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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1905)
II SECTTOIT TWO PAGES 15 TO 23 I . : , . - , 1 .PORTLAND. OREGON. SUNDAYTmQRNING, .' NOVEMBER i 5, 1805. THE OLDS, WORTMAN C& KING STORE 44 1 want plain' facta, and I want plain worda." ; James Whltcomb Riley. ( "And every word must be backed up with the goods." Olds, Wortman 0.,Ktng THE OLDS, WORTMAN CS, KING STORE pqsy;: card. IHI ADDRESS aftl'll l( WIITTEI 0H Tilt SID i " r.., Si ' : IT'S a small little world after all, that. we live in.; In another column -directly across the page is printed the reproduction of a post card written horne to lis from Belfast, Ireland, by a lady fcchool teacher of our who was" touring Europe .last summer and dropped in at the famous "Richardson" Linen works of Belfast.' There she saw the workmen. putting labels on boxes" marked "OLDS, WORT MAN & KING, Portland; Ore., U. S.iA.'? 'Twas like a glorious whiff of Oregon ozone right off. the tip of the top of "Hood Hill" to the traveler. And she was so pleased she wrote us of the incident We were delighted with the .attention and t lenbw youH be interested to know how one Portland woman investigated , "Richardson" Linens in their home. ;-And "Richardson'' Linens fcre the best in the world best flax, best weaving. best. bleach; best finish,, sold' thro Portland's best house to Portland's best people for'use'as "best" Ireland's "best" pays tribute to Oregon's "best" in the -OLDS, WORTMAN & KING "differ ent" THANKSGIVING OFFERINGS, i j. V. .' - A GRAND SPECIAL ATTRACTION MONDAY IN THE "LACE 7" SHOPS" FIRST FLOOR. Wonderful Sale Laces Embroideries Tomorrow we Will 'place 6ft "ouf;"cbunter-aHotf Lacesr Band- and ualoons, also trimmings in spangled and iace braids air to be sold at jigreat reductions. -This is indeed aji .exceptional opportunity to supply yourself with air needed trimmings.. t -- - , .- --r. --; !- HANDSOME 4 SPANGLED BANDS AND GALOONSJ . " 'Our $ J$ value Special at, the yard .48 .Our $1.00 value Special at, the yard..,,.......'..,,. ...i.......TV. Our SI .25 valueSpecial at, the-yard v. . . .. .. kWw ,v. B3s Our il.50 value Special at,-the yard.';.-.;si-...-ri..i. w.-...8 ONE. LOT OF .VENISE LACS BANDS AND GALQONS Worth "to 50c.Spedal sale pricertheyard ; r. .... . r: 19 PRETTY NET TOP . ORIENTAL LACES. ............. ......... .15 .33 .48 T Our $ .25 valueSpecial at. the yard.TTTH x)urS .33 value Special at, the yard . .v. r; . .v. Our S .50 value Special at, the yard, our S 75 'value Soecial at. the yard Our SI.UO value Special at, tne yard, V SWELL BLACK SltK CROCHET EDGES AND BANDS.: Our $ 25 value Special at,'theyardA:V.;;.i;,. 'Our S .35 value Special at, the yard. .23 Our S .50 value Special at, the yard... ........................... .33 Our S .75 value Special at, the yard.. .,..,...............48 Our $1.00 value Special at, the yard........... ..................'..67 Our $1.50 value Special at, the yard............... .98 Our $2.00 valued-Special at, the yard..:. .,...;.. 1.34 Our $2.50 value Special at. the yard.;. ..................... .... .81.67 Our $3.00 value Special at, the yard. j... ....f 1.98 EMBROIDERIES A lot of Swiss and Cambric Embroideries, also a lot of Nainsook Edges and Insertions in- all widths many pretty pat terns to choose from. We have divided them into two lots, as follows LOT 1 Embroideries worth 25c Special sale price, the yard.:. .13J4 LOT 2 Embroideries worth 3Sc and 40c Special sale price, yard.. 20 StartlingS i. of Smart Suit SUks MERCILESS SLAUGHTER OF A $20,000 OVERSTOCKI PROFITS SACRIFICED! COSTS CUT INTO I HANDSOME NOVELTY SUIT SILKS AT YOUR MERCYI READY FOR THE ONSLAUGHT AT New $1.00 and $12S 8 A. M. MONDAY Suit Silks at 49c 69cnd75cYard 1 , . .(.' .... ... AH that is human is bound to err but a blunder confessed will sure" redress a multitude of Portland women" m" beautiful, rich and shimmering Silks the coming week.' Our silk :man grtw, over-enthusiastic with the tremendous early season irade and-bought' too. many Silks result, an overstock. We never carry goods of any sort from one season into another, so forego all profits and take a heavy-loss all at once that means a gain to every silk buyer who takes advantage of the sale. We've divided the SilfciVintQ three lots and spread them over long tables funning thro.' Jthe -Silk Salesroom in the Annex, making buying easy for all. Prices are slashed this way all $1.00 and $1.25 values in all colors and styles .v r . : : - . " V" . !. r'J?' ' ;'..-' LOT 1 NOVELTY SUIT SILKS. yArdJ.. W.. J;....;....;..... LOT 2 NOVELTY SUIT SILKS, YARD.. ..'..!. 69 LOT 3-NOVELTY SUIT SILKS, YARD . . . , . . . . . .; T9 Great Special Sale of Ladies'; 25c FOR LADIES' STOCK COLLARS WORTH 50c AND 65c A Jot of Silk Stock Collars in black, brown, navy and white to be used with "Windsor ties our 50c value also some nice Tucked Satin Stocka and Black Beaded Stocks, worth 50c; and some Colored Linen Wash Stocka with front tab, our 65c value"; "All go at 'one price all day tomorrow ? and while they last sf,' ach . ; . 25 A SPLENDID SHOWINO . OF MAGNIFICENT LACE ROBES AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES SEE THEM. BELFAST, r f IRE. GROSS LAND AND PORTLAND, '7'. ORE. SEA COMES GREETING ALL THE WORLD'S "GREAT LINEN COUNTRIES CONTRIBUTE THEIR BEST TC OUR i " THANKSGIVING 5 OFFERINGS" ; A GREAT STORE AND ITS STOCK (First FloorLin en Shops). Look anywhereveiyWhercv-thVre'a other linen stock so beautiful, no other linen stocks so good as at this store. We've given linenssplendid "store apace nd ' 'prominent i mention this week in honor of our great ANNUAL, THANKSGIVING OFFERINGS ready tomorrow with thorough preparedness.- We've gone into every ' linen country of the world and chosen their best." Where other' houses go to the jobbers and importers, we go abroad- to the. m'akcrs.That means a first vital ECONOMY.' That ! economy helps us to sell a damask Tegularlyat '85c the yard that other stores advertise-as theif "best dollar value." 'Ireland, Scotland,. : Germany, Belgium. andFrance with- Scotland .and other old world provinces all contribute to the "stocks from their choicest stores. But the . "Richardsons" of Belfast are chief providers in fact," they provide in many ways for the making of other good and famous linens that Portland stores advertise and sell. Many of the world's fa mous linen makers go to -the Richardson factories for help in certain parts of their work; in fact, the Richardsons have "been the pillars that minor linen manufacturers have leaned on for more than a hundred years. No house is so famous .for linens ione so well Jcriown;. Ricbardsori linens and damasks are the standard' for all the jworld. Honest old Irish Quakers they and;; back five generations "ago we find, the jamily making linens the best then, with stdy, improvement each suceeding, year they're best now. They live to 'progress; and constant enlarging with bettermcut is everlastingly going on at their factories now. among the largest, most modern .on earth.- The Richardsons do every part of their linen,. work, from gathering the raw. flax-to shipping the finished materials, standing,only for best goods, using every known improved modern, process in spinning, weaving; bleaching and finishings a feat few other linen makers, even attempts The linens' you buy ; elsewhere would not be-possible but for. some help given by the Richardson factory and you pay' tribute" for that expense entailed. AVe go to first hands the Richardsons themselves save all that's to be saved for you. The only Portland house that' can sell you linens at their first price. Complete lines of staple and decorative . linenaanplendid-ASsojeni; tistic: elegance in the historv of damask weavin sr. . ' Linens for the Homes and linens built for such hard usaeres as fall to the lot "Of table coverings for hotels, 'restaurants and boarding-houses h'nens from the vmeclad bills along the Rhine; German silver bleached damasks, for those who prefer but altogether an. aggregation of the handsomest, most sturdy, lasting linens made jn-the world at prices positivly-kweiMnvryr4nstance than any--othr--P-ertland:housi":ah. afford. to sell.; JFull bordered-daniask., table cloths, in. all sizes for rourd. square or. oblong .tables, with, or without:napkins to match." ASinele or double linen table damasks by the yard; from 54 to 90 inches wide, with or without napkins to match. Separate fiapkios in breakfast bt dinner sizes in a widerange of qualities, naintyfzJauttftiiffitrtral anff a,rt ftffrt, viniTifs, trayaaWfatf-mtranfrimmf rise assortments. i he stocks are too large for detailed price Lmentionsuffice to say., Iheu GREATESTVALUES X)N - THE PACIFIC COAST FOR DEPENDABLE LINENS. : Specials for Monday and Week in DomesticsBedspreads Large full size and extra heavy Bedspreads of splendid workmanship. Special at. . . . . . . . ., . . , . . . . . '. . . .1.57 New Waistingr Flannels and Flannelettes," extra heavy swansdown, in figured effects for bath robes and kimonos, in new est c61oringsandesigns-'a prices1 lower than equal qualities are quoted west of the Great Lakes. ; ; A GRAND i TRIUHV1RATS OF SURPASSING SALES IN THE T . . : Women's Depot for Smart Attire Grand Salons Onjs Flight Up Entire Main Floor Take Elevator , LARGEST AND JFOREMOST APPAREL STORE FOR - - .' - - WOMEN WEST OF CHICAGO. ; . . : ' i MM J; This Store Buys and Sells More Women's Garments Than Any Other TWO Portland - ; ' ."r,fJ':" Houses Combined . No wonder that with uch tremendous outlet this house holds complete mastery over the locul gatrment situation. We. are indeed wiare-arDiters or nricei: nrrnrmerewoniiTSteuriDdsitTotrrl rineiiiftn-x;raaeBUcr-cashmereT . i . l .1 . F 1 . II w. 't.1 M , I as leaders in ine maKing 01 low prices, as wc" as rasnion aiciaiors, we announce Three Great Special Sales for Monday WOMEN'S SUITS, COATS AND WAISTS. The detail: Si. Women's $35.00 Tailored Suits $24.98 $35 Tailored Street ' 8ults $24.98 MONDAY ONLY Very latest, newest, man-tailored models materials of cheviot,: broadcloth and tweeds, in plain black, blues, browns, garnets,' ' frays and plums of varying shades and a splendid assortment of ' fancy; ' mannish mixed effects, are expertly tailored in the long- , coated model, some tight-fitting .at front and back, jftthers tight , at back with loose fronts. AH are severely tailored coats with . ' leg'oVmuttoni sleeves and velvet collars, others havincr co1lar-nf, material. Skirts in plaited effecUi For Monday only we shalL effer these Suits, best regular $35.00 values at aaoice"" J-" rfor .. ... .... . . ... . . ii .......... . v ....... . t , . ..TTf. , . .f 24.f8 Women's New Box Goats in a Sale r SPECIAL FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY. V , $13.50 Coats $ 9 95 'f .$16.50 Coats $12.79 CREATEST COAT VALUES OF THE YEAR , Women's 12.00 and $2.50 White hirtwaiata Special at., '......$1.69 Handsome New Coats in the popular three-quarter length model, made in - splendid work manship by expert men tailors from smart mannish mixed tweed Woolens,, very "natty" and fetching' styles, embracing light and dark colorings in grays. Oxfords, invisible; plaids and Scotch mixed effects. All the latest of the season's models, -full loose boxy back; leg-o'-mut-ton sleeves with velvet and self-collars, mannish tailored. . s - , . BEST 113.50 COATS SPECIAL FOR TWO DAYS AT. ...v;v:...T..;r.... ........ Ihtream; regul BEST $16.50 COATS SPECIAL" FOR TWO DAYS AT. ... . .... . . . ... ......... .. .f la.TO TrTtill, each ... IPrettySS' Shirtwaists for , Women $1.69 c 7 r-r yr : $3.50; AND . $3.75 WAISTS,; FOR $2.95, ; ' ; , f,..' ; :;;: :' ; Handsomely Tailored1 White-Shirt Waists in dainty linens and pretty fancy madras dotted; with mercerized figures in floral and conventional designs all new this season, some with soft cuffs, others with the regular tailored shirtwaist cuff effect,, full sleeve models of Bischoff pattern, backs and fronts tucked., Special tor two days only . T . 12.00 AND $2.50 VALUES FOR... $3.50 AND $3.75 VALUES FOR 1.69, ,f2.95 SPECIALTVAtUES MONDAY IN Women's AND Children's Hosiery First Floor. WOMEN'S 25c HOSE "lSc Black Cotton Hose, medium weight, fin tshed foot, double aole, heel and -toe; regular value 25c Special, the. pair 18 CHILDREN'S - HOSE Children's -Hose, fine ribbed, finished foot. double knee . . . . y & , Sizes 6 and fyi regular value' 50c." Special, the pair.... 35f Sizes 7 and 7yi; regular value 55c. Special, the pair ...40 Sizes 8 and 8Yi; regular value 60c. Special, the pair.........45f Sizes 9 and 94; regular value : 70c. Special, the pair..;..-.T.SO Size 10: regular yalue 70c. '( Special, the pair.;.......,..,.50f TIMELY REMINDERS OF UNDERWEAR CHANGE. - A Group of Remarkable Values For "Monday in the - " women's : :; Knitwear' Shops :v'; Firat Floor, WOMEN'S1 $1.75 VESTS $1S d Pink Silk and Lisle Vests, high ' neck, long sleeves, very neatly trim med; regular value $1.75. . Special, each r. .".717. 1.28 WOMEN'S $5.00 TIGHTS $3.69 '. All-Silk ; Ankle-Length Tights, in black and whltewinter weight; regular! value $5.00. Special, the pair ........ ........ WOMEN'S 50c VESTS 39c High ' Neck Cotton Vests, long sleeves. winter weight, in bine," gray and lar value 50c Spe .S9 WOMEN'S 25c VESTS OR PANTS . 19c Silver . Gay Cotton Jersey Ribbed Vests'and Pants; regu lar value 25c. Special, each.. 19 WOMEN'S $3.50 UNION SUITS $2.25 Winter- Weight AH Wool "Munsing" Union Suits, in natural color, open across bust, htf open front;.-regular jalue $3.50. , Special, the. suit , .. ... .f 2.25 uJl JLii4 &f ' 7" . t It. i .Belfast, Ireland, 'August 18, 1905. OLDS," WORTMAN &TZlJG,'t':''T' - - .' v. Portland, Oregon. ....- ' 'T5ear Sirs: You cannot imagine o'ur surprise and delight, when being shown through the ' large - establishment of v Richardson Sons , & Owden, of, Belfast, to see them putting your labels on your special orders.- As we passed 'through the handkerchief department, we 'watched them folding the handkerchiefs and . putting them in boxes, fend to our delight your label was put on the boxes. We could not re sist the temptation of writing a note, which was put into your box hoping you will re ceive it. . Respectfully yours, , KATE E, YOUNG. 427 Twelfth Street, Portland. ' Goods -UNDERPRICED- - Fifth Street Annex First Floor. fheir-dependabteanalyTisT Dress Fabrics can be bought at the prices that 'we are-quoting for Monday and week then it' ripe time in deed to buy, and buy liberally. " ' j;i ; BLACK DRESS GOODS at reduced prices for Monday and continuing all week.- Im ported Black Broadcloths ' 54-in., regular $2.25 value Special, yard.fl.T9 54 in., regular $3.00 value Special, yard.$a.-8 54-in., regular $3.50 value Special, yard. 82.78 54-in., regular $3.75 value Special, yard.f2.98 Jmported" Black .Ffcnch" Voile, all perfect djre and fast black . ;; . "- . , tlJ2S regular value Special, yard... ..... 89 $1.50 regular value Special, yard..... .f 1.19 $1.75 regular value Special, yard .f 1.39 $2.00 regular value Special, yard.... . .f 1-59 COLORED DRESS GOODS SPECIALS Imported French Silk and Wool Crepe de Paris, in : every . wanted evening and street shade prices radically , reduced to reduce stock, -'" , ' Our regular $2.50 grades-Special, yard.. f 1.62 Our regular $2.00 grade Special, yard.. f 1.42 Our regular $1.75 grade Special, yard.'.f lwE3 Novelty Colored Suitings in Chevrons, Pana . mas. Novelty Panamas, Novelty Chevrons, Panama Worsteds, in-all street colors. Un matchable values at the regular price $1.50 regular value Special, yard...... f 1.21 1 1 7 5-regu I af-va I ue Speetalrya rd-..; ;-. f 14 T -$2.00 regular value SpeciaJ, yard ...... f 1.87 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN Women's Shopping i J Bags and Belts i 'Sixth Street. Annex First Floor. $1.25 LEATHER SHOPPING BAGS FOR ;69c A line of Soft Leather Bags, with burnt 'designs and prettily jeweled, made with draw- string. These Bags are suitable for either shopping or opera bags; our regular $1.25 value. Special sale price, each ......69 75c LEATHER BELTS FOR 49c Three dif ferent styles, of Patent Leather Belts for . ladies ; valuestrp ' to 75c. . Special . sale " price, each .......,..............". ...49 We are showing many new and strictly beau - tiful ideas in Fine Leather Bags, Purses. Card Cases, Bill Books, Fancy , Opera Bags and Ladies Leather Belts and other late noveltiea -in Leather Goods. Positively the most at tractive Una we have ever shown. Here's That Sale of Curtains YouNra Waited For. X PRICE HALF PRICE V, PRICE Drastic Closure of All Odd Pairs in hY Lace Curtain Stocks Monday on Fourth Floor.- All Gr odd pairs, of Lace Cwrtatrt, including Arabian Lace, Cluny Lace, . Renaissance, Brussel Net, Irish Point, Nottingham Lace, lso Rnfflrd Net and Ruffled Swiss: regular 'vA-aliKS from $1X10 to t SO. " Special, thf r"'"'. frotn...,..Of to f 2 or HALF I'KILU $4.00 COUCH DRAPES U-M-r.ttr hvy j ' ImMatton Oriental Conrh Drnjx-H. ' 1 t inches; regular value -';-. .'. each Store Opens t 8 A M. LEADING DEPARTMENT HOUSE WEST OF CHICAGO 44 The Different Store" WASHINGTON, FIFTH AIID CIXTH STHECTS r