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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1905)
THE . OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 3, IC05. ( .;..;;.;ia lei uill return soon Many Intend toTTake 7 Valdex " Route, Hitting SnoW Trail Early in January. CLEAR Y CREEK EXPECTED TO OUTCLASS ALL OTHERS Thia Stream Hu Moat Remarkable Pay Channel Found Since Klondike Discoveries KantiaW- Brilliant New Diatrict 'v- ;.: ' ' f,vv- Early In January ' the return " ef Tanana mlneowners will baln. aa sev ral In Portland and Seattle are arrana Inr to take steamer to Valdea about that Urae and . hit the trail ecroeejhe divide, a distance of 400 miles. Tula routa la twin taken In- preference to the lona circuit via Skaaway. White Mors. i)aweon. Circle and Fairbanks, Valrlei means several daya of hard work, hut will aave weeks of time and the mlneownera who made good In . Tanana Uft year and came out at the rlooe .of the seaaoa want to be there ' again by February and et things ar ranged for lieary wanhlna In the spring. C'leary creek la expected to lead In he Tanana basin next year, aa It did the season Just closed. Cleary le credited with about six tlmee aa much sold this year ss Falrbanka creek and I he other districts which were Just t.elna opened did not have time to make an Impression. ' Kentishna. which' la about lit mllea from the confluence of the Tanana and Yukon, la retarded one t.f the most hopeful of the late dls coverlea and la aure to produce heavily next year, aa ita pay la at the surf ice. Borne remarkable gravel waa panned ' there late In the season and a ewarin of miners have one In.-80 to too of whom will winter on the around. ' Cleary creek la reported by the Alaaka argonauts to have the moat re markable pay streak opened since Klondike days. In one or two places It has been proved to have a width of J0 feet and a continuity with the atreara of many claims. The travel la deep, work belna at a varying- depth of from .' 40 to 70 feet Only three to fonr feet i.f pay streak on bedrock la handled of all thle alluvium, aa high value are found only at- the bottom. On one claim where the owners worked but 00 , Xeet last nearly $1,000,000 fold was recovered and the fintuhed work on thle one claim Is said tl block out $1,000,000 to $$,000,000 pay ravel. This. , with 'other favorable conditions regarding en larged equipment, la taken to- Indicate a production on Cleary creek alone next year of J7.QOO.000; or more gold. Last , summer there were between $00 and $00 , steam thawing plants at work on tbla creek and the owners who J1" " heavily have oeen" enlarging their equip ment. during the early winter with the purpose of heavier operations. Local' men who were In the Tanana last year believe that the reporta re cently Bent out of $,T00,00 production for the entire t Tanana la too small. ' Thev ear that the official ftgurea are based upon bank reeelpta and express ehipmente, while large quantities of .niri ar brouaht out by men having, a f.- nundreds -- or '- thousands In duat which never reached either the banka or the express companies. Wages telng raid In gold dust, each wan coming to the atates aa a rule haa some of It and this la fumed In wherever they happen to need funds. N MINING NOTES. Eugene, Or., Nov. JO. At a meeting here of the directors of tha La Hoy Mining company, which operatee In the Bohemia district. It waa decided to ra mi me at once extenalvs development on ,the company's properties Enough stock haa been aold to enable the com pany to preas the work to aueh a point that the erection of a stamp mill will be necessary. ? ; 1 Sumpter, Or.. Nor. . Four new locomotives for tha Bumpter Valley rail . road, ranging In else from $0 to tt tons, shortly will be put Into service. O. C. Wright, who represents the WhMlr mlnlna Interesta here, reporta that two losda of ore from tha Sheridan recently shipped to the Bumpter amelter fn"rhorTr wagons. areji the Sheridan smelter, Mr. wrigni interested in the Gold Bug mine, where a rich strike wss msda recently In a blind lead, and ssya the mala ledge, for which they have been driving, aoon win be cut and drifting commenced. A mill ha been ordered for thla property, the building for which la being erected. ... ' La Grande, Or., Nov. J. Tha Owners of the klulr mine In tha Oran4 Ronde district are making arrangements to Install a mill which Is to have a ca pacity of $0 tona a day. Tha owners ' eetlmate that they have ore In eight to the value of $150,000, a portion of which da now on the dump. An order ia being placed for (0.000 feet of lumber for the construction of suitable buildings" at tha mlnea. -i SUES TO ADMIT NEGROES V. TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Jenraal IperUt aervtee. " v : Aehevflle. N. C, Nov. 20. Tha trial of tha mandamus suit - which' Robert Gllliland bad Instituted to compel the Buncombe county board of education to admit h la six children to the publlo achoola of the county waa opened here today. The children had been dis missed from a county school on the al legation that they had negro blood tn their veins. ' The case haa attracted a great deal of attention .In tbla and othet southern statea and, promises to be highly sensational. . Ollllland claima that Ms ancestry can be traced for a hundred years. Should the suit be de cided In favor of Gllliland. the "result will affect, about Son persona living In liuncnmbe, Madison and Henderson pouutlea. l In tea. Schilling! Best fa by no mean a the costliest tea; R'l a matter of taste. Of the fine kind., the one yon like, best it your. tea.. . . .. r ' Ycr rccer's; mbneyback. Gi3.'.."iTic r."L.i..a sc.:l"e IS EEG FOZED Company With Twenty-Five Mil i lion to Consolidate Many -V Western Claims. : : (Special Dlapatrh to The Journal.) - Butte. Mont.. .Nov. JO. One of the greatest mining enterprises that has been undertaken la Butte since the formation of the Amalgamated Copper company la now under way here and will be con summated within two weeka. The en terprise ia .backed by Joseph Jl. Coram of Boa ton,' who reorganised the Butte tt Boston company of the Amalgamated and has been Instrumetat In launching other .large eorporatlona In Utah, Cali fornia. Mexico and Montana. A $25,000,- 000 corporation will be organised to take over the following mlnea: Yellow Jacket, Carrie, Destroying Angel. Bailie, Colo rado. Red Chief, LIxxle. Tnomaa, Smoke-, house, Hesperus, the Hearst syndicate Interests and tha Silver King. The new corporation will sink a' shaft 1,000 feet deep directly In the heart of Butte on the Smokehouse claim, just across ins street from tha Thornton hotel. Coram and his associates already nave paid $800,000 Insuring tha claims. They have also tied tip a large number of nronertlea pending, the formation of the company, and Coram la backed by Amer ican and English capital. It la currently reported that tha deal Involves the tak ing over of the Montana Coal 4 Coke company. . the tsaiaaaiava ana : n mie Knob properties In Idsho and possibly the Blnaham Consolidated of Utah, be sides several other Utah and California propertiee. .... COMPLETE PLANS FOR PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS " " (Joaraal special Service.) Washlnaton. Nov. 10. Senor Calvo, the minister from Costa Rica, who Is, the chairman of the committee In charge of the arrangements for - ths : next Pan- American conference, bad a conference with Secretary of State Root concerning the matter and came to a complete un derstanding. President Roosevelt will probably refer to the advisability of holding such a conference in qia mes sage to congress, and It la expected that aoon after the opening of congress tha committee will hold meeting to de termine tha program and to decide where the conference la to be held. There1 la a strong sentiment In .fa vor of holding the conference In Braall, but the i Argentine ..Republic haa alao made a strong bid. Most, of the proj ects Indorsed at the second conference. which wer held in tha City of Mexico, four yesrs ago, have been carried out fhe aanltary conference recommended" haa .recently closed Its labors. A coffee - cwiifi'anci""waa "TieTd two yeara ago and other matters have been handled through' tha' bureau of American republics. . Tha second 'con ference waaompoaed of delegates from 1$ republics. Since ita" adjournment two mors have been born, Cuba and Panama, both of which. It la expected, will be represented at the approaching meeting. POPE MAY CANONIZE- . 7 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS ' ". ". . , i hi -? ; J.'-. '": : -J--- '(Jaersal gpaelal gailee. Rome, Nov. 20. The matter of tha canonisation of -Christopher Colnmbus, which has been under consideration In tha congregation of rltea for some time, will be given a new impetus by tha ex press order of Plus X. Next May the fourth centennial of tha death of Co lumbus wlU be celebrated under Spanish Initiative, and It la considered desirable at ' the Vatican that hla canonisation shall be coincident with the anniver sary. Thousands of blshopa from all ovar ths world have petitioned tha Vat lean to have the canonisation of Colum bua considered by tha congregation of rltea. - A work published under Plus IX. de signed to prove that Columbua waa the father of an illegitimate son, cauaed a temporary atay of tha causa of canoni sation, but It waa resumed under the lata pope. Plua X, aoon after hla elec tion, received a memorial from many Italian bishops, headed by the Arch bishop of Turin, asking for a new con- Sidorailon of the case, and the pope haa now given orders that a dennlta decision must soon e .reached. ' , , i.i m i iii, I - CRUSADE ' J IS BEARING FRUIT 1 .-, M ;;. I . , (Jearaal Sperial srtee.) ' Boston, Mass., Nov. JO. The commit tee on food standards authorised by congress to collaborate wun tne sec retary of agriculture tn fixing atandardi of purity for foods began a week a ses sion In this city today. . Thaxnemberi of the committee are Dr. E. 1L Jenkins, director of the agricultural experiment atatlon. New Haven. Conn.; Dr. H. A. Weber, Ohio State university; Ln rector it. A. Soovell. Lexington. Ky.; Dr. rl. w. Wiley, chief of the bureau of chemistry of the United States department of ag riculture, and Dr. William Frear.'chem 1st of tha Pennsylvania department of agriculture. At tha present meeting It la expected that tentative atandarda for fruit and trult prod uct"tlncfudlng standards if or tin plate and Bolder used ia majung food containers), flavoring extracts, ed ible vegetable oils and table and dairy Baits will be Anally revlaed and adopted. ADVENTIST COLONY ' jv IS STARTED AT ECHO ' (gpeclal niapetrh te The Jneraal.) '' Echo. Or.. Nov. 20. A number of Sev enth Day Adventista from Baker coun ty and different parts -of eastern Ore gon' are making arrangements to move to Echo where they expect to establish a colony on land a adapted for small farm a. ' - Freda Andrews, who residea about two miles from thla place. Is having 40 acres of land leveled for water from the Allen ditch and Miss Nuthank Is having B0 scree leveled for water from ," the Butter creek ditch, and a large number of tracts will be leveled ln tha near future, which will ail be eown In al falfa. . . : TELEPHONE FOUND IN -; OLD INDIAN TEMPLES (Jonraal gpaelal Brvlee.t London, Nov. SO. News has Just been 'ecelved here that an English officer ia Hlndooetan haa discovered that many ancient temples In out-of-the-way places were connected with each other by me tallic wlrea and a kind Of telephone. Through archaeological Investigations ths same officer haa dlacovered that practical telephone aommunlcstlon some what Ilka that of tha present day was known to tha lnhabltante,of India mora than X000 years, ago. .,',; WILL HOLD TJIIEA HO Expert Millers, Buyers, Growers - and Shippers to Meet t ' at Pullman. . TO STUDY CROP AND MARKET CONDITIONS Annual Dairy School to Open at Col lege and Continue Ttn Weeka, Cot ering Every Detail of the Handling of Milk. , . ' : - . Special Dispatch ta Tka Journal.) Pullman. Wash., Nov. 10. A Wheat convention, to arrange measures to Im prove the conditions of tha wheat grow er, ia to be held in puiiman eariy next January. The matter haa been under consideration by the faculty and experi ment . atatlon - staff of the Washington Stats college for several weeks and many Inquiries were sent to millers, shippers and wheat growers, asking their opinion of the project. All who anawered gave It their hearty Indoraement. Among those indorsing tt are all the members of the state grain commission, who urged that the jnatter be pushed and that It be made a permanent feature of the annual winter school for farmers, which la. held In the college every January- ' A The object of the' convention la to make m close study of crop and, market conditions In the northwest, with a view to making the production, shipping and milling of wheat more profitable, and to have harmonious action among grow er, buyer, shipper and miller.. The ques tion of the best methods of feeding the by-products of wheat will alao be given attention. Expert millers, buyers, grow ers and ahlppera will be present to ad dress the meeting. Excursion rates are assured by the , railroads and a large attendance is confidently expected. Dairy School Opeaa. ; January . IX. tha annual dairy school will open ' In tha , college and continue for 10 weeks. A fine new refrigerator plant haa been added to tha . college creamery for tha purpose of illustrating tha tnethoda of refrigeration. Refrigera tion, making tea cream, condensing milk, paateurtaatlon and tha production and handling of sterilised milk will alao be taken up. -- " '" '''." READ THIS CAREFUI1Y FOR IT f The only perfect Talking Machine in the . world lumbfa 25c Records. Never sold for less than (7.50 and given absolutely ram free To Journal Readers v -$:. WITH A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION 7 ... - '' ' '", ' i ' ''7,- ,7' - The Colombia Phono graph company, the larg est talking machine com pany in the world, , will give you ' $5.00 for ' this , machine on a larger one. This is proof of its worth. TK CO THE JOURNAL IS ENABLED TO RENEW THIS OFFER t : ' Mail this coupon at once to the Circulation Department and we will tend a representative to your addressr , . 7v' You can . ft ..bakesr iftht WILLIAM GA f;W. - .. - ' The "tremendous Popularity necessitated another imm nal subscribers, and, The Journal is now prepared to supply all of those who were too late to secure one on our last "bffer. We have renewed our contract with the Columbia Pnonograph Co, and ahyiorhawill subscribe for one year ; will secure ( by COIWBIA 1 - f .k7: r,J-tiP-X.-e,&.i-xA-Wessns.eBV. w. v-: BV SPECIAL, ARRANGEMENT WITH E01IIA":lni At 365-371 depend on a good THANKSGIVING DINNER if baked Jn a rJJ J) UZ G IT D C CA W EE 7 , - 7--7 because. tt it mde rjht.and of Jh riht miterial . Malleable end Charcoal Iron; IS YOUR IAST - t of the-Portia (ErAPMOPIOME rksOLDTELY ffREE tV0 ClwV4. ' e Washington Street,-Portland Please phone proposition. YT TK TT TT T PI CHANCE FOR TDIS; GREAT OFFER T 1.. a m ' 4e-'WMeWiiaW-'.' INQUIRY coupon r have your solicitor call to demonstrate the Great Free Grapho llAMa . M sHsIsHsmCbsiS Emfi " The long . evenings at home lire on .the way. . 1 Do you want a -little "Sffversion? You can have ,: !; The Minstrels 7 :.; The Vaudeville . 7 " . The Comic -Opera i1 ( 7 ; The Latest Song Hits'" 1 The Latent. March , ; x The Grand Opera : ' Anything your heart"5 desires. All for 25c if you ; take "advantage " of ,' this great and final offer , to become '" ''"; ' ; :. - And secure a $7.50 Co lumbia Graphophone ab solutely free. - .. -: - , ', ........ mmm : address J