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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1905)
the onncorr SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, n 5, 1803. 1 Xd 4 a- J. FIFlEEO: LIES BY ; v DECEL'iOEd 1 Construction of Riparia-Lewlston Una of O. J. & N. Pro gressing Satisfactorily. THREE STEAM SHOVELS . USED IN BUILDING. ROAD Rock Work Being Carried on on the Northern Pacific's North Bank Line - and. Grading Contractors Ready to Stirt Work on Subcontracts. Construction of the Rlparla-Lewlntoq line of the Oregon Railroad & Naviga tion company la progressing eatlnfactor- Jly, Chief Engineer O. W. Boschke, who ha been giving hla personal at tention to the work,-eturned' last night after ."a week's absence. ;r-"'wV- , There. are 686 men on the contractor" a payrolls, and three steam ahovela are in .operation. The line run along' th bank of the Snake river, and boat are used In transporting supplies and equlp-X,, mont. The 'work la being done In .de tached sections, and the first It mile from Rlparla .wiljL be connected ..up., by the first of December. There are now nine ml lea of the grade completed, and two miles of track laid. - The water In the Bnake river until recently waa too low to afford transportation by boat. and the work was retarded. The river la now about Inchea above 'a navi. gable stage. Warm- weather- was ex perienced In the mountains this week. and it la expected the resultant thaw lng of enow will affect the river favor ably. .. 7 Kork work has been carried on as '.speedily s-possible for' the last week on the -Northern Pacific's north ' bank (ine. The grading eontractora who were assigned subcontracts by Sims Shield are ready to begin work by sec tions all along the route . from Van cou ver to Kennewlck. Men are being enlisted from all points In- Paciflo northwest territory to work '. on the grade. There are 2 subcontracts, and some of these probably will be sublet, dividing the work into or sections. . The company within a few, day will award the general contract for con struction of . the Lewiston-drangevllU line. The materials and equipment, wilt do jorwaroea to tne rrorttaern racmo terminus at Cul de Sao, and construc tion pushed from - that end. - Owing: to the rough, character of the country, and the deep, -canyona through which' the route winds.' transportation of - heavy equipment, would be next to Impossible. . Surveyors forthe TortKern Paciflo have been unusually active on the peninsula the laat -week, running levels .in. determine, finally the route for the new main line from the proposed Colum bia river bridge to Portland, and for the location of the draw bridge, to be built across the Willamette river: It is eaia tnat within a Jew days Chief Engl neer urosby will' have aurveyore at work on both banks of the Columbia, he exact locathnr-of pier SWEDESHONOIT MEMORY OF GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS v .... . . . The -feature of the . memorial .service. tor uuaiavus Aaoipnus at Taylor Street 'Methodist Episcopal church last night waa the singing of Madame NorellL In splendid voice with her usual charm of tanner aha was recalled enthusiastically , to respond to encoree after both her 1 numbers. The address of the-evening waa given ,. to swedisn by Ksv. c. J. Renhard. The Bwedtah Singing Club Columbia gave a number ef selections in the native tongue, which were appreciated. Frederick Good ; rlch'e organ solos were admirably played. The program follows: . (a) -"Longing" (Jungman). (b) "March of Magi Kings" (Dubois). Frederick W. Goodrich, organist; "Stiidsbon" 0. Llnd ; blad), Swedish' Singing Club Columbia: Pelonala, -. from "Mlgnon"-. (Ambrola Thomas). Madame Norelll; address,' Rev. C. J. Renhard: 'Vert Land" (Joeepbson), raweaien Hinging tciuo Columbia; - "As sertolre in 8" (Wely). Frederick W, Goodrich; recitation, "Dobeln vld Juu- 1ns" (Runeberg), with organ obligate. fwaTd-Pujiue, (a) "Sotveigs UmnflX (Grieg).,. b ."Swedish Folksang," 'Madame Norelll; "lad. Kindly Light" (Dudley Buck), Swedish Singing Club Columbia; "Battle HymV , (Qustat "II Adolph), audienoev - The only love that I wasted, ta tha wnirn tm pntiw uut. - - MADAME AZA H0LMES-RI8BECKE Only Neldea Graduate en Paciflo Coast - Open Every : . Wednesday Evening Onr attention, has Been dtreeted to tb feet that there are wany women. well gentle, men. flrelroas el having treatment tat facial nefnrmltlet who cannot vlalt theee parlnre nr- Ins the aay, bat wonld be glad to take d Vantage of tbe faellitlaa afforded here If they ermM se so after bnnra. To aeeoniaodate nrh we shall hereafter keen ear parkin nova each Wedneeday erasing tutll further notice. i! 1 We! Correct li'f Featura! Imperfections Reatnrlnf reatbfal beatfty to the aged er thoee wlwae faera are wrinkled and rbeaka aoaketi : becenee of aloarww, trouble er ether ran. If yen 'hare loot the freahnme and eoaneltanes ef renin, we raa tpeedlly reature It. lAftox SAirnis or ooatrtsxiow cieak absoi.jtk.t rixs, . MADAME AZA K0LMES-RI8EECKE ORIENTAL XEAtTY PAJIL025 II 44 KerHaon Strt. f kone l..i naar Park Street 4 M i. CHIEF GRlTZi.iACIIER IN ROLE ' OF ARBITER OF WOMAN'S DRESS Will It Com to This? M Attn mo ria Orltcniaiher. modlata. (4 the title that Portland's chief of po. lice might use If he had been born In France and if ha were a woman. instead of a man. Unto blm has fallen a deli cate task, and a difficult one, for he the arbiter of female fashions In Portland's concert hall a. Women who attire themselves decol lete and rustle drinks . In -concert halls must 'confer with the chief before ap pearing In public After Inspection Mr. Gritsmacher will ear whether or not they are attired properly for evening entertainments. SixtyFouT .Thousand," Four Hun- -drill Eighty-Two Names In f New City" Directory." OUTLOOK FOR blTY ; NEVER-WAS-BETTER Bpok Is Attractively Printed and B oand and ConUin Much India- penaable Information Forty-Third of Series Iuued in Portland. :. - : i- I Tho- loeal bratwh ttLJU It. Polk ft Ce. has just Issued the new city directory, showing the population of PortUnd to be Itl.tOB. As m former years, the book h an in valuable encyclopedia of local Informa tion, containing, besides the many addi tional - features which all manner of people find Indispensable, the namea of 4.m bona fide residents ef this city. In last year'a volume there were 68,000 names. This shows the remarkable In crease of 9.482. -. . , The dlreotory is bound handsomely in cloth and carefully compiled. It la at tractive from a- typographical atandpolnt. and wilt serve aa a better guide to the city, perhaps, than any previous volume, no feature that eomeu within the prov ince of euch a work having beegv-eyei looked. - fv" ; . In the Introduction this year, tne management etatea that although It la not Its place to .boost the fair, the yeer of the Lewis and Clark exposition marks an era- of wonderful growth, advance ment and develooment In all lines of civic Interests never before approached In the history of the city of Portland. "Poetoffloe receipts, bank clearances. shipping reports, building interests and street railway extension au snow in d recedes ted Increase," . the announce. ment continues, "not only- during the fa Ir "period.baftTiruu'g1iuur the entire year, from ootoner l. lie, never nan tha outlook for Portland beea brighten, With the prospect, of. a 40-foot channel for the river and Increased facllltlee for transportation, the future or foruana s aasured." - On the eublect of population, out oi which grew the recent dispute, tne man niMnt has tbia to acr: The-city directory should be,' and claims ta be, .the highest authority on the population ot, the city in which It la published. Beyond even the federal oenaua la the trained army of directory employee, who from year to. year cover the city and must show results from everr opening on every street and alley In the elty, or answer to the examiner for the omission. . 'The! customary means of estimating population and the one adopted by the National Directory association Is to multlnlv the number of names of In dividuals in the directory by two and . half. In the present volume there are 4.411 names of individuals who lived In Portland at the time, the canvassers took the Information for thle book. In this number - Is Included no firm nsme. church.' school. Institution nor anything else which doea not aland for the name of an Individual. Multiply this num brr by two and a half and we have the population of this city 1S1.I0S." The management goes on to state mat this does not Include the Chines popu lation, nor the realdenta of the north end. nor the transient, guests of . any hotel. Thla ta the forty-third volume of the dlreotory published In Portland. . TWO PLEAD GUILTY AND ARE SENTENCED . t (Kneels! Dispatch te Tae Journal.) Eugene, Or., Nov. 4. In the circuit court this afternoon Frederick Theorin pleaded guilty to forgery and waa sen tenoed by Judge Harris to four years. He was arreted her Auguat St for forging the name of a Bettla man to check and caahlng It at the First Na tional bank. -. .. J. M. Lower, a shoemaker, charged with larceny In a store, pleaded guilty and waa sentenced to one year. He wae employed In a local ahoe store and while the proprietor waa away took money i from the till." " Bnrg-y Oeta entail Saaaagee. (Hperlal Olenatrh te Die Joamal.) Vancouver, Waeh., Nov. 4.-The Jury In the case of Burgy egalnat the Port and Consolidated Railway . company hrrmght In a verdict for 1110. Burgy sued for fl,3S, --- ' s' 161,205 PEOPLE illiPORTLilllDf ' An order waa Issued yesWday by the chief ' forbidding ' women wearing low. cut dresses In concert tialle. The order will be enforced rigidly by the captains and sergeants. '-;.-. - . "It ain't none, of his business what ever," aald a pouting damsel, who aaid she waa an actreaa. : "I buy my own clothes and they coat Iota of money. - "Now, I gueaa I've got to chase my self down to police headquarter after I B dressed ta see ir he likes my clothes. A fine world It's getting to be when ladies ain't allowed no liberties at all. FRANCHISE FIGHT - t ... i.- :'. t fc'a,, ; t I ; : IS EIW Oregon City Council Grants i Re - - quest s of.. Oregon Water : " Power ant Railway. TWO COUNCILMEN VOTE, ,f --rACAtNS-TPASSACE Judge Frazer Dissolves, Injunction, -Sayinf That to Contbrag lr Would Be for Court to Usurp Legislative Power Granted by Chart' tpecia Pltsatee to Tae Jonraal.) 7 Oregon City, Nov.' 4. The Iranchte aaked by the Oregon Water Power Rail way company waa granted by the city council tonight Thie action waa taken three houra after the Injunction restrain ing the council from voting on it waa dissolved by Judge Fraaer. All the mem bere of the council, were p,-esent except Will lama and only two dissenting votee were east those of Knapp and Koerner. - Council met at I o'clock and when the recorder had reed the franchise ordi nance . Chapman moved that it be placed on He . flnel passage. Koerner made a few remarks objecting ,When the ordinance was put on Its paaaage Koerner and Knapp made a re monstrance and O. W. 'Kaatman. noting as spokesmen for about 4S citizens who were present In the hall, asked to say word r two. Mayor flommer aaid he might do eo If there was no objection. Mr. Keyly objected. ' Knapp moved that Mr. Eastman be grven permission to speak but Chapman quickly arose to point of order and Mayor Sommer aaked Eaatman to sit down. The ordinance was then passed In silence. Judge Arthur J Fraser, of Portland, acting for Judge McBiide of the circuit court, thle afternoon sustained the de murrer and diaaolved the Injunction granted on the petition Of E. C Caufield rwrtnttntrir all the members nr fhaflti eouncll from voting on the franchise aaked for by the railway company. The grounda of the Injunction were almtler to those alleged on the prcvioua occasion except that the council put forward the allegation that the franchise ordinance did not secure to the city proper com peneatlon for the valuable services rend ered. . The petitioner was representd In court by auoerx L- Hedges and o. w, Eastman and the argument waa made by Mr. Hedges, city Attorney Franklin T. Griffith represented the enjoined mem ber of the council. -.i j v . In eustajning the demurrer and 'dis solving the injunction Judge Fraser said that to continue the injunction- would be for the court to usurp the legislative power granted to the council by ; the charter. He said that the count..! had a right to grant the Injunction In the face of the recent special election ordered by that body, and the eourt had no Jurisdic tion In regard to the moral rights of the councllmen. He said that It had ibeen euggeated that he might take the matter under advisement and give no opinion until after the election and thua let the people decide the matter as they wished. He said his inclination waa to do thla but he regarded that aa a matter of usurpa tion and a act of tyranny. . NO NEW DISTRICT. Boundary , Board Flade Oood Keaaoa to Beelde Agalaaf a Change, (gneelal tilepatra te The Jeornal.) Oregon City, Nov. 4. The school dis trict boundary board yesterday after noon dismissed the petition to create a new district from Noa. IS and S3, for the reason that the new district would hraaik nn No. IX In auoh a wav that the district would not have 'sufficient popu lation to support a school. -. A pa rt of No. S waa detaphed and added to No. l and a part of 4 to IS. A part of Joint district 4 -Wsa .ailded to 107 subject to ratification of th MultnomitK boundary board. -' ' - " The county superintendent Is, arrang lng for a teachers' meeting at the Bar clay building the laat Saturday In No vember. Professor Hart croft of Seattle, formerly euperlntendent of schools fot King county, will be one of the lec turers. Miss Irene Carter will have a class exercise in reading. Mine Kate Cleared far Aetlea. When the body le cleared for action by Dr. King's New. Life Plils you can tell it b the bloom- of health on the cheeks,- the brightness of the eyes, firmness or the neen and muaoiea, ine buoyancy of the mind. Try them. At Pkidmore's drug store, 1(1 Third street. ISO. - - . , .. St SSL "Cn' in l-.-V CO It So, You Want GO V 184-6 FireSt1;St.C waaaaaa. -a. , vV ' -' ' er mr m Jt M Wilson will read a' paper on language, and W. A. Bchmltt WU1 give a talk on geography. Mis Mary B. Barlow naa resigned from the 4Jbnty board of examiners) add has been succeeded by I A. Bead of ParkDlace. . . - -,Mlaa RnaaJJiilOatJ)enengaged to teach the school or aiamci ai tar- ton. . : - r'- " cloal of the echdbl at Bcott a Mine. Gilbert u. Brown wm teacn oisiricr No. I at Olad Tidings. , . Orders far! to k to eaooL - (Rnerlal Dkmateh te The Jearaal.) Oregon City. Nov. 4. Judge Ryan ot the county court this morning made the attendance of Josephine McCoy at the public school a condition of her fur ther liberty. Josephine and her mothVr appeared before the county Judge today, and Mrs. McCoy complained that- the girl .would not stay at home night and had a predilection for running away .tl Inauspicious times. "The court ahowed a hesitancy in sending Josephine to the Reform school and gave her one more chance.- , To Condemn Boad might of Way. (Spaejn). nigpatca. to The Jonrael.) Oregon City. Nov. 4. In the eouhfy court thla morning condemnation pro ceedings were Issued on Han P. Esberg and Flora Athey looking to the open ing of the road from Willamette to Stafford. ' The Turner road. wae also ordered opened. GIRL IS THROWN FROM HORSE AND BADLY HURT (Rperlal Planateh te The Joamal.) Vancouver, Wash . Nov. 4. While rid ing horseback along the river road be tween Fisher Lauding and Camaa, Lil lian McDonald, a 14-year-old girl, was thrown from her horse this' afternoon receiving Injuries from which she may die.- The girl live Just east of Port land, to where ehe waa taken. Bhe waa found alongside the road in an uncon scious condition a few minute after the accident by a paeaerby. Mlas Mo Donald -rode' to Camas this morning. Upon the return trip to the Vancouver ferry the horee shied .with the above reaulte. ' GRANGE 0FC0LUMBIA CONVENES AT H0ULT0N '" (toeetal fiwoate t Tiie Jearnal.) Houlton, Or Nov. 4. The 11th quar terly session of the Columbia County Pomona -grange convened here thle morning. Nearly all the granges Jf the county were represented at tha opening session, a'. . i -.. In tha afternoon an open meeting waa addressed by Miss Gall Laughlln and Term Purchaser (WB (BUY.,YOVR OLD STOVER t to See-Us. H foye'ltjf you Call. MM 50 Sewing Hachines -Ws-on A Splendid Lot of Singer, Wheeler: 'ft.'. Witaon, Domeetic, -White and .,.:, . -! . - j .-.v-. anrt fltheaSHghtlv' Damaged.' t-' iff . v This Sale; for, M M - 1 YIN KIN LUM CHINESE RESTAURANT 81 Chop Suey and Noodle Tcaynd Cake -v Mlas Laura Gregg on equal suffrar. The queation of an exhibit of the hor ticultural products of the county ta be ing agitated. More than 10 plates of the finest ap ples were exhibited at the . Pomona meeting. ' . i , A banquet waa served by Milton grange and about 100 visitor were pre-, ent to partake of it .hospitality. . The fifth or Pomona degree waa con ferred at the night session. - . j PENDLETON WOODMEN ENTERTAIN CONSUL B0AK - (oeelal DKmatrb to The Joaraal.) v Pendleton, Or.. -Nov. 4.- A reception held thla evening at the Christian church by the Woodmen 6f the World to Head Consul I. I. Boak was a brilliant affair. Five-minute addresae by sev eral local speaker followed by the ad dress of the evening by Consul Boak comprised the program. . The head con sul talked -of "old line life Insurance and made a merciless arraignment of grafters and closed with a description of the manner of conducting fraternal ocletlee. FARM NEAR MOSCOW -COVERED WITH GOLD -' (kpecMl blanetefc ta TSe" Jonraal.t ' Moscow, Idaho, Nov. 4. The discov ery of free gold near Joel, eight mliee frorn here, yesterday ha cauned great excitement here today.- The discovery , ws mad by A. M. Buchanan on 'his farm. , Bpeclmena of ore have been as sayed and if report are true portions ot the. farm . are rich with . gold. Borne quart la eo rich It can be seen with the naked eye. The place of discovery 1 alive With prospector offering- to pay enormou sum for portion of the land. Tomorrow a party iof prominent mine owners ef this city and neighboring town will Visit the farm. - ' '.KUl trut vee. ' ("peelal Ptapatcta ta The Journal Foreat Grove, Or., Nov. 4. Herbert Mattlaon, a Scogglna valley lad., eloeed the deer hunting season by killing a white buck weighing a little more than 100 pounds.' t , . ; ; . OB toSult C3 Lan V THetB,a WHITE StO RB 4 at Onc-DaU Pricei 50 -Exhibition -at- J i.-. One Week' . v - r mrw m m ajw te- . Bargains Second Street Corner Oak ATTENTION! Til ooanAsro, The astonishing mystic, the ocoult won der of two continents. Seven year of eontlnuoua work in Portland and a cli entage of thoueanda placee a man In a position that no Just t-rtttoiam can disturb.- Readings reduced this week. Call today bring thla ad. ,.. - $5.00 Life Readings Are you tn doubt about an Invest ment? Have you a domestic lrouhleT Are you about to take, a Journey? Have you .enemies you do not -know - and frlenda whom yon doubt? lv t ruin take neme and number -Van Cortland, I0i Waehlnston street. ' , ; v r- y j ; E.BXG 4 4 k Successor to A. J. Vz:. WKOUSSAXB ASTS itaix. c -881, SSS and S8S taird St. Cor. J- - Prices quoted below will save you at - "least 20 per cent; Western Dry Granulated Cune Sugar 100-lb. rack .....5.t0 It lbs. Western Dty Granulated S -.. l . . . . AA JWeVypry ranulated Sugnr. aack..a.:u J-rW-tttv Hoy-nl linking Powder 4no i"iOv Wtn Bchi llnan' Bak n Powder, .tr.n 1-lb. pkg. arm and'ilammn Soda,.. Ro Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg.,..10o lbe. clean whit Rice , lla II bar a Royal Havon 8oap ........ Hard Wheat Flour, per eack 11.00 Best EantenT Hama, per pound. .... 1 4o Plcnlo Hams, per pound o Shredded Cocoa nut, per pound. ..... 1 6-lb. pail beet Lnrd, S0a l-lb tiil beet "Lard . It On 20-lb. null iiest Lard ............. .1 l.Srt Beat Soft Wheat Flour, per Java and Moeba Coffee (regular i&cy, per pound , tio I lbs. broken Java and Mocha (equal to lOc)... J5a I oana Primrose Cream..,.' .15o Tiger Cream reulnr 10c), per can.. 5a Kngllah Breakfast Tea re g. J5c).lU 15o Fine Gunpowder Tea (special), lb.. .ISa Scotch Oats, per pkg. ............. ,10a Tar Snap, 1 bara ......... , to Fela Naphtha Soap, per bar....,... So Poatum Cereal, per pkg. .....I9o Hth box Soda Crackers (about Id lbs.) per box SOo Beet Cape Cod Cranberries, pec qU..oi t'needa niacuita. per pkg ro Fancy Burbank Potatoes, per eaclc ,.73o Xltobea Brand rarior Matches, (l.bOO to pk., per dozen 750 Lenox Brand Parlor MaOSlie (600 to box), per doxen . ...... .......JDo ' East - Side deliveries Tuesday and Friday. Woodlawn, North Alblna and Piedmont, Wednesdays. ... . : neon scAor 403. . C.OEEWO The Great Chinese Doctor rertaerly . leested at tns raider 'st, earaa laird, i ...... Moved Te the tart ertr -aeiidlns at s. . eoraae I flrat as4 Mania eV ,: Entrance - loJ rirst . at re st ' "r. O. One We, ' tne great Chinees Boater, Is well kawwa and f amove -tkrouaboet tae C. S. beea naa kla Woaaertul aa simlcw earan aea 'been brraMed. araadeaet throng hont U leagfla and breadtb ot thla eonntry. U traata Say end all sleeasee wllb powerfnt Cblnean roeta, bertm, bnaa. barke and eecetnblea that ere entirely onknowa to svedlrail aetenee la tbi eonntrv. and thRmrb tbe nae ef tbeee tnnUat reneeiee be gnaranteee te enre eatarra, aatbma. leas troahlea, rhenaurJaa.Bervaaaeaa, stoaaann, llrcr. kldnerv-teatal troablee ana all nrtrate - - . . Tula famoas eVetor enree wlthent tbe aid ef tbe knife, artthnnt nalnc poiaoae er drnsa. Rnndren ef trattmnnlala en h at bla etocaa. Call and See htm rtiaraes naeitetata. " V OOnuXTATIOB rSJUI. " ' ' . - Patients eat ef tbe dty write) for Ma eft sad etreaUr. Inetoae ee euaia. Addreae "tae O. One We Chlnaaa Madietne C leayb 1st u. aer. atemaaa, rertiaaa, wr. tteea BMnttoe tbla paper. ' ' - i Art Furniture Kknufacturjng Co; :C A.,WAUCEtt, Mgr.' Manufacturer of ; DRAPERIES SPECIAL IESIGPIJ IN TUMtTUEE AM CABINET K0BK SCattreaaee Mad and atesevated. , peelal Atteatioa Oivew'to BepaiaWork. . - Pacttry and Wartheett - M-4SW2 Boyt Street, hxtlni, 0rtos " Phone - Main I4S..J ,'. .. R. ANDREWS. Jrea't l ' "T coax. - - WC ARC THE ; COAL DAR0N5 Of thl . market. We-ell the - products of all the mine. There . I nothing small about us but our prices. King. up W,- MAIN 2776 : And let ns tell you all about It Vulcan Coal Co. " (MS BTTBaTSXDB ITXZIT. ' Fnok Sang & Co. TSDB xxt.t.-n-o tram- XSB UWIiUa. , JAT TU CIIONa Mgr. -J 231 Alder SuPortkr.J Pure. Beatrtlfnl ' Jrt Jewelry. Gold Bracelet e and Signet Klne of all Jeacrlptione maae-to or der. Araericaa name engraved in Chineee charactere on iwire gol-l rings, or good-luck rlnan engrnvM v 1 1 the three cardinal Chlneen character, Vlas Olory, Proepcrity and Lonsevltv. Charges reasonable and orders of any design promptly executed and sent pre paid to any part, ot in unite) aiaiea. I tank Thoee an "ferine from weak- Laav ' neiaee whii h p the plea"r U l I of life shoulil take Juven rii.. MBBa One box will t.-il a etorr e( marvelous reanlta. This medicine has more rejuvenating, vltajlllnf fure than bea n been .tiered. Kent po.t r' J in liiO pm kase July on receipt ef thla alr. aiwl tl. Afade by Ite nriglnaura ('. 1. ilil Co . rrn. prietor llood'a anuparllla. Lnell. i---v RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Taney Wafra f)rll nal end Only genuine 1'iit up n yellow 1 rrrr enl .. trademark, t r ' tr m ., VKM'iy-1. I Tin: mm. 7V or1 i -v