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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
-.7 ' THE OREGON- DAILY. IJQUr.MAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. NOVCTIDER" 24, 1805. V TOWN "TOPICS' TOBIOHT'S AMVSIMIBTS. Marquam Oread... ' fc. lun.. ' iJmptre,.,.. ..... H.k.'r ..rric... t;rn4 ............ - Mar , I.IWrtr J. .Britt-Nalana Ptrturra ..."Tha ratal Card .."A Broken Heart" ....ktualral Burl. win. .."A Trampa Oath' .' vaudeville , Vauocvlll Vaud.Tllla A pallor meeting of the W. C. T. IT. .and It friends waa held at the- res1. , ilence of Mr. and Mr. I. H. Amos' est night, at whtcli M.r. Callle How of St. Joieph, Missouri, was ths honor , guest, i lira, Arnoa. her daughter. Mlaa ,Amo, and , Mr 8. Ada Wallace .Unruh received the guests, and Mrs. Unruh In- lrudticed Mr. Howe, who apoke briefly on the progreaalve work of the order .she represents as national, lecturer and organiser. Miss Oa II Laughlln, the at- torr.ey of New York who is here in the interests of the suffrage campaign, told ) of the practical results of woman's auf i frage In the atates where it has been . tried. In Wyoming 90 per cent of the , women vote and in Colorado 80 per cent, , rtnd in almont every case they are known to vote for the best men.: B. Lee Paget ; end II. w. Stone were the other speak ers. Mrs. Howe, who has been spending the week here In temperance work.' Is tttklng a trip up the Columbia, river to , day and will spend Sunday In Newberg, thus finishing her term in Oregon and ' proceeding to Washington at once.- The two hundred and fiftieth annl versary of the settlement of Jews in America Is being' celebrated today all - over the United States. While there had . been some settlers before this time, the ' Jews came to America first In - consid erable numbers In J64. when the Dutch - West India company lasued a grant of privileges, setting forth that "we have - .decided and resolved upon a certain pe tition made, by ' said Portuguese Jew that they shall have permission to sail , - ' to and . trade In New Netherland and to ; )ive and remain there." On a general committee which has charge of the . celebration Joseph Simon and Dr. i Stephen B. Wise represent Oregon. Dr. W. WUIner. who was elected ar member .. of the committee representing Missis- . slppl, Is now in Portland as pastor of A ha via - Hlioloro. synagogue. He will ' address the congregation tonight, and ' tomorrow a special ritual proposed by , the committee will be Introduced In the regular service: by Rev. R. Abraham . , son. . ! : ;'- .', - Alleging that the North Paolfle Lum. ; bor company is encroaching upon Its ..right of way. the Northern Pacific Rsil way company this morning began a suit ! In the' circuit court asking that a tern- - porary-Testrainlnr order- be- lasued to keep tho employes of the milling com pany from piling materials upon the railway's property. - It is alleged In the ' ;.' complaint f hat during the preaent year tns r.unu f-acuic oonrpanv nas . en croached upon the railway company's JTigM-Oiway-Jiy -pllmg lumber thereon end leaving trucks and wagons standing near the car tracks. It 1s said that the lumber and wagons; nave been placed so near the tracks that the steps and other projecting parts of passing cars have . bean broken. 3e court Is asked also to restrain ,the mlllowners from dump- . ing sawdust and waste near the tracks or the railway, -That unrivaled dry-goods emporium, . the store of McAllen McDonnell, Third and Morrison, has departed from -- he-4Miusi eustom and nas beg-utt tta , reauetioo sales this year before the ..Christmas holidays. .Its reductions In prlcea are therefore on at this time, and purchasers are given the full advantage or these buying favors at a aeason tiaual to the highest values of the year. The prices advertised In yester day's Journal relate the facts so per fectly that any person can understand them. Chauproppsed amendments to ths state constitution will be the subject of an address by W. 8. U'Ren, to be delivered In the T. M. C. A. auditorium on Fri day evening. December t. The amend : ments are to be submitted to vote Of the people In the election next June. The meeting at the T. M. C. A. will be held under the auspices of the Multno mah Prohibition Alliance. . , ' vVMr. A. J. Hagen. who formerly was proprietor of the Enterprise creamery, has opened a new store at lit Fourth street under the name of the Central ereamery with a full line of groceries, making a "specialty of butter, cheese and eggs. He will again serve his old and new customers with the same prompt nesa and honorable service 'as .before.. Aurtlnnt An, HoaIJiever-Jefors-iava the people of Portland had the oppor tunity offered them to buy. diamonds. , watenss, jewerry, out glass and' silver ware absolutely at their own price.. A visit to our establishment will prove tho above assertion. . Auction dally, J .-SO ;o 7:10. Seats for ladles., A. 1 Loew- " ensteln, S0Hv Washington street , - ' Portland's finest lawns are made by planting our "Diamond Brand" fancy lawn grass seed. One pound sows SO feet square. . How-'. many pounds do -you ' need to fix up your lawnT - Call Main 7S and ask us about It Portland Seed Flowers for the house No flower or plant gives better satisfaction for win ter blooms than Holland bulbs. Call and get our ' descriptive catalog and make your selection at once. -, Bulbs A should be planted. Portland Seed Co. - . ' . .Walter Baker's delicious Caracas eat . ' ing chocolate - In' beautiful carton, 10 cents. ' Vanilla chocolate with whipped cresast 1 cents. Free sample and re ceipt book to - housekeepers at 1S7 Seventh street ' Wt clean and press your clothes and shine your shoes for $1.00 per month. Unique Tsllorlng Co, St 7 Washington. Main 61.. ., M.,..'.- .-... r j... ... Pstrolman John 'A. - Lee was " dis charged from tho police f oroe by the Do You Know That We Have Moved? We are now located In, tho ' prettiest v. shop In ." town a shop . that does. justlee to the goods we ." sell. . Coma and see us. Htwf tt, Bradley O Co. , '-..-..-- SAaggBAmat. . -344 Waihtngion Jfr VlAB BAITB TKXATlta. police-committee of the city executive board aa a result of . the Investigation preferred against him . by Inspector Bruin, who alleged that he found Lee In a saloon on hie beat after 1 ociocs on the mornlnc of November 10. Bruin testified that he watched through a glass door. Lee hss declared that he will appeal the case to tbs municipal civu -service commiaaion. , The Jarvis restaurant, 121 Burnaida, between-'First and Second atreeta, la under new management snd will be called The Palace, t hicken dinner will be served on Sundry for 16 cents. Mrs. u wirt , eaaaasawasaapep ; " , A A new drugstore ort East SSth street will soon bs establlehed tr tn ue Davis Drug company, as per Invitation and indorsement of the 'East Twenty eighth Street Improvement association. Bankrupt Sals.' Clothing, gents' fur- nlBhine- soods. hats, caps, trunks, va Uses, boot and shoes, etc, at greatly reduced prices To be sold In SO days, ID North. Sixth street, eorner Everett -. Football! Football! Championship game. Hljl Mllli . Saturday, IH Military va Portland Academy. iturday, Nov. J5, S:S0 v m. . : Multnomah Field. Admission tSt.C fit earn ahin Nome City ; sails ' from Couch street dock for San FrsrH-lfco snd Los Angeles Monday evening, Nov embar 7. S. P. Baumgartner. agent Main SU. Watches and diamonds II down and lOo per week. Goods' delivered on first payment Xmas Is coming. Metagar As Co., Jewelers, opticians, ill Sixth. , Varno Stain-Lao for chairs, sideboards n4 refinlshlng any kind woodwork. Fire ssle price 400 Quart, zos rront street S t: -' " ,' ' in '' .,".-. - The Big Fire Ssle-of .Clothing, Fur nlshlng Goods, .Shoes and Hals will be on sale at 173 Third street. 4- Any watches cleaned. 11.00: main spring, 11.00; all work guaranteed one year. Metsger oo. 111 Btxtn street The" Big Fire Sale of "ClothUir, Fur- nlahlng Goods. Shoes and Hatg will be nn at 171 Third street. 8ee Friedman Packing company's ad. on the market page tonight . for bar gains in meats. Portland's best dancing school, SOS Alder. Prof. Rln gler, Miss Buckenmeyer. Damaged by first Not much! Granite floor paint now l gallon, SOS Front St Emtl .Thlelhom . hag resumed violin Tel Main, SS6S. teaching at J Sixth. Dr. G. M. Wells, residence. Hobsrt- Curtis. Phone Main Mil. I "Damaged" paint below cost, 101' Tront Fln chleken dinner I0i JI Third, frits' e U males are the best ' : MAILED AKO BRUISED FILL vGOOD SAMMAN , Broken Arm,' Bad Cut, General Bruising, Injured Foot and ,. Broken Leg the List. A boy with A broken arm, a man with a gash tn bis head, a badly bruised mes sender .boy. man with an Injured foot and another with broken leg all these were brought to tho Good Samari tan hospital last, night or this morning. William Berregh of Fuiton, aged 18 years, was coming fn on a crowded car bts morning, hanging on the steps. He lost ills Jiold-. and fell. , His arm wai badly fractured. ' , ' . Olof Egllmo.' a longshoremen em ployed by the steamer Noma City, was brought In this morning with a gaah In his head made by a falling plank. " George Faulkner, a messenger boy. aged 10 years, employed by the Western Union Telepragh company was knocked down and run over last night by a Are engine In the nortbesst part of town. It was feared that bis Injuries were seri ous, but he seems to bo only badly bruised. . . r ; J. N. Webb, a Southern Pacific rail road employe, waa brought In this morn ing from-Albany with an Injured foot v Frank Raymond, an employe at Craremont tavern, has a seriously frac tured leg and was brought to the hos pital this morning. CHILDREN PACK MARQUAM' ' TO HEAR OUTCAULT TALK "' R F. '. Outcalt' "Buster Brown" and "Tigs" were greet drawing carda yester day afternoon and evening at the Mar quam theatre, .The evening lecture was enjoyable and 1 was liberally patronised, but the event bf Mr. Outcault'a appear anee here was tns matinee, when as many youngsters and. their mothers ss could crowd Into ths playhouse heard the stories of the cartoonist and saw him draw pictures.. , .-. Outcault showed perfect understanding of the child's nature. It was noticeable that he applies to his talks to children that most charming faculty of pollahed orators carrying a thought to a point Just short of . complete expression but pausing In time to sllow the 'auditor to jump onward to the conclusion. . It wss announced that during Christ mas week Mr. Outcault will be at the Marquam with a "Buster Brown" com pany of IS to give a performance. - , Last night at the close of the lecture Julius Meier auctioned the pictures. Mr. Outcault bad drawn, netting $13.80 for tho Children's home. , . s K 4 ' ' "" ' leotnrs at T. SC. O. A. ;" " " .' "'Ths Toung 'Men's Christian 'Associa tion has received many Inquiries from young men' In the east and from thoee who recently have come to Portland as to where a -young man may find the greatest opportunities for success. - In order to answer more definitely these queries Tom Richardson, managar of the Portland Commercial club, ha consented to give a talk on "Practical Opoprtunltles for Toung Men In the Northwest v before the , association oi Saturday svsnlng, November 16. 'All young men.- whether members of .the association .or not, are invited to at tend this lecture. . rv " Tho. Big Fire Sals of Clothing. Fur nishing Goods, Shoes and Hats will be on sale At ITS Third street Mllwaukle Country Cluta, Eastern and Sesttls races. -Take Bell- wood and Oregon City -cars at First and Alder, - ' , v Builds up the system: puts pure, rich blood in the veins; makes men and wom en strong snd healthy. Burdock Blood Bitters. At any drug stere . , The Big Firs fiala of Clothing. Fur nlahlng Oocda, Phnea snd Hats will bs on sale St 172 Third street. FAULTY STOPCOCK CAUSES DEATH Arthur R. Wahlgren Accidentally r Asphyxiated in Boarding House Last Night; v. WENT TO R.OOM TO ;V : '-; . WRITE A LETTER ' . X ' v. Odor of Gas . Pauma Invtitigttion and Young Man Is Found Dead in ' . BedThought Ha Unintantionallr Turned on Gas. --''-- ' .''.. -H ' .:. ; A r.,,l. .ImiMrk la .hfilleved to have been responsible for the death 6y ae phyxlatlon of Arthur R. Wahlgren. young man who was found dead !n bed eerlv thia mornlnar at the residence of W. R, O radon. SOS Crosby street There is no evideuoe that ths deatn wjs .in tentional. '. . ' Wahlgren came to board with Mr. Gradon on October 17. He w em ployed as a elerk by Roberts Bros. Last night after spending the evenm wun the family and the other boarders, he went to his room at shout J0.S0 'clock, saying that he Intended to write' let ter. Eerlv this morning Mr. Jro-lon dsteeted the odor of gaa, and, with her husband, started out to ibvssus.' front of Wahlgren's room the sml wss strong, and Mr, Gradon entered. lie found Wahlgren In bed. apparently dead. and called Dr. Marcellee, who said 'hat life had been ' extinct tor soms Ime. Coroner Finley wss notified, snd is moved the , body, to his smdertaklng oral. " ' 1 ' ' . ;' ' 1 ' ' The letter which 'Wahlgren said intended writing was found on a table. addressed to a young woman In Astoria. On ths bsck of It ths writer had added a . postscript saying that ha expected to go boms for the J Christmas holi days, . This confirmed the opinion held by. people living In the house that the death was accidental. Ths gas Jet In the room which Wahl gren occupied hsngs in tbs center . of the apartment When Mr. Gradon en tered early', this morning he found the eok wide open. The valve operated AO easily that it is thought that the young man. on turning out the light, accidentally opened the cock again with his finger. Wahlgren wss SS years old. Hig par ents reside in Astoria, and they were notlftejl of his death. ' They will arrive In the city on the evening train. ; MANY TAKE LONG RIDE OVER BROILING SANDS One Hundred Five Tyro In itiated Into Dramatio Order, Knights of Khorasean.-; ' Dust-stainsd and bruised by the long rldrf on camels, 105 new members of ths Dramatic Order, Knights of Khorassan, wsnt sadly -and slowly about thslr du ties this morning. Among the number waa Municipal Judge George I. Cam eron, and woe betide the hapless of fender who appears before him - todsy snd suggests the burning sands. State Senators E. W. Haines of Forest Grove snd K. V. Csrtes of Ashland will depart for home today the moat ardent advo cates of Irrigating the deserts and cool ing wasts regions of earth wherever the sun Is Inclined to parch It Mors than 100 others who were- tho tyro -tag last evening awakened this morning icalling for water. The session at Knights of Pythias hall was memorable to a larger number than the tyros, for the largest aggrega tlon of Pyfbians that ever assembled In the Marquam building were In attend' ance. Tribesmen of the Khorsssan or dsr from alt parts of ths Oregon domain were preaent At the conclusion or the ceremonial function the sggregatlon was refreshed In generous manner, aa ths officers of the Khorassan tribe csrae with a heavy provision train. Imperial Nawab John Anns ml had his staff ef gmsouus 1 talnsrs out In force, among the leaders being John M. Msnn, O. C. Moser, W. I Bradshaw, W. M. Cake and R. I. Stln- son. . .... ' . i ... -i 4 MUCH WORK AHEAD FOR THE NEEDLEWORK GUILD .. i .1. .... - .. . , The Portland' 'branch of the Needle works Guild of America has mapped out work for Itself, and the members ex. nlalniMl fhikli nlnna anif imhltlnnfl at ha exhibit and tea given Wednesday after noon at the unitarian chapel. They hope to become a medium of distribu tion for all the charitable organisation! of ths elty, and to further this plsn ask that thoss needing clothes apply to them Instesd of to the merchants, directly. The guild will, m addition to ths gar ments contributed by its members and friends, solicit from the inerchants, snd will be ready to supply needs on re quest, and. by' this arrangement the gifts can be mors evenly divided among various societies and will save ths busi ness msn much annoyance. . - . During the past yesr I.ttS articles of clothing have reached the. needy through the hands or the guild and lit have been retained for ' emergency esses. Fifteen institutions have received this help and the guild hss found thst to meet -the entire needs- ef these Institu tions S.000 garments arS needed. The Good Samaritan hospltsl could . have uasd (04 more then It received to pro vide the charity patients It discharged. ' A request is made that more members lands their aid. .The contribution, of two garment a annually Is ths ' only requisite for membership, -end men and girls are welcomed Into the organisa tion as well as woman. Any Interested are asked to communicate with Mrs. J. Reedv -nresldeht. of 741 Hsyt street; Miss Isabella iHtrirm. secretary, of SSI Johnson street, or Miss Anna C reman, I0S Twelfth street. Mrs. H. W. Corbett la honorary president. SAYS CHILD SHOULD LOVE BOOKS, BIRDS, FLOWERS "One of the - wisest mothers I knew ones said to me, 'I don't care to have my child learn anything at all during theee yaars sxceptlng to love good things to lovs books, birds and flowers and ths groat world of God's out-of-doors.' it is within tne 'power or each morner In this room to mold the character of her child, and It "Is slso In her Bower to develop In him the teste for books." . (I Such was ons of the Ideas presented DIAMONDS ON CREDIT ,7"" T"r 7"" ' " , , Ws are selling: Diamonds ,on EASY PAYMENTS at - ,far lower prices than any ' I other dealer, becauaa wa buy from individual! and estates, thereby saving' the profits that jobbers must have. We buy, sell or exchange Diamonds. Bargains in Dia monds always to b had. Marx&Dloch 74 Third Street. Nesr Osk Marquam Grand Theatre , V .'-- PHONE MAIN SOS. ' Tonight at &30 o'clock Baigala-Vriee Matlaae Tom arrow at S Laat Verferataaee Taeaerrew Sllgkt At S:S0 TBB ORIGINAL, AKO ONl-T . Britt - Nelson Pictures Raowlns Rrary Mora and Slow ' of the rUth. FOITLAR I'RICKN 20c. 8fto, Doe aod TAc. BAKUAIN MAT1NKB fRICKS 8ftc- and 60c. . ( SEATS NOW HELUNO. Delasco Theatre TEL. UAW SI) , SXLAJC0 BtATEX. YBOrS. Itk aad Waab. sts. B. L. Sackatt. Bts. Mgr. rOKIOHT atATiaiE T0X0B10V. J' TUB POWERKVL DRAMA . 1IATINKE SATCBDAT AND SUNDAY PRICES Sight, SSe to TSe. Mats., SSe aod SOc. Next Waak VMICBAEL STROaOfr." Baker Theatre Oreges Thee tie OeT, Baa. I Rmkar. Mn. lamelll ana Third Ufa. . ptwM Mala 10T. VTHK Hl Or MCBIO BURLEHQl'R. :TOHTOHT-iO.N L t TWOTTORET TIMES. 7 "VABHIAB BELLES" V BXTRATAOANZA CO hi PA NT, i "itAST TIME TOMORROW MATINEB.""7 ' Bitra Attractive LA BELLE MAB1B. '. ' SENSATIONAL! STARTLING! . Brentng Prlns Site. SOc and Tftc. ' Saturday aad Sunday Matloeea lSe, SSe. SBe and 6ue. Nrmt Wrek "LONDON OAIETT GIRLS." . EmpIreTheatre; IStb aod atorrlaoa. Phene Mala UT. MILTOK W. SEAMAN. Manaaar. . , THB POPULAR THEATRE. Xealgkt Tasianew Matlasa aaa Bvaabg, Last Tkiea Parfaasuaoas ef the Baaati- fal Play, A Broken Heart" A Story ef the Colorado Mnentalaa Intweetlag and ThrllllBg Ooawdy aod I'atnoa. ' BrMlng Prlcaa inc. SV, SSe and 50c . Matlaaa Prlcae 10c. 15c aod 2Sc . , . Do Wf.h. Rtartlng Rundar Matloee. 'LA!Sl.NO ROWAN." . LYRIC THEATRE . - ' Boating a yiooa. Mgn. 'iffip'srOath t4 ( Br P.O. MacLeaa. - A COMEDY DRAMA IN POUB ACTS. ' ADMISSION, 10c; RESERVED SEAT. XOc STAR 'THEATRE Wgckof NOV. aoth. Prieee The Ttiraa Oardoea. Cliff Parrall. Rlark and Laalle. Darrr. Chaae and Adair. The ftraat Rleharda. " Adrniore et Sherlock liolmea. BUtlaeaa loe, ev'ts leo, too) Vases Sto. Orand Theatre; , . As noqaallflad hit BTBB"S KIBBT TBATESTT 00KPABT Kae all the raTorttae aod the well-drilled eaeros. - Poaltlrelr the laat weak, i' Prlcee, siatlneaa inc. ermines ' loa, 30e sod . boxes S6e. Nevauher ST, trlompbant ratdrs to vaada Tllle headed by the great a4 MlxLAJblol Liberty Theatre r.?' - Ikfaoacamcat ef Kaatlag A Flood. The Sraat Kalvilla. Tha Marlllaa. Lee Wklte, Aaie Birauara. - Vat Darllne. Mr. end Mrs. Joka Okiak. Brltt-Balaaa lUataraa aa Biosraph. . Liberty's geleetee OrohMtrv ParfersMaeae gaily at S:S0. T:S0 and p. at. AAmlaaloa, TBN and CTTKNTY cents. . yesterday afternoon by Mlaa Harriet Hasslsr, children's librarians at the city library, in sn sddras before the Borne Training association. Mlaa Hassler told the members Of The sssoclatlon luat what classes of books shs believed were healthful mentally and. spiritually, and especially commanded "Primary Read ers," a work by, Mrs. 81oane( a Portland teacher.' ,-. Mrs, Coleman and Miss BIckle of the Frutt and Flower mission spoke of the project to found a day nursery where mothers who srs smploytd during the day may leave their children for proper car. : - . Zafortaallom Waated, Portland. Nov. Jl.To ths Editor of The ' Journal I : see v from yesterdsy afternoon's- psper that. "Senator Har vey's" somewhat strgngrly "personal" editorial , In .yesterday .morning's Ore- gonlan did not pss you by unnoticed. However, may I bs allowed to- ask a miration In rase you see fit to .devote further editorial space to the subject of that article Mitchell's logical sue- Fatal Card" On the small payment'bf One RANGES, a aure guarantee AlladiVs French Dinner "A harmonious sequence stinctiva flavorryt vim m mm i t rrc' 7 eniAisaa other.4 Good wine, good music and a singularly pleasing -atmosphere wlthaL" ".'. " Full course French or Italian. Dinner, tnclud--,ing wine and a portion of ex-President Me-,' Kinley's favorite cream cheese.. .......... SOe) Merchants' Lunch, 11 to '2 I Xoslo by . .. ' . miahtsa'a Orohestra Eastman Kodaks AN EXCELLENT XMAS PRESENT Oregon Photo Stock - Company III Sixth St, bet Washington k Stark : Photo Supply Dtalmrt DRILL CONTEST AND . GRAND BALL . . Olvsn by the ' v : Modern Woodmen of America , , . . a ths . Armory, Saturday Evening, Nor. 25 , Admission 50c ceesor ths gentlemsn upon whom the mantle of Elijah perhape may fall or, "Macbeth,' that will be king hereafterr 'Maya wayfaring, man In anxious sesrch of more light be" permitted tn ask 'Tn tha name of all the gods at once upon what meat . doth this, our Caesar, feed that hi , hath grown so grettr , CIT1ZKS. Dollar we will install in your home one of our great. ECLIPSE that it will prove perfectly satisfactory to you. v r" I . Qevurtz & Sons 173-175 First Street!: 219-227 Yamhill Street of delightful dishes, each with its each blending deliciously into th' The Calumet Cafe '151 Seventli MClosingOut Sale 110,000 atock of toys; must olose out during ths holiday seaeon. Poaltlvely going out of toy bual tieaa. The only large ground floor of toy store In the city (branch) 109 Sixth street, between Wash Ington and Stark. a Also Japanese and Chinese cu rl oe, owing to late arrival.' for the fair trade, now overatocked and muat dispose of them at a great sacrifice price, consisting of fins silver cloisonne, eatauma, new branaware, brome. .fine im. broldered kimonos Screens, -Tiand-carvsd furniture, poreclsln tea sets, matting, etc Come and get your bargain. . i We continue auotion sals daily 4:30 and 7:S0 p. m. . . Andrew Kan & Co. AST BCOBBXBOaT VT. GOVERNMENT SHOES 1,000 Vajrjt of Oovemraent Shoes i, At $1.50 81ses to IV selling at f HO per pair. m; wax MX Troat, eCraer Jefrereos. Opea VatU - 9 w- , - v' Concrete Construction Co. T01 Caamber ef Ooatsseree, Manufacturers of Concrete Stone Woeks. Contractors for all kinds of camant work. . rcra xiar Toy i. $45.09 RANGES ' ."'." .' V '-- ...v-i $1X3 Down. $U9 a VccIt; Order the "Eclipse 9 Now While the Price Is Down The Eclipse is built on scien- tine principles and is therefore a perfect baker, . Hot Biscuits 20 minutes after striking the match, y; ; 7ZIZ Thousands of " these Ranges are used in Portland Call in and look over the lists. , ; i j " , . :. . YOUR STOVE TAKEN IN . PART PAYMENT and Off FRIDAY AND SATURDAY GREAT Clearance Sale . ; or Outing Hcnncl Goivns, Wrappers, Kimonos end Petticoats REGARDLESS CF COST t Wt hTt no room for them nd Ixnu8t-Bbej closed out and many VVUwt ma uva bi we, Fleece lined Underwear, Wool Underwear. Eiderdown Dressing Sacks, Etc Sea window display at West Park St- entrance, corner Wash,. Palais Royal 37S WASHINGTON ST. $2.50 to $5 The very latest make itt Men's and Youths' Suits and Overcoats. -Prices from 96.00 up to 20.00. - It ts the identical grade for which you pay from $2.50 to $3.00 more elsewhere. We also save you from 50t - to 91.50 oii Hats, Pants and Shoes. r Complete ' line of Ladies Shoes and Slippers at very low figures.., Bir cut in price on Blankets. Com forters, Trunks and Suit Cases. Reduced price on Men's Underwear, Sweaters and Overshirts. It will pay you to investigate our stock. :rt s r:.:t7-.iv. ' "it- Saving From