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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING; NOVEMBER 10, 1905. J ....... , - i K 1 '...I:.;. 'and Youths' Clothing Boys j ...1-.. , j; Bsas BSBaBsssssssgsssssssi mss I f "r ' j TyVHugh Wat V Former Member ofParlUment, and the for Whose Mur- ' IV A ,A ; IT : dtr and That of Lord Beaucharap He Is AccuaeS of Offering Money. J l " 1 I " " H H" SinC Mrried Beaijchamp,' Who Obtained, a- Divorce. .-, r lA I vS AYS LADO TRACT WAS NOT UNDULY FAVORED Agent Cate Ciyes Figures. , to '' Snow That the District Was Not Shown Favoritism. , . 1 1'ot timid, Or.. Nov. . To the Editor :'. of Tho "journal In reference to the Xubarires made bynTnornlric-pP' that ' the Ladd tract lias been favored by the - .water committee to ' the , exclusion of other localities .In the matter of water main, t deem It my duty, aa agent of thla tract, to let the public know Juat what' the facta In the case are. v In the first place, I 'will state, that It was, nearly a year after I be ran my - efforts to net winter Into the Ladd tract before I succeeded In securing- fnvora i ble action, and even then I got but f j small portion of iwhat I asked for, Dur ing all thla time a. number of the resi dences- being completed and ' occupied! I,waii supplying the tract wljh" water tli rough small surface pipes it my own expense. . When I finally did obtain a favorable hearing from the witter board ft was; only upon the most satisfactory showing1 that the income from the water servh? promised would meet the In terest charges upon the cost; of 'con stroctlon.") As la well known, the water board , exacts . assurances . of revenue equal to per cent per annum upon the Qost of Installation of service aa a con dltlon precedent to the extension ' of mains. t ' . , . . The mains petitioned tor by me In the Lfuld tract would have cost f 4,430. That committee recommended to the .board only the laying of a (-Inch main front Hawthorne avenue . to Maple street thence easterly in ' the alley through blocks 14 and i to Poplar, thence north'" to Hawthorne avenue. Thla main, the committee reported, would coat tl.SOO and supply- It dwellings, which would year, a aum ample to pay the Interest upon the cost of construction. This recommendation, which appears of roc. ord in the minutes of the water board. was adopted, and in pursuance thereof the main now In the Lad tract was laid. In the calculations of the wuter board no notice was taken of the additional water that might be-ooneumed by the residents of the Iadd tract for sprink ling purposes. - There are now in the Ladd tract II houses, -the occupants of which pay to the city for household purposes $1.80 per month, or I28H per year. Assuming that they avail them selves of the sprinkling privilege (which all of them did during the' past season for at least four months of the year, the annus! revenue to'tswcity Is Increased by. 111!, the sprinklings rate being 11.76 per lot 'This makes the total revenue, from. the tract-1400 per year, which Is supposed to meet the six 0$$ aw II J I ORYINO DABIES . ITCHING SIGNS NO REST, 00 sleep? Itehnteiniehy ' BcratchJn until the tender kla beeotnaa inflamed, ton ad bleeding. Harfina Soap JM4 by Rklnhealta Trettneet.' will glre the eufTi-ring llu I mi Intttnt relief tns ilrep, and fetslt IB rAHinjAla .nn U ii L, I !. n .nni.1 r liirllna Its na eonal for eballns, Irr-.ea- tine, eruption,, dandniff. thin kalr, arM bea Mfillcted. sntlaeptle, deodorising-, fratntnl. -A rcstaei rise Balsam In Every eak." Ir Xhveakee; I caLra Wlo.t drutwl.ti. "tutots. - Ne soap la umllcatel Ilka Harflna. , Maaataetered by ftilto TTe ftperlaltlea On.. ewar. N., 1. Tak satblcf -wlliu; this alfnatamea fs y j . SUITS OVERCOATS - AND CRAVENETTES 4 ; ) Syperiority in styles, superiorityin fit and superiority in quality. Two great departments devoted to Youths ;"- and Children's Apparel endless variety of styles from which to select. . - - SUITS 1 " ".. Buster Browns, double breasted two-piece Suits and Norfolks .with regular" and - Knickerbocker "r.'rousers. " New models " n V 4tfn stylish patterns. .. 'vj 15 TO pD " Our Higher Grade Suits will be found on the. Main" Floor. Exclusive and original . Buster .-, Browns, St Regis , , . etn C 1 C and Clcrmdnts . . . . I , . ... i . . V. ajO lO $ ID , OVERCOATS . Very stylish Military Reefers and long full baclt box coat with or without" belt, 'wide "range' of ' " patterns.............;.... $3.50 16 $5 ' 1 " Youths Suits and Overcoats especially designed -.for this establishment. In elegance and smart- . without Equals. . . . . $75Q tO $20 lThe Greatest Clothing . House ' in the -- -- Northwest. Yf Exclusive " " Styles in i ir ' ' ; Misses' Man-1,- . 1 T -Tailored-Coats -; i and Suits. . e " ger cent.oharge upon the cost of con struction. Assuming for the sake of argument. however.- that no water Is used for sprinkling)' purposes. : The 'Income required- by the city 'from the Ladd tract water ' service under the rules of the water board, per cen on 11.800, is $90; There la thus shonin'an excess of Income of. SIM over the requirements from th.e .service for the household pur poses alone. Taking Intd account the sprmklhig service thts net Income, above Ihe interest' requirements, is Increased to $;io or -nearly II per cent. 15 per cent moTer.than Is required. This does not look as though the city waa losing very much on account of the alleged favoritism shown the Ladd tract by the water board. If It is favoritism It is the Wind that onght to be encouraged for the .building up of the eity-and too re tirement of the city's water bonds. - - As to the charge that the water main -In the Ladd tract waa lalt In an alley I - . . . A . j ... ...timiril. ... . v. I muwui Tnmmu v m - I . ' I j J III. I I Portland would be better off if If had more alleys, and all -water mains and sewers were laid in them Instead of the streets. ' For the sake of elplanatton, however. I will state that in the dedlca tlon of the Ladd tract II was stipulated that all water malna and sewer pipes be laid In the alleys wherever practicable to. the end that connections with houses might be made from the rear. Thla la not ory a great saving' to Improved street", but also of much benefit to traffic The fact that the Ladd tract has alleys Is one of Us strongest rec ommendatlons to those seeking residence property in fortiana. k. cats, , , ' Agent Ladd Tract . r . BATTLING NELSON WINS'- POINT AGAINST C0FFR0TH balrbealth wllh H.rt2,' C Keep You looking Yeutmn - . W saiwtlir. situ thla. take fa an At TKTt, . . (Joersal Special Berries.) Ban Francisco, Nov. 10. Battling Nelson, lightweight champion, thl morning won. a technical ootnt in his suit against Janfea Coffroth to secure third Interest in the moving pictures of the fight at Colma. Superior Judge Seawell overruled the defendant's de murrer when It waa found that Cofl- roth'a, attorney - wav not In court to prosecute the case. Five daya are al lowed in which to file an answer. . . i ' - VLJrJl H"ih and i& "7kV nartn? Kaaie..;, . ........ WOODAKD, cuU CO, fourth a -WgahUgtoa ata. " BCaay Vew Cottages. The following building permits were granted yeeterday: J. I .arson, shedr on. Roosevelt street between Kast Twenty third and East Twenty-fourth streets, cost l0; V. B. Vesley, cottsge corner IMIwaukie avenue and Wall street, post I1.7&0; J. F, Perry, cottage JCast Tenth near Falling street, cost $: William Brace, cottage, . Gladstone between Slmma and Draper Streets, cost. $1,000; T. P. Ha gen, cottage, Cleveland between Sharer" and "Masorf-streers rust" $S00; T. A. Kindred, "cottage, Montgomery .be tween Seventh and Park streets, . cost' IM60: H. B. Orantham. cottage.- Young; between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, cost II. 200; B. Flack, cottage, Hamilton avenue- between Corhett and Kelly streets, cost II. ITS. R .A. Beech wss granted a permit te repair his . residence st 1073 Mabel street, cost 60, and a permit ws granted to the AlMna Livery company tv repair a hsnt at .4(1 Goldsmith avanue, cost I.Alt , 1 Ivw. ' . .... 1 7 . Me -'There Is otu thing I wftl say. you made quite as well as your mother used to make It. ' . - . . . . She What Is that, Fred - - . , ,"T rouble," , . j . - . ' - . . '. RATES ARE TO GRAIN UNJUST F.1EI1 Cancellation of Joint Rates on ' Hay, Grain ..and Mill Feed Forces Prices Down. the local rate from there to Seattle. - Thts rate is 2t cents per 100 pounds as against 1K cents under the for mer. Joint rate. .. As a result he. can not ship from O. R. aV N. points, where thsjybulk of these products are pro duced, to Bound points. For this rea son' oats and. barley are worth II per ton, more at Pullman and Palouse than at Colfax and Ouy. . Frederick L, Kellogg of the Stllleon Kellogg Shoe company, at Tacoma, tea tiffed that all his firm's shipments for eastern Washington points on the O. R. ttrft N. are routed via Portland and that It takea an average of nine days to ship goods from Tacoma to Colfax, via Port land, and that he - has lost customers because they can get goods quicker from Portland. - . GROWERS CANNOT SHIP TO PUGET SOUND PORTS Farmers Forced to Pay Local Kate to Spokane Which Increases - Cost of Shipments Materially on These (Kpeclal Plspateb te.Tbe Joornal.) Colfax. Wash., Nov. 10. That, the cancellation of the Joint rate on hay, grain and mlllfeed formerly existing between the O. R. & N. and the Great Northern haa put points on the former road in eastern Washington out of the Puget aound market, waa shown at the forenoon session of the ' State railroad commission today. C. D. Francis, grain and hay dealer, of Spokane, testified that under the pres ent rates-all shipments from O. R. N. points for Seattle and aound point must pay the looel rnte to Upokane and OLD AGE BROUGHT NO INFIRMITIES To "Tke Autocrat of. - Table." the Breakfast Oliver Wendell Holmes, sfter eight yeara of life had rolled over his -head, declared that he. was "eighty yeara young. "So may every man and woman In Portland," said a member of th flr"m of Woods rd. Clarke A Co.. "it they will take proper care of themselves, keep bunt up and their bodily tissues from wasting.- ' 'We wish we could persuade every person In thla vlclnltr who 'feels old,' whether they are. so In years or not. to take Vlnol. It la by far the great est tissue builder and invlgorstor we know Of for old people. Vlnol Is not patent medicine, but almply con tain the body-bulldlng, strength-creat- ng properties of cod-liver oil actually aken from fresh cods' livers, and we guarantee that It - wUI ,repair worn tis sues, check the - natural decline and replace weakness with strength. I "There are hundreds of old people In" this vicinity who need just such a trength-maker and tlssue-bullder a Inol. Their blood la thin, alugglxh and watery, but we guarantee that Vlnol will enrloh and quicken th blwml and build ftp'" and strengthen every organ in the' body. Vlnol contsln"no ' whiskey r strong stimulants. whle."hya a bad after effect and weaken, and break own. and we wish every old person In Ui! vicinity would try Vlnol on our guarantee to return their money If they re not satltanL- Wsodard. Clarke aV Co., druggists. RIVAL RAILWAY FORCES ARE IN BATTLE ARRAY RighLolWay in British Columbia. Cause of Heated Dispute ,' at Midway. : (Special' DUpatcb te The JoaraaL) Vancouver, B. .C Nov. 10. Nearly 800 men employed by the Canadian Pacific railway and Vancouver, Victoria Et em rallva. iv in flo-htln for supremapwr'snd right of way over a dis puted section of land tn the vicinity of Midway. , British Columbia, along the route these roads propose to follow' into the Slmllkameen. - Picks and shovels are the favorite weapons. Provincial police are on the scene to prevent the use of firearms. Botb the Canadian Paclflo and the op posing company's engineers are deter mined to command the situation and hand-to-hand conflict may ensue.. V.'V. E. "men commenced laying rails and the Canadian pacmo men forcibly tore them up. The V. V. aV E. has 400 men and the Canadian Pacific 100. The Great Northern, or V. V. K, as known on thla branch, la calling all of Ita men off the. grades for miles around and rushing them to Mldwsy Chlef Knglneer Kennedy Is In charge of the Great Northern employes and Fred W. McLain la at the head of the Canadian Pacific forces. .. ' " ' " 'few)! (mS . -rv- ' There'saacrrneousidea abroad that ?'H 'tea'TPr titling at creditrbUsmess carry an inferior grade of MISCREANTS ATTEMPT TO WRECK INTERURBAN llrtaW1Bf fMstnatrOl tA Ttkaft JlMtrsaail a Seattle, Wash., Nov. lo.-8hortly be-' fore 10 o clock laat night a railroad tie and a pile of stone were placed or the Interurban ear ' track, near Atlantic street, and the Inbound Tacoma train, traveling slowly owing to dense fog, hit the obstructions, but was not dam- ged. It Is believed that a deliberate tteinpfwas made "to Wreck the train. which, would have been accomnltshtMl If It hsd been moving at Ita Srdlnary speed. The matter waa reported - to - police headquarters and every effort ta being made to. find some lue to the fiends. The train waa crowded at the point where the wreck would have occurred, and the care would have been precipi tated down an embankment Into the bay. LOUVRE SUFFERS BY - WHOLESALE THEFTS The proprietors of the Louvre ' cafe have recently been selected by thieves aa eaay prey. The larceny of 17 out glasg salt cellars, with allver .covers, '. . ... L '. , . v ..... '.jl ffoods, and are obliged to charge higher prices than the cash storea in order to onset their losses. Thts . is true of most installment houses. Not so with uv-'We carry only the best of DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, which we can fully recommend and guarantee. We- have no losses worth mentioning, because we do not sell on credit to any one whom we cannot fully trust. -. Oyk TCRMS ; One third down, the balance on easy Veekly or . monthly payments. . We givejouposscssionwhert making first payment, demand no security and charge no extra for credit accommodations, in fact, we sell : at prices lower than "you'll be asked in any cash store. That's why we clim to be a 1( tidk V It each valued at IMS. and a silver sugar bowl costing 15 was reported to the police yesterday, it was only short time ago that aeven waiters and rhcrk men were arrested and charged with the larceny of coin paid by customers for meals. Silver knives, forks and spoons were atulern from the cafe -by August Blnty, who pleaded guilty to larceny yes- terony ami was sentenced to serve itlne months In the county Jail. Martin Johnson reported to' the police laat night ne theft of a suit of cloth ing, a hat and a pair of shoes from his room at the Terminus lodging bouse. A gold watch was stolen from W, Mrrrlam, amployed on thj stismr F. A. Kllburn. .. BeallsUa. : From the Columbus !!e.iti h (-r(IC A wonderful artmt, Imlrn He painted a London fog. Visitor And was it r I i ei t.-T J- frltle Was It? Why sverf one w looked at It h t siee. - Frefarred Btoefc Cass. 4 Ooals. Allen Lee la Kest Crend. t