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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
TII2 OREGON SUNDAY JOUTUJAL. .rOHTLAHP. ZUl iLMtL'Bh nor.iE IS VEXED DY OF LUKE I7RIGIIT Spreckela Oceanic - Liner Run Secretary, of War Much Dit- Miss Alic Roost-vertY Visit to , I Aground Near Golden Gate --" - In Dense Fog. : ; i : pleased With Adminietra V Philippines' Upsets Plans of In dLTarent ttylas and t&cpes from $25. CD. , They rt built oa fad taving lines, and re madf for coal or wood If you haw newer used a Rqyal HIvkI Rae you do not knew what a money saver It ia. tlon of Philippines. Catholio Church. - We hare HEATERS in all shapes, sizes and styles and in prices from Q2.50 vUp They are all splendidly made of the ; best I materixla and make your fuel bill smalL; - . i; - - . w- ' "s '-'.-..'," "i ' .'1 .-. . l . PILOT SAYS -WHISTLES .. GOVERNOR ANTAGONIZES SHOWED GREAT FAVOR . & -:1 ,- -DID NOT WARN SHIP .:J EDUCATED FILIPINOS .. . TO POPE'S ARCH ENEMY r .Vcrsel High and Dry; Will Be ToUl - LocsPassengers and Crew Safely General Joseph Smith Will Probably -Succeed Wright at Chief Executive Preaident's ' Daughter Committed Crave Breach of Diplomacy. Going Lewded-Japaneee - Only .,: Showed of Islands Breach between 'N ; So Far at to Be Photographed .With ' Aglipay and So Aiding Rebellion. Cna of Beta' Pwtc-Stricken rJvea and Americana Wideninf. .! ' ' ' ' TilFT AFTER SCALP 1 1' ? IlSOlOCKi J II Jl ' .( - '. I. GIRL'S CAPRICE (t -otal Dispatch bf Leased Win to The Joe real) kana Francisco. Bept JO. Alrooat a,t the; stroke of noon today the Oceanic . Steamship company 'a liner. Alameda, which, left her dock at 11 o'clock bound : for -Honolulu, ran la a denaa fog upon the rocka at Port Point, where aha now J Ilea, .j- "' ' 7" There"are fT"nrst saloon passengers . aboard, a number of second-class pas . eengera and li or 10 la tha steerage, tha ; anoat of the latter being Japanese. They all ot safely aahora without panie and without Injury aava to one man, who . was struck by a hawser and painfully liurt. !-..- . .l; y i..-- . , . , ,.;MJ aT'at nlatn ah iaa aa al ' aTWaf alaill ia m t sn iasrsaaa. I J ygywiH a MVIwalw aTWupH w 1 aa apm1 naad and Captain C. B. Johnson ,waa the ; pilot. . They declareibat thai foe whistle at Fort Point and that at Ume Point did not aouad warning signals on- ., til after tha Alameda had tun aground. 7 On tbla point there ia a eerloua contra diction of testimony. . Captain Peter Kelson, In charge of ' the atatlon at JJme Point, declaring; that be did this duty and blew the signal blaata aa eoon ; aa tha fog- waa sighted at Mile Bock. whleh, ha says, waa at 11:45. Now, at . L. just about. 11:1 i. o'clock tha' Alameda truck, la the .ml at of denaa fog, ac cording to the stories of those on board, there ia either a connection In record of ' time or in statements of fact ' . Tha value or the cargo aboard tha Ala meda waa $181, US. The ahlp waa valued ' at 47,ooe. . Both ahlp and cargo - were fully Insured. '. .; , ,...' r Ql ID ELLIOTT TALK T0 TO!iS 1 ilnt Given by the Former That ' Great Northern May Reach . v . , Out Farther. "I it i T, r , (Special nUeatch to Tke Joaraal.) . Taroma, Wash... Sept. 30. In an--.1n-formal addrasa to Tacoraa business men tonight, Jamea J,. Hill -announced in an Indirect' way that ' hta railroad woul-t come to Taroma. Bevvral times be stated , thit at present the Oreat Northern waa nearer Tacoma than ever before. He aald that ha and President Elliott had dis cussed he. 'matter..: Ha added: - ? :-. U"I can't aay Just when. or If arer tha Oreat Northern, will build to Tacoma, . bat tonight It 1s nearer than ever be fore, and when I come to tha coast again I believe it will be atlll closer." His only reference to tha new Colum bia river line waa: . "Tou are anxious over it. It-will do you, no harm and may be a lot of good. Everything tend ing to build up this country wUl help jrou." j' . :f vi',' ..-.. President Elliott epoke at some length, telling of Tacoraa'a growth and tha Interest of tha Northern Pacific in thia city. Ha added that hla Una, as one of Taooma'a foremost cltlsene, would welcome tha entrance of tha ' Oreat Northern. ' : The party will leave tomorrow morn ' lng for Portland.,...:.: .' (Spselal Olsaateh by Usssd Wks to Xh earaal) - San Francisco, Sept 10. Luke E. vVrlght of Memphis, TeiUneaaee. who succeeded -Secretary of War Taft. governor of the Phlllpplnese. will arrive in San Francisco. early In November en route to hla Tennessee home and Waah' lna-ton. ostensibly on a vacation trip, and -to- be present in tho natkmal capital when tha bids for building mues of railroad 'in tha lalajida are opened. But ln the opinion of several promt nent senators and representatives who returned to thai orient on laat Wednes day, with Tart, wngns wui pot go iwcs to. Manila. -' m.--- ,; These congressmen atate thatwright'i policy as governor ia very displeasing to Taft and that in their opinion he will succeed -In 7 having President Roosevelt supplant Wright by appointing In his place. Oeneral Jamea Smith of thla city, who Is. one of tha commissioners under Wrla-ht.- ' '-v : e V Aa the Quiat talk among memoere or tba Taft party runa. Wright, from the Taft way of looking at things, has. been needlessly antagonlalng tba influential elasa of Filipinos, and. more by hla con duct. lham-by-what - he. has - officially saldr has convinced "them-that be- does not believe-lh Philippine independence now or at any other time. They have taken umbrage at what they believe la a little hostile attitude on Wrlght'a ' part to their deslrs for ultimata independence at leaat In tha matter of abaolute borne rule, with ' tha ' Washington government only" supervising matters international that mav affect tha lalande. Aa a result of thia anugontam n is set forth that there la a widening gulf between tha Influential class of Filipinos. who, dominate all tha lower classes, and we Americana as representea oy mi army, .government officials j and mer- chanta who have established themselves there. Some of tha congressmen aay that as a result of his recent visit Taft tna necessity ot oriaging mis gun without delay and believes that tha only way It can be thoroughly done la to supplant Wright with, a man of. mora tact and less natural prejudice against dark-aklnned races of people. Tha, aongreaamon gave Taft credit for having a good deal or Influence with tna leading' Filipino classes and assert that the latter' believe Tart sides with them la the matter of wanting tha Philippines for the Filipinos and their ultimate Independence, aava for a supervisory control of tha lslanda from an Inter national atandpolnt. . ' ; ' f HAIL WAGON DRIVERS ' t; WIN BROOKLYN STRIKE tseelal Mapatca by Uesad Wire to Tse Joaraal) - New York, Sept. SO. At a conference between, . the poetofflee officials, tha . representatives of the New York Mai - company, which has the contract for transporting the mails la Manhattan be- tween the general Office and substations and ferries and railroad stations, and a - committee of striking drivers, tba three. weeks' strike of the men employed by the New Tork Malt company waa de clared off thla afternoon. The striking drivers will receive an advance ot five tents a day for aingle wagons and IS cents a day for double wagons. , The Teamsters' anion is also officially rec ognised aa a part bf tha agreement. BLACK HAND WRECKS J r.:.v. THE WRONG: HOUSE ' (BseeUllMspaUhbytssssd Wbv to Tk loenal) : New Tork. ' Sept 80. The laat of three letters ; waa received today, by Adolf Horowltx president of the United ' Statea Framing aV Picture company, at , ,: Barclay street, , and tha shattered glass window of tha store adjoining his indicated clearly that the threats were not Idle. -" Horowlta at once realised that there must have - bean some connection ba . tweea thla outrage and tha letters ha had received. Thla Impression was c6n V firmed aa hour later, when tha third letter told hltd of the mistake that had been made by tha "Black Hand" la aa attempt, to wreck his store. , , ,, IVELLTHYLTA!! RAISES CHECK - u TO BUY FAST HORSE G. Rothmann, Son of Banker, Arrested Charged With Sec ond Degree Forgery. , i- (8pee!al Dfapatek by Leased Wire to Tk Jeans!) .. New 'Tork. ' Sept. .SO. Charged with forgery in the eecond degree In raising a check from 1200 to (4.000 and tender ing It. In, payment for a fast horse, George Rothmann of Sea Cllft, eon of tha lata George Rothman, for many years prealdent of tha Eaat Bide bank, Man hattan, waa arraigned at Mineola, I I, and in default of $4,000 ball waa com, mlttad to tha county Jail to 'await fur thr hearing. It ia reported that If Rothmann outllvee hla mother he will inherit from her about 12.000,000.- - Friends of Rothmann aay hla predl lection for faat horses, automobiles and yachts have coat blm hla money. After tha horse Marie Stanford won a race at the Mineola fair on Thursday. Rothmann took a fancy to tha animal and bargained with the owner. Peter Goods, a Peterson. N. J., horseman, for her purchase. Rothmann paid down an option of 1200, using a check for J 4,000 in favor of H. Brenno 4k Bona and in. doraed by Rothmann and William Weeks. When the check waa presented to the Nassau bank, Mineola, it waa aald it had been raised from $200. , , When Rothmann waa arrested he laughed and aald it waa all a mistake. He treated the matter lightly, aaylng ne naej plenty oi money ana would make the check good If there waa any que uon aooui n. ., . ;..-, . :; .. SOUTHERN STATES SWEPT r, by damaging; STORMS . New Tork, Sept 10. The storm which passed over southern and northern Louisiana, southern Arkanaaa and Mis sissippi - Uat night and today has crippled all the transportation facilities and blown down telegraph and tele phone wlrea. It baa, up to tha present time, been impossible to -discover the extent of the damage done by the storm along the gulf coast, aa telegraph and telephone wlrea are all down. 0 UL 1 yam 11 i I F 1ilL TO COBE MY CmER C3TE"C3 ItreatsotoreMPetoeasIptfteada .. mo X-hAT OR other SWINDLE. ' A Pacific bland shrub or plant makea the curee the moat wonderful discovery oiLaarth I av. OifUV UAHbtKw eared on people can see and talk with.. AMY TUMOR. UMP OR 80RE n the lip. faea or aay. where six Broths it, nearly always. Cancer, r eared free if cancer la very small en face. "lYLOIUVOMAII'SBBEASTISCAIICEi; it ms set pain until Slme aast esre. sndlfneslertai tt A I. W ATM not. I Bfjaawak "bJ - , -..oia tnesrmpii.uwsaunatoiMandnllliMjMUn. Dt lb ihnhntMer - - ,,1-1 IbUI , aymptflau, add wi l OI ABAHTica:. ttr arjRE toTokt mt tao-vanr aiioi. ed tostlmoeuia of thaoasodt emed. and writ u tbera. --e--CJnSs-DHs-CHAMLBY-&-CO.f'1W I 1 " T3 TMIHO ST., WCa- MHHtTT.. SAN rBANCISCO. I '-ii''-HEnruo tn mm mm. (Special Diapatek by Leased Wire to Tss learasl) Rome.. Sent. 1. Vatican circles are alarmed at tha probable effeot of Miss Attn ; Rooaavelt's recent visit to ine PhtHnnlnea. . A reaort Just received from-.Monseisrnor Aglua. the apostollo delegate In, the archipelago, detalla the circumstances or IDS visit wnicn in considered at the Vatican very unfavor- able to Catholio interests in tne new American Boaaessiona Thla renort leads the authorltlea to think Miss Roosevelt made too much of the personal call made upon her. In Manila by the achlsmatlo Archbishop Aglipay, who took the flrat opportunity to pay his rejects.- Be reral dianktarlea or tne xtoman Minoiiu: i-um w present, but it seems that Mtaa Roose-i velt'a conversation waa monopolised by the schlamatle prelate, while the mem bers of the Roman clergy stood aside and looked askance. m Matters went even further and tne president's -daughter permitted herself to. ibe photographed aide by aide with the greatest enemy the Roman Catholic authorities in the Islands have or-ever ill have. , - i ' V Naturally thtrch displeasure ? la felt though the Incident Is attributed to the lack of diplomatic training or tna Amer ican president's daughter. It is not re garded aa a deliberate anub to the Cath olic:, authorltlea, aa long experience has shown Vatican officials how the presi dent and other United States officials have always manifested - the most con ciliatory spirit to the representatives of church Interest In the Island aver alnee the American occupation. . ' v - It la greatly feared here that the ex traordinary courtesies shown Aglipay by the American president's daughter will have a damaging affect among the na tives of the island, many of whom are already at . odds WKh the church au thorities. .; . . . AMERICANS ARE FOBBED STREETS OF I'EXICO Houses Stoned, Flairs Pulled Down, Women Insulted, Men - Driven to Seek Shelter. - (Special Mspatrfe by LessH Wire to 11m Jeans!) KI Paso, Texas, Sept. 0. Official confirmation - ia received from Parral, Mexico, of sf demonstration there against all foreigners and against ths Ameri cana in particular. -. -..-, , Houaea ..were atoned, : Ylage pulled dowa and even women were grossly In su itea. in tne sxroeis. ana entire ror- elgn colony waa finally oompelled to take refuge Indoors, while the crowds cursed and abuaed them : from the streets. . Tha Mexican police failed V make any arresta - and afterward ex plained that their force was insufficient and that It would have precipitated riot had thay attempted to make any arresta. American Consul Jamea A. Long has taken up the matter. He la the only foreign consul In Par ral. - At a maaamsetlpg of all foreigners at hla residence he waa empowered to act for them. Parral la an old mln lng town of 15,00 Inhabitants, It a some 6 miles - from Jlmlnea, en ths Mexican . Central main - line, and to It there runa a branch of that road, while from it. farther rate the Sierra Madra runa the narrow-gauge Parral at Du rango, - The foreign club, across the Plaaa del Hidalgo la the headquarters for foreigners in. Parral. , , PLATTS STEPDAUGHTER ENGAGED JO BE MARRIED (Siwelal tnapatek by Leased Wire to The fcaraal) Washington. Sept' 10. Senator and Mrs. Thomaa Collier Piatt of New Tork, have formally announced the engage ment of their daughter. Miss Marcaret Louise Snow, to Vrancle J. Carmody of Minneapolis, it waa rumored at a din ner given by the senator laat night at the Mew wuiardv hotel for the young eoupie, ana mis evening came the aa, nouncement...' --s : Miss ; Snow Is the daughter of Mra.- riatc oy ner nrst marriage. ' she le a very handsome girl of to with a wealth of dark brown hair and large brown eyes. - She has ever sines coming to Washington after her mother's wedding to the senior senator rrom New Tork. refused to enter society formally,' aa aha la of a highly religious turn of mind and is a deaconsss of the Episcopal church. 8he waa laat aeen at a social event when she assisted at a reception given last winter it the . White House given by Miss Kooseveit. .- 4.k .,.; Mr.. Carmody la a graduate of the Georgetown university, la a Minneapolis man, a lawyer, practicing In hta home city. ' He la an aide on Governor John son's staff, i No date haa been named for the' Wedding.. ; . t , BOY ,IS KILLED BY L- A TOO RAPID GROWTH - .'-." i ' awaaajsaaasaaasawaawsaw .y. (Special Dtspateh by Useed Wire to Tk Joenal) Denver, . CoL, - Sept SO. Because of too rapid growth, Berthold Welnhagen, Jr., of Milwaukee died ' Wednesday at tha Metropole hotel. The. boy waa but 14 years old and. waa alx feet one Inch In height - So rapidly did he grow that hla stomach was not able to assimilate enough food 'to nourish the body. The young man - waa the eon of Berthold Welnhagen, a wealthy resident of Mil waukee, and the boy, with hla father, mother and sisters, were, on their way to New Zealand for tha benefit of hie health.- ;.!, '"' "" , . Funeral services were held last even ing and the body, taken east Eminent specialists In all parte of tha country sonant to help him. without . success. and. they aJL. were puaaled by his .rapid growth. In the last year ha had grown two feet and one Inch and hla atomach, It aeemed. could not do the work It waa called upon- to perform. lie waa very thin, "and probably waa the, tallest boy of bjg age la the country, .' , c We Are CompleteSHdusef urnishers ! lyerythirijou-NeedFrom-Basement-tojarret and at Prices That Are1 the Vyry Bottom. The Complete riousefuraishert. enninglSons -172-174 First St.: " 6 BIG Sr.lOKE SUITS mSTITUTED Three Actions Begun In Montana for Damages Aggregating ' Million and a Half. - ',-ewpeeUr Dtspateh te The Joarast) Butte, Mont. Sept 10. Three more big amoke suits,' In which damages ag gregating l,60.oe. r ware z today - filed by. the Kirk eV Clinton company against the Aitaeonda, Copper com peny and the Washoe Copper company. Ten aimtlar suite are now pending in the atate and federal courts and other suits are prom ised. The amount of damages already alleged aggregates more than $3,000,000, and a suit for Injunction has already been begun' which seeks to eloee the Washoe ameltera, the largest in the world, and the main plant of the Amal gamated company.. "''"; -': f The principal ault la that filed in Deer Lodge oounty. ; Fourteen plaintiff a are named In the complaint-and the facta concerning the building and re modeling of the Washoe , smelter In 10J. and 101 are recited. Then 'fol io we -a general -allegation Of damages from the sulphurous and poisonous smoke and fumes from the big alack to property, real and personal,, in'- what la styled as the smoke sons in the Deer Lodge valley, comprising an aggregate of 100 equare miles. . . . , The complaint states that many of the farmers and ranchare In Deer Lodge valley including some of the plaintiffs, aettled in the valley and built up homes ee early as 1180, that all who came. to the valley prospered, that Vegetation of all kinds, livestock and the like thrived and prospered until . the coming of -the big smelter and the emission of poison ous fumea from Its stack began, then came a change. It la claimed that vege tation of all klnda . la . killed by the sulphurous fumea. that livestock run ning on the range In the valley ia ex tinct and that tha once fertile and pros perous valley la being made deeelate by the ' poisonous fumes from ' the big stacks. ' One hundred . farmers are in volved in the eulta. . - I -3? FAMOUS MEDIUM IS r ' ACCUSED OF FRAUD (SpeeUI Dfspsteh by Lssssd Wire to Tie JesrasI) St Louis.' Sept SO. Mra Joala K. Folsonv one of the most widely known mediums tn the west Is accused of fraudulent card writing In tba report of the Investigating committee of the tlonal Spiritualists" association, made public today.-, The committee expresses the ballet that-Mrs. Folsom waa aided by other persons In her card writings purporting to be the -work or spirits. Miss Preston is named as her con federate. Mra. Folsom since the chargea of fraud were made haa given a series of demonstrations at Howard's hall, ths headquarters of the spiritualistic-so ciety of which she and her husband. C W. Stewart were the leaders. . Mr. Btew art and hla wife, who haa retained her former name since their marriage laat summer, -expressed the belief after her demonstration that -she had been fully vindicated.- The verdict or the commit tee waa a aurprlee to,Mra- Folsom's friends. , .. . v, ; PETITION FOR RELEASE - v r OF AGED MURDERER Attorney C. J. Schnabei haa secured a petition signed by. nearly all of the principal taxpayers of. Douglas county, requesting the district attorney and cir cuit court at Roseburg to dismiss the chargea against WUliajn Beckman, Who waa arrested In Portland laat July on the charge of murder committed, 11 years ago. Beckman la tO years old fcnd a veteran of the civil war. The petition ere doubt that a conviction rcnn, be secured and aay . the ..trial would coat 2,ooo. - v . .. " .- Beckman killed hla, wife and stepson while living on a farm about nine mllea eaat of Roseburg. For killing hta wife Beckman received a life sentence. Gov ernor T. T. Oeer pardoned him In l0t. The old man went at once to his former home In Wisconsin, and soon after en tered the Soldiers' home at Milwaukee. Owing xo- his advanced age -he-wee-ad- vised te leave the rigorous cllmste .of the Badger atate and go to the Soldiers' home at Loa Angeles. , It waa while on hla way to the California city that Kei waa arrested, eharged with killing all etepaoav ,: '' , " " : ''., .Ye airs ' OI?; IPirsicfiHce. . Are M Kecessary to Win Ihe $250.CD:Cccnism : ; ITS ONLY A LITTLE TIME . 80MK CAREFUL THOUGHT ' L -LEAVENED WITH A LITTLE MOTHER WIT. - L . " IVm Only Five Reasons" - - WHY YOU THINK TEN ADVERTISERS WHO DO NOT NOW USE I ' - - THE JOURNAL SHOULD USE IT. - THE CONDITIONS , . . There -are approximately 17S advertisen In Portland, excluaiTe of real aetata and claaalfied, oainf rpace fat the local dailies, i One hundred and glxty-fotir of theae nse The Journal aome time durins; each week. A few do not. All we) ask of yoo la that yon send us "five reasons" why you think ten of these, should us , ; The Journal, at the same time mailins; each of them a copy, i ' N , " ; ' v ' Make sura that tha ten advertisers you select are Not . adrertiaint; In ' Tha Journal. '. If you are in doubt about a name call up Main 500 and aak about ft. . Also remember that the ten merchants you select aa not advertising In Tha Jour -nal MUST BE NEWSPAPER ADVERTISERS. Those who do no newspaper adrertisinf at all cannot be properly listed in tha ten. The contest cloaca Oc- ' f obcr IS. ' . i- " . ' ' . 1 ' ' - - ' Your reasons will be turned over by.The Journal to the Judgaa; all entirely disinterested parties with a knowledge of advertising;. ;,!".;",;' , . . , ' t Tho Deat Liat of Reasons AccordlnfJ o ,': tho Judges Takes the Cecillan v - -' " ' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AT ANY TIME CALL THE jOURNAlS Telephone 500 -i. W . . , . M aaawalaaBBV i- '6 (eyfirnk ih rtft. - 4tV. . i. m ...! .wa.i- t r i -. 4 tUrHLvtiL,