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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1905)
i: SUNDAY SECTT01I TWO ? PAGES 15-TO 23 ir . . ,: . .... ... : v ; - V r PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10. 1905. . j--.: Ji .ril.r----- irrz: rr: nr ' , -Trrrrrrr-,.,. . ---'t.: ! OLDS, WORTIvl AN KING I SjSSLSSSSSS' OIiIDSi?t01iTlSMTANliEa" KING j I Every Need at Prices ABSOLUTELY That-Will Supply UNMATCHABLE Superb and Sturdy Table Linens ' FOR THE FESTAL THANKSGIV- - :"''-.'- ING BOARDS. i . v . s First Floor Shop., I '. . ' .' r ; .-, . . w-r ... ..- ' .: , . A great Linen 8 tor heaped fall ,' of the handsomest most serviceable " : linens shown by any shop In all the , northwest. Linens from every linen . country on earth. Linen carefully.: ; bleached and with a soft, mellow . finish linens that will wear well . and look, well Just . the ' sort o. ' linens for the Thanksgiving tables. . and to use all through the winter. Some have 'the magic of Special --price all nave the wlnsomeness of. " beauty. Among many other Thanks- ' giving offerings' are' these. DAMASK -'TABLM ' SETS , ANrS '' CLOTHS. ' ; . ' .' 7 "Richardson's' beautiful satln-fln-' Ish Linens In new ' and exquisite ; patterns. - Table sets with 1 dosen 'dinner slse napkins to match 'Slse 2x2. ."yards, napkins to match.', Special, set Slse 2x2 yarda, napkins to jnatch. , Special, set S6.75 . Slse 2x1- yards, napkins' to match".-" JBpettalset . . . . T.20 Slse IxH yards, napkins to match. Special, set $7.88 ' - DAMA8K TBLE CLOTHS. - ' Slse Jxr- ; Vrds."' Special ' Slse Sxltf -yards.. Special at"- T-Oh-r -r--.-r ........ .vr.r, 82.93 L- 8ise Jxl yards. ".' Special at. .'!. each,. ...83.60 ,- Slse JxJH yards. Special at, , each 84.28 ; " HEAVTV ' BLEACHED TABLB , ' Heavy bleached Scotch satin finish i Damask, (J Inches wide, fine -quality, about 10 jileces In the .' t- lot Special at, the yard.. 81.10 i) 1 HOLIDAY SPECIALS; l ; ; In the Linen Shops ,you will find , the largest and' mostj complete as- sortment of plalir and) fancy linens' In the . northwest new Moravian ' Lace Scarfs and Centers, Batten berg 8carfs, Embroidered Dollies, Teacloths. Pillow Shams, Tray and ' Center Pieces, plain, hemstitched . ' and v embroidered ' PtUow Cases,' Handkerchief Linens In all widths, . .round thread Linens In all widths. MONDAY SPECIALS IN THE Homdiiriu Stores Fourth Floor - ARABIAN -NET CURTAINS. Y, Heavy Arabian bet Curtains, corded finish, 5 styles select from T Regular f 5.00 value.' Special, the pair . .,................$3.80 Regular f I.7S - value. ' Special, the pulr. 5. lO Regular . 1 7. tO value. . Special, the i. fo.oB . I .0ff y itae. 7 'Special." the v ,v '. .'SO. IS . , fl.'CO alue. Special; th' .......... ........ 96.6d i $.60 .value. Special,- the- ,.,,.f,..T.a5 Regular fclO.50 value.- Speclel, .the ';. j pair,, ,,..'.".. ,,viv, ty $8.10 ; '.:''. v.f DOWN' QUILTS, j''.') f:;f New arrivals In Down Quilts,' light and warm, fancy silk and sat I ne . coverings; value from, ' , each ........ f 6.00 to $25.00 pair 'Regulaf pair 1 . Regular .,. pair Regular pair Now Buy , China and . Third Floor. , . ; A . THANKSQtVINO ' SALE . OF , - HANDSOME ,- DINNER ' SETS ' ... AND FINE CHINA OPENS ; ; , i. :.. ..v" - - MONDAY. . . . , CARNATION" DINNER SETS. . " This dlnnerwar Is a choice-Amerl- ' can-, semi-vitreous China, - with a - very . pretty pink carnation decora- ' ' tion. Has embossed work and gold . traced edges, and the - knob vod ; handles are also gold traced. --"These dishes are sold. In sets or' v separate pieces.;: ' ' Sd-piece sets; oar $7.20 value. Special at r- 9t.7H . 0-plec sets; our ' It.OO value. Special at ......... . .-. . 7.20 r 100-piece sets;' our $14.40 value. - ' . Special at .............f 11.50 WHITE AND GOLD . - SETS, r,:. DINNER ' These sets "are of .American China with, heavy gold lace border pattern and neat gold centers. We - sell . them T either In gets-orseparetc- ..' pieces ' ; i-t'.f -.. i tO-plece sets; onr ' $$.00 value." Special at .86.40 $0-ptece sets; our $10.70. value; - -1 -Special at n.i ,,.,..( .88. 55 . 100-plece sets; our $1$. 00 value. . . Special at -TTfp,rtfti 812,80 DECORATED HAVILAND CHINA DINNER. SETS. . - 100-plece sets; our ilO.lO value. ', : Special at ....... ....$25.00 . 100-plece sets; our $$$.00 value.. . Special at ............. .f27.00 ' 100-piece sets; our- $46.1$ value, t ' i' Special at ...... ;.w.. 837.25 100-plece eats; our $71. SO value. ; . Special at .....f 58.00 - SPECIAL 8ALE PRICES ON HIGH ; . GRADE AND VERY. CHOICE j, Haviland China - Dinner Sets 1 '"' These seta are displayed In our Art-Room on the Third Floor. - ONE THIRD OFF ON ODD PIECES !V,. ;, OF HAVILAND CHINA. , TEAPOTS, SUGAR'S. CREAMERS a -and CHOCOLATE POTS are among these odd pieces of Haviland China. ' All Bra-dfcpratedJjLfihflicajM with gold knobs and'handles. ... - :"' ' y , ' . ' i. '' ' ' - ' i Special Sale! Ranges Mi Heaters ; -QUICK MEAL" STEEL RANGES, ' ., - , . '. - i We' will give without extra charge to every purchaser of' a "Quick Meal" Steel Range a pol ' lshed top. One of these tops on a ' range does away entirely with, stove "blacking. ' Your stove la always polished without unnecessary labor. ; - $4.S0 HEATING STOVES, $1.75. "Comfort" Heating Stoves, airtight, . -, ,-for wood; regular value $4.50. , Special, each v , -83.15 ; Y.v't stoves. $ - ' ; Dak" Heaters for wood . or coal; -.; v regular value $7.00. , Special, , each . 85.50 . ' "Hot Blast," , for eoaL Special nt. each . ......... .,......$13.50 $1.50 Oil Heater. Special at, i each .' .................. .$2.75 We're After That Man r m Who hasn't formed the -iiablt of buy ing his toggery in our "MAN'S STORE." It's such s handy place we wonder every man doesn't trade there all by Itself. Juot Inside' the Sixth Street Entrance. Newest furnishings for dreesy men. al ways at prices a little less than moat men pay. A few tempting specials In . Men's Goods for - Monday . ' ' . ,' MEN'S toe SOX lic ', ' - . ; Men's Wlnter-W1ght Merino Sox. In camelshalt, black, and Oxford grsy; " regular value $0c. Special, two pair... oy i254 , 7...VV' " .'.'MEN'S $r00''OOLF SHIRTS Me.-" ''i " '--'.''. A new line Of MenVt Golf Shirts, fall weight, in heavy Oxfofd clofnTnew" ' colors; regular value $1.00. f Special, each. . .69 'I . ' . ' ' . MENS ' $160 UNDERWEAR $1.78. ' " - A line 'of Men s Royal Ribbed Worsted Underwear, in flesh, color, god weighty I ' . wears splendidly, extra well mae; our vaiue. special, in . , garment . ............ ' '" ; .$1,75 : .. " . - : . ! men's" nib ties ioc ' " ,, t A line Of men's Shield Bows for turn down collars, a large assortment of ' pstterns; regular value 26c Special each. ...... i. ............... ...lO? - -.-.i MEN'S 10o .HANDKERCHIEFS so. , ,' 1 A tine of Men's Llnen-Flnfeh Hnndkerchlefs, with white tape border; regit-' jjiir value 10. Special, each ;i; ...,....... ,.$4? . .V - Every department represented " by the best it has ever submitted. Bargains ' are unlimited, unprecedented ! ; Thousands may benefit by economies positively un approachableand profit by offeiings that stand pre-eminent, a. consummate tribute to the power and prestige of the matchless Olds, Wormian C& King buying organization. No other house in all the Nortiiwest Is so ready or so able to supply your wants.. No other house can furnish 'such satisfactorjr prices on dependable merchandise, and we have never stiowrrmore positive proof of our unstinted resourcefulness than here and now in the great-Thanksgiving sales. Be sure to get your share of the bargains. A Rousing Two-Day Sale of Women's Attire H IB The Newest Ideas of Celebrated Designers In WIN- TER COATS, SUITS, SILK PETTICOATS - ; AND RICH, WARM FURS At Matchless Sale Prices Tomorrow .V : ' . Grand' Salons Second Floor. '-, ". largest snd leading Apparel Stores for Women west Of Chicago. - O : The more we urge you to come and see the new conceptions In Tallor Made Apparel for Women, the more enthusiastic we become. Styles are so varied, with so many new materials and effects that -the selection of a garment suited to each Individual fUfure and taate Is, Indeed, a simple matter. It's no wonder that fashionable dressers of today depend more and more upon this leading Style Store for clever things In preference to any Individual designer. It stands to reason that the Opportunity of selecting from the cleverest Ideals brought .out by several hundred cele--brated designers Is better than accepting the styles ; offered from on. Another advanUge la thst here you may try on any number of effects and select theone most becoming. A tailor of any reputation would be obliged to ask double for Suits or Coats we sell1 regulsrly at 2.00 to $t00.-'-And tbig-weeir-wa-of fer-aveifgreater- savings grand quaTtet f bargains -we offer- T j .(.; ' :' '"" In Our Unmatchablc Monday Women's 3-4 length $13.50 Coats.......... $8,98 Women's 3-4 length $15 and $16.50 Coats $13.79 Variety too great for detailed description, a brief synopsis must suffice for all. Coats In all the popular mixtures and wanted shades, box and full circular backs, single and double breasted; . leg-o"-mutton snd extreme mannish coat sleeves.;'- ."''.?":-;' 'r.'" V V.'q (Q Best regular f 1$.M values Special Monday and Tuesday at... CpOe VO Best regular $11.00 .and $1.60 Coats Special for tha two,' j y fk above-named days ..............w.. ....... ejl?e " 200 Women's Suits in a Sale A special purchase of $00 very Swagger Suits from; one of New To'rk's leading tailors., purchased by our eastern buyer at about a quarter off regular prices to close the lots. Materials .Include cheviots, rich broad cloths and all the popular fancy tweedish and worsted mixtures. In colors embracing navy, green, plums, grays, plain black and mixed suitings. Jackets In hip to three quarter lengths. Some Etons and blouse Eton effects, all very latest modes and newest Ideas of authoritative style designers. Special as printed for Monday and Tuesday. - zv; '"" r"r '. e ;25 00 Suits " ..lor ....... xo.uo $32.50 Suits v , r . ; for .,,,...920.58. $35.00 Suits for ..v.... 828.68 jsa&fiisiuis for 829.78 $12.5b Suits ' for-. 836.40 - $45.00 Suits ' ' .for 838.59 , Mm arrivals flaturdav of Whe latest eastern novelties In shown on Monday exclusively by this progressiva 4?tylo Superb, Stately Furs at - Special Prices ;. Handsome Fur Neckscsrfs ' reduced for two days to prices less thsn actual cost at the makers. Opossum and French Coney. '' - Our regular $4.80 Fur Scarf Is lined on tabs with ' - real squirrel. Special Monday and Tuesday at. .$3.29 Our $1.00 Scarf Is fuU two yards long and very band . some has six tails and ornaments.. .8peclst 'for two days at..., ...........,......$10.59 Handsome1 $15 ;Silk"Petti- -coats-atr$ 11:49" This sreat sneclal value is for Mondsy only. The rich. , beautiful Skirts are In rustling taffetas and chiffon . taffetas, very best grade, black and all wanted ahades,- Including changeable effects In blues, greens, reds, 'I tans, etc. . Flounces tucked and shirred, or accordion ' pleated with 'ruffles. Best regular. $18.00 . value In, the city for on day only at. $11.49 Eton and Tony" Suits Neir Tork Horse Show features House.. - v .;::,..,' .. FINE I.IOHT- . WEIGHT .. rRE8S " , SHIELDS" Sixes S. t and 4; our ISO value. - Special at, the pr..04 PLAIN SHELL . ;SIDB . COMBS, flna - ' quality "'smooth finish; our too . value.. - Special at the pair a--j.32 Great Savings in the Buying of Laces v Every aA Ribbons and Shirtwaist Patterns -for Less First Floor It Is a great : lace season.'' The -winds of Fashion are all favorable to'-It The luxuriously elegant period "of the Empire, which sounds -the -dominant note for the full . development of winter styles, was a great tace reign. Napoleon was an admirer of lace, and Josephine wore lace lavishly sh was the "Lace Empress.", - Another reason all through Europe during the pest decade there has been a revival of the hand-made lace In dustries. In-England and Ireland, - under such well-known wntnen as the Countess of Warwick, the Countess of Aberdeen and Mrs. Alice Hart' In Italy under Queen Margherlta and the Countess Dl Brassa, a' one-time American f trl. In Austria. And -now In France a league of French women of the hlgheat, social standing1. conspicuously he' rich snd distinguished Duchess d'Uxes, are pledged to encourage native laces. A great lace fete was held on the Terrace OY the Tulllerles In early summer that was the objective point of-all ultra-fashionable- Paris. Laces wera used profusely In the trousseaux of the two reoent royal bride of Europe, Princess Margaret ef Connaught and Cecilia of Oermkny. At the New Tork -Horse- Show the past week the great lace winter season was ror-: 'shadowed by the profuse use of lace on gowna and for gowns, and for nltra-fsshtonable lace coats. . All Of which emphasises - cne great vogue m lace, special imi weea in, ins ;-icewre.j . . , -,. ' f v - ' $1.00 . LACES J54 . - , ' : A lot of Medium snd Narrow Yln,ln' loe Insertions; regulsr values JSa to $1.00. Bpeclal, ,,. tb doion rt254 WOMEN'S, $S.OO UMBRELLAS $$.00. All-Silk trmbrellaa. in blue, red and black; reguUr,sls 1 with Princess box and -opera crook handles; 'i regular.. vlue $5.00. 7 fipeclaLeaclu-. $30 - ::v .' .' (40oV'BIBBONS 10.- . .'. . " ' A lot of Silk Mesealln'e Ribbon 4 H snd I Inches wide, .i Kiaik mnA ' whltA standard Quality: , m It V U.IM , tiwwnw. ' " - . a, -Miilar valua 4AO. Sneclal. the yard. ...... Z5 I ! BLACK BILK VENI8B DRESS, TRIMMINGS. , In bends snd floral designs, some In medallions, soma - wider narrow and medium " . '"' " Regular 6 and To value Speelal. the jrerd....i.4J Regular $1.00 vshie Spectal. the yard. ......... k .4J7 Regular $1.2$ value Hperlsl. the yard...rrr. 83 Regular $1.60 value HdccIbI, the-yard,,... C Regular $1.00 valued Special, the yard. ....... ..J1.48 ngxilar $$.$0 vatne--.BpeclBl. the yard. ... s1.62 EMBROIDERED BANDS AND PERSIAN BRAID. - t :'; :" A' Handsome New: Line. ; ' . . ' Regular" $".H value Special, the yard. ........... 1T4 .Regular $ .3$ value Special, the yard. .......... .24 ' Regular $ ..t$ value Special, the yard. ...... ..4S Regular. f .$ value Special,, the yard. .67 - Regular $1.B0 value ApeclaL. the '" value-Boclal, the yard... ,..,...91.15 ..'V''-'! 1 ' ALLOVER LACES. -. v " .A lot of Cream and White Allover Laces, suitable' for waists and trimming gowns , Regular l$o value Special, thai yard. ............ ,B6e Regular $1.$$ value Special the yard ., 84 Regular $1 10 snd $l.Tt value Special, tba yard... 98 . Regular $$.0O value Special, the yard. U , ,. .$1.48 ' $$.00 AND $.$$ EMBROIDERED SHIRTWAIST , ."'.-PATTERNS $1.10. j A lot of Beautiful New White Embroidered Shlrtwatat Pet terns. In nainsook and Indlanhead; regular - values $$.00 and $$. Special, each... $)1.10 FOR SUPPLEMENT LIST' OF BARGAINS SEE MONDAY. PAPERS SlLKRICSD T- 1 r ,. 1, -y ' A Surpassing Sa!e"bt StyUsh Silks' , Fifth, Street Annex First Floor, Unprecedented Silk Selling Is go- - Ing on here these November days. ; Are you sharing In the unparalleled . ' values we are. dlstributlngT - By . 1 great strides our Silk Store has : forced Itself leagues ahead of eom ' petition, and Portland women are '. not slow In recognising the stupen- ' ; dous vslue of offerings being made. ' This week's special Inducements to.', buyers are unequaled. - Read: . High grade Black Silks, In Taffetas. . Satins, Satin Due h esse and Peau . de Sole Special. for three days ...SI. 19 - Special for three days ...............$1.3 Special for three days ....... 91.59 Special for three days ...SI. 89 Novelty Suit Silk Sals continues. Many new pieces have been sdded so " that the assortment Is still excep tlonal; regular- $1.20 - values In x Moire 'Velours and French Pop lins; 'all good colors to , choose . ' .- from. Special only, yard... 59 $,$00 yards-of the newest Novelty 1 Suit Silks, to be found In the " . world's best markets. Values that . cannot ' be equaled elsewhere at '. : less than $1.25 yard. Special for t 4a rea- days on lyy-yard rrrt rr. TOfV" $1.60 value. only, yard $1.75 value. - only, yard $2.00 value. only, yard $2.60 value. only, yard ; Rousing Dress Goods Bargains SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS HERB IN PORTLAND'S FOREMOST . .'J'-.-. DRESS GOODS STORE. " : ; Hundreds of new fabrics to se lect from -where others have but .' tena, The great purchasing power - that considers no quantity too large. to handle, if a saving may be found " In It for our patrons, places this . store bead and. shoulders over all others In the race - for women's -favor. - Always better values her : I than elsewhere a little better than usual tomorrow. - Come see, and be convinced.- Read a little detail -. of some special Monday values. -$1-50, $1.25 and $1 00 values Nsw . Fall style Black Drees Goods, In neat figured Panamas, Panama , Voiles and Shadow checked fabrics " unequaled at our regular prices. Special for three days. "If they last." yard ,76 , Great. Clean-up Sale . of--down-to- ' ', date Colored Drees Goods, alt stylish wanted fabrics 2,402 k yards, of regular $1.25 and $1.00 values In Shadow checked . Batista aneGranites,neatXlgured Panamas " and novelty mixtures; all good , " wanted colorings In the line. 8pe- al for three days only," yd. 69' A Determined Movement to Close the Magnificent and Charming Creations at HALF PRICE OTHERS AT "A FOURTH OFF A GREAT SPECIAL MON 5 t v, , DAY SALE OF READY-TO-WEAR AND ; , , ,V STREET HATS AT 98c V;"1 ". . .' "Bijou" Salons Annex Second Floor,' ;''' U ; i." , ' ' Tomorrow we start the most drastlo slaughter of handsome Millinery ever attempted by any Portland house. You may choose from the finest and largest stock of Ladles' Hats in the city at prices far below the maker'a. The great stocks must go now without standing on the order of going. No matter what the loss may be we've determined to take It now quickly, and have It over with that we may bend all our millinery energies toward a new spring season with absolutely all new stocks. We've sbout a thousand Hats here we don't want Some are the magnificent Pattern Hats thst . Portland women have raved over for weeks, others sre the charming crea tions evolved In our own workrooms. Every new style feature and correct coloring Is embraced. Among others sre new 'Gaga,,Hata beautiful Im Torted Hats, stunning Suit "Hata and charming Picture Hats, etc ALL are reduced for Monday's selling- as follows: - All Hats at from $20 to $50 in value at ......:..-..:.......:....;.....;.HALF PRICE Air Hats at from $5 to $18, in value at........;:.:.......:..: A FOURTH.OFF Q8c A GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF Ready-to-Wear and Street Hats , ., .......... ...... v A Great Holiday Sale of Ladies' Hand ' Annex First Floor. I We announce the opening tomorrow of a sensational sale of Handbags.' Our New Tork buyer secured them from a maker at a great reduction in price his sample Una. All the neweat and smartest designs for the coming holiday season. A grand opportunity to 'select a pretty, useful Xmas gift for a friend at a great saving In price. Among the leathers -are seal, walrus, seal Ion, long grain Morocco, buffed alligator. Imported mountain gnat, llsartl, cruahed calf, pigskin, black patent calf, white patent calf, etc, gale opens Monday., . . : ' " A Helpful Sale of , " Splendid Pettfcoats Women's Warm Night Robes and Shoulder .-'i'-' Shawls' v - Annex -SalonSSec6n'd Floor."" LADIES' $1.50 BLACK PETTICOATS FOR a Ladle' Black Mercerised Sateen Petticoats, with several different styles of flounces; eur regular value $1.50. Special sals price, each. 96 LADIES' $2.60 BLACK PETTICOATS FOR $t.. Ladiee' Black Petticoats of better quality merer ' Ised sateen, many styles from' which to sxW-t; - our $2.60 vsrtte. - Speclsl sale prlre. 'i .--each ,.',... .v. ... .... ........$ ll.1T .FOR' LA DIES' OUT I NO FLANNEL GOWNS WORTH $1 Ladles' Outing- Flannel Night Gowns. In dainty blue or pink ami wj'" Mpe i. a selection of nine different styles all full length gown.; our $l. value. Special sale price, each ....... , f I.I 7 ,.' r ' 0o SHOtJLDEIl SHAWLS FOR 3 AU-Wool Knlt.BhouIder Shawls, in different tVl- In Haht t l ir.r 11 .. . nardlnal. bla.-k or white; our Kc value, H imi eai" i - New llns of Royal Worcester corsets jie &! 4