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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 5, 1S05. ; ; ; ; : -.1 --: TRAPPED GIG GAME i.t- THE RANGE - I 1 ' " . - . .. 1 . ' , ' 'lie? BjTdDiiliiieFS Lette Number Thw In Which- the' Brother Talks to :--( - I W--'J---lp- - r famous Dick 4 Rock -Ranch In nontana Backed by Wealth " Salt Laka City Men; i ! . 4 . HUNDREDS OF ANIMALS V r .WERE CAPTURED ALIVE " ' His i SisterAbout Never MarryT S ing a Man 'Until She's Got X r. Owners. Supplied Circus Men , and Preserve of the East One, of the .'. Owneni KDle'd by a Buffalo Bull ' tand Herd U Sold, rr'f 1 Andth er M an's Hones t , O pinionof H im. : r T : WELCOMED GOOD ROADS HEETUIG ... K t . y f'l '. ,L- I r inMl.'ManL. Nov. It. alt link City men hav. bonght tha Dick Rock ranch, as- It cam to called, and th . property Fill probably lea much of It .. tild tiro novelty and charm la becoming rrnort for wealthy men who dealre to brtaig down big frame In one of the wild est and most picturesque section In the Rocky mountain. - The ranch was taken up". 20-years ago by Smith and R k and served a novel purpose. The two men captured alive hundreds of --wild animals, kept them at the ranch tor awhile and then sold them to circus men or rich New Yorkers who paid 11b- - ernlly for animals with which to stock their, frame preserves la the Adtron tUcka,.,.., ', - j"...-,' ' ' Smith and Rock became acquainted 1m the early day Of Montana..' Many a buffalo fell beneath their aim and Rock .1, was accounted a. wonder when t cam to Jcinntntr these animals, often remov. - tng the skins from half a hundred In one day wttb; nothing- to aid i him except lts ktilfe. 'But in h endah forfeited tils life to a'buffalo'a rasa. , ? . . Th partner built Immense pens at. ihetr Heju-y-g lake ranch , during the . summer months. .When winter came and ..the ..snow became deep, the men would fasten Norwegian skis upoq their feet and Belly forth to locate a herd of elk. This done, they drove the? animal a ' ahead of them like cattle, as they were unable to escape on' account of the deep enow. They walked Into the -pens that had been previously stocked, with .en-tlng- food and ttielr captors put up the bars. The-prices paid for th antmals ranged about like this;. Elk.. SS6tor 1100 apiece; bears,' 160; mountain sheep, 1350; fleer. 130,-aoOUth purchasers paid the freight and met-the expense -of. catting te beasts to the railroad. la five years S8J deer.. SOT, elk, II bears, to moun tain goats' and ' several . moose were trapped.' Three buffalo ealvee were th lant brought -In to the fold. '' - -But Vic." Smith .was pining ,'for civil isation and 'at last sold out his share of the business to hla u partner -. and redded a bright-eyed Anaconda girl. ' He still resides - in this , city. Ttock thought his buffalo bad been- tamed by captivity and grew careless of danger. One day, he ventured too close to one of them- and the animal rushed upon - - Win with a bellow and gored him to death. His widow afterward sold th bVats and they are now the property of Senator Clark of. Montana and. are kept at Columbia, gardens, Butt'. pieasur resort, ..' . . -Ji T- . EVERYTHING BOOMING I IT. v NORTHEASTERN LEWIS ' (Special Dispatch to Ts JoaraaL) ' '"" Chebalia. Wash Nov. 25. Commis sioner Tilly has returned from a trip to Mineral lakes, in the northeastern part of Lewis county. He report things ,r iirog-resslng in that wlprhborheod. m big awmill that will cut 100.000 dally being well under way at . Mineral . Lake, and construction progressing on th Tacoma .A Eastern. About 40 Jap are at work 1 on the railroad. While ther Tilly au thorlsed some road work near Mineral. He says thatthe county will get an in creased valuation of probably , 1 100,000 nejet year -on -the improvements going on tn- that ''section. " .;- Tilly ha recently closed "an arrange mtnt for about three and a half mil - of plank- road that will be" at one puatied to completion on Lincoln creek. Oray Bros, of Cowllts are sawing th lumber. This will giv about 11 miles of panir road to the farmer of th Lin. i .... cola creek valley. : , : - ' ., Wladso Weddlag-s XUagai Wlpdsor, Ont, Nov. 25. A decision junt banded down by the attorney-general Iff the Dominion is to the: effect that 'marriages contracted 'by Ameri cana." I n Windsor ar invalid, and that a residenc 1 . necessary In this town before a license can be taken out. Hun dreds of Americans, among them many elopers, ar annually wedded here. oc9 (CacuEnoit vjusosciey than HAYNER, no matter how ranch you par or where you get It. We have been distilling whiskey for 39 years. , W have one of the moit modern and best equipped distilleries In tha world. We know of nothing that would. Lb prove our product. , Perfection In the dlatlller's art has been reached in HAYNER WHISKEY, which goes direct from our distiller- to YOU, with all of its original purity, strength, richness and flavor. It doesn't pass through the bands of any dealer or middleman to adulterate. Yon thus save the dealers' big profita, ; Von buy at the distiller's price, at first cost. ( Don't yon see the economy In buying HAYNER WHISKEY, as well ,as the certainty of getting absolutely pure whiskeyr, i. .i j. . . Oslted fttates Senate, Waahlnrtoa, D. C edHATrTBSWRTSnTlbrmadiciaalpiupeeee ta my family sad have auaUctory. . I seUv tt t be a asmeer-one medicinal whiskey." J mm z JL FULL S QUARTS: FULL ll K. QUAIIT8 U l- 29 Bead toe above sraenat and w win tMp hi a plala sealed ease, with o marki to show contacts. Try th whisker, hav yotir doctor teat H very borlle if yo Wish. If yoa doa't And Mall rlht. ship It back to as t OUR CXPKNSK and your money will be promptly ratuaded. How said say offer be fairer t , ', Mom save money by ordering 20 ooart by freight. If yoa eaa't use so mark, rx a friend to Join yoa. Yea can have either Rr ee Bourbon. Jlaambsrw pay th apnea or freigbt chanrs.' . j. j-., . .. . , ", . Writ oar aearset office sad rTIIS IIAYKZR CISTILLiriQ COMPANY LPawVaVlats. StLswIcil. OaytM, O. Athnrta, . bWfwf. TrW.O.- Capital $50a00a.0a U k HO. Betsbilaned Ism POSTMASTER "B. W." JOHNSON, CORVALU8. SUPPORT ASSURED ALASKA LIIIE A. H. Dever ' Promises Rfty Dollars a M.6nth, Business -..." . , i.. . ; or No Business. ' - - " " .. '. ; " ' '" ' r. :, m'"j , ." ', -: :, i CHAMBER OF COMMERCE . SOUNDING BUSINESS MEN Coal, Oil and Copper Fegarded as - Permanent Wealth' Sources Boat ' Might Have Coal Cargo Coming Back Portland Distributing Point. - movement to establlah a steamship line between Portland and th Valdes- Kayak-Seward region of Alaska has as. umed definite form In art effort, that 1 being made by the Portland chamber of commerce to ascertain th amount ot support such" a line would receive from merchant and shipper. Th first ma called upon A. H. Devers, of Closset tt Devrs replied: ' " - -i?You.mayput this rlrm. dowh for sup port to the estent of 150 pet Tnontlr for any steamship line that will operate on that route, whether we ship anything or not." ,.... - . i'j . , . This I th spirit In which th under taking Is -being received. Portland mer chants long have been convinced that there are great trade epportunltles for Portland . ins th copper, coal" and oil fields that are being opened up along the coast of western Alaska. They are further convinced that no city In the United State has a whit betteiulocatlon than Portland for trade, with these region.. The outside 'ronte for steam. ships offers a straight course from the - .1- . - . A I ' M.nJ.LI. . A .J Valdes. Kayak. Cordova bay or Sitka. Th population and business of this part of Alaska will exceed within two years, It Is said, that of any other part of the great jjorfn eon wiry. r Permaaent Xmdnatrl, ' ' Th nature of th resource of Kayak, Valdes and Seward- peninsula I such that their Industrie will be permanent and thtir prosperity absolutely certain. It I said that far more wealth will come out of. the coal, 611 and copper than has been rodttoed from the frozen placers of the Yukon country. Th business of merchandising will be permanent and reliable, credit will be good becausn there Is ample capital behind th coaL copper and oil development and th character of thesT-1nduBtrles give strong support to th financial - fabric of any community they build up. . To carry on copper mining and smelting. -teosl mining ancTotl production requires large population, and It la said by tboe who are in a position to know that at Cordova bay, th harbor selected by th New Torg railroad syndicate ror a rail road system In the Copper river country, wtl! be built the largest elly lfl Alaska. Portland propose to have a steamatip un running to voroova Day. ' Ketorm Cargo of CoaL "With th opening of the Kayak coal mines, th navigation problem' will be Buy'PuiPdiP mm 4. iimrttn, U. p. Senator (rem Virginia, ntumrsr .00 EXPRESS PREPAID 20 FREIGHT PREPAID de M KOW. , . j X"'TuxetM as - . - ; WATERS. ' BENTON COUNTT solved.. Bhlps will be able to aecura a return -cargo, and, what Is almost as Important, they will not be obliged to carry ftrel for more than the one way trip,' aald a steamship man. "On of th trouble of thla business ha been that a ship sailing from -Portland would have to carry fuel enough to last her for the round trip, and so much space was taken by the fuel' that, together with the loss Involved by returning In ballast, ther was no profit In th run. These "condition now ar changing rapidly. Th coal situation In th Kayak district la th moat encouraging factor. As soon as ther I ooel on th dock at Kayak. r Cordova. bay for shipment no steamshjp will require any outside help to establish a business,' Th undertaking Willi be simply a matter of, having a good ship and nough money to handle the coal business. Rate for transpor tation ot merchandise from Portland to Alaska can be reduced when the coal carrying trade begin, and thla further will benefit the Portland proposition.; Portland th Coal JKarkat. Thi city will b th bast market an the north coast for Kayak coal for two reasons:.. Ther are no coal mines -4n the Immediate vicinity of Portland, as Is th case at Seattle and Tacoma, and th completion of the north bank line of th Northern Pacifle will give. Portland a second water grade rout to the east for transporting fh an terra clt to th In terior of the country. It naturally fol lows that this city will b th favored distributing point for th coal that Is brought from. Alaska, and th territory of the . Oregon Railroad St Navigation company, Northern Pacific, Great North ern and Burlington roads will receive fuel through thla port In preference to hauling It - over the mountains from sound port to th interior." j ! A San Francisco steamship lln r1s ready to conclude arrangement with Portland merchants for,,, starting an Alaska line neat spring. Th president of the company has taken up the ques tion seriously and asks that Portland merchants show him what the extent ot the a up poet would he here far, such a line. -. Thi question tha chamber of com. mere Is investigating. It is believed the merchants are almost unanimously In favor of the undertaking and that a definite proposition wtll be the outcome. POULTRY SHOW WILL OPEN ATCOHMUS" Indications -"That Exhibit Will Far Exceed Those of v Former. ' (Special' Dispatch te The Joernsl.) . CorvaUla, .Nov. .--TtMw-vry Indication ' that th Corvalll poultry how, which begin In thi city next Thursday.-. will be a"roarlng" success. No effort Is being spared to"maks1t so, and entries ar coming In faster than In previous ye re, which demon- Din slilrnprnad interest tskfin In th affair abroad. Th period for entering birds closes Tuesday. Th bow take place In the opera house, which Is to b attractively prepared tor the exhibition. . r ' . Judge Hinds of California, who pre sided at the show hejd her last year, has written that he cannot attend, and in hi stead Elmer Dixon; the . well known Judge of Oregon City, will offl olata. .. Among th prise offend ar four handaom Uvr cup, 'valued at 110 each. They are offered by th associa tion and will b awarded- a follow First, to ths 10 highest scoring birds; second, to best pen In th show. In com petition,: to be awarded by th judge; third, to beat collection Buff Orping ton; xourvn, iw cai iiuiuii. outu ROCk. - .'".--:,.. -r-.j-- ; WIFE AMD FIVE CHILDREN KILLED WITH HAMMER . Jsoraal SoecUl Bervlee.) - Indepandeno. la.. Not. 25. WIHlam He Will lama 1 under arrest ' here, charged with the murder of his wife and flv children, th age of th lat ter ranging from S to II years, at thelt home, six miles from here. , The moth er. had evidently: been killed-while pre paring a meal, a rood was on th stove. Th other had apparently been ought out and killed in different- place about th house. ; Th baby, less thaa year old, was dresaed In hood and mitten. A hammer wa used to kill I them, while numerous knife-out were Tonnn7'p)iaie'a'",MI!,Wllll1Bulu diislis thai b 1 guilty. , ' , .... . , HOME BURNS WHILE - . : ' FAMILY IS ABSENT ' (Hpeeial rlepsteh to-The Jeureal.) , -Chshalls. Wash.,- Nov. l Fire last night destroyed XX C. Millet f old re. Ideno with It contents whll th family was absent ' ar church supper. , Th loesyls $2,500. His fin new residency costing thousands of dollars, which la nearly completed, caught fir, but was saved by hard work. , - Mr. Marshall Xanana, -'' (Special Plspetek ,tTbe Jearaal.) Albany. Or., Nov. 15. Mra Eva Mar- shall of Pennsylvania, recently arrested hers while trying to de-fraud -the First National - bank-of - $5 -by forged check, -- .ha i been committed to the ' ijngan asylum " by ; : County juage: ia, n. ) niewsrx. not tru in formation was filed against th woman. and she was ordered discharged from custodynn tka forgcryvrhsrs iah wilt U . f,bM n t).nn,vl,.nU M... V. JB. wwt i , - ; . ' v - ; " - J. JOHNSON. MATOR OF CORVALU3. , . CONCENTRATOR TO BE ENLARGED . Copperopolis Company Has A- Placed Order f of New and- .V - - " y - i i Better Milling Plant... ' " ' - : M' '-'' WILL HAVE MORE THAN HUNDRED-TON CAPACITY - 4 M. A. BnUer Says Kew Mill' Has - Been Ordered and Is to Be Erected ' and Put in Commission as Soon as It Is Delirered.v ; r ;.: (Special Dispatch te' The Joeraal.) Prairie City, Or., Nov, IS. M. A. But ler, of the Copperopolis company, oper ating on Dixie creek, said upon his re turn her from th east that he had purchased a 115-ton concentrating plant, which was to be shipped Immediately, and would be erected at the property a soon as It could be hauled out to th mine, Th type of a mill 1 not stated by Mr. Butler, but be say that at -la- a modern xoocantrator, adapted ta th requirement of th Copperopolis ores, and when running will enable the management to realise on the large cop per ore body that has been opened by the work of the past three years. The management tried a Wild pul veriser, jigs and a table the early part of this year, but found th plant in efficient and , concluded to make the change for a standard troe of a mllL The Wild mill had amair capacity, and It Is clear to th management that ore at th Copperopolis must be handled In large quantity. Insuring low costs for mining and willing. With th new plant Mr. Butler believe that-th Cop peropoll will become a steady producer. and will ship a regular concentrate ton nage to th Sumpter amelter. s ; ntCrSPRTNCSOtDT Prominent . Tlaof. of , gsjrty Says WU1 . pm ao.ntppd for Xoders Work. t- tSnedal Dtoostea te The JearsaLI " Grant Fa, Or., Nov. 15. A mining deal nas - been - cloed ' in thi city, through C I Mnngum, for th purchase of th Willow Spring placer, on Wil low creek. nar Gold Hill. "UK. Arm. trongiand associates'-of Spokane -ar th buyer, and the vendor I Dr. James Braden, a Gold Hill mining man. -- -Th first payment wa made ' yesterday through the Flrt National bsnlr of hi city. Th new owner have -taken poa aeasldn and at One will lncreas -the tTTilprntnt 1 T Th Willow Spring placeWeonglit of 13S seres, which carry a well-defined ancient channel. These diggings have been worked continually sine 1851, hav ing yielded well in the early daya - Th property- ta equipped with a Small hy draulic plant, - water " being - delivered through a five-mile ditch. The new ownkra will widen and deepen the ditch, lay aeveril hundred feet of additional piping, act a heavier battery of giant, and shape th placer for operation oa a greater seal. The deposit ha depth of from to 10 feet. The ground; when free of boulder and cement, yields readily, and carrlea coarse gold. MINING NOTES'. - f . i i - . i' f "F. A. Wing, aaaayer In charge of" tha government assay office at Seattle, bas compiled a table showing gold receipts at his office from Alaska In 10H months of loot, which are as follows: Nome, M.l7.02.1; Tanana, I4.I89.SM.I7. and Yukon territory. 17,861, 031. S. Mr. Wins aays that he knows of 1600,000 shipped from the Tanana to San Francisco snd 1300,000 from Nom to fh same desti nation. ' The banks and express com panies at Nom reported that they bad handled thi year more than 14.000,000 rrom ' mons than . i,Ov.oot from Taaana, Tha total yield of Alaska and th Tukon territory this year al ready ha passed 118,1(1.787. which la 14.000.000 greater than for the preced ing year, most of , the lncreas being from Tanana, mat niatnot yielding in 1904 1877.124. - Alaska and the Tukon territory yield since mining began ther tullai T.?fhl4yvy 812.971.870.20 tlt.290.222.04t 1902, $11,940,711.54; 1908 $16,781,038.07, and 1904, $18,481,016.78. si (I Baker City, Or., Nov. 2S.-A new and rich or shoot is reported from th Highland. Bock Creek district. Th strike -was mad - In th main tunnel level by a-crosscut from th old drift, which had Vralled th main or vein vral hundred feet. - Three croaaouts were driven and each tapped the new or body. On ot them had penetrated the ore more than six feet at th tlm of th report. ' Th new machtney on th Highland has been, completed, and th nnil is In operation.- , . '.'.TT,; . . ' Vancouver,' B. CNdv. H. Th larg est lead smelting furnace In the world la being manufactured In Nelson, . In this province, by the Kootenay Engi neering work. It has been ordered for the Canadian ! Reduction works, at -Bake City. Or., Nov. 26 Articles of incorporation .hav been filed her by Otto Simmons, J. J. Connaughon and : r. Chatten for th Kast A West Oold Mining company. Th capitalisation I placed at 1250,000, and th company Is i:" A girl should never marry a fellow ; until she's got a honest opinion of nim. She can always get ; ; such an . opinion .. she has no . father or brother, . " There's8 always a straight chap ? ;; ' somewhere around whom a girl ; ' can go to, and that sort of man '. will never refuse to be honest L : with such a girl . honest .with him ;J ,'will heed.what he says when he puts the facts before her and not go off ."'. on' that silly tangent of reforming a man after marriage!; If a girflikes to play the r6Ie of a martyr- and that sort or thing seems to appeal to " a lot of girls it's about the surest wav to a perfect hell on eartn (for- give me, Sis, but that's the only wotd)jhat.ihc. (Wli'Jniil;:.. .zllj .'.. ; v : " , See The Ladies' Hoivie : Of All Dealers af 15 Cents a Copy : i;:J THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA PA.' Good - ARE INDUCED BY v SATISFIED PEOPLE It is the wish of every person to be well treated and then iheVwiiroing youfprttssT This we will positively guar antee with our superb line of pianos 1 ' ' ':;:: L-li. SOIRIER, DICKER, josrai, All world-renowned.' Not a t dissatisfied customer. Prices and terms the lowest, ' easy Hennrrspecialty4 Call yid-1 examine our stock and com pare, this is all we ask- ",.;" RlAMlFACrURERS' PIANO CO. , 3SO Aldr Street J. F. Kessler, Pres. ; W. T. Shanahan, Vice-Pres. o Portland . "PORTLAND," ORKQON,--KUROPKAN PLAN ONLY -'- HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL aiiTi'.na Everything to' eat and drink, and It cost no mor tn the Portland Hotel Rathskerier thsn elsewhere? in the city. Every weekday night from 6:80 to 12, . - " SC. a BOWItf, BUnager. formed to develop mining -properties lo this dltrlct r--L , 8m&aay gchool Convention. Eugene, Or., Nov 25. A county Bun- day school convention I being held in th Flrat-Baptist church Ot BugenK the sessions beginning yesterdsy and end ing tonight. Rev, W. C. Merrltt, Inter national field worker for th Pacific slope. Is the principal speaker. BTraraUria Wains. Rhumat1am, " lumbago and pains -yield to th penetrating Influence Dai IB rn a nnow jjinimsni, It penetrate to th nerves andbones and nelng ahaorhed Into the blond, it heeling properties are eonveye to every the body, and effect some won- nerim ihiiot, vyn .im by Woodard., Clark A Co. erfnl cures. 2Ro, fipn and. 11.0. Sold Kittens, even where t - I U I es if she will be - and if she ' , . ... .v.- the whole letter in bas for sixty years been the standard is mnA rjoDular than eves both with - festicThis has entailed Upon POND'S EXTRACT the intfvit '' able penalry of fame: .. vv r "'...". Imitation and Substitiitibn : - Neither of these bowever, would be perflou- to puhGe health if unscrupulous manufacturer twayed more br Profit than Principle did not jeopardize the) health and lives of the people by adulterating . . thek corhmon and unidentified witch hazels and offering them through wholesale and retail druggists and department stores as " the tamo tiiiia" mid-"iu-ertjoorj" as Not content with marketing an inferior article these rnajiuiacturers reached the point at last m their Creed of Gainof offering witch ;' hazel . fortified with Wood Alcohol (poison) or FormaUehydi ' (pouon) or both, 10 the irnrninent peril of all who were deceived into -j buying and using it ", . v:j.'.' ; ,. '. '';. So rife have these DemicSous conditions become that the State) I s'Legiilatures of New York and Illinois have enacted laws which make .' at an offence punishable by heavy fine, or tmpnsonrnenL or both, tov Sell any medicinal extract containing Wood Alcohol (poison) or Foi ' tnalJenyde (poison) unless the bottle containing same) be labeled ' POISON, and other States throughout the Union are taking steps7 . one after another, to the same protective end. ' . In order, therefore, that the pubEc may be secured against the, ' danger of poisoning by the use or such witch hazels, we are impelled j ' to publish the following ; Caution Witch Hsze! not -thesame thing as POND'S EXTRACT. " On analysis of 70 samples of witch hazel, bought of leading whole : sale and retail druggists and department stores, 52 contained W ooJ ' Alcohol (poison) or Formaldehyde (poisoh), or both, and Dot one of , ' the other 18 wm up to me required standard of strength. The perl -el these potsons may be avoided by. the exclusive use of ' ; ;' pond;s: Jcostj trior, but h t? We Deal in All y' Kinds of Coal W sell th products of all th mlgjis, r. : ' henc ihy nam u-. "Tata BIO MILOW8 tsT, Buaismar' OOAZi . f W sell coke, teo, and Viarante to giv - ' - : ' ; - - ' full weight. - . ,. Vulcan Coal Go: tl xu trra, as Snntsid St. rjKrr. rr the extract of witch hazel and today the DubGc and the Medical pro- POND &- BXTRAGTi -i:' ','"-,".:k- EXTRACT worth the dfference. , s"iS,Mi The Multnomah v Business Institute '.viinrtaM,.,.' dpeclat School of Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting. Bookkeeping ind Rnalnes Method, Business Pen manshtp by th Palmer Method. . cost, or Ttmnojr. Just en third less than I usually required. revelling or day" seaarona Call Main 4908 for particular. w 6S ' Mm T3f r - . 1 I ; & SJ I 1 -