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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,... PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. . NOVEMBER 10, 1S0J. . GnOE ORDER VERY RAP n ii - November Reports Show Women "bf Woodcraft Forgmghead"" ; , Rapidly., v.. '-. FIN AN CI AC CON DITIONS ; ALSO VERY ENCOURAGING East Side , Headquarter V Maintained Until New Will Be 'Home la Finished Early to the Year Future - Investments Here," Recommended. TU urt (Worst f Tbs to to iht Mar ( I. M. ;. MUK Mt Morrtass Mi,-. ksaM i , Vi. ..J.4 Wltb but half the, total number of member that 1U associated ordr, the Woodmen of the World, has, the Women of Wooduraft are adilina; aa many each quarter aa the -larger order. Orand Clerk Wrliclit orthe head -circle, Women of Woodcraft. with tamporary head quarter at .East Morrison street and tTnlon avenue, found . this -fact among others of the moat encouraging sort when compiling ' the . records . for the months since the head offices have been established In Portland. . The monthly statement of the grand clork. shows that for the period of SO days ending November 1, there were received by. the clerk J7,l ana inai the total distributions for the month were- fit, tW. The expense of the new beadauarters building and- incidentals was for the month J17.69J. There wai onVand November 1 a-benefit fund bal ance of $78,123; a reserve balance of 132,351. and in the general fund there was - S1S.65S. - In -addition - to- these amounts, the order baa $38,000 Invested at per cent for the penent Tuna ana a reserve fund Investment of $188,000. The reserve fund Is Invested ln'wcurt tis of the state and county warrant class, many of which draw a higher rate of Interest than 4 per cent, and all of which are amply secured by the credit , of the commonwealth backing them. ' ,v. The offices at Pendleton will not be brought to the city until the new build ing la completed, which win be early Tiext yearFoundation walls bave teen placed of sufficient strength to enable the order to Increase the building to II stories when such actios Is approved by the members and a ee-foot lot has been held beside the building for future Investment Were - the advice of the head officers taken the order, would erect a much larger headquarters build ing and secure an Income from the of fice rents. . The members of the Pacific . Jurisdiction, however, have held to uie policy of. .Investing the order's funds only 4a ihm best, set uiitlts thatr bear a certain rate of Interest and for some years the headquarters buUUlng wIljL be only large enough to accommodate . the various grand officers and their staffs. MANY-WAIT- FOR- HAM - MAN. Veddlers Wbo Tend polled Meat Are ' Stars of- Warm Baeaptloa. .-.,. " From Bell wood to "St Johns house wives are biding; their time and waiting for the "ham" man to return. . For the ' last month or sis weeks peddlers have been unloading hams,, bacon, side meat sad pickled pork on', the suburban women and there remains jrt- to be beard of a pound of meat thus sold that was fit for tabl. use. Among the others who recently In : vested Is J. C. Alexander of Piedmont. A peddler drove to bis door and Invited him to Inspect the hams .he bad.. ' He aid that he was a .farmer from Van 'couver and was selling the finest hams .'at less than market prices. Alexander , picked out a ham, of 14 pounds, paid one cent, a pound less than the retail city price and told, the peddler to call .again. A .closer inspection Jf the bam showed it to be spoiled. """-". i , Several of the neighbors In the dis trict hv made similar Investments, -and' from Highland. Woodlawn and .'irvlngton come reports of the activity .of the peddlers. Where the meat comes .from Is not known, but It is alleged by . the suburban butchers, whose trade has been affected temporarily, that ham and - bacon not properly treated by the local packing-houses is sold the Itinerant vendors, who never visit the-, same suburb twice, BLOW-TO-MONTAVItLAr THE0RIES ABOUT FOOD Ala a few rseta- am Cttlseas Zaforatad that Ball Baa Water . , WU1 Hot Bo SrappUod Taeat aa Agresa, After having killed the petition for Incorporation because It was stated that Bull Run water would be supplied the district, the residents of - Montavllla ..lea rned . yisterday . that ttiey never had received Bull Kun water and never ., would through the mains of the local system of which J. M. Arthur Is the head. Mr.. Arthur recently appeared before the city water board and asked that be continue to receive the 60,000 gallons a day from the Bull Run reser ( voir, which, he bad been securing since . the late summer. In his petition Ar thur stated that this water would be given only to residents of Mount Tabor, who recently had been taken into the 'clty. and that none of bis other patrons - would receive this aeivice. Agents of Arthur had told the residents of Mon : tavllla that agitation ' was . foolish be- - cause the Bull Run supply they were " getting would be continued, snd thai i Business men oi me Vina aro now won ' ' derlng wha told the truth. . . . . ; If the S.S0S people of Montavllla'Vr Hot getting Bull Kun water ' from the ; Arthur system ..thay would be Interested to know where the water now supplied ; , is -coming front, and more .especially .where It will come from next summer. alfi: Rheum Itches, oozes, dries and scales over and over again; local applications ; do not cure it Because they cannot remove its cause, which b an Impure condition of the blood. The most obstinate cases have been perfectly and permanently cored by a course of HoodsSarsaparilla tie best" neche for salt rheum in &n the world. For testimonials of rmrkkW euros Send for Book on Salt Rh num. No. 3. t , C. L llooa Lowall. Mas. v . . ' abjeoi. We hear much nowsdays about health roods and hratento living, about ve- etariantoey-e)iu snawy oilier tocs ins same line. Restaurants may be ' found In the larger cities where no meat, pastry or coffee Is served and the food crank Is In his glory, and arguments and the ories galore ..advanced to prove that meat r'waaMvas.tataudad -for human rtontaena, and almost make 4ia believe that our sturdy ancestors, who lived four-score years in robust health on roast beef, pork and mutton must have been grossly ignorant of the lawa of health.' Our forefathera bad other things to do than formulate theories about the food they ate. A warm welcome was extended .to . any kind, from bacon, to acorns. A healthy appetite and common sense rre excellent guides to follow In mat ters of -diet, and a mixed diet of grains, fruits and meats Is undoubtedly the beat. i. w .' v .-,.-( , As compared with rralns and Veg etables, meat furnishes the most nutri ment in a hlahlv- conoentrated rormi ana is digested and aaaimilaiea more quickly than vegetables or grains. Dr. Julius Remmson, on this subject. says: Nervous persons, people run down In health and of low vitality should eat meat and plenty of it. If the digestion is too feeble at first it may be easily corrected by the regular use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta after each meal. Two of these - excellent tablets taken after dinner, will digest several thousand grains of meat, eggs or other animal food In three hours, and no matter how weitk the stomach may be. no trouble will be experienced If a regular practice is made of using Stuart's ' Dyspepsia Tablets, because they supply the pepsin and diastase necessary to rverfect digestion, and every form of Indigestion will be over come oy tneir use. That large class of people who come under tne head of nervous dyspeptics should eat plenty or meat ana insure Its oroner. dtsestton bv the daily use of a sale, harmless aig-esuve meaicine like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, com posed of the natural digestive prin ciples, pepsin, diastase, fruit aclda and valte.-whtch actually perform the work of dlrestion. Cheao cathartio medi cines, masquerading under the name of dyspepsia cures, are uselesa for indi gestion, as they have absolutely no ef fect upon tne actual aigestion oi iooo. Dyspepsia in all its many forms is Simply a failure of the stomach .to di gest food, and - the - sensible way to solve the riddle and cure .the. dyspep sia is to make dally use t 'neal time of a preparation like Stuarts Dyepep- sia Tablets,: wnicn is enaorsea oy me medical profession and Known to con' tain active digestive principles. . j III - :.r . v "" ' V' -v In T! irll yeSSy -r-W I LT, Tl TIV Til , M fcv , B " fUr jmIM-l''s. J srmmM II..- - ' : .. I II rml 'M rM0?M: f:S90 69-71-73 TdraS'Jcel :W$ ; Between Od(a:dine V;'!;: "; '-- " ' ' NEXT TO UMTED STATES NATIONAl BANX If the small spring which once did duty for the system Is the only source of supply for Montavllla, ths business men desire to be told so before summer, so that they can take some aotlon to secure a supply lha will permit at least some of the 1.E0S taps in the villa to leak a drop every eight or nine hours, a record which was beyond the resources of the system during tho dryest part of the last arid season. . ; BUILD MANY HOMES. Xoaaea of Bast Class Being Xreeted By tho'Bosea ia Irrlagtoa. ' - It? tur suburb of the" city has there been a greater increase In tho number o?ilne'.bomegJbuilt during tho year than in the irvlngton tract. Tho entire dis trict has a building restriction that pro vents' homes costing less thaav- I2.00S bernr-uilt.-a.nd- wo Ho- tn-the -past the average bouse came as near the mini mum aa possible, thia season tho aver age has been 'something more than SS.SOO. ' with many - residences - costing $3,009 and more on the list. ' Aa an Indication of what tho auburb is doing, block 10, at East Twenty-first and Schuyler , streets, may bo taken as an example. B. I. Wright Is having erected a $5,000 house on this- block; C. V. Cooper is having built on tho lots adjoining a residence that will cost $1,000; J. M. Pearson has a' $3,000 resi dence neartng completion r J.' H. Banks Is having built a $5,000 home, and J. M. Wbitmer .will soon start tho erection pf a $3,300 house. . , , -. - Qfl this block the Improvements for the year will total $24,000 and where 10 months ago there was but one house there will be sis modern homes of tho best class by tho first of the year. What has been done in block 10 has been done through the entire suburb and several residence of artificial stone that will set a new pattern for Port land men desiring unique and everlast ing!1 residences are on the list .of late improvements. . AGITATORS DRIVE MANY -FACTORIES FROM CHICAGO (Josreal perla! Serrlo.) ' Chicago, III-. Nov., 10. Tho uncertain labor conditions caused by the reckless tactlrs of "the labor agitators lntTirs city have 'forced several large manu good. The Allls-Chalmers company, one of tho largest machinery manufacturing of the dargest machinery manufacturing concerns ia the country, has decided to close its Chicago mills '.and transfer them to West A II is. Wisconsin. There the company la building a $3,000,000 plant- that would have been constructed at-Chicago, had It not been for tho con stant Interference by the unlona. The West Allla plant will furnish work for S.000 men. . This company Is only one of a score of firms which have with drawn from Chicago for tho same rea son. Among these concerns are the Crlbbon Sexton Stove Manufacturing company with 1.000 employes, the Brunswick-Balk - Collender - company. with SO employes, tho Bate Machine?) cormpany with. (00 employes tho-Kabo Corset company with S00 and tho O. P. Baasett Printing- company with $00 cm- ployoa. . . .. . . - .. HIBERNIANS ESTABLISH "C NEW CHAIR AT TRINJTY We're Overstocked Going to Unload Our Entire Stock pt Hen's f Boys land Child ren's Suits, Overcoats, Topcoats and Cravenettes ;. . . ; ; Our buyer while eat maiding his winter purchases was a little too much enthused with our great exposition and bought accordingly., .Business tiuring" the fair. simply immense, out tne gooas soia naraiy maae any inroaas upon our great biocks. xuc v,mtgo cv vsiu w-hwuih. wi v o-5ri- ia iiu tirnir meiturH anrl unloarl toht now while vou need the poods.' We re some to take a loss, out tnars ine vmcagos way ot aomg tnintrsj a.WMs - w was we' no half-hearted ; and most reliable Read farther: ways here. If quality and prices will move g;oods our stores will be crowded until all are sold. " You know Chicago Quality the Best.. .vJTie bst le makes of Men's and Boys Clothing are not too good for us. The Chicago ty the store that proves. Make u IwoveevetX tem?r1 To fit the slim.' the stout, the short. ttietalL and Ithec: regular up to 52-inch chest measure. . Single or ' double breasted. . l:-J-.j',;..:::.-', l:, ( inr j For choice of 200 Tailor Made $10 and $120 SuitsV Dark or medium - colors, in all wool woolens or fancy -s . '". worsteds. New winter pat- '"! '. :, ' . terns. Hand felled collars and serge lined. ' ,; , 1 Takes choice 't of 50 styles beautiful new winter wool ens, single or double breast ' ed. All wool ' cheviots and tweeds and beautiful fancy - worsteds In this lot. . All ,',hand made garments. Our Vegular r $15 and $17.50 values. (Joarsal Boecfal Bwrle. New Tork, Nor. 10. Within 'a" few days- the - Ancient Order ' of Hibernians will 'confer upon Trinity college, the Roman. Catholic -university in Wash ington, IJ. C, the sum of $10,000 to tabll'ii a chair' for the higher education of "women members' of tho order. This will be the second donation made by tho Hibernians to . the Cathollo institution in ' Washington. The first was made about .11 year ago, -when tho Ancient Tder of Hibernians established a chair for the propagation of the 'Irish tan guago and literature at a coot of $, ooo. The -donation, about to be made wilt- be ths - nrst - over mad tor - the special benefit of women. -r-i CANADIAN PACIFIC TO LOWER TIME SCHEDULE ' (Rpeelal Olspstrk to Toe IneraeL) . Vlctorls. B. C, Nor. 10. It Is reported from Ottawa that tho Canadian Pacific railroad has mad representation to. the dominion government relative to contem plated faster service between the Orient snd Europe. Tho Intention I soon 4 reduce tlm from- Vancouver to Hong kong from Jl days to IS day. It will also reduce time acrnes the continent to Amejrioa and aero U Atlantlo. jl) Fdr your choosing of 1,000 " ..-. - custom finished, hand tail ored $18 and $20 Suits. Black, blue and fancy wor steds, ".nobby plaids, heat mixture if in all the new nov- elties. A grandcollection. Puts , you right into ; the grandest lot of 500 superbly hand tailored Suits, in quiet, medium and nobby effects. Tuxsdos and Prince Alberts included, jn this great lot cut from our regular $22.50 and $25 values. I v -S dIDt J V J ) Take the finest Suits made, including; all the nobby mer chant tailor patterns that we have been selling for $27.50 and $30.00. The . new gray and fancy worsteds,' black unfin- ished worsteds, fancy -imported cheviots in single or double breasted, full dress Suits, Tux edos and Prince Alberts in this lot,. Not' a Suit in this lot. of ,' 200-but would do credit to the . best custom tailor in the" land . in style, material 'and work manship. V . MEN'S TOPCOATS, OVERCOATS CRAVENETTES AND lis. "stock must Q and go it.wilT a flyingll Such'ter- rific price slashing as we have done in this deoartment is a' revelation in bargain giving. ' '' ' -')- '; ' . For choice of 150 Top Coats, ' Cravenettes and Overcoats, in tan, gray and mixtures,, with ir without belt. J All hand . felled -collars. Serge or Venetian lined.' These are . our regular $10 and $12.50 values. V V Gives you choice of 350 Top, Coats, Overcoats and Crav enettes; our regular $15 and $17.50 values. Coats in all colors, weights and lengths with or without belt 'All strictly : h a n4 tailored throughout. You've never seen such values. To see is to buy. '? . -f w U Gives you- choice of 250 Coats of all styles, colors and weights from , the nobby Topper to the 52-inch long coat. Tans, grayslight, me dium and dark mixtures, a display of styles that will please the' most exacting. Everything that we have shown at $18 and $20 is in cluded in this lot. For Cravenettes, Top Coats and Overcoats, the choice of our entire $22J6 and $25 line. Every style, color and weight imaginable." Over "400 coats in this lot, the va riety insures the kind you may want. :-,',;',. ..'. V- t Here's , where we cut Iloose. Take you choice of all our fin. est strictly hand-tailored $27.50 and $30.00 Coats. ' Included In this line are the very finest black dress top costs, silk lined, and tan or gray worsted Pale tots.' ; Over 230 Coats in this line and each and every, coat ia tailored -and "?fimrhed ' in the highest art' of the best custom tailors. '.; i ' '' ' ' ' ' ' CERE'S WCERE TOE RIOTEERS SMILE ye are going to sell Boys andChil- dren's Clothing at less than any other store, in Portland can, buy. them; oa at wholesale. . Mind what we sav and; re member.rThe Chicago-Is the store tha proves. " Wef are going to sell put entire stock at justr:-rr' ; c' v-:VH ,vt'.y: Onc-IatlafFice . You take off. One Half of any Boys' Suit or Overcoat in the house? '; - ?1543; i.67. 91.93. ?2.17. $2.43. ?2.G7. 92.03. ?3.17. $3.43 .V.v.For our .....For our ..j.For our .'....For our .....For our ....LFor our .....For our .....For our .....For our .....For our $3.67T 93.03. 94.17. 94.43. . For our .....For "our .....For our. .....For our regular. $2.50 regular $2.85 regular $3,35 Tegular $185 regular $4l35 regular $4.85 regular $5.35 regular $5.85 regular $8.35 regular $8.85 Value value value value value value value value value value regular $7.35 regular $7.85 regular $8.35 regular $8.85 value value value value Young Men's Suits We have' divided the entire stock into four, grand lots at' prices that will bring every youth in this town to The Chicago: 95.00 Gives you " choice of ; AfllWool Suits' in single or double breasted that V we've sold regular for $7.50. , ... . - . 97.00 For choice of over 20 styles of our regular $10 and $12.60 Suits, light, me dium and dark colon,. Extraordinary '.. bargains.'.. .- 'Yv ' 90.00 For our elegant hand tailored $15 : . and $17.50 Suits, all styles and 'weights. These suits will appeal to the most Jas- . tidfous youth in the land; the patterns t"Jare simply grahd. s' t' 9II.OO " For the finest - Youths Suits ,-' made. I: ' . V , " .. . '."." YounorJcn'sOvercoals and Cravenettes 1 " We are the store for quality and style, but during this great Unloading Sale prices are cut to smithereens- Sell is the word I make room for, our. new spring stock. . ;,' ' ; ; '' ". ,; ".' ! ', :1