , aatrologlat and nlrltual Ufereader, caa glv ; Important and reliable facta, about th. paat, Eesent and future. -109 Seventh t4 opp. otal Portlaad. Pboae ParlSe 714.. MADAME HELONIA EGYPTIA Th Eatera Mxstfe, Aatrologlat. Paychle Palmist. Aatr Magnet, gives reliable llferesdlngs; practical kelp . and advK. 2341k Second t. CARPENTERS i AND BTJILDERSi AUTHORS A WOOD, earpentere. bollderat' r pairing and Jobbing! at ore and office flat a ornce iiiiooe ;oniii. anop star Doiamoia. Mala 6207. WA8HBURNB A FLOYD, war" ballder and general Job work. 8$ Stb at, Pboa Bood bms. F. B. TANDSBHOOr, carpenter' and 28T Stark tt. Pkon Maia-TdT. WV. F1R4IRECK.. earpentor. rcoatring and Job bing done. 291 Burnaid at. Pbon Mala 8487. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENSCH BROS.., enmmtaalon marcbanta. Sour, foed-, bap sad produce. J2 to rroai s Pbon' Main 2GM. ,;, - - t . EVERDIN0 A FABRRTX. prodoe and eomnjte- Inn. merchanta. 140 r ront t-, rortiano, ur. I'hone Main 170. ' COAL AND WOOD. KING COAL CO. Kol a tents for the fa mood l Diamond coal; try it and yoa win always ooy It- Wyoming and Washington boaae 00a la. 1 Virginia aad . Waabbutoa emit hint ooalai fall weight guaranteed. TeL Mala 1420, , A. U Stephens, manager."' . CHURCHLEY BROS, hare removed from foot Dv1 at. to- 429 R-eaoe at. sear lira: aow tb larwoat roodyard ta rb dty, carry. Ing aU klnda ot wood and eoL Mala 081. SRRGORY MORRIS, enceeeeora to Cla McKaae. dealers la wood and eoal at wwt price; Mttafacttoa guaranteed. Cor. Tenth and Irving. Pboae Main 4875. : ' WESTERN Feed A Feel Co.. ea Front, between Gllaan and Hoyt. dealer . la all- klnda ot boo eoaia and blackamlth eoals. Pbon Mala 1018.. .,. , v. v ....... .;- c .., , ALRINA FUEL CO. Dealers ta orwweod. Ml esd greea and dry-slabwood. R. K. and AI- ' bio ars., 8 block eaat ef ferry. - Beat 074. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealer la ordwood aad dry alabwood. Pbon Eaat 484. BOXWOOD Wood Oo. and planer ftimmlnrs. Standard Pbpa Eaat 2818. Foot Eaat Fin. OREGON FfTEL CO. Afl klnlts of coal aad 1 fii.ii " i'TT nt, ,. PiffBt ''B M, KIRK HOOVER. 818 Wats U wood Bd oaX Pboae Main 4698. . DOG AND. HORSE HOSPITAL. DB C.E BROWN D.V.8 .D.C.M. Dog. Horse be. pttal.287 name hie. Phone: Mln08: PacJtO. DENTISTS. ' NET CHURCHMAN. aeathrt. $24 Marque m bldg.. Sixth. aad Morrtaoa. Phone Mara 1700, DRESSMAKING. FIR8T-CLA8S dressmaking-parlors 87 Oom- mcrcial at.; loweat price; children work; plaut wlng a peeUlty.. Phone .Scott 171 KRISTER'S LADIES' TAILORING COLLEGE, 202 and 4QO, Allaky bldg.; writ for Booklet. DRESSMAKER ' Wm Bake a fear gag.roenta la femiic. pnon Lnm b. DRESSMAKING Strictly BP ta dat; la test 0. .mgaa. aa i-iar 3. .... FIRST-CLASS parlor. 217 Allaky bldg.; anita. gown, cos 1 a, tacaeia. - lateat . aijw; . airt bound and Jacket rcllaedV , ' ., saV foi ssTlBaB'i aMftml '1 MpflBflafJ al kaV wsata a f snore engagement by the day. Mala 0702, after 7 p. Be. . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Comnanv. 80S Stark St.. Portland. O. a., far . verjthing - la '.the aleettical . Uaa, ... Phoa Mala 18H8. . - PACItTC ELECTRIC CO. Enrlneers. eoutrse- tn-a. ' repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 04 -First, cor. Stark. Mala 080. R. H. Tata. mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Faraltar Miaafactarlng faraltar for toapaay Manufacturer or 1 Portland. Or. to trsos. FCRNtTTTRR mannfactartna- and aneetal L. Rarenetr'e raraltore factory. TO rroat at. FRENCH BAKERIES. THE caly place ta Port land to get French breed. Barrere A atari). trr aixta ax. vaiiy aanv ry. Pbon Greea $08. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-atr fnmacae eavt fneL f. O. Bayer ParBsc Co., BBS Beeoad. Mala 41. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, manu facturers and cemmleatee merchanta. Fearta ad Oak ta. ALLEN A LEWIS, commtealoa aad pendoc mec. chants. Front and Davis are,. Portia so, or. H0TEeS.v HOTEL Pendleton. Peudletoa. W.A. Brow, mgr. HOTEL ParHaad. Aaaertcaa pMa) $8, 80 per Say. HOTEL St. Oeorge, Padletoai loadlaa hoseL BELVEDEBBt Korepeaa plael 4rh aad A Idee srs. INSURANCE., ISA AO L. WHITE, fir- Inawraas. SOO Dsm LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO. Ftr liwsrancs end real estate: of flee Krr-io BberlorB Bing. ; Mala 10081 dept. 404 Baa Alder. Eaet 4uL JAR. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and la ninnoal accident an ret T ea el atl kiaoa. "Pboae 47, 808 McKay bldg. B. F. BARTET.S COMPANY Fir tnenraaa 048 Sberleck kld. Oregea Pkoa Clay. 820. M fa 4 M. ll i4iii i 1 11 v ." ' Jf ' VII " V - . GRINDING. Baaora, kntvea, eclaaora stiarpened to perf co tton. Karlaoa A Co.. 40H-N. Otb. Pcle 798, HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. o licit opportanlty not prices. 188 1st at., oor. Alder. Mala 183 LOCKSMITH. RtCRARDSON, exiert loch and kvMnithi ral repair Ine: eaatlroa braaing: all work garntod. SOO Fourth et. Pboa Bood 1788. BROWN B'S IN TOWN Erpert lockemlth and Di.-yci. nyiina. aoo Bi.ra. ear Clay 821: night pbon. Main SMI. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A NORTH Rl'P. 416-16-17 Dekam bldg.. Third and Waeklngtoa t . Pboa rMaia 849. Examination tree. DRS. OTIS MABEL ARIN, 80S Macleay Akkg. CUp T78. Be. U. 8161. OoesalUtloa tree. THE very; beet lady osteopath 4a town. Or, - L. G. John eon. eaite 18. Helllng-Htiech bldg. HAY AND GRAIN. B. a. COOPER A CO Potato, feed aad floor. 128 Union are. Phone Eaat 1817. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. - , . 817 Oregoalaa bldg. Ladle or Gentlemen, No Pntllclty. If yoa borrow $30 yea pay back $1.88 a week. If yoa borrow $28 yoa pay bark ft 83 a week. If yoa borrow $10 yoa pay back $2.00 a week. ." If yo borrow f .tS you pay back $2.88 a week. If yoa borrow $60 yoa pay back $1 00 a week. Paymeats ewnenaed in . ca of atckneea. ' Strlrtly Salary Lean. . TUB CRESCENT LOAN CO - ." " ; S17 Oregontaa Bldgi'---. f ,-. - MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved eity property or far ball din parpose. Aay amount oa free S to 10 pear' time, with prrrlktg t repay all part ef loan after "one year. Loaaa aa- R roved from plana and money edvaaeaa as lldlag progreeaee; saortgage taken ap aad replaced , FRED B. STRONG, Financial Agaat, . 242 Stark Street. ' TUB STAB LOAN CO. Any oalaried employ. wt earner, eaa gat ' hi Bote, . without mortgage y Montk. H Montb, Week. 00 Repay to 818.8$ er $0.8 er $8.88 $28 00 Repay to a 8.88 or $8.88 er $1.88 $18.00 Repay to ee $ 4 on or $2.08 ef 41.00 210 McKay bldg. - MONEY to loaa. salaried people, tea mater, etc.. without security; eay pay men ta; largest bnelnea In 40 principal dtlea. Tuhnaa. 22$ A kl aatoo bldg. Pboa Mala 0487. ' . -'. .alOXEY , TO LOAN. - - : - Prlvat aaoney to loan at 0 and T per cent Intereet for 8 to $ year In amounts of $3W and apward. Room 402 Commercial bldg. 1 MONEY to boa oa real, personal and collateral security; apedal attention to chattel sort , gage: note bonrbt. C. W. Pallet. SOe-S 1 ronton bldg., 84 BUth at. HIGHLY respectable pise, wkere ladles aad . acuta esa htwrow snonev on diamond nd . Jewelry. Collateral Loaa Bank. SW , Waah-el 1 . . - a m. ai k e, - 1 .... w . nuue Mumvm ... CHATTEL losns la amounts ranging free $2$ , to $8,000; roemlng-hooses spsclalty. New Era Loaa A Trost Cov, SOS ABlngtoa bid. WB make all klnda af loaaa oa good eeeurtty at lowest rates: apedal attenUoa glrea to ' chattel loaa. 198 Morriaoa at. - MONEY to loaa la sum f from $$,000 to W.OPOt terma to salt it tb PTE- "Tno-ft). H6 nleYcTU MONEY to loss In Large good reur1tv: toweet Beck. 807 Falling bid. or email amounts ea rate. . William G. MONEY no loaa a Claekaaiae county r. aad F. B. Bllay. 008 Chsmbsc g (MB LOWEST rate ea furniture and pianos. Basv- rn 1MB uo.. eaa Bnerioca nrag. urny man. TO LOAN Rama to salt oa etiattel R. A. Frame. 814 The Marqoam. MONEY loaa on all bind of eecwrity. im 0. Waaklagtoa bldg. - Boll. I l.flo-$.onf TO maa . bT privet party ea real estsre setunty. eus fjommemai Ding. MUSICAL. violin, string and wind tnstrameata. 1 Ed win A. Smith. 254 Twalftk. Main $2; perfect work guaranteod. ruon Main ibis, at WEBBER S Mandolin. Banjo. Gnltsr studio, 378 Aider; agent tec Ulnaoa manoollna. guitar. wisco. I. A. kloUn-maker and repetrert work B Knseel bldg.. 4th and Morriaoa. EMIL THIELHORN. teacher of violin, viol. cornet. StudM, 190 Blxtb. ' Tel. Main 39A8. FREB lea eons on the violin, aiandoltiy gnltsr no banm. Ijcvy'a Mnelc Honae. 17V Fourth. MACHINERY. C PORTABLE locomrrtlve boiler aad engine; lee thsa H price: 4U horsepower. C. H. Plg- gott la aw office, i Mslkev bldg. FOR SALE On S-mch Smith ettcker. on arm aander, one twe-epindle aha per, belts . aad painty. 20 Foarth at. t - THB H. C. ALBEB CO. Second band Bucklnery, aawmiiM, etc. sen urano ire. MONUMENTS. REIT A KINGSLET. tnS Flrat at. Portland' leading marble work. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS esd a chsnlor clothing; anion made, neuetadtar Broa.. manufacruree. PortlaBd. Or. PLUMBERS. DONNERBEBG A R A DEM A CHER, aanitary plambera. S4 Foarth St. Both p hoses. FOX A CO.. sanitary plumbers, 281 Second, bet. Mere aad Be irons, -oregea paona Main atwi. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. . BEACH A CO. The Ptoaeer fata o. . wlndow-glasa aad stasias. 180 Flrat a. I. Pboa 1884. v' - ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second aad Taylor Wall neper, paint, ell at arkt prleea; rre delivery. a. BASMUSSEN A CO Jobnere. paint, all, glee. aaa ana oooca. saroea and Taylor. PRINTING.. Wfl.rH A DAVIS. Printers Doera ef tblnga witB In and type a paper. Bteara bldg., Sixth had Morriaoa. Mala 4147. ANDERSON A DCNIWAY COMPANY, prlnttnf. nrnngrapaing.i onus Boo a. raooe aiaia it. SOS Alder st. - ' L - BTETBOPOLIXAN . PRINTING CO, Krerr thing in printing, stain i;o. isr eronv ex. RUBBER STAMPS. . C. STAMP WORKS. 240 Alder It, phone Mala 710; rnhher ate nine, era la, crenelle, baggage, trad check! and - for catatogu N. 20. RIDINO CLUBS. PORTLAND RIDING CI.TJB Sdd1 bares and carrlates for teat. W. O. brow, boa- Alder, a." ili'ii 4 n ,!infcaiiB 1 ij 11 ai lan 1 1 r-,ernw - - n SCAI'PL ?EATMjENir! CRAY,' falling balr," daodraff treatsd; abamnoo Ing, Bualcurlng. chiropody, taoe work. Mi. B. F. Kyae. 10Vt Fourth, ear.. Morriaoa. Boom IX Phoa PaclBo Soo. SECOND-HAND GOODS. - OOODB'S Farnttar House Hlgh'st priet paid for second band furnltar. $18 . SaaeaS aC Pboae Pad8 498. ' SAFES. WE repair and rebuild automobile, gas engine. printing preeeea. time lock, earae. ope wcs. , outs, do sll kinds sf machine work. Uolumbl Ga Enain A "af Work. 242 Second ai, Pboa Pacific 670. Frank J. Bnper, aupt. DIEBOLD Maa ganea eafee; fir aad barglar. work ; jell aad priaoa arora ; wcaoaoi I repair. 1. I. Deris. 08, Third at. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef very description) beak, bar . and tor gtturee mad to-order. Tb Latk Manufacturing Co.. Portland. STREET-PA VINO. WARREN Cena traction Co., Btreet paving, ald walk aad' erueawalka. 710 Oregoalaa bldg. THE Trinidad Aepkalt Paring C. t Portlaad. OfSe 068 Worceatsr blk. SIGN-PAINTERS. LGOLD SIGNS, window aattertne. alotb ba 1 ecoeotsieai electna Tana an signs or su kind made quickly. Foater A BleiMT, Flft ad Everett. Pkoa Backing AS. HOLIDAY SI0NS Offico door nd window lettered at rut price. . Elrngleb!. 2inA Wnahington at., upetalra. Pbon Hood 178.1. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all bake, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Ageacy, 231 Stark. TeL 1407. BLICKBN8DORFER typewriter, oppllce, re 'palrlng. Ros A Boa. 208 Stark. Mala 1870. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad general Jobbing. J. Loall.aia Jeffsrsoa at. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, piano sad furniture more. ' pecked reedy for (hipping and shipped ; all work guaranteed; large, 8-atory. brick, Br -proof ware honae for storage, ,. .Office 128 Sir at. a M. Olees. Phone Main S47. .n ...iiuau. aa -1, "ya , i. v. v., cor. Sixth and Oak eta. bsggg check.l I .jrora aotei or reaioeuce airect to deetlnatloe Baescngers therefor avoid raab and annoy a ace at depot. Private Exchange 08. " 0. O. PICK, e 88 First t., betweea Stark and 0k at., phone 890; plana and furniture Bmved aad packed tor shipping: omnaodloa t brick warehouse. Front and Clay . eta. OREGON -TRANSFER -CO.. 18 North Sixth. Phone Mala OS. Heavy kaullng aad storage. BART SIDB Transfer Co.. A. E. Holcomb, prop. 128 Eaat Water at. - Pboa Eaat 88. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 20014 Waeb Ingtoa at. Pboa Mala 0s. TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES. W bar them by tb thousands; strong, healthy stock. Onr 1908 lllnatrated and priced cata- ; logo reus all.- PORTLAND SEED CO ana lemnlll t. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap, $1 per atontb. Lawredr Br.' Towel Supply Co., Fourth and Couch. Pkoa 420. TELEPHONES. THE only exrliialre telephos houee, B.-R. Electric A Telepboa Manufacturing coaa- pany, n r inn at. WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCB A W1RB WORKS V East Morriaoa st. Fboae Eaat 821. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND, 0REG0M. J. FRANK WATSON., President R L. DVRRAM .Vice-President R. W. HOYT : Cebler GEORGE W. HOYT .Assistant Caahlsr Transect a General Banking Bualaaaa. Draft, snd Letters of Credit leeaed Avallabl . au jtu curia or (oe rvocia. , . Collections s Specialty. PORTLAND TRTST COMPANY OF OREGON. I Ik OldaBt Truat Company la Oregea. ' : , RESOURCES OVER 11,280,000.. General banking. Exchange aa all narta of the world. Saving Account a. Time certlO- crtea, 8 to 4 per rant; abort-call apedal certlSr eatc. 8300 or over, I hi to 4 per cent. Call foe hook .1 I'ltll'lTtlTinXae - Soatbeaat Corner Third and Oah St. Phone Prlvste- Krrhanre T2. BENJ. I. COHEN Praalneat H. L. PITTOCK e-, Vice-President B. LEE PAGET. Secrete rr J. 0. voltka Aaaiatant Becreury LADD TIL TON BANKERS. ' (XstabluuMd la leak.) . Ttesunaot a Oeserai Baaklag Collection made at all oolnt oa favorabl term. Letter of credit leaned sva liable la Europe and all plBta la the United State. Klehr Eirhana. mnA nvieranlile TVenafeas ajd ea New York. Waahlnston. Cblcaoo. St, Loula. Denver. Omaha. Saa Fraactaoo and Montana and Brltlah Colombia. Exrhaara sold - en lmne. Part. Bernn. Frankfort, Hougkong. Yokohama, Maalla aud Hoaolula. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 OF PORTLAND. OREGON. - (Hilgsstad Depusltnry and Financial Agent sf cue L nlted Btstes. Presldeat A. M77 LS Caehler... J. W. NEWKIRK Aaaiatant Caahlsr ..W. O. ALVORD Scannd Aaaiatant Caehiee H P. STEVENS leitters pi credit Issued Avallabl la Europe and the Baatern State. Sight Kxchana and Telerranhle Transfer rid on New York, Bosfcnv Chicago; St. Loots. St Paol, Omaha, Ban Francises aad the principal polnta ta th Northwest signt ana time bills draws In an ma to stilt I London. Paris. Berlin. . rrankfnVtm-tha Main. llongkonr. Yokohama. Conenharea. Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. - St. Pctarsbars, Mos- r, EurVb. Honolulu. ' ' Collectlonu Made on Favorabl Term. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANB OF PORTLAND. OREGON. MOtTKw-YST COR. THIRD AND OAK BTS. .Treaaaot a General Banking Buslaeaa. - DRAFTS ISHI ED. Available In All Cities of the rnltcd 8Utes u and Xurep. Hongkong aad Maalla. COLLECTIONS KADI ON FAVORABLE TERMS. President. ,J..J. C. AINHWOPTH Vice-Presidents... ... ....W. R. AVER Vlee-Presldeot. R. LEA BARNKS Cashier.... ...,.....B. W. SCUM EE R Aaaiatant Caahler... ........... A. M. WRIGHT Aaaiatant Caahler............. W. A. BOLT CECVaUTY SAVIN0S A TRUST COMPANY. U - -SO Mwrisoa St., Portlaad. Or, Tranaacte a General Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time and Saving Deposit. Act Trustee foe Batates, Draft sod Letters of Credit Avallabl ta AU Parte of the World. v C F. ADAMS...... Prwddent L. A. LEWIS..-.-.. .First Vlee-Preeldent AWL. MIIJS ............Second Vlce-Prealdevit R. O. JTRITE .....r.. Secretary GEO. F RUSSELL Aaaiatant Secretary M ORRIS BROS. . US First 81, Pert land. Or. Off Ollt-Edg Investment la Municipal aad . . BUiirosa Honda, nnteeriaiu THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY. r FINANCIAL AGENTS. STOCK. BONDS AND MORTGAGES 248 Stark Street, Pkon Mala 1070. MORTOAQG LOANS 0 Fertland Read Estate at Lewest Rate. v Title Insured. Abstract Furslehed IHLk nuaiiiuti al 1IUII uu. S40 Waahiagtoa St., Car. AVSTTjaZkCESTTS. CTTlBlTATIOirAI. ' . TUG OF WAR CONTEST tlCBI K1TI0MS - SEVEN DAYS Merrill's Hdl ' Seytnth and Oak Streets : r- TEAMS . Zxalaad, aTeryray. Ttalaad, Bwodoav ) ma ay, Bootlaad, Oaba&a, AmertoA, COMMENCINO ' BATI'RDAY NIOHT. DKCKMBGR 1, CONTlNl'INQ EACH NIGHT TO AND INCLUDING SATUR DAY, DECEMBER . ., Contest lor ChanploasUp and , Gold lledals . , Admlssloa 2 So. served Beats SOo. ' Del asco Theatre UkJM 111 BELASCO MATER. PROPS. 14th aad Wash. ats. E. L. Sackett. Be. Mgr. , T0RI0HT-ALL WEEK. ' Rpeetst Tbsnkagtvlng Matinee. THE GREAT Rl'MMlAN DRAMA. MICHAEL STR0G0FF BIG SCENIC PRODCCTION. PRICKS Night: 20c te 7Bc. MaU.. ' 28-50. STARTING WITH MATINEE NEXT SUNDAY, "TBI ttlXL WTTH THE SRIIN 1TIS. Monday . Evening, December 4 Benefit for ' .Women's Escbang.. . . Marquam Grand Theatre . lHAK8GrVTKO BIGHT , Unirersity of Oregon Glee - and Mandolin Clubs OelUg atoal. Faa, Staata. ' Fri.-SOo, 86c, 0, 7t, 1.0, Seats are sow wiling. . MARQUAM GRAND THEATRE TOMORROW NIGHT 8:80, . WATKIN MILLS AND COMPANY. BALLAD "CONCERT PRICES 7S. $1.00. $1.81. $2 00, $3.00.' SEATS NOW BELLING. Empire Theatre: Uts aad Morriaoa. Phone Mala 117. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. , THE POPULAR-THEATRE. Extra Announcement Tonight and All Week, Lansinir Rowan Portland'! Favorite Actress. In a Grand Special . rroaaction or uumae- r amoua Emotional Drama. .. !. . , 1- : - fc ' "CAMILLE." . , " ' - 'MATINKE SATl'RDAT.' Soeclal Matinee Thankaxlvlnar Day.' ' Regular Empire Price will prevail Even- ing: inc. 2c, aoc an aoc. au aunnee ine 16. 28c eit "A JOLLY AMERICAN TRAMP." BaKer Theatre Orsgon Thaatr Co., . L. Baker, Mgr. Yamhill snd Third St. Phone Main 1807. THE BOMB OF MUSICAL BCRLEHQI R. Note! Wednesday matlne. Bargain Day, 28e to anv seat. Poectal marine Thnraday. Thanksgiving day. Regular matinee Saturday, laat periormaac. nee tneia tonignt. , - - - THE OBIGINArL NEW . LONDON GAIETY GIRLS Evening prices, tSc, 88c. 80c. 75c. Mitlnee (except Wednesday). lAc, 28c, Sftc, 8c. Wdadsy autlnce. 28 to ny seat (apeclal). Piext AttrctKB. ' -' "bUNTJIS KERRY XTRLE8airEKS.M -Uy r 1 c Theatre 1 in in f.itf .yv.ii 1 n r vj r. " B-SSimg at xioou. am are. THE HOUSE OF SUCCESSES. -WEEK STARTIN0 MONDAY, N0VXMBXK FT, "BROTHER AGAINST 0 BROTHER" A SENSATIONAL DRAMA IV FITS ACTS. ADMISSION 10. 811BIH Beat 80. Liberty Theatre FOURTH , A STARK best Vaudeville Management sf Keating A a wkki. ... MoCauley A Doaava The Tw CaspbUs ' Travel ' Xerbert Cheater and Cempaay Widow Carter Lee White The Blerapl neleotsd Oroheatr ' Performance dally at 2:1W. 7:80 and 0 p. 1 ADMISSION TEN and TWENTY Ceata... STAR THEATRE ; WEEK OF NOV. 87TK D Oraw Trie Clair A sUyaard -MaMuaraia Slatrs Nat Franks Hughe A Bursa : . ma . Med era BrlgaaeUgs Matinees. 18 I V B g, 10o-Oe; hosea, 86. THANRSGIVING CONTINUOUS,, 8uT0 to 10:48 P. M. . GRAND ALBTNI FRANK BATES Gladatona Chlldrea. SALVINI BROS., : ELSIE DE WOLFE TWtlTM WEEK OF NOV, 87TK .! L JESSIE B. PEYSER WAlAS-vaxe - THANKSGIVING CONTINUOUS, M to - iii:so 1 - aa. SICK OK. IN TROUBLE ZLNOBIA Tha Rroat Egyptian life reader and no cult tut. Natural-born clairvoyant. . una curca with native roots, herbo harks. lll-lli Allaky bulldlnr, Morrison otroet, corner ThlrtL - , and 26S Scott's Santal-Pepsn Czpsnlis A POSITIVE CURE FntTnOammatlos ortrrliof lb Ulai.leranl Maeaeed Kid ere. B0 0088 SO tar. l ure quickly- and sermanentiv the worst caeee or wsaeawrBsaeej and Site, as matter ol bow kng atandina. nnrmleae. hold Frlce ! . or na. a naoiuieiy bold by drufu.xa. paid, 1 00, 1 boxea. ... T;:Esr;T:u::.rci Pellelontalae, Obie, Weedard, Clark A Cm, To. 3 'Vk,v fat Sal kr wew water system plan:;ed fch elc;:j (Special Dispatch la The Jonraal.l ' Elsln, Or.. Nov. U. Thn lty council la preparing; plana for th cm,truc-t loi of better wstsr system. The work at present or lor a bad condition and wljl have to be repaired Immediately tu Insure fire protection and wster supply for the town. The letrto plant whU it received power from this source. Aad to ba shut down several weeks owing to the lacK or water. Th principal cause la th wooden flum. which carries th water to the city reservoir, belns rotten. half ot th water la lost an account ol breskages and leakages. Ths dty gov ernment Intends building a more sub. st&ntisl flum to convey th wntr "19 th reservoir, work on which will begin so soon as the plans oro perfected. - Th present water system waa con structed by th city seven years ago at cost of tlt.OOO. The water Is. taken from Indian creek-and carried, A dis tance of five miles ta th city rcacr- voir. Indian creek Is a pure mountain . stream snd carries abundant wster for the demands- of the city If properly utilised. . y. , , . -.5 - v r.v .- , ' v FRUITGROWERS TO HOLD MEETING AT LA GRANDE (Bpecia! Dispatch tu The Journal! 1 ' La Grande, Or., Nov. 28. Tha North west Prnltgrowers' association, com- prising tho states of California, Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana. Utah and - British Columbia, will hold Its thir teenth annual meeting' At L Grande, January 2, 4 and 6. ; C. V. Huffman, secretary of th as sociation, of this city has received many : communications from delegates, and tha different states will be well represented. Hood River will have a fruit exhibit here, nd many other fruit-growing sections will have exhibits. - Tha Grand -Rondo exhibit will b ona of tha fleest ' ever seen In tho county,.- Delegates hav been appointed In different parts of th, county to arrange this oxhlbtL . . .. ONTARIO ENTERTAINS PUPILS OF WEISER (Special Dlapatch te Th Jooraal-I . ' ' Ontario, . Or., Nov.. .28. Tho OnUtris High school, will give a reception to th Welser High school In thia city Wednesday. About SO pupils from the Welser. High . school are expected 1 to arrive on tha afternoon train on that data. They will be met At tho depot by tho teachers and pupils, of tho On tario High school in body and es corted to tha opera-house, where an In' formal reception wtll be held. ' In tha evening tho vlaltors will ba entertained with A II erary and muatcal program at tha opera-house, rendered by Ontario High school . pupils. ' Thursday after noon a football game between tho On tario snd Welser High school teams will be played At ths baseball grounds. ECHO WATER SYSTEM r N EARING COMPLETION ' (Special Dispatch te Journal.) . Echo, wr, Nov. 28. The city water works for Echo will ba completed In A few days, tho englno having arrived, pnd ail pip lines are about complete. Th water. will ba take from a large well, which is forced up a hill to a res ervoir with a pressure of 87 pounds to tho square Inch- Tho cost of this sys tem will bo 16,000, and tho people put It In without any tax andUnout Issu ing bonds. The citlsens subscribed 12.' 000 and tho balance of tho money was , on hand from license fees. The power for tho waterworks sys tem w bo used after the first o tho year for electric lights for tho city - AlSO.;.:,..-., ... ... V,,.-" " ii.- --, LARGE PUMPING PLANT sBSBBiR'veaaiiijiw ,r SpcIJ..SlBBtch t The Journal.) ' Elgin, Or.. Nov.. 18. The Grand Ronde Electric company Is proposing plana for the Installation of s large pumping plant on tho Grand Ronde river near Imbler for tho Irrigation of 7,000 acres jot land. An electric motor of 100 horsepower will . furnish the power and a pump will bo Installed that will give a continuous flow of too Inches of water during tho irrigating season. Tha estimated cost is about 218,000. This company has an abund ance of power, having two water power plants, one at Cove and ona. at Morgan laUte. The land to be Irrigated la A fertile spot In th Grand Ronde valley a few miles abovo Elgin and will bo sown In bugar beets. FOOTPAD ATTEMPTS; ;V TO ROB ELGIN MAN . " r . , 1 . (Special Dispatch te The Jours!.) Elgin. Or., Nov. 21. There was an attempted holdup hero Saturday even ing. . As Richard Bridewell, a saloon man. waa passing through tho Elgin Lumber company's yard he waa struck on tho head from the rear with some blunt instrument, Tho blow was A glancing' ono and only dased ths in tended victim, who struck, his assailant as ho disappeared In th darkness. Rob bery was probably tho motive of ths " thug, as Bridewell had quits A sum of money on his person. t - . ELGIN SAWMILLS CLOSE : FOR WINTER SEASON (Special Dispatch t The JoarasL) El girt. Or., Not. 18. Most all tho SAwmillS .In this section are closing down for tho season, Tho supply of logs tlimost all tha cases have been cut and a most successful seasori Is r ported by tho lumberman. Tho work ef getting out next season's supply of logs has already com me need and a large force of men sro engaged In this ocrtx nation at the present time. Whll the mills ars closed down largo forces of , men snd teams ore engaged in hauling tho output of lumber to Elgin for ship ment . Wewberg VFr of TsT. Btoe. (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal. 1 Newbe-rr. Or.. Nov. 28. Burr Oak ell- cla No. 13. W. of W., has held Ita 1'V- tlon, reaultlng aa follow: Past guar dian neighbor, Mrs. Anise dough; guar dian neighbor, Mrs. Minnie Robertson; adviser, Mrs, Lin tillbert;. magician. Miss Etta McCoy; clerk. Mrs. Josephine Bradley:, banker. Miss Olive buret ton; attendant, Mra. Frances Walling; cap tain, Mlas Pearl Cummtnga; Inner sen tinel, V. H. Caldwell; outer aontlneL Matt Redmond; musician, Mrs. Varolii Nelson; manager, Mrs. Maggto Cskl- wsll. '.-.', 1 ' BTwrg TtmpntM Meetrng. ' (HiMvlal Dlepsti'b te The Journal. Nawberg, Or., Nov. J A union lem. perance meeting was held In Crater a hall Bunday evening. M large smil-n. listened 1 to the sddree by lis president of th W. ('. T. I'.. Mr 1,.i Addlton. Music was furntx I hv choirs of th varliiti inm i... ' rreferred ttock C -Allen Lewi' liest 1 j r