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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
, t ... . V . 4 THIS OREGON DAILY JOUKIIAi; PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17. 1905. 7 FREE lOl'Ji FR0L1 I SALOOH RULE . ..... , .: .. r . - .: Hillsboro ' Citizens Adopt Plat. , " 'form and Nam Candidates 1 ' i - f--r:- f or a Dry Epoch, REFORM DECLARED TO BE .: ESSENTIAL TO WELFARE Outlook la for s Warm Contest Be- 'tween Prohibition and Wet Ele ment Mismanagement ' in City's Finances Is Openly Charged. (Specie) Dispatch ta The Joe reel.) V Hillsboro. Or, Nov. 17. The entire town U wild with excitement over the coming city election te be held Decern ber 4. Yesterday et e. mass. meeting ef cltlsene the following preamble end platform was adopted: - Inn Uor aiemaak. ' v . : ' "Whereas, The liquor element baa for years had complete control of our city; and whereas, It haa notoriously failed to redeem its pledgee. In bet, notwith standing It baa ateadfly maintained a ruinous tax rate, -It has at the same time failed to do anything1 In the line ef publlo works commensurate with the funds at Ita disposal, and has year by year loaded the city with an enormous debt 'which has grown' to proportions now almost' hopeless; and .whereas. It haa debauched, '-. and continues to de bauch some of our cltlsene, and places temptation In the way of the young, bringing the city Into .disrepute, and - keeping out desirable persons, who would otherwise cast their lot with ua; therefore, we consider It wise and ex- pedlent for the virtue-loving eltlsens of Iltllsboro to make an effort to threw off the yoke of this galling bondage and rid themselves from the body of this " death before. the esse Is hopeless.-r.-"We . pledge ourselves If elected to "faithfully and conscientiously, y the utmost of our ability, advanca the ..' peace, happiness, tranquility and pros perity, of the eltlsens of Hillsboro, and realising that , these are synonymous with virtue, we pledge ourselves un " alterably opposed to. the liquor traffic - and kindred evils, and if elected., will use the pewer vested In us to remove thera and establish a . clean city; to sacredly guard the home and In every possible way, , ao much aa In ua lies, to advance the moral and financial wel fare of 'every cltisen by paaelng and " administering pure. Just and equitable .lawe. . "W pledge ouraelvea SO for as poaal. pie to reduce taxation, and the debt '". which now bangs like a dark cloud over - our city. "We ask the support ef all good eltl sens who stand for the Integrity of the home, for men hood ana womanhood, for 'peace and prosperity and for present and future good, growth and advance- ' ment." .-" The ticket nominated at this, meet 1. Ing ia composed of 8. 8. Barnes, mayor; J. H. Ray. R. A. Carina. O. V. Doughty. rouncllmen: John Wlke, recorder; John TTawklneV treasurer. -.; ,-, , ,,4; V A linifaehnM narassltv. Dr.' Thomas' . 'Eelectrlo Oil. ' Heals burns, cuts. 4 twounds or any. sort;, cures soas throat. croup, caiarrn, astnma; never xaua .- Work begins on big- I ' : IRRIGATION DITCH , .. (Special Dtasetefe,' to The Joafasl.) Baker City, Or.. Nov. IT. Active nrk s -now in 'progress-on the Je-mlle ' ' irrigating ditch, which haa Ita begin , . nlng In the canyon of the Powder river above Baker City, and will follow that : stream through Baker on to the 7,900 acre tract of land northeast of the oity . recently purchased, from .the Patterson syndicate, . County Surveyor C M. Foo ter, who made the eurveye, is In -charge -ef the work and the plane Include ator. age reservoirs aa well aa direct irriga tion dltchee. In thta vicinity Bond and Lillard are also carrying on their Irrigation projects . .covering something . more than 1.009 RULERS OF THE WORLD afeet-Batlar jratioaa Are the leaden la - Svery Branoh of aramaa .'" Aaaiavamanta. -- 1 . TTvTrullng nations f the worHJ a re meat eaters and history reeorde that they alwaya have been. . Vegetarians and food cranks may ex plain thle m any way they choose, but the facta remain that the Americans, mans are meat-eating nationa, and they . ire aiao nw muet progressive. . soldier, known es Biltong, Is a sort of dried beef, affording a great deal of nourishment In a highly concentrated form. ... . ' , The weak racee of people are the i r.fc.lnaA ' uinilnMi. ann Hlameae. regarded alnce . the dnwn of history aa nonprogressive! superstitious and Inferior physically and mentally to the meat-eating nationa who dominate The etrncture of the "teeth plainly maicaies inmi numen.' wine . subsist upon a variety of food. meat, fruit and grains, and It la unhygienic to confine one'a diet to any one of thoae classes to the exclusion of another. Meet Is the most concentrated and most easily digested of foods, but our n,i, I m Aten m unnatural that the dlaestlve or (tans refuse to properly digest meat, eggs and similar nutritious and wholesome food, but it is not- because suoh food Is unwhole some, but the real reason Is thet the stomach' lacks, from disease or weak ness, some necessary digestive element; ' hence .arising Indigestion and, later on. Nervous, people ahould eat plenty of ' meat, convalescents should make. meat the principal food, hard-working peo ple nave to ao so, s no - .riiroi.i" and bflloe men ehould eat not ao much . . w... . iu nn.a a dev. and to Insure Its perfect dlaestlon one or two ni mum xjymr-vmim. . . u i.l m.k m.,1 Kerausa the T I ' . - ' . . . . T....- a-a fruit - f I' J ' I'l . 1 1 wyiuiir " " ' J " " acias, lacsing in trnuoie. , - . . HCrTIPlI- 1 1 T ir. . f .......... - -ph,- gastritis, sour ' atomaclr, gae and eHdltv are only different namee for-Indigestion, the failure to digest whole some food, snd the use of 8tart a Dya pepsla Tablets cures them all because. Iiv affording perfect digestion, the stom ach' haa a chance to rest and recover ,lts natural tone and vigor. D. '- mmmlm TuhUtf IS . the i wn.. -, it la as safe land nleasant forHhe stomach ache of r.t. h. l . tha imnerfeet dl gestlon of its grand aire. They are not a catnaruo. m mnA A nlll hahlt ran er fol Tow their use; the only habit gtuart'a ! Tablets Induce Is the habit of good di gestion ana oonsequenuy gonu n-nn, "57 T 13 JIGIIF'OF TERROR THEIR LOT Two Hundred Passengers " Pass Hours of Anxiety on ,;r; Crippled Boat. . STEAMER BREAKS DOWN . NEAR HELLCATE ENTRANCE Panic PrevsUs and Women With Dif ficulty Restrained From Leaping Into Surging ' Waters-All Art Safely Landed. . ' . - ' (Joarnal Speetal Serrlea.) New Tork. Nov. 17. AfUr a night of terror. Just above Hell Gate. 106 pea sengera en the "steamer Warren landed thla morning. 'The eteamer started last night for Fall River. Her machinery broke And the Captain Intended .to re pair -it and proceed, but Secret Service Agent 'Wesaels of San Franclaoo, who wis aboard.' told the captain that he was disobeying the law. : An Indigna tion meeting was held In the oabln and the paaaengera forced the captain to re turn to the dock. A terrlflo. gala was blowing; the lights on-the veaael were out and ateam from tha broken boilers creeping through seams In the' decks crested a panic. At one time the excite ment became ao Intense that several woman were with dlftloulty restrained from leaping overboard, aa the eecaplng ateam and Intense darkness lad them to believe that the vessel would be blown up or wa already sinking. However, hard work en the part, of tha captain and crew, aided by the cooler heads among uie passengers, restored order and the veaael reached port with all on board safe and uninjured. " BLACKMAILED " i (Continued from Page One ) :. of tSS.OOo. None of the management of the cafe receives compensation from the Cafe Savarln company, but all are paid by the Equitable Life... .... , ' ' laklsse rtaaaeleelaeT. ' ' John McOuinneaa. Equitable elerk, stated that the purchases In the station ery and printing departmenta In 104 of the Equitable amounted to 1171,000. Lou la M. -Bailey,- In whose name the trustee account waa carried, stated that ha had been a clerk for II years and that George H. Squire asked permission to place an account in hla name. Build ing operations have also been carried on by the Equitable Life in hla name. He said he had executed no declaration of trust to the society, neither had he done so during the building operations. He. aald that Prank B. Jordan, son of the former controller, bad a monopoly of writing the Are Insurance upon prop ertles upon which the society beld a mortgage. - ...- - ' Bepaw Se' BeeaTHd. " '. - Sesgtot Chaunoey MjDepewwaa ra ealtedv Attorney Huahea said that two letters Id conuectton with the vouchers were .pieced la evidence this morning. The letters were sent by John. Al Nichol fo Depew.1 'Tne first wag dated 119. An extract read;" w;Our. friend ' who usually gets around this ' time of. year here,-wants help, aa usual" -- Depew did - not' recall the "friend'e" name,- but thought thet be had some kind of claim against the company. "Our friend up the river Is getting cantanker ous again,, and wanta . to . know-you-know," read tha second letter.,! Depew- aald that both peraon'a men tioned were the asms and declared that he was not a legislator and thought he was not a politician. Depew aald he knew nothing of the Clunle matter In California. He was excused., Gage E. Tarbell of the Equitable waa called and told of eyndlcate operations. saying that he participated In them personally and did not know that the Equitable waa In until after he waa In, Ha, said ha had nothing te do with the legal department and had bitterly op posed In the society the methods used to defeat bad legislation. Tarbell skid with the combined policy holdera of the various companies behind them no leg islature would dare paaa lawa Injurloua to the best Interests of the company. TarbeU'e theory was . that votea not dollars kill bad bills. McCurdy of the Mutual aald TarbeU'e Idea waa not practical, while Perkins of the New Turk Hlf suppui lea Ului, tno" wlthesr testified. VM'CURDY RETRENCHES. Oats' SOa Owb stary U Twe as4 Oarvea TaaS ef Otaessw (Jearaal Special Serrtee.l New Tork. Nov. 17. At the special . .ft. luuM Af mmmmm at tha Mutual Life Insurance compeny yester day rresiaeni nicnara a. aivumr nounced that a vigorous retrenchment in high sals r lea was the order of the day and that he had voluntarily re quested that his salary be eut in twela v. . v wamIwa t ? K SAO a veae In. atead ef 1180.000. The salaries of other executive orncers wtii come in ior good slice and the saving to the com pany will approximate 1160,000 a year. BUILDING YELLOWSTONE RAILROAD TO BEAR CREEK (Special Pispstch to -Tee Jearnal.) Red Lodge, Mont, Nov. 17. With the arrival of eight carloads of steel and more en route, the delivery within two weeke of II carloads of western tlee from Boseman and the landing at Brldger of fbur carloads-of Japanese laborers, nothing now stands In the way of the early completion of the Yellow, atone Park railroad to Bear Creek,whtcn le to UP the great coal mines at that place. The grading of the road la prac tically finished, but President P. A. Hall met with many obataclee in his efforts to have the road completed by Octobet 1, as expected. Work, at the Bear Creek mines baa been temporarily Sus pended until the' road la completed. Three large veins were opened up dur ing the summer and enormous quanti ties of coal piled In front of the tun nels ready for shipment The company le in a position to deliver tone per day when the railroad can handle It. ' ;, i i ' ' . ( OhehaUa CI tisane' Ticket. (SpeeUI rlpt to Tke Jearaal.) Chehalis, Wash.. Nov. 17. A eltlsens' ticket hss been nominated to be voted for at tha city election which will be held In Chehalle Tuesday, December I, aa follows; Mayor, David Stewart; clerk, W. A. Weetover; treasurer, Arthur B. Cory; attorney,, W. E. Bishop; health offlcar. Dr. Oeorge H-. Dow, alt re nomlneted. For councllmen at large, one yeer, J. F... Satndon; ,for rouncil men. two-year terms, Oeorge R. Walker, l l.ewrence end S. Hrtman. A total of Its voters has registered i Twcr.ty-Tv;of,!:rcfcr . TciJay end Tczcrrov - Who wants the beautiful ' Haselton Electrlo self-playing Flano at i0 A Chlckerlng bargain The Idaho Piano and the Maine building beauty? Don't delay If saving of money Is an object. In spite of Inclement weather, nine Exposition Pianos were sold yesterday. If we can make it twelve more today and ten more tomorrow, the Exposition Sale will be st sn end. Special Interest will be excited in the beautiful Haselton Piano, which plays by means of an electrlo motor, can be attached to any light socket, and playa perfectly. You turn the button the Haselton " furnishes -ths music. - Don't Imagine it Is- "grlnd-organy" music to the contrary, criticise Its playing ae you would a virtuoso's. ' You will not be disappointed. It's phrasing Is per fect, it uses also both soft snd loud pedals. The instrument received the hiaheat award, of course. Price- Is I860, and you'll admit it'a worth twice that when you have seen and heard It. A beautiful Chlckerlng Grand ahould find a home today who'll take it at 1211 off? ' A superb Schumann, used In the Idaho building take it at a discount of li per cent. Only one of the Pianola Plsnos re mains and the beauty in the Maine building. Prioee are 0 per cent oft reg- pjar price. ' Several used Pianos for a song. Take the Newton for 168: others for 1 8 J. $108. III. Some Square Pianos, .$!, tt, 6l Pay a month. A couple of Pianolas underprise. Just remember this sale ends the chance to secure that nobla educator and enter tainer et a discount.. Year'a library subscription goes-with each. If you want a One Piano, don't let thle opportunity go by unheeded. If you do not wish to pay all cssh you can ar range for monthly or even aemi-annual Installments at these closing-out prices plus simple Interest. Tomorrow win end n.w uomci - - Come today or this evening. KIL.ERS PIANO HOC8E, ' .111 Weshlngton SU cor. Park. PEASE MUST FACE GRAHD JORY Judge Cameron Holds Conten- tion of Hit Counsel Weak ." and Unavailing. r r DINNERS, FLOWERS AND RIGS HELD RESPONSIBLE Society Man and ' Choir Singer , Ad ' mita Shortage of ' Nineteen Hun dred Dollars Claimed : Sereral - Moneys Were Mixed in Sanaa Bank. Jl lainren Pease, aoclety man and church choir singer. Is to face the grand Jury 'on ..a charge f . larceny py ambeaxle. ment. - He waa -bald . to answer -this morning by Police Judge Cameron.' He Is at liberty on a bond of IS. 500,' the Sureties being W.rB. Gage and Mark W. qui. .'-;. '- v ?. i. " .: The case waa argued several daya ago en : preliminary examination -land,' briefs afterward - were -submitted - on a law point by - Deputy District ' Attorney Haney for the prosecution and Attor ney Frank Freeman for the defense. Judge Cameron held the contention of the defendant'e counsel to be weak and supported neither by. precedent nor the weight of evidence. .- ' W. Zwlck. general manage, of the St. Paul Fire at Marine Insurance company, for which Peaae acted aa lo cal agent, testified that the defendant had not made a remittance to the com pany alnce March 1 .and had wrong- ruiiy reisinea iooui sa.vvv oeionsjuis; to It. This money is said to have been expended largely for costly dinners. flowers and faahlonabla equipages. "We urged him often to send ue the money," testified Zwlck.- "but he aald ha waa bard pressed for coin and would do ao as soon aa be could. We de layed taking action on account of hla bondsmen, who wanted time In which to see-. If the money could not be ob tained from hie relatives." Practically the same testimony waa given by the Paclfle coast manager of the company, who came here from gap Franclaoo.' . Peaae was not placed en tne etano. Freeman contended that as hla client acted as agent for other companies and kant all money in bank without sep arate aoounta the funds were "mixed" and Peaae could not be held to have embenled from any one of them. Brlefe were eubmltted on thle proposition. "After considering the teetlmony and the arguments advanced in the briefs," said Judge Cameron, "I have reached the conclusion that no Joint .ownership of the money In bank existed and that the money claimed belonged to the St Paul Fire eV Inauranoe company, with the exception of ISOt, perhaps, which might have been due the defendant as commissions. ' -Taking the arloue eourt decisions Into consideration I think sufficient facts have been ehown to warrant me In holding the defendant to the grand Jury." , ; - - - . HELD UP AND ROBBED . : : IN HEART, OF BUTTE - " (Joarasl Special Barries. Butte, Nov. 17 Joseph Schuster waa kM ii r, anLnhhad last nlxht br three masked man when within a few blocks of the Northern Paolflc depot and re lieved of over 1100. Schuster made a deaperata realatanca but was quickly m.nMnii and anonsa aaturated with chloroform was placed agalnat hla face.- The robbers tnen went mrougn his pockets, taking everything of any value and then, threw him unconscious iniA .an all.v where ha lav for two hours. . Schuster saye hla home le In San Francisco and waa on hie way to the train when ha waa held up. Dchins Pond:rJ) . 1 1 Tlakit tunshlnt tread - . - Boys' and Youths' Clothing SUITS,6VERC0ATS CVENETTES fttxAMArifif mJi aka WArm I'M Awlis rr ta cjn i ijjTj 4Ji; "Tsjupvt iui aijr vi wui viuhu vaa m viwutui v ' due wholly to the high grade tailoring and ex cellent material used In the construction of every garment. t .' . '; . We are showing tome of the newest effect! ; . ' for mid-winter.'- ' ' : ' .. BUSTER BROWNS.' Double Breasted Two- Piece Suits " and 4 Norf oiks, . with regular and Knickerbocker ' Trousers.' New mid-winter models. "...$2.l5To $5 EXTREMELY CLEVER and Uking ideas in our I high . grade. . Suits exclusive and original r' Buster Browns, and Clermonts. S"$5 to-$!5 r The Greatest ! fj .1 Clothing ' ' House r . in the ,,. " . -Northwest.--- T- OVBICOATS t VERY STYLISH MILITARY REEFERS and long full back box coat with and without belt." Wide range of new FA f modish patterns..;, ; ';, , ; ;; : f 0O II iy lf?. YOUTHS' SUITS, OVERCOATS and CRAVE- f NETTES especially designed for this establishment.- In elegance and smartness k they are :- tX. .$7.50 to $20 Exclusive Styles in Misses' Man Tailored Coats and Suits. ----- LUKES RAID ON' FUNDS OF INSANE PATIENTS Board of Control Appropriates . Money at Steilacoom to Buy Land. . (Special Dtopstch te The Jearaal.) Seattle, Wash.,- Not. 1T Money taken from' tha clothing of Inmates In the Steilacoom asylum at the time of their Inrareeratlon. and auDDoeed to be kept in the Institution safe baa been taken by tha atate board of control to complete the purchase of land, adjoining the asy lum grounds. In the safe at the asylum Is 11. Ill belonging to paXlents In con finement"' The board haa appropriated f0 of thle amount, allowing the books Snd office records te show that It waa "borrowed." . ' ... The only record of the purchase of the land la found In tha financial atate ment of tha institution for September. The property adjoins the asylum grounds and It la aald has been procured by the board for pasturage. Thus far no provision haa been made for the reimbursement of tha Inmates' fund,, which wae raided to acquire this atrip of land.. The board hae held that Lit bad no money in the maintenance or otner runaa inai nouia d una, ana as the legislature will not meet to appro priate mora money, the dilemma will continue indefinitely. It may be that If the board haa a surplus by the end of the fiscal year the inmates' fund ean be reimbursed. Otherwise It will still be short when the legislature meets. '. No one csn supply your Thanksglv. Ing dinner with better wines, liquors and cordials and at more reasonable prices than IX Oermanua, 221 Morrison street. PENDLETON MEN WORKING FOR UMATILLA PROJECT (Special Dispatch te Tke Jearaal.l " Pendleton. Or., Nov. ItThe board of managera of the Pendleton Commer cial association held a . meeting last evening to take action regarding the matter of the rejection ef the fcaat Umatilla national Irrigation project by Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock. Strong hopes have been pieced upon thle project by the. people of Umatilla county.' A number of the cltlsene from Echo attended the meeting, among them being A. C Crawford, O. D. Tee and J. r. McNaught. who own land that will eome under thle Irrigation project. A letter waa written to tha secretary of the Interior eeklng him to take steps In carrying thla matter through. -eV 'tlaewiaei Injaswa. ' (speelsl Dtapetck a Tee Jearaal.t ' VxMlnnvtlla. Or- N". IT A. lineman working , on the construction ef the mutual telephone line from Sheridan to McMlnnvllle had a severe fall today, caused by the breaking of the pole strap. Ha alighted on his heels. Injuring both anklee. FRUIT GROWERS WILL MEET AT LA GRANDE eajBBBassaseBBBsstjsea ; 4 (Special Dispatch te Tae JoaraaL) La Orande, Or.. Nov. IT. Preliminary arrangements . have been perfected In La Orande for the meeting of the North west fruitgrowers' association. ' which will be held here from January to January I. As 1a Orande and vicinity la considered one of tha best fruitgrow ing sections In tha northwest, the asso ciation ' which met In Boise last year concluded to hold Ite next meeting In thla- city. Prominent fruitgrowers from ell sections of the country will be In the city for thle. occasion, and It la tlie Intention of the Grand Rondo eltlsens to make the meeting a grand success. RAM! RAP ! RAM I RAM I Thousands of Cravenette Raincoats at 1-3 Value SALE BEGINS TODAY, FRIDAY, AT 9 A. M., AND WILL, CON- TINUE FOR TEN DAYS ONLY Cravenettes. Raincoats and Madrintoshei freshly unpacked and aTery one made by the GOODYEAR RAINCOAT CO NOW LOCATED AT 109 THIRD STREET. You know what that meana. Think of 40,000 Raincoats from the best makers in tha world at euch alashine; pricea they can't last long. Erery ona waa tailored by. tha best men in tha east and made especially for this season's wear. Single or double breasted, loose or tight fitting, wttri-er without V THAN. A efAUUi Uf erVD yfrKAAjaWW eVe .IVAik Wfftn4ftVlil awwen.AevwwiAe.AevM wna-a. ''For'-' Men Women For Boys Girls Ladies' Cravenette Raincoats ' , Bmart wear for Bala, er anaaUae. ' C AflRegular $11.00 value. Fitted full-Length i?a.UU Raincoats, single and double breasted styles. Warranted all wool, light and dark colors. fCf4 CA.7 Regular- IIJ.OO to $14. 4)0.dUan(I .OU values. Extremely stylish ' Raincoats In Oxford, gteen. tan and brown. In fitted and loose belted back: wing shoulder cape, also triple cape effect; perfect fitting. - 7B Regular 100 value. An unusually at . 4771 0 tractive model fashioned In cape or cot- larless style; new bos plaited or Inverted baekr ' semi or tight fitted style; latest sleeve; colors, olive, tan or gray; hand-tailored throughout. , SPECIAL $12.50 to $15 Imported ' models, made of the finest cravenette cloths. We aak that you aee these splendid garments. that you note the style, the make, the finish, that you compare our prices with others that are ask ing 2. tO ISO. . - ... Women's Raincoats Caps aad Ooa tylae. and fancy ahadea, All Colors. Actual value $1.50 $5.00. O AA t1 iVfl ale Price. Regular $.0 elaV.UU 10 eO.UU to $10.00. . Ladlea' Bain oata-nade of superior quality oovert eloths. in tan. gray: full belted back, very lateat aleeve; cape effect; trimmed with velvot collara. ise '. tf i AA Pancy Tweed. Brocade er QO,iO tO e4.UU Berge. Actual value $10.00 to tlf.OO. ,r . . . .. Hen's-Raincoats tl eftMsn's Boxeoet. , . , 91.0.V Actual value, !. ---- - t ;t V CAAll-o"' "ge Boxooat. eaV.)U value, 11.00. $3.50 and $4.00 tlX blue, blsck. gray end fancy value $11.00 to $15.00. AU-Wool . Imported Kng- Meltons colors, mlxtureav, , Actual Boys' and Girls' Raincoats Sale Price $ 1 .25, $ 1 .50 and $2.00 . . Actual Value, $3.00 to $7.10. Men's Cravenette Raincoats : Worn Xastead of Overeoata. f6 AABegular $11. to values. Stylish, up-to-date 7JvV Raincoat, and Overcoat combined, loose., swagger effect, , Large assortment to select from. S7 A A Regular $1(.00 value. Men's Cravenette ey I UU Raincoat In. fancy or plain effecta. New broad ehoulder, full back, close-fitting collar, all alsee. : . 1 0 7B Regular $1100 value.' Swell up-to-date e?y.lO Cravenettes in Oxford.. black.. andnoel-.. tleS,' SIT band tailored and silk lined; all alsee. ... .-- aVTTOTIOY XM CAXXSS. . CI? 6fi.eirl ttC- Rwiar" $31.00 te $11 00 $lC.QJUlaVlJ value.- Made ef tha finest cravenette clothe. . Nothing finer woven by the cravenette) people. Bilk-and wool text urea, su perior workmanship. Borne la paddock style, ethers loose back, awagger affect, concave shoul ders; up-to-date In every respect, . KAXXi OKOS9S B01UTT TUASHtT ACCOHTAYTXD T tn OnT OI nn$ OSOXm, STATS OatW AM9 IIMTI WBAavaa. Goodyear Raincoat Co. 109 THIRD STREET formerly Oeeapled by Portiaad Trast Oe Bet. Waakiagtoa aad fttark ate. Vtou ova itiiT aTBamra vxrmxmo rszs aaui umtu. o'ciotm. v.. - t .. i r