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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
t:: Pasco?? daily jcur.::AL, Portland, . frid av ' evening, . novemdsr 17. - ibcs. PSIICSlOjLl FOR THE TITLE OF 1 e io r.i;i : THREE STATES Coach Cutt's Eleven Rounding ; Into Form With Hopes of Whitman and Idaho , Will Play for Tri-State Championship ; ; Tomorrow at Moscow. r Beating Oregon. ' HOP VUCET SOUNDERSHAVF " VERY STRONG PLAYERS Injuries Havt Been Healed; SocUl ' , Differences Adjuated and . flow Every Man Thinks of Nothing but Football. - ftpectsl Pfcpatrfc to The Joaraal.) J ' .''. Tnlverslty of Washington.-' Seattle. ' Nov. 1. Coach Cutis and his bunch St . pigskin booaurs ara doing avsrythlng .- in their power t develop a -winning - team for tomorrow's gmma with Ore gon. The teem thought they had been going through a etrenuoua practice -. heretofore but the workout they are get . ting th la week makes all -former prac tices look like a bobo'a dream of an easy ' life. ' Prom I:lt in the afternon until 1 dark the. entire squad Is busy on the ' field and after an hour over rare roast beef In the training quarters signals srs run and aecret plays are given in . the gymnasium. Entbuaiaam la running - high among the atudenta and from a view of the gridiron when the boys are making aport of the ' second eleven's 7 desperate efforts it looks like their seal , la well founded. - i ,. Cutta opened the aeaaon with the Hr ' , vard etyle of play and persistently : atuck to it until the back field was well '. trained in line bucking and then with - out changing his style of play ho be ' gan to originate .and put Into operation . trick play a and a variety of end runs. The' value of the new plays were ' demonstrated . in , the Sherman Indian game, when Shaw tore off tS yards around thai other and. ' Not until the last week baa the team been atrosg an "offense, but with the completion of a Strong defensive team Cutta went te ' '. work on the, Offense and as a result but from three to six playa are neeeaaary : for the 'varalty to- score against the aerobe end the second eleven were un able laat night to make Ova yards In at downs. . . - . . . Two of the etrongeat players who were not in the game Saturday ara now ' out of the hoapltal squad.. Babcook. a 10t-pound ma a., la back at guard, hv. lng recovered from a - ease of holla Tilly la again - in ault and his ankle -will need no more attention. Homer - Tilly is without doubt'the beet' player in the back field and knows mora foot " ball than any man on the team. He is ' a Portland boy and at one time played on the Multnomah : Junlora football ' team. Thla white-heeded lltle lad will play the game- and steady the team In ' Saturday's contest. , ' Cole, the little Ill-pound quarter back. 1 the beat addition to the teem since the opening of. the aeaaon. ,Wlth ' " Cole receiving Crlm'at pannes, Waahlng "6nXlfeaBrpoThTof fumbllngTias bees eradicated. But three fumbles marred - Batqraay's game. r: - When Cutta looked . upon Freshman Qrimm at the beginning of the. year' be wild.. "That big fellow 18 a comer;- oui Grimm In the game with Whitman wag placed et end and -failed to make good. The coach atlll worked upon tnia iss , nounds of muscle and Grimm la now regarded as a rival of Dan Pullen and Tern McDonald. . No' Injuries are' keeping any of the nlavers off or the team except aio Donald. Thla tower of atrength Injured hla knee In -the Whltworth game over a month ago and by playing in supss- t. quant games haa kept it In poor shape. - so that he Is now standing on tns skis lines and it la doubtrul ir no win gei Into the game agalnat Oregon. -..' ' ,. ' ' i . ' .'' - V UAM-ANLJ AIMU DCNNINUd RACE TRACK RESULTS . . .. . Uearaat gsMtel Sstvlsi.t ' "San Francjaco, Nov. 17. Testerday'aJ rattng events at Oakland track were: Five f urlonga Pickaway . won. Edln borough second,' Blumenthal third; time. il:OJ. - ' ' ... : -" ' ' Five furlongs Cocksure won. TUetts - second. Avonalia third: time. 1:!H. . Bu and one naif fuiioii fWfr grifTKr won. Romalne second, Pontotoo third; time. l:10t. ' Seven . furlongs Confederate won, : Bear" Catcher second. Ret rope w third; :- time, 1:14V,.- -- ' - ' " Mile Kd Lllbnrn 'won. Byronerdals second. Cloche d'Or third; time. 1:41. Mile Callaghan won, , Firm foot aao. ' ond. Tramway third; time, 1:40. , V i;? . C ' As Waahlne-tom. " ' '"" :.' Washington. Nov. 17. Tha Bennings i: fall meeting opened, yesterday with the ' following results: Six and one half furlongs, ' Columbia course Verness wen, The Cure second, ' Bluecoat third; time, 1:11. " ' Five f urlonga, old courae Society Bud won, Santa Suaanna second, Akbur third; time. 1:01 4-a. ; . - , - Steeplechase for -maiden t-year-olds, , about two miles The Lad won, Oleroao second. Tha Miner third; time, 4:11. Columbia handicap, atx furlongs " Bohemia won. Race King second. Bad Newa third: time, 1:17. Six and one - half. - furlongs Debar . won, - Dr. Coffey eeeond, Jupiter third; time. 1:11. ;- "?'..' ' ' Mile, Columbia , course Llbble Keana ' won. .Hlppocratea aocond, Scotch Flnm ' third; time. 1:41. -- Manaj-r Vat!.!-s II. A. A. C. 1 if Scholder and Kennedy. G1AIITS TAKE o::e i:ose . fkb:.i iiso:rs tin Th Wsbfooter Continue Their Winning Streak by Hitting the T Bail With Good Results. (Joeraal Ipaeta Berries. San Francisco, Nov. 17. Those Oiants are corkers. Teaterday" they- took an other fall out of Uncle Henry's Seele. Early In the game the vlaitora got buay with the willow and thla. with Ataa fielding, kept- the Webfooterg In the limelight The Beala filled tha baaea In the ninth, but It did no good.' Sweeney and Mitchell played good ball. Tha PORTLAND. " . AB. R. H. PO. A. K. Ats. ss. ...... Van Buren, If. McHale, cf. '. . . Mitchell, lb. .. 4 114 7 1 I 3 4 4 1 5 4 J I 12 4 1 ; 1 . i 4ax- ......... Hchlafly, Jo. McUan, e. . McCredle, rf. Sweeney, lb. Garvin, p. . . - Totals , U- . ..... . ii BAN FRANCISCO. .; AB, R. H. PO. A. K. Waldron, cf. ....... M ohierv--! W -. .4 S 1 0 r- 4V-S-t4 - , S 4 1 Htldebrand. If. ...... t a S 4 1 Nealon. lb. 4 0 14 a Householder, rf. 4.... 4 1- 1.1-1 Irwin, lb. .SSI S Oochneuer. as. ...i.. t ' !" Wilson, e. .......... ..'4 l"l 1 4 Wheeler, p. ......... 4 j l'-- 1 : Totals ..'.II '", t 17 1 : .' . . SCORE BT INNINGS. - T Portland . ......l 1 0 t 0 I Hit 1 I t f 1 4 Ia San Francisco ...ittliltl 1 1 , Hits ........ .a 1 1 1 1 1 t 1- 1 -,- SUMMART. Two-base hits Sweeney, Van Buren. Sacrifice hits Schlafly, Oochnauer, Mob. ler, Hlldebrand, McHale. Stolen bases McHale, Mitchell 1, Mohler S. First base on errors Portland, 1; San Fran cisco, s. wases on oaus on uarvln.4; off Wheeler, I. Left on bases Port-, ; ean FTancisco, is. struck out By Garvin. 1; by Wheeler, 1. Double playe Ats to Schlafly to Mitchell 1. Wild pitch Wheeler, lime of game One hour and 40 minutes. Umpire Mo Carthy.. '..,. , . . . PACinC COAST LEAGUE. ffittrt CLUBS. to A antes ......i.. 101 1 ' 1 3 111101 Saa rtteelsee .....4.. Oakland ............. 113 1I!1M 1 12:12 Pertland 0 II Seattle ..v......,.,. 1 Lost ........ - - : 'Tigers Wto Another.;: (Jeeraal Bpedal Serrlee.) Oakland. Nov. 17. Tha Tigers' su perior bunching of hlta 'enabled them te win another, game from Oakland. The score: ., .:, ,,. ....... . , . , . ., , 1 r: it r. Tacoma ......... 1 1 0 1 0 1 4 IO ' Oakland . ....... 0 1 0 4 01 1 Batteries Fltscerald and Hosah.- IIauser, Blexrud and IlacketL Umpire Perrlne. . ,. , ., . - . ...... (SOLD LEAF BOWLERS I SCORE ANOTHER MATCH The- Portland .Tenpln Commercial league season wss opened on the Port land alleye Wednesday evening by the Gold Leaf and Woodard. Clarke Co. teams. Tha Gold Leaf team captured two games, the Woodard-Clarkea one. Many new bowlers were In the lineups and they all did Very well. ; Crook, who Is a new bowler, rolled 114 In hla sec ond gameC which waa the high slnale gams for tha evening. Pollack had tha highest average. Ill 1-1. Thla evening the-Gold Bonds roll tha American Guild on the Portland alleys, and tha Honeymana roll tha Brunswicks on the Oregon alley a. The scores were: Gold Leaf (11 fl m ' Ave Pollack. ...r-..m J4J il 11 1-1 Boulanger ,,.,.,.131 127 141140 Landauer . ... .. .1 J5 ; 1 S 174 1 44 J-l KnH . ' 17S 111 111 1 ;? Galllard ,141 1)4 ' lit 142 1-1 ToUla . . t.,.7t 711 lot , Woodard. Clarke A Co. '' T . . .- , !-.(!) n : .Ave.- Msllett ...... ..HI 111 141141 2-1 I.iinney ; . , 154. HO I4S 141 MscOreaSr . ....117 147 -11 147 1-1 Crook .....141 114 171 11 1-1 Kruse . . ...... .174 111 1741711-1 Totals . ....741 144 01 KlTtjUa4 ivtaii-sJoumem." r George Klrkland d-feat.d H. Snlomon In a pool matnh at Red.llck a hall, the score being If I to 117. Klrkland made M .""7 O . .1 113 ITilO i .s.n S S . .14 13:12 SI 10 S 121S..1 0 1 41 .411 7 10 1l 8 ..10 42 .447 4 Slia 1 71.. ST .411 f r 4; t r r 1 , M4S4M14'K! 2TT a run of ll balls. The game waa inter esting throughout, a number of brilliant combination shots hln - made, . ' The fime will be completed tonight. f v . "' ' - ? ... . t s Sherman's Speedy Ends. THE i::DIA!iS ARRIVE FOR Riverside Redskins hopeful of Scalping a Few of the Mult nomah Braves on Gridiron. : ' The Sherman Indians arrived In Port land thla morning from Seattle and to morrow afternoon will engage tha Mult nomah eleven on the local field at 1:14 o'clock. Tha Indians ara a husky aggre gation and capable of playing a, great game of - football. , While Multnomah ha a not yet got her team In ahapa, there te an Impression about theierub-rtbat Multnomah should bo able to hold theii own against the red men. , Owing to In juries Multnomah will be compelled to play a number of aubatltutea. Frank Lopergan will referee and Mr. Webster of the Unlveralty of Mlnneaota. will um pire thn-conteat. The lineup will be: : Multnomah. , - Position. Sherman. Jordan C.) ... ..LER Beholder Overfleld ...... ,L T R. ., . .... . . Lubo Paundera ....... .LQR Black Tooth Wilkina-Baya .... .C. ........ Crawford Butler m.ROL. Movales Pratt ... .R T L Colemsn Iowllng-MeColl..REL. ...... Ksnnedy Ropert-etocWonrr.qr7r."nV.TTefu tcrfmay be eapected to make many yards McMillan-Owens L H R. ...... Maeee Horan -R It 1.UKO James ............ F.. U&it PENDLETON TO TACKLE f BAKER. HIGH-PLAYERS fBnlal DlmaacS 4a The loarssU ' Pendleton. Or.. Nov. 17. For . those who will go to Baker City for the east ern Oregon championship football game which la to be played tomorrow, mere will bo a one-rate faro on the railroad nrovided ISO seonle so. The above rata has been secured by the management of the Pendleton High school rootoau teem. ,. .. . - ' From the record of tha Baker City team so far, and from re porta received from there, it la known that the Pendl ton team will be up against opponents worthy of their ateel when they play agalnat the Baker City team. Conae. nuentlr every effort la being made by Coach Dan P. Smythe to bring hla teem Into shape to withatand tha onalaugbta of tha Bakaritea. Tha lineup of tha team will ne as fol lows: H. Thompson, right end; Scott, right tackle; Goodman, right guard; Raker, center: - StanfleloV left guard; Reeve a, left tackle; Btnckiin, lert and; iw.. . . ........ a, mm - Hit PXerce,"ITerr haTftnlorte' fcapUInTrTuIl- back. Suba Penland, A. Meana, J Meana 'and J. , Thompson. THE JOSE VILA'BOWLERS BEAT ROBERTS TEAM '' The Jone' Vila and Roberta Bros. teams bowled their Initial gamea In tha Commercial Tenpln league tournament at th Oregon alleye laat-evening. The Jose Vila team took the first two gamea and Roberts Bros, won the last gam with, the fine total of lit pins, Capea of, tie Jose Vila team had high ecore for-the evening, and alao high average. Both reams bowled well and with a lit tie mora practice together will produce some fine totals. Following Is ' the scores: ' -'.":'.'.'.'."- Jose' Vila '1 0 Capen ..?, Btuboe . . Mr Monies ... ...........; Reylund ...... .........11 ft) 14 1GI 'US 111 111 ! 141 145 114 m in Ullman .............. I.v Total . :. ;,... . . ,144- 755 -711 Roberta Broe. .- U) til ; tn .ii' 144 Bourn , ,......... mo Davis i Hutchinson !!!'.:!! ILflalssnsmr . t...iiitillt 'US 187 114 Roes . .4 .;....... .isi i4 lov T' Total I m jut HO, FOR HUNT CLUB '" ; CHASE TOMORROW -- 1 x ': x The Hunt club members wilt hold a paper chase tomorrow afternoon. The atart will be made at I o'clock sharp back ot the Thompson school. In Albinar and tha finish will be some spot on tne Peninsula. The club had-hoped to have their hounda here for thla , chase, but there has been a delay getting thenr. Jenklna and Strain are the haree for to morrows rhase and they claim that M Will bo one ot tha beat of the season. The nest- Important event of tbe Hunt club will be the annual open paper chase on Thanksgiving for the club cup. On thle occasion all members of the rlub turn out for a try at the cup, and It la expected that thla year'a -chese will eclipse stl ethers In point of Inter est 4uid competitors. . - . : .' FootbaiL: 7::: t Sherman Indiana of California va. Multnomah, Saturday, S'ovtmbr ' It, Multnomah field. 1:10 p. m... ra'n or shine. , Admission 40v Allen 4k Lewis' Beat Brand. IDAHO HAS SPLENDID ' RECORD THIS YEAR While" Whitman Has Not Made Such Good Showing as Her Rival. Yet -Jfoach Smith' Has High Hopes of ' Capturing the Contest. ' v ;; - - (Special DkBatea te The Jeeraal.) Whitman College. WalU Walla. Wash, Nov.- 17. Tomorrow afternoon the championship In football of he three etatea of Washington, Idaho. and Mon tana will be decided on the Unlveralty of Idaho gridiron at Moscow. At that time the Whitman kntghta of the grid iron wilt meet the Moscow boys In a battleroyal for the supremacy, of these three states. Neither teem has yet been defeated by a college team this season. Idaho haa met and defeated auccea alvely Montana. University of Wash ington and Washington State without a single touchdown scored agalnat her. Whitman has defeated Montana and tied Washington.' although outplaying her. From comparative ecoree, indlcatlona are that Idaho la aomewhat auperlor. but auch data la not alwaya relitble aa baaea for conclusions. Idaho is re ported to weigh about 14f pounda to the man. . Whitman will be almost exactly the same, not varying more than two or three pounda either way, at most. -'- Coach Smith went to Moscow last week to witness the great gaiae be tween Idaho and the Pullman bora. While he haa not aeld much about the game at that time, the way he baa been working the Whitman ' enuad alnce hla return la auf flcient Indication that he thinks a mighty hard game la In view. Regular, faithful and consistent prac tice Is required every- evening and the boys ere doing some wonderful work in perfecting their playa. . In addition to the afternoon practice, algnal drill la held almoet every evening In the gym naeium until a late hour. Nothing that eoach or team can do will be left undone to win thla game, with Moscow for the championship of three etatea. - There will probably oat vary lew changea tn tha lineup from the way the team played agalnsT t'nlreralty f Mon. tana. The line la now exceptionally etrong and the men all average two or three potmde heavier than in me last game. Dimmlck at right tackle, who waa out of , tha Montana game, la counted one of Whltman a best ground gainers and alao enjoys tha distinction of being the heaviest man on tha team. Together with Captain Perlnger at left tackle, the team will be very atrong In all plays where "the tackles cut .any figure. , Hill, tha whirlwind halfback, who waa alao out of tha Montana game. Pie fully recovered from hlajnlurtea and aralnst the Moscow slanta. Rtgsby and John .Lyman,-who were out ot practice laat week from minor Injuries, are again out In suits and will be In their placea at full and end In the game on Satur day. The entire student body IS wildly ex cited over the possibility of winning tha championship of tha three states. They know that It la only a possibility, but they feel their team la tha atrong eat put out thla year, and barring aome bad aocldenta at tne last moment, iney ought to make a good ahowlng. . ir they are defeated It will be because better teem was matched agalnat them.. -Tha laat game of the aeaaon will be played with Waahlneton State college In Walla Walla on Thanksgiving day . SPORTING GOSSIP. Referee Frost, who officiated In the 8. A. C. Indian game ' In Seattle on Wednesday last, stated that tha Biuch- discussed touchdown clslmed by the Indiana waa not a touchdown, aa the ball only reated upon the white, line. Frost had better read up tha rulea on what oonatltntee a touchdown. A touch down la made when any part of tha ball Ja cm, over tor behind the goal Una and there declared dead In tha posses ion of the attacking; r'fJri'a tm theTtrstTnor Ihe second, hoi. the third frost.- nor will it be the laat. that the good Seattle sports ilnfllct upon visitors In tbe sound city, If the visitors so per mit . Ws know Seattle ot old. .. e e . v - . : .... . Robert Fttsslmmons, who says that. next to Jim Jeffries, he Is tha best boxer In the world, Is a gueat at tha California hotel, San Francisco. Ho ar rived yesterday. He loks robust and aaya that ha never felt better In pis life. . ,.,4.,',, J .1 ;'V For the benefit of the "muckera5-who are engaging in football work in thla city. . with an aim to popularity and who kick and growl over any decision made by an official, the following ac count of Umpire Edwards' action In tha Harvard-Penn game on Saturday laat ahould be ot Interest: "Fumbles were no more frequent than penal t lea. I' plrs Edwsrda waa the atrlcteat official seen on the gridiron lu maay a day, He had eyes tor everything. He ruled Psrke of Harvsrd and Sheble of Penn sylvania off tha field for alagglng and imposed penalty after penalty for hold ing and offaide playing. - Ho was Im partial and observant, . and watched rloaaly every attendant that came on the field to prevent any ely giving of advice. There waa but little rough work. tha strictness of - ISdwards having a wholesome effect. Of it he two men who wars disqualified, Ilarajtrd furnished the flrat Offender. . Parker! waa aummarlly I .,,11 , .Ml jM III I. . Half-Back Ccorg McMillan, ' ' :,, v. A Bona Fide Reduction of .... . So(.) Iced Lfo(.) On and Tweed Suif in Compare the QUALITY of these ; ? : v 4 goods with any othero on sale; and 3 ; v WE'LL SELL YOU SOJOTT $12.50 and $15.00 Suits $17.50 AND 80MB $20.00 Suits iv r a mm Mia wyiui es e7 chased early In tha flrat half. . and Sheble In tha second half. Tha game otherwise brought out .dearth of ethical falls from grace." . ' e e , ' The sturdy Oregon football team from Bugsna arrived in purrnuiaiastr even lng and apent several hours as the guests of tha Multnomah club. Cap tain Latourette'a men look every Inch football playera and ara as gentlemanly a eat ot fellows -off the gridiron as they are formidable -upon It After a few hours' , reception st the club the young men started for the station, where tbey turned In early. Tomorrow afternoon they meet the , atrong Unlveralty of Waahlngton eleven at Seattle end a great game la looked for.'. Coach Shorts Iboks for n hard contest snd is hopeful of the outcome. -; . X dlapatch from Seattle thla morning aays tha Oregon team arrived all right and went at once to Hotel Waahlngton. It la raining in Seattle today end the chancea are that tha gridiron will be muddy. Tha Washlngtonlana are cock anro of victory and are betting to 4 on tha outcome. Chester Murphy of Stanford and C. M. Beat of Lafayette will officiate, i . . . e e 1 After putting the boys through the last' scrlmmsge. Coach Cutu aald: I do not know what kind of a foot ball tha Ore eon boys can play, but I have taught my man tha game of football and 1 exiect to win. While we have prac tlced a variety of playa for alt emergen cies, 1 shsll expect Cole to drive his playa against the lino the hsrdeat Whether we wtrr or "toes-good football will be played tomorrow, loo Templeton, . former . Oregon pleyer and last year'a captain of tha all northwest team, haa been a close ob server of the Seattle gamea thla season snd knows the ability of the- playera. When aeen yesterday he said, "I am at T loss to pick the winning team. . I know that the Oregon boya can put np a terrific game and that she haa a hard plunging back field, but Washington's I lino win OS weu nign impregnaoie. i ne teams will be evenly matched, and If the day is fair and tha field dry Oregon ought to- hold her own. mil If It le muddy I think Waahlngton will win by a small score." Rsy Good rich. taam mate of Templeton. . has . played Ith the Washington team and knows the style of play and the eleven's strength. He sold: "I doa't wsnt to say which will win tbe game. ' It la go ing to be too-cloee. If the boys get near the Oregon goal I believe Brlnker can drop a kick between the poata. e ' e ' While everybody throughout! the northwest is guaaalng on the 'Washing- ton-pregon game, tomorrow, . there ere I trPLL U eUXasVANsUaw msny who are not overlooking tha hardlhou game that-. la scheduled between Mult- I nomah and the Sherman Indiana. The I club team Is fsr from bslng In satia HAS CAUGHT livery Cassimere, Lneviot Our Finest $20.00 Suits Our Finest .$22.50 Suite mm '"T , - " .' i'. fvM tar V"! We treat eneeeasfqUy aft prlvata na. - aaa ehronlo diseases at meat aiee blood, stomach, keart. liver, kidney and throat troubles, Wo anro STTHIUal (without mercury) to stay cured for ever. Wo remove STRiCTURB. wltb- out operation or pain, tn II days.'-. , Ws stop dralna, night losses and spermatorrhea by a .new method In a , week. Wo can restore tha sexual vigor of any man under IS by tn as of local treatment peculiar to ourselves, - W Cure Gonorrhoea . In a Week ,rf:; - The doetere ef this Institute are stl regular graduates, have bad maay ' years- experience, nave aeon known: in Portland for II veers, have a reoatatlee' te BBfuniain, ana wui .wmi.iv no DHV tinleea certain sure son bo effected, vre gueranree a rare w vvsry ease we undertake or eharge no tea. Consulta tion free. Letters confldeatlaL Instre tive BOOK FOB MN mailed free is plain wrapper. Wa cure tha worst-eases of piles U two sr three treatmesits. wrtbent easa. tson, euro garanteeev lfyon oanaot aail at omoa, wriW for gseatlan fclaah. Basso treataianl aaee - Offloa bwars. is and f to t. Sundays and hotldaya. 1 to It, -- . ere. w,w. -x-.tTet. ' arv a m r- -m.- UK. VV. TNUKIUfN CZ tU. . Office ia Van Nor Hotel. It Third Street. Cornet Plan, PerUaa, t2av factory form and If Sherman can be defeated by one touchdown Coach Over Held wUl bo eatlened. -v- -.-. ' . ' . . ' Toramorrow'a game . at Multnomah field wilt be railed at M o'clock. The shortness i of th days makes th OarlHwlll be built of brick with a decorative" calling of the gamea neeessery. SPRINGWATER MILLING COMPANY TO MOVE PLANT fSseetst rtsssteb ta'Tee JoereaLl Estacada, Nov. 11. Tbe Sprlngwater Milling company of Katacada haa da elded to move Its plant about three fourths or n mil down th creek 'and will at tha same time greatly enlarge the capacity of the mill. Th Oregon Water Power sV'Pjtllway company wUl put In a apur to the new alte. Machinery to the value of about 11. 004 baa been bought. , OLD HOFFMAN HOUSS CEir.3 Tcr.rj c c .v u IJAiirn.l Spel.l Ser-lr. York. . N'iv. 17. 1 lie Itoffmsn etie r-f tbe l,tt eni rno.t fmou. I. It Is ti i 1 t v a r Kei hotel he t an ON 4 V Y JLL-gV IiSs 1 , y ..... - - ' - I l t tha new building, which -will be erected upon the sits of the hotel, an the corner sf Broadway and Twenty-fifth afreet, heve already been filed with tha building department. Tha demolition of th aid hotel will be begun March 1 of next year. Tha nnr hnllritnar will lie It atnriaa klvh facade of limestone and brick and will coat .ano.oco. ESTACADA COUNCIL PROTECTS CUTCnZPiS (SpeeUI tlatca Tea lwra.1 Estacada, Nov. IT The Eaca-la town council . at . ita laat aneetlrg paseed an ordinance imposing a I1crs tag of IIS en any noa-resM.nt selling meat In th elty. Thla wss los f-T t protection of th local butchers. C. F. Clement repnrtd fnr.h'y en the establishment of five rursl delivery rentes here. r-i KhmHI I Forest i Ptmr 1 throm-n f f,. It s :- - :-,-l.V-- . -..V '