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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1905)
the orzcc:i sunday jouhmal, Portland, Sunday morning, novemser , s. 1003. 0E0 1 - ucrciuo lllllETTE. Moors' Brilliant Fifty.Flve Yard ,' Run in Second Half Civet Shorts' Men Victory. . N ' ;- V.., WILLAMETTE OUTPLAYED - THE EUGENE ELEVEN . CoitlyFumble in Close of First Half !; Allows r Kerr 00- to ; Run Eighty Yards for Touchdown Salem " Scored on Straight Plunges. v 1 . (ftpeclel Dispatch to TM Joaraal.) Salem, Or., Nov. 4. A beautiful SS ' 'yard run and "touchdown i by Gordon Moores won today' football pint for the University of Oregon and put Wll ' lemette ' university out of tha running ' so far aa tha northwest charapionablp la concerned. Oregon's vfleet-footed end made -hla sensational play Just two mlnutea before , time j waa called when tha aoora stood to . Moullen. Oregon's left uard. missed tha goal, the final aoore standing -IX tO 4. .. ..... - Oregon's flrat touchJown waa'mada by .Fullback Kerron ten aeconda before tbr and of the flrat halt after an -80-yard run. Rader bad taken tha ball over Ore gon's left tackl when he runtDiea i ! right Into Kerron's hand and with !-... splendid interference ; by Moorea and Moullen the big- Oregon fullback raced " down the, field for a scorsothe remain In slavers and officials bringing up tha 1 rear procession. Moullen kicked the goal and the half ended with the acore stand' tns- to 0 in favor of Oregon. .v.- To thoae who aaw the day's game it , . waK evident that Willamette bad the bet ter team, although Oregon cam out at -the big end of the acore. the run. . The riders whe. rode through were the following and they finished In the order named: J. C. Muehe: John atta. II. IL Herd man, A. H. Tanner.' C. H. Leadbetter. Jamea Nlcol. R. H. Jenklne. V. 8. How ard,- Mra. Fi' O. Downing. Miss D. B. Howard. Mlaa Storey, Frank Wilder, r. O. Downing. 3. T. Dillon and Mrs. P. H. Blythe. V " iFred Robertson and A... p. Cruthers acted aa Judgea. .... : , "" f . eras :e cfffio by IIUEY'S Ai:3ELS - BushVr Nagle in Good 'Trim and Holds McCredie's Men Down to One Loneiy Run. - Smashed Oregon's XAae, The local collegians eraashsd Oregon' line at wllU sending Pollard. Rader and .Nsce for repeated gains time after time. Willamette made her required yardage while systematic galna by Oregon were few and fr between. Willamette played a -bene defensive game although the - 'local ende,were a Uttle weak. . In general Oregon was outplayed although tha vial' . tora showed marked auDerlorltv In band' ling punts.. In this respect, Patton, of .Willamette, waa a disappointment, as be , was usually thrown In hla tracks by Moorea and. Chandler, Oregon's speedy -"ends. Pollard and Rader" showed that they wre the best offensive players on the field. Time after tlm Pollard smaahed Oregon's right wing for substantial "galna. "About tbm middle of tha second half Polar eroaaed Oregon's goal Una after- Willamette - had bucked the pig V skin i yards without a break. Radei kicked the goal and the score stood to gnntlrMoores. behind beautiful Inter, ferencs by Kerron, Templeton and Latourette, made his sensational ru " t or a touchdown.'. Trank. Templeton bore, tha- brupt of regon-s oarense. aitnougn .erron ana encer stopped . . several. playstint work of the Oregon team waa somewhat -t.asappqlnent tpthejootejesjrora Eugene, but Coach Hhortg-aald tonight - that several of hla men were In pool . shape and that they are capable of much ' better work. Shorts' gives Willamette ' credit for having' a . better team, but : says that Oregon's twe a cores wen not due to luck out splendid urterrerence. Ths llneuo: r.- i Oregon. ' Position. : . WUlsmetta . Moores ,..L E. R...Henkle, Long Arnnplger ...... I T.R Polard - MoulMn '....a.'tLkO.R.MA... Marker ' Bpencer-'..'i...'...C;.ik.i... Kelso VnClaln: ' ' S. ; : : .- Hammond .it isr.R- LVVrr-I'allbrook Esrt ' ' ' ' '. . McK(nney i. . .R.T. L..V; . ...,' Xellar Chandler ' i . . .R. B. L. .1 ... Colemas . Latourette (C) . ..Q. ... . '. Pattoa ' . Templeton . .. ..L. H. R. . .Lotig, Henkls V Hurd. Friesell..R. H. L.'.i.t ..... Nact . Kerron ....... i. . .F. .j. i ; . Radei Tims of lmrvsSI-Tn1ntrtes' Touch ' downs Xerron. Moores, PoUard.'. Ooals r, Moollen. Raden . Refeseei .Mr: Snow, . Multnomah. ; Umpire-J-Mn Overneld. . Multnomah. Llhesman Watsrlns, Molt nomab.' Attendance, l,I00.r-r ; - . WUt 'Otltlea Kara so Say. - anArtav'OrgtJiUspach-;Wllls mette Clearly outpiayea ue, ootn en- one nee and defense. ' It was not really a good game because .the' teams were' not sveniyntTchedlea- that .Oregonwas . weak,, but Willamette was exceptionally strong. Willamette, played well and de served lo win. ' ' " . ' Referee Stow Willamette lost be cause of bard tuck. They outplayed Oregon two to one, Both teama played like true sports.. i . , - . Bishop. Willamette's Coach Oregon did not deserve to win. There Is no comparison between the strength of the . two teams. Ws outplayed .them from Start to .finish In almoat every depart' ment of tha game. . In Moorea and Frlssell they have awlfter . sprinters That's all. Cheater Murphy Willamette la SO pei . , cent stronger In everything .. except . fleetneas. Pollard and - Rader - played great bail. - Rader e .defense ' wag thl best I aver saw in. the northwest. " " COLUMBIA VARSITY WINS ' ; FROM PACIFIC TEAM . ' v (gpeelal rtsDsteh to Tbe JToaraai.) ' . Newberg, Or., Nov. 4. The football game .between Paclfto college and Co- . lumbla unlveralty of Portland today re , - suited in favor of ths latter, II to a. The lineup: , , ' Pacific, r 1 Columbia. Hoaklns , i ,', .C. .... . . . , - Porter Saunders ,R O. Oruaae . Nelson ........... LO.. v Qulnn Maris i RT , . Walsh : Haworth ,,,LV Qulnlan -.Wilson ........ .....RE... ..... Thomat Bpauldlng . . . . . nJ. T-i . . . Albright Pemberton Q. . . . . Leston-Bmlth .: ;Cl0Hgh j.......,.RH. ...... .O. Moore Reese ........... .L H. j .CI Moor Hodson.r.......FB........r McKay Length of. halves tO minutes. Ref eree Mr. Nelson. Umpire Mr. MoNa- ' mee. ' . ; :- - .- - JOE MUEHE WINS THE--.-. -; V v POINT, TO POINT RACE .---'-i . . - t - '. . 1 v- ; Joseph Muehe, en Nigger, iron the , Hunt Club point to point race yeeter -day afternoon In clever fashion. John" Itta, on Barnato, iron second and H. - H. Herdmaa, en Skyscraper, was third. ' The start was made atJ West ave ; nua and ' the . . f lalsb. was at ths ' same place.- There were three flugx In the coarse. Muehe made the 'distance of four and na-hJf miles. In the remarkable time -of id minutes.' a - very worthy feat. The day was Ideal for ' the ride end a large number of riders were out, but all did not participate lo ; .:V.' " .v. : . " r ' ' . ' (flpeclal Dlspatek by Leased Wire 'to Tat tearaal) ; Los Angeles, Nov. . Buskeq, NagU pitched1 another splendid game today, and held the giants down to one soil tary run. The visitors didn't appear to have any life In them at all. and ran basea like so ' many cows. Ths Angels winched the game In the first Inning, scoring four runs on three hits and two passes on balls. . . The score was: - ;" -.... : :LJ LOfl ANGELES. . ' i AB, RrH.'PO. A. E Bernard, cf............... 11 1 0 ( Flood, Jb 1 "1 J ; 4 Braahear, Jb.... ........ I, t.l I 4 DilWn, ib..i. ....... ...... 4 . 1 1 11 I Cravath. - rf.,. r I 8 : 1 Ross. If .v.... 4 1 : 1 Toman, aa. ...... ......... t . 6. 1. l . S Eager, e 4 J J t Nagle, p 4 0 4 1 liirSCiiOIlEriS'ttalEE ami w.i ... . : ... j Loner and Tiresome Contest Is "Marred by Wrangling and Some Slugging. Total I. t7-IO ......... ...a t :: Z - PORTLAND.'" jf'-' w . .- - PO.A.8. Ats. mm. ...... ...... 4111 4 . 0 McCredle. r(....... 4 Vsa Buren, e 0 Mitchell, lb.. 4 Bchlafly, Jb.... 1 S McHale, cf.. 4 0 Sweeney. b. ............. 4 0 Ferry, Yt.,.,.., 0 Jones, p.............. I . 0 'I 11 I ' 4 5 0. I'- Totals 13 X 7 4 15 ,0 f ' SCORE BT INNINGS. - Los Angeles .4 0 10 IS 4 H1U tOJIIOOl 9 PortIand7v.....'" t M I t .0- i Wtm ..I 1 11 1. -9 U-S -1 .Ofl z:-:'::zz:"Z?-? SUMMARY. .. r - -;.-g , Home run Cravath. - Two-base ' bits Dillon. Nagls. Sacrifice hit Bernard Left on bases Los Angeles S, Pdrtland 7. , Base on balla Off Nagle 1 oft Jpnee 1 Stolen bases Cravath, - Ats, - Van Buren. Struck out By Nagls I, by Jones t, Double play Toman to Flood to DlUon. Passed ball Tan Buren. Wild pitch Jones. H4t' by 'pitched ball Flood. Time of game. 1:86. Umpire, Perrne. YESTERDAY'S WINNERS AT ' LAT0NIA AND AQUEDUCT (SpeeUl DUpatek to Leased Wire te tee loaraal) - New Tork. Nov. 4 Aqueduct race track results today were: - Six and a half - furlongs Emergency (R. Smith);' I to Z. won; SL Valentine eeeend; Invincible thlrdj time, lrl 4-1. J One mlle-"Floralla 108 J.Jonerf)lS to X. won: I van the Terrible, second; Kitty Plate, thtrdrtlms. 1:40 j-t - ' -m Six furlongs Jacobite (J. Jones), I to 4, won; Klnley Dale, seeond Yelagal. third: time. 1:11 l-i! . Jacobite and Kln ley Dale oou pled. ' . .,.- Seven furlongs Clifton Forge (Me Daniel),' 10 to- 1, "won; Jocund, second; Race King, third; time. 1:17. One and one sixteenth - miles Con - suelo II (Oarner).' 7 to t, won; Gold Braid, second;- Sun Ray, third; time. 1:41 i-s. ...' -,,'.., Six furlongs Reld Moore (Dickson), TToT, won ; Avistonr second 7" Speed smith,. third; Uae. l:t. ' i " " '' At &aVoai" Traek.' " . Cincinnati. Nov. 4. Today's race re- eults weret - . . , Six furlonga Marco (C Morris). I to 1. won; Fiasco,' second; Tom , KUey, third: time. 1:14 4-4.. . .. One mile Slnoertty. Belle Keener). i to 1,'won; Careless, seoond; Full Sway, thlrdj time, 1:41 s-6..r Six furlongs Minnie Adams (Nleoi), 7 to -20, won; Ttchlmlngo, t to L sec ond) Maneuver, -40 to, 1, third; time, The sturdy, faet.ejoven. of the Port land High school defeated the cadet team of the Hill Military academy yes terday by a score of 17 to 0. The first half - was. full of brilliant trick plays And fast end runs on the part of tha High school. whUe 'tt-took the cadets nearly 18 minutes of 4ns 16 to gather their scattered wits together and stop them' 1- their, mad career. A fake 'play In two mlnutea after play netted High achool 4B yards and before the cadets got together High school bad scored. . ' ! In. the second hulC H. K. A. fumbled on the five-yard line and Taylor pioked It up and walked, across the line for an easy touchdown. . Another touchdown by 'good line buck'lng ,came to 11.' 8, In Hive - minutes.'. - Twe . goals were klckjwk . . ; - . ! 'A decidedly unpleasant feature of the game were the frequent delays caused by Injuries and wrangling-with the or. Aetata,. In both f .which P. H. 8. vex celled. ; On account of it. the game lasted-from minntes after '4 until It minutes past S, although the . halves were but. of 25 minutes' duration.' Carl son, the strong' High school center, was ruled eff the field tot slugging. . A ;JTh. Uneup. . . . . . L . P. H. 8."" . . v , H. M. A. Vernon. .' ; . r Uendrlbks. Bradley '..'...,. .L. E. R.'.'.. ... . French Plnkham (C) . . .L. T. R. . ........ Volgt Magnus. Taylor.. L. u. R. Iomls Carlson,'"-.---- v - Jameson ......... .C. ....... .. Knsttle McDonald' ......R. O. L... ...... Mulkey Caaon...j ...,.m..R.TvL. .1 Dowaeon Lewis ....R.E.L......... Rtiney ' 1 " ' '" ' ' MacEwen, Reed'T. . .V.'. . .r.'.Q'iT; r.T.VT" Hugglns Oanong J. i.-.i .l; H. R; Taylor (C) Coffer, Zandeh ,R, H. L. ........ .Mays Kilts -Vvw. . - .-r-r.-F..-. i.vrn Dhnmlck Umpire Mr. .Rupert, M. A. A. C. Referee Mr. ; Lonergan, ' Columbia. Linesmen Mr. Hahn, H. M. A , and Mr. Bruce, P. H. 8. . Tlmkeepera Mr. Jenkins, P. H. 8.. and Major Egloffsteln. H.. M.A.. Length of halves it minutes each. 1 .'.. f , ; ., THIRD M. A. A. C. TEAM TO V TRY SECOND P. A. AGAIN Tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock tbe Portland academy seoond team and the third - Multnomah eleven will meet on Multnomah field to nettle the question of supremacy. The first meeting of the yanngHiers last - Tuesday reeulted in a We. The lineup wUl be:- Third M..A. A. C. , "Second P. -A. Rovls ...... .....,.C...M. ...... Moore Feldman ... .....R. Q. ......... Bwarta Pratt - i....M....L.O.., .k. Jones Korell , R. T Oeary Davis ..L.T. .......... Batea Blasen ......... .R.E. ....... Whiting Mayer L.EV. .Olasa, Bearoer Hughes UUQ, . . . Kerr Wagner ..... . .R. H. B. . Merrttt McAlpin L.H.B.... McPheraon -Nichols Jeffries - . to"i Bt 11:18 1-4 rTThs CTncTnnatl TMolel Autumn faandl- cap, one and one eighth miles Miss Ril lle 4 (O. Morris). 14 to i. won; Tartan, Jm . snM-..s..e 4kUJ I I4 Seven furlongs Santon (Swain), i toTptfrflreh 2, won; Eatrada Palme, second; Delsgoa, third; time, 1:271-1. V Two miles, . selling Male Hanlon (Keener), to 2, won; Bias Lee, second; Layson, third; time, 2:22 -. .. Six furlongs Santomo- (Erner), t to I, won; Felix 'Mosses, second; Bt, Noel, third;' time,. 1:1 1. . . , WRIGHT AND LADD TIE IN THIRD QUALIFYING The third qualifying round. Medal play, for the Director's cup at Waverly Links, waa played yesterday afternoon and Mr. Lockwood qualified with a net score of 77. . Allen Wright and J. W. Ladd tied for the other qualifier with a net score of 28. The last two golfers will nlay off this tls some time next week, the one having the lower ecore, qualifying with Mr. Lockwood. - There was a large crowd at the links yester day, tbe delightful weather being the extra Inducement. . WatkUa Ti The Frank E. Watklne football team defeated the Fourth Street eleven yes terday afternoon by ths score- of II to T. Jones, . Bereovich, Mcauire and Albertlna were , the stars. The lineup was;.1 :'.:...)..'.''. - , F. W. . Fourth Street Stokes ,.i .C.ti....i... Gainer Clark R.O. ...... Albertlna McMann ........ U O ........... Kelly Woods ....R.T...... Fltsgerald Burns L. T. ........ . Carrol Acton ............ R. E. ....... Shoebock R. Jones .L.E Shsrkey Cole .V......C Smith BercovldH . . . mRKB. V. . , . ." McQutre Rarby :....,L.H.B ., Berett Jones ,,i.,....F. ., Arata WATER POLO TEAMS--- - AT MULTNOMAH CLUB '' The Junior members of ' the " Mult nomah club nave organised several wa ter polo teams end are engaged each day In practicing under the direction of Professor Murray. It Is the Inten tion of Professor Murray to have gams soon between ihe club boye and ths T. M. C. A. team. The T. M. C lads are more experteneed than tbe clubjjojrsbut jthe jspeed ofthelatter wUlabout even ..up matters when the teama meet. . M. A. A. C a first team Is composed . of Davis, Douglss, Blagen, Oor. . Korell - and Steppsv The substl tutes are MeAlpfn. Bates and Patter son. It la quite Interesting to watch the young men In the water, several of them being exceptionally clever. , .. the men In their squads. Honeet foot ball players, jre modest, not blowhards. e e There Is some Ulk of matching Harry Msllody of Spokane .with Tom Tracey of this city at Vancpuver, Waahlngton, the latter-part of this month. If such a match' could be' arranged It might draw well, as there are hundreds of local fistic ejana who would like to" eee Tracey. go one more battle. - OAKLAND IIS A HARD '-HIMG COilTEST ' Siwashet Hit a Terrific Pace in First Inning, But Were Un- ; . able to Keep It Up. J I (Special DUpatek by Leased Wirt te Tbe Joaraal) San Francisco, Nov, 4. It was a swati ting festival at Mora Park today.' with the honors somewhat m favor of Oak land. The Slwaahea set the pace In the first Inning by clouting In five runs after two men were oat. The game see sawed in a listless way up to the eighth inning when the score was tied by tha Seattle club. '-- i .- ' Miller was placed In the box. retiring; Jones, and the game began 'anew. The change eeemed to change the luck of the northerners, for. .they .shot ahead, two runs to the good, Oakland was -also there with the stick, however, and two good swats with men on the bases, exe cuted ny Richards and Devereaiut tu an end to. the long contest ' The score: , SEATTLE. r ,- '1 ."-.. ' AH. H. K. J0. A. F. Bennett 2b... fr 1 0 1 1 Ktm cfr... til l 1 S 1 Walters, rf..;.'..,.,i t 2 1 1 0. , t FORETOLD DEATH AT CUT Mi Mary Stanley, Clairvoyant, Tells of Prophecy Which Scared . vn M Johansen to Death. - ' U" - ' ', .- : LET HIM HAVE READING FOR HALF UCUALV PRICE Roumanian Woman - Proud of Her Skill, But Regrets That She Cave Reading for Fifty Cents, Instead of One Dollar. .. ' , . Blankenahlp, .: e. ..,.. 4 Strelb. lb.. w.. ...... 4 Frary. lf..v....;..,7, "2 Iauterborn. 8b.. . . : . I, Hall. as. . . . , , .. v . , . ( Jones, p.'... ...... l.'.i 4 esutccevxa...,,.,.,. ToUls . M l 1 111' "i : 2 i 2 - 2 1 ' S 1. I S ....44 121122 14 4, ' ""OAKLAND. : ' '" . ' ' :. ' ), : ' iftB. H Trt. 4. D!1 Van Haltren, cf - 111 u Krugor. rf...r.'.V;:., hi l l' 0 Dunleavy, -If. ( 2-2 2 0 -0 Moakman,. lb......... 42. 2.11.0 0 Hlcharda,. lb.:,. 1, 1 2 2 0 ..... -t. 2 ...... I 4 1 o, .2 ill 4 1-rS V-.20 Francks,, Devereaux. 2b.. MecMurray,' -e. , Qiaham, p..... Totals i....".......2S II 17 27 12 1 One out when winning run was made. ; SCORE BT INNINGS. v Seattle ........ ..I 241001 212 Hits 4 2 2 1 2 0 2 1 It Oakland ....i, ,.v4 02400 12 Hits ....I 0 1 2 4 4 2 4 417 ' EUMMARl, , - Stolen .. bases Blankenshln. Frary. Hall, Van Haltren. Kruger (1), Dun leavy. Hits Off 'Jones. II; off Miller, 14. Runs Off Jones., logoff Miller. 2. Home run Kane. Three-bass bits Strelb. RlchardaTwo-baa hits Hall, Mosktman. Devereaux. Van " Haltren. Frary. .Sacrifice hits rrancka 2, Mac- Murray, Frary. First base on errors- Seattle t. Oakland 1. Base on balls Off Jones, 1; off MaoMurray, 2. Left on bases Oakland, t, Seattle 11. Struck out By Jones 1. by Graham 2. Double plajr Strelb toBennett to Lauterborn. Time 2 hours.. Umpire Davis, '! . . - SPORTING GOSSIP "Not meaning to disparage ' tha brll llant rides of the wtnnere In the Hunt club point td point race yesterday,' says a chorus of riders who finished last, "yet we cannot tierp ttilnktng that these men must have known how to go end where to go. In order to come in first." Rumor has -It that Muehe. amreae jug, wins. (Special Dlspatrh te Tbe Joaraal.) Eugene, Or Nov. 4. The Eugene High school eleven defeated tha Rose- burg High school in a well played game today py tne score or 10 to 0. . , The feature ef . the game was Per- ret s field goal In the last minute of play. , ... , Winged S. baalleatge. -' .' -The Winged S. eleven challengee any football team In 'the states of Oregon er, Washington to, a game to be played In either etate- at any date. ; The average weight Is 140 pounds. All challenges should be addressed te R Conklin. 117 Marguerite amnia for the past two weeks, but when asked about it the trio denied the impute tlon. " - " ' -;. . - . ' ' 1 ' Yesterday's football gams between the elevens representing the Portland High school and the Hill Military 'academy on Multnomah field demonstrated more emphatically than ever the tendency Of scholastic playere to object to honest rulings of officials and to Indulge In every conceivable kind of a foul, and yet have the nerve to try and biutr a referee or umpire. In order that foot ball may live and endure ee the real college game. It le qnite essential that the coaches of the academie teams in still a few rudiments ef the game lnt the players under their - charge. Yes terday's game did not reflect any credit unon the High achool players. As soon aa the umpire would - Inflict a penalty upon High achool the memnere or mat team would protest In unison against the rultng. High echool did the earns thin laat year. Is that the way the High eehoolers are) taught to play foot ball T If so, then they had much bet ter quit the game for, all time. : "" ' ... e.,,e . " Another thing that savored so much of grandstand work that the spectators simply sat back and laughed was tne parade of the High school team on the gridiron, led by the coach. In dramatle style, directing them in a circle aa though he carried a maglo -wand, and then leading them In a yell before the game. Such tricks' ere not becoming to young men who are serious about thslr football work. Football is toe great and good a game to have young stars make light of it. and the eoonef these young men learn this fact the hap pier they will be and the more real pleasure they will get out of the game. ' 1 '. e e - i ' While net taking eldes with either the High- echool er the - Hill Military academy, it appeara that there waa en tirely too 'much roughness in yester day's i contest. It is all well enough to hare 'a " bumlnr desire to -defeat s team, but honorable methods should be employed. A, High school student was ruled oft yesterday for slugging; actu ally punching an opponent. Of course High echool . kicked at the ruling, be cause It Is considered a disgrace to be ruled eff for bitting a player during a game, but .Umpire Rupert .was- correct In hie ruling and ahonld and will be upheld by all lovere of clean sport. It would be well If some of the academlo coachea would drill a little more foot. gTaodstaod tricks late , BLANKENSHIP IS HITTING IN GREAT FORM Standing In the doorway of a little hole-in-the-wall at 17.H North ; Third street, a picturesque figure. Mary Stan ley laat evening bemoaned the faot that ahe had foretold ' the Impending doom of M. Johansen at a cut rate. "He say he only have a leetle money and when I tell him I charge II for life reading," she said, with a shrug of her shoulders snd a gesture of her hand, "he aak me to tell him tor feefty cents. 1 feel sorry for blm and tell him he going to die for. only feefty cents. He' should have pay . rte 21 what good dat other money do heem after he die7" . . . .Jehansen was' a Swede . Who worked for some' time rvtar Hood River .with four partners as a tunneling contractor. He waa afflicted with - a pulmonary cpmplalnt and recently had been In tbe county hospital. He left there Friday night . with the ' Intention of goJng . to California yesterday In the hope of benefiting his health. - Ned Kennedy ac companied him down town and was In- ouom Dy tne sica man to go wim mm tq the fortune-teller. Kennedy remained on the -sidewalk I In -a few. minutes Johansen came out. " His face was ashen and his Hps trembled. . ("She talis hie " that I am doomed; that my hours are numbered," said Johanaen" to hla compsnlon. "My God 1 I, wonder If she tells the truth.' -- ,The two men then went ' to the Qulraby - hotel, Fourth' and . Couch streets, where they procured a room. In . the" morning Johansen was found dead In bed. a victim of fright, as was shown by - the autopsy which was per formed yesterday afternoon by Dr. San ford Whiting. Mary Stanley, the gypsy. Is a Rou manian and bills berself- as "medium snd clairvoyant, one who can tall the mysteries ef the future.'- She takes pride tn the correctness of her prophecy in the .case of Johansen. - - When it was suggested to her that hsr. prognostication , might have ' been responsible for the man'a death much sooner than otherwise would have been the ease, she tossed- her head in dis dain. No, no," ahe exclaimed.1' "I eee bte life very -short. - 1 tell him only the truth.- I tell him tq put hie truet In God, because he die' Boon, . Ah, and t let him know all this for only feefty cents only feefty cents!' Seattle Catcher Is Doing Things With the Spalding These Days r - Brashear Also. Blankenahlp of Seattle eeeme to be hitting the ball with great regularity ror Seattle. Braahear Is really the most consistent better in the league, with McLean and Nealon next la line. House holder contlnuee to, win gamee by hla timely hitting for the Seale. - The near est man to McLean is Schlafly. who ts clipping about .244. Thoae bitting .200 and over, up to and Including November 1, are as follows: - Plsrsrs . A. inn Smith. Jin, Oakland S 4 .MT Blanksnsblp. Seattle 2M el .317 Beanett. Seattle .....ID 81 .Kit nrsiheaf.' Ijos xhxpTfs. ..... ,d4 Shields, Seattle 138 Sores, Portland T MrLesa. Pertlasd SMS Ielo. Sea rreadege. ..... .SIS r.fenr Taoome. : . . . ........ ,(ISS Honeebntder, Port. -Sao. rran.esT nillno. Lot Anseles ...7 Nordyke. Taroma ........... .TIT Itwla. Baa graacieee. ,.. .S7S CraTath. Los Ana-elrs... en WkMron, Saa Franclse......aK Drnilesry, O.kland. 874 Rlldesrasd. Saa rTaalseo....Tie Rase. Seattle........ 930 Mitchell. Portland ne McCredle. Portland rl.rnard, us Anseles........ ozs Harkett, OakUnd... tW Lroch. Tacoma. .... ....... ..(.IT Roes, Los Aageles,... BIS Hall. R.. Seattle. .......... .nl SrtalaBy, PfS-tlasd. ...MS Smith. Jnd. Ixie Aagelea..., ,0M Krager. Oakltnd Tie Van Haltren, Oakland 744 McHale,' Seattle-Pnrtland....MS Wheeler, Sea anrtece......ftj Dnjrle, Tacoma. ............ .7X4 Mneklataa. OeaJaad.......,.lUe Plood. Lne -Ans-les.k 661 rmll. Oekland-Seattle so Mohlrr. San fraacisce, ...... .MIS Ats. Portland ...S Sheehaa, Taeoaia. ....70S Caeer,- T'ntoa ,.Ro9 Walters, Ban. rri n. -BraXUa.. . fi ,l nssie. Ixie Ansriee.. Prarr. Sesttle Tan Bnr.n. fwtland. ...... ..aot , 1.14 ' .Ta McLaoahlls. T.ooma,.. AA4 '14V .219 Jonea. B., Portland...; 2t M .115 Lauterborn. Seattle. ........ .1 - 2T -, .314 Paum. Lm Anseles .....104 ' m .Zis Gray. Lne Ancles... ....... .1:3 2M .312 Ferry. Portland 3D .7 Seoer. Portland 141 .tnm Kasee, I Anc.lea...A....8T .AS .. ,an.l Hraa W... 'Oakland ..127 , 2ft , ,2 Miller, Ban. Fraa.-Besttl....lCT ., 2S -. .zio Keller. Oakland.. 643 1X1 1 .?n.1 Tirkera, Seattle....., aO t .S0 Swat the Wrong Team. (Special Dlepateh to tThe Jnaraal.t Woodburn, Or., Nbv. . The Wood- bnrn High-school football team refused to plsy the Mount Angel team here to day on the ground that Mount Angel sent. Its first team and not. the eleven challenged. . .- , - v . ., , - wiisoirs TIGER BRIGADE V Pitcher Henley Was a Puzzle to FJshermen, While Fitzgerald . Was Found Often. v J:: ' ' ' .f '. x,- (Special Diana trk by Leased Wire ts The Journal) , Sap ' Francisco, Nov. 4. Wonderful work by Hlldebrand'ln left field helped the Seals to win another gams from Ta coma today.' Henley waa batted hard at times and on no less then three occa sions did Hildebrand save tbe game by spectacular catches of, long liners with Tigers on ths bags. One swat, from Lynch'e bat looked good for three bags when It started but Hlldy, after a long sprint. Jumped In the air and. grabbed the sphere with his bare hand. Timely hits and a little wlldness on the nart of Tttsgerald accounted- for the Seals' runs. ,The ecore: ' .,..-.. TACOMA. : ''',,. ', A H. Tt TT PfY. A HI Doyle, rf .f 4 4 e 4 4 4 H II M This Is PJ6 falie; Auciia; j PUBLIC AUCTION OF Jap SAN ' '- i "' . r- ,' .(' ''i 'II BY; THa?;. f, ; , ' X ; : j yoo go.; ! FORMERLY, OF 268 MORRISON STREET' NOW' AT, ' RESIDENT OF' PORTLAND FOR . la YEARS. No (lknnectIon With - the Alleged Lottery at the Fail- Grounds - No goods offered at this sale will be shipped back to Japan. ALL will be sold POSITIVELY at public auction In Portland to the highest and best bidder. 'Lovers of Fine Art visit our store and convince yourselves! ; ' , , ' Hours of- sale 2:30 and 7:30 p..m. . - .' 7'.- "- ' ; ". .- ..y r :'-.-'";. '-.' ; T. McDONALD, Auctioneer "T"--n, ?V I a Q 14 0 Nordyke. lb 4 0 lirT F.acan. ss 4 491 1 McLaughlin, U I 1 Only The Best STUT GARTER UNDER WEAS U' :'"-' Stutgartsr tTnderwear Is so woven ef ' the puree t. softest lambswool that the perspiration ts absorbed to the upper surface of tha garment, thus . keeping the body dry and also warm. - Btutgarter Underwear Is else -woven to fit the body smoothly,' without wrinkles. r - Stutgartsr-- Underwear - costs more than ordinary underwear, but, being bet ter, lasts longer and gives the greatest satisfaction. .. . .- . rwo o ssrsw rmr m as. : v f : robinson ca co. .VV. , ' ; r ; 289 Washington St t 4-e-i-. 10 is 14 9 t 14 4 1 Lynch, cf - Casey, tb Fltsgerald, p Totals A". .'.... 1 I 4 17 . . 8 AN rRANCISCO. AB. R. It PO. A. R Waldron,1" ef Monier., xo Hildebrand. If ...... Wheeler, lb ......... flousehoider. rr rwln. Sb Oochnauer, ss wnson, e Henley, p , , Totals is "3 14 JT SOCRB BT INNINGS. Tacoma ........ Hlta ........ San Francisco.... 0 1 0 9 0 1 0 9 I Hits 0 lltllll e-e-lOn : 1 .0 4 0 1 9 0 0 0 91 .11910119 9. I i SUM MART. Two-base hits Walrtron. Caaey. 1111- debrand, Mohler. Sacrifice hits House holder, . Monier, - irwin, nogan, tieniey. First base on errors Tacoma 1. First base on called balls Fltsgerald t, Hen ley l. lert on bases 'tacoma 7, nun Francisco t. Stolen baeee McLaugh lin, Lynch, Waldron and Wilson, Struck out By Fltsgerald 1. by Henley 4. Hit by pitcher Hheehan, irwtn, Wilson. Double play Hogan to Nordyke to Ho gan. Passed baJl-Wllaon. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. Urn. plre McCarthy. . . ; . , , NORTHERN PACIFIC TO n ENTER VANCOUVER, B.C; 'j ; Bake City Tlctortoms. (Spselal DisMie, te The JoerasL) Baker City. Or Nov.. 4. The Baker City High echool eleven defeated Boise High echool this afternoon by tbe score of 13 to S. . - - ' Bugsae te Sasertelm.- (Special Mspsfeb te The earsaLi Eugene, Or., Nov. 4. The Eugene Commercial club ie making preparattona to entertain the party of Portland busi ness men thst will stop here for an hour and a half en the afternoon of No. versber 1.' President 8. H- Friendly of the Commercial club and Mayor "F. M. Wllkina, have appointed a Joint commit tee to arrange for the reception ot the visitors. . tSoedal Dhvatck te The loaraal) Vancouver, B. C, Nov, 4. A report reached bare today to the effect thst the Northern Pacific railway will run: trains into Vancouver. In November of Jiext year. It Is announced that the company will build a line front' Somas to Clover, dale, Waahlngton. and enter "Vancouver over ' the - Vancouver, Westminster A Tukon line. The Northern Paclflo at preaent operates- to-Sumae a ad ha,s a traffic arrangement with the Canadian Paclflo from that' point te Vancouver, AMERICAN INN ' - . V -- . Eid win be received for this buOdlng: till Nov. 6, 1903, Plans can be seen at Inn Office. Spe cial attention Is called to the large number of windows and doors in this building all of which are of the standard stock size. Bids will be re ceived on these separately. The right Is re served to reject any or all bids. 'AMERICAN INN CO. aeaaaas-WfSeia a aa m'mm!lm'm'ml'm'''''mBZ!!a'r'' ' i -' " i i . i- - i i , $h -, - - '-Ml iim iwiii" ii i a - a, .'-in ia imaaai ai.nOi wai mi .ima, n iiaaa, 1.1.11 a ' - f rzxzzz:zszzzzzzxxzzxxKzzzzai;zz:zrzz;r r American Inn Plumbing For Sate ; A GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE ; ' l' FIRST CLASS; PLUMBING CHEAP ' hp- j' I have purchased all the high class plumbing used in . the American Inn at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, in- eluding Enameled Bathtubs, Toilets, Basins, all complete.'. Also l-inch Boston Woven Rubber Mill Hose ana Racks, Steam Pipe and. Fittings and-a large quantity of Soil Pipe.' Everything in first class condition, as good as new. This is a great opportunity for builders and. plumbers. -Will sell ,! in quantities to suit. For particulars call -on r -: ;r HERMAN METZGER, 226-223 FRONT ST. Or GEO-' BICKEL, at the American Inn. - r r rMrrr - - "... - .. , I , v. I ' - --'..) ' f MAYOR OF VALE NAMES ' ; v A LIBRARY BOARD -...,.... ii i . i .- . .-'.;' (SpseUl Die pa trk te The Joamal.) t ' Vale. Or.. Nov. 4. R. H. Cblley his suooeeded In Interesting the city eoun. ell in .A library law and at Its laat meeting Mayor B. O. Wheeler, the council concurring, appointed as a li brary board: President. O. H. Byland; secretary. R. H. Colley; treaeufer, W. r. VChaaei. librarian, Mxs O. R. BetUrley, T). t. . wrss. IX DIDIN'T HURT, ;;-'.. .. A BIT, w - la Wkat te sat ef ear etaeSa ef eme SeStal week. Ve Se lrr tnr seeele fej eat el tke lr' eelrlr s seats ear eeur. rverrtktae as te sale. Oeea eveaiass aW Saadars. Mala SOSa. . WISE BROS., Dentists Tke raOlae, ear. TkM aad WsakSattes. r. W. f i i 1