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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1905)
rr' . ' . .' "1 Fii I i ,1 a M X- U GOOD EVENING -'. ' THE WEATHER. v. . y V - t Journal Circulation Yesterday Was. ' Fair thia afternoon and tonight; Sunday fair; warmer; northwest winda VOL. IV. NO. 201 PORTLAND, r OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, . NOVEMBER 4, 1905. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO "CENTS. 111171 k. i r f e-r 23.212 : ; : 1 10,000 lEiS lASSAGRED B FlfJfJS WlfJ JER01VIE SURE Emperor to Sign Manifesto Em bodying Demands' of Pop ; : ulace Warships ' arid : ' Army at Helsingfors. TERRORISTS SEEK TO DRIVE' OUT THE JEWS " Horrible Atrocities Continue Czar Makes Public Amnesty Proclama- - tipn Freeing Political Prisone and Reducing Termsjof Convicts r. wrooiensay is f rocurator. . London, NtfVT 4 (Bulletin) Jhe cor. rpondett of the Central News fit HU sinffora wires that the Ruaslan squad roa ha - juat arrived - and la landing troopa. People are thorouah'ly deter mined "hot. to submit to.-, opprtaalve meaaurea and "are much . excited. , -A conrilt-r eem Tnevttable. r Bucharest, Nov. 4. (Bulletin) Ref uaea from Ktahlncf aay that a targe part of the town haa be-n burned, bulld Inre In aeveral atreeta wholly deatroyed and hhopa pillaged and limited: Jewa have been. dragd from hldlna- olarea -una xnrown- inuw-bttm-lng building. : nioiera Boraimiaq the home or Jews lth rifles taken from the aoldlere, while the governor and other authorltlea re Tnalned out of eight.-Thrmoli hold the railway atatlon. ; All the government of Bessarabia ia In revolt, .f - - (loornaf Bpeetal' ervlee.) ij London, Nov. 4. The second edition Of the Tlmea contalna a ,St Peteraburg dlapatch atatlng that, Finland had won freedom and that the' csaW tiaa surrendered.- A manlfeato embodying "jJl'lhe ' demands of the tloialngfers popular dele- t gaiea. nai Deen submitted to the csaf for hia signature. It provides that the secretary of state becomes reaponslble vo me mei instead or to the caar. which means loeal government for Finland. A Helsingfors dispatch - at tea - that -three Russian battleships and cruisers 00 troM hwe nrrlvert fmm Reval and rnchnred in h h.rhp Th strike contOiuea and there"1S no Hirhl or wire communication with the In terior except,ne w4re working Inter mittently to St. Petersburg. The cltl- - sens' mllltla have compelled the ar. tlllery, which advanced toward Helsing fors. to retreat without a struggle. . Revolutlonlata have seiaed -Bveaborg. one of the moat Important fortresses tn Finland, and the military offlcera t Kotka. Viborg, Frederickaham. Lovlaa and Uorga have Joined the revolution- ' lata. - . The municipal council has-formed a committee of public safety and' haa voted. 10.000 marks for carrying out Its opjecta lor tne national defense. ; TElTTH0TJS"ANDTCI5CEDr sUaafhter of Jews Valnter- ' rppted at Odessa aad Otkey Cities. (Joarnal Special Service.)-. ' . Odessa. Nov. 4. There is apparently no ceasatlon of the efforts of the ter rorists to drive the Jews from Odessa and other southern Russian cities. Mobs are- ransacking the dwellings of Chris- tlans suspected of Harboring Jews, a ! mob appeared In front of the house oc cupied by the Scrlppa-McRae'presa cor respondent,, suspecting that 1 Jews had been secreted there, and threatened to . wreck the building and kill all occu ...pAnts. The crowd flred revolvers through . the windows and 'killed one man. At the 'height of Its frensy, Just' as the mob was-about4 to enter the place, .leaders dlecovered that 'it. was not the house sought Firing continued In different parts of ' the city all morning. No effort la being made to atop the massacre, which was : resumed at .daybreak. Is Impossible to give an accurate lint of the dead, but (Continued on Page Three.) ' - J. M. SCOTT MAY PUT $300,000 ; " INTO 14-STORY BUILDING , John M-ScotUa New York capitalist " wno recenejy spent aeveral weeks . In - Portland, has decided to Invest between 1300,000 and $100,000 In this elty. He has commissioned local brokers to pur ' chase ground for an office building and a warehouse and will erect a 14-story skyscraper If suitable, site and .terms are offered. ji " Captain W. W. OorttTlcfi. who designed j&p 14-atory offlc building for him some rnm ago in new Tork. said: , . It Mr. Scott builds here he will put up a first-class structure. It will be steel frame and stonework, of the popu lar 'American' office building type and containing every mortar Improvement ..nnd convenience. , - Mr. Scott is new Ih Honolulu. He came west to see the Lewis and Clark exposition and the- Paclfle enast coun- "-try. without snv thought of making ln voBtinenls. Ills visit In Portland. i i - - hi t . -vify - rr i " i i i .- -i t ' i - i nil i h ni . i . I i i f . i f i v iri w 'tju'T.- sj - f i ' - ... ... ? 3KC 7f2i 'MWZMJ;Z&''JkK. A - I Ml r.v'A. 1 1 V iV , f7 1 I . J . I KJafA. fl ( 1 firff T. ' WifA t .' , l W I ' I l I - ... T . r V r - &zz-zs 1 1 y-h BELIEVED THAT SUBMIT LONGER I Do Not; Believe," That Every Man in Oregon, Is Dishonest, Says f - Senator, Significantlyls Expected to Insist on , ; r . . - X i Appointment of, Hegardt. . ; - 'Cy "I do not believe that every man in Oregon .la "dishonest." , , " " The words were spoken with vehem ent' earnestness by Senator-C W. .Ful ton In anawer to a question as to the almost 'uniform, regularity with which his recommendations- have been tg- noTealnthe""ajspenaatlonbf -federaH the only member of the Oregon dele gation In congress who haa not fallen under the blight of Indictment for com pliclty In the land frauds, Senator Ful ton has been almoat ignored during the past 10 months in the dispensation of federal patronage within his own state. It has been a matter of common gos sip that he would not submit much longer to such treatment at the hands of the administration. ' Though exceed ingly guarded In all that he says on the subjeot. It Is aay to read between the lines and to See that be la preparing to assert his rights. I . . Freetdears Attlraae Cold. Senator Fulton always haa been In accord - with the general policy of the president, but ' ever since the begin ning of active Investigations Into the land frauds In this state there has been a noticeable coldness tn the president s attitude toward him. He haa been sub jected to slights at the hands of the president such as a t'nlted States, sen ator la seldom called on to endure, no tably In the Interim appointment of a I'nlted ' States 'marshal 'Whon'W. . F. Matthews was summarily removed from planned for a few days, lengthened! Into as many weeks, and his faith In the city's future grew stronger every day. When he left for .the Sttndwlch Islands two weeks ago he placed a commission with Captain Onodrlch and the broker age firm of Forbes A Ooudy to select and purchase a site for a skyscraper in the business district and another site for a warehouse atructure. A number of location are under con sideration. The prices' for office-building altea rangv from 7i,000 to tltt.OOe and are higher then Mr. Scott expected to pay,. The best propositions .have been cabled to him at Honolulu and a reply Is expected In a few days Instruct ing his agents tn proceed. The design of Mr. Scott's- New. Tork office building, with, colored drawings of front and aide elevations complete, is In possession nf Architect- Goodrich. ; The plan . will . bej followed almost to the letter in Portland If the deal now pending materialises. - FULTON WILL NOT TO SNUBBING., the oHleei It Is said that until Sena tor Fulton read in the papers that C. J, Reed had been appointed to the office he had no Idea that a change waa con' templated. - ,." It has been an open secret that 'Sec retary of the Interior Hitchcock has been outspoken Inhls hosUnty"1J'"SefT: ttt&l,'uHon"'H!fih'6d"i doubtedly haaJiad its Influence with the president and la- perhaps largely re sponsible for the lack ef consideration which Roosevelt has' shown for Oregon's lone senator. ,. ( . , The Breach X Widened. The , breach between Hitchcock and Jul top was widened a 'few weeks-ago. when the former sent his private sec retary, Scott Smith; to Oregon to Inves tigate the qualifications of O B. He gardt.. -whom the senator- had recom mended - for : recel verWof the' Roseburi land office: l Smith carried back an ad verse report and Hitchcock refused to consent to- Hegardt's appointment. Ful ton then took the matter to the presi dent and-demanded to know the reasons for the . rejection of the man he had recommended. , Roosaselt finally - di rected Hitchcock to give Senator Fulton a written statement of his Objections, but though several weeks have since elapsed, this has not been done. the third or fourth man whom Fulton haa recommended for the Roseburg appointment, . and all have (Continued on Page Three.) a Seeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ii Si da)a)s)aVA siejaaiaieaeiAAAa a iaa aaiaaia a a a a Z J ww-ww -w w -v wwwwwe TV Tf TTf T?f f f CAN you The 'only exclusive special leased Portland, the live newt right up to part'of the world, : .The only color edition printed those jolly friendnof the children, Kids, -Happy Hooligan,-Foxy Grandpa and all the rest three pages of fun for the youngsters. 7 How to be healthy and beautiful, 'by Mrs. Henry Sytnes, which contain tome excellent information of especial interest to women. ? . An architect tot S cents. .'He more-than 5 cents, for he is one of land, but you can get his figures on Vbtiifding a house in Portland, and plans for almost Portland.- ,. , ' AIX THESE ACE THE .EXCLUSIVE FEATURES OF TOMORROWS SU1TDAY JOURNAL 0t STEPr.lOTHERKILLS CHILDREN Three ' Little Ones Dead, One U Badly Hurt . and '. Woman. Fatally Wounded. , .(Special Dispatch to The Journal.) . Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 4. The three children of James Mrennan, Alice, aged 10, Llssle, aged 16, and Arthur, jiged I years, are dead, and Thomas, sged 11. Is badly Injured. -while their stepmother. aged 47. was fatally shot st- t o'clock star lo us manner. says that a sTTanger shot through the window, picking off the children one after the other and then herself. Mystery surrounds-; the. shooting. Mrs.. Brennan has twice before tried to commit suicide, but each time her at tempt was thwarted. - It Is supposed that she -(was., the author of the crime herself, and her actions would seem to bear out the supposition that the chll- Oren met death at the hands of their stepmother, who then fired a bullet through her own breast . . - ' The father, James Brennan, was ab sent from home and the woman evi dently became aeised with a desire to commit murder during the night . She secured a revolver that belonged to the husband and Indications point to the fact-that the children, with the excep tion of the 11-year-old--.boy, Thomas, were killed In their beds. Thomas had apparently been awakened by the sound of the firing-and endeavored to escape. He was shot in the fiend, and while his Iniurles may not prove fatal, his condition- is such that nothing can be (Continued on Page Three.) HEBE IS JOURNAL wire eenrice in -'any sort of home BEAT IT? date from every $3750 home is described. " "A Good Dinner," in" Portland, with ' .h B?nnef the. Katienjammer I Men nd ,Mue German army maneuvers, reindeer in Alaska, how the municipal jhdge ift Portland earns his salary,-. Old Testament measurements' upset' by new, caku-, lation of Biblical measurements, stories of success in everyday life, special articles by Maurice Maeterlinck,"" . Professor Larkin, Lady Henry Somerset, a story of -J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr., the new figure in Wall 7 street; the Duchess of Siith'erland's failure as a play- . wright and something abont the richest peeress iri costs The Journal the best in Port- the exact cost of - England; the only 4 GYPSY TilEDIUr.rS M. Johansen Consults Clairvoyant Who Tells Him He Is Doomed s and Dies During Night Fright Is Believed. to Have , ' r ' ' Brought on a Fatal Heart Attack. ; v "You are a doomed man. 1 can peer into the future with prophetic eye and see your impending death. Tour hours are numbered.' - These were the words Used to M. Jo hansen last evening by Mary Stanley, a gypsy medium, and clairvoyant, 11 Vt t Ndrl&JITllratjeat, , Thlaantmilaia; e- hanaen was' found dead In bed, and 'the authorities are In doubt as to whether death resulted from natural causes, was due to an . overdose of morphine admin istered by Ned Kennedy, a user of the drug, or was caused by fright resulting from the gloomy prophecy of Mary Stah Isy. .. '...' ;' : ' Johansen came to this country from Gotenberg, Sweden, years ago; and for aeveral months was at the county hos pital. . Last winter - he worked f or-- railroad company . excavating tunnels nesr Hood River, and with his four part ners la said to have made .considerable money. .-He left "the hospital yesterday with the announced Intention of going to California '1o y;?4n'Tha hope that a change of climate' wbuld benefit his health, as he tiaa suffered front asthma and. chronic bronchitis. ' Kennedy, who- has been ' in Portland for yeara, left the county hospital with him. Physicians had told Johansen that he had little. chance to recover. He in duced Kennedy to go to' the fortune tfller'a room with him. : There Kennedy aaaaaaaAaaaaaa f f f f ff yvv f f Tf T1 WHAT THE SUNDAY . OFFEfiS ITS READERS youjike, This week a handsome by Mary Stewart Ciittinfr, new- ho 8t"r3 "ie . ln the New ork-G71 campaign, woman's club page published in PROPHECY THAT waited on the sidewalk while the sick man Interviewed the woman. When he emerged from 'the room his face was aahen pale and his lips trembled. "She says I am doomed; that ' my hours are . numbered," said ', Johansen to his companion. "My God! I wondet The IrlH the, truth 'i m - - Last night the two went to the Quim- by hotel, Fourth-and Couch" streeta.-smd-occupied the same room for the night Alohansen trooded over the dark proph ecy or the fortune-teller and could not sleep. He sent Kennedy out to pur chase a flask of whiskey and a bottle of morphine, though he was unaccustomed to use the drug. Kennedy says he gave Johansen only a half grain of the mor phine, a harmless doae. This morning Kennedy was unnble to arouse his com panion and before leaving the ; hotel for breakfast so reported to C Broock, one of the proprietors. Broock went to the room and found Johansen dead. He hurried to police headquarters and Detective Snow accom panied him to the room. The detective notified Coroner Finley, who made an investigation. Though the dead man waa believed to have considerable money left, only f ft.ts waa found In his purse. Kennedy suld he hsd money In bank.' He denied strenuously that he had given Johansen more than a half grain of mor-. phine. : "He was up and down all night," ex plained Kennedy, ."and may have takes more wfthout tny knowledge. When I nrone thin morning and tried to awaken him his body was warm and I am sure he waa atill breathing." 1 At the coroner's office this afternoon Dr. Ban ford Whiting held art autopsy upon the body of Johansen and found his death was the result of .tubercular abscess of the lunga which caused the beart to become affected. - - - OREGON TUBERS ON JAUNT TO Oregon potatoes ' are wanted ,J1 miles awuy from home. They are now being ordered by New Orleans and deal erahere cannot secure cars enough to supply the demand. New Orleans Is not the only place east of the Rockies that wants the Oregon Burbank. .New York City is asking about prices, but thus far no sale have been reported. Never has, the demand for regon po tatoes been so arrest st this season as tt Is tml:iv- t 'fi ! I f nrii I r 1. . l,.,-r rri. 1 cr of "potatoes. -Still CiifouiU Betting Today Favors McCtellan for Mayor at Threejto One ..' Hearst's Phenomenal , Showing. v'":- REPUBLICANS FLOCK TO ; SUPPORT OF TAMMANY Devery Says That . Hearst Has the Third Rail Hand and the Zephyr Vote Editor , Splits' Democratic and Republican Machines and De moraliies Both Old Parties. . (loaraal IpecUt Sarrlca.) New. Tork.- Nov. 4. McClellan, rome, Hearst and Ivlns that Is tba form given today by political sharks as the probable outcome of the great mayoralty fight next Tuesday. ' Bet ting today favors McClellan I to 1, but Tammany Is pouring money In to keep up the odds. There are many who think politicians have underestimated the popular revolt against . graft, and that . the wave, of proteat-will land Hearst In the mayor's chair. But politicians point to the splendid machine controlled by Tam many with -a confidence born of past lan's success. The opposition to Jerome has fallen flat The confusion ln splitting the tickets will, in certain sections of the city, - make many defective ballots. Jerome's-eampaign- managers are spend- Ing much money ln educating voters how to split. The campaign practically closes to night with no end of meetings, brass -bands and red fire. What promised to be a stupid campaign haa ended In a fine three-cornered fight which, be cause of atrangs alignments, has sore ly pussled the politicians. .' - mev-olts All Along Xin. ; Secret canvasses by leaders of all. parties disclose revolt all along the line agatnat Tammany and the Repub lican machine, which haa caused , a gen eral shifting. Many Republicans will vote for Tammany and not few for Hearst while on the other hand Hearst has gathered his chief strength---from Tammany. The fight between Hearst . nd Tammany Is - becoming so bitter that It haa alienated many voters, who have aald"plague on both your bouses" . snd have now gone over to Ivlns. Jerome continues to be the central figure In the campaign. His meetings " 1 are enthusiastic and wherever his name Is mentioned, in meetings of .Tammany or Hearst It Is cheered. - This also happened at an. Ivina meeting laat night His fight against the boases has changed the city. Jerome was a It t favorite in the betting this morning. ,. -,.IIerTrt Scares Tsmmsny... Hearst wlll probably fa It -a good - manjvotes short of success. He ha had a flnerun TorTiis Tnoneyr but tt does not seem probable that be can land the prta. He haa thrown scare into Tammany ranks snd forced Murphy to go trafficking with the Republicans. If Hearst had a little better record be hind hM and had not stirred up the ' passlonF of the masses quite so sensa tionally he could have been elected. A great moral iaaue was raised and It swept the people off their feet It broke party linea all to smash. Jerome had record, character and personality to take advantage of It, Hearst did not that's ' the difference. - Heresy a Sitaatlom. "Big Chief Devery haa been heard from. He said: . ' V ' , "This fellow Hearst is getting the sephyr rote. What's the sephyr roteT Why, I had (6.000 of them voters two years ago. A. sephyr voter ia a fellow that cornea up to you" and gives you the glad haftd and tells you he's going to vote for you. Then he blows away Into thin air on election day. Well. Hearst's got the. sephyr Vote all right this trip. . . - "Hearst Ia getting the third rail hand, too. What's the thlrd,rall hand? "It's alwsys hot while the power's on. but It's mighty limp "when- the switch Is turned off." 'There ore, to' be about 190.000 vote next Tuesday. It looks now as If Mc Clellan would get something; like MO,- ..(Continued on Page Three.) 3,261 MILE . LOUISIANA TABLES wants the Oregon Btirbnnk and U will ing to pay ' the price. - ; Oregon potatoes are now being sol-l ' right in the vry sow of the i.rn-ief potato' growers and st a satlsf.u price, Teans are usually heavy I'unh.i.'H of tjreetev point. . turned (heir eves t i ( A feW year. ri l rr were roaxe.i to i :..)- I. .1 li of Oreifon SCM !!'! II Ai JaoiuA. . :.ii. I"