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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, ; NOVEMBER . 10. 1805 7 -, ODAV ORIENTALS BUYIOG : ouii APPLES Five Thousand1 Boxes of Oregon Fruit Sold by OnejFirm Since War Ended. CRANBERRIES SHOW SENSATIONAL RISE Chickens Trying to Do. Better Again While Eggs Are Very Scarce and . Price Looking Up Fail Rates on . .Fruits Smaller Potatoes to Rise. " front Street, Kuv. 10. Tb principal featuref : or tb Purl land wboleeal uiarkete UUJ are: Big apple demand from China.. ; Hcnaathrtiel rlee la eranberrlee. . ay. : ', Chicken trying to do bellar. ; Kks ar firmer snd ararc. " ..; Meat revelpta r eery ueavf. Ball rate o frulta entailer. Htc values ai advancing. , tar cranberries in tod jr. Squabble over car f orange. Bananaa am very ecarce, - fcalmoa receipts f rowing entailer. ' --'- Hun Ancle Demand Trora Chine. China and Jaan, aa wall as Buaala, bar km drawn together by tha Oregon apple. On oik eutJevt Hie orient la agreed upon that the beet apple In tha works com iron i T ixl.j n I'ortlanJ firm baa received order. , for aeerly B.ouo, box or itregoa appiee iron, tha arleat fiat tbla rear' eliluiurnt and tb or- tiara ar allll coining. - Of cuuraev orlantala aw auk Ins price before buying, but they do vary 111 I la 4uabbllnf over H, and an inquiry for tb frnH alwajl malts In aa order earning t that direction. It la now aakl tbat tb out? reaaua ' why. Buaala waa ao willing to gir p to Japan aa on raount of lb former', anxiety- tbat U ' III Oregon apple would be aold befur Ui blockade at Vladivostok aaa neon occiareo on. That there la something In' tbla statement li -,- evidenced by the feet that no sooner, waa tha blocked declared off than ordere from 111 Tuatok began to pout kiln tbla eitrAJarge aliinraent sent lo (Join on in iser ' , steamer. - , Sanaa tlaaal lie ia Cranberries, Tk craaberrr market abowa a aenaatlona) rlae lodar aa oar tb nredlrtltma of Tb JnirnL Bnnnllea ara ao am a II tbat dealer ar now al aea aa to where to aecuro their next ennpllea ""' Mew Jersey Mocks bar been practically cleaned up and tba earn la me of other berry-prodnclnd ' " eectlens. Today fancy cranberrlea ar Belling ' la thia market aa high aa $12.0(1 per barrel, but dealere tbemaclrea cannot lay them down !n tale city in later ahlpajenU for tlw amount. ..Ureao berrta bar about dieappeared froor : alfbt and ar quoted nominal. Cblokana Tryhur to B Batter. . TU chlrkea market a trylnf fbOn Win and om few rale ara reported lor fancy lota . of hena at an ad,anr o( l pound. It M ot Ibnarht. bowerer, that Uat adrane ran ha- -jrrom feneral-thla weak oa account ox IM furmer bearler auppllee. . " . Tha ear market la wry firm with receipt! . imahf mallr each day. l'rloea ar being ' heM rery firm along tba at reel at S2Vic Mar . kct kmka hlaber. " '- i : Tnrkeya ara ataltt ehowln a food call, but ; price are (ettluc lieyond the limit which al t knra free eoneumptioa. Tb future Of tb mar- " . ;Jet 1 Tery amok In doolU. . ... . . ... ; Ball Bate a rniita An tow. ' : lcrardlnc to Inalds information it a Id tbat ,.: the tlouthern Pacific aomoany baa lowered Ita t rale oa produce fmra aoutliera Or(im aa-1 ; Willamette Taller noinia to thla dty, tlnia al- I t ; low ltic Portland to rcr law per cant of tb . atocaa wnHa itwumr iy wmrm iwtm .nu. m rranclar market on aceoont of th adTerar ' freight ratea to thia market.' . . SauakW Or Ca tt Oraaraa. Tb renetpt of tb first ear of tn-aajea ,'thla city yeaterday caused enaabhle amoaj ' th trade. There la anme dlaaat iafactioa aa t ( , the prtr and this momlnc tb car- had not , , been unloaded. . ' A car of cranberrlea and a car of sweat p . 1 taioe were anions tha arrleabi today. . , . Bananaa ar eery carc and freab anpplk - , ar not due until th first of tb coaalnf week. . rotate Karoaad la Llraly. ', Aecnnllnc to Oearg Bortt. repreaentatlr II. Mcatana A Co. of KaH rranrlaco, tb potato ! market In thla rlly to likely to enow an adeem of tally SO befor lmpm. . When tbat eiaisf will occur, area the dealers ar wnawar of. , It M now known that another prominent Kan .irraneiaeo houeo baa been aelllng potatoes abort ; fur farnr dellrary at 6Ae f . . b. Portland, aad an extenalr bear rampalan li potato 'wiu There' Te 'aVwiVwTlSToTirTW!1MtlcrnBf 'H'" anion altnatlon. I 'allfnrnla-onion ar not near ' ' so plentiful aa formerly, the etneke grown in " that etate eof-bernr, of ss good keeping quality . ae tb Oregon prodnct. On thla aoronnt dealora ara more anxlcma to rmrchaa and. jars paying ar adrancc of Se today.: ) Bio Market la AdTanoing. ' Th rkw market la adranclng in thla city oa - 'account ec the stlffer feeling in tn sontBern markets. Home dealers her hare already ad- ranred tnelr quotationa H. Other ara ex pected to follow thla lead. Tk rtrar and wheat altnatlon remains tm 'rtlenred. . The following quolatjona ar tiring paid along 'front afreet by' tha retail trade for choirs . aualliy hi round lota. , Producera' price ar s ; specified: ' . rain. Tlour aad Feed. WHEAT New club, TV: red Boaslan, TOe; fclnestero. Tc; ralley, Tae7Be, BARLET feed,, 121 BortMOOt rolled. $31M i' at 00: brewing. a.0e!M.00. COHN Wbole. 27.001 cracked, fUOO par ' BTB tl.SS per ewt. 1 -: . 1 OATS Producers' pries K. 1 white, $30.00; tray. 2.BO'a26.oa Fl.ftlR Nw eaateni Ores on patents. " 11.33; straights. fH.nl3a.T0: export, .1.n S 4)1; val ' ley graham, iia, $4.60; rye, Sua, .' a'.nf); naica, ' MILLSTCFFS Bran, 1.f per ton mid. ' dllnra, 2S.O0; borta, country. 120.00; city, ' R A i Prodacers' price Timothy, WUlaroett ' ealley, fancy. (11.0001001 ordtnrary, (T.00O SO0: saetern Oregon. IM.oouio.w: mixed, M. clover. as noeiO.OO; grain, SS.BUSJ ! ' S.OO; cheat, 18.000 00. - , , . Butter, Xggt ana Bsnltrf. BUTTBR fAT r. ft. b. Portland Sweet cream, 2m.: aour. ifflH. . . BUTTklll City creamery, S0e: ontsid fancy, ITtic: ordinary, 1,1c;. ator. 1017e. KUOft No. 1 freab Oreron. candlat 82c; , cold atnrar and eaatern. ttJ. " ' CHKkB - New mil cream, twin. J4V4; ' Xoung Amerlcs, lRHc; Cheddar. 14 He. . , OA MB Jackrahblta. U per do. ' POUI.TKY Mixed ehirkene. loe; fancy hens, JOUc per lh! roosters, old, Pc per lb; fryers, I'lv iokc per "lb; brollera, lOOIOUc per ill dncka. (4W16C per th: geese, be per (hi lurkerV Ix'diae per lli; dreassd, SO par lb; aquaba, 2 60421.00 per doses. '.'. Hap, West and Rides, . j noi'H IftOfJ Oreron. ctrntoe, 10U,Hlct Brline. 7M,c; ponr gra.le. DtfH,r: Wsslilag ton. 10c; KH14 crop, r7e for choice. - WOOL laud clip, ally, oarae ro mellara, t4HMHs; Sas. 264271' osemn, Orsgoa, IVCie. . Min AIR Nominal, Aate. 8UKKPHKINB 8uarlnx. lr.J0 earbt short wool, 8nt40e each; medium wiwt, SOaTB acbl ' Icy wool, TWc e 1 1.00 each. FRIDAY PRICES' IN THE .WHEAT MARKET Ie. . ' May, .8tsB Chlcgsn .;, New Tork. Milwaukee Ilrerpool i t. Ixiuls'. ., Ixilufh ... ... .6tA .'4A In Mtl failed ."H f ..... SI H Ban Frftnelare. l.JJA ' e a) 'S MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS TO SHIPPERS Bayg Tom i-arron or . jcver ding gt Farrell: , - ' Recelptg of hena and spring 11 a v beso but moderate thi wec-k thus far and demand had not been any too brink.. Satisfactory sal have been made at from 10 to lta. Wo are of tha opinion that demand will be better next week.. Ducks ara firm at ISo, and good, largo geee ar "ellfcns fatrly well at and lOo. Turkeys have been a little more plentiful thla week and somewhat weaker. Good live have sold at about ISo and' fancy dressed from 10 to 22c We are of the opinion that these prices will not change much the coming week. , We ad vise oijr shippers to go rather slow in the .matter of turkey until closer to Thanksgiving;, when they will be in better request."- ' - ... TALLOW Prima, par Tb. IUQ4C) Ko. and greaae. xttltte. ,.. CHITTIM BARK H403C per lb. HIDES Dry. No. 1, Id lb aad ap. ItHQ ITU per lb: drr kin. Ko. 1. S to 18 tba. 14c; dry calf. No. , sadar S lbs. lscl salted hide, terra, sound. 00 lbs snd erer. lo)tlet ow, H'tDHc; ataga and bulla. Bound, eQTc; kip. n te 00 lb, wc; eair, sonnn. uao.e in ina, 11s, a-raea. naaalted. le leaa: colla. le SOT lb lesa; horeehldea. salted, each, fl.2fttt.TS; dry, each, It.00etl.fi0; colt hldoa. 5Ui"c; goat aklna. commoa. each, 10QlSa( Angora. , each. U9 "-'0va wt. A VMtelae.J " PrVTATntro u. ar.i'fune aack: ear lela. est7Sa aack: ordluarr. 04t7ISr; car lota. 6055c: aweeta, il.eO aack; IXllnaJSa crate. umiunh Kmw Oregon yellow uanrera, w (Tl.Sfi; car kita. tl.004xl.10: garlic, taiOc per lb. - rilSH FRUlTrU.'Applea, Oregoa, gl.ooeji.oo; fancy, SI. TROTS: rrVbaiiulra. Sl.oo: orangra. sew navel. 3.75t4.0O; late Valeuclaa. $4.T6B.0O; bananaa. 5c lb; lemons, choice, g3.o0irrS.T3 box; raney, gn.00 hox: lima. Mexican. 123 per 100; Dlneepplee, 4 00 ee; srapea, TVWIl.OOj paara, ll-Sottl-M per boar Winter Nellie, 1.IV par box; noawgranatee, 1.2B par box; tangcrinoa, 1.75. VEGETABLES Tnrnlna. new. 11.00 par sack: carrot. (1.00 per aacks beere, S1.004) l.ZB Der sack! Oreeos radlahea. 9Xr Bar doa: eubbaa. Oreron, 11.00 per cwt: - green pper. T per lb: California tomatoea, cr parantoa. tl.OO1fil.3ri: strrnd baamv SsslOc; rasllHoner. TBcCttl.OO doa: rhubarb. per th; horaeredieb. loe oee Hit artichoke. 4041 BO per doa. I bothouae lettnee. f 1.S6441.TS per box;1 greea corn, T5c per aack; cwumners. Toe per aack; celery, local, BOSrTBc per doa; egg plant. S1.A0 nee erafe; naniiikliu. lUe: annaah. IVic: cranberrlea. Cap Cod. S0.B0: Jersey, per hhl- Oooa bay and Tillamook. "tu FRUITS A pd lea. eraporaed. save per Ih; aprlrata. He per lb: aacka. tye per lb kwaf peacha. I0I1 per Tb; prunes, 80 te 0, BUc; ViC drop ou each all teen tk entailer I: flas. California Mark. BUaYA nee lh: California white. Be per lh; date, golden. 0c per 10; aroa. 11.83 par 15-lb bos. . '"-" '' Srsoarlaa.' Bate. "It." '. ' RfTOAR Hack haetaCiih. man mMbMl A AB; fruit granulated, SS.BA; dry granulated. ai.BB; Conf. A. tSJIO: beet srannlated. 1UX5:. extra. C. B.fJBi.odfa a. tiMi- lyellow. H85; bhla. 10ct H bble. 25c; boxes. So Ideanc n sack baela. leea XSc per cwt for caeh. IS days: maple. 14qi6c per lb. HflSBYJJJ per erata. COFFKR Parka re brands.- tlS.TTI. SALT Coarae Half rm.n4. inn ' aw ha ! table, dairy. Roe, 111.00; 100s. 110.TB: ln Ported Llvernonl. Boa.. BIT An. looa. ' BIB Ml, t24a. lid 00: extra Sne. bhra. a. Be. - 10a. t4.50erB not bulk. 820 Iba. M OOeft.00; aacka. SOa. M0r)r. MALT Clnaraa Rale mrtmnA lARe mm tmm IT 0O; Bus, per ton. 17 BO; TTorpool. lump rock lia .V) par torn BO-lb reek. If.CeVt ona aa T5. (Abu re prices spply te sales af lees rhas ear tote... Car lots at apedal pricss subtest te ua.'iueTioaa.. 1 m raox Calcutta, tub. RiCrlv-Imnerlel Innaa. Ko. 1. Set Wo. a BtBHc;.New Orleans bead. Tc; Ajax, Bel vi"e. a e. BEANS StnaTi white. H TH; targ wilt. pms. 3 in: Myo. 4.oo; umas, 13.00 Mexican reds. fte. NT7TS Pcanora." ynrnhne." iMg pr-Th Ttrrlnts. T14 nee mr roasted, be avMwri. Tiirfooe per Aos; walnnta, IKeJiBHe per lh nine nuts. inlH per lb hickory nets. lOe per 101 rnmuani, .iM.ra, 10 I lit" ner m weaall aura. 14c ner lb: filberts. 1491 Be tier Bit faacr pecaaa. loerinvsc: airoonoe. jseilTc par lb. - rslate. Oeal otu, xt. a ROPE Tut Manila. 14c: standard. iUe, steal. 10ie: Male brand ataal. ease. COAL OIL Pearl sr Astral Caeea. tOte per Si: waier wsiis. iron eon, ine per Salt wooden. le par gall bsadllght. ITO-deg,. eases. 7 r yr-r e"i 0A80LINR Cd-deg. eases. 14 H per gal; Iron IMa. 18c per gal. BENE1NB 83-deg. eaaaa. Ba see arali Mile. lBUe per gaL J - TuFPENTTNW la easss, tSe ner salt wonlaw bhla. SV per gaL . WHITE LI A D Ton Ms, T4 per Tb; 800-A lora. so per in: leee lore. eis per In, wir naii.s rreasnf oaee af sx.m T.INSEFn OIL Pure raw. In B-hM lots. B4o it Tot. 00c: eaasa. ma.1 pei r boiled, eases, 2e per gal; 8-bhl lota 8s: 1-bbl kit. 6Te ner sal: around cake, eae lots. 330.00 per mat leea tnaa car m, tiu.w per (on. Kaate. risk aad Brevfaloaa. ' FRESH MEATS rront street Beef steers 5HSc per lb; hogTTiloctr-TSe -per Th' paclr. ers, TvsTac per ids duu innr per 101 eowa, 1HC8C per lb; veal, extra, ?U per lb; ordl- nary, ee per ib; foer. o par H; mattoa, fancy. tax 1 OCT ID. RAMS. BACOH. ETC. Portland pack flora 11 hama. 10 to 14 lh. )U per lh; 14 to 1 lb. im per in; oeaaaiasi oacuu, inxtiwHC per 10; picnic, t ner lb; regular abort clears, an. moked, 11 per Tb; amoked. 13o per Ib; clear barka. anamoked, 10e per lh; amoktd, ll per re; union putts, iu ta is its. an amoked. Be per ID: amoked. se per Ib: clear bellies, anamokeo, lie per 10; amoked. M see ib: anouiaera. b ner 10. Lo;AL LARD Kettle Inf. 10s. 11 Ue Ib: Ba. lli per lb; oOTb tins, lOUe net ate in rendered. 10. 10w per lb; r ner lh: compound, 10s. Ae. 10 lannr.u airfio.i-ntmiMa n-w. j -in raira, 1.80: 3-lb tall. 1178: fancy 1-lb lata. 81.80! Vt-lb fancy Sate. $1.18; fancy l ib ovala. 12. TBI Alaska talla. pink. SBttSOe; red, 11.80; Mmiaai ris Cod. Te per lb; founders, Se per Ib: halibut, ec per lb; era he, par doa; striped bsaa, ItHe per Hit ratOak, Sa par lb; salmon, tlvereldea, 8C per lb; blaabacka, 8 per lb; herring. Be per Ibt soles, Se par lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch. Be per lb: black cod. To per lb; allver smelt, Tc par Ib; lobsters, lftc freak mackerel, 89 par Ib; crawfish, at per doa. it . , 0 YHTERS 8boal water bay, per gal. tXtil par aack, 88.TB. . CLAMi Uard-abelL Bar baa. 11 OOi nM rlama, fx. 00 par boa. . COTTON SEVENTEEN 4 TO TWENTY-TWO LuWER New Tork. Nov, 10 Oitton fntnrea ekwad IT to points lower. o me ia i quotationa by orerbeck, Stan K Obek Tllrh. TlW. Cloee. January ...1UH ...IJIVI ...lfilT ...1188 ...11TT ...una ...1188 ...1188 ...hit ...nan I14M HIT 1022M2.1 reornary March . . lir.8 1UIT 1184 11TT ins 118.1 1188 I1IO 113S 11.10 11. '18 1181 114T lir, lln 1188 I OWl 1103 lOU'il.14 1(M2'4:1 I04llf 48 lfwrr.i iO.V.'o ST loitn.i 10717 7.1 lorciaf 1108jiM prll ... May nu .... July ..... August . ovember Deaeroher ' Liverpool Oottoa Higher. Lire moot. Nov. 10. M'tton futnre elnaed A te S points higher. ' - . - ' . SAX riAlfCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. - Ss'u Franc bjco. Nov. 10. Officii! lm nan, tng aeealoa: , . ' 1 ' . - Bid. Contra Toata' Water ,.',.... 4.i! Hprlng Valley WaeaaBr.... 41 1" Mutual Klcctric. .,....,. M , Aak. 471, ar l.Hi 84 J it" 81 81 31 1, DO n 1", a l"44 F. A Klertrlc. ............ .. .'( fllant Powder. 18- Hawaiian t'ouimerclal.... 81 . Honokea Sntar. 11 llakawell Musar. Mix hinniea Sugar. ......,.., m. -o aauhaa Huaar. ,. 31 laaka Packiu-a' bit Iceanlc HteamaMp aclfle Sfalea Talenhon allfornla Wine.... 834 Pacific f oaat Borav'. allforula Irvill Canosr .... DEGEr.iGER OPTION - BEING SOLD Bis Bull Sells Wheat and This ' Sends the Prices Oft In the Chicago Market Today. " ; . - NOW CHANCING OVER INTO. THE MAY-DEAL Pit Is Ont and an Eighth to One and! Seven Eighths Cents Lower Ar gentine Shipments Are About Same as a Year Ago! '. v v . ;- . FBIDAY'S., WHEAT kUKKET. - . . ' j - Cloa 4'loa 1 - I yea - Cloa ' Prl. Ttiur. rrl. Tear Am peember.....f .tH .87HB .01 l.l:i Mar jua R AUU.R .01 i . l.mii JulM...,..i. .WjA Ml MH Chicago, Nor. 10. Logan A Brraa aay: Ar gentine wheat shipment ar about aa expected. Aakl from aonieUilng ilk a very feeble rally Juat before tb noon hour, today market waa under selling pressure, there being So auppurt whatever. The market closed at practically the bottom pricee for the day. The trdera g general aeem to be at ara Juat at present aa to what tba big bull bitereeta ara doing. It may ba true tbat b has sold out his line of Decem ber. . Tb strength aeem te be eliirthur to tb May,- and thla lea da to th lmnraaalon that h ha transferred hla ball operations. Tbers baa been qnlte a little IMcamber wheat for sal on all bulges of late, ' , '. ' Setback ia Corn. In Corn the setback ao lone talked foe eaoie today, following too Btnrernment reuart. which ocrtelojy came up te the expect at lone of tbe bears. Tba estimated yield of bushels aa acr took much of tb anap out of tn mar ket, and cauaad sou little aelllng by corn -mlaalon bonaes. The eatlmatea ar that only 8.S per cent of th 1004 crop ia at 111 la tit farmer' handa agalnat 4.S per cent a year ago. Thla seam to bear out tb rheorv that old corn bai been pretty well cleaned ap. Ar inairatea y ue government agnree. tn crop M aa normou one. largely ia excess of a- year ae, but the ball neint- to tb fact that the exporta will tend te of fact that, and that with home requirements the crop, Urge aa It is, will he well token ear of. Official aaotatlooa by Orerbeck, Starr k Cook company: whkat. . . High. Low." Oloac.l, .874 I JWS $ JlnS . -MS . ' .83(4 -CORN. Open..' .87 .84 Vk Dee.... ..I May...... July Old Dee, . .4KK May , , ., .4dl .48 .'lavs' July ,49b .4i OATS. .8t J0V4 .104 .82V ..12ti . .834 Is- Jl rfl . MKH.1 POBK. 15 12.BS 13 53 , 13.8T 12.80 ' 13.87 LARO S3 ' .8B 8 M 8 HO J7 ,8.85 8. Ml - T o3 e.i SHORT RIBS, 5. B3 - e ss m 6. TS- -S.TT - - 0.78 IK)' e.Ta : ' . CHiOAOO oaAm caj. lots. :. Chlcajro, Sot. 10. Grain ear lota: ... ', Cars Grade . Kt Wheat ...'...,......... .......lttt 1.17 Corn ........310 42 , 318 Oste Sol 81 2.tS Wheat ears today: Mlnaeapolia B31. Tear ago: Mlnneapolia MT, Dulntb 3Ui, Chicago aa. CHICAGO CASK WHEAT. '. "Chlcgge, Nov. lOCaab : wheat i ' 1 Fid. Alk Ko. S red.. .............I J7 w 1 No. 8 red .87 . .871, no. naru. ... jn - . .wi No. 8 bard J1 t- JM No. 1 northern 4.. J8 .DO No.' 3 nortbem-., v..... .88 .88 Ko. spring 7.. .83 M '. tzmroot. oeaih kajucxt. v V I - 1 IAJ'Im.. Wku ' -- Ta Hd. d lower; March, Ta d. 4 lower; May, s il,d. l lower. Corn January. 4a M, fcd lower; March, 4 d. a lower. - . .. -., . SHEEP 25 CENTS HIGHER AT STOCKYARDS LXon of Local . Market Good TradeLoTBrettirFeet-" ing in Cattle. T . Portland Tnlos Stockyird. Kov. 10. Uve tuck receipts ; TJoga, Cattl. Sheen. Today ....... ... 413 week ago io Previous week .......... 22ft .1 Month ago 180 . ISO 2.V) t v : use 00 Intense firmness . Is ahown la the sheep market snd vslues are 28c higher all the way through. The cattl market la (till dull, but indications sr that It will be better next week, lings sr. weak at tha decline of 3Be exclusively torn .in jne journal yeateroay, packere ar 8 lied up and do not car te buy. Today 5 borse nrrlved in. Hoar Beat eaatern Oregon. l?i!S0ia5.TB: block. era and China tats, BO.OV; atoekerg and feeders, 14.0044.35. 1 Cattle Beat eaatern Oregon "steer, 13.800 S.2B light and medium eteera, $3.utrt3.20; light eowa, 3.2B; atwkara and feeders, f3.30; bulls, il.BO. t , . . Kheep Wether, 8i mixed aheap, 4c; straight ewea, Bel lamha, B(.e. a Calves Good veal, 160 to ZOO pound, BQBHc; rough heavy, Slavic ZASTZKH H00a STXADT. Chicago, Kov. 10. Livestock receipts: -Il. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago .33.0110 . B.ofw Kanaaa City .i, .' Oaiabs 4.1" - l.niat 3. Wat loss Onened steady wun J.txxi left aver: reeetpta a year ago were 24.0U0.. Prices: Mixed. 44.1; good. 44TSj.IO; rough, 4.4&vi 4.8ft: light. 14.T0n6.08. Cattle Htmng to in signer, - . . . Sheep Strong. ' , ' "i " jtiw to corni xuxn, " . . 1 New Tork. Nov. 10,-MToffe futnreloed B fo 10 point off. OfBclsl quotations: 1 Bid. Aak.l ' Bid. Aak. ..T.10 IT.W .. T.3 T.:m .. T .ft T..W ., T.: T.4i .. 8.48 e.Bfl ,. e.u January Kebrnary 88.80 18 8.11 July 8 88 8. 7l August .. 8 75 8.M) Heptember 8 Ml 8t Moler . . .l T : November T.U8 T. 101 December Marrn .' April .. May ... June Vew Trk Oaak Coffee. New Tork. Kov. 10. Caeh coffee: - K. . T Rio, 8Hc; No; San teat, e- ; stAKT BALKS OfrHOPs. - ' . . (Special Dlapatrh to Th 'Journal. t Foreat Orrtve. Or.. Nov. lo William Pari ftf Thalrhi-r haa sold T8 balea of this yesr'f hops to MrKlnlev Mltckrll st 80 per peun.l. it. C. Hbluler. Who Ufa north of town, ha eloaed a contract for 1.2(10 pound ef bops al ec per 11 nu. Jo Kliien a and V. S. Bradley, both of Green d of ltd bale at Be, aud Jobs vlllc. dlanfMed Carao of the same putce, k kad a little mors thin TO bsira, aold al Tc. OlTLAftD BAKK STATXlCXaT. Clearlnga ,v 10 talaac 144,844.18 pec...... May....... . Jan II 80 May 13.TT Pee...... .8K Jan 6.88 Mar...... 1.03 Jan...... May...... Cranberry Prices Show Sensational Advance on Account of the Heavy Shortage Through out Country - Stocks Are Hard to Obtain. COMPLETE CHANGE III FEELIilG ' Reversal of Sentiment in New York Stock Market Causes Great Change In Prices. READING SECOND IS THREE POINTS HIGHER Tenneaaee Coal Leader of the Ac tivity With an Advance of Four and " Three ; fjuarters Katy Pre ferred Two Points Up. . ADVANCES. Anaconda ... Aaiauta mated ...1 Colo. Southern.. Hallway Hprtnga LocomotlTs uvt- ....1 Atchison do nrefarred . ...1 Sugar .......... rJinelter' do' 3.1 preferred. do let preferred... el ds preferred... Car A roundry.. Brooklyn ..1 Great Western...... H 111. Cantral... Ilxwkrrllle ...J". piiuuKirt (Jolo. Pnel.... H TVs Metropolitan ... Mex. Cestral.... Katy do preferred . . Paul . Av-JL. W 1 I ueaapeaka Norfolk . . Canadian IV Miaaouri Pacific.... N. X. Central..,,., Republic Steel....'..!1 Ont. A Western . An irtvferred......3 Peunaylranla ...... V. Hok I aland. ........ 1 Pacific MaU........l I do preferred......! People's Oaa V, Southern Ry. .1 rreaaea Bteel (.Br .,1V, fading ta Houtuern Pacific..., 84 Tana. Coal ...4- T-xaa A Paclfi...lMi I'nkm Pacific... ..i.l Wabash ooata prererrd.,.n T. 8. Rubber.... ,, IK v. . rjti..::: 2 Wall "Street, New Tork. No 10 Al If "by magic, th ton of tb stock market was reversed today and instead f tb - severe hasea of yeaterdar tbe Hat shows a Beoeral adrancs of more than 1 . point. Tenneaae Coal was by long odda tha leader of tba market In actirltr and closed with a not sain of 4 polau. Steel laaoea wrre atrong. United Btste Hteel netug ap oa the common and H point up -on th preferred. - Republic- Steel common roe IS and tha preferred 3ti point. Preaaed Steel Car Is p I'm fur the common. Railway Springe gained li nolnta. Locomotive waa active and advanced H point. Tha ralla made eubetantlal galna, tha principal one bring Reading second preferred, tbe gala amouotUg to 8 polnte. Official quotationa by Orerbeck. Starr Cook company: T s rJESCBIPTTON. Anaoonda Mining Co... Am. Locomotive 1181. 117V 118 TTbm! 671 1J4 81 84 4 68 i, I no prcrerred. Amai. copper Co.... 80 88fc 81 V. H4U, 8 Aicniaon, 8.1 prf etTfMl . 1118 S 8X8. 103 Am. Car A round., com uu pre.vrTeu. . Am. Sugar, com.;..... Am. Smelt., com. ...... do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com.. P.ruoklya Rapid Trenelt. Canadian PaciAc, com... CM. Alton, com...... do nrefarred I.KJU 10014 lOOi ian 140 1. -Wit I LIBIA l.wu 128 111 140 11 am, 14l) 13414 111184 mmi34 llolk li14 mi. T4 I' lev 14 1T0 1T3V 78 Chi. A Uc. Weat., com.. 301, TB. 21 T8A 30 17l3 1 nu, ll. at, Paul. Chi. A North., com.. 174 318 218 3IT Chesapeake A Ohio its Bill 08 48ii 63 83 42 1010. r uei 41 iron, com Colo, South., com...,,., do 3d preferred....... do 1st preferred...... Delaware A Hudson..., Irla., Lacka. A Wast., U. A R. O., com....... do preferred.......... Erie, com do 3d preferred. do 1st preferred...... Illinois Central.. 4 2714 38 42 28 4214 8214 87 41 83 4K 82 tA 8314 1224 s 22T 440 84 84 34 T T T2 8014 in T3 T3 8ilA 8014 ru 170 ITU Louisville. A Naekvllte.. if ITS 148 I4WS 14714 148 118 Metropolitan street By. Manhattan By 118 188 1181k I1H inn 18414 104 11 Mr.xloss Central Ry... 28 U 28U 33 ' miou., ri. r. at oca. at 4 ii list ion 1TH 181 do preferred Missouri PaclBe as"' i T si., t. 1., com,., do' preferred New York Central... 84 3614 8814 87 148 1UT 18(114 188 14M 1411 Northern Pacific 1U8V,I87 Norfolk A W cetera, c North American N. T.. Ont. A Wast. Pennsylvania By.... P. .. U A C. Co... 84U 4'4 eo 8 j M 08S4 OX' 8814 0214 M 1 14! IKU14 i:a lt2'4il03Hll3 Preaaed Steal Car. com.. tk, 401. 4N14 Paelflc Mall Steam. Co.. Railway Springe .. so 84 so 84 V 46 86 'a 84 14o neauing, rum . 141 14254 1411 4M Ma anikUtu -kSJ. let preferred 9:t 83 82 Rep. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred. . Rock laland, com...... 23 24 K 28 92 ST TO 8154 3814 do preferred ..u I1. TS 84 Cc Honineru Ry., S4 88 83el Southern Pacific. on 6454 Nt. L. A H. r.. 2d Dfd. 30 e . 23 S 92 14 871a 1ST ot. 1.. be n. w., com.,, Texas A Pacific.. Tenneaaee Coal A Iron Toledo, St. I- A W e Z3 8.1 24 871 874 do jiref erred ......... 8T1. Pnlon Pacific, com.... 1314, 13" 54 It, 8. Rubber, com U. S. Steel Co., eom.N 49 3814 H4 8l'. " 14 88 profaned .. .. . 401 10314 101 Wheel. A Lake Brie, com 1B5 10-4 rt leeoneln vntral, com. ao preferred. W. TJ. Telegraph........ 82 V 82 8214 30V Wahaah. com 5 do preferred w14 84 Railway Springs, ....... 65 Total eale for day, 878,800 aheres. Call xaoney closed 14318 per cesL --.tOHOx'AH inglgij iTOOKs,' 1 -, Baa yraaciaeo.' Kov. 10. Tononah stock, of ficial cleae morning seealon: ; Bid. I .- Bid. Montana B3.4S IColumbia Mt....B ,TW Columbia lit , , miawar .. a.vewijoDioo .rut jdoiuv fumho Kxtea.... Dlark Butte..... Oolden Anchor.. Hllver Mi Ray O'Brien. . Ohio Toonnah . .. McNamsra . :!5 .83 -.08 .(81 .38' .21 ,18 .07 .08 -.14 .23 .3d .29 A. iB - Belmont 1.8214 North Star .... .46 Keacue , V. .OT Hold Mnnnuia.. .) im Batter Nevada ... 12 O. Bnll Krog... Ited Ton Inarnondneid ... Xenta 8Ur ...... Horn ......... Caah Boy ...... Ton. RxtaartMtUt Ooldfteld .8. Id ..... ..'av nandatorm ... .8.1 gandatorai Ex , .11 .OS , .13 , . , .83 ienver ........' F-II nee Mohawk tlold Bar . . . Klxle -. National Barrfc.T keadall OBTOW COPPEK ITOOXS. Boston, Kov. in, official close: , .mo. - I nid Adventure ...f T.23., Atlantla. ..... &i Old Homlaoa..! 17 15 ....v.. ltat w Alhniea ...... 8X73 Hlugbaei .... 82.78 I'arrot . I'd ml Phoenlt 1 no ' gnincr ....... i.iai Hhannon T.rVl Tamarack .... 138 faiA Trinity ...,. 8.00 1 lilted ....... 83 874 Victoria 8.78 Wlnons ' a.ixU Calumet ..... 870.00 Conner Range. TI.M. t'rntennlal ,.. 27.8214 Daly Wetrt ... Kim ........ 14.78 3.78 8 28 ttrenbr lireene copper. 98.12141 tireeB Void.. 4.87141 Wolverine 134 no Mnhawk ..... 88 :i7', l tah 48 7ft Michigan .... Tenn. Copper.. 8:1.80 Maas Hi rat .a) 34 on 88.00 . 1 . S. Mining.. 84 uu . Nevada Con... 8.8754 North Batte.. JTIW TQEE CTJEB. Kew Tork, Kov, 10. Curb cki . - Bid. - - BI4. fan 8 ' Tenneaaee Corner. 83 lireene Mold 4 North. Becnrittra.lMO Qrsen Copper ... 3814 Marka 48 CHIOAOO LOCAL BTOCES, ' Chicago, Kov. lVl.ocal itorka: , ' I Bt.l. I ' ' BM. Blacnlt . JI1.lCartoe ao TVithoard I kl Diamond Match.. HI 4 aa ............. 10 IfwUt Co 04i uhwiy dO'slPocuaiatlg Tool... M Llll ADHD ROAD IS inSPECTED M. C. Moore Delivers Opening Ad- ' dress to Good Roads Men at , Second Day's Session. DELEGATES FROM MANY SECTIONS ARE PRESENT Association to Be Reorganized on More Liberal Linca. So aa to In elude Surveyors and Stat Officials "; aa Members.' ' f ' " (Ssactal Dianatch ta Tha Josmal.l -Walla Walla. Wash., No. le.The Washington Oood-Roada - asBoclatton convened again thla morning with an excellent attendance of delegates from east and . western Washington. The convention "opened with an addreaa of welcome by ex-Governor af. C. Moore, which waa responded to by Samuel Hill, president of the " . association; who uUhanked the cltlsena ior the cordial welcome ana urgea concertea action on the part of the delegates to , "spread the gospel of good roads. Joseph H. Bnow, . state highway coromiaaloner, made an excellent add rasa on "The Ne cessity af Legislation," pointing out the li many laws that would bring about tbe building of better roods throughout tbe etate. Ue referred to the excellent roada bullrtnr Ktngxounty-tmder the present a road law, and aald that state aid was badly needed- In forwarding the good. roada movement, and quoted figures showing what had been accomplished In A number of counties of the state. . President Catron of tbe Walla Walla Commercial club sroke on "Convict J-abor on the Roads," Henry Landea of Seattle on "Road Metals." "Road Build ing" was .the toplc of x-Qovernor Moore, "Good Roada and Good ' Busl nesa," by J. B. Melkle. secretary of the atate-asaoclatlon; "Strewed Roads.'' C L, Whitney of Walla Walla," and "Road Machinery" by John Beala of Portland. . At tha morning session it waa decided to reorganise the association on more liberal lines and a committee waa ap pointed to amend the by-laws so that all 'persona may become members and providing that all county aurvayors and state officials may become ex-offlcio members. . Tbla afternoon the delegatea were taken In a .rig to Inspect the macadamised road west of Walla Walla, built by the government expert last rear. . ,, - - -t . MARTirrS IVILL COriTESTED Claimed Late Pioneer Could Not Write. His Name and. Was ' Unduly Influenced. - Mrs. Casals Donahue, daughter of tbe late Peter O. Martin, thla morning filed papers in the county court contesting the will or ner father, a well known pioneer, who died October t. and by hla will bequeathed all bis property to hie daughter, Mra. Delia Hn.lL The estate la valued at several thousand dollara Mr. Martin left three other daogh tera. Mra. Donahue, Mrs. Mary Keller and Mrs. IJasle Hall. The will pro vides that nothing whatever' is to be left them, not for lack of love for them, but in Justice to Mra. Hall, who cared for him during hla laat years. Mra Donahue gvere that aha and the other daughtera who were not to share in their father a estate had not been allowed te visit him unless Mra. Delia Hall waa In the room at the time, and that at the time the will waa made, April 1. 106, bar father. waa not of sound mind and waa easily Influenced and controlled by Delia Hall and her daughter Amis. Tbe complaint aays: In order to carry out ner ecneme ta procure all the property of her father, the aald Delia Hall by her acta and con duct and with the assistance of other talpaj - tlescauned the aforesaid instrument to be Drerjarenno" Sillied l)J suuin aa and for the laat will and testament of aald Peter O. Martin, and your peti tioner avera that aald Martin wae at that time unable to algn bis name at all, and aald Instrument was aigned without HI Knowledge, ee K alaraed, wlU hla knowledge, be waa not of sound and disposing mind or memory." ROOMMATE'S THEFTS CAUSED HIS ARREST For two daya Richard Kahspon waa placed under the limelight In the role of Fa gin, being arrested yeaterday by Patrolmen White and Carr on the charge of disposing of stolen property received from August Binty, aged II years. The boy afterward denied bis statement . and thla morning Kahspon waa discharged from euatody on motion of Deputy District Attorney Haney. . The two occupied a room together and by his own confession Blnty has been guilty of a aeries of lareenlea. Pleading guilty before Police Judge Cameron yesterday he waa sentenced to serve nine monthe in the county Jail. According to the story told by the boy after hla conviction, Kahspon, waa not told the goods had been stolen. Some of the jewelry waa given by him to a wom an, who waa located, and, three rings and a brooch 'found In ber possession. The remainder of the stolett ' property, with the exorptlon of one ring, was re covered from a pawnshop. ;'. . ; - t3oimoimrniTOTkk Baa Prancleee, Kov. 10. Of Beta! do, morn Ing eeeetoa; BM. . , Bid. Bullion I .83 Saras 81 Belcher 3T Petml .11 Vo. CsL'Ts... 1U ll'nlon Con ..... .88 Ophir S.8354lTellow Jacket.. .31 Caledonia S Kicbeenee. ' .. .48 Mexican 1.38 I Hale i Noccroes. 1,1. Asde ......... .SB Bcorploa ..!.) . ( " 1 i '. ' avsrllng Kataa, Mew Tork, Kov. 10. SHerllng rates: 122ijLi!ZU!22iaa.aBaaaaaaBBaBaai De stand, sowiraro, xoPBOva 09, -l. , ilbatabllahed,ll WMAT AJra TOOK BBOKSSa. Boom 4, rottad Ploer, ' OXAtCBSB OP ooatstnos. OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO N Membera Chicago Board, ef Trada., ' vi QBAXjr, pmoTUioirg, oottov, btocxs abto sons. 10J Third Street,. McKay Building. Portland. Or. wa so a raxoTx.y coanasnoar Tgiwrgg. COBttnucnis Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. RkFf.Hfc N'CFS Ladd A ;. TUton, bankera, and United BUtea National Hank of Portland. TRANSPORTATION. Steamer Republic ' Laavag foot ef Washington atreet. for all Willamette Slough points and St. Helena on Saturday at T p. nl. Returning ' leavea St. Helena at e p. m. ' . Astoria Columbia River Railroad Co, Lesvaa. OMIOM DIPOT. for Merger. Kslnler, Clatakaal. Waatport. 11:20 I Dsii. Dailf. . Clifton, Aataria. War- reatoa. FlareL liana. wae. fort Steveae, 4)arnan ran, aeauos. astans aaa - Kx press ssilr. 8 80 a. 1 T-oe . ax. IIDail'. , Datlr. , aVstorta J. 0. MA 10. H. T. aad F. Aat-rta. Or. 0. A. STSWAHT. CoasBesrelal Agaat. aa AJaer Btreol. Pnon Main 808. .The OoxBxaodlona teevmship OLYMPIA 4oori TOira SaJla' for 8ANFRAlCI8Cd and I .OS ANOEL.BS- direct, carrying passengers and freight, ;.t ...,,:. ' TTJBgDAT, MOT. 14, AT S . tC, . Prom Columbia Dock No. 'l. - Ticket of fice 1 Washington atreet . : It TOUNG, Agent. ' ALASKA v. FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS ' . - - Imts Seattle a. am, . 7im0," Mevnar 38, via WrangeL "DOLPHIN, " Veveraae 8, IT, via Wraagk "rAa.AU.0g." . Msesmbsr 10, B4, via Wraagsl. Matlaksktl. , CALLING AT . I . KetekikSB, Inassn, Oonglas, Rain, Bkag way. OeaJita with W. . T. root tor Atlia, Da wees, Taaana. Voxse, ate. i rer All eathaastera Alaska Perta. ' ClTJ or send for'TlIp to Wonaerfnl A !, . "Indlca Baaketrr." "Totesi Polea." THE ALASKA B. g CO. Prank Weolaty C., Agent. Oak St. Portia ad. -Or. TOM ASTOSXA, 1 AJTD WAT rOOTX Steamer Telegraph BAXZ.T Tracg OAKS. Xyeave' , I Arrive Portland... T a. re. I Astoria. ....1 p. m. Aatorlav..l:SO p. m.IPortland. . . .9 p. m. book toot o usn ituit, C. OEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor " - Porsierly 288 Aide Third, located at Has Moved Te tbe tsree brick Bonding at B. K. snrsat ' ef rtrst aad atorriae 1 , ftntraaco j 63JFlTStr,.t Dr. O. Oee We. tb Orsst Cslnaaa Deatar. is wall known and faSMBa threaaboat the D. wr -bv ad aiarvaiooa. ggret base bee heralded broadcaat Uronghont th length snd breadth f thla aonatry. Us treatl aay aad all dlaaea with tarwarfnl Chin roota kerbs, bods, barka and vegetables thsl ar entire) nnknowa to atedtdsl adeae la thU toantry, and thrangb tb sa f the sartnie renardle be gnrata to ear catarrh, asthma. Tung tioajbtsf, f beuai 048j;iiv?rveaansesasscaj Uvr. kidney, feasaie troablea and all private dieeaa. Thla fa moos doctor cere wtrbost tb aid ef the knife, without nslsg polaons a drnga Hnndred of teetlmcnlaaj en el at kl sfscaa. Can and see htm Cherree naderst. ooasvLTAnoB yaca. Patlenta eat of tba dty write for blank aad elrcnlac. lacleae e a tamo. Address Tha O. W CkineM Medieia C., 18H)4 1st it, ear, jaemeoa, reman, vr. . rieae SMatM Uls esse. r a Oder, dental work. ' Werld-r. owned special lata tesweat ptioes conststaot with ftrst-elaae Oo to the " NEW YORK DENTISTS rOTJBTX US MOBBOBOeT BTg. Opett day and Bight, from M as. ttatU fa g. DAinnjpov.'Din, a;c:;;jD;TnAas fttfuh toffy. flrpsSiFliYor. OtittSritni'h.CcamUetlVicei CU)55ETODZYEnS . )ORTLAN9CrtZQ0N. Bill TRAKCPCTATir , (La'-- 3 Trains lo the East Daily 3 Tbroogk Pullmaa standard aad toarlet alee. Ins-ears daily te Osuha, Chicaga, BueAaaat bearlet aWenlng-esra dau te aUnass Curl thrangb Pnllmaa teartat eleeptng-are fperaea- v aoneaetedl sreesiy te Chares. Beeui abatrears (aaats (reel te tb Beat Balks. IINIOM DEPOT. Leaves. Arrlv CHIOA OO- PO RTI KO BI-IC1AL.-. ... rr tb Eaat via Bast Ingtoe. 9:11 Dally. J3 Dally. BPOTCANg rLTER. For Eaatern Washing, ten. Wslls WbIU. Lew S:TS . i Dally. ae Dally. latoa. Coser B'Aleae ane threat , genhara alats. ATLAWTIC EXPltrss tk East via Bsa Inston. 8-ISb.i Dally. - TtiBa Daily. OeramVts area DrrMea, fOS AsTORIA aad wavl OS B. Ba. eolntm. art.n. ,!. n. , i Abent 8 .00. m. atmr. for IlTeaca aadiax. Sunday, ftortb Bescb.stmr. Baa. Satnrday. aalo. A4t. aoefc. ll0:O p. m. a, SasdafV TaaahlU Eresr Xenva. fOE DiTTO. Oregon Cttr aad Taaiblll river nolnta. atmra. Bath Bad Tinea. BL DallT. a. Bonds. Tr88 8wH. Dalle. Mone. Aaa-et. deck. Wtr eermitrlng.. ax. gaaday. sake Elver Beat. rOB, LIWI8TO!. id., and way point from Rlrarla. WaahM rtaira. pokaa sMLfwistsa. S:o a. as... or noon ar rival Train Net. 4. d.ilv 4 08 B. SU Pallr ex. Ifriday lex. Sat. TICKET OfTICB. Third aad Washing tee. Tanf phone Main TH. a S-.7.-,'yN0Ett' Ticket Agab ' A ta CBAIO. QeBsrsl Paaeengsr AgaaL EAST" SOUTH Leaves. CM10 BBPOT. OTBBLABD BXPBRSS. Tralaa, foe Balaaa, Boa I oerg, aaniaaa. scrs mente, Ogdes. Baa rran daeo. Stocktoa, Los Aae gale. El Paae, Nw Or-I t:es.aa. Tflda, Man and tbe Saab M or sins trala aect at Woodhnra dally neept Busday B:Sa.ab wits Traia . ror hi Angel, a 1 1 v r t a Brownsville, fl r I a B- B:BB V at f 1 1 ,- Weedlleg sadl aatroa, . Eaaeaa Baaaaagaa BK0 S 88, Becta at Woadbnrtt with ie:BB 8. a. Mt. Angel and SUver-l to local. , Corrallta ye aa anger. Bherldan aeaaeng Poreat Srov paanger. 7 80 a. 1 4:80 a 1 8:98 g. I B:38 a. 1 111:80 b. 1 tl 10:48 b.i ,n.n. IIDally except Buneay. Peril al Osnaga fabnrbaa rrlo sag TaavklD IMviaioa. Depot foot of Jeffersea street. Leer Portlsnd dally for Oswego T:80 a t 12:60. 3:08. 4):00, 8:80. e:TO: T.40! jo:i! 11:11 p. m. Dally (except Bnnday). 8:80, 8:80, 8:80. .A.m. . . I - H. O-AA - aa Betaralng from Oewgo,'srrlee Part land dally . . . . .jw a.aa V . B -aji S.ou a. ea.y .v., ..1 v-w. w . . . 11:10 p. m., 13:5S s. si. Dall.v (accept Sunder 1. m . mm .. e.u. .AH m Bntiitae 10no a. m. , , . . ataa eeaiv .-- " sedlate points dally 8:00 p. mi Arrir Per. land t0:10 a. Si. ; 7H 1 tin .p.D'l.1. ,,'0 rn,i. h.'.'-v merares dally to Mom month aad Atrlt. aoe. aecttmr with Soothers Pacta, mof any'atracks at Dana and ladependene. Ptret-claaa far fmm Portland te gaerarnente end Ban Franetec B20. bertha 8; eeeoad-! rare gin, sacono-eiaae iwie, lanaa. China. Flonolnla and Anarralla. Citv Tlckt 0f8c corner TMrd and WBa tngtevt etre. Pbos Mala T13. a w. STTTfOIX. . i- J1?' , City Tiaaat TIME CARD OF mm. Portland! DAILY. TJBIOM DBPOT. Daaatt I Aaxlve., T.itMwetnna Park-Ka aaa City-St. 'tenia Sp 4.1 fae rkehall. Cr tF.Ha. Olrmpla. OraraJ Harbor. aVntb Bend. Ta- a.e.a Seattle. 800k ana. :S0a.Sx. 440 f. as. Lewlstne. Bntta, BUI- m Tteeeee. Oataba, Eanaaa Cttr. St, Uals and aouthesst. North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Ta eeroa, Seattle. Spokane, Bntta, Minneapolis, St Panl and th Eaat. Paget Sound Limited, nr Cbehall. CBntralla. t:0Ss Bk i-M fa as. 11:45 p. aa f:00 a at. ios a. Sa, Tarawa and Kealll oolr. Twla City Exnreas, far1 Taeoaaa, Seattle, Bpe kane, Helena, Bntta. I.Uovfnton Phrh. Mia. B:80y. as. aespoll. St. Paul sad tna saet. AD. CUAULTOH. Aaalatant Oeaeral Paaaeager Ageatt. Baa Morrteon at., eae. ThlrA Portland, Oregon, THl CObtrOSTTABlX WAV. L 'A, 1 City Ticket Of toe, lt3 3d . rkea BsO, 9 Overland Trains Dally 7 Plyey ai.4 the Taat BCail puiirors' BrjaTTcnk TJF-TO-O ATE ECjTJtrtTIWT . OOUBTXOTJg IMPtOTIg n "llEAlS I Pront"!" lABhiVh;" 3:30 a. m Pert las g 7:09 a m. TlaBtU I 10 p.m. 11:43 p. m lln-m. "Via Bpokan . a.'mT (O. 3. 3f. C Oreat Bforthera Bteamahlp Co. Snlllng front Menltle gB.ntroTt. DIO. 14, a B. BUMMESOTA, 7ED.1. For Japnu '"! t 1 1 lull an. I Manila. ' miffoT rvurx ;a (JHIUIII Mull f'c 'III ri I .ill..Ufl g. B. TTO Ml tf . tells from h. ittie I r .''. ( Iilnn ami e 1 1- ti- I AKoilt I ......, . r I 1 V Tn 1 1 i.r li. k- .ns. e' " m. r . . g. C. T I S, f" 4.1l 4(7 lOOCtn. ntJ J I la7l BQUTta sj j Arrives. WW cigr f