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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
:THE . OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL '. PORTLAND. FRIDAY. .EVENING. NOVEMBER , 10, 105. 4 SEARCH FOR GIANT KILLER VAIfl OUR STOCK OF Little) Ernest Edgerton'and F arth- ::iMl. Dog Start Merrily on Long 'Journey, .'.1 v." 4 FOUND TWO MILES FROM- HOME FIVE, HOURS LATER Ambitious i to Find the ; Fairy-Book '"' Man that Slew the "Giant, "Three-.Year-Old Ernest1: Walks 1 Many Weary Blocks. ( -V vmKt . rmrton. a. V 3-year-oid 101 vbow parent live in to McKay build inr. on Russell 'atreeti between Delaj atret and MlsaMsippi i venue, took hl little doe yesterday jnolrnlng and went forth with hlmj In eeaiehof a giant Before h wm . found t li had walked .two mjl and taken pealon of th : house of Mrs. FarrelL H waa found five hour after ee left, hipra by Police, man Jiurphy who; returned nlm to hf half-erased mother." '"V , V1" "Vr-:; -.-f..; A we child ' 1 Ernest, jwith heavy lock of dark hair and lerg, expresHive eres. - To him th-city la W fairyland and ever el nee he n . ablfe to toddle sl-out. h ha been eager, to eVplore It. , -T- ,'A few day ago . an olderi boy - took him on hla knee and related! to. Ernes! the story of Jack j the tGlant Klllor. IHe UtUe fellow listened With Tapt at tention and begged i to be shown the "big men that waa " taller, thaa ..' thl houee,".- -- v - '. About "1 J 'b't'ock yesterday rmornlng his mother, who had' been -attending to Iht household duties, ' missed him.. 8h frantically searched . everywhere ' and finally telephoned the rHmee. All pa trolmen were notified to bo on the look out, for the child. "V ' ' Patrolman1 Murphy finally obtained A clue. He met a little girl who trdd hint about a wee lad' answering the de scription of Ernest.- beside wUom trotted the little cocker spaniel.. The child had accosted . her, she said, and lisped a nuery as to the whereabout of some big man. ' ' x -It required two-hpurs to f Ind'Th child after this clue a to the, direction tslcen by him had been obtained. He waa sitting In a big chair, his dog curled up. at his feet when Patrolman Murphy went to Mrs. FarreU's home, 8S!.KlrbV street, at 4-.1 6 o'clock : in the 'after noon. ' The little fellow waa rauachlne a piece of cake and at first demurred emphatically to going home. 'He Anally rnn sen ted .to 'accompany Patrolman Murphy home, the officer carrying the tired little chap the whole distance.'- , toodn't flnd-Hlat big man.'t ' drowsily; murmured, as' he nestled hla lead on hla mother's shoulder before sourneying to the Land of Nod. - ; ORIENT FEDERAL C0URT IS FAVORED BY CHAMBER At a meeting of the! board' of trus tees of th Portland chamber of com Tnerce the following ' resolution war adopted: -. ';.''', 'v . "Resolved, That , the Portland cham ber of commerce strongly favora the .rent Ion of a district or federal oourt in the orient, a bill for which will be Introduced by Senator Charles W. Ful ton, with extra territorial Jurisdiction for the administration of Justice among -Americana Hher" there or trading In that country, the- law. creating such court to embrace the recommendation made by Herbert H. f. Pierce, third as sistant -secretary of state. In his report to th secretary' of state, and . that copies of thl resolution be sent to our repreacntaUvesvlnoongreBB." The proposed court-Is .designed"' to take the place of the Judicial function! now "exercised by United States . con suls, results of which often have fur- ' tiished ground for dissatisfaction. . The court would have to do only with mat ter arising among Aaaerlcana on for eign territory- . ..V f .. Sreferred Stock Ceased Oooda. ' "Allen ft Lewi Bert Brand. I VANDUYN w ni. kooo ri ito wiiniaToa 1 ' "a" 1 I s 1 " aEa3EIFlEiailIXIlIIUEIllllIllnIIiKllaalIKIBIXXlrj; 6 jianisiKisisifSiffliiasisiiiiicssiasBgsaiBMaSMaasauaw e Coupon F recti a wallan Trip Honolulu. Hawaiian lalaodi 1 rt w J I ui Tor. .. .... ..V.,. .-- SL.J - III'; 1 Thla coupon mu be voted on 1 - . tn ' " " M A A a v l 1 Is large and complete. Why not select diary NOW ? ;They make nice Christmas presents. ". '. Memorandum Pads v FOR 1908 " , - THE ;; J. K. GILL CO. Booksellers and :ir7:. Stationers. . T ; -, i 'tHIRD AND ALDER ' 'Great Things it Little Prku ; COUNTY JEACHERS TO RENEW PROGRESS CLUB The Teachers' progress club will hold its first meeting of the school-year In . th city hall Saturday morning. Margaret TraeyiArnold. th president, haa issued an appeal to all the women teachers In th county. Outside of Portland, to St- tend. Officers foe th ensuing yewrrwlll be elected and plan will be mad for the work of the club during the winter. Committees will.' be - named . to direct lines of work. 1 r . . ' - The Teachers' Progress club Is an or ganisation of the women -teacher in the public school of the county outside of Portland. 'It waa organised four yeara ago and haa participated In the movement for educational development In this county. The club meet eat month. ' . .:"", .... .. J, ' . NATIVE SONS STAND HIGH -AMONG PORTLAND POLICE That all applicants for position of patrolmen In th police department are norforelgnersls Trtiown by the-fact that at th bead Of th list of eligible for appointment as patrolmen are Ave native sons of Oregon. They were re corded as- better men. physically and Intellectually, than others of their, op ponent who war born in foreign coun tries or In other states. ' - Uoyd K. Lanceneld, born lntTamhll) county, received a percentage of 7.1; Guy R. Osborne of Polk county, 5.8; Leonard . B. ' Hopfleld of Multnomah county, SI: Matthew P. Murphy of Ma rion county, SS.t. and Ellsworth Adam of Jackson county, 0.. These men- will be certified to ' Chief Orltsmacher and in all. probability will be appointed, as several vacancies exist which will have to be filled Immedi ately. .1. . .... VYAQUINA WINTER RATES. Dsllghtfal Weathsr scoet of the Time at : ' ' Wewpor-Beaches. , . , 1 The people who visited Taqulna Bay laat winter were surprised at the do. Ilghtful weather at that popular resort The Southern Pacific and the Corvalll at Kastern- railroads have resumed thelt cheap rate to thl place for th winter. Particulars by asking at city ticket office. Third and Waahington streets Portland, . , ' . YOU BUY THIS 54 SHOE AT ' . That's th milk in our ce eoanut. "Ycu.tak on $up and you'll . llko , th flavor E carry a select ' lot of Men's fine Hosiery, andi the. cele brated air cushions that make walking easy.-; , WALTON it, ht. tius in roran. i . if' ... . ' "r V': EACH rVr--- ' ' aBsHwrpMaUVaS . , , - ' or b'for NJvcmber 17. lo. THE GREAT CRASH IN PRICES ON. NEW FALL CLOTHING that must be sold 'before our remodeling, is oil ' If prices are of any object to you now is the . r . ; - best .'."V . t WELCH, $20.00 pyercpatb- now $10.00 Overcoats - now. .... V . $0 Oycrco Men's Suits, Overcoats and Crayenettes equal in style, fit and ' wear to suits L that cost you double the money iii up-town stores. No Fake Sale but WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM; Boys' $1.50 i u 1 1 f 1 1 mil 7 .aw r is ti ,- m warn mm- w-r m . m bt mm m i 'a 1 'l " - : S Hin ".'.'"' "'; '- !- Is the process that is used in manu- , II II . B V - !. TTKv ' . - ' ' . facturine , 81 ':;..I7 iLllvY K ' - Which Strengthens and whitens the. -v; I Mil i V u&L'iM9 ''i!V vJf ' -aualitv. make it more wholeaoma '' II II fill aV3SS7St rrr 1 The wheat is placed in large bins lull I BBS , . M. m TIlV 1. . av. 'I'l i J I r - . " ... ---T' 8i UJ I and then milled, where it is not -; II II 'V M vTtlJ tit ftT A toucher by the human hand until ; 1 fi IsgSftt I .V-Sft, J -jr-. v made into, sponge by the housewife ; ' II II i arai ay .air" bv utsaak. -m. a- . " i, - , w -r R 1 rrrr-H Niljfi'f vSsTV ' Int on your grocer getting ij f SI 1 in per Every Sack Guaranteed -ipi .1 j sack or Money Refunded v ; - 71 time to buy new Fall Clothing you ever hadV Come straight to" I''.'. 221-223 MORRISON, 11 A. 7L : ? '. . V ;4: 4,$$ Boyuifeahd Overcoats ALMOST HALF-PRICE Boys' $15.00, Shs--;'----. now leioetteKeeteMeeeeeieteMte Boy, $10.00 8uits IJvT - ete e) ite e-weej mm eimee eieeetee Boys' $ 70 Suits .' nOW ... .v,4Wmi Boys' $ 4.00 Stsits V HOW HteaeMMMttMiei Boys' $ 2.50 Suits ' RCrrV " itenetteieAeeeefi Suits, now .. . -j, ... i- 1 r i v 1 11 11 1 M I v H $9.75 $1.50 Valaes now $7.45 $4.95 $2.75 $1.00 Values ft m r mm $ .75. Values nOW .. i..-:Jz.'im ;5lMeifsllatsl; $1.45 . . 95c COR. FIRST STREET Men's $20.00 Suits $20.00 Suits now-x.nT a. Men's $15.00 Suits- now , . 'T :r now: Men's $ia00 Suits, yl C now .:,,:. - Men's $ 7.50 Suits now i , . Men!s-Underwear ., itt nrirtictt ivtcp - ' lil'DiiUaCli LliiLJ IN BROKEN LINES AT HALF-PRICE Cloves, Neckwear, dose Bargains In Every tine I ' Men's Heary $3.50 oil tanned, weather Shoes, for......... Men' $3.00 Shoes C . ' ; v Boys' $1.75 Shoes, in broken lines, now leeeeeeieeeiieiMfetieeeet gaeaaae)eeee)eeieeeeeep STORE 208 FRONT STREET, BETWEEN TAYLOR AND t: . vfv --'- . ..;;. SALMON. .... .j...;;, ,- ,-''. t HRE SALE OF PAMTS This ia the Pure New Era Product, made in Detroit, famous all the world over, a written guarantee of purity go- ft ev ; inf with-each can wag $1.75 GALLON, . f f J '. It Is guaranteed as good sa when it left the factory, and is' sold t at this price because water and smoke, half destroyed the labels and soiled the cans. , .' ..':' .,"::;.,.' Piiinters' White NfAL'S INTERIOR- !- enamel !;y-:.- That smooth , finish, so eaiy , to keep clean; former price. $2.50 per gallon.. 0i 7c Now...... ?Ied NEAL'S BATHTUB '' ENAMEL . , 5. Transforms the old cine" tub to porcelain; i former price, NEAL'S ALUMINUM For stam pipes, radiators, gat ranttes', ec.j former price,, No one will ever again bur tnese spienaia gooas tor now. NEW ERA VARNISH CO. 20$ Front Street, Between Taylor WattiSuits (J? Tl A V u 9.?5 .my ;, c (H) C v V t 9- i. wet $2.65 UHeMiM,feHl $1.35 Lead 6c Pound NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINT , The -Old Original;, former GRANITE FLOOR PAINT The .kind that stays on your floor; former price 9 AA $1.75 gallon. Now.... Ivll CRESOLENE SHINGLE STAIN . . - ' Wear well, won't fade; form er prije $1.25 per yHCr gallon. AJow , a Ut J5AVIES VARNO-LAC - - - Makes your, floor look like mahoirany former price $2.75 I r Paints at the prices we are selling Don't neglect the opportunity. ,r PAINT AND and Salmon..., Portland, Oregon. k.rz?xitsaxiBixrzsiniKsiiaiSBBPBraEis3iiiBSuiti9sa;51 r " ' ' ' ' - ' -Mil'. ... .' . P . ... ... ... .. . . . - f , . . .'.-.'" i --; :- li i. .- . . - . ............ , , t Y