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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
Tin: onccorr daily jou:::al. ic.tla!;d, i::ur:DAv :.v::i:.o. octc- X3, to nxciiAircz. ' ri.VM farm n acres seer Portuarit aell .' No. 1; will take residence house. alue 81,300 to 83.0O0, as part Nriurit; time sa balasee. w. i. liar A t o., luOV'oarth oL Buna 3a. reach, 8-room bouse and large lot; lota of raiu i an fir auureeu sum miuagja. are, raoM iiua asio. ( WILL eirhaage Blc-ly furnished rooming hones with 'piano, rooms, for up-to-date coour; y a.u.-, .a.w fOVW . WS. HWIMi. . FIXB house and lot la thrirlng Colorado towa to rrsos ror tui seta la. Address M. Wsster- garo. eou ueiay at., Portland. KRW. modern. 8-room, flna residence, ales lava. eaally rented at -K, fur flua reataorant cktaa u. Aaarrae u 00, Journal. - . w . WILL exchange restaurant, vulna $1,000. extra I WILL trsds 180-sere atork ranch (or salt a bis rtijr property. Call attar p. m. TO liood em., a roruana. - v . Uol'SB and lot. Albtas. 82.500, for lauU tract near city. Aaureee una ooo, city. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. , FOR SALE Beautiful flardmaa uptight, full ' alar, must ba eoM ekaap; tola la lbs finest prouuci oc in iiaraniaa rartory; aapero tuna, 1 full and rich, ftnaat fluuh. aleaaat atria. . coat IMt. Call and sxainmo It at tba Maaufacturara' plana Co.. AM Aldet at. Tola piaao must positively ba told. , rOR SALE I bar 'A largs rosewood Knaba rmm, prwu; win aou ic eery raaaouaowt bar aa uaa for It, ao writ tna aad I will arranca a aieeting: tbla la snap at tha ;. price I aak, an writ quirk. Address B 63, MArM 2 mw Sre-proof eafes (not of oar manaractnre) eery cbaap; seeoud-band a In sum ma genuine Hall safes. -PORTLAND BAPB COM? ART,- . . TO Sixth at. Till llllimwm.lil mil aiiMa BILLIARD AND POOL tables tar ramt at Cat " a em au pnysneaaa, v Third at., rortlaatt wa pnai roar aama oa m calling eerda. piu-at las aad atria. Mc; CO baloaa cards. L w caw, m ami. roruaaa. or, TYPEWBlTEB at Isaa tha a half am nrin. . almost csvd aa atw. Alnrrt Bora!, tba drag im, w. oowina aaa waaaiaffioa ata. LAR0E8T atork of bottlaa la aortbaraat; ardors "To Hwfii7 roruaaa awiiia ooppiy M SHOWCASES JkND rlXTUBBS aaana to anW aoroad-hand cooda fat oala. Car land A KaU- roaa, aw voora at. rnoaa uu; all. LADKCa for aala. I'BCtfe as foot. 10-H. p. aa ftaa. larts oarrrlna capaeltn arte far baan Addraaa H aj. ear JoaraaL ABOCT foll-klood (taming piavoaa; alao t Knaalaa atllk (oats: cbcap. Addraaa A. B, tterrloftoa, Moatallla. OrrfotL. FOB KAI.B Ht of flao aoaaarv, raa bo aroa - at '-Oay Par." fair (rouada; cbaap If auld t oorr. s. Jiaar7. : PORTABLE loentsocl bailor aad aoxVna, borsapowcr. a H. Pl(ott saw ofaa. d in uioa V7RIL-EQI'IPPKD machlno and . blarkaailth- anop iur sata rarr roasaaablarv Call Aab St. . - .- S-ROOM anow far aale. rboaa. Inanlro at 184 narnaiop. worn ana at varnaiaa at., anasa. i AC REft cholro aotatooa la ttnaad, fo sate. , AiMraaa r. J. riaa. Llackanaa. Oroau. OYSTER raantrr sad, sbrtrlnf and capboardai vhiiii, amai- & f r uurLa . ... A LABOR atork o aala at barcata prleas.- Call ana tool ?btm arrr. no rirst at. . FOR "ALE IIcmi ardlcTM baUtarrlcr atipplas. , FOR "AI.E Small anaatlt fnrnltara, caeaa. ooo imraaa au- ,-- . CHEAP Bed. atom, eoofcuf tabls and blrria. - i.aii aiu. liana at. . PERSONAL. BE URKI r. p. (Vltal-Powar) tahV4a will roatora ta yoa -tao ana p. Tina aad atcor of maabood; If pm aro lacklnt la tba powor of rlullt7..lta aoaa rvauiua trstB inaiacronono and aaratana. and for a bos of tbaao tablets snd ba oa otncod ot tbolr awrlt. Br Bull la plala pk.. i II. Tba Arautrooc Tablet Caw lac. CM Totaaw Out.. iMtroit. Btloa. DETECTIVE asonrtaa ConfldraHal Innatira - tlooa; roporta mada aa aar Indlvldaal boetaaas or prapartyi aouaa aipartoa; seat city rarar. rare: cbatsa roaaonablr: corraapondaac ao- - . llrltrd. Orrajoa Datortlm Earrleo. oftleas I14-319 Colnnihla bldd., two waablatrtoa at.. rortiana. raoaw aiaia aaia. EDIHOH nhaaocTaaha snd raearda at factory prloee, dVllTorod aarwbora on receipt of fall amount of retail price; larrvet stock of Erit , , aoa reeorda waat of tba Rockies; oend for rlr calare. - Peter Baelsalapl, wboleaala aad re tail, jas uiaaum at. Baa Freer loco. ' DIRKASKft of women' a asecUltr; avaternlt eaaea (tTea special stteuUon, orlTsta boapltal acrammodatloa; proraaalonal lad anraea In attendanoei consultation free. X -Radiant laetltate and aaiillarlau. TUlrd and Alder, entrance smi Aider ac MMK. ANNA H'CKEY. nrlarlnal of tha Aaierl ran Beauty Parbira. la bow located at 3-10 Tarlor at.: earea all scalp dlaoaaea sad poet . titvl grow oalr or no rharse; Invlyirattus cabinet baths fins (or tba ears of rhrsaaa. tlaaa or ramr-ago.. , . , , . IP erasing mtutental life fnmpenfc. otn tba Interatata Intrndaclag Hactetr, aad BMot or rorreepoad wltb reputable reeldents of rhle eertuxt. many weaituy. ins uciooar iiegwter, 10 cents. Bolts 34. Itnssell bids., sor. Poartb . and Morrlaoa ata. Pboaa Pacific 01a, . MO DRUGS, ao stieranoaa; rrof. Daaa pleas eeteopathr aad magnotla rroatment. redacas roar rieea. reiweea eapuraaeas awotnie a la tit tea. Cnoealtatioa free. , Office, woooDoaura Drag. WINONA MILLS aesnless aoalery for men. weaaen sad children: any weight or anterlai . to order. SU Commercial blk. - Pboaa Mala ' 4HS gas oar sxblblt, Alaaufaetaraa bUg MANLY etgor restored by Dr. Roberts Neree Olobales. One Booth's treatment, fli moti tha, (3: sent serarstr aaaled by aMtV Agents. Woodard. Clarke A Co., Portia ad. Or. BOOKS! Hero they a ret MDecameraB. "Hoe. tamema." "A Hot Tamale." Taony HIIL Tweaty Tears s raker," PorWflrla rralt." - 10c eacbt Bts free. A. Bchmale. sap rtrst rt. VISIT PORTLAND loe ' brings Nschrk-btrn. Oeraaa weekly. tOX Jan aary t. lent. RstaMlabcd 18 prara. Ger amn Pnb. Co., SOSty Seooad at.. Port land. Or. LOST poweaj reetored by tba greet Dr. ' Lorens s N'eree Toalc Tablets; IBa per boc. botes for U.S. Writs or rail at Eyeeeire Pharmacy. 22T Morrlaoa. bet. 1st sad 3d. TOI'Kf lady who apnks to gentlemaa Taesday erenlng at fterenlb and Waahlngtoa (. and after took Portland hrtghte car, please eommanlcato with O tsm. Journal afflce. Tof.NtJ MAN of good atajiitlnr. ahont ta set tle la Portland, la rirelroite of meeting ynang ltr; object trite fWWMetalp. probably matrl- - eanny.. Addreaa A ears JournaL WANTED To cdbfer with tboao natrmpUt. lug a boalnraa eooraas re yonr paraoeal aad flaatelal Interest to laraatlgata. Addrees 3 43, ears JoaraaL TAKE NOTICE If jrrmr bedsprlngs seed . tlcbrenlng or aag la the reefer, don't throw thru away I raa Basks tbeta flood as new. I'hoas Mala M0S. MOOHEFIELD Tarhlsb and a team bath, aalt glow, mineral hatha; rhenmatlem gieea special attention: free trial treatment. 10Vk Slltk, Padnc ST0. LAD IKS Yea appear M rears younger, re amea all wrlnklee, hare akla Ilka, eeleel by natng Oregon Crape Bkla raed. Pheae East 13T. . -4 IOfNO LADY. IS. seeaager ta rite, seeks tree. , honorable friend; only iboee with honest In tcatlnns seed answer, - Addreaa L 2036, rare DR. ATWOon. Id Raeael Mdg.. Itl&H Poarth et. Female dleeaaee aad roeSnementa: enea Wed. and Bat. eeenlnga. Oooaaltatbia (raa. MEN! WOMEN I RaeaHwd's pllfca pneJtlrely esre Breoaeaa and lark of ettal ty; II. 4 boaes M. Plamaior brag Co, SaO Third. BfrTR peeaoid whlla yon wait. Ie. lAdles . skirts preaaed bne. Ollbert. 1 04 14 Stub eL. Best to tee Qnelle. pbooe Clay hue, FREE aampls com. totnloa snd wart ears. Bd wla U Dean, dept. R, Taantna. Maea. DR FLETCHER'S e-' . bldg., of flea r v I I Allatty PERSONAL. BERTUA The affair waa berond alt expects tlone; waa grleeed at your aiieaacei srreuga e meeriiig iur rnaay. nuLb GINHENO. tta a moner-makar Ptant new prlceliat for seed aad planta oa appUcaUum b. w. a.iuar, xaeoma. w aaa. LILLIAN B. CRAM Chiropodist, maalcnrlng sad ahampoolag. Parlor 434 A t to Urn bldge Portland. Or. BUck 3B83. MARRY1 Correepoud with local ladlea: -some wealthy; addressee (rre,iiur Bos Sod, Mas haulu. 1 1 t - ' ' MR. P. A. BirKETTS ran hear of eomethlna to his adraoUga by calling at TUB Marooam OMlg. MISS BERTHA MARTIN Room 311. Allaky bldg. Bumping aad floe needlework i leeauaa - girea. .... LYNN N csaas (or 7 oar behavior ; hare s word to ssy to yoa; phoae tomorrow. X. Y. K. PROP. N. A. NISBETH. Swedish maaeear: ail klnda of bathe: arlentlfle traatmenm. 411 Mar. IP yon are la - need of dermatologist, pboaa , sius fur Ida M. swsuor, UT Clereata au FREB An X-ray card for tbe easing, at S. Aaronaoa, toe jeweler, YJa ruin. cor. Atoer. PB1TATB horns for the mentally Infirm soar tha ell. Address r as, cars or journal. TURKISH BATHS, too Oregon tan bldr.l geats ill atgaw udies su oay. 1 ataia ib. EXPERIENCED dressmaker win Basks eagage- mrnia in ramttiea. I'niua Dee. ASSAYERS. MONTANA Aaaajr sflce sad testing works. Its morrlaoa at, w. . art glass: PORTLAND Art Glass WorkserPlala snd ems . - I l telll V ln " (H WtmJl ami AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVEY, Fifteeatb and Alder, agent for Cadillac aad fierce autotoooiiee; saacBinoa rented, repslred aad stored. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, rommarrlal blk.. Becoad aad Waahlngtoa ata. Pboaa Mala & T T AGO ART, attorney aad rouseaHor at law. 41S Chamber af Commerea aioav B. r. BURLEIGH, lewyor, 123 Graad are.. Eaat i-ortuna. . ART EMPORIUM. TRR LATEST FAD" SOe bays a pea sad Ink sketch of yearseir rrom photo or lira, ray Blag. Ug Raleigh st. Bear RBth. . M. sar. PROFEfWOK R. MAX MEYER, S4S Alder. Portrait and la no iw ape artist ano teacner. BATHS MASSAGE. YOL'NO adantlBC msesraee fires electrical. thermal, alcoholic and medlcsted treatment: chiropodist, pedicuring snd Biaalcorlug. Re ct prion room 10, Brnaoa bldg., cor. Fifth aad Morrlaoa sts.' Phone Paclfta 333. . THR SNOWDEN BATHS Lady attendants. swrtt Alder at, ; tub and Taper hams, massage aad electricity. Pboaa Mala W90. MISS BNGU8R glros medicated baths: amo cures rneaatafram ny siectrrciiy. lean aisia. near Aider, rooma 44. 28. BUTCHERS' SUPPUES. . BIRKBNWALD CO.. 3O4-B0d Ererett at, Lsrgeat batchers' snpply bouse oa tba ooaat. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAT1S 4V KILHAM. 106-111 Beeoad at. suit book manaracturera; agents tor joaee ImproTsd Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the BW Eureka leaf, tbe beat oa tba market. BLACKING. WEBFOOT Blacking, absolutely wstcrpreof. prs- aerees tba Mather, mates anocs wear av per bent longer. For mils ascrywooro. zo cents. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES BBybody sws yoa any moaeyt Wa -col lect bad debts or an ginaa rrean ei ap. Grand are., roam 13. Out that sat. COLLKOTIONS promptly aiade; bad bills oar apociaity. . star (.ouactwa Ageacy, ew Aay lor at. Mala 43T1. . . .. THE Brow Book Marcsntlla Ageacy. collectlooa. raw and reports. 313 Orogonlaa bldg. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. SB the eosst, Lorlng ssd Hardl largeet ptaat nag sts.. trm- nbene Ess MoCarneto eleaBod. refitted. aewed and laid; Both e testa and Is test eosa- prcseed air proceat feathers a apodal ty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, aactloa had com pressed air combiaeo; carpers Cleaned on rjoor witaoat remoesl. Mala aom. s-ssi CARPETS cleaned' aa tba floor; wo rams dost, Pboaa Clay 331. tree ae aaoaa tra nee. HUNTER Steem carpet and mattrssa aaeaner. boo gerreraoa. t'hone Main jis- CAFES. THB OFFICE EOS Wavblagtsa st, Pboaa Mala TTLBamaei vigaoaas. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT BROS.. rkaata; fruit and produce: eonalgBBwatB Betted; prompt retoma. jlgo Front st. ' IP yoa want to get good returns (of y proauca, snip to as; pay Bigness anas eggs f . a. b. P. Miller A Co. LENHUH BROS., comma ton merchants, floor. read, par end produce, ata ta soa r reeu at. Pboaa Mala 3SUS. ' . EVERDIN0 A FARRELL. prednee aad tmaak- sioa saercnanta, leu s root ei roruaaa. ur. Phone Mala ITS. COAL AND WOOD. KING COAL CO. Solo areata for tbe famous niamond coal; try it and you win aiwaya my It. Wyoming and Waablagtea boueo soale. Virginia and Waablagtim amlthbig coals; full weight guaranteed. Tel.' Mala 1423. A. U Stephena, sssascsr. I ' CHl'RCIILET BROS,, bars rcmoeed from foot ism 11. n 4a) Keamer St., Bear lltn: u Bow tba largest woodysrd ta tba Hty, carry ing all klsda of wood aad eoaL Mala ML RBGORY MORRIS, cue feasor e to Cola McKaso. dealers la wood ssd coal at lowest prices: sstlsfactloa gaaraateed, Car. Tewta and Irrlag. Phone Mala -dSTs. WESTERN Peed Faol Co.. aa Front between Giles and Hoyt, dealers la all Kinds of house coals sad blacksmith Coals. i'hoas Mala 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la eordwood cool aad greee aad dry elahnsand. R. B. and AV bloa avan 1 blocks sset of ferry. East 674. STEEL BRIDGE Fl'EL CO. Deatera la coat. cord wood aad dry alabwoed. Pboaa Eaat 4 He. BOXWOOD end pmner- tiimmlncs. Standard tana vo. rbaas Eaat mo. reot aeun 1 me. OREGON FTJEL CO An klods of coal sad wood, arm Alder at, Pbaae Mala So. IRK HOOVER. 311 Water St.. weed gad coaL Phono Mala 46M. FOR SALE d, 000 oorda fir BnTO. .CHIROPODISTS. IF year feet are oat of order, pa to Dr. War ley o-njBBBiB. ermTB eao Dtara. las soot epe-ctalfst.- Phone Block PIS. CLEANINO AND DYEING. UP-TO-NOW CLEANING 4k PRBSSINO COM- Piny nlts preaaed, npc; panla. 16c. Psoas acute 3H4. .349 Aakeny at. Portland Steam' Cleaning A Dyeing Worts; prec- ticsi aaTter ia cnaaeciioa. git era. Clay Tva. CLOTHES cleaned and pread II per aveaub ' L'nlqne Tailoring Co.. MI Waabluctoa at. . W. Tf'ENr.R, preesaioaal dyer aad eteeaar. SC4 Jeffrraoa at. i'hoas Mia 3B13. CHIROPRACTIC. POSITIVELY mcatlng aad remoelre; tha caote or aieeaee, lr. r. ra nogaa. uv .am n. I' hone Msln tH. - , " CIGARS AND TOBACCO. I E8HKMMUNST CO. Ulatrtbutoca of v . I FINB CIQARB- Portlaad. Oregea. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PAiLMIST THE g-rea( Egjptlsa palmist snd reader raa an yen me pan. preeeMi .ii J net askliie hum l ions : aa mouey paid la ad- . eancei If yoa are sot sstlsOed the reading - win be free or enarse. zw nuria uitiiui iohnrton ClalreoraaL Be card reader: I glee facta reliable and Impor tant as all affairs of real Ufa. Readings toe. 8 Seventh st Bear Oak. 1 CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. iviim rfiir emekaee and slaaawaca. Praal Hegela A Co.. IU0 to 104 Fifth, cor. Stark at. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS WOOD, earpeatsra. Jballdersi , p.irius saa jooDinei ewwe mmv . .. - - bnllt. Shop M Columbia. Mala 32T. P. B. VANDERHOOF. carpeBter sad Jobber, EST Stark at. Pbons Mala ei. DANCING. W OOO WARD'S ds Bring ecboot af ths iWcateca Academy of Music, voouay aaa s Daresay. Bpectalors tnrited. I.aaeima our. vanning to 11. Cor. Kccoad and Morrlaoa. DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE a work: atrletly confidential: difficult 14. Waahlngtoa bldg. eoll cited. Boom DOG AND' HORSE ' HOSPITAL. na r drown n .. nnif-Doar. Horse bos pltsl. yj7 Barnelds. Phones; si sine w; castes 30 DRESSMAKING. IHfRTVilRTI ssael at arseh Bilk. BSSdO foT . Sl.zoj shirtwaist auim, aaa avaaa saar. set. raoao avaas asv. DRESSMAKER will auka a few more 1 gagementa la (emlllca. Paoa Luioa es. DRESSMAKING Strictly Bp to date: latest eigne, vn ciay at. DENTISTS. BEY CHURCHMAN - oentlet. 334 Maraoa bldg Sixth snd Morrlsoa. Paoas Mala U00, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Compsny. 30S stark St.. PortUad. u. JL. tor sfcryUlnf la the electrical Una. Pboaa eiaia ins. - - , . , PACIFIC BLECTEIO CO Enrlnaare. coa trac tors, repairer, electric wiring, supplies, at rat, our. atarg, aasia aoa. au n. lsie. sagr, TUB Electrical Appliance Co. eSO Waahlngtoa at. ftiona Mala 4HK4. , FURNITURE FACTORIES. OB BOON Foraltars MaaafsctarlBg Company Manaraetarers oz xunutura - sar us traoe. Portland. Or. rURNTTURB manufacturing and special orders. T. BaMMlr'i fnralrnre faetorv.' BTO SYoatt at. FRENCH BAKERIES. THE only place ta Portland to get French bread. Harrare Mar lie. wi sum at. vauy oeur- ery. Pbons Greea Nn. FLORISTS. FOR. pot plants sad cut Bowers, Jobs E. Holdea, ass Tenta at, Msln Mia. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air foraaeas aere fneL . 0. Bayer Furaaca Co.. zfid Beeoad. Mala 461. GROCERS. WADHAMS St CO.. wboleaala rrecera. su facturera and commlaatoa awrcbaBbv, Fourth aad Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, enromleetoa aad uruduce chants. Front snd Dsrat sts.. Port la ad. Or, HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Oa. solicits op porta nlty ts quota isrlcoa. 18B 1st St., ear. Alder. Mala 1334. HAY AND GRAIN. E. O. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed gad flour. 13S I oloo see. Phone Eaat 1617. HOTELS. HOTEL Psedletoo, Prndletoo. W.A. Brows, aagr, HOTEL Portlaad. Amerlcaa plaai 33. 33 per dap, HOTEL St. George. Pendleton; leading feotoL BELVEDERE; Esropesa plan: 4th aad Alder sts. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE. (Ira Inaaraacs. 30 Dekam bldg. , LAMBERT, WHITMEB A CO. Firs I Dears nee and real estate: emcee lOT-nei Bberloch Clog. Mala lOtaj; dept. 404 Eaat Aider. Esst 401. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and la- aiTiouai accident surety boada 01 all kiaoa. Pboaa 4T. But McKay bldg. B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY Firs team's ace. 44g alierlock bids' Oreooa Pbons Clsy 6Z. JEWELRY. JEWELRY Bad - watches of all klsda sold oa essy payments. I. usrarta a Bona, us Homefurnlabers. LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON, erpert lock snd keysmtthl penarai repairing- rastiroa twaaing; an won guaranteed. 208 Fourth St. Phone Hood lTltt. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Erpert locksmith sad pieyeie repairing. 2n stars. vay Clay S22: night phone. Main ires. LADDERS. . LADDERS Pstnters ex tenet oa-Uddra, paper. hangera' treat Ice; Bra and roof ladders; Blasterere and farm ladders: see eatslogee. 'hone Eaat TB0. PortUnd Ladder Co.. MI Rhino at., saat aide. B. W. Hayward, prop. MUSICAL. VIOLIN, guller snd mandolin, oil snd wstcr color K-aaoaa. atorllo, 621 Hlbbard styoot. MonUellla. Phone l.nloa tST. -., PIANO, etolln. strmg ssd wind ImttrameBts. fnifeeoor Kdwla A. smith, x-4 Twaina. Msia 4703. PIAKO tsnlng. 2; per fart work gaaraateed. c. w. jobnaoa. rboao aiaia iwn. 1 MAGNETIC HEALING. MRS. L. H. HART treats all diseases, etomarh troable, Berrousneaa and rnaetloaol weafeneea. ConaaltatloB free. 20t Park. car. Jefferaea. ' OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIX A NORTHRUP. 413-14-IT Dekam bldg.. Third aad Waablagtoa sts. Paoas Msls 340. EssBilBStloaa free. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 403 Merles r bldg. Clay TTS. Kea. M. ami. (mwsitanoa rreo. PLUMBERS. DONNE RE ERG A RADEMACIIER. aaattary plambera. 34 Fourth at. - Both phoaea, . FOX A CO., sanitary plaml 231 Seooad. bet. Mala 1 Snd Selmaa. Oreg Pboaa Mala O0L mo:;sy to lca:j. . MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property or for bafldlna pvpoaea. Any aaxmnt oa from to 10 yeers' time, with prlrllega to repay all or part of loaa after oaa year. Loans ap- 6roeed from plana aad aauoey- sdeaacas ss Hiding prpgreseea; Btortgsgea takes Bp sad FRED H. STROiNG. FleaaeUI Agaat. 243 Stark Street. TUB ITA3 LOAN IO. Aay salaried employs, wags-aaraar, Caa got hat ante, without mortgage - - Month. Vk Month. Week. M.0fltapay ta aa 313.33 sr d. or fS.S6 Jao oo Repay to ae 3 d oS ar f 1.34 or 31.03 116.00 Repay to us i 4.00 or A00 or ll.UO Stfk kM. MONEY to loaa. Balarled neoois. toaomters. eta. wlthoaft SMarilvi m., la r rest business la 40 principal dtlee. Tulmaa, 23 w-iius viog. rsoas maia wsdi. - MONEY to Inaa aa rest persoasl ssd collateral security ; apodal attention to chattel aaort gagea; Botes bougbL C W. Pallet, 3U4A eeuwsa Bug., BS Oil IB St. HIOHLY raspoetablo place where ladles sad seaia caa pot row goosey on, aiamoooa ano ' jewelry-. Collateral Loaa Bank, IMS) - Weaa- ugioaai. rasas-Buck Tl. CHATTEL fTEL losas la assuuats reaslng from $23 IS.uuOi roomlng-bousee a specialty. New 1 Loaa A Treat Co.. Bud Ablngtoa bldg. to Era WB make all kinds of Inane oa- good aaoarlty at lowest rates; 'apodal attentlua glrea to caaiui mbbs. IBS Morrlaoa at. MONEY to loaa ta asms af from $3,000 to eo.uuu; isrsis ta salt us sorrower. 3u0-10, ComawrcUl blk. MONEY to loaa ta largo or small smoaats oa geoa security: lowest rates. - William u. Beck. 307 railing bldg. THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loaas from three to SU moo thai soafldastlal 217 Oragoalaa. MONEY -to loaa aa Clackamas soaaty tends. . - aaa s. A. suiey, bub vasmoor oa wo LOWEST rates aa fnrnltara snd pianos. Esst- era aaa is. aaa Bherloom aiag. uiay aaa. TO LOAN Boms to salt ' oa chattel a a amity. au a. rrassa. Bid Tba uarqnam. MONEY ta loan rea ell klnda f aecnrlrr. Wm. -Hull, room p. Washing too bldg. - MONEY TO LOAN SOT Commercial block. OVERALLS. BOSS OP THB ROAD OVERALLS . sad me chanics' clothing; an lea made. Neuatadtor Bros., aunufaetursra, Portland, Or. PLANING MILLS. ENTERPRISE Planter Mill Co. Saab, doors and woodworking, a 01 Kmt 'm't', PAINTS. QL: AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH A CO. Tba Pioneer Palst Co.! wiDOoar-gisss saa g using. law Hirst at. Psoas 1834. . v. ERNEST MILLER A CO.. Second snd Taylor- wan paper,, paini, au st Bursal prices; tree AeUrsry. . RASMUB8EN A CO Jobbers, paints. oU glaaa. sasa ana Boors. Beeoaa ana isyior. printing: WELCH A DAVIS, Printers Doere af elerer things with Ink and typo en paper. numa bldg., IUU sad Morrteoa. Msta 414T. ANDERSON A DUNTWAY COMPANY, printlag. lltbogrspbtag, blaag books. Psoas Mam 11. Alder St. ROPE. PORTLAND 00RDA0B CO.- aad Worth rap sts.. PortUad. or. RUBBER STAMPS. P. S. STAMP WORKS, 24 Aider, phone Mala Tio; rubber tamps, seals, atenciis, oagga trade checks; scad for catalogue No, 21 ROOFINO. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repelrlog sad general Jobbing. 1. iamtli. Z13 derrersoa sc. SCALP TREATMENT. 0RAT. falling hair, dandruff treated; ehampoe- ing, man lea ring, cairopoay, ises wars. his. B. F. Kyae, IdBM Fourth, cor. MorrWoa. Koom gz. raono pscidc xob. SECOND-HAND GOODS. AM tbe man who pays ths highest cosh pries for aeooad-haad fur ait ore and koussbola goods. Addrssa P. O. Bud 413. Edward S. Klela. OOODE'S Famltnra Hooas Highest prices paid ror sscaaa-nsna runurars. . gio saeona sc. Pboea psctss 4PB. TO bay sr ssll second hand furniture. Call at Hard Cash Furniture Store, zsouj nrst St. STREET-PAVING. WARREN ttwrracttoa Co.," street pseisg, elde- walka sad erosewslks. T10 oragoalaa bldg. THE Trinidad Aapkalt Paring Co. sf PortUnd. wrnco aoa Worcester Big. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of vary aeecrlptloai "bank, be and store Snares, lasde to order. Tba Laths Manufacturing Co., Portland. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banaera, eeoBomlcal slretrle. faas and algus of all klada made aulckly. Faster A Klelesr, rirta ssd Ererett. Pboaa Exchange As. - SAFES. DIEBOLD Msagsasss safee; (tra aad bargktr- peucr worhi Jsjl aad priaoa wors: iocaaata opened: repairs, t. B. Parte. SS Thb-d sc. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, soap. 11 per aiontn. Lswreocs Urns. Towel supply k.. Fourth sod Cooeh. pboaa 429. TALKING MACHINES. GIBSON CO.. 343 Wasblagtoa St. Completo Colombia grapeopboBes aaa records. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, BlsBSS ' sad furniture raoTsd. pecked reaay nw enipping una saippea; su wars gaaraateed; large, 3-story, brick, re -proof aarebouse for atorags. Office 123 First St. C. M. Olaea. Pboaa. Mala 34T. 0. PICK, offtcs BS First St.. betweeo Stsrk 'Sad Oak ata., pbons 80d; ptoses sad furalture snoeed aaa parked lor shipping: commodious brick wsreasass. Front ssd Clsy sts. STORAGE, raorlng, perking snd shipping; sue ess is tea aoaraaieFq. it win eere you money to ssll ap Msia 304. OTScea 1P1 First-st T OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 North Sixth. Phoae Mala as. Hoary baullog aad atorags. SEB Boas M. Plummer about storage; are proof ; cut ratea. Bttl Third at. reeoe Msls 3BA EAST SIDB Transfer Co.. A. B. Holcoejib, prop. jzs bssi Ti a tee sr. rsoas s,aai 000. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 200 W ash- in rt on St, PbOBS MSIS SOT. VICLINS. A. WES CO. rioita-maker and reaalrert flrst rises. 23 Bsesel bldg.. 4th aad Merrlaaa. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 134-ISd at., not. 1 amain ana Tsymr. rortia WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND IE NCR A WIRB WORK ZsP ; East avorrfcar at, Pbons East szi. FINANCIAL. pOBTLAVD TRUST COMPAAY OP OREwOB. 1 Tbe Oldest Truet Comusny la) Oregea. ' KESOLHCKS OVKet 1.,J. General harking' business saadncted. Sselogs dcpaslte. raeeired. Tims certincsted leaaed. 2 to 4 per seat; special eertiaeetee last under fOOOL 2U to 4 per cent on short cell Csll for book of ILLoTRATIO-B., .Pbeao Mate 43. 103 Third et. BENJ. I. COHEN... Proaldsut H. L. PITTtK K Vlct-Preeldeat B. LEE PAGET. Secretary I. 0. OOLTHA...,. Amis taut aUerstary u KITED STATES BATI0VAL BABK , ,. Af MITI.lld. OPEOOST. B0BTHWTST COB. THIAD AAD OAK ST. Tra aaa eta Ooaoral Aaaj aaa is ass , . v DRAFTS ISSI bU , " Arallable In All Cities of the Pnlted Stats . and Europa. Uongkong and Manila. COLtEOTIOB-i MADE 0 FAYOBABLB TERMS Prealdeet i. C. AlbSWORTH VIca-PreeldeBt "'W"VWi B-.Vr Vice-Preside at B. . I.EA BARNES cms, b. w. iniMKjj Asslstset Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Aaatetaat .Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST KATI0WAL BANK , 01 PORTLAND, OREOOB. Dealgnatad Depualtory and Flnaoclsi Agaat of . las L'ultod tataa. ,,,. Presldeat A. L. MILLS csehier.. j. w. nwkir Aeemtaat Caabier W. C AVRn Seroad AaaUtaat Caahlor B. P. STEVENS Letters sf Credit leaned Arsllsbls la Europe ssd ths Eaatcra States. Sight Exchange snd Telegraphic franafers sold on New Yorky Bxiatoa. Chicago. St. Loula. St. Paul. Omaks. Saa Franrtsou sad ths principal points In the Northwest. Sight snd time bills drawa In anms ta salt aa Lsadon. Paris, Berlin. FraakforHa-tbe-Mala. Hongkong. Yokohama. . Copenhagen. Cbrlatlanla. Storkhorm. St. Petersburg, Mao sow, Eurico. Honolulu. I CollaetloBS Msdp on FaeorabU Teems. LAOS TrXTON, BANK ERA. . (ZatakUabad ta IIH.) - 1 Collections made at sll points SB rseorsbla terms. Letters pt credit leaaed arallable la aroropo sna su points ia ins uanea eism sold oa New York. Washington. Chicago, St. umm, ueueer. tmaaa, nan -araawseow woo Montaaa and British Columbia. Exchange Bold en London. Parte. ' BarHo. Frankfort. , Hongkong, Yokohama. Manila sad Honolulu. M" ERCHABTI' BAT70NAL BANK", PORTLAND. OKEOOW 1. FRANK WATSON F R. Is, VI itntit.. ........... ...vies-rresioeai R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Aeslstaat Cashier TTsaasntg a Oaasral Baahlag ataataiaa, Drafts and Letters of Credit leaned Arsltebio to All Parts of too World. Collections s Speeislty. SXOTXtTT 3ATTX03 TRUST COMPART, M Merrieea St.. PortUnd, Or. -tTTSasacts a eoaoral Bsnhtnsr ausiaaaa. BATntaa tjcvabtmcmt. Interest Allowed en Tims snd Sselngs Deposits. Acts ss Trustee for Estates. Drafts aad Letters of Credit A raj la Ma ta All Parte af ths World. C. r. ADAMS.... Presldeat L. A. LEWIS.. .......... First Vice-President A. L. MILLS .Second Vies-President is. u. jun ia ....isacracarr GEO. T. KT 88ELL. ....... AseleUnt Baorstsry M ORRIS BROS. . - US First St., PortlABd, Or. Offer Ollt-Edge Ineestsaents la Monldpsl sad Ballroad Boada. Write or csll. JHE C0BTM EKTAL COMPAaTT. irosacial Agents. 242 Stsrk st. Pboaa Msia UTS, MORTOAQB LOANS 0a PortlASd Baal Sstato at Lowest JUtsa. Titles lasurea. A net recta rumlaosd. TITLE GTJARABTEE A TRUST CO. 40 Waahlngtoa St.. Oar. Second. ' RRIGATIQN PLANS A8AIIDQI1ED Harnoy Valley Reclamation Pro . . . ject Will Not Be Construct ed by Government. ( Washing toa Bureau of Ths Journal.) ' Washington. D. C, Oct I Tho Har ney Tailor Irrigation projoct has bosn Abandoned by tho roc lama tlon asnrlco, and .It aoraa Improbable that tho sov onunont will orsr construct tho pro posed works in this ration of southern dragon. The owners of private land who refus to a free to the government's tonne are to blame for the abandonment of the project. In addition to this fact, orator rights are In such a condition that prolonged litigation would prob ably great any effort on the part of tbe reclamation board to construct works. Secretary Hitchcock today withdrew' his objection to the right of way which the Portland Ditch company sought to acquire for Its irrigation project in Har ney raller, becaupe of the abandonment of the project by the government. Had the government decided to build Ita ca nal, the propoaead private Irrigation scheme would have Interfered with the plans, ao the secretary of the Interior withheld consent until the matter was finally settled. The reclamation service has con as n tod to the right of way being granted and the land department has been in structed to approve tbe application. FLATHEAD RESERVATION TO : BE OPENED SOOM Million Acres of Land to Be Allot ted for Settlement In r Near Future. . ... " .... :- ' (Speclsl rxspstcb ts ths Journal. I Missoula, Mont, Oct. 19.- It ia given out today from an authentic sou roe that the examination of surveys of the Flat head Indian reservation had been com pleted In their entirety and that the re port of the same had been transmitted to the surveyor-general at Washington. This will come as welcome news to all who re waiting for the big reserva tion to be thrown open, aa It means that the work of allotment will soon take place and that the Indians will be estab lished upon their respective lands, leav ing tbe remainder open for settlement work of surveying the reservation has been completed much sooner than at first thought possible, and In all prob ability tho opening of . the reservation win take place several months before the time set by many of the experts wno are-familiar with such mattera Judging from tbe amount of work ac complished since the beginning of the survey of the reservation, the opening wUl Uka place either ip the fall of 10 or in the spring of 107, If tha re mainder of the work Is completed with the aama rapidity. The Flathead reservation embraces about l.wOa.OOO acres. . HEARTY RECEPTION TO SENATOR FULTON (Special Dispatch to -The lowreal ) Albany. Or.. Oct. It. fritted fit a tna Benator C.- W. Fulton spent yewterflay afternoon and last evening in thla city snd at the Alco club last right he was (Iran a receptioti by tbe eatmbera of the TRA:::rcnTATic:j. TNC COfclPOftTy4X WAV. City Ticket Ofase, 129 Thb-d St., Pheao . 2 OVERLAND T2AL.5 DAILY O Ths nyar and toe) fasts aEaU. bVUBTDED HT!OaV VP-TO-SATal BOIJinnXT OOYBTBOVS sslCTlrOTeW LEAVE '-to a. m. 11:41p.m. 1 l.p.m.- 4 Ttom, rortUad TlBamtl ARRIVE 7 :00 a. m. :t0 P- m. TUBpoksVB (O. BL U BT. OO.) 1.00 a, ttu oauiAT jTOBTszmw BnA-xcBXxr oo. Balling; Vram Beattls m. m. uiMwmmorA, wow. .. B. U. DAKOTA, XVOO. A. Tor Japan and China Porta and Manila. BrrjlOaT TT7BSBJ fr.ATsiarA (Japan Mall Btatunahlp Company) S. KABTAOAWA BtVUM, Balls from Beattls fur Japan. China And all Aijlatlo Ports About Oct. 14. . . Tor tlckata, rates, berth rsssrvatlona, ate, cU on or address M. BZ0XS03T, C P. T. A. ' " Portland. Or. CLAIRVOYANT B20TEE8 WILLIAM, the Quaker Prophet IT IS JVBT AS7 CHEAP TO SEB THB BEST. ASTRO DEAD-TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. , - i , tow PER..-' I As hereby solemnly agree and gnsrsntse to make ao charge If I fall to call yoa by a a me In fall, names of your friends, eaemlee or rlraie. I promise ts tell yoa whether your bra-bend, wife or sweetseert Is true or fsUe) tell yoa how to gala tba tore of tue one yen most desire, eren t bough ml lee sway; bow to auecaed la business, speeulstioa. Iswsnlts; how to aiarry tbe saa sf your choice; bow to regsls your youth, health aad vitality. Beawees aril In fluences, cures' drink habits, locates treasures. 313H Wsahiagtsa st.( ear. of Sixth. ATTirnOal TAB CORTUUTD. The astonishing myetle, tba occult sroader of two continents. Keren , years of continuous work la Portland and a clientage of thousands places a maa la a poelttoa that no Juet criticism csb disturb. Rssdlngs red need tbla week. Call today bring this sd. . St. 00 Lin Usvsoie Are yoa la doubt shoot sa mrsstmentl Hare you a domtatlc troubktt Are yoa about to take a Journey! Uses yoa sasmlss you do set kaow sad friends whom yoa doubt t Don't mistake Uuase snd somber Vsu t'ortland, 303 Vs Wash- US tuoaj (Ewsrae) ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath and good had tor tha Bight, oil foe n. King's Baths Seventh and Wi lngtoa Sts, . Ispaal and largest awAeh ha 101019. Clvwlaalaat Belief sad kaahHdyCnrea CsisfTh. com kg tha ant, La Srlpat, weataeag aad rlaglnfl hi tad cars, fnr tseessssCeieisieciAerisieoeiM aVagj. IrJ SoU kr'C'ragrl't'ee'ryaukfarrpaiA r. C KEITH. Prop. Camillas. Alco and Commercial clubs and the busi ness men of the city. Mr. Fulton spoke briefly on the needa of legislation In thla section for sn open Willamette river and for the protection of the banks of tbe stream In order to keep the water In the old channel and promised his beat efforts to secure the legislation asked for by this city. He pledged his best efforts toward securing the purchase of the locks at Oregon City by the govern ment, relieving the commerea 04 the state of 10 cants a ton lockage charge. SC. A. Carls aswplrea. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Wall -Walla, Vssh Oct. II. M. A. Carta a pioneer contractor and farmer of walla Walla county, died at. the family residence late Tuesday -levelling of apoplexy, aged TI years: He esme to Walla Walla from Iowa In U44. first engaging In the mercantile buslneas and later devoting hia time to farming. At the time of his death he was engaged In general contracting with his son. The funeral was held at It o clock this morning front his residence. . Mod arm Weedmaa to Ba1 (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Waltaburg. U'aak.. Oct. 1 Arrange- thents have been completed for enter taining more than loo member of the Walla Walla Irxlga f Modem Wood -oca of America tievt Tttearlay eiit tt a Joint meeting of the Walla ..' 1 Waltshnrsj Irwlges. Tha vleltrrs st . 1 t rive he- f.ri a e-eo 1 e it over t u IV.ff.' r I : mm $1.00 If. - I ( :. ) PS 1 II I L L UrucrrFaiciriD 3 Trains to the East CJIy 3 Tkroogh Pullmaa etaadard end BMarlst sUee, ng-esrs dally te Oawba. - Chlaafo, beea 1 toartst sleenlag-ears daily be laaeaa 1 -1 tkroogh Pullmaa tourist sleeplsg-enrs (see- ally coed acted weekly to Caleego. P e-.i . abelrears (easts free I to ths Bast deny, i UNION DEPOT. Leaeea. Arrliea. CBJ ICA OO- PO RTI JJ( U SPECIAU S IS a. ss. I'd p. av. Per ths Beat els Baat- Dally. Daily. lagtea. SPOKANB PLTER. - , For Eastern Washlag' tea. Walla Walls. Lew 4:13 B. a. f -C) a. Sb btos. Coooe d'Aleae Dally, Dally. .d - Ores t Borthara ... polnta, , :..., TLf "TIC EXPRESS. 3 13 p.m. T:ISo.aV Far the Eaat vU Baat- Dally. Dally. . loft ou- OeJamkle Bit "-siiwsia ess war bss p. as, olBta. soaaectlBg wltb Dolly. -""r- .ror trwace saa eg. Sunday. North Beech, stmr. BsaMSatarday. Oslo, Ask-et. doe. 1 100 p. mi S:0p. ss. TsaahlU Brrer Rente. Post nirma r, City gsd TasabMI rtear feints, stmra Bath ssd T-ry a. at TrSS'a. as. ' Dally. Dally. moooe. aaa-ec ases (Wstee aermlttlas I ex. staada. i Saadsy. Bnaka Rreer Bouts. POB LBWISTON. tda. 3:40 a. m.. or apoa ar rlral Tra Is No. 4. Sua Toea. Thar. 4-ee , ss. Meaday Wednesday Saturday ssd waynolata from supane, waaa rtaHs. Spokane aad Lewlatoa. TICRET OfTICR. Third aad Waahlagtsav eh ' - pboBo Mala TU, A S ft.TKv," N0e. tF Ticket Agea. A. U CRAIG, Oeaeral Pisoemgae Agent. EAST" SOUTH tlNIOSJ DEPVT, OTBBLAND EKPBESS. Trains, tat Seism. Ross burg. AeblsBd. Saera meute, Ogden. Sea fraa cmee. Stork too. Lea Aa gr lea. El Paaa, New tb :-? a, av TiS.S- asene ssd the Baat. Morning trala sects at Woodbnral dally except Bono-ay with trsla tar ait AaaeL Sllverfeal Brawnarine, S S r I a g flsld. Wsaditag aad 0 .30 s. st. !BB.Bh Eussas pease agar c 40 a. sa. wts st Wood burs wits im a.s ML Aaesl aad SUear tea local. Corral lis passenger. Sberldsa paaaaagir. Forest tiroes pa sea user. T:S0 s. 4 Mb. a I10:4 p. I 8:36 Sw am. S H a. am. 1 11 -. so p. au .. ertell IIDally eseept AVjiMmy. Psrtlaad-Oswecs fcburbaa Bwrrlss ssd TaassBl Drrtslea. Depot foot ot Jetfarssa street. ' Lea re Portland dally for Oswego t s. ml U 00, :(. 4:00, 0:80, S.3S; T.48: 10:10! 11:S p. m. Dally (except Bunder). 3:80, 3:30. 3:3a,. 10:29 a. rs. Sunday only. 8:00 a. am. Returslng from Oswego, srrlre PertlaM del If 8:80 a. av 1 no. txm, saw. u:aw, . -. . 11:10 p. m., 12:58 a. am. Dally (except Saadayl. 8:25. T:23, 8 JO, IIM S. am. Saaday aaly. 10Lea ess "from saree depot tar Dallas aad ratop. ajodlato points dally 8:08 p. am. Arrrea Port- Th.W:U-dle-avlf. Um aperstss dsllr to Mosmouth ssd AwHa. eooe wrthsTwlth Southern PadSs essjaaay'e tracss at Dalles 44 loAepaadeBco. - Plrst-clsss fare from Portlaad to Sseraiusara sad Ss. PrsBd 820, berths Igl sissat sissS fare 818. soerad-elaas bertha 8EM. Tlck.t. to Bsstora Pofts ;rl77 M liism Chins. Honolala aad Australia., City Ticket OrSee enrnee TMrd saa Wanes. tTiTI-SEB." A,CRA1J. City XMBSS egwa TIME CARD OF- TRAINS Portlands DAILT. CXI0N DEPOT. Depert- Aevtuo. Valtawalieie Plft-KlB saa Clty-St. Leo la Spe- rial (or CbehaUa,Oa- trails. Olrmpla. mrraya B arbor. kVuth Bead. Ta eoam. Seattle. Spokasa. Lewtatea. Bstto, Bill JO 8. St, iM m. U:tta. am, 4J0 8. m. ings. Denrer, omasa. Kansas City. St. Leula ssd eeutboasL North Oos.t Limited, electric lighted, for Ta 'eotae, Sesttls. Spjhsne. Butto. Mlnneapolla, SL Pool aad ths Esst. -Paget Sousd Limited, for ChsbsUs. CoetrslU. To noma aad , Seattle only. Twla City Etrnrsaa far f:08a.BV 18AI P. BV, Tscosva, Seattle. Spo-I aane. neaefia. ufta, yrUowstooa Thrh. MIs aeapolis, St. Peal aad :Wa,ah mns acat. A. D. CHARLTON. . Assistant General Passenger Agents S&3 Morrlsoa at., coe. Third, - Portland, Orsgom. . Astoria & Columbia V River Railroad Co. XpgieV j Airerea. - vjnfv LeaVea. UNION DEPOT. Arrleea. -0 a. am, par Msygare, Rainier. 11 :8a a. am. Dally. . Clatahsaea, West port. Dally, Cllftaa. A a tori s. war reBtoa, lis rel, Baav , ' ornad. ? eteveaa " " '! ," ' Oearkart Park. Seeaide, Astarla sad eawahura, s'.-- Exprsse dally. 3 BP p. a. iKJtt"; AxtorUpr-a, J. C. MAtO. 9. P. ssd P. A Aae-ele, Or. 6 A. STEWART. Ommardal Age-. 8a8 Aseaf ALASICA , FAST AND POPtTAB STEAhUStn Lee re Beatles 8 a. am. -Trrrro." f"""' so. st, . : CALLINa AT retA'iraw. rNA'i. r HAtNr t. KfWir ' ' p. 4b X. routs Mi l,. . Kerns, eta. POR ALL t i M r ' f t ' -rf 4 '