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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1905)
czgo'h daily, journal. wiD. WEDNESDAY I7ZNIN0, - NOVEMBER 15. 1SC5. $2,500 IN GOLD TO BE GIVEN TO CHARITY AS THE PUBLIC SHALL DIRE By popular .vote.'-' Make every vote count between now and February 10 next, for your favorite charity, A vote with evety 25c purchase. The public will "point the way'' this year through which C : store's annual benevolent fund shall be distributed. $2500 to be given by OLDS, WORTMAN CSu KING to the city's charities, in 15 divisions, as follows: i First .choice, $750; second choice, C500; third choice, $300; fourth choice, $200; fifth choice, $125. Five others to receive each $75, and still another 5 to divide $250, each to receive 50; total $2,500. The amount is to be divided as above arfaon such charities as are supported by the cify or its organizations' otherwise Portland's charitable institutions. - ;. A-t' " .'''". . ;";l-:': t- .-; ' V . V. , .. THE OLDS. WORTMAN m KING STORE STORE OPENS Av- AT 8 O'CLOCK A M. STORE CLOSES A ; ' AT ' 6 O'CLOCK P.. M. -THE DIFFERENT STORE" GOOD EVEININQ FIFTH. SIXTH, WASHINGTON v Every $32.50 and $35 Jacket Sliit in the House A mmmEMm B' A A A. . : v" 7 'A' ' ' A A; .AV.-A' A. A GREAT THREE-DAY SALE LASTING THROUGH THE WEEK LASTING .THROUGH THE WEEK HandsbmeNew, I $16.50 .v;;.v ior uic iiucriy juauicb! Box Coats $12.98 NAMES OF LEADING SIX CONTEST ;!; ANTS IN THE ; American Manual Tram ming School Voting i WITH STANDING OF EACH AT 10 A. ' ' M. TODAY. Truman Cook,- Failing. .'.... 194,363 George SI ater,Ladd. . , . . 193,667 RoBcrt Jlolmes, Harrison, . . ; 177.041 Wright, Brown, Clinton Kelly. .... 145,892 James .Winston, Harrison; ...... v 125.521 Sidney Crumm, North Central. .. ; . 109,827 Scattering .... . . U . ,. . . . ii . 120,196 -Totai crr7r777rr77rrr?7: . . 1,066,507 Mid-Week Bargains for Men " 1 In the "Haberdasherie" Sixth Street Annex , .'.. rim jcigor. - y . -MEN'S abcCASHMERE HALF-HOSE 18c" Sj)lcqdid.qu4Utyl ot fuie.blaclf ashmcrtilalL Hose, our best : twxbt hne of men hos--, flvFLANNELETTE. NIGHTROBES 6$5 Keep the body '-'warm-1 these "-coot nights by snuggling a nice, "comfy' flan- rielette: Nightrob'e. - A dollar's : worth, of ". quality and comfort in a'pr'etty and nicely? made rpbe ; special this week at . A. . . .69 ; MEN'S $2 50 SWEATERS $1.59, . - f A.tniefyj,arid seasonable special -' A lot; of ' - men want sweaters at this, season for out- , ofrdobr exercise',' fishing; gunning,-, etc. ' We've selected, a line of bur best $2.50' heavv wool sweaters in; solid, colorines that most men pre fer and marked them for J this week only at the special prce.l.ou MEN'S NEW 80c 75c, KERCHIEFS 39cl Better stock up on Handkerchiefs at this price. Here's a line of silk and linen Teen- chiefs Jn newest and smartest stvles and best 50c and 1 5c values; Special this week at 30 HANDSOME GOLF GLOVES 60c and 75c ' A. newine of men's handsome! Golf Gloves ,t just in. 'Assorted cplorings'irt plain and' fancy 1 effe?ts; great choosing at, per " pair ...v:i........,i.,i..60f and 75 In Needlecraft Shop ' ' ,i. Annex Second. Floor. ' " 1 - 39c FOR CENTERPIECES WORTH 75c ; '-- 7 :,' to $1.85.' , . A large stock of fine Handkerchief Linen and heavy linen pieces were forced upon us owing to our having offered a'certain price for the lot. As a consequence, we are some what overstocked and now .offer them to you at an extraordinarily small price.- They Consist of 18 and 24-inch centerpieces," both round and square, some with fringed edge, others partly silk embroidered. They are stamped in designs for shadow work, Eng lish eyelet, Mount Mellick and French em broidery. . : ..' ,. v" 'V, ; . ;- At regular prices .they would sell at front 75c $1.85 ; ctut special sale price, is,' ea.30 30c and 40c Cushion Tops for t3c Litho graph Cushion Tops, in 12 different, pret r ty and catchy designs; our regular 30c and , , 40c vajues ; special sale price, each. . 23 . Free Embroidery Lessons Given Daily. Stationery Bargains ' Worth-whiU savings for the Ietter-writrt -and tboe who've ae for paper napkins.;. WRITING PAPER," in" large "lf eabinet " box. 50 fheeta of paper and 50 envelopes, linen cloth finish; our 65c value. Sp v cial at, the box... ................... 35,; 8MOOTH FINISH WRITINO PAPER. . . ruled, in 1-pound pack(j 120 sheets tf ' paper to pack(te -our 25c value. Sp- -cial at, the picksge. ......... ..t ... These coats have a quilted lining of satin, well padded, and are shown in both plain and fancy trimmed effects ; the wanted wrap for winter street wear or to the theatres. A magnificent line in a - wide price range $35 to $100. V About parable Garment Lines This store buys and sells more women's garment than any other: two local -houses combined. It is the largest establishment devoted to the selling of women's garments west of Chicago We believe that our collection of winter models in Suits, Coats and Wraps is incomparably best and most varied, and that any observant, woman who ViBiis ill uic luvu iiuici wut wiui ub. a tie uiii (iuiuii.uuu u ute men uui -wcfflenentrustelth-tha4mportantuwckkclm ex perience, the second is a faculty for quickly grasping the trend of fashions, and the third is -unerring taste. -To the customers, of this store are thus insured excellence of quality, styles in conformity to accepted modes, and widely variant touchesof artistic -individuality. We show today 1 ... - . ,' . 'j.' . Unequaled Variety of Models : Suits Priced Up froni $15.00 Coats Up frorrl!$7.50 si . mm Vote for Benevolent Fund Distribution at 6 P. - -M. Tuesday . Old Ladies' Home . . . . . . .1,409 Salvation Army . . . . .-J, 411 Fruit and Flower Missiqn . i ,... i fi9 Baby Home ........................ Mt. St. Joseph's Home . . , . . . . . . . . . i Patton Home ..... .-. , .M Good Samaritan Hospital ....r......,. -rutcnaen-4 tome . . . . ...... Olds. W & K. Clerks . . ... ...... People's Institute .............. Children's Home . . . ... . . . . ,i Boys" and Girls' Aid Society.'.". .. Open Air rund 4 l 50 36 85 13 10 5 2 61 Total ........ ........... ..v,.,.;; . . .2,219" Women's -Warm Winter Underwear AT SPECIAD SALE PRICES FOR '.- THURSDAY. - i, i ; ; We show hundreds of handsome styles which cannot be seen elsewhere in this city. By far the larger number of our customers are buying coats in three-quarter length, or longer; and these we have in widest variety; but by many women the somewhat shorter coats are adjudged more becoming or more practical, and scores of smartly developed hip-lengths models are here." " .; : " ' " The fit of our coats is the wonder of many women; and be assured that this is not chance; but the result of exacting watchfulness. Careful tailoring is as important as stylish cut. Few of our coats require alteration of any sort. It is important to know, too, that, this store is best equipped for fitting stout women and short-waisted women. Most of our practical models come in sizes up to 44 bust measure. . . Detail Great 3- Dav Sales of Suits and Jackets Every $32.50, and $35.00 Jacket Suit in the House Reduced Smart, trim, trig styles in the popular jacket effects, including some Eton and blouse models, in every wanted material and color, em- bracing cheviots, broadcloths serges, tweedish mixtures and wor- steds, in plain blacks ana every tasnionaDie coloring, ror inree aays, at H a m trtnnrrnwr you may Choose trom ANY $32.S0 JACKET SUIT IN I ANY $35.00 JACKET SUIT IN THE HOUSE FOR... $24.98 1 THK HOUSE FOR. ..$2 7.98 Women's $16.50 Coats for $12.98 -Handsome length models in stunning new Coats, made' from swagger fancy mixtures, embracing all popular shades in mixed grays and bluish grays, mixed browns, tans, etc. 'Some with velvet notched collars, others with notched collar of materials.' Very man nish styles,-patch pockets, circular backs, double-stitched seams and fancy button trimmings ; double or single breasted styles : very swell Xg3UJiXaitc&L$ln n values in the r ity.-.Sfx t cial for three days only, opening tomorrow at 8 a. m at a choice for. Worth-While Savings for Housewives -, SPECIAL THURSDAY IN Warm Bed Covers and Handsome Portieres ' .Fourth Floor. This news of exceptional values on mer chandise of quality so much needed now, as a extra beds will have to be "made up" for Thanksgiving homecomings, will rejoice the heart of many a housewife today., , $8.50 WOOL BLANKETS $6.85. . All vfool mottled gray Blankets, largersize,; extra heavy ; regular value $8.50 ; special. , the pair. , . . . , . ...... $6.85 . :. , $8.00 WOOL BLANKETS $4.65. "AH wool fawn colored Blankets, with fancy borders; regularvalue $6.00; special, X)c :- pair . . .. . 'i . .. . .. .. i . .... .?4.'65 ' $2.75 PORTIERES $210 2 JTapestry. Portieres, .42 : inch Wide, full ; t length, standard quality, in green, red and blue oriental stripes ; regular value $2.?5 ; special, the pair '...;. ..$2.10 r -Women's Ncckdress : 7 A ( A Special for Thursdays , ' - LADIES'. 75c TURNOVERS 25c. "Just'a" third usual price tomorrow. Pure linen Turnover Collars' in buttonhole eye A let effects J usual T5c values; special.25 : Leather Goods Specials J MEN'S $2.25 WALLETS FOR $189. Men's fine leather Wallets, made of finest Av quality seal and walrus leather, calf leath er linedin black only; our $2.23 value; . special sale price, each ........ . . . .$1.89 ' LADIES' $4.50 HANDBAGS FOR $3.39. Ladics'-IIandbags, one of this season's lat est styles, known as the "Vanity" bag. ' It ' is 7 inches long,; made of coarse grain sea ' lion leather, has two flaps with metal but ton clasps and one outside handkerchief ' pocket. Has metal inside purse frame and '.."Strong leather gussets; combination card-'-, case -and 'mirror fitted to inside pocket; A- flat leather handle; an extraordinary goodr :.vlueat $4.50 ; special sale price ea.$3Jf ' i . 1 -" 1,1 , - . ; . i . ; Hosiery Bargains INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S LINES' AT SPECIAL PRICES FOR THURSDAY 7 -'"'First Floor." ; A, -r';--;.' ; ;t t. INFANTS' 75c HOSE $c ', Infants' bUck cotton seamless Hose ''." Regular 10c value ; special, the pair. . ,7f ', Regular 15c value; special, the. pair.:. Of A CHILDREN'S . HOSE. A 1 ! . Children's black, high-grade, fine-rjbbed cashmere "Hose; finished foot, double At knee, spliced heels and toes-. A, - Regular 50c value; special, the pair.. 33 Regular 55c value; special, the pair. .'40 Regular 60c value; special, the pair. .43. s Regular ?0c value; special, the pair, .50 Domestic Section a First Floor. ' , 'i.-.A Of utmost importance - to thrifty house keepers and those home sewers who've flan nelettes, ginghams, percales, etc, to buy for wiriie making up. A' BEDSPREADS $U7. Full size extra heavy Bedspreads, splendid . ' workmanship : special, each . . . . . .$1.57 LINEN TOWELING 10c and 12Kc. All linen bleached Toweling;-special at, , . the yard 10 and 12e ; . BATH TOWELS 12'c A "Heavy unbleached Bath Towels, size 17x42; - special at. each ....... . . ..':... ..12j" NEW FLANNELS 10c- New Flannels for shirt waists, bath robes, kimonos, etc., all colors ; special, ea. ,10c NEW FLANNELETTES. Special at, the yard .,... ,10 Thursday's Stirring Spe cials in the "Silk Store" Entrance on First Floor Fifth St. Annex. New Moire Velours," in plain and novelty , weaves, vciy durabtefor waists and suits ; also a large assortment of the new French L2 Poplins i all good, select . , from ; regular $1,23 values special, for to ' morrow only, yard ; .", . ' 50 19-inch all-silk Taffeta and 24-inch all-silk : Crepe de Chine; the best C.c value ever . ifferd in town; special, for . tomorrow - only, yard ....................... .CS All street and evening slitles y tMs lot. "First Floor." - WOMEN'S $1 A9-UNXON SUITS 73c.-- VVhite, fine-ribbed cotton Union Suits; long 4J sleeves, ankle length, silk tape and fancy , - crochet trimming about neck and "down : front; Very elastic, combed light fleecing, , medium weight; regular value $1.25; spe cial, the suit 73 ' WOMEN'S $3.00. UNION SUITS $2.19. White, -pink and blue "Vega" ilk Union Suits, Swiss-ribbed, long sleeves, ankle " length ; very neatly trimmed; regular val-t- - ue $3.00; special, the suit. ..$2.10 WOMEN'S COTTON VESTS OR ;.- - ..PANTS 50c. Bleached, white, medium weight, fleece lined , cotton Vests or Pants ; vests silk tape and mercerized crochet finish ; French i band pants, ankle length ; splendid value at, each .... ...... V....50 m Ol h r-t ; ; The Surpassing Thanksgiving Linen Offerings Continue I In the linen Stora- ,' First Floor. .They are attract ' ing throngs of folk who want de pendable, hand some damasks for their tables .dur ing the coming festal holiday sea son. Bargains in deed are these handsome, sturdy linens we , offer here from Ireland's best mill the Richard son's altogether an - aggregation of the handsomest, . most sturdy, lasting linens made in the world, at prices positively lower in every instance than any other t'ortlantf house can afford to sell. Full bordered darr) ask tablecloths in all si$es for round, square or oblong tables, with or withoat napkins to .match. Single or double linen table dam asks by the yard, from 54 to 90 inches wide, with of without napkins to match. Sepa rate napkins in breakfast or dinner sizes in a wide range. of qualities Dainty, beauti fulflesigns in floral and art effects; doilies, trays, table tops and scarfs in immense as sortments. CThe stocks are too large for de tailed price 1 mention--suffice ' to sav,. the GREATEST VALUES ON THE PA CIFIC COAST FOR DEPENDABLE LINENS. - : ' ; SPECIAL TUESDAY. PRICES Toilet Sundries Firtt Floor. ' . . TOILET SOAPS Hand milled, fancy p"- turned, "3 cak in Wx; our 25c valjt-. Snrxial lit. the box..... LIFE BUOY SOAP In large nize c.krs, a nitry, tleaqcr nd disinfectant t v Special at. the cake 1 rAMM FYirM eku:::: : wn'i " white bristles; oiir .13c va'-i-. each