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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1905)
. ABT week U Uttl busier than I ; the foregoing weeks. . Society L matron! have begun to pick up . tli broken threads or social in '-tiKawM- Ths departure, of such lm nortant figures ss the "Lewises, tha Flsnderses. tha Wllcoxes and tha WU aona haa been tha occaalon for a good deal of entertaining;. Many flowera -' have been aent 1a to tha departing, onea .and "God a peed, and 'Don - voysge have been on tha Upa of not a few .'friends. , . Those who are to remain pere say that ao few wlU be left this, winter that they will have to entertain In self-de-, fensa, and yet they look forward to a . winter of quiet pleasure. A number of - out-of-town guests have given a son for entertaining the paat week as : welL . v . Two svsnts of publio Interest and of much Importance - this week will be . charity teas; one given 'Wednesday at ; the Woman'a Exchange for the benent v of that organisation, and the other at -the Irvlngton clubhouse for the Patton 1 home. Prominent matrons are patron lslng both affairs. The former will be strictly a oharity tea and, the latter ' card tournament Blnce the exchange - tea was announoed In another column ' of thla . pass further Information has been reeelved concerning the assistants. Miss Failing will be aided In receiving by Mrs. 1L L. Pit toes. Miss Atwooa, Mrs. WIDItm MacMaster. Mrs. Hamil- ton and the member a of the executive committee. Mrs, J. O. Oauld. who will f be In charge of the candy table, will ,- have the help of Mrs. Hunt Lewis, Mrs. ' David . Robertson and Miss . Kathleen Burns. ; Tea will be poured and lemon .". ade served. - ..'' !u -v. ..r. - Of course the Eames concert was the biggest event of the week and everybody went There were beautiful gowns and beautiful cloaks and bonnets, and It called by many the prettiest concert ,' Portland has ever seen. However. It Is true that there were few partlea that evening and moat people went in ""sin gles" and "twos" because, as one young woman said, "tha tickets were so high . that they ware all - glad, to get there ; themselves, .without wanting to take any others." . ' - Much interest Is being manifested In :: the Thanksgiving activities emanating - from the University of Oregon. The big . football game with the Multnomah club - will be played on that day, as has been the custom since the birth of football In v the. state. 'That game is- alwaya mors - largely attended by the fashionable ele ' m'ent than any other of the year and . the lemon yellow and the red throw.dej fiance at each other from many a tally ho and coach.'-Often they are carried even to the dinner table. The evening will serve to keep the state college in mind, for the glee and mandolin clubs will give their annual concert at the Marquam. -. It 'doubtless will be an' portant social event, for the patronesses . are chosen from J he fronVtankS ormu ' rto and society circles. Mrs. Robert Treat Piatt, whoae sister. Professor Lu - Mia Clay Carson, is : the head of ' the English department of the institution. Is actively Interested n4wiljrillsjthe - support of many of her friends. The "f patronesses, has Jt -yet been an- , nonnced definitely.. 'Th' Halloween Jollities practically "led h the-entertainments of laat week. ' There were so many smaller-parties- for x apple-bobbing and 'dark-walking that surely not a young person In town can notrT gnorent : of "his "or her fate. Pretty luncheons-and dinners were num bered among the Halloween festivities and many companies who did not In ;'. dulge.' in the pastlmss peculiar to thai " day nd night 'looked upon charming decorations suggested by the day any- s ghost dance, weird as a gllmpss Into Hades. An amusing feature of this ws a surprise sprung upon the ghosts. Tbs perpetrators were a party of girls who donned gboatly robes and mingled with tne dancers. The ruse -was not dtscov- sred until. In the final shriek the treble of feminine voices was detected and the original spooks fled. . . Refreshments were served from table loaded with fruit and flowers and most artistically decorated with tiny jaca-o -lanterns over lncsndescents. ' ' me Halloween - celebration " at the wnite Temple was a decided sucossa The more than 609 young people in at tendance were unstinted la their expres sions or .appreciation . ol the- varlou features. - The hull. was . .transformed with profuse decorations. . There were dosens of Jack-o'-lanterns adjusted ever the light burners, larga quantities of beautiful autumn leaves; bundles of fine grains ana long colgresKUssiootvs. Aa exceptionally good program.- was .ren aerea. mere were e-eudinaa ,-bv Mra MoOuIr and Miss Newbury, vocal solos iy biw siuiia and Claire Montelth, piano soio Dy miss Orenler. A. genuine ghost walk" with "all lights out" was pressmen oy members of the Alert iois . ciuo. i A particularly mirthful ieaure was "The Old. restrict School. siven m. pantomime, with Miss Ans oaira scnooimistress snd Mrs. Wll nam uray, Miss Opal Hall and Mlaa Edna Lewis Ra iPunlis - 1 r. krnilvh,. also proved entertaining with one of his inimiwuie nost storlea Mlaa n.i.o Stltes, president of the B. T. P. IT ' nnf.i auspices me evening was given, presided. -', The large company -, then passed to the lower temple, where many of the merry Halloween sports were starred, apples, coffee and .cgke". were verveo. . . i - ' A most interesting reception was held tns vrnite Temple Friday evening, given by the ladles of the - missionary societies. It marked the termination of a ciose memttsrship contest. In which more tnsn 140 new members have been secured. . An unusually interesting pro gram . was given, solos bv Miss Lvtla no sir. ueicner. with readings by Mrs. McOulre. Miss Shearer and Miss Webb. There were addresses and , responses by Mrs. M. D. Gates. Mrs. jC. A Wooddv. I. Mrs. Townsend and Dr. Brougher. At tns eiose or the program, the larse com pany sat down at beautifully decorated taoies, on woieh .the prevailing color wm iiiv now cirainaL '' '-'" ' : One: or the tfretty funeheons of the week was that given at the Portland Friday for Ms. Charles Ifohn. who has Just returned from -two -years abroad. Tha hostesses were the members of the whist club of . which she wss a member snd cover were laid for 1. The table was a beautiful- mirror-top with low banks of fern outlining it and at lr regulsr Intervals .. were cur crystal vases of Bridesmaid' roses. The olace earda were very unique representations in tissue errects bt daintjr - maidens, which were Imported from Europe. - The guenta besides Mrs. Kohn, . were- Mrs. A. Meier. Mrs. Issm White, Mrs. Jhllus Mayer, Mrs. Sol Rosenfeld, Mrs. Her- way 7EVENTS OFsTHEWEEKT" J : The Thursday Afternoon Bridge club of last" year was reorganised Isst week at the home of Mrs. W. C Bristol. - The members this year are Mrs. WInslow Bradford. Mrs. J. D. Leonard. Mra Samuel B. Archery-Mrs. Arthur Spencer, .Mrs. W. H. Orlndstaff, Mra George Schalk. Mrs. W. A. Hathaway, Mra Alan Welch Smith, Mra Campbell, Mra Frank jjoojey ana sere. -t. l. sacuiiy, ins club will have fortnightly meetlnga - A clever Halloween entertainment was given by the Minute Men-In the parlors of the First Congregational church on Tuesday night The fine night and the popularity of the hosts brought out a ihrong of guf sti In the mldatit greet- Ings the lights .went out,; the wind howled, windows rattled, ghosts mosnsd "' and guests shivered and looked askance at each other. - A dim light, slowly-deep-. enlng, revealed a ghostly procession from John Kendrick Bangs houseboat filing slowly past A sepulchral voice snnounced . each . distinguished spook. .This. novel entertainment terminated in Lowengart,.Mrs. Stgmund Frank, Mra Marcus Flelschner Mra Albert Feidenr helmer, Mra Leon Hirsch. Mra- Charles Rosenfeld. Mra I. N. Flelsohner.-Mra I. N. Llpman. Mrs.' Julius ' U- Meier. atra Attoipna woife.-'Mrs, Charles Feld- enhelmer and Mrs; 8. Llpman. Mies Anna U Flnlsy and lur brother. A. L. Flnley, gave a post Halloween dinner Wednesdayevenlng. The decora tions were red and yellowand included Halloween emblems. - Tha guests were Miss Ella Miller Of Oakland. California Mrs. W.-. W.. Toungson of- Elisabeth. New Jersey; Miss Kartell, Miss Jessls Farrell. Miss Stackpola Mies Marlon Stackpole, Mr. UptoivMrHoranIr. Gullette, Mr. Fatterson, Mr. Smith and Mrrskewenr- i."s "The Orasan Junels gave their" Initial party' on Friday. October 27. in Larowe hall. - - The club cosbrs purple , and orange were in evidence . everywhere, supplemented by the club's monogram. A program of IS danoes with numerous encore wss rendered by Parsons' or chestra. In ths anteroom, also daintily decorated, punch was served --by ths Misses Kitty Oorney and Hasel Hanry. Ths merry party " was - chaperoned by Mra O, L. Dllllnger, Mrs. W.'M. SUn ton, Mra C. T. Prehn and .Mra ,John Thurra. The club members are 6 race Stanton. Anne DUUnser. Julia Thurm and Nell Dorney. The Tuesday Afternoon club was en- Urtalnsd las week at 144 Hall street a-y Mra William Marshaa A social hour preceded the 'program, during which a delicious Inncheon was served 'by the hostesa assisted by Mrs. Warren 8. White. The program began at t o'clock, tne suoieci Doing ocott s marmion. and was under the direction of the host ess. Members responded to rollcall with quotations from the poem. - A character -i. - v Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hartgcll Fisher. sketch of Marmion was read, by Mrs. White. Mra Mfles gave a word picture of "Constance at the Convent." The battle of Flodden was described by Mra Ollnes, who slso spoke briefly or tne Historical account or loooen. Mra Crogster gsve some criticisms of "Marmion.". illustrated by readings. Mra Lifft read a review of 'Utopia," postponed from a previous program. The elub will meet next week with Halloween. Only members were invited and it was an evening of much Jollity and 'informality. 7 Some of - the guests played cards and others resorted to Hal loween tricka 'Dancing wss no small feature of the entertainment. t v w , w ..... St. Helen's Thall has . InsUtuted the custom of monthly faculty teas and Thursday afternoon the first one was given. The alumnae parlor was dec orated with beautiful chrysanthemums and ferna A number of friends called and enjoyed meeting the instructors and the puplla - , ' ' ,,'. w Mrs. . Herbert Holman 'entertained with an afternoon of whist Friday There - were II tables and prises were swarded to Mra Charles C Smith and jura no weii. - jara noiman -was assist ed In the duties of hostess by Mra A. L. . Psase and Mrs. Jack Cranston. I r . t T. W . pAHw1 and Clinton atreeta ai U:S o'clock, - The Irvinrton Tennis club cave a yellow .domino party at the clubhouse Adklns and Mr,-Dodge taking .the first paintings, . including "MbuntHood7' "Mountain and Meadow," "River Scene'' and 1 Centennial Dome." - A picture of the lower Columbia entitled "Ship at Anchor," by-Captain Cleveland Rockwell, was much admired. ' . . ...... - -r-.-?,-;-.- - A Jolly crowd of 10 gsthered at the home) of Miss Julia Bder. It3 East Tay lor street, Tuesday evening. The house was srtuUlcaTTy decorated with autumn foliage and pumpkin blossoms and a pumpkin goblin grinned from every nook and corner. - A- progressive game 'was played with pumpkin seeds. Mrs. Berths "'A''' . Mra. J.JrV-l Robinson of Kins' s Heights entertained with 1 Ublea at cards yesterday afternoon. Five tables were devoted to bridge and the other five to "toe," prises being awarded for both gamea--..' . i'j( ,- 4. . Mra J. D. Sutherland and her daugh ter, Mra Roland Mills, entertained a few of thelr neighbors Informally Tuesday evening with a few Halloween sporta , ... -, The Misses Helen. Florence and Har riet Morrison entertained a few friends informally Mbnday evening with cards at their east side home, -r- The Misses' Anna and Jessie Farrell received informally yesterday after aoon in honor of their sister, Mra'W. W. Toungson of New Jersey, and their cousin. Miss Ella Miller of Oakland. . ..-'. w . ,.' -.. .V " About SO of her friends and neighbors accorded a pleasant surprise to Mra Wilde one evening last week at her home In Archer Place. Games and rauslo were enjoyed and refreshments served. , w w ; A delightful affair Tuesday evening combined ths observance of Halloween with the celebration of the fifth wedding anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Alan Welch Smith.. Their bridal party of five years ago surprised them at their home and brought -fitting presents for a wooden wedding. Much amusement wss caused by the toys presented. The rooms were decorated with Jack-o'-lanterns and most of the refreshments late Jn the evening were served in smalt pumpkins. -Whist was plsyed and the score cards were pieces of wood decorated with bridal flgurea Miss Ella MlUer won the f omen's prise, a little red chair, and R. Townsend. the men's prise, a Noah's ark filled with wooden beasts. -The guests were: Mr. and Mra' R. 8. Farrell, Mr, and Mra M. A. Loucks, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Leonard. Mr snd Mra Alexander Mulr.. Mr. and Mra Frank 8. rant.; Mr. and Mrs. C P. Little, Mr. and Mra C. A. Bell. Mr. Snd Mra Arthur Johnson, Mra J. E. Bennett, Mra W. Wt Toungson ef New- York. Misses Anna and Jessie Farrell.- Mis Ella Miller of Oakland. California; Miss Lou Webber. - R. S. - Townsend. I F. Steele, Dr." Wicks and James -A.. Mc- IIImim All KMA mntmmtm of the bridal party. It is ssld thst ths Smiths had the largest wedding Port land has ever seen.'. :. Mrs. Jeff Miliar of VSncouver avenue entertained a few of her friends In formally Tuesday with duplicate whist In honor of Miss Florence Kidder of New Tork City. . , . . ' - ; ' a , w' w -r The meet Ins of ftie Unitarian f alliance Wednesday afternoon wss an Intereat Ing one and Mra J. P. Wager" talk on water color In art was much appreciated. She displayed a number of her own Uiae Emllj U Kahn, riancte of Felix 3Ioch- prises, and Mia Kate Hartman and Mr. Madlaan the booby prisea Other prise winners were Miss Bailie juaaisan and Mr. Conner. Mra t: a. Allen and' Mr. Payne. An old-fashioned supper was served at ralamgut, , W W Mr. and Mra- V. O. Pownlng gave a box party at the Eamea concert Mon day. Their guests were Mrs L. V, Stearns, Mr. Helllg' and Mr. Lasarua I 1 n " i I Mr."Geore F. Russell entertained a large company of friends Monday after noon at bridge. Mrs. W- L. Brewster received the first - prise,- a, handsomely bound book, and ' Miss Montgomery the second, a carved Japanese box. Among those present were: Mrs. J. Weslsy Ladd. Mrs. N. E. Ayer. Mrs. R. Lea Barnes, Mra Ernest Tucker, Mra Fred Paga Mra C J. Reed. Mra W. . L, Brewster, Mra K.. T.C Stevena Mra Frank Hart Mrs. John A. Bhepard. Mra John K. Kollock, Mra George Taylor, Mra Harry -Allen, Mrs.. Richard Nunn, Mra Charles Francis Adams, Mrs.. J. B. Montgomery. Mra Stewart B. Llnthlcum, Mra A. A. Morrison, Mra Jsmes-Xald-law. Mrs. -Walter London, Mra James Re' Mrs. James MrCraken. . Mra Gtforge' Wh-rteside. Mrs.' C 8. Jackson.! Mra F. N. Pendleton. Mra John Robin son. Mra F. D. Chamberlain, Mrs.. L. H. ParkerrMrsrArL.-Mixwll,'Miss"Hoyt, Miss Kathleen Buroa "is Etta Honey man. Miss May Motsomery, Miss Clementine Wilsoa Miss Alios Saasbury and Miss Eleanor Oils. v ., - . ,. . r "irtk? J,, -i : '. Mra E.-iH. ' Brooke-v entertained at bridge Tuesday afternoon'at the.Waverly linka MrsrM- .T. Bsrlow, her sister, from Omaha was the ho4ior guest There were ten tables and ths prises were won by Mra Arthur C Mtnott and Mra Hannah Robertson. The first prise was a nandsome Japanese Dronse irom the exposition. . The clubhouse was deco rated uniquely In- Halloween fashion and at each, table were papier-mache pumpkin ravors. -j - - The guests were: MaC F. Bebe, Mrs. Benjamin Wlatar .Morris, Jr., Mrs. C. J. Reed. Mra Nettle Brooke Parks of Vancouver, Mrs. Barlow, Mra. W. L. Brewster; Mra E. T. C. Stevena Mra R. Lea Barnea Mrs. Hannah Robertson, Mrs. N. E. Ayer, Mrs. Zera Snow, Mra Richard Koehler, Mra Walter J. Burns, Mrs. Arthur C. Mtnott, Mrs. Frank Hart. Mrs, Wsrrsn F. Houghton, Mra-Csrl Hsrbough ' of Seattla Mra J. Wesley Ladd. Mra .John A. Bhepard, Mrs. L. Atlen Lewla Mrs. F. - O. Sykes, ' Mrs. Tom Kerr.-. Mrs. Hunt' Lewla Mra Hamilton Bronke. Mrs. Morton Insley, Mra George Whiteside, Mrs. James Lald law, Mra Fred Paga Mra F. N. Pendle ton, r Miss Falling, Miss Msy Falling. Miss Morrla Miss Hoyt, Miss Myrlck, Miss Gllsan, Miss Frances Lewla Miss Flander and Miss Bibeon. '- r- ' '-, f i ' - - : Mrs. George Flanders gave a luncheon Wednesday In honor of Mra M. T; Bar low, who is the guest of Mra E. H. Brooke, and of Mra. Benjamin Wlstar Morrla Jr.. who is the guest of Bishop Morris. Those seated at tabla besides the hostess and her honor guests were: Mrs. Robert W.' Lewla Mra C E. 8. Wood, Mrs. Oeorge Whiteside. Mrs. K. II. Brooke. Miss Morrla Miss Emma Falling.-. Mra Carl Harbougn," Miss Flanders and Mlaa Lou Flandera ' Re quisite shaded levender.chrysanthemums were on. the tabla r-'- " "".-'-.-.""...-'. 1 -' Mra J. B. Montgomery entertained at' dinner Thursday evening. . Her guesta besides her dsughter, Miss Mary Mont gomery, and her son. H. M. Montgomery, were Captain and Mrs. Cabell of Van- enuver. Mlss Anderson, Miss Hssel Dolph. Commissioner Zeggtn of Italy, Cap tain, Anderson and Mr. .Van Ander son. ... , ..-..'.. .....;....... " ' "WW . The organisation - Of ' the--- Portland branch of the Consumer' league at the HoieTPbrtTaha"TariOTs Tuesday-afternoon offers a new Held of Interest to many. Miss Msry Montgomery was elected president; Mrs. U. 8. G. "Hsr quam. first vice-president; Miss Martha Hoyt, second vice-president: Mrs. H. W. Cofbett. third vice-president; Miss M. K. Trevitt, secretary; Miss Helen Wil son, treasurer. Tha board of directors, whicuwllltaav ginning next Friday, has for Its mem bers Mra W. B. Ayer. Miss Margaret Buxka-Mra H. J. Corbett, Mra Thomas Kerr. Mra 8. B. Llnthlcum. Mra Millie H. Trumbull and Mrs. Elmer ColwelL A number who are Interested . in tha work were appointed' honorary vice- presidents. - They are Mra Lucia Faxon Addlton, Judge A. L. Fraser, Mrs. Thomas Eliot, Mrs: H. B. Green. Mra W. 8. Ladd. Mra Jsmes Laidlaw, Mra J. B. Montgomsry. Rev. Dr. Mor rison. Rev. Dr. Hilt. Mra W. J. Honey msn and Dr. Stephen S. Wise; " s.-' v ....-,..': ' ' Dr. and Mra Holt- Wilson quietly celebrated their twenty-fifth - wedding anniversary Thur"y. M"r 1fl gifts of silver-were sent In and the house - was - a - mass of - flowera Mra 1 Wilson did not entertain, but several of her Intimate friends called during the afternoon and in the evening there was a large family dinner, partly as a farewell to Mrs. Wilson, who left yes terday for New York. -.- Mra" Warrsn Houghton will entertain the newly organised bridge club Wednesday. There are only eight mem bers and these entertain in alphabetical order, this being the third meeting. The members are Mra Whitney Boise, Mra Charles ET Cbenery, Mra warren Houghton, Mra-Morton Insley, - Mra J. Wealey Ladd, Mra James Laidlaw, Miss Susie. Stott snd, Miss Charlotte wnauey.. ( .. . weddings; ; " e, . . -w- Ji ,.' ' , l Perhaps the prettiest wedding of the week wsshat of Miss Elisabeth Loreu Bill to Horace Hartsell Fisher Wednes dsy svenlng'at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hampton D. Sill, 22 Beach street. Rev. K. B. Muckley of First Christian church, pronounced the ceremony snd there were many guests -In attendanca The prominent members of the Woman's club, of which the bride Is rn active member, were present,, .'-..,.'--...... .''; .-.The - decorations -were of - unusual beauty, with profuse qusntitles of smi les sent by friends from southern Cali fornia The reception room was entirely In green snd white snd a pretty csnopy made entirely of smllsx trailers marked the place where the bridal party stood. White roses and carnations carried out the color plan. The hall was massed with Oregon grape snd the verandas were canopied and decorated with cedar bougha In the sitting room yellow chrysanthemums mingled with the sml lax. ' The dining room wss In pink, with carnations and smllax on the table. " Mias Flora Dunham played the- wed ding march and Immediately- before the ceremony James McKinnon ssng "Be cause." The Misses Edna and Luella Height attended as. bridesmaids snd Mra H. B. 8111. the rlde s sister-in-law, as matron of honor. Robert Van Patten Fisher, the ' groom's brother, attended hlra. Lutber Steele end T. J. Stewart were ushers snd the bride's father gave her In marriage. - The bride was gowned in whits organ, die with a Spsnlah laoe yoke and berths and wore a tulle veil. Her Bride roses were carried In beautiful shower ef fect Mra Sill wore pesrl gray lans downe with pink garnitures and carried pink rosea The mslds were ens In lavender with lavender chrysanthemums snd ths other in pale blue with white chrysanthemums... ' Refreshments were served In the din ing room by a number of the bride's girl frtenda Mra Fisher is welt known ss the leader of the elocution department of the Woman's club snd Instructor In the same art at one of the prominent conservatories hera Mr. and Mrs. Fisher will -be at home. after December 1 at 152 14. Jackson etreet. U... . ... ,.r r ;;,: . - .' Miss Lorena Ackerman and Maurice Goodman were married at the home ef the bride's mother. Mra Roee Ackerman, 128 North Eighteenth street, Wednesday evening. Dr. Stephen 8. Wise performed the ceremony. Only relatives and a few frl.nri. vr In .t.ruinnM. Ths home was very prettily decorated for the occasion. . A bower of autumn foliage and white tulle was arranged for the bridal party. Oregon grape and fern decorated the hail and drawing room and the dining room waa festooned with smllax streamers. The table was elaborately ornamented with smllax snd whits roses and the' centerpiece waa a handsome autumn basket of 'fruits snd foliage. '.'--..' ,. Mr. and Mra Goodman left, the same (Continued on. Page . Twenty.) - Opportunity Sale yV . ; ' ; Mr. H. B. Lit, is now in New York with full v y PURCHASING POWER For four of the largest specialty houses of the west handling; yzi7L,aciies Outer Garments : : . Always in touch with the ever changing market our' stock is 4 . constantly replenished from the latest creations of New York's V'i"l'i' "' ' - 'most famous designers, s v.-- ;J', .".y "Our iricreasetf. pufehisfng-TTOwer enables is to-puCea.saleJhe cream of this season's ' ; ; Motlel Garments At less ths'n cost of maniifacttire. comprising the entire Stock . COSTUMES. CLOAKS. SUITS AND SKIRTS made by I. C. Stratton & Co., oonwit Bros., and K. K. Laird fie uo. FOURTH AND WASHINOTOJT STREETS.- " Pfunder the florist has removed to new store at 14S Sixth street, between Alder and Morrlabn. KEISTERS LAOnCg' TAJLOttrM COLLZOS. A srhoal wbere lsdls eaa leara to draft tselr twi patterna aad rat and Bake their ewa drrssea Write for booklet. SOS sad 400 Altaky kids., ear. M sad Kiiilsis NEW AND CORRECT IDEAS Winter Millinery The very latest and awellest idea for smartly dressed young ladies for cither street or dress occasiona ia the FELT FLAT, artistically bent and trimmed with ribbons, plumes or fancy feathera and ornaments, or Anything fancy may suggest, accord ing to what one wishes to pay. -.-- NEW FLATS just received in all the wanted colore, and . the price ia lcaa than formerly. Well make them to your order, or have a large number already trimmed up at . - 553.00 TO $6.00 BECICER'S, TWrd and Salmon ' TALK NO; 2 SEASON 19Q5 6 ': yr- .-:'';' '-;' 4 .',.'' ".'."'' . r-;- ; ' "He loves no play" s thou doit; he heari no music,' said Julius Caesar. Imagine that jippliedjoyrnodern .education I What would life be without music and dramatic art? ' It would be robbed of two of its great pleasures. ; This is the age of the specialist. Look up " s The Western Academy of Music, Elocu tion, Oratory and Dramatic Art ,;..v . x '-.-.- ' '- v V V " - -'-.' . ' tmmmimmmmmm 1 1 in .111 srasg Northeast Corner " T Second and Morrison StsT 7 We can give yoil"kU the advanUges- of liberal education. Laat season we . hsd Kt pupils, and since Keptember 4, ' 1 S05,- our new pupils number 16. - Our academy baa 14 teachers, with classes . day and evening. Our best recommen- . . da Hon is our students, who now hold . church, concert and professional en gagements. That's why our srhool is the best equipped and moat liberally -. patronised went of Chicago; ; Write, Call or Phone. J :. SATISFACTORY I 'WILLIAM M. RASMUS, ' v Prtnclpal, -' -- ' Elocution and Dramatlo Art What Is Taught? ADRIAN F-PrlNO, Principal. Vocal Department ? Vocal, Puuio, Violin, Mandolin and Guitar, Elocution and Dramatic Art, Languan. L Painting and a School of Social and Fancy Dancing. Has This Talk Interested You Enough to ICrrr V ". 1 .' - f.