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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, , NOVEMBER 20. - 1D03. PROSECUTED CASE HELD OY JURY TOR YOUEVHR OVER 'PHONE JSL THIS NEW S UIT? V r. S THE FRM WHO. MAKE TWrw y District Attorney Secures a Con viction Conducting Case Over " Long Distance. Harrison Van Burkleo, Who Fired .y Fatal Shot, Must Answer for , Slaying J. B. Pipes. OUSTCR dHoWN To All Boys Md Girls PULLMAN STUDENTS PLEAD INJURED IN STRUGGLE . . GUILTY AND ARE FINED . TO OBTAIN REVOLVER BUSTER DEOWIfS FATHER R.T. OUTCAULT will be in Town NEXT THURSDAY Were Charged With Inciting a Riot Victim of Central Point Row Not : for Hallow -Eve Depredations but ' Supposed to Be Seriously Hurt Un , Charge la Changed ; to Malicious til Me ' Suddenly Passed Away I. Destruction of Property. Twenty-Four Hours Later.' ;' " 7 "ZZcr. DID CHI mm - m r m AS : t ' r . WfJ'JI ; ' II Ul riv a a .ss. II . - i ' (Special PUeetcb U Th JsornaLI .Pullman, Wssli.. Nov. 20. The strange . Spectacle of a prosecuting attorney con ducting a case by long distance tele . phone waa witnessed taera today when Prosecuting Attorney Klpp conducted the V prosecution of elglfct students of the Washington state college In the Justice .'court here over the long distance tele . : phone, the prosecutor being In his office " j at Colfax. He secured a conviction and ,the students were fined St and costs. - . each, which they paid. - On. the night of Halloween the atud- ents of the State college, as Is their usual . ' custom, proceeded t-"paint the town . red.'". The cltlsena had got lired of the ,. :. depredations of Mia students en these oo caslons and when the gang began. the destruction of property . they were ar . rested and. spent the .night tn the city ' Jail. There were nine of the students arrested, but one proved that he had nothing to do with the destruction of y.. : - property, and waa released. . j-The i remaining , eight were charged '...,,. with Inciting a riot, which Is a felony, , , wun a maximum penalty of a term In - t" the penitentiary. . The students were . . ... tmdly frightened and their relatives and . friends Interceded for them, as did some or tut members of the eollese facultr. . . After several delays the case was -called , for trial today, and Prosecuting Attorney jvipp neing engaged in trial of criminal cases In the superior court, could not . attend the trial here.,, Ha Used the long distance telephone, however, and agreed , . ., to dismiss the felony chsrge if the eight students would plead guilty to malicious l' ... I- destruction of property; which they did. ana were Tinea it and costs, each. i The students who were fined are! Ben Curry, w. Wolfe, J. Aeger, Van Dissell. a. jonnwm. v. K. Lewis, A. T. Olson anovP. H.' Miller. -The affair crested rnucKHnterest in Pullman, 4xth among the students and cltlsena. The students have been fully warned that a repetition of the offense will result In heavier punishments andxthe college faculty has noticed them thatTssImnar escapade will result In their ttlsmlssal from the school. ;. ..,! . . , .v., y,i :-;--- . . ; Welcome Dynamiter. ': ..y . ". '(Journal Special arvlee!W ' Cork, Ireland, Nov. JO. O'Donovsn ' Rosea arrived today .and ws greeted by - 'i several thousand persons, who narfrcl- . pated In the demonstration attending hlsj gpeell Dlepateh to The JoarsaL) , Medford, Or.. Nov. , 20. J.. B. Pipes, who was shot st Mee's drug store at Central Point Friday night last and who was not thought to be seriously wounded, died suddenly at 10 o clock Baturday night as a result of the wound and the circumstances attending the shooting bid fair to make a very Inter esting case of It In the absence of Coroner Cameron' the Inquest wss held before A. 8. Jacobs. Justice of the peace . at Central Point, Sunday, Deputy - District Attorney Clarence Reames representing the state. The coroner s Jury was composed , of Charles Jeff ens, I. J. Purkeyplle, J. W. Jacobs, w. 8. Eachus, James E. Grieve and 8. C. Mlnnlck. , , f ' - Taa Borkleo'e Statement. .Harrison Van Burkleo. who fired the fatal shot, made a volunteer statement before the jury in which he stated that he and Miss Mary Mee, the proprietor of the drug store., were engaged In con versation at the door of the drug store st the hour of ': o'clock, when J. H. Pipes, accompanied by Mrs. Laura Knutsen, a sister of Miss Mary Mee, snd Mrs. Knutsen began upbraiding bar sis ter for remaining away from home until such a late hour, alleging that "people would talk about her If she-stayed alone with a man at the store so late." Van Burkleo replied that "people were already talking about Pipes .stopping alone with two women," when Pipes assumed a threatening attitude .'alleging that he "would make hlmrtake back that Insinuation," when he, the witness, drew his revolver with his left hand. Pipes grabbed It and attempted to wrest it from him and In the struggle the pon was discharged, the bullet piercing Pipes' side. "The shooting was entirely accidental, Van Burkleo as serted. . .- Miss Mee in x her testimony strongly corroborated Van Burkleo, but being near-sighted did not rsee the weapon during the struggle, nor until sfter its discharge.- - -.-.; - , Bu Away, SoreanUng. Mrs. Knutsen ran screaminc from the but Id fn g wheirth-"is risoner a re w "th " gun and did not see the .shooting, but does not think there was sufficient provocation believes It to have been used for the purpose of killing deceased. No dying . statement was ' secured from Pipes, as the attendants did not think, he was going to 'die. In a busi ness conversation yesterday, . settling for wages due him. he stated to Isaao testes. that after he told Van Burkleo He is coming to give a great : entertinment at the Marquam Grand and wants every boy and girl in Port land to be there so he can present each one with soma pretty BUSTER BROWN pictures, His headquarters will be at our storedthe home of his BUSTER BROWN'S CLOTHES. ."; He will be surprised when he sees what a very fine line. we carry..-'- v '. . '' ' J w; J. V . Every1 boy should get one of these suits and look Just like his own BUSTER. The Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest khe waa going to. "make him take back that Insinuation", the accused drew his revolver with his left hand, he grasped same and Van Burkleo shot him. .'leav ing the Impression In Mr. Bates1 mind that deceased considered the shooting Intentional, . .- - t .... . ... Held for KanslBngnter. Beyond Pipes' Initials his surname Is ployed about the Mee ranch on Apple- gate river for more . than a year and rumor haa It that he was engaged to be married to a sister of Miss Mee, temporarily atopplng with her in Cen tral Point. Rumor has also had It that the relatives of Miss Mee were - Vio lently, opposed .to her receiving ..the at tentions of Van Burkleo and there was not good feeling between the two men. The finding of the coroner's jury was that deceased came fo his death Nov ember IS, 105, by means of a gunshot wound inflicted by Harrison Van Burk leo November. 17; that In the opinion orthe iury-"rhs"kmingwas not -excusable; that 'Harrison Van Burkleo Is guilty of the crime of manslaughter and the court. -' . - ' . - Accused-was turned over to Sheriff Rader and his preliminary examination will be held before Justice A. 8. Jacobs Tuesday morning. - - - - Preferred Stock Oanaed ' Oooda.' Allen tiewls- Best Brand. NEW 'PHONE BUILDING " W : v BUILT FOR ABERDEEN (Special Dispatch to TJie JoaroaL) -Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. XO. John Nel-onf-Seattts,-sratr supMntndenr6f construction for the Sunset Telephone Qflifipsny. has bean In town conferring -with Manager Bailey In regard to the new exchange building soon to be erected.: A desirable lot on Wlsbkah street, between O and H, has been se cured for a site. The contemplated Im provements Include the substitution of cable and copper wire for the Iron wire now need, and a multiple common bat tery switchboard. The exchange will be arranged with everything In accordance with approved .methods and the entire system so Improved as to make It one of the best on the coast. Work on the structure will begin as soon-arstertiirntaJrTe"placed onthe ground. It la estimated that the lm provements will cost 120.000. , Another Opportunity. Ill north of musla or a beautiful music cabinet given' free ss an induce ment to close out quick the remaining Exposition pianos, pianola pianos snd a pianola at Ellera Piano House, SSI Washington street, ASKS COUNTY TO PAY FOR HERD OF CATTLE Elgin, Or.. Nov. is. F. E. Graham haa presented Jl. claim against the. Union county court amounting to 1290 for the -loaa of cattle killed by the collapse of the Wallowa county bridge. Hector McDonald, who was drtvtna a herd of cattle acroas tha bridge at the same time and suffered a similar loss, has also put. In a claim against Wallowa county for damkgea. , The counties of Union and. Wallowa have made arrangementa to put up a steel bridge at this place to avoid ac- ciaents in tne future. 172 THIRD ST wiLmr GEitiiEEio mom mama; n H7 a"?CED 0U T OF HIS PREMISES AND REMOVED HIS STOCK TO PORTLAND IS NOW SELLING THE ENTIRE STOCK AT THIS GREAT SALE IS GIVING IDT, TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL, PORTLAND, OREGON qeOPLE AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY CLOTHING, SHOES AND FURNISHING GOODS AT ONE THIRD OF MANUFACTURER'S COST.' ' 0 , GIGANTIC BARGAINS IN ' !, MEN'S FUltNISHINGS Good. Heavy Socks, worth 2So. .. . .. I S.OOO Neckties; rour-tn-Hands and Tecks. i. ......... 3 Men'a apd Boys' Caps, worth I to 15aT Mena Blue Flannel Shirts, worth t2.IO............v......,..........T8 jewels, worth 16c. ....... .,....'. .rV. '. ...4s Men's Overslls, all sixes,' good heavy onea. . 33g Men's Fine Silk Embroidered Suspenders,' worth 75o. .U... ..8 Boys" Knee Pants, there are I0 pairs left. '.iv.;.'..". ... :.1S Sanitary Fleece-Lined Underwear, worth tic. ..... .....28 Fine Cashmere .Wool Bocks, heavy and light weights. They are yours for ... ..,.....,..., . .j .,....., ..lflet , Beautiful, Fancy Bosomed Negligee Shirts, worth tl mo(i..ifviKiii oiiwia, U.I K IH lllQl colors. .'V. ..'.. .... Men'a Ribbed Underwear,, worth from $1.00 to 11.89 oaie price. .10a .31c - a garment. . ...... k.. ...... Boys' Suspenders .'. i.-. .......;.. .6 Children's Handkerchiefs, worth 10c. ........,.........,........ , Fancy Handkerchiefs., were He. now................... "... S Men's Suspenders, were Mc, now, A ............... . ;", fm ; ... .5 f BEWARE OF IMITATORS Wir'aiexlotlitng tales1 ami cluiliinp aalHvtrtiaavrt as th nrnAurt nt maVm in the land, when in reality the majority of good placed on tale is shoddy plunder thrown to gether for fake tales, and is made up under most unsanitary conditions, but is sightly to the eye, especially when it is placed, with elaborate show windows or in the hands of smooth salesmen but it does not fit or wear well. -Ever heard or seen any of t? ' ; I Here at 172 Third street you will find only ; the world's" best Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods,' and during our presenf great sale you will find it marked at lower prices than the aboye mentioned humbug sale trash is sold for about town, v MAKE NOMISTAKE OUR STORE IS 172 THIRD STREET, where the big sign is, two doors from Yamhill street. i SHOES in obsatbs sxoa luaim TBB aiTBsT. . Men's velour calf, worth li.80, at...'.,........'..;... Men'a fine vlcl. kangaroo and box calf, worth H.0, at 1 Mens . oraovsn ana Kangaroo weita, worth Il.eo. nt ..... ........ . Men'a finest welts. In vlcl snd willow calf, regular $1.00 shoes, at Men s patent learner, ait sixes,- regular IJ.SU. .. . Boys' and Youths' kangaroo oalf, worth 11.50, at iiui uenia-.MODDy ainoe, wort n Loo, at.. fl.23 .112.40 .112.61 A 13.39 .112.23 1.20 m..,...8 s-n-a a 7f .V- LADIES SHOES LADIES i TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE ! Boat Waste Money If Tea Xntemd to ny Shoes, Oema to Ioadoa'a. - . : T Qotog Somewhere Bias. .Lsdles'.VIct Kid ShoeauBlcher snd laee jugular llS0Our irioe,Bl,4- Indies' 1.1.60 Vlcl Kid. Special..,....,-,....... 7. . . ...1 ll.8 Genuine Kangaroo; regular 11.00.. Out price, v v.'.... lit. 78 ladles' $1.60 Welt Kid Shoes...... : 112.23 i Misses' Vlcl Kid. from It to ; Qrubere price $1.00. Ours..,.., .111.45 Misses' Vlcl Kid, slses I to 11; combine's price $1.00., Ours ..j) 1124 Ladles Rubbers 944 .Men a Rubbers ,,.,' .,.... . ...... .,.,.,,.., .., 49a TV ''':. i ' t . . " ' We hsvs added many- better, grades of Men's- Suits to? our great $5.81 line. . Oarmenta . that are worth' 411.00 and $1$50 will be forced from our store st the un- '.paralleled low price of..... $3.96 WSTjsvs Ml Men's Suits, all slses, which we haVeTput'lrf- MEN'S SUITS MARVELOUS BARGAINS IN Boys' and Youths' Suits Boya' and Chlldren'a Suits that were made to retail for $4.50 and ti e. Slses to fit little men from t te j years of age. will go tomor row, st . i. A. R suits, nearly all slses. 11 Suits, small slses. Take your choice i, They are yours for. ...."....,...,.',......;. . .46a Toung Men's Stylish Suits, slses 14 to, 20 years of age, made of blue, black fancy cheviots, sll the latest styles. Such garments that other clothiers charge $10.00 to $20.00 for. Sale price....... 95.85 HAT BARGAINS Men's Soft Mats, latest colors, newest models, made up to retail at II. Tt. Sale price f , . . . . . . . 49g Men's Alpine, Derby Hats, Soft Mats, new style blocks In black, brown , and mode colors; not a hat in the lot worth less than $1.60. . Sale price .......... t.45 Men's All-Wool Suits. : In the latest fabrics. Including black clay, fancy -worsteds, cheviots, slltf and satin , lined not a suit In tha lot worth : less than $15.00, many good llt.SO ' and $11.00 values, will go st this sale at....... 98.63 , bulk, and you can take your choice at... , Z.98 Men'a Semi-Dress Suits, excellent garments, equal to those made by '. ' high-class merchant tailors, some thing that other retail stores do not carry, beautiful, nobby dress pat terns; worth from $20.00 to . $40.00.. Sale price S12.50 tSI Cheviots, worsteds, meltons, fancy tlbbets, unfinished - worsteds. They sre yours at this sale for ..f 7.98 T :.. V... MISLED I LlJ Sales are springing upJike mushroomsvUT WE - HAVE-THE - GOODS PRICES--vyE DEFY COMPETITION. Our good name must be saved, and if we away these goods we are going to.- Be on hand TUESDAY, We will uke off the to make room for the great crowd that is bound to get these great bargains. AND THE have to give doors so as BE OMHAWI) Dri Pn.t 7 o'clock. , We wiU have lots of salespeople to tak,e care of you w - SB JBS1 SB W SSS Bring the ad. with you; we have everything we advertise. EXTRA SPECIAL NOTICE! Gravenettes and Overcoats EVKRT CRAVENKTTR IN THK MOUSE, BOMBS WORTH AS HIOM AH $36.00. TAKE YOtH PICK FOR...... ,.',..,$9.99 We have these In all colors, such garments ss Alfred Benjamin's sra In the lot. - , 1 . -, - 0. Overcoats Overcoats worth $10.50 and $11.50, your choice tor. 116.00 and $11.60 Overcoats.,,..,,.. 120.09 and 125.0 Overcoats.... v. ? S3.0S $6.98 f 9.99 This Is a Legitimate Sale -amrrxiTDovs -baboaxbts XV ICBbT'S tbovsxm. Men'sBustness Psnta. made-up. from, the most serviceable fabrics ' to retail at I2..7. will now be sacrificed at.....,...., 994 Men's" Stylish Pants.. cut to fit and made up to give splendid service In nice neat patterns, values up to $4.00. Now go at. . . ... fl.45 Men's Alt-Quality Pants, tn a wide raage of fashionable psttems. Kegu ulsr $5.00, 10.00 and $7.00 values have all been bunched into one big lot Take ymir choice, at....,,.,,.,. 2.35 Til A 11. OH WTTTl Will receive prompt attention when they "are accompanied with a certified ATW WaVela-aWA VvJ check or postoffice order for the amountof goods ordered. OMi NOW AT 172 Tir? Two Doors From Y- " ""' - ' ' - " - 1