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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
I .. ' ' - ' ' . ' , , ' , ,1 . . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. . PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 25, 1605. DH - WM TO fn FILL 0E1D PEOPLE Oil Can She --T" t Save -v i.-TivrimTTT"prri i--.- rrn 1 1 n 1 CI1CI I ROLL y Warren Construction Company Allowed Month Longer to Fin ish Second Street Paving. IF NOT FINISHED THEN : MAY HAVE TO PAY FINE Large Number of Other Paving Con tract Let by Street Committee of . Executive Board and Bpard Will Meet Monday to Approve Them. , The contract for the big fill on Grand avenue from East Oak to Kast Stark streets was awarded yesterday by the street committee or the executive board the Pacific Bridge company tor 116, SOS.fJ. . A special meeting- of the hoard wUl be held Monday morning to. approve ' the action of the committee and the p contractor . will .-begin making .to (Hi Immediately. .. Thee warren - Construction company : was granted an extension of time for laying - bltullthlo pavement on Beoond . street , from Morrison, to Flanders to January 1. The period In which the work should have been finished will ex ,.plre pecember L. .The contractors said ' that they had been prevented from lay- ' lne- the pavement because or the condi tlon af the street due to the laying of large water and gas mains after the contract had been awarded to them. They - asked until July 1. DOS. but the com - mlttee thought, on month's extension ., was sufficient. If the contract 1 la not finished within that time a fine of JS ., a day may be Imposed. . Other contracts awarded were ae follows: East Morrison street between East Water street and Grand avenue, Harry "Howard, two, blocks. SS.li4.S3. and Pa cific Bridge company, three blocks, 110, 11.74; Fifth street, 104 feet south of Sheridan street Nlokum Keller, $1.11 : .East Eleventh between Falling and Me - son streets. Gieblsch Jopltn, $1,417.10; Sixteenth between College and Daven port streets. Harry. Howard, $11,045.7: East Sixth between Shaver arid Mason ' streets, George Bowers; $111.60; Tilla mook from East Twenty-fourth to Kast Twenty-seventh streets. K, l O. Lund . strum, one block. 14,147, and Bechlll Brothers, three blocks. Sl.33S.7ff; East Twenty-sixth from Tillamook street feet south. Joplln tt Meeke. 1J0L.4; Weldler from East First to East Twen- , ty-flrst streets. Star Sand company. IS. 060.14; Russell street from Koas street to Proebsters addition. Bechlll Broth- 11,480.18; Eaat Seventh between away and Wtedler streetsvOleblseh JtJODlln. $710.06: Nineteenth between Spring and Jackson streets. H. Howard, $6.167; Halsey from Eaat Twenty. -fourth to East Twenty-eighth - streets. - Concrete Construction company, llll.t; - Park avenue from King te Fork streets. ' Fralney V Keating, St . ' POSTAL CARDS AS AGENTS 'CRUSADE AGAINST. RUM f-'ft Is reported that' during the past -- week' more tban- 24)0. petitions, some $.000 postal -cards and hundreds of per sonal. letter have been forwarded from Uila city to, President .Roosevelt ank- lug that , he recommend in hi coming message to congress the. repeal of the liiti.uial levenue ta en aleoholli lliiusi'si The following statements are noted In the petitlona that are being sent the nreitldent: . ; . -t . . "The Internal revenue' system ha de veloped and fostered the liquor traffic beyond the fondest dreams of Its early promoters until its invested capital ex eeeds $600,000,000 and Its retail cash Income from the people of the' United States is nearly $1,000,000,000. - The Internal revenue receipts from kll aleohollo liquors Is less than 1200. 000,000 and the license and tax receipts of. all state and local governments la less than $200,000,000 annually, while Its cost directly and Indirectly to the wnoie people exceeaa z.nuv,uuv,vvv yearly la money value alone. . Letters and petitions v urging ' Preel went Haesavelt te tike some autlun In the matter are being forwarded from every section of the nation. him luabei Company Falls. fRneclal nianatrb to The Journal.) 'Chehalla, Wash.. Nov. 26. The Coast Range Lumber company of this city, of which W. H. Proctor of South Bend Is president and J. K. Foye Is secretary. has made an assignment with 8. W. Porter of Napavlne as assignee. Tor the benefit or all Its creditors. The assets are $0,000. liabilities the same. The company has been - operating a planing . ' mill, fir gutter ana sningie business here -- the last year, running the plant, of the Chehalla Milling afc Manufacturing com ' pany. ""' The Chicago Woodenware , company has leased the plant. f One Tear Vast Ceatnry Mark. : , , ' Jouraal Rpeelal HerHre".) 1 Clinton, Iowa, Nov. 25. This county possesses on of the oldest realdent in - Iowa In the person of 8. Bvenson of ' Oliver township, who celebrated - his 101st birthday today. Mr. Bvenson was born lrr Vaaa, Norway, In 1104, and lived .t In his native land unUl 21 yeara ago, ' when he' came to AmerV-aand took up A his reeldenoe in Iowa. For one of his many years he retains his mental and Jdlly vigor In i marveloue degree. "t yr ; If you have never tried The Bitters you really ought to do io today. Then you will realize what wonderful medicine it 1 is . for curing Sour Risings, Heartburn, Poor. Appetite, Indigestion,. Dyspepsia, Female Ills. Colds and Grippe. The cen time has our Private Sump over neck. ' . Rev. H. C. Shaffer Answers Rev. Mr Muckley in ' Scathing Letter; . ; WOULD HAVE ONLY TRUE T . : BELIEVERS IN CHURCH Says' Professed Christians Born of - Cod Should Show Faith by .Their Acta No Catering to jVeaknesies . ot worldly u embers. .. v - ay m m Many a mother who feels that thoie she holda Diont . pro cloua are gradu ally slipping away from her , over the terrible precipice oi disease, would be menu fnl to know what Doctor Pierce's wonderful Golden Medical Discovery" haa of weak and wasted chil dren to complete rounded, rosy, healthy, activity ana me. Tlva u ao this last fall I was taken down with a fevsr and was very bad for several months." write Mrs. Henrietta Bell, of lamud.V)bio. 6 h continue: Finally recovered from the fever, then my-Jang The doctor said I bad became verv bad. eonaumptlon. and that be had doo all hi could tor u. and he did not think that could get wIL My caae waa a very danger- aa. oaa Dignt- Iday. ous ona Became very weak sweats, aim a very bad cough, sight and At times would apt blood. I felt a though mv time on earth would ba short. Reaueated my buabsnd to get me a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical IroTry. aad perhaps It would belD me. Before 1 baa taken one Dottle my cough was almost gone. The next to divappear were the nlght-tweata I ai almost aura that If U bad not been for your medicine I would not have been her to-day. If mother wlU only write to Dr. Pierce concerning the ailment of their family he will (end them sound and valuable advice in a plain sealed envelope, and without any charge whatever. His remarkabh wide experience ha qualified him to dea with diseases which baffle the local prac titioner. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. - ; " Dr. Pierce' Tleaaant Pellet core con stipation. One little "Pellet" 1 a seatl laxative, and two a mna catnarue. BELIEVES THAT SEA LEGS WILL REFORul Hi:.1 - Portland, Or.. Nov. 14. To the Editor Of -The JournalI have neither the time nor inclination to search the writings of the dlsclplee of Christ, but shall take for . granted Mr. Muckley'a statement that their . writers have never made a denial of the holy spirit's personality. But at the same time I wish to say that I know that such denial has been made from their pulpits. And I have heard -them rtdloule the Idea or the spirit's witness to our conversion, say lag that If one publicly confessed his belief In Jesus Christ that -settled the matter. Bat I aayter 6u that devils have confessed to their belief In Jesus Christ, and have trembled, and yet were not saved. Unless the ' mighty, power of the aptrlt of God comes to a seeker he cannot be saved, though he be im mersed la water a hundred timea, and though he confess bis belief In Jesus before multitudes. -.-'!. ,' :. : Sfaay Brpoorlteg. - 4 am Minvlnrsd that thousands of 1 sons are In ' the churches today who never felt the llfe-givtng presence of the eternal spirit In the regeneration of. their lives. Woe to the teachers who have led thetpeopW'-ta wrens way. My belief- la that If all : professed Christiana were born pf Ood that they would show It In the actions of their dally lives, but the fact remain that the influence of the wordly thurch mem ber la ao rreat In the. church that min l.f.r. in man Instance must not say a word against thoeviia of the day aben Young Man Join Navy In Order mm mvavmi-w unu.ia... -- I ... . , , rt - r theatres, Sunday excursions, etc. I pro- I . xo Learn Jfisuom DCTorv iviM by God's, help to denounce every evil way and I believe God will give to me a people after bis own ideaia. 1 SsM rsopi saiousa. . ; Mr. Muckley la evidently proud of the largo number his denomination: repre sents. Probably aome other denomina tions could make as good a showing aa the Dlsclplee of Christ. If no revision of records were . made. -, i nar is a church of his faith. In Whitley count js Indiana, where It Is said that persons whose names were atlll on the record bad been dead five yeara. ..But if Mr. Muckley wishes to know why I made the test a . belief in the prohibition or the liquor traffic,, rather than aome other evil. I answer It la because It Is the greatest evil. of our day, just as slavery was the greatest evil tghen the United Brethren dhurch. fathers excluded frotar-memberithlp- all -who-ield Slave. By a hundred yeajra and more we have prove-: that we - would rather - declare the whole counsel of God than to com pliment the world Into the church. ' In 10 yeara .experience I have noticed; that person; who -stood aggressively against the saloon aa a rule was all right on other lines. . " 1 ' '". - " . - ... J!- '- UniyjTW PIWIHI. ' ', ' Bo that the question -'.that was'- pro Posed, "Do you believe In the total pro blbltUJn of the liquor traffic T" la in th very nature of things more of a testi mony to tne world man a test or mem- persnip. ior oniy socn jwrois m. loenditure of 11.000.000 of Oregon money 2!SJ-. 7- ZZV?r. S?,. on the Klamath project, whlch.b. deems i7.,t7V. nnllcatlon to u. for mem- P, recosnltlon for Oregon. Becretary Coming Into Fortune ' V .' ' (Yearaal Speetal 81 Louis, Mo., Nov. J Believing "sea: legs" acquired In the United States, navy would aid him materially In keeping, in the straight and narrow path when, at the age of tl he cornea Into thtr possession of IS5.400. Walter Os borne Jones,- aged- IT, haa left for Nor folk, Virginia, to become an apprentice on the United States s tamer Franklin. February It, no, young Jones will be 21 years old. will be discharged- from tb navy and at the ' same time . wlR come Into possession of an estate lert by hla uncle, the lata Walter Jones, of Montreal, Canada. - Toung aa Jones Is. he has run through with one fortune.' He married a woman four year a older, than htm eel f, but the wife left him three days after the wed ding. ' Fearing he would make ducks and drakes of hla money were he to get It now, Jonesyha enlisted and hopea to cut nta wisaom leetn Dy en ume m term of servloe expires. Are Ne yei Bitter TJew Process Ralston Health Oats arc sweet and clean and wholesome. That bitterness in some oats is caused by an uneven temperature in roasting. ; That is w he re oiir n cw Cereal Rbasterv does such fine .work -always; just the right temperature. . ITS AU H THE ROASnnfiG Rtliton Health Oats (new pro- -: cess) are different from say other cereal food. Our new Cereal" Roaster, the only one of its kind on the Pacific Coast, heat th. oat gradually and regulates thef temperature to the fraction of degree. That brings out all of th natural oat flavor. - ' , ...... .' .... .. The Cereal Roaster, by tire, perfectly. '. regulated dry heat, softens the tough little leathery envelope around x each starch granule so that the second cook ing prepares it. for perfect and . easy digestion. : mU ft i L J)(l aw m. M m u m r - ACHE- Purina Hills of? V wiei evwrry it NUMnouNt' St tOuiS.MO f Just Try a Packagethe Checkerboard .' Packageand See How Much Better You Feet '- ACME MILLS v r - -PORTLAND. OREGON Fprr FFFH 1 1 apt S W i 7- h n r. :m - h-A .-,1 J . . fr asoaaaaa i i . t -.n'-TT' n ..riM T 1 r i Jlj1L-,.0 J Lii LJ LI 1 ROASTERS! ROASTERS! ROASTERS! Just the Thing for YourThanksgiving Turkey ! . . OREGON MUST PAY FOR . RKLlIMTOirmMATH ' ' (Jesrsal Sneclal Service.) Washington, Nov. IS. On the ground that he haa already authorised the ex- traffic make application to us for mem bershlp. r ". , ' " I make a frank confession. in using the term Campbelllte I neither was Ignorant of their dislike of the term. yet did not Intend to be discourteous. Hitchcock has again refused to authorise the construction of the Umatilla project In eastern Oregon. ' Senator Fulton to day renewed hla " argument wlth the secretary and Insisted that It waa an- but felt somewhat like, I think, the negro 'air to charge the entire present allot- lad- felt when ho -put- a burr under th saddle of the master, who was about to ride after Ellsa, In "Uncle Tom'a I must take no more nae in i in Mr. . Muckley, save to say that to how that he naa not given me .matter of. the relation of th church to the llauor traffic as close a study aa some ef his people. I shall read a letter from my pulpit Sunday evening from one of tha members of hi enurch whom . I tudae to be one of the moat faithful of Christian aa well aa aucoeasful of Port land business men. ment to Oregon when It waa am Inter- stats affair. The secretary Insist that the II.090.004 alloted to Oregon la hei entire share In the project which Is to tas tlJUB-Mftjlll, be taken from the California allotment to complete the work. 'While the .secretary la 'apparently d termlned to hold up the Malheur project until the Wagon Road company eomns to the terms, he Imposes, he la still un willing to divert money front the MaT heur allotment (or nse on other project In Oregon, and until this difficulty Is aajasiM in money must remain tied OP. xepuse so woruifvu. . . In regard to "A Worklngman." I wish IAc;7-s.:Tut"rVmTnd wm "hat RESURRECTS THE HERO one oi the sins to do repentea or in tnis day Is complicity with the liquor traffia Furthermore, If I thought for. one mo ment that Jesus Christ made wine that would Intoxicate men, I should at once step down and out of my pulpit, sever TO SATISFY READERS - Journal Sotelal Berries.) Budapest, Nov. t5. One of the local newspapers haa eaused considerable ,u?rn.Tit,?n1WJih.l.J -alTi'tJfn? t amusement and comment by publishing "lZirZZrVS:?? ! followmg-announcementr-lt bs. spotless character ' and ' deity, of the Nasarene. Aa to the definition of temperance, I assure my fellow worklngman that th come to our notloe that hundreds of the Inhabitants of ' this city have , found mucn interest in-reading the novel en. true definition Is "Total abstinence from tM '7h of Valpurga,". which ap all thlnaa harmful, and moderation In I peered In aerial fornv In the columns of all else." . -, :. lour contemporary, ne vaaarneiyi. xn I accept the rebuke he gtveg to preach novev ws are imormea, enaea yesterday era for using big words" and assure because Orlando, the nero, pursued by him that so far as I am concerned there I enemiee, took refuge In a cave and there are ao few that I know that he 'could I was slain. We are glad to. Inform all soon master them alL SlmpU woapel Veedea. . I believe with , htm that the simple aonnel Is the need of tha hour. 1 shall ever purpose to preach it. Its simplicity Is. to be, found lifcdtlt adaptaKnity to th need of every ag,"very clime, every rrntury . aniiis ini iiquor traixio irom thia country, and then begin to do the next thing. "And let me assure my friend .who labors that If) all the history of . the labor trouble no church . has wept and .worked, for the laboring man more than th .United. Brethren .church, for. nearly all of our. people are labor ing people. )tt C. SHAFFER. ..' HEGERMAN APPOINTED our reader and thoee who are inter ested In tho fate of Orlando that he waa not killed., bat succeeded In osoap- l Ing .from the .cave. Wehave acquired the exclusive rlghlfc to continue the publication of , tho novel, and will .not toierato again for a moment .that the sufficient pay from the editor .of our tlngjr contemporary. - t TO MAKE ISLE OF PINES A SECOND MONTE CARLO i . ; H'ttavana. Nov. is. Close, upon thate- Iport that the Americans of the Isle of TO ClirPCCn nTrDrtlptoe" r th southern coast of Cuba, w wuuuki.1 v I kiiu I have have declared their ' Independence from Jearaal SnecUl Sarvles.) .. Washington. Nov. 25. The president yesteadsy announced th appointment of Herbert Hegerman of Roawell, New Mexico, to be governor of that ter ritory, to take effect at the expiration of Governor Otero's term, January It nest;! I - . . Ooaatopolia Maa Zajored. -(Hperial piateb te Je Jearrul.) " Cosmonolia, Wash., Nov. Is. While working In therey Harbor Ommw- elal company's mill here yesterday. W. H. Drlfko caught hla right hand between two wheels, crushing th thumb and flrnt finger badly aa JO necessitate am putntlnn. Me waa taken to the Aberdeen general hospital for treatment. c ' VerruiTaWeo With Death. . "1ath was fast approaching." writes Ralph F. Fernandes of Tampa, Fla, describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart dlaeaae, which had robbed me of Bleep and of all tntereat In -life. I had tried many different doctors and several med icines, but got no benefit, until I began to us Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect that In threa day a I felt like a new man, and today -I am cured of all my troubles." Oiatranteed et--rikMmre dros; etoret 41 Xhim street; price SOo. c Extra; heavy, full -qlze, few dayaSonly. . . Purchasers' wiU" find them worth twice that janv. -TS j v m Splendid Universal Datige With Which to Bake That Turkey, only $25 We have larger but no better ones up to $70 .-: COLE'S HOT BLAST AND WILSON'S AIRIGfiT HEATERS ARE THE BEST ON EARTH rr - w : - COMPLSTB ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, TINWARE AND EDGED TOOLS ! - J Telephone Main 1382;tt ' --Odd Fellows Temple Flrst and Alder- 5 ieeee e mm e)eeeeeeee et iit 1 1 1 t iiiiilM a mLm oca ml r Do not: take chances-on it wearinr away or experiment -with some unknown preparation which will only half cure it at best, and leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and usceptible-taattacKJmni tne trerms of Consumption. 'v-s. v y..7'-.' mm mm not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and pre vents serious results from a cold. ; : ; r It Savtd His) Ufa After th Dootor Said Ha Had Consumption. - - W. R. Davis, Vissalia, California, writes "There is no doubt but what FOLEY'S HONEY . AND TAR saved my life. I had an awful cough oji my lungs and the doctor told me' I had -consumption.' I commenced taking. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from the first and three bottles cured me completely.' f REFUSE GUOGTITUTEO THREE GIZEO. 2Co, COo and 01.00 ZZZZ SCLD 1T.D nECCEKDED nv r WOODARD7- CLARKE- ft CO. AND S. O. SKIDMORE ft CO. Cuba and ' bare established their own Independent ' government, comes - the news that the revolutionary movement waa supported by a clique of wealthy merlcalisTMve'TleX'WWTrJ tai tlcal object In view. It la stated, on what Is believed te ba good authority, that en -American ayndlcata Intends to make the Isle of Pines a second . Mo naco. . It Ms said, to be their Intention to. erect upon the island a magnificent casino and a large number of expensive residences, which wUl be rented. for the winter season to wealthy people who Wish to spend the winter In that beauti ful climate and. at the eame time, en joy the. sport and excitement which a large gampilBaT nouse would oner 10 them. , . For tha accommodation of those who do not wish to be burdened with a large household several large and lux uriously-equipped hotels wilt be built. ARRANGING' PERMANENT : EXHIBIT AT SALEM (ffeHsl Dtepatrh t 11k Joarnal. Salem. Or.. Nov. IS. All the Lewis nd Clark fair exhibits ot mounted birds andanImalranolf-the--natlvwoe4a nd other exhibits belonging to the state have been brought to Salem and are now being arranged, as a permanent exhibi tion In thajold library room on the third floor of the capltol building. - aad si Vera Busts. NEW - sjaaAwswly rornfeb, lefearlr eeetna.' Srspraef. St. atlaatM W.Ik h-i bmM ( sboppl MH4M euaict. SU ler, slry, atst4. warns, at Mai kaatea, )trte Hskta. t'l.paB. la att apart ax .ta Lara, afaee. isaaslw. aaansls. writl.. water ra.ptl.a Mrlor. t sin cmiaeaa. Mvat aaaalbas SiMtS trata Roomift.OO to $3.00. s Daf Sterlal Kstes Osajaisrrlal . ataa, v ' -kS. UAM IATOsT. r " (lyaMtly ef H.( Beapata. Ssakasat vim u y x. ' ' ' aasBsaaaaB" for Kldnev ex Liiaaaer troubles. Curco In j 43H0UT8 URINARY Saeh Cananla " bear the aamaarl , ! We MlAht Turn Out rrr Pour Prfntfntj If w set earselTM sbent It. ' bat r sr. so eat of startle la that, roapeet thai we Imacia. w. mnM auk. - a rank fallor. ot the job. W saart tkat th. nrk wmIiI be rtntiaa. la .pit. f all or afftwfa. W. r mewne tM tb ncalstar f aor prlatlng. - ; Qrtrpinlttait lrras 4f FRONT ST. Mian i33 - Bet Morrison and , Alder. GEO. M. STRONG, 163 West Park St. nctnsTTS ceitviKciai. rROTocBAraEt DITHTn COPYING AND ENLARGING rliVlU A SPECIALTY Mnee Tlewe, rneeral Wnra. Flash- lit nta, JToflak Svloptng, IraBlag. ' if s.1 1 l iSLt n - aartsa nu rartt"'fl ttatr. xlia In I IF 't ST'oay'V r F-" t i . r fn i y - $1.00 ALL FOR $..00 rat Dill. t and good aed feat tke alght. aa ferSV King's Dllh Sarratfe aad Wast. Ingtoav Sta, naa4 and Urgaa kattj Tot ssoditra ' eM I Lawaat pru.a t.