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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1905)
THIS OSEGOW -SUNDAY ..JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5 1SC5. IHLSlOi KILLED1 ZlllD FOUR m Blow1ng"Out of Fuse Brings Oregon Water Power Cartp Sudden "I" Stop-rOIton Thrown Head, Dies Soon ' ; , AftewardOtherrSIightly Injured ' fa : ' '. - W. H. Ofstpii," lt, East Ninth street. ;U fatally- liurt In a streetcar accident . -last, nltbtt dying at tha Good Samaritan hospital at l-.Hr o'clock thla morning. Ha ' v about K yeara of are and unmarried. . Whtle-a.' ffellWood .car On' the. Oregon '.Water rower Una was running At. full peed at, about a. o'clock tba fu blew '.out, which brought the car to a full atop, 'precipitating a' number of paaaongera Into : the atreet i Olaton struck on ' bla. bead and . when. ' picked, vp ,wa iinoonscious. 'He never regained-' bla. sense!. . Four other passengers were slightly GORBETT OUTPOINTED .8Y : KElL IH ROUaOS , JPoor Condition f Former Cham 1'" pion Apparent Through " V ' -'out the Contest, j - r . (Special Dlapatc by Imh4 Wire te The Joaroel) - , Philadelphia, Nov, All things even, v condition wUI tell. - Condition told. In the wlndup at the National Athletic club tonight In which Young Corbett and Unk Russell of this city were" the .principals. Corbett waa clearly out pointed and there were stages of the ," game when it looked .. though . he - would take the count and poaslbly a ' Tlttlev more. ' IiT the flner practices of the . game - Corbett made - Russell - look badly even when he appeared to be tn the direst distress, but there waa no ' -:. way, clever ring general that he la, by which he eeuld f feet Russell' superior ruggedness. - . 1 ":.'- 1',' Russell never made any attempt to fight cleverly,-- He met Corbett- at bla own style, swapping puach Jor punch . : , and at the conclusion of each round . - there waa no denying the fact that the "local Uoy wsa there. In the fourth ' ".- round Corbett waa in a bad way and If Russell had possessed the slightest bit . of Corbett a knowledge the chance are that the fifth round would never, hive , been started. Seeing that things were going against him Corbett pulled fclm self together In way., thataurprlaed -the a Dictator. - .- ' In the sixth round Russell appeared unduly anxious, a fact which , Corbett ' quickly realised. : He really- made his .best showlna In this tound and he might have won wit with sj. punch, but the speed and power were lacking; Te sum up briefly, the' six-round Jxers ground this vicinity are Just a shade too much at the dlatsnce for Corbett in his present shape. ....... BANK EXAMINER LOSES r . JOB FOR CARELESSNESS Spe-tel Dlapatrt by Uw4 Wire te Tee Jeemal) - J Washington, - Nov. . Controller : ttidgeway today removed front lhe. serv Ire Bank Kxsmlner R. H. Mattern of ''-tn" Western Pennsylvania examining dlstrtet on account- nl failure to dis cover Mtie conditions existing In the ' Enterprise National bank of Allegheny. The laveatigatlon ahowed that the con ditions .leading to the failure or mat bask existed for some time and . that they should have been discovered by the bank examiner. - slattern's case has beedi carefully In .veatlgated and he baa been given op portunity to be beard In his own de fense. .There is no. ground for sus- plclon of any criminal Intent on hla '""part or any corrupt collusion wttto.the offloers or the hank. He waa, nowever, -- entirely too credulous-In bis acceptance of their statements and careless ana in effective In his examination. - The controller baa aaalgned to the. district made vacant by Mr. Mat tern s removal Examinee. Owen T. Reeve. Jr. - Mr. Reeves waa formerly an employe of the controller's office. le has had severs! years' experience as assistant bank examiner in New York City and aa " a bank - examiner In Maryland. 'New York, Pennsylvania and other states on special service. , PIONEER BREAKS NECK BY FALLING OFF WAGON RiwM-tal Dlmateh ta The JaeraaLt - PrescotL Wash.. Nov. 4. Samuel It Krwln,-aged 7. waa burled from the Presbyterian church- at 1 . o'clock tnia , afternoon. Last Tuesday evening while .' hauling hay Mr, Erwln slipped off the wagon and-fell on Ma. head In the road, breaking hla neck. He leaves an estate worth $100,000, made by (arming Id this vicinity. ' - ' THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL eweopie"atnew Kow Useful It X la Preserving Health d Beanty. - . " -' Nearly everybody knows that char " . pnal la tha safest and most efficient dts- , ... Infectant and purifier in nature, but few . . realise its valus when tasen into ine . human system for the same -cleansing , Z ' purpose. - Charcoal la a remedy that the more . you take of it the better) It Is not a drug at all. but simply absorba tha gases and Impurities always present In the stomach and intestine and carries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens the - breath after . , smoking, -drinking or afyr eating on ion and other odorous vegetables. - . Charcoal effectually cleara and Im , proves the complexion, it whitens ths . teeth and further acta a a natural and ':" eminently safe cathartic - - t It absorbs the Injurious gases which eollect In the stomach and bowels; It i disinfects the mouth i and throat from 1 'the poison of catarrh.: ; All druggists sell charcoal In one (form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the most for the money. Is In Btuart's Charcoal Lotenges; they, are composed of the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics ii-.. In tablet form, or rather in the form ot large, pleasant-taetThg .losenges, the charcoal being mixed with honer- l Ml . . The dally use of theae loaenges WW! ioon tell In a much Improved condition rTTTof the general health, better Complex ion, aweeter breath and purer blood, and ---: the beauty of it Is that no posslbls hsrm '. can result from their continued use; r V. . . , . mm 1ia aMfra.a. avaaft hail.At. - A Buffalo physician In speaking of ' the benefits of charcoal says: "I advise - Mtuarta Charcoal Liosenges to an pa - tienta suffering from gas In stomach an,t ttAwala. mnA Ia elaar the COmDlSX- -on and purify the breath, mouth and . tnroatr ( also Dai I eve tne liver is greany naneflted bv the dallv use of them: they met but-twenty-flve cents a bog at drug Stores, and although In 'some sense a ' patent, preparation, yet 1 believe I get more and better charcoal in Stuart's " charcoal Ioens than In any of the OrOlllH.Jr vuaiivnt vauivia. ACCIDEHT hurt." but went to their homes without assistance. The car waa crowded, the majority of those on board being young people. At. the time of. the accident a number of young men were standing on the rear platform .and theae are the onea who fell Into the atreet. The mts h occurred at the comer of East Eleventh and Sherman streets and the car waa bound for tne city. - Two or three - phyalclana m that neighborhood were hastily -summoned. Mr. Olaen'a wounda were dressed before he wsS'con veyed to the hospital. Another car brought the passengers to the west aide. AUT0"0B1LETAKD TROLLEY IH FATAL COLLISlOa Mrs! Edith Polly .of Los Angeles Killed in Midnight Ride. - (Spaelal Dtonateh by Leased Wire te The leemal) ' Los Angeles. Nov. Car No. 27S of the Boyier height line, west bound, crashed Into an automobile at Concord and East First streets a -few minutes o'clock lastr night, in me automobile were Francis EL Kend 11, In spector of street aprinkllng; C A. Davla, a real estate operator, ana mrn. Berth Austin and Edith - Polly. Mrs. Pollv waa killed and Mra. Austin fatally Injured. . Davla 1 allghtly In- lured, aa Is also Kendall. The women. Davis and Kendall, were taken, to the honpitaL Davis positively refused to make a statement or even to tell .the namea of - the-women. Both-: men are eald to have been under the Influence of liquor at; the time or tne mcciaeni. . i- The automobile was city macnine and the women and Davla were making a trio as the gueate or KendalL Ken dall was driving. At concord ana Jf irmv, streets something went wrong with the machinery and the automobile stopped directly on the streetcar tracks aa car No. 171 approached at rapid rate from the rear. The car crashed Into the rear of the automobile.- The machine waa wrecked, all the occupants were thrown Into the street. When the car erew reached the women both were unconscious and. one appar ently dying. They were placed on the car and hurried to the receiving nos- pllal. where Mrs. Polly died a Tew mln utea after her arrival. , Kendall and Davis also were taken to .i ...i i.ii. n.ia waa k.!.., IsttsinHd It ' hosplUl Kendall left, r.7 'ZZ .r7.r iir7-Uniform savlnar he would return In a few mm. tries; latter" ti -telwplloTSednnat Dr. Car. mlchael Vould take charge of the ease, but he -did not himself return to the station. STOLE HACK AND TEAM f. AND GOES TO PRISON (Seaebl Diaoatcb te Tht JoeraaLt Walla Walla, Wash.. Nov. 4.John Barnes, arrested at Lyon Ferry on the Snake river by Deputy Alien Byrnea of Wallula after an exciting chase of over 40 mile across the desolate hills of the Snake river, entered a plea ' of guilty to stealing two horses and a hack from E. M. Warner of Two Rivers two weeks ago and was sentenced, to serve five years in tba penitentiary v yeater- day. Clinton Buchanan, convicted of em besslement, waa sentenced to three and half years In the penitentiary and William Noble, convioted of assault was fined t:4. UNIQUE FEATURE IN ' BUTTE MURDER TRIAL (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Butte, Mont.. - Nov. 4. One man charged with first degree murder testl fylng against another charged with the same offense wss the feature today of the trial Tf P.rTR0fer7 charged" with The murder of Oeorge F. Burke, when Peter B. Keane, charged with the murder of John MoOlvern, took the stand to testify against Rogers. Keane wa the proprie tor of the en loon in - which Burke was killed and It Is be that Rogers hsd been quarreling with when Burke lnterefered and was shot. Keane la awaltlh hla sec ond trial. Within the past month there have been six men confined In the Butte Jail, awaiting trial for murder commit-' ted tn thi city. TO DEEPEN WATER IN LOWER SNAKE RIVER fftpeclal Dlepateb te The Jonrnat.) Iewlaton, Ida, Nov. 4. Within the next few weeks government engineers propose to make such Improvements on the lower Snake river aa will Insure sufficient wster for steamboatlng at all seasons of the yesr. At Log Cabin baf a wing dam will be extended 800 feet to force the xurrent-cxosa the ahal low. A dredge will be used at Pin Tree bar, where . the channel will be deepened . and widened. During the extreme low water of the late aummer the dredge wss engaged In. removing obstructions In the channel between Rtperla and Eureka and In making new, channel on the lower liver. C0RVALLIS CITIZENS WILL BEAUTIFY TOWN ' . (Sneelal Dkmatrh te Tba lonraal.1 Corvallis, Or Nov. 4.- A meeting Is to be held by the Corvallis Cltlsens' league Tuesday night to consider the following recommendations: - The pelnting and removal from Main street Into an alley of all telephone and telegraph poles; the felling of all trees on Main street; the condemning of all awnings, signs - or other un sightly things on that atreet; the exten sion of the district tn which' thebu!ld tng of cement walk Is compulsory; the tearing down of all unsightly buildings on Main street; the prohibiting of gates being swung over sidewalks; the for bidding by city ordinance of spitting on pavement or In publlo places. ' Yerblaekl an Imbecile. .' J, flprlal Ptapateh ta Tne Journal. ) ' ajrhehalla. Wash.. Nov, 4. William Varblnskl, 1 years old. Who shot his brother dead for making a sharp an swer, has been lodged in the county jail. The boy may be committed to the hmatto asylum without being tried 'for murder. - - . . ::d .:: Fnia FormerTresident of Equitable ,x ; Hopeless Wreck, Say r ' y physicians. Maeclal Stratc br Lsaa Wire te The tarsal) New York. Nov. 4. Jamee W. Alexan der, former president of the Equitable Life, today Is IrrefrievsDiy oroaen bodv. . j. .. - - . Today beiU all but hopelessly broken tn mind. w Tiul,. ha la Imibm In foftunO.. ' f.mii. nama. which he revered above all things, and which since loug before the revolutionary war wa syri onvmnua for honesty. Integrity, fair deallne- and uprightness, has been a- aalled and tarnished. . Until recently Mr. Alexander has been at Oneonta, In the Catskllls, where be waa tnkan bv his family early in Juijr. A few days ago ho waa moved to a sanlUrlbm at Deerfleld. Massachusetta, h.r ha now Is. Hla chief physlcUn Is Dr. Pierce Bailey of No. 61 Weet Fifty third atreet. who makes visits to him. A number of other snecluusts in men tal and physical maladrea are called In mmu ration f mm time to lima. , Tha nna hone cherlahed by hi family ta that his mental and physical Vigor may oe sufficiently restored for him to go upon the ' witness stana oeiure mo Armstrong investigating committee,, an awer to the charge and Insinuations against blm and tell fully and In detail the naueas-which drove him to bring about an upheaval which has no parallel IB the financial history or me nauon. The specialist of the lamuy noia out practically no hope. - " .-- LOCAL WOOOMEN PUN- TO HONOR CONSUL B0AK Woodmen of the World In Portland and vicinity will be busy, during the coming week entertaining Head Consul I Bonk. A meetlnc will De neia in the Taylor-atreet . Methodist -cnurcn Wednesday evening to whlph 'Woodmen and their friends are Invited. It. la likely that Governor Chamber lain will preside at the meeting. A brorram ha been arranged a follows: opening address. Rev. F. Burgett Short: vocal solo, Mrs. Marie Whlgam song, quartet, Professor Epblng; read ing; vocal selection. Mis Jena rtarwaa. . On Thursday evening a special pros-ram will be given for the especial ben efit of Woodmen In Hill' hall. WUluuns avenue and Russell street.. Head con sul Boak will address the member at the meeting. The meeting . will be given -under the - auapicee of Albtna caraD No. 11 There will be a general meeting or Woodmen In the Eaat 8ide hall Friday evening. A abort program ha been ar ranged and . refreshment . wui oe served. AH com' nk. will as semble at the west side Woodmen' hall at 8' o'clock "Wednesday evening and nurcn in a oooy IS ut cniirvn. ana rank -rill 1o be at the east lde hall Friday evening;- MANY LUMBER SHIPMENTS MADE FROM RAINIER y ' - ' :' (Special Mspateb h The Jeoreal.) Rainier.-Or- No. 4. Rutherford A Heactick's new mill is nearly completed. It -will have 780-foot frontage on the water and will occupy space on both side of the railroad track. H will have a pay roll of at least f 1,600 month and a capacity of (0,000 feet 'of lumber day. ...- .'- The four-master schooner N. Turner, Captain J. Johnson, Is being loaded with lumber at the Rainier Mill As Lum ber company's dock. About 400,000 feet of lumber will be taken on. The three-masted barken tine George a Perkins lef e Rlnlerrr!daT with , 00,000 feet of lumber. An average of si or seven car or lumber -a day have left Rainier this week besides a number of carload of piling. Lumber I also being shipped to way point on tn river oy steam boat. - v. - -.-.. ;- CAPT. HANSEN MISSING; FEARED HE IS DROWNED Astoria. Or.. Nov. 4. Captain Hansen, of the barkentine George C. Perkins, I wileelng and' friend believe' as has bean, drowned. He left the vessel, which Is lying in the stream here, about midnight Friday night, and came ashore. Later he was seen intoxicated and was taken by Walter Mudge to the wharf where he had a small boat with which to get back to the vessel. At the wharf Hansen sat down and refused to go ' f -rther, ao MQdge left him and com up town.-There is no doubt that the captain' awakened and walked off the wharf Into the bay. Hansen waa about 40 years of age. Mrs. Hansen, who accompanies htm on sea voyages. Is aboard the vessel, while his lS-year-old daughter la tn school at Port land. ' A thorough search of the city haa failed to reveal any trace of the missing msster. He had been in command of the Perking, for several years and seldom used liquor. ,. '. . - . TEDDY JR. KNOCKED OUT TWICE IN GAME rsnaelal Diana tch br Leaaed Wire to The Journal) Cambridge, Nov. 4. Theodore Roose velt, Jr., waa knocked out twice In the Freshman-Dean academy football game on Boldlcrs. field. this afternoon, butt remained at his post. Hs went In si substitute In the second half ami unpre judiced persons say he was ths star of the game. Dean won,- to 0. - Young Roosevelt clearly ahowed that bla pluck, aand and all-around) playlng.sras respon sible for his being On the team, and not for the fact that he is the preeldenfs son. , 1 ' 1 i j ' " - " ' : FIFTEEN YEAR OLD LASS - ELOPES WITH SOLDIER . -" i . . (Rnarlii IHanatrh te The Journal.) Wslla Walla. Waslu, - Nov. 4. Miss Mary Harget, a It-year-bld girt disap peared from hsr bom in W"t Poplar street Thursdsy afternoon. Yesterday, Deputy Bherlff Havlland learned that In company with soldier named Harley Line.- g-deserter from - Fort" Walla Walla, Miss Harget left Friday morning for Starbuck, - Officers left for Ster buck last night In an endeavor to over take the couple. A Creeping Death. ntnod nolson creeps ud toward the heart caualn dentil. J. H. Steams, Belle Plain. Mlrmw- writes tbst a friend dreadfwHr Injured his . hand. hiih awallad un like blood poisoning. Burklsn's Arnica-Salve drew out tle nnliAn. healed the wound and saved his life. Beat In the world for bums snd snres. I to at Skidmor' drug store, l&l Third street. r sei:.ue nisi m KEIV EEKr.!..n THEATY Tf President Refuses to Take Any Action UnlessJJpper House "T Takes Responsibility .T V (SneeUI Dtepatck br Uaaed Wire te The Jeeraal) Wuhlnrton. Kn J The United States -will nof -frame an'yreaty with Germany looking to a revlalon of the tariff under threat of a tariff war or otherwise unless, the senate Is willing to accept the reaponaiblllty for such a treaty.. . ..-''"" Ambassador Bternberg called at tne. state department today and outlined there the general features of the treaty which Germany proposes should be rat ified by the United States and Germany. It 1 stated that the Germ a proposi tions are not In such shape yet as to suggest consideration of the commis sioners, ssy 10 In number from each aide, to discuss the needs Of Germany, a prepared by Von Buelow. This government will take no action or make no reply to Germany, until the senate has been sounded, because sena tors are regarded aa the experta on matter affecting tariff which are to be incorporated In the treaties. The presi dent will therefore get the advice of such senatora as Aldrich of ths finance committee. Hale . of Maine, Foster of Ohio and a sufficient number of-others so a to arrive at "what oould be done before the state department 1 expected to draw up a treaty, even tentatively. It seems to be the general impression here that - any treaty - with - Germany which seeks to chsnge the tariff even under the guise of reciprocity cannot be ratified by the senate. The experta here already think that In the event of a tariff war the United Bute would be. the victor. - ..,,. ..... TO ARREST DR. SWALLOW -- FOR CRIMINAL LIBEL (pedal tnseatek by Liases Wtre te Tha Joarasl) New York, Nov. 4. The Rev. John Wealey Hill, pastor of the Methodlat Kplecopal church. Brooklyn, haa aaked District Attorney Clarke of Kings county to procure the Indictment for criminal libel of Ber.-Dr.-e.-G. Swallow of Har- riaburg, Pennaylvanla, and to have him brought to Brooklyn for trial. Dr. Swal low- wa . the Prohibition- candidate for president five year ago. According to the atory Dr. . Hill told Mr. Clarke. Dr. Swallow ha been at tacking him for several months, among other things accusing him f falsehood. peculiar real estate speculation in Utah and finally with plagiarism. " Dr- Swallow, by means of a parallel column In hia paper. The Church .Forum, tried to show that Dr. Hill had psed as hi own words, in a eermon delivered September IS last. , an extraot from a sermon delivered many years ago . by Bishop Matthew Simpson. He further charges . that Dr. Hill made free use. I without credit, ot a lecture by Bishop r owier on AoranamiJncoia, . TEACHER ACCUSED OFHOFLTFTING Astoria. Or. Nov. 4? Miss Smith, a teacher .In the Alderbrook school here. is accused by clerks in 'a local mlllln cry -establishment of shoplifting. . The clerks dec hare they detected ber in the act Wednesday afternoon. It ts alleged the' young- woman toad a "pocket espec-iaUy-Jmade for hiding the articles stol en. When the allegation was published her today Mia . Smith . denied . It - tn toto, declaring she' was not In the tore on the day on whloh the theft ia said to have occurred. The case is to be taken up by the school board. The teacher say the young woman haa been 111 and that possibly she' may have taken article while temporarily Irre sponsible. Mis Smith came here from Albany -with good . recommendations. The prematura publication of . the alle gation against her has caused great la' dlgnatlon among the teachers. . . ;.r. LOSES SUIT BECAUSE HE BUMPED INTO AUTO (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire ta The Journal) utile hock. Arx., mov. Heosuse ne bumped into an automobile. State Rep resentative Nevlln of this city, who sued F. D. Glover and hi wife for 15,000 damages for being run over by their au tomobile, lost bis suit In the Pulaski circuit court. The accident occurred In front of the-staU"hooe-naColonI Nevlln was laid un for several week as a result) of Injuries received. There was an Interesting array of le gal talent In the trial tf the case. In cluding ex -Governor Daniel W. Jonna. The defense claimed contributory negli gence In that tne plaintiff bad bumped into the) automobile while It was run ning very slow. The jury found for the defense. ' WOMAN WITH TRIPLETS DEMANDS HER AIRSHIP (Special Dispatch by Lessee Wire te The Jooreall Chicago, Nov. 4. County Commis sioner 1. P. oarner or Austin, who' of. fared an airship to Mr. W. W. Wilson of that suburb but now of Los Angeles, on the occasion of the birth of triplets some-thne ago. If another set arrived, I cordially invited to go out and get the airship. Ths triplets have arrived and are doing well. So I the mother. who wrote thla telegram to Mr. Gamer yesterday I and the triplets, two boy and girl, who arrived Wednesday await th alrahin. Mr. W. W. Wilson. It la sad. Indeed, to record that Mr. Garner has renlgged. v rootseJl riayw XUUd. . (goeelal Dtanateh br Leased Wire te The Joeraal) . Ban Jose, Nov. 4. Clarence Van Bok- keln. a Santa Clara High school foot ball player. ws. Injured in a gam with Ban Jose High school this afternoon and died at 10:.10 o'clock tonight An ex. amlnation disclosed - fracture of the skull and severe concussion .of , the brain. . .- ' : Open swing SckoeL . (SDeelal DI.D.trk tn The JoernaL) Forsst Grove, Or., Nov. 4. The Tohng Womaq's Guild of the Congregations! church haa reopened Its sewing school. Prises are offered, for the best work. ' - r, V- . A. v Bematoa.- x . (Uneetal Diaoateh b The Joeraiin New berg. Or., Nov. . By fnvltatloi it member of th O. A. R. poet and T. R. C. gathered at the home of Jamee Colton Thursday evening for-a reunion. Mrs. Coton Is ths retiring' president . the W. R. C. " tMiTg Ant rokeu, . Foreet Grove. Ore.. Nov- 4. Miss Tetha Richardson, daughter of O. M. Galloway, of thla city, broke her arm while coasting down David' hill, a mile and a half west of here, on her bicycle. Th wheel got beyond control. The Ch!cG&a Painless Dentists . 303 Y Wshington St, . Corner "of fifth St. Opp.Perldng ' ; ..HoteL . ' , Didn't Hurt a Bit , We r civinr gpecUl price on all work for the- next 30 dgyg. Remember the Chicago Dental Parlor have offices in all large; cities throughout the country. Remember our practice ia limit cd to high-grade work only. . Fine Set Teeth, war ' ranted to fit or no pay..,.........:.. $5,00 22k Gold Crowns $3.50 22k BrldgeWork $3.50 Porjcelaln Crown $3.50 Finings 50c A IZ-year protecuve guaxan- i -- with all wort Come' and "take advantage of our Fall re ductions. Save your teeth and your money. Open evenings and Sundays." - . r ; . . . . The Chicago 303 J. Washington Street, - Corner f Fifth.. 1 HYBRID MELON KEEPS SOUND ENTIRE YEAR (SpaaUl Dtapateh hy Iaaaa Wire h The Joarmal) - Reno, Nev Nov. 4. C A. Harwood, a prominent rancher of Long Valley, Nevada, haa perfected a - hybrid melon which haa been pronounced by the ag ricultural department or th university fo be a cross between a watermelon and muskmelon, having th rind of th former and th seeds of the latter. The peculiar property of the fruit Is that It will keep from one season to an other - remaining perfectly sound and maintaining It . flavor a well aa an apple. The melon grows to-an Immense else, soms of the specimen weighing as much as St pounds, Bora Sad Whiskey, John Lind and Nick Zana, each aged 18 years, were picked up on ths steel bridge lsst (right by Acting Detective Kay and taken to the police station be cause they hsd two riask riuea wun whiskey and offered some of the liquor to another small boy. They were re leased on their own recognisance, tne iiquos being hrlft-.aajvldcnce, They have promised to tell who sold them the whiskey. ... . Zeoo rating With Orals. (Spaelal Dltpatch to The Joornal.) New berg. Nov,- 4 .The rooms of the Newberg Land company are being decorated with grains and grasses, se cured by F. H. Morris, who hsd charge of the- Yamhill county booth, at the Lewis and Clark fair. . j . . n . ' 5' Zaereaalng M1U Capacity. (dpeelal Dispatch to The JoarnaL) Newberg, Or.. Nov. 4. The C. K. Bpauldlng Logging company I making extensive additions to Its large sawmill to a capacity ot 100,009 feet, of lumber day. slew Theatre for Gotham. 8peeUI Mapatch hy Uaeed Wire to The Joarssl) New Tork, Nov. 4. Bhubert Con nors are to give New Tork another big playhouse. Today they purchased prop erty at Broadway and 107th atreet, paying $1,000,000 for It. ' , . a . i .i . . lowing Orain at Barton. fScieelal DteDatrh to The -Journal.) Dayton, Or.. , Nov, 4. Farmers, .are taking advantage of the fin weather to get their potatoes out and th fall grain In, a good acreage being sown. . ' . Z,eave for Mlohlgaa. (Rpertal Dlapeteh to The Joornal.) ; " Forest Grove, Or., Nov: 4. J. F. Woods and 'family have left for Flint, Michigan. Mr. Woods ha resigned the editorship of the Washington County Newt, local paper to become man aging editor of the Flint Dally News. Accused of seallar Korse. ki' (anaelal nienateh te Tha JoaraaL) Chehalls, Waah.. Nov. 4.- Sheriff TJrquhart haa gone to RltsvlUe. Wash lnaton. for Don lloman. a Napavlne boy, accused of stealing a horse from Heber Pope. - .- (aborn Kelp Ji From tbe New Tork Bun. Mr. Osborne's work for Jerome should not. be psssed by without due thanks. Politics , swarm with quser things and queef people; but a man who talks him self Into tonsllltls for the sake of de stroying his reputation and swelling his opponent' plurality I a rare bird. Pleas for Winter. From "the Detroit Free Press. Msn no sooner gets In hi winter sup. ply of eoal and hla screens In the cellar than he ha to break. In. hi winter un derwear. Dental Parlors A Little Kindness f.lay ll:lp . ,i 1 At a late hour Saturday the landlord and incom Ihg tenant kindly allowed r v ' ' '; , :", THE MUGK CLOTHING CO. 109 Sixth SL, Bet Stark & Washington .rL V C. C. SHAFER, ADJUSTERS - V To Remain Another Wccli Saturday Mohl Will be the final dose of this remarkable sale. ONLY 6 DAYS REMAIN Suits. Oyercoats and . Cravenettes f.2B for MUCK'S good $12.50 Suits, Ov-rcosts trii Cravenettes. ' . ' . ' ' . , - fT.SO for MUCK'S better $15.00 Suits,, Oyercoats and , ""'Cravenettes. j;.. --.--,-.-.-'. .v 8.28 for MUCK'S $17.50 Suits, Overcoats and Crar : nettes. , '' r -.'.. 10.00 for MUCK'S $20.00 Suits, Overcoats snd Crave nettes. - ' ' V. fll25 for MUCK'S $22.50 Suits, Oyercoats snd Crave-1 nettes. . . f 12.50 for MUCK'S $25.00 Suits, Overcoats and Crave--' nettes. - ; , ' --' . flS.OO for MUCK'S finest $30.00 Suits, Overcoats snd Cravenettes. ' ' '. .-" "."' ; ' flT.50 for -MUCK'S extraordinary fins quality Suits, -Overcoats and Cravenettes. - v :'!'T'":;T Trousers T 'i- - l.0.,vi,? rr..7.frj $3.00 one- S2.00.........V HI,tor.MUCVS S4.iw ones -l2.5o;rr;:;;;7:.v::T.'.".":;.."."...for muck's $5.00 ones fS.OO. S3.TB B.OO " Gordon Hats 1.25... ...........1.. ...for MUCK'S $2.50 Hats 1.50..... for MUCK'S $3.00 Hats f 2.00 . . . t J, , fotMUCK'S UM Gordon Hats- TheMUCK Hats lor tan "stocks ever shown. Underwear ' 604.. ......................... ..........for $1.00 quality - a,a - tl (A .H.llh, lf.. fl.OO.. ' ... l.BO ' w rr f2.00. .......... Shirts BO , . . ......... .V. .'. .'. . . ... .'. . . .4 ... .for $1.00 Shirts 7B,. ..................for $1.50 Shirts f LOO..!.... .................. .....tor .uu Miirts 1.60 ...... i 2.00.'... A FEW MORE SALESMEN WANTED The closing days of this sale will make an epoch in Sacrifice Selling such as will .appeal to all think ing wearers of good clothes. '-.. Trrrr OPEN EYERY EVENING - A ERICKSON'S CAFE AND AUGUST ERICKSON, Proprietor CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THE FAMOUS Otto Fiechtl's Tyrolean Quintette ' In English and German Warbling Specialties. , Through Requests of Our Patrons, Amounting Virtually to a Demand, We Have' Re-engaged (& Fiechtrs Ladies' Quintette and r Tyrolean Trio Attractive Features from Leading -Eastern Vaudeville Houses Program Changed Daily. 'Special Matinees Sunday. JEntrances" at 21 North Third street, 81, 23 and 23 North Second street, and 243,, 245 and 247 Burnside street. i . Fruttofale Mine " The natural water as it comes from the springs no chemi cals or drugs best remedy known for stomach and kidney troubles.';- ... " ' ' ""-l CouponFree Ha wallan Trip 1 ' Menolulai, liawallaa Islaods I Tt lf...V."...".,'......a.a.......'i.... .. . This coupon must be vote en or before Nov.- ' II i, Nov. 11 ........for MUCK'S $6.00 oneg ,s. ...tor MUtK a ones for MUCK'S $10 ones is oneroi tne most seiecx :S . UUSllll - -xor a.w qu-iiiij . frr 13 00 nualttv utav""'"1""""" T " -r . . .....for $3.00 Shirts 4:.......for $4.00 Shirts SOLE AGENT FOR ' )1 V I