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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
j3 v; ' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 19, 1SC3. CHARITY ENGR0S S ES S O CIETY NOWADAYS ITU th football lntrt of th past week, the prepare (Inna ni muf Chality X ..h-a'iilat for th neat W week or the attention to om im portant musical events, together tin the usual teas and card parties which have bam ralhar mora numerou than of lata, not to aey anything of th tb - tr, which ha presented aoroa good things, tha seven day Just struck off the calendar hare bean unusually Tu it Everything 1 carda "Ave hundred ana bridge seem to be -vylng-for- th top place In popularity and straight whist etlll baa lta devoteea The small card cluba apand many enjoyable afternoona - though they are Informal and recorded about them. - Mn T. I-v Eliot, who alwaya entertain delightfully and charms her guests anew each time with her gracious personality, gar the largest affair of the week yesterday. , A great many small thinga have been given for Mra M. T. Barlow,- who la still With her alster, Mra. E. H. Brooke. , For the next few day charity en " tertalnments of various kind more than take up the Interest. The Patton home tea next Tuesday and the receiv ing of Thanksgiving donation, the Children' home tea, the Woman ex- change beneflt theatricals, the Trinity Guild dinner for the parish house, the Needlework Guild's display of work, and several other affaire flit what time one has to pare from one's Individual prepa rations for the holidays. The Academy-High School game Fri day was the signal for the beat spirit of the largest secondary schools of the city to show Itself In masterly man ner. Many of the leading women of so ciety were out to see the game and were a animated and breathless as their youngsters. . Mrs. Helen Ladd Cor bett and Mrs. C. E. B. Wood both have eons on the academy team, and a num ber - of other prominent families are represented In both teams. A delightful " -; after feature of the game was the man ner In which the academy and High : school girls took posseaalon of one of the popular Ice cream rooms down town and filled the air with good-natured . . rivalry. It is said that the academy irlrls braved the cold weather and one ' and all ordered "orange summer girls" - ha inval. Than Is room for the discovery of a distinctive football drink for girls, but It must have orange In It It haa not been told In what the High school girls sought nourishment and comfort, but one migm guess coca.' Jewish society seems to have given It- lma, M a f t antl rtr. anttralv to the aid of persecuted brethren . the past week. The question baa come, so close home to them that It haa put many in solemn tnougnt ana men naa own m tie social activity among them. Some splendid musical treats are ffnomteed inside of a few dates. Of course there is the Norellt concert to attract numbers of music-lovers Tuesday. Then . , , the eons; cycles or iL JAiiea uoouwyn and John Claire Montelth are attracting attention and much surmise. It is safe to say that they will be attended by a musically select gathering. . The Unl . verslty of Oregon Glee club concert on , Thanksgiving night is a lltUe distance ' away yeU but It is being generally . i mU-ui ijiiihtlw eam (iwcii yj. a . MinHiv fif Tilaaaiirak-aeekers IIIBIW a.a, l""J" J - mr- .,--... that night. Particular. are Jlyenjls- . - wnare lu ummm wwiuuiw .nonnont of lurias Ktalla Lava of Honolulu to Frederick Patterson la of Interest even though neither one Is -" a resident of Portland: both have . so . t many friends here. Miss Julia Coman. who has passed three months In Hono lulu with Miss Love, is now in Ban Francisco on her way home and will . be here this week. , " '''' ' Every in likes to see a college ag gregation with lots of college spirit r That is why the announcement that Thanksgiving day is to be college day has been received with delight and en ' thuslaam by so .many. ... The , annual ' Thanksgiving game between the Mult nomah club and the University of Ore- - ton always arouses renewed interest in the state institution and no game ' of the season here has so liberal a sprlnk- ; ling of society folk In attendance. Col lege spirit is in demand that day, and the supply is sufficient. This year the concert of the University Glee and Mandolin cluba at the Marquara will auataln the enthusiasm throughout the evening, as well as the afternoon, and .It 111 understood that everyone Is going - to attend; ' The list of patronesses Is a strong one. Including the leading musical peo- - pie and the leading society matrons, - who feel an interest in the growth of the Institution and the sucoess of Its visiting representatives. . Mrs. Fletcher Linn, who was formerly of the musical ,: department there, is on -the list, and .Mra C. A.Dolph. wife of one of the regents, and Mra Harriet K. McArthur, -' widow of a former regent, are included. ' f , J The patronesses are Mrs.- Fletcher Unn, - Mra Warren Thomas, Mra. E. E. Cour ' sen, Mrs. Robert Treat Plat, Mrs. Rose Eloch-Bauer, Mfs. John Gill, Mra C. A. Colph. Mra. Henry W. Oodard. Mra . Helen Ladd Corbett, Miss Etta Falling. ' - XI r a. A. E. Rockay, Mra George Haskell Marsh. Mra Henry E. Jones. Mra Zera , Pnow, Mrs. William IX Fenton, Mra Harriet K. McArthur, Mra 8. R. John . aton, Mrs. H. C Wortman, Mra Samuel , Mears and Mra William Jonea The club haa given concerts in Port ; land before and has always gained the ' - reputation of being the best of the col lege clubs appearing here. This year word comes that the work Is superior , to that of any other year. The dlrec tor of the club la Professor Irving M. V Glen, dean of the school of music of the university. His splendid baritone Is . known throughout the state, and It is with delight that his friends hear he ' - will appear on the program. The solo "luts of the club are Earl Ah bet t, Low Henderson and Frank Frlessell; and Bob Rountree, who has the name of be ' ' Ing the cleverest Impersonator appear ing with any amateur coast aggrega ' tlon. will meet with a warm reception. , as be Is a Portland hoy and waa presi dent of his class at the Hill military academy. two year mo. Harley Olafke, solo pianist. Is also a Portland boy. fr it is understood, that the boxes that evening will be oocupled by the two - . football teams of the day and will be , . .; decorated In tWHr respective qolors. The 1 nlvereHy of. Oregon team, by th way, " Is to be .banqueted at the Portland after the game by the, Multnomah club. -t -aaaaaaaaaan m , .... a. ; ' EVENTS OF THE WEEK, The Tuesday Afternoon club waa en tertained last week at th home or Mra llsrry K- Chlpamn, tit East Thirty third street. An" els borate luncheon was served by the hostess, assisted by her sifter. Mis Emma E. Elgin, and i.'rs, Jeorg IMinhsm. ..... Tlie table decorations were violets and sirillsx. and great bowls of chrys anthemum adorned the parora Th hostess, who had chaTx of the errrm. surprised the club with mow n.'lli: ht ful musical numbers, chief of which was I'sderewskle Minuet, pieven Y-r Mr, MordMiint A. Ooodiiinigh, end "The Hower Bonf" from "lust" sun i " . . w-w-, n.v, wrnrk aullltrihin atrt . ftamA KB a q HBUVI v - - I - much enjoyed at th exposition this I The subject of the afternoon study waa "Elisabeth. Queen of England." Mra O. M pilnea gave an Interesting talk on Elisabeth a queen, and Mrs. A. Crofton told of the womanly side of her i . vi r tm vm tiva m oomno- CUMlBVk a. . m.w. " . w sition of Elisabeth and Catherine de Medici. Mra A A. aiiey bpoho grapn loally of Mary Stuart, comparing her life i.h that nf KHzsbeth. Ull . IUI w .w A discussion followed, led by Mra Tlf ft and Mra crogster. - The club will meet next wee witn Mra O. M. alines, 4I East Everett street, at 12 :S0 o'clock. . : i ,,; : ', ... .. . ' Th. Thsnksrlvlna meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution - Is of no small Importance to these descendants of th early eelebretora, and Wednesday Mra warren E. Thomas entertained them at the Hobart-Curtla The draw ing rooms were drapea witn nags wnicn gav a pleasing patriotic effect.' vi..h -.mtmm a MMniwI with ' the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner." souvenir copies or wnicn were given to the gueata The Lakme quartet v... Krtm ftrhwib. Mtms Ethel Lytia Miss Marlon Btackpole, Mra W. A. T. Husnong -lea ine iiniini wu gave several other enjoyable selectiona W Thnma. rm A . n.MF OIL '"Th HlS- tory of Thanksgiving Day" and Mra O. H. Fettinger gave an. "mu.ini logue. Each member brought a guest and all were charmed with the enter tainment. A unique Idea of serving mince pies and cider met with muon ap proval.: - Th. intiimn Tiirls' club cave an' In formal dancing party In Blank's hall last Tuesday evening and every one had a dellgrtful. time. The patronesses were Mra. Thomas uuxiy, mtu. nuiun Flnnlgan and Mra Herschler. The ln- nlt.lUna IvamOi wars tWO red leBVCS with an inclosed white leaf tied together with green riDDon. mere were 60 couples present ana mey auno th. r,v .Mm. which was aally decorated with the club's colors, autumn red and green. The memoers or ine committee wore knot of ribbon of ,th vin . x-h - aarvaal durlna the evening. The newly formed dancing I club. Is composed or seven youns wran Mlaaes Kate Covach, Mary Flnnlgan, Kate Planchette, Mary Robinson. Mol lis Robinson. Mamie Kern and Josephine Kern. The club hopes to enlarge lta membership end to giv other parties during the winter. , i ; I . W W . 1 . . a 7 r.'awa, Perhaps th largest affair of th week was the tea given Tterday by Mrs. T. L, Eliot at her home, JIT .e8ri street Several hundred people called between the hour of t and Cut 1 ABa arla Si lP WHA at fertlvelv. with a different color predominating in each rjPfn .aaialina Ur, TTlirt. In renelvillaT were: Miss Helen F. Spaulding, Mra Ralph Wilbur, Mra Norrls Cox, - Mra O. G. Gam mans, Mra W. F. Woodward, Mra L. W. Sittnn, Mra James D. Hart, Mra W. Wynn Johnson. Mrs. Ralph Duniwayv wt.. a- T . itarona Un William P. Olds and Mra. William QJBllotvlTho, pouring is in ine umiujiuuin Mr. Hannah Robertson, Mra. Oswald Lam on. Mra George S. Whlteald -and vf ra iAHnn Vnarhlaa Aaaistlnftr them In serving were: Miss Lucy Sltton, Miss Carlotta Parker, Miss Harriet Calkins and - Miss Nelll . Naylor. . Ices were served br Mra C O.. Calkins and Miss Etta Bailey. v ,; . V -- . . - ... v Th. na ri.n.rimatit af the Woman' -.ih avntartainivi Thuradav after noon, at SZ1 Irving street. Dy Mrs. j. v. Sweeny. ADOUI 2V- memoera w.i ent The work or tne cnorus, unaer me able direction of Mra Hamilton, was followed by an - unusually interesting program. The number wre all well rendered and there were -numerous en cores. The program waa: "Impromptu" i..aia Mra nllvar fl Thornton: a IVUVIHIt w. v.. - . talk on "The eras for Sagtlm Music," Mrs. B. B. Fague; songs, ine ow" loan Vlaaraa Tha HIllM. "Little BOT BlUC" Mra. mmilT Hamnson: sonrs. "When the Birds Go North Again." "Msytlme," Mra E. c. Frost; songs. -Apni, - jaoiui , Miss Iren Flynn. Tha aararlnar nf dalntv refreshments by th hostess closed one -of the most delightful afternoons Of in aepanraeni. . WW V -r V . was sivenMn i honor of Miss Verna Smith on Friday evening. November 10, at her borne. - A signet ring waa preeeniea ner, after which, delightful . . games . were played. At a lata hour rerreanments war served. The invited guests were Misses Verna Smith. Laura Hablghorst, Claire Mann, Georgia Newbury, Nettie Mann. Henrlett Rothschild, Nora Ln, Marian Humbel. Kathryn Radar, Iren Curran, Quia Bennett, and Luk Rader. Henry Hewitt. Robert Ramsdell, Harold Marsh, Robert McClure, Dan Bar bey, Warren Cosena Warren Tufts, Frank McColloch. Fred Nonnandla and James Rothschild. . ,,, . 4. . ., ; ; .. The Qasette club, which Is composed of Dr. F. C. Bellwood, James O. Burness and Frederick W. . Goodrich, gave Its first dancing party of - the Mason at th W. O. W. hall.' East Sixth and Alder streets, on Thursday evening. A splen. did company assembled and th affair was a distinct social succesa The beautiful ball looked . most ' brilliant Everest's orchestra played a most en Joyabl program, of th newest dano muslo, Frederick W. Goodrich acted as master of ceremonies. Th patronesses were Mrs. George B. Van Watera Mra Whitney L. Boise, Mra J. W. Ganong, Mr. W. J. Bally, Mra James G. Bur ness. Mrs. James M. Moor and Mra F. C Bellwood. . , ' : Th . fortnightly demonstrations In cookery by Miss Lillian Tingle at th T. W. C. A. rooms are meeting" Vlth . in creasing Interest and success. Th dem onstration op Wednesday evening, was aevoieu 10 nunnaiH ti a nu salada Th tomptlng , Ingredients fruits, truts.i lettuce, etc -were each In turn combined Into most attractive and toothsome dlshea - : . The course Is for the enlightenment of "bachelor girls" in whose minds the acquisition of such knowledge la1 more than 'Suspected of kindling a desire to try their efforts In "benedict" kitchen of their own. The next demonstration wiir bwThe Preperstkm X h Thanks. sivlna Turkey." . - ; W -I'''" V'"' . . Mra W. L, Btraugh gav a pretty areen and whit luncheon Wednesday In boner of Mrs. Lyman Hill of Callrbmla, who Is visiting her sister, Mra -Charles E. Runyon. Covers were laid for: 12. Cream and white roses were woven Into the table decoration effectively. Th quests, beside Mra Hill and Mra Runyon. were: - Mr. -Byron K. Miller, Mra George C." Flanders. Mrs. P. 3. Mann, Mra William M. Cake, Mra Charlea L. Boas. Mra Will IL Sea Mr. B. F. Weaver, Mr. Katherln A. Daly and Mra ft, P. Graham. , , w .. . TheTlrst Congragatlonsl' Missionary society wss dellghtfullv.. entertained last week by Mrs. i. C Luckey at 70T i . ' '.' . ' 1 . i .'i - ' - J tended. Mra D. B. Gray led the devo- tlonals; Mra W. D. Palmer, recently re turned l ruin vnicaiu, rv-ia an interval Ing paper on mis-ton work there,' and Mrs, J. Ernest Laldlaw sang two num bers most acoaptably. The president made mention of th unusual financial at. ir.aa- nf thla vur. durins which tha society has raised 1717 for missionary purposea - ine nosieas cioaeo me aiier noon pleasantly with refreshments. . - Mra A. King Wilson entertained at luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs. A. TT Ilivvm, n rtraaldanr. and Mra P.. J. Mann,, paat president, of th Woman's club, and- Mra rut ran a. tvini, preai dent of the . BUt ' Federation -, of Women's cluba Her lovely country w . - , aaaam a a nfAtt V with OrSSTOn I uuwv a. ' r- . I gTp and chr yivnt 1) em um, and - the flower wa used on th Ubla th oth,r nt, WM Mri. Bb I Zr Lutke and Mra Haya ert Lutk and jtru. Haya jt-Kai ra.ta.-ia,ial rilrla nn thalr dance t Ringlet" hall Wednesday evening, which was well attended The hall was decorated In green and red with colored 1 . L. . T.. aaraa auar-rawl trOTYl Ul t- IllUia, .av " ' . ' " tracttvely ornamented corner . Mra) H. wetsier, Mrs. . kj. ow-inr, Lona and Mra J. W. Orttsst patronised th affair. Th club- member are Miss Myrtle EV Long, Miss Gertrua it. weix- ler. Mis Haiti 1 ' urusai . bw MarkaretrtnoehT. '- On of th delightful bridge olub 1 th on meeting weekly which waa en tertained last Tuesday by Mra R. Lea Barnes, Th member are Mra .Barn, Mra J. Wley Lado. Mis may caiuns, Mra ' Ned Ayer, Mra L. . AUen Lewis, Mn. John Bhenard. Mr. Thoma Kerr and Mrs. Harry Nunn. , v .. ; - t.1 " rs a IipVuiiT entertained ' at Ismcheon. at Estaoada Tuesday for Mra M. T Barlow of Omaha, who is the guest of her sUter. Mra Brooka The table was attractive with violet and smllax. Th other guests - want Mr. B. H. Brooka Mra A. A. Morrison. Mra A. O. Barker, Miss Louise Morris. M rs. Walter V. Smith nd Mra F. B. Btaniy. , Mra Louis H. Tarpley entertained a few of her friends last week, receiving them two afternoon t her homa Ella street Wednesday afternoon there wer eight tables of five bundrea. m day brtdg was th order of th day . ..f. thAM - ware alsrht table. Dainty Canton cup nd saucer mad lovely prise xor nm nuaoai aci winner at ach table. ' .. street gav two 1 afternoons to" her friends isst week. Thursday sh enter tained seven table of five hundred, -Cud Mr. James D; Hart and Mra B. W. Campbell wer th prlaewlnnera Te terday th same numbesr played five hundred under her auspice. . ' . .- - ' ' The executive committee of the Port land branch of the Consumer'' lea rue met Friday afternoon with Miss May Montgomery. An Interesting collection of pictures Bent by th New York league wa displayed.-. . t Mra Morton Insley entertained very informally at bridge Thursday after, noon. A prise of flower wa given to th winner at each table. Only a very few friends wr of th company. v " Th Toung People' ' society of : the Presbyterian church gav an Informal reception Friday evening In honor of th new members. oatnea rauaie and refreshment made pleasant svenlng. Mrs. Jam M. Russell of Ford and Madison streets entertained Tuesday aii moon with "600." There wer nln tablea . . r-r. . - ,- Mra Byron E. Miller entertained at luncheon Friday a week ago In honor of Mr. Lyman Hill of California. , . Mrs. J. D. Leonard entertained the Thursday Afternoon Bridge club last week. , ' ; - ; 1 . weddings: Th marriage of Mis' Haael Bonar Gilham to Cyrus Carlyle Gibson Tues day at the White Tempi waa attended by a large number of friend. The church was beautifully decorated in simple taste with palms and white hrynUmuanr - forming a pretty background for the bridal-party. Dr. J. "Whltoomb Brougher read th cere mony., . f ' ", 'a"' ? The ushers for '. (he party wer Dr. Robert Wendltn. Arthur R. Stringer and ' Russell v JohnsJona Tb bride entered on the arm of her father, Frank F. Gilham, who gav her In marriaga Attending her during th ceremony wa Miss H. Jennie Hanson and pnatedlng them, in the. llno et. march waJlttl Miss Beatrice Locke, the groom's niece, a flower-girl and ringbearer. Mlas Grace Kemp played the wedding march. The bride wore white crepe de chine made very simply with garniture of hand-woven lac. Sh carried a shower of Bride roses. - Her msld of honor wore pink silk organdie and carried pink carnation. Th little flower-girl. In a dainty French dress of white, carried a basket of white carnations whrela rested a silver salver bearing th riug. Th presents received were numerous and handsome, and conspicuous among them was a chest of silver presented by 11 representatives of the Oregon Water Power Railway company, for which Mr. Gilham Is resident engineer. Mr. and Mra Gibson will be at home after a abort trip at 721 Hood street, . w -1 A quiet horn wedding took place at Forest Grove ' Wednesday afternoon when Miss Harriet O. Btarrett of that city and R T. Rdblson of Eight Mile were united ta marriage by th Rev. L. F Belknap of the Methodist church. Th bridal party entered th parlor M9 ! . Dr. ataxies T. Chamberlain and Hi to th Strain of th Lohengrin wed ding march ' played by Mlas Carrye Watt ' Miss Starrett has been a teacher in eastern and western Oregon and la the daughter of Councilman B. B. Btar rett Th groom 1 a farmer of Eight Mile, 'Where h 1 well and favorably known. Mr. and Mra Roblson will make thalr home near loaa , , ... . ww- -"-; r- Tm.-... .mmi. Vaavlati aoelate cen tered th past week about the marriage Of Mis Jmma uoiasnjuu ui n Tork ICty to Samuel Sfmon of thl city. They were married Wedneaday and will travel through th east for five or six month before returning to Portland to live. ' Mr. Simon 1 member of th firm of Flelchnr. Mayer a. Co. and Is a brother of ox Senator Joseph Simon aad Mra A. Oberdorfer. Th advent of his. young brld 1 looked forward to with some eagerness. Bhs Is a cousin of Mrs. Ben Selling and Mra B. SlcheR , . . . . - ' Announoement hav been received in tha. city of the marriage of Miss Lena LlebeVdaugHter-orwr.-ana- Mis. 8l A. Llebe, of .Th DaUea to George Ray mond Campbell. The groom ia a gradu ate of th University of Oregon and ha many friends here, Mr. and Mra Campbell will be at horn after Decem ber 1 at Spokane. Washington. , . w ,-; .'. t Mlas Lllah HamHton and Elmer M. Andrus were married Wednesday evening- by Dr. 'Clarenc Tru Wilson at th G reave M. E. psnonaga 'Mra Abbl Brown and Mis -least Marsnau accompanied them.- : : ,w w Miss Ma M. Moran and Marino P. Kan were married Saturday, November 11, at St. James church, Vsneovver. Mr. and Mra Zan are at horn at (I North Ninth trt ; ; '.:"': V ; Mis Ann M. West and Homer X Lucas wer married by Dr. Clarence True Wllaon. Wednesday evening at the home of th bride' parents In Wood lawn. - ' " -. , . '.,' : Mlsa Grace Elsinger of ST. Paul. Min nesota, and Julius C. Lang; of Seattle were united in marriage Wednesday at th residence of the brld' parenta MUSICAL NOTES. Are crima donna becoming scaros. or 1 th publto demand for concert singing suddenly Increasing? ' Th query seem .pertinent In view of tlie double engagement which Madam Gadskl has been called upon to fill at th opening of her season. Th soprano ' reached New Tork November 1, two day behind schedule, and her trip-to Boston was further delayed by an Inconsiderate freight train which waa derailed on th main track. For seven days Madame Gadskl sang with th Boston Symphony orchestra In Boston, Washington, Bsi tfmore and Philadelphia, and then, with German colors flylntr passed nrduf ft an ordeal which few artist would car to duplloata On th afternoon Of NoW vember 10, after filling an engagement with tb Philadelphia orchestra, sh caught a late train for Brooklyn and reached her- desUamtlon In tlm to ap pear la th evening . with the Boston Symphony. With the latter organisa tion, on th following day. sh sang In New Tork, and then repeated' her .feat of the day before by hieing back to Philadelphia for a return evening en gagement To, make this , whirlwind campaign th most exacting schedule was laid, while different gown for each performance wer sent ahead to -th three cities to await her breathless ar rival. As to the prima donna's voice, th critic and public hav been warn In their praise. Bh will tour th coast later in th season. . - ., . '"Mention should have been made laat week of th deligtf ul success of Mad ame Norelll at her .concert In Eugene. a a Maaamhap '. I. . Thll VII . her piuuua, ....---- . - only pparanc outside of Portland dur ing her weetern visit ana mnm w fiv an ovation by a large audienc of stu dents' and townjpeopla. Th concert was - given ,nnuer me Kuutusa v mm Fortnightly club, which held a large re ception for her afterward. , Many in Portland- will ba delighted to know that Madame Norelll waa assisted In hef program by Arthur Louis Frazer, who ther mad bla - first appearance alno hi return to, Europe. Th mad am was delighted with his talent and spoke In- high term of his work. Mr. Fraaer well known in musical circles of thl city. He has studied for several - .itH W Airrnrd' Nash and an- peared here as solo pianist for the Unl- varslty or uregon wee uun, - Tn-Mratlnns have been Issued '. for - a song recital by 8. H., Allen-Goodwyd. tenor,- at the ' stuaio or marie a. m. Fiancee, Mis Deborah Boatner, Soul. 11 Jeff eroi treet tomorrow . era. tit hV -----" J-,v Mlaa arvVflaiiaj. a" , u, - f ' ' May Thoma and Batric Evelyn Wil son, pianist, ana juiim doui awuu paniat Th following la thJrogram: Q a. .la TOlllanlt " A. eon SUellts (In costum of th Order of Bt Dominic), Mr. Allen-Goodwyn; tai Bpnng nonj (MendeUsohn), .(b) Papillon (Grieg), (c) Masurka B minor (Chopin), Beat- ,-a anMa.lWM taTllainn - Twn BH,naraaaa-"The Message" (Blumenthal), "Th Requital' (Blumenthal); two oio ungusa aonsi "Th Pilgrim of Lov" (Bishop). "Tom Bowling" (Dlbdln), Mr. Allen-Goodwyn; .a I'll a. I XT a .V I Tha, Tara1 fflahuhart Ltsst). (b) Fantasia Inrftomptu (Cho pin), Miss Thomas; savanna irora in (Gounod), aria, L Donna Mobil (Verdi), Mr. Allen-Ooodwyn. j ... Th firs of th song recftal to b riven by 8. H. Allen-Goodwyn and John Clair Montelth 1 sat tor next Wed a..aa.a. . Tk. ta a ha assisted hf Mra Millie Perkins, Mis Helen Cope- Iand and Freoerica w. uooanco, a ompanlsta, and th recital ' will take place at Mr. Allen-Goodwyn's tudlo,v Nortli"nEIght8iitli "tieet ' The uatsan. esse for th scans of th recital are: a , a XP Daabaa 14 Tm H T TlrAOla ton, Mrs. A-oott Dunlway. Mra Whit ney a. Bos,. Mra itaipn w. iioyx, but. or n ThnaM Mra. Jane F. Fallina, Mra X. L. Thompson, Mra M. A. Dalton, Mrs. A. M. Oakes, Mra D. W. Wake field,' Mia Marl Soul, Edyth Toxler Weatherreo, , Mra. u. a. wacaia ' , .. .. ; .' Th personnel of Mr. Ros Bloch Bauer's Tuesday Afternoon Gle olub thl year la as foUows: Miss Grao nn ha, -4 u(a VA w I n Mastlck. Mia Jes sie B. Park. Mis Alma Swanson, Miss Alia Mastlck, Miss justeue Meyer, miss Nora Barrett Miss Maud Mastlck, Miss Mildred Meyer, Mra Louis Mead, Mr. W. A. Vlggers, Mrs. Gravea Miss Edith Harmon. Mlas Ethel -Abratn. Jdlas Enid Rothschild, Mlss-v Daisy 8mall. Miss Anita Bum, Miss Helen Bennett. Mr. Elsfelder, Miss Louis Wells, Mlsa Elsie Barf, Mis Gretchen Kurth, Mia Har riet Johnson and Mis Madeline Stona . , - - W W. ; .t Frederick W. ' Goodrieh dedicated th new pipe organ In the chapel of Wil lamette university, Salem, on Thursday morning last Th chapel was filled with several hundred student th va rious members of th faculty, and many of the general publio. The program con tained selections from Wagner, mof mann, Dubois, Bplnney, and F. A. Chal llnor, --' ' ; ', . ': Th Warrn.Tripl quartet ha reor- ganlxed for work and win meet on Tuesday evening to sing under th direc tion of Mra Ros Bloch-Bauer. , This First Presbyterian church haV been In existence for several years and has met with great -popularity.'- Each -year th personnel is rearranged. . - , .- i w w - Th First" Lutheran church of Asto ria will celebrate - It twenty-fifth an niversary 'on December 7 and Frederick ttT iAn.,1,1. Va. haatt an.ia, a a na.aiM soloist Mr. Goodrich 1 well known and appreciated in jvsioria . F '-: " ' W ' ' ' ' ' A Va 1a.. ataaatlttsy A Wm tXTalltaV- asa v iu i w.w v aai ww nu v a n u.-ii Tuesday ftrnoon cIaw Mli Llllyn Oli-ndenninr aanir "At Twilight" KEISTER'S lAsixa' TiiLOanr ooixzox. A sebnol wbera lad-re can learo to draft the'V ewa pattema end' est aatt wake thalr awl SraasM). write for e-viBiat. tot aad Allsky bU., ear. U ad Itsrrlae Th Indies of Taylor street -rhuroh will hold a housekeepers' - sale Friday, November 14, In church parlora A ebanc to secure Thanksgiving mince meat apron and dainty handkerchief for Christmas. ' , (Nevln); Miss Clara Howell gave "On .1.. d . aj.lHllnaar! Mlaa Kthal alia. piivia " ' , Powere, "The NlgbtiniraJe Bong" (Nevln), and Miss JtfSDOl niiiia, . v.w a. m.j Peace" (Gounod). , '. t . . -J Last Tuenday night th church of th Good Shepherd gave a musical evening which -waa much enjoyed. Mia Kthal Power sang two numbers, "Vlolete" (Roma)." and ''On th Bhorw". (Neld llnger), and eharmed all by her sweet vole. i , , ' :' - . ' Th concert at-th 8emn Institute Wednesday is In' charge of Mies Grace Gilbert and eh will b aaslsted by Alex Bamuel, baritone; Miss Harriet Johnson, contralto,' and Mra Rom Bloch-Bauer" (te 'lub pf lrls.? y f. ..'. -. . Mra Ros Bloch-BtrSer' Gle club of girls mat last Tuesday and did ensemble work, on "Dry. Tour Eyes' (Lansing) and , "Sweetheart. Blgh No More" (Lynes). Miss Daisy Small gav D'Har delot ,"Sans Tol" .beautifully. r . rT . Miss Fay Kllllngsworth received many compliments on her sweet singing of Johnson s Fac to r aoe laai uu morAinf at the Patton Methodist church, :.- ' -WW n.i.a' UA,l.llh aanar an EU1ahM num ber with splendid affect at Temple Beth Israel Friday. vnlng. 1 STRAY BITS. A- happy party, will leave tomorrow for Natches, Mississippi. . Dr. Charles T. Cbaroberlalii goea to ' meet , hi af fianced bride, Mlaai Deborah Boatner, and with him will! go his Bister, Miss Marguerite Chamberlain, and hi grand mother, Mra Chamberlain, who ha pent the- summer her with her son. The wedding' Wednesday evening. No vember l. la to be a large and brilliant affair,- Th ceremony will take place in-the Presbyterian church, and besides th maid of honor, there will be eight bridesmaid with accompanying awaina The plan 1 to Jiav a rainbow chrysan .'Awl: H. B. Litt Fourth ami "Waaluntfton Straata . V ' SPECIAL '' TJ .1'- ilt -rr ; raxgn Vjiass x auor-iMaae vjuiw -IN LADIESAND MISSEST-SIZES : : 25 Tailor-MaJc v Of Broadcloth andh Mannish Mixtures Longoc . . . ' 1 Short Coat handsomelj tailored, , v , t VA; Special $25.00 A A : r Many of these Suits bare been reduced' from $89 , ' ., and $45. - . "'-': .f. , v Av ' &V- v' ; 25 Tailor-MaJc Suits U ' j ; Of Imported Broadcloth in this -season's most faS A J v ionable styles and colorings- limtd with Peati do Cygne, Satin Duchesse or Skinner's Satin. Redacex) ' . - - from-$45"and $55. ':f "N - Special $35.00, . ' : ' ;, : . 25Taaor-Madt-"SsWHz i Of Imported Broadcloths and Velvets, in BlonstJ Eton, Lone' Coat or Princess effects all elaborately " , trimrnewithandsorn'cLaccs and Passemefitenes" --in Black. Blue and Pastel Colorings. Reduced '- from $65 Special ou uo i mm ,r ' A WEtrestioi. for' Christmas Pillow Tops stamped on Ardsley Crash, in a large , V variety of designs. Regular 50c values. p " AA"' A . bpeciai "35c rf . ' Portland Aeents for A , Prixer Wash, Embroidery Silks. W V'A A - ' i A FREE LESSONS in Embroidery Every ' Dy -'"'A 'M'.-v-.t'-.'. Ike Needle 207 DuilJ.ntf ' themum wedding, and all the young women will be In pure whlta The eight maids will dress alike la simple gowns of white chiffon taffeta, th anald of honor and bride being - gowned - more elaborately, but alao In whit a Th color enter Into th arrangement only in th chrysanthemum carried by th attend ants, which will vary regularly in tlnta Miss Marguerite Is to be on of. th . attending maids and ha been busy with the modiste for some time past, and her "regulation" chiffon taffeta Is quit what girla call "a dream." After th marriage Dr. Chamberlain and hi brld . ' will return at one to Portland and will live for the present at tne governor home. Mlas Marguerite will remain tor an extended visit. ' Extensive notices wer given Mr. II. , C. Wortman. who visited In Eugen a week ago her alster Mra M. B. Barker.... Bh spoke before tb Oregon university on art and gave a moat interesting ex planation of how to look at a picture. 1 how to enjoy It and what to look for . in it- - Mra Wortman ha received re ognltton' here a an art oonnolaseur and her informal talks are always listened to with delight But It ia Interesting to know that she ha refused many urgent Invitations to address audiences in other town's outside of Portland and It la only because Eugene was th horn f her girlhood and because h haa many . old friends ther that Bh brok her ' rul. , - . " . . - Mra Mlnnl Washburn held aa Infor mal reception for Mra Wortman on one afternoon of her . atay. i Mra Waalw burn 1 on of th most prominent and. ' delightful ntrtalnr of th college town. Mra Barker alao ntrtalnd : with aa afternoon for ber.alsteiv ;.: - .. ' A' r. Lieutenant Jsmea Castleman and Mra.9 :' Caatleman of Kentucky are at Eiteif... Court, the guests of th lieutenant' . brother. . William Caatleman. Friend ar eagerly expressing th wish that . Mr. . Caatleman, who has been spending -th rummer and fall her . for reasons of health, will sing before a Portland 1 audleno before hi departure. He I on of 1th best tenor - of th Paris (Continued on Pag Seventeen.) VALUES IN , .-.a.-' 1 ' '"rTk-"'-T ' .'' O v wf ,' : Smt3 1 T and $75. ; ":-'. $45.00 mDroiaen Richardson's Grand ' ' Craft Shop- Talta Elarator 263 MmmVJ, i - - -:hj- v