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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
iiiiES a;;;; oi;(i;o:i?E-iis GOOD GIIAUCE I ooioomii BANK Lift- -vv- 1 X coino pagifig " Chlif of Construction Staff Ar- rivet at Vancouver and - -? 1 Takes Charge, A' DOZEN SURVEYING -?; , PARTIES IN THE FIELD Rival Companies Fil Plats,- Secure ,-Right-c,f-Way Options and. Will Fight Transeontfaental LineNew f Road to B Completed in a Year. - It. E. Shield of -the' firm -of Balms A Shield, railroad contractors, -Of 8t Paul, Minnesota, baa arrived at .the scene of operations on the : north bank of the - Columbia, river - - and - taken - personal -charge, of the oonatruotUm foreaa of the Portland Seattle Railroad .company. The rival ; companies the Portland Seattle and the . .Wellula Padflo have Bled plats of . their routes and appllca ttona for rights of way at the office of Jteflaier H. O Phillips at Vanoouver, and he baa forwarded tha doeumenta to JWsshlnf tonjwhere they will bo granted Of refused. .... . ... ; Contractor . 8hleldaV. will . be . . perma rently located at or "near Vancouver for the next year and will apend 'much of hs time In the -field, looking after the construction work of the road that la to bring tM' trains Of the ' Northern Pactflc .the, Great Northern t and the Burlington Into' Portland. . ' President James J. Hill' of the Great Northern ha .officially announced that tha. trains of these companies wot bo' ran to Port - land as soon as tha north bank.- route la completed.' ' --. V ' - t ----ve4-steaar sra itwk - "President Hill says It la tha Intention of tha management to build the road In sv rear, and It Is axpeoted -tha .north bank, line will pe la. operation In time to move thi crops of the fall of 10. Contractor' Shields' Ann ass the grading of about, 10 miles of tbs Una, from Vanoouver eastward. . Chief ' Engineer JIUler will make a trip over tha routs .from Vancouver to Kennewlck. and It win then" determined how the re malnlng contraou will bo distributed. Ths Hill nartr. due to arrive in Port land this -afternoon, will make a atop at Vancouver today and inapect the town and vicinity.- ' ' '. ' ' The situation air along tha north bank of tha Columbia is-rapidly taking definite shape. Forces of the rival trans-continental lines -have, been work big bard to get their route plats on Ale, and the Hill men ' auoceeded In" f ore auillng "their- ; rival only a few hours. The land and legal department at both roada are especially active. General Western '.Counsel Groeeeup of tha Northers Pacific was en the ground last week la company of Vice-President a - M. Levy. : General Attorney AVery of the same eompany la now at Van couver directing the closing purchases of, ,traots optioned some time ago ana ths securing of further option. -M. T. Sanders, land agent of the Northern Pacific, apent Thursday and Friday at Vancouver and left- yesterday ror at Paul. ... .. - -v Many Surveyors la Tlsld. Not less than -11 -surveylsg-pkftiea areliOW In' the fleld between Vanoouver and 'Kennewlck. Yesterday a party conalatlns- of nlns ' engineers and slstants arrived from Taooma and will leave tomorrow for points on the routs to Cops Horn. Engineer Estepp of the Northern Paclflo and a party of IT men who have been working .on the survey foxthJlorthern Pacific's extension, from Culdeaao to 1QrangevlItacompteted thslr task in that region a few days ago and went to Kennewlck. where they entered the Held for tha portiana m Seattle, working toward Tha Dalles. Ths entire route for the GrangaVills ex tension Is now . located and tha North. em- Paclflo has two right of way agent at -Work., 1 Senator ll-M. Rande and his assist ants, in ths servloe of tha Wallula Pm clflc, are atlll at work asourlng options and deeds to rights of way at various place along the north bank. They have formulated applications to tns govern. ment for franchises . to. cross publlo lands and school sections at points that are regarded aa Important for -strategic purposes. These applications accom pany ., their plat filed with Register Phillips, .who i does .not, deny that the Harrlman people have placed the plat on. record and . that .It has been for warded to v the department of the In terior. :T x .-', SIGLER BOOSTS VALUATIOH i (Continued" from Pegs On) " Mieaaor will report . tha. reauu . of the assessment and tha board wilt under ' take to adjust such grievaaoea regard lug assessments which property owners may bring forward. - v-.i-.rix ' Assessor SIglar'a task has .been dlf flcult. Ha has had nothing to guide him In his work, a ho has paid little or no attention whatever to the valuations placed on' property last-year, and the atatemsats rendered him by. property- owners have been ao mlaleadlng that ha could not depend -oar them. Iiu . many Instances the valuation of personal - property submitted by taxpayers have Aeen nvs ana six limes .less man ui ' , real value, -a ff . la, the. grsatsr number of Instance he or hie deputise have mads a personal Investigation of the property, especially fealty, and In making-hla estimates of personal property he ass gam area in formation from whatever . souroea he found it posatbls. , . . " Oomparlsoa ef'Talaea. ' Following ia a comparison of tha as aeseed valuation - of . property last year of several of tha largo corporations Operating In this county, with the valu ations placed on the same property r Assessor eigier: . . ", 194. Xgl.v ! X. R. aV N. Co., road i bed and rolling r ', " ! stock ..M.S7MB; ,104,099 S- p. Ry, Co., road- . bed ana routng ! etock . . N. P. Ry. C04 road- bad ' and f rolling i stock ............ Portland Con. Ry. ) Co.. roadbed ' ail i machinery m.tio tiuoo 19T.11 ltl.100 MH X.J0M201 49.909 IIM19 l.tOS Portland Gen'l Eleo- l trio Co. ...... ... 179,160 Portland Gas Co.... 191,199 Paclflo States Tale- , , ,- phono eV Telegraph'" -1 Co 2 J5.990 " mealty got laclnasd. The above assessment of tha Oregon Railway eV .Navigation company, the Northern Paolflo Railway company and the Southern: Paclflo Railway company merely represents tha roadbed and roll ing stock and not realty, of which the Corporations own eonalderable In this ounty. Iaat year tha assessment was (evled at the rate of.16,400 a mile on the . roadbed and rolling etoekv but Aeeessor Slgler rslsed the valuation to 110.000 a . . tnlle. Tnev Oregon Railway. A Navlga- Contractors' Supplies .... ' ' (J OB BITS . 1 '' ' " -t- " PB s tfv' V-Ti-W(-- sg7 TAS9 wssTnasr niTitno oba- - Ill AITS DXTOaTOS Will handle your dirt for B oeats V..- per yard. t r AVmORA ASTS ATTSTTjr BVaCP WAOOBTS Most modern made; models of slmpllolty; no complications to bother; on chain and one arbor; doors In center lap, preventing leakage of load; special devioea, obtained by years of experience and covered by patents. Investi gate. . Koney-ltekln-Xabov-Sarlnr. . srnoMTsi Mionow, nla, .. uwsa ajtd siTOHatAxxaa. . Nrartara Snmp Oars,' Xtook Ora alters, stead Oradara and Oosv tvaotora SappUaa oaa Spoolalttea. r BEALt & CO. SSI Xawthoma Ave VorUaad, Or. tftm company baa 40.T- miles of road la the county, tha Northern Paclflo 14.41 milea . and. the "Southern Pacific 19.01 miles. - - -.WhUa the assessment of the roadbed and machinery of the Portland Consoli dated Railway eompany la (2.701,410, tha company alao owna realty valued at 1145.000, and its franchise .Is assessed at 9(00,000. making the total assessment of ' the 'corporation's property In - "ths- oounty 13.044,420. Last year before the consolidation of ths Portland Railway oompany- and -tha City sV Suburban Rail way company the aasessment of tb roadbed and. machinery of the format waa IZ9I.I70 and the 'latter ..v 1661,125. - j : ,The total assessment on the property of the Portland General ' Electrlo com pany, together, with tha valuation placed on ths franchise, la 1840.000; Portland Gaa company, 1989,110; Paclflo States Telephone, and Telegraph eompany, laattsVW - -f.fv fiff.r'f 1 The banks of the city Bave been aasessed on tha total of their paid up capital stock, aurplua 1 and ' undivided profits. . ; rrannhlses Assessed. City franchises have been aassssed for 11,176,000 by Assessor Slgler. which Is ths first time that an assessment valutlon has ever been placed on 'city franchises In Portland. Heretofore no taxes ha'va been paid on franchises, but Mr. Slglsr claesed them aa personal property and placed an arbitrary valua tion on tham. - . - Assessor Slgler stated that ho waa at the opinion that tha valuation placed on the franchises were vary conservative. He did not wish to place tha valuations too high, because of tha ' opposition manifested by the corporations against such a practice. He was of the opin ion that If the franchises Were assessed st a figure nearer their true value . the holders would enter objections Tor the purpoaa of defeating any aasessmsnt whatever. Following are the arbitrary assessment made on dtjr xrtachlseeldbythe large corporations: Portland Con. Ry. Co.. ..........$ 909.000 Portland General Electric Co...... 100,000 Paclflo Statea Tel. A Tel. Co...... 100,009 Portland Gaa Co , 160.000 Oregon Water Power A Ry. Co..- 16,000 Total aasessm'ta for franchises. 0,176,000 . . Assessments em Bealty. : Assessments on . real property have been mads aa nearly aa posalbla on true value. It has been difficult In many Instances, according to Assessor Slglsr, to secure tha real value of Drop. arty, owing to tha fact that 'owners wars misleading In their statements. . Ha found that real estate was In. creasing in value, especially in the cen tor of tbe city. Lots on Wsshington street ' between Third and . Seventh streets which were assessed for 116,009 last year ware aassssed for 1119,909 mis year. - -- t "On Washington atreet t have made a aieunouon between the lota on tha north aide of . the street and those on the south," ssld the aaeessor. "On thin morougniare most or uie travel Is on ths south, sids of tha atreet and it la mere tnat the best stores are located. Thia la due to tha fact that the hot sun strikes the fronts on the north aide of tha atreet and tha people are driven to the shady side, making trade -Aettar there and therefore increasing tha valu- anon oi .me property. Xorriaoa Street Values. ' ' "On Morrison atreet I found a dl. ferent condition. , The travel Is about equally divided between tha north an J south sides-of ths thoroughfare. I do not know now to account for this nn. less It 1 dus to the fact that a large portion , or me property ia occupied by the postoffloa block and tha Portland hotel which are unattractive to chop pers, i The property on both sides of mis street was assessed about tha sams." ' -i ': Assessor Slgler and his dsputlea had rxx: acr: v. V - "' " Coupon -Free Ha wallan Trip V,.v. . . Honolulu, Hawallaa Ulaoda . I VOt fof. -..'...r.. ...,..,,.. ........ ' . ' "t i . t Tbla coupon' must be voted oa or before October 1, 1101. 0veoprrrnts. cf Land Fraud Proaecutlona May Affsct Dif- ; ' , trlbutlon of Fatrona;. WOLVERTON .LATEST - 7 i '-yn JUDICIAL f POSSI3ILITY Prominent Rapubllcana OppoM Ful ton's Men HitchcocVs Friyato Secretary 8aid to Be Invetigating Hegardt and Eddy. The dlapoaltlon of federal patronage Id Oregon may be seriously affected by tha developments of tha land rrauo prosecutions during 'the coming week. Three important 'positions are to be filled,' United states district Judge re ceiver and reglater6f the land office at Roseburg. . Senator Pulton 10 . In Washington, where, he went for the pur pose of scouring the appointment of the men of bis choice for too three vacant offices.. - ' For months the politicians have been speculating en the extent of Senator Fulton's influence with the Roosevelt administration. He has received some severs rebuffs at ths bands of the pesl dsnt, notably In the appointment of a succor to Jsck , Matthews, without so much as a consultation with the senator. ? .. .. Soott Against raltoa. :-". ' . r Arrayed agalnat Fulton are a number of . . the "prominent Republicans of . the stats, whose private interests lead them to oppose his leadership. Conspteuous among them la Harvey W. Scott, about whoae bonnet the senatorial bee la once more bussing busily. . Soott la In Wash ington, District of Columbia, where he went In the - hope of ' Influencing the president's choice of appointees for the vacant federal offices In Oregon, v Chief among thess appointments la that ofl United States district Judge and Sena tor Fulton's . candidate for the place la Judge Thomas A. McBrlde. Scott Is opposed to McB ride's appointment and early lo the game threw all his Intlu enoe to Justice Bean Of the etate su preme court, who has been looked on for some time past as McBrlde' prin cipal opponent. T: - A year ago Scott waa decidedly luke warm in his support of the Investiga tion of the Oregon land frauds. HI a attitude Changed whoa Senator Mitchell waa brought te trial and ever - alnoe that time the Oregonlan has been an ar dent prosecutor' In Its reports and com ments on tha land fraud eases. .Soott will doubtless expect that this latest policy of his paper will commend him to the president In his efforts to control federal patronage In Oregon. .,,-'; Park Mosae maa Oliaaiea. - The competition between Beaa aad McBrlde for the federal Judgeship has, grown ao keen that many of tha eta gesers who study the political heavena now Inclined to the belief that neither one may i receive the appointment. Many believe that Juatlee . Wolvertoa of the supreme- court, -- hitherto a , dark horse In the race, but .backed by the circuit Judges, will carry oft the prise. Whoa Justice 'Bean first announced bis candi dacy, Wolverton wrote a latter strongly commending his colleague for the office, but is said that the letter Impressed the attorney-general much more strongly with the qualification of the writer than with those of a man whom he in dorsed. According to tha story that la current, the attorney-general expressed ths opinion that Wolverton, rather than Bean, was the .man for the place and thia view waa reinforced by unsolicited Indorsement sent In by a number of Wolverton' friends. There are other candidates In the field, however. Wolverton la not the only one whom the lightning may atrtke. In case Bean and McBrlde ebould fall to attract It. Several mambere of the bench and bar are aocounted on the eli gible llet and If the president should re ject all of the three men mentioned It la Impossible to. say where his choice would fall. , ; . Other Appointment. ' Senator Fulton has rooommended B. U Eddy of Tillamook for register and G. B. Hegardt for receiver of the Rose burg land office. Recent utters ncea of Secretary Hitchcock suggest that neither , of thess offices will be filled Immediately, notwlthstanoing the pres sure which Fulton la bringing to bear In behalf of his nominees. Hltohooek's private secretary, Soott Smith, was re cently In Portland and he la aald to have been here for the purpose of Inquiring Into the fitness of Eddy and Hsgardt, especially tha latter. According to tha rumor whloh le current, some strong objections have been made to the ap pointment of Hegardt and It la taken for granted that Harvey Soott win do bis utmost to emphasise thess objections. Eddy was member of the legislature In l01 and refused to rota for Soett for senator. the greateet difficulty In placing est! matea on personal property. . He was of the opinion that the value of per sonal propsrty, according to hie figures, would ba about treblewhat It waa last year. The atatementa aent In by hold- era of personal property were extremely misleading and often did not repre sent one .sixth of tha real value of the property - "Ail tne - siaiemems ox : personal property aent In," aald he. nad to be changed. ' I had to go over thorn and mark them up, for 1 did not consider them correct Some of the valuatlona I' increased five and als times, some of them I trebled, others I doubled. while a few were nearly correct. Personal Property Valaee. 'It la hard to compare the amount at personal property valuations this yssr with Isst for the reason that this year personal propsrty to' ths value of 11094 la exempt rrera taxation ana many poor families thus evads this tax. Accord Ing to The Journal's statement that there are 160.909 people In Portland there 'meat neoeKAx:j ssaay people who - formerly paid personal tax under the old law who will not have te da so next year. ..,. Ths flgurss placed en personal prop erty by the aeeessor are only arbitrary and may be changed by the board ol equalisation, which meets tomorrow. As sessor Slgler has ssnt clrculsrs to each property owner containing the valuation placed on hla property and Inviting him. If he objeota to the eeesssmsntv to as near before the board of eouallsatton and present bis grievance.'" The board will be in seeslon all week. . t - Ooanea to the Fair. Dr. M. M. Bttlnu nt ITarrlnvtnn Wa akin rtAn. m vlalfln 1.1 u- and Mrs. O. Bettman, 17 Tenth street! SLCO'EWTnI SOCGtJISAlTEEK 81.C01W 0 CENTS AUEHT Sale Beg ins Monday A considerable portion of, our fourth floor is devoted to the ever-popular and comfortable Morris Chair. In fact, with our new fall -goods arriving daily and our limited space, we have found necessary to close out many patterns-which constitute the remaining, samples and stock of chairs which arc classed under this heading. The . , - - ' ' ' ' special terms and special prices : ' . which .we have placed on thia line during the week is suffi- deninducemenrEdalTwhoap preciate the solid comfort af forded in these chairs. ... Below we show four patterns of this special saie assortment:.; ; "- cf Thi Chair built of quarter-sawed golden oak, well polished, ha spring seat and back upholstered - in two-toned amall-figured ' velours. Reg. price $13.50 Special f 10.50. Morris Chair, in mahogany finished frame. Has .carved claw feet, spring seat and ad justable . back, lupholstered in two-tone . embossed velours. Regular price $12.50. SPECIAL $9.50 j' " J; ' , m ' ! ' Morris Chair, in mahogany ggr J finished frame. Has curved ' , ' arms, ana front, spring seat. Handsome Chair and adjustable baekv uphol stered in embossed velours.' 1ST ,sJ I aim iY I 1 an " Regular price $12.50. ; SPECIAL f 0.50. in . polished auarter- sawed golden oak, hand carved -grifiin head and claw feet; ha prins seat and adjustable spring back, upholstered in two toned rich embossed velours. . Regular price $16.50 SPECIAL. 13.50. t Morris Chair, in mahogany V ; finish frame. Has wide, ar- ?' ' tistic-arms and heavy-carved front. Spring , seat andJ ad- justable back,- upholstered in ' r -two - toned" striped - velours."" ? Regtilar price $13.50. ' - -SPECIAL 910.50. Morris Chair, in mahogany - finish, well polished Has wide arms and heavy-carved front, and claw feet. Spring seat and adjustable spring back, upholstered in handsome em bossed velour in -two-tone ef fects. Regular price $10.00. SPECIAL 912.50. Solid quartered golden oak Chair, welL finished; ha wide carved arm and claw feet; ha pring seat and adjustable spring back. Upholstered M rich embossed velours. Regular price $21.00 SPECIAL f 15.00. ' - - 1 ' Heavy frame Chair, in quarter-sawed Wgolden oak, wide arms . and artistically WA TFI FOnAWP All wolden 0lk wide arms , and artistically ll V . ' 1 CLEF UUillj . UIl ., carved front and heavy claw feet; ha spring f -seat and adjustable automatic spring back. CO J). 030Q1S TAKEN -upholstered in handsome embossed rloure. Reg. price S14.50 SFBCIAJ f 11. OO. Conch Covers SPECIAL SALE MONDAY ess TUESDAY WEDNESDAY LcceCurfdns During the first hslf of the week In our Drapery Department we have selected and placed on special sals twq pattern oLLace Curtains and Couch Covers at most pleasing and economical prices. ., ;, , , , Fringed and reversible Couch Covers,, in Roman stripe : effect, " 60Tinches wide. Two colors. Regu lar price $1.50. SPECIAL 95a Heavy Fringed Couch Covers, in Oriental de signt 60 - inches wide. Three colors. Regular price $6.00. y ; ; SPECIAL f 3.75. Scotch Net . Arabian Lace Curtains, well fin ished edge ' and Grecian pattern. Regular price $1.50. : ' SPECIAL 95e PAIR. Fine Net Nottingham Curtains, in new and. pretty patterns. Regular price $2.50. . . SPECIAL 151.75. '-fa . 1$ MODERN and ECONOFinCAl EuMTElSS In our Stove Department Is now displayed the most extensive and reliable line of modern Heaters ever shown la this city. For wood and coal in these Heat ers are combined many exclueiv features not found In ordinary heaters. In finish and construction this handsome and moderate-priced assortment offers a variety of sixes for selection. Our line of "Hot Blast" Heaters combine ths true principle of heat and air circulation in the home, consuming all gas, soot and smoke, usually lost in ordinary heaters, thus demon strating how these modern and economical "Hot Blast" Heaters will in time pay for themselves. , A visit to this department will convince all intending purchasers of an economical and perfect heater of the merits of this most complete stock ' - - ... BUCK'S DOT BLAST HEATERS $16.C0 S18.CD $23X0 . UPTO$40.C3 AB-TISZT CEATKS-mS .75.n.,$7iu?t3t:) Pock's STEEL coo v I ..-,.. a.......sV - - '..(.t 'YV;.'...n(.. av. ., s .....