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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
' , ' THE OREGON DULY JOUEIIAt. PORTLAND, miDAV ' EVENING. OCTQB CD. 1CC3. tdD ife lifts Every man who is now denying himself luxuries, comforts and even necessities, in order that, after his deaththis famUy may enjoy comfort arid safety every. such man should read Mr. Lawson'a burning words in his open letters to John A; McCall, ; rresident ot tnc ilev Yom Late Insurance Gompany, and to the public. ' Every woman who is depending on insurance for her support Every one closely or rtmotely con nected with life insurance should get tJie November number of Eveybodys, read the full text of Mr. Lawson's Jettcrs (of which parts are quoted below) and send Mr. Lawson their proxies or add their names to the hundred thousand w him. am : : FipesJdleot New Yrk?L To Jc!a A. ,"WcCttIl, President New York Life Insurance Co. Btel It la time your attention ' was called to the moral aenae ot the Amerl can people. It li time you wm abown youreelf M yoa are today ' .seen by tha mllUona of your countrymen, who, a month ago, believed you to be a great and honoretolc man. la spite of the Urrlble exposures of the paat few weeks. In aplte ; of the unveiling ot tha Jugglery, graft ing and corruption at your admlnlatra- ' tlon of the moat aacred trust that eaa - be ceanded to man, you remalo unoon vlnoed of your tall and impenetrated by your shame, . forgetting that the anamy against whom your maneu ver were directed waa the American people, and that your charac ter aad repntatloa were aa absolutely before the bar aa though you had beea Indioted for aequeatratloa of the funds . of some dead frlend'a wife. -. -Tou hare made yoaraelt the custodian ' bf theaa fuade uader aacred pledse of square deallaa' aad honeet administra tion. - Tou aare made yourself tha na tional executor . of the widow aad tha orphan. Hundred of - mllHoaa' of dollars hare 'been ooallded to you annually eoree of millions of the aatleo aava beea turned late your eoffera, With tale money you have beea rlnln ayndloatee, debauoh' In LiOKlslaturea, manipulating- stock markets, and doing other thlnga which will be prorea later. Instead of employ lag the vast power and the . Immeoae wealth Intrusted to you to conserve the Interests of your policy-holders, you have made yourself a part of the cruel robbing machine which the "System' haa created tor-deprive the Amerlcaa people of their savings. ' e . Tet today you deacriae the Investiga tion being conducted Into your opera tlona aa an Impertinence , - you are unrepentant. . unashamed aad defi ant. e Oaa year ago. z to verybodjr'B Maga- The offlcera, trustees and officials of that 'Big Three' life Insurance eompanlea have been andjara now polley-holdeaa money- They are graft ers mean, ..ooatemptlbla grafters." I gave apeclflo Instances of their thleverlea " Tou reviled, not by aaltng ma to- court. but by: . . .,.- ..v Circulating throughout tha world documents by the millions, disparaging my reputation by advertisements and "news" and "editorial" statement from your subsidised Insurance press, deny ing my charges, attacking my character. all at' tha expense of your policy-holders and without their approval. Tou employed James M. Beck, e assistant attorney-general of the United gtatee, than and now. chief attorney for Henry H Rogers, the Btaadard Oil com pany, tha "System" and the Mutual Ufa Insurance company, io ridicule my ut terances and asperse my honor la ad dresses la the cttiea of Philadelphia and Boston. , ., Tou employed Jamea "IC Kckela, x controller of the currency of the' United States, now proeldent of tha Commercial bank and representative of the "Sys tem" In the west, to attack any ' argu ments and distort my motlvea la Chi cago. . , - . .. .: Tou ordered Vlce-Prealdent Perklaa of the New Tork Life. Insurance company to perform similar service la Philadel phia r and . -The burden of all theaa documents. advertisements and disguised advertlae- menta and addressee waa: Lawson Is an unmitigated liar and scoundrel, whose aole reaaoa for attacking the In aurance eompanlea la that we refused him lneurance." . ... Today you and your fellow-plunderers stand convicted in the eyea of the world. not. only of Juggling the moneys of the widow and the orphan In tha atock mar ket, but of manipulating theaa trust funds for tha benefit of your own pock-eta. e e e Notwithstanding tha turpitude already exposed to the people, you atlll Imagine you can ao conduct yourself aa to prevent tha Investigators from fast ening on you and your associates the more aleeperate orlmea that have been oommltted In the paat the 180 to Set millions stolen and diverted or uaed la corruption. ,... ,.,..., .. , .. . . . But you have mlataken the tempera of your countrymen. . . : . . X have beea authorised la wrmai by aver ld,000 policy holders, carrying ear fifty-fear aUUioae of taaaraaee, e aot for tbam, ' : . I had Intended to await the finish of tha New Tork Investigation before pro ceeding, but aa I have had placed In my hands during' the paat few daya evi dences of the determination of yourself and your accomplices and fellow-conspirators to face It out regardless of consequences, and aa I believe men cap able of committing the acta, that have" been proved during tha past few daya fully capable' of taking the transport able part of tha billion and a quarter funds to foreign countries and . using them to keep themselves from their Jtfstiydesei-vd punishments, I have de cided to act now. - a e t . . , Thomas W. Lawson To Life Insurance Policy Hold ers : ''V--:. i;. a (:' V',;'-' At tha beginning at my story, nearly a year and ahalf age, I made certain accusations against the management of tha three big life insurance eompanlea. I knew when I began my story that the big life insurance eompanlea war in tha hands of graftera and thlevea, juat aa are the greet banks, truat corn panlee, railroad eompanlea, and big cor porations and trusts. This I know and. la plain language, aatd It. Today the preaa of the world la de voting tta apace, newa and editorial, to a recital of the contemptible- and hein ous crimea of tha New Tork Life and tha Mutual Life Insurance companies-? aot as Z relate theaa, bat aa their owa officers aad trusteea aaallely eoafeee them. in the July Installment of my story 1 called upon policy-holder to sign a cou pon blank Inaerted In verybody'o ICag. aalae, and send same to ma that I might speak for them in a plan to further their Intereata. In response to my call I have received up to today.' October 4, ll.SOT anawera, representing $16,1,1. Aa aoon ag I received a Bumner of sig- naturea aufflcleatly large to warrant It, I quietly began operation. Tha (inrt direct raaaM la the taTea tlgaUon aew belag held. This taveatlga ttoa aaa proceeded far enough to a before tha pabiio abaolato proof of all tha erteea X have charged, aad three to thirty tlmee aa away mora. ; St la saw evldeat to aU hMi , 1st. The poltoy-holdera In tha great eompanlea have yearly paid Into their company ecore of mllUona mora than neceeaary. . -- ad. The pollcy-hojdera have been rdbbed of hiindredalof milllona- . - M. The .vast funds on hand have beea habitually uaed by tha grafters now in control of theta in . tha rankest kind of atock gambling. ' - 4th. Theaa funda have been habit ually uaed to corrupt tha ballot-box and tha lawmakere of tha country. I repeat, absolute proof of all this haa been made public v - . Zt ehould aow be evtteat to all thatl ' let The funda aow en hand are la actual Jeopardy, beoauae they are In tha absolute control of unprincipled scoun drels. ' -V.-. 5 -.f.-7, ," .' '- ,-- M. Unleea aomethlag la dona ; at once by the pollcy-holdere e - e e every 6ne of the largest companies may become Insolvent: that la, they may not be able to meet tha engagementa of their policies, because of waste of funda. tre mendous falllag off of now bualnesa, tremendous cost of tha . new business, and tha nature ot tha new bualnesa so called "graveyard buaineaa,'V for I am credibly Informed that they are aow seeking to Insure those who formerly have beea refused Insurance because of pbyaloal Inflrmltlea. St ahonld be plainly evldeat that -it the polloy-holdera move, and ' move quickly, they can be absolutely aaaured that:' , ' -( -..,., 1st. The fund aa they are today will remata intact.- : a. They will be added to by the res titution of from 7S.OOO,000 to 1150. . . , ; ' - Sd. A acora of tha thlevea who have plundered pollcy-holdere la tha past will be sent to prison, - ' 4th. Tha future payments of polloy holdera will be largely cut down. Mav Tha present swollen surplus. will be returned In large pert to policy holders. C .' " ; atk, la the future polloy-holdera will actually run the company. VHb . All polley-holders ean be assurel that to tha future they will receive tha aotuaL worth of their policy at aur render. All thla being ao. It la moat eminently desirable for policyholders to aot, and at once, - Thomas W. Lawson Beginning over a year ago. Everybody's Magazine has steadily attacked the legalized robbers of the business community, until the whole country has become keenly alive to the, evil powers which we are struggling to destroy, and which have been in the way of Presi dent Roosevelt's "Square Deal for Every Man." This destructive process must go , on until the money of widows and orphans shall be safe; until beef trusts shall no longer control the food supplies; until the concentrated rottenness of many years, shall be shaken out of the great businesses of ; our country ; rand until municipal, state and federal goyernments shall every where' be clean and honest - . v v'.' - U ':. i':, i .Charles Edward Russell in his -Foreword to hiselbquent and constructive scries on Man's Struggle for Equality, , says: "In some ;way the Americans will find a curefor the evils that ,now beset and : hamper them, as in; old days ' they found a cure for monarchical - despotism, and again for African slavery." . - - ; Lawson is helping. Russell is helping. Everybody's Majjazine is helping. - Let every man who has pity for the under-dog read what Mr. Russell has to say in his series beginning in Everybody's Maga zine for November that he may learn, and think, and, when the time comes, act, - ' - : , - Hi i --t A great magazine Everybody's for November for everybody. For everybody; that means you. ' ; KTrjbodyt Mtgubt IS eeatt $1.50 a yer. Jvit oiiU At MeiivxleaJen or Mnd f 1.50 fcv tae yeara tn . .- ! ! " :, V.' . ' ....,. .... . . . , . , . . , .. , -V .-. : . : : J '...i,',. . COUNCIL EXCEEDED : ITS AUTHORITY So-CaNd Perpetual ' Franchises Shown by Best Authorities to Be Revocable at Will. - DISCOVERY MAY SAVE CITY MANY MILLIONS Jurists Hold. That Perpetual or Ez ; claahra Rights May Be Granted V Only Whan Leylalatara Expressly .,. Delegates Power So to Do. c . )..-'. V.-r "', ' ' . Intense Interest waa aroused bf the Jrablleatlon yesterdar In Tha Journal of the discovery that the ordlnanoea enacted fey former elty councils aranting- certain . tMrpetael franchlaea were voidable, and that the ao-ealled perpetual franchlaea were. In reality, subject to revocation at the will of the council at any time. . It Is said to be a universally accepted proposition in law that perpetual or ex clusive franchisee ean be granted by city councils only when the charters of the munlclpalitiea contain express delegated power from .the legislatures of their states; that enactmenta by councils of franohtaee purporting to be perpetual or exclusive are la exceaa of power in the absence of such expreea delegation af power. Tha accepted authorttlea, euch aa Dillon and Elliott, aa well as appeal eourta .in states .wherein the Issue h beea raised, unite In aupportlng the doo- trtne herein set forth. . - fsiif Tijaslilsia Tsuilnl 1 Franchlaea have beea granted by Port' land councils in paat years, pretending to be perpetual, to tha several railroad eompanlea, tha terminal company owning and operating the unloa station and yards, tha telephone, gas, elsctrlo light and telegraph eompanlea Theee franchlaea, were they to be established aa perpetual, would be im mensely valuable, worth probably mll Uona of dollars. Never before haa the question been raised aa to their validity, and it la certain that there will be wide spread discussion before tha laaue is settled. . ... .- Lawyer Baplaia Situation, " In a cursory manner., a well-known lawyer Illustrated the view of the courts, reading from Elliott on roads " e - TOWLE'S LOG CABIN PRODUCTS 1 received behest ever all , ea decision of award (old medal competitors superior lory LT.7I3 tiD 'cum. Exposmori - - Aaaaa - aaaaai aaaaAeyaaaaaaaeraaa- t - - - - . fWVV "TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVfTTTfTf f and streets, aa authority accepted by every Jurist In the United Statea. . El liott says that it cannot be aaeumed that any municipality haa the right to grant perpetual or aaeluaive franchlaea Such a right muat accrue from definite and express authority delegated by the sovereign power of the state as repre sented by the legislature. The doctrine has never . been com bated successfully In any court of the land. Decisions are cited by Elliott from the supreme eourta of New Tork, New Jersey, Minnesota, Indiana, Massa chusetts, Maryland, Alabama. Ten neaaee, Texaa and Louisiana, and the federal eupreme court, and ha also cites the decision of the Oregon supreme court in tha case of Parkhurst against the Capital City Railway company. . - . Oregon Court Cited, -Thla case is In "23d Oregon reports,' and raised the queatlon of the power of Balem'a city council to grant an ex elusive franchise. Tha law regards ex elusive and perpetual franchlaea la pre cisely the same light. ,- The principle underlying the holding on this aubjeet la that no city council can legally yield to a corporation or person tha permanent control bf a street that haa beea dedicated forever to pub lic uses. - To grant a perpetual fran chise would be absolutely to yield such control in tha manner Indicated, which la a violation of the rights of the people of the commonwealth who alone, through their legislature, may grant franchlaea of that charaotar or delegate tha power to do ao. ' . ' v Wo Aaaamptioa Adequate. Furthermore, that thla power muat be delegated in express terms is held by all tha authorities. la relation to thla mat ter, hold the eourta, there legally may be no assumption of powers affecting the permanent rights of the people. Such powers muat be delegated beyond all queatlon, and the conclusion drawn Irora the whole matter at Issue la that the city council of Portland had no power to grant perpetual franchisee In the ab sence of provision la tha charter for auch grants. . 'v , . .. . .. ii . ' SPANISH PRINCESS TO WED BAVARIAN PRINCE v. i i ' ; r. ' MII. ' (learasl SpMlat Service.) Madrid, Oct. 10. The period of mourn ing- tor the princess of tha Aaturlaa, who died a year ago, being ended, the betrothal of -tha Infanta Maria Teres to Prince Ferdinand of Bavaria was to day formally announced. The marriage will take place at Madrid next January. Tha Infanta Maria Tereea la tha only surviving alter of King Alfonso. She waa bora on November IX 1.8I2. Prince Ferdinand, who waa born- on May 10, HI4, la the elder aon of Prince Lows Ferdinand of Bavaria. Tha Infanta and the young prince are cousins. The prince la to become a Spaniard and receive ap propriate Spanlah rank. 1 A Colonise Italians ta Santa. JJooraal Special Swrtee. New .Tarsi Ont. Iaa4liiniwir hv ample capital and many of tha foremost philanthropists of tha country, among mem nooseveit, the Italian Amarioan Agricultural iMimlailiui haa beea incorporated for the purpose of ooionwng iiatian immigraats la tha With.; '. i'' : ..- -. , , BALDWIN, BEACHEY AND AIRSHIP GO SOUTH i v ... - ' . City of Portland Made Twenty Three Successful Flights, Establishing New Record : Captain T. 8. Baldwin, owner and in ventor of the airship City of Portland, with Lincoln Beachey, the boy aeronaut. and the airship, will leave thla evening for Los Angelea. The City of Portland made more auo-cessful-flights, under varying weather conditions, than any other airship, es tablishing new records in aeronautics that probably will not be bettered for yeara to come. In all. the airship made It ascents- of which 21 were success ful, in that tha ship waa guided at will and returned aafely to the place from which it started. , Prior to the flights of tha City of Portland, tha Angelua went up four times, but did not succeed in getting back to tha aeronautic con course. "I am well satisfied with the sum mer's work," said Captain Baldwin thla morning. "I think that aome progress haa been made, and I am going to keep right on trying." Baldwin will operate all winter, prob ably ia one of the Loa Angelea parks. There ia a movement on foot, backed by the chamber of commerce of Loa Angelea. to build in that city an aero drome for the use of any alrahip man who may care to utilise it in making experiments, if this plan goea through Captain Baldwin will ha tha drat to take advantage or it. Captain Baldwin said thla - morning that he had two new motors ordered. one a two-cylinder motor and the other of tha four cylinder atyle, which he ax pected to try out in connection with me ex pen men is in Loe Angeiea. SANTA FE PLANNING . . - DIRECT LINE TO GULF (Joersal Special tarttc.) San Francisco, Cat, Oct SO. If the plana of President E. P. Ripley are carried out. the Atchison,- Topeka ' Santa Fa railway will soon have a sec ond and much shorter overland line to California, forming a direct connection between the elty and Oalveetson, Texas, one of tha moat Important porta In the eouth. The Oulf, Santa Fa North- are safe; you needn't get chested in them, Schilling's Best are not only pure and true, but generous. A J western railway, which baa Juat been Incorporated, will build 3S0 mllea of road from Brownwood northwest to Texlco, on the Texaa and New Mexico boundary. Texlco ia on the North and South Pecoa --Valley line of the Santa F. From Texlco to Rio Pu.rcoe, on tha Santa Fa and California Overland line, 10 mllea weat of Albuquerque, tha dla tanca la 275 mllea, and a road ia being built there by the Eastern New Mexico railway, a Santa Fa company. The aew overland line will run from Rio Puercos to Texlco and thence north over tha Pecoa Valley line. GOVERNMENT PURCHASES O FILIPINO CHURCH LANDS - (Journal Sp-etal BerHee.) Washington, D. C, Oct. 20. The transfer to the government of tha Domin ican friar lands in tha Philippines, which have been under dispute for over two yeara, waa completed today, tha govern ment paying tha final installment ot II.Hl.m through th International Banking corporation in New Tork to tha Phlllppinea Sugar Eatatea Development company and receiving clear tltlea to tha remaining lands. Thla price la 1150. 000 laaa than waa asked before Secretary Taft made hla recent visit to the Phil ippines. Thla payment concludea the friar landa purchase, which involved a total of 410,000 acres and an outlay of 17,211,000. Over tha Dominican friar land, which Included about 150,000 acres, a dispute aroee aa to the title to a part of the tract, and tha government aerved notice on the development company, which claimed ownerahlp, that no money would be paid over until an absolutely clear title waa furnished. - The money was raised by the sale of the Philip pine bonds and had been on deposit with the International Banking corporation and the Guarantee Truat company of New Tork City for about . two years, drawing interest. - ANAESTHETIC SHELL PROVES INEFFECTIVE ';' '' - 1 1 .Vm. ,. ...' ' (Journal Special Service.) '.'.' New Tork. Oct. 20. The army ord nance experta have juat concluded a se rlea of experiments with a new ahell filled with aa anaesthetic, which, the In ventor believed, waa deetlned ta rob war of a great deal of Ita terrora. According to hla plan the enemy waa to be bom barded with such sheila which, upon exploding, would releaae a powerful an aesthetlo In the form of gas. He was confident' that tha anaesthetic would be powerful enough to put a whole regi ment to aleep and make It -possible to capture the soldiers without killing or wounding them. Tha experiments, how ever, did not bear out the correctness of tha Inventor'a theory. The testa ware made on the ' Sandy Hook proving grounds. The test resulted in a 'flat fail ure. The gaa did not even put a single rabbit to Bleep. , Dyspepsia bane of human existence. Burdock Blood Bitter cures It, promptly, permanently. Regulates and tones the stomach. ,. ... Pieferied Steer Oaaaed weeds. Allen A Lewis' Beat Brand. I ' ft II : - r. SBS2S8 Tha Cool to Buv How to Burn It A is the at) absorbing economic question of the house owner. A trial1 of any of the following brands will solve It speedily 4. and to your satisfaction. H ' NEWCASTLE NUT,. NEWCASTLE LUMP AUSTRALIAN, ROSLYN, 'PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS, FRANKLIN , , - " LOW PRICES ON OTHER COALS ; First Prize Gold Medal mrded by Lewis ft Clark Centennial Exposition THE PACIFIC COAST CO. CHAS. H. GLEIM.' Agent 249 Washington St Telephones 229 and 237 : 1 ' . , - -. 1 The Beat ttc!ter Ready-mixed paints best and long est tried makes, only are el wire on hand. Beet paint that aver filled a brush, with a guarantee with every ean, amall or large, tell a strong story and a true one of our palnta ready to be applied. Save worktand - . . flshtr, Thcracn Co.. norni An snsae3r.: ' CONTRACTORS' SUPPLIES AND BUILDER8' HARDWARE Of the best manufacture, and made from tha beat materials, are to be found in our auperlor stock of hard ware la any quantity desired ready to meet the demand of consumers at all tlmee. We have made our prices as low aa polble for fhe building season, and you will find that th.y cannot be competed with for quality. Avery (Q, Cb s rm sr, mm rtn asm Ant '.i V -.1