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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1905)
": Y c. V : 7-'.. : Jr ' -,:'V ' .A' .: the Oregon ;dailV journai; rc-tLj.'D, gATPHDAY ' cvzrniib. crrr: s OY THE HUNDRED ar? held by.Ouriaduate--aH over the'Pacific Northwest. "Calls for office help potjT in daily; from 3 to 8 being the average. Quality counts; reputation means something;. .It pays to attend our school. ;; y " 11 , . " 1 1 11 sbbs ggggBBSB b -wahhh ou: T ""g"feeM3CasKmail in" 1 -. ;r ''..' v" ' -v."-"- ' . " " ' - ;v ;v- v s .a, ; ' . . .. -v . -TV j . ' , . T.' . 'Ij-'fX- f "' vv-: v ly-, -P,; ; '.-i-.. , : s : - y - v i J ?; : f '' v "' ' ' " ' ' '' '" " '"' ' f? ' J; ' Portland will mob ahlpptir fa tUitlM imrtala on tha eout. TH . uoit lmportaat Up ft taken In thla i idlraotton ham Just ba mad by, Ua 1 Portland WarhouM eompanr. vblcn j haa Moorad eptiona on f Ira block of 1 land ta In haart of, tha city 'and. la ar ' 'Tanxlsc ' to ' oramnoa l- lmprortaanta Hhat wfll coat . from ' $I.I00,0 to , Viv flya-atory brick blocka; aach S0 by 100 faat aquara. wltn" comihoaiOUi . baaamanta, ara plannad by tha naw oom '. ipany. Thaaa block 11a bat wean Qllaan . innd Burnalda and Ninth and , Park fatraata. But ona block oeparatea than .; from tha tarmlnal trounda of both' tna ' Northern Paclflo Terminal companr and ,' tha Northern Paolflo Rallraad eom fpanr. Wide, open atroata, unobatructad by atraatcap trafflo, bound tha tract. SX switch will bo put throurh tha eantar , of tha row of buUdlnss or at ona aide. Erery atmctura la to be dlrldad Into 41 compartmenta. crane for heary 11ft lnc will b pro Tided, eleratora will tire cloaeet connection with . Upper1 floors. ' power and Uaht for all ordinary require ment will bo famished and tha treat ' bulldlnn iwiU be unoni the moat' rood em and beat appointed of the country. 0' Ula. - rX , Centrallalns; alren llnea of" business , and furniahln: wholaaaleri with tha ..' atet posalUa '" accommodation : ta ' ' tha renerad purpoa of the company. . By . puttlnc all of the wholesaler on a rail. way Hn and civlng- to them modern - transfer convenlencea, the company ln . tends to' eliminate heavy cartas JtUa,, T PRAISES FAIR SHOW R. , Goodwin , of Chicago Con Iders Present Livestock Ejc- 1; hibit . One of the Bett' V-ij"-"''- COAST HERDS AS GOOD V ' . AS ANY IN THE WORLD kr-' '''' ' J .-- v , '. Men of Wealth Who Made Blood a Hobby and Those . Who ' Made Breeding Their ' Livelihood Have ' Dona Great Work. ' , Tour livestock show Is n. eye opener' even . to tho of us who war -wall .posted In the development of the Industry on the coast," : said W. R. Goodwin, Jr., - ons of the edltore and publishers of tha Breeder Gazette, -Chicago. Mr. Ooodwln ha mad a wider observation of the livestock show of America than any other man, a for over years h has written technical review of th decisions of th judgee on 'it EXPER mm w :;:y-;y making: rowd ;.. v a:;;; Hence produces v flavor Facade of New Brick Block, Showing which ara a large feature of tha whole saler' monthly i bills. This Item, re garded of little) eonsequenoe by many person ' unfamiliar with hipping, : 1 Often tha point-wherein one city excel another In prlcea. Some of tha Front street wholesaler have bills for cartage anting from 1300 to f 1,000 a month, which la hearler - outlay " than ' f of rental. . t ' . ' a lrga eaatern cities har great build ings, for the accommodation of whole ls trsdo. Thaee a situated In such proximity to rail lines and th water front that cartage charges are reduced to th minimum. ' Taooma has at pres ent tha bast shipping facilities of the northwest, and tha wholesaler of that city Is often abls to reahlp to Portland becaue of hi superior - advantages. This style of Improvement ha won (or tha northern city and tta enterpris ing men many business establishment which .would have gone elsewhere but for Taooma progresslveness in furnish ing modern accommodations, to trade. Chicago haa some of the finest estab lishments of this character in th ooun try. and other prominent shipping can tars have looked early 'to such induce ment forth wholesaler. : v- ; r,-- '- " A gle4 ld. "-; , In tha atruggla for low rates, Port land haa often overlooked entirely tha necessity for facilities In handling traf fic after It reaches the city. While demanding, reduction 'tn' railway rate, bualnea men have allowed system to develop in tho city which neceaeltated greater outlay for haulers her than tha reduction In freight-meant to them. A.f. Swensson of tha firm of A. F. gwensson V Co. conceived tha idea, of building up a modern wholesale dlatriot ell -.Varieties of stock at the' leading how. . . ,v..,' f.l ' ':''.,, wV : The -coast le eepectally favored In It wealthy men who are Interested In land and. livestock," h continued. Tear ago they foresaw the necessity of the Improvement of the native stock .and set tcemaelve to : th work with aa enthusiasm, liberality , and personal Interest altogether )unpnrtlleldrAga result ou now have herds that can win distinguished; honors in - world's fair stock shows, , and . when : united In an exhibition In their own home present such an array of excellence as fairly to astonish -visitor from ths east. ' An other, gratifying feature of the present status of the industry on ths ooeat is the strength of ths hards and flocks In the hands of men who make thalr living from tha land th farmer who follow tockbreedlng a a business. 1 Both types of breeders ara capitally represented in your show and una tin ted credit la due them all. . 1 have apent three weeks In a car-window Inspection of the coast from Los Angeles to Portland, with occa sional stops, and am quite ae competent to- diagnose . and prescribe aa are our British friends who writ book from trans-continental trains; but I believe I am saf in saying that tha develop ment . of beefmaklng and dairying ar among th greatest need of th agrV culture of the coaat. And hence I am the more gratified to read In the mag nificent exhibit of beef and dairy cattle indubitable , assurance ' that farmers in this country appreciate thaaa seeds and are meeting them in fine fashion. The sheep and s win bred In this ooun try ara on a par in excellence with the beef nd dairy cattle.' - Altogether th axhlbit ha been Inspiring to those 'who have at haart the development of : the pedigreed stockbreeding induatry In- America and Healthful cream of tartar, de- to absolute ; purity, is principle is" that Royal Baking Powder tood remarjcable both in fine ' and wholesomeriess erAi. sakjm rewDM cw ntw yoaaj Style of Building to Be Erected bf in close touch- with th railway ayatems. H enlisted In the work Moore Broe.. and W. H. and H. A. ' Moor hav financed tha enterprise. . For more than two month th promoter have bean se curing options on fiv block of land required. In selecting this, they found themselves fortunat In' being able to cur th tract in consecutive blocks, at a point centrally situated, and where there were no important Improvements. There is not a brick lnth entir row of five block secured, and thai f mm buildings on them are of llttl value, : ' ' Bae Been a Sacra 9. ' Th campaign was conducted with ra markabl secrecy, - and not until two week ago had it become known outaida of tha actual workers what was being don. . The last of 'tha options have just been secured, so that the company haa the altaa under control. .Arrangements have bean made with the railway com panies for the necessary trackage and the managers of those concerns lent themselves in the moot cordial manner to th enterprla. as they appreciate what It means to a business metropolis. Th project haa been taken up with wholesale dealers, who ara most enthu siastic, believing that they will hav In thla work the very best possible accom modations that can b given th buslr ness. A systematic campaign has not been taken up to secure contract with ihe big dealers less favorably situated, but this phase of the work la to be Inaugurated , at once, and the enthusi asm abown me to Insure a' rush to the great buildings planned, r ro ar Firms Wfll Kov. ' : There was a question at first regard ing th' advisability of eom classee of th wholessls trad leaving the river front, but: It Is found that the commis who appreciate the magnificent natural advantage of . thle wonderful coast country, th seat of future empire.- IG0RR0TES IN LOVE . WITH OREGON HOGS ' Several of the brightest men from the Igorrotevtnag were taken to th live stock show yestsrday by Manager Bchnaldewlnd and evinced the 'liveliest interest In th display. They were par ticularly impressed with the fine show ing of hogs and upon their return to the village - totd - their - fellow - of the enormous slse of theae animal a, which, next to theif favorite dish, they prefer In their dally menu. . Anauaaal. the eeo ond chief. 1 so Impressed with what ha has seen at the exposition that he accepted the statements that tha hogs were ae big as their native carabao. or water buffalo, without reservation, and called Moling and Domingo, th other chief, into consultation and suggested that all i ths Igorortss here pool their money eAd take eversl fine boar home whan they return and improve their na tive stock. The suggestion met with unanimous approval, though the war rior were much cast down when they learned that th finest specimens ex hibited ware worth aa much as 1 1,000. ' BCkasa's Captain Attempts Xlfe. : ., ' " K ' mrl Special Service.! ' : ' L Tokfo, Sept IS. Captain Iwlchl of .the ill-fated Mlkasa, made an attempt to commit suicide yesterday at Basebo by jumping out or a window artsr making aa address to ths survivors of th ship. In which hs spok feelingly on th loss of hi, ship. He was severely injured and removed to the naval hospital in a critical . condition. .;. i .-. - . i., !.r the active I Portland Warehonee Company. sion houses receive nearly all of thalr produo by railways, and a . water trafflo is hauled by drays and trucks Under present arrangements, a haul ot a lew blocks further wlU be ot UtUe elgnlflcanoe. But the Portland ' Warehouse" com pany -haa not overlooked thla feature of the condition of future trafflo. As the new railway system establishing terminals her secured waterfront prop' erty. where dock will be built., cars Imay tei)Ut In at the dpeks. loaded and tnen novea up to the big warenouaee, where they may be unloaded without any drayaga or truck hauling. - In every detail th project has been flgurad out with tha purpose ot elimi nating cost of handling freight. ' Th location waa th first part of this work guiding th promoter. Trackage from th terminal ground waa next secured. -The next stage of the enterprise will be carried out in the buildings, whjph are to be made to accommodate n wholesale trade with the least, possible cost - of handling freight. If rentals are the same, it i estimated that deal er will be able to save many-hundred dollars a month, and this will prompt them to pay even a higher rental, aa the net aavlng will still be large. ;.,-. , -- Bawm of Vow Bra. V"; . x ' "Portland ha lost many business en terprises through lack of complete ao commodatlona. Thla fact baa bean ap parent for everal yeara, and private building enterprise have bean under taken to remedy th defect, but not Un til the present had there bean Inaugu rated such a mammoth project aa would give relief to a multitude of Arm. Th effect 1 expected to greatly stimulate trade. Coming at thla time. In connec tion with the. great work of the North Swedish Consul Would Force ; " Scott and Rlddell to Return --Jansen Funds.f . SAYS COURT ORDER : IS NOTRECOGNIZED Also Asstrta That Entire Manage i ment . of Case) by. Attorneys Haa "Been " an "Outrage "Which"r"Bat Should Notice. ' i V kndre M. Cederbergh, Swedish and Norwegian consul . at Portland, today celled on County Judge IZ'R. Webster end demanded that the court require K. O. Scott, administrator, and H H. Rld dell, his counsel, to meks an Immediate accounting of the $1,800 which was paid to them by the Portland Consolidated Railway company. In settlement of the claim for the death of Rudolph Jensen in a . strsstcar accident at M on ta villa last- February, i ;. " "It la new II1 day sines-1 was' ap pointed administrator of 'the estate," aald Consul Cederbergh; "R. O. Scott re turned from the eaat eight or ten day ago; th court' order making; m ad ministrator carried with It a presump tive order' that the funds belonging to the estate bs accounted for by Mr. Scott and Mr. Rlddell, and yet nothing has been done to enable me to cloee the buslnssa" - ' . -.a-'v ,: Xlstory of the Case. ' ' .Rudolph Jansen was killed February I, and R. O. Scott waa named as admin istrator the following day; H. H. Rld dell wee appointed counsel for - Scott under a contract authorised by Judge Webster for -the payment of not more then iO per cent . to the attorney who would collect from th streetcar com pany for Jensen's death. . . -V " Rlddell began ' utt:Jtha, .company agreed to" pay $1.(00, and handed Mr. Rlddell a check for th amount, which he deposited In th Merchant' National bank to hie own credit as counsel for Administrator Scott., and at' one drew a cheek for 1700 In fsvor xf Rlchsrd W. Ruff In, ' who had Induced Herman Janeen, brother of th deced, to give blm a contract for half th um that might be collected from th company. Whan Rlddell' contract cam to light It was found that it called for f 0 per cent, snd th 1710 paid by Rlddell to Ruff In wsa'half th (0 per cent, which was 10 per cent In excess of th amount permitted by th ceurf order. ." . . - Baotee Ttfethod teed. ,."'--' Several hearing war had on pe tition filed for Consul Cederbergh by Frank Sehlegel, attorney, - demanding the dlecharg of Scott andkth appoint ment of Cederbarghr who acted on a re guest from th father of th deceased. r .- . , -n nriimnn nnnpinr UtUAIIUS rKUIJCI SFTTLEr.lENT ern Paclflo, It will be oho of the moot enlivening factors In local business.. The time for commencement of work baa not been, definitely fixed, but will probably be within 0 days. "The com pany will build one structure at a time, making arrangements for the othera as quickly aa the work can be - taken up with ' assurance of tenants. - The first big building IS expected to prove wonderful advertisement for tha others. it - will -serve -ta dsmonstrat what can be saved and the oonvenlenoes poa- alble in such an arrangement. ,v ,;. . Cat Xdnea Wont Xlades. ' Front street the section, from which the largest number' ef firms are expected. -Another advantage In the new location over Front etreet aa at present arranged , will - be the ; aide streets. " .. ' " ' The prices paid by the represent tlves of the company for realty ar no known yt, aa th options secured hav not bean recorded. -This' land is high, centrally, situated and must hav been held at a figure making tho realty purchases reach a total of something like or - The promotero of the enterprise are among the most vigorous and progres sive of the city. Mr. nwensson nai been Identified with the buying of sev era! big terminal grounda in. th east and. first conceived the wont now reacn lng it fruition two 'yeara ago. More recently he enlisted Moore Bros In the work and they have brought together other strong people of the city, the Ht numbering some of the moot conserva tive and - strongest - financial firm ef Portland. Moore Bros, hav made rapid progress sinos reaching' Portland, en gaging In Mveral heavy operation that Involved conslderacie capital. . Judge - 'Websurr'after hearing evt denee, whloh disclosed a remarkable se ries of transactions -and In - which nu merous false statements are alleged to have been mads by Rlddell before the court, discharged Scott and named Ce- derbergh a his successor. : . "I want R. O. Scott and H. H. Rid dnll'to nav the money oomlng to the - Mtate-tnto court at once.-ald Consul Cederbergh. "If financial transact lone such a have bean proved In thle caa ar permitted by court arid, tn tat bar association, what 1 to be the. re eultt Is it not due to the profession It If that radical measures be taken te bring to account any-one who may have acted contrary to ethics and who has sought to take .advantage .of. the parQea to the csseT ' - 1 want immediate action, and shall Insist that there be no further delsy." Judge Webster aald -that he would take un the case at one and see that attention le paid to the requirement of the ordere he recently issued. irvij;gtoh sewer bids are . , OPEKED :- Pacifio Bridge Company Found to Have Lowest Estimate on ; j This Big Contract. . Th Paclflo Brldg company ' eub mltted the lowest bid en the Irvlngton district sewer at the meeting of the city executive boara yesterday afternoon, Ite offer being 1111.7(1. or over $11,000 under th estimate of th elty engineer. There were four other bide ee follows i Paquet, Olsblsoh Joplin, 1144,114: J. B. Slemmons, - 11(4,169; Tryburg Broa, IUI.18I; Harry Howard, I1IS. 601. -,Th bid were referred to th ewer committee, who will in all prob ability report favorably on th bid of the Pacific Bridge company.' . C A. " Cogswell rained - objection against paying th claim for 1713 of th Trinidad Aaphslt company for repairing the! asphalt pavsmente of of tha city without authorisation of ths executive board. The claim was Anally allowed. ' Tha contract, tor building a aewer in Height, Oantenbeln and Falling streets and Vancouver avenue was awarded to Bechlll Bros, for 1,00. - J, R O'Neill was awarded the costractlor a sewer on East Fourteenth street' for t6t. Re pairs to th municipal , courtroom will be mad by W. A. Owynn for t6t. All ths -beds for th Roosevelt etreet sewer were rejected. A resolution ws adopted requesting th property-owner and th atreetcar oompanl t" Improv First strt .be tween Btark and Burnsld streets imme diately. . -, - i '."' J. A, Strowbrldge, attorney for the property-owners on Second street from Morrison street south, petitioned ths board to causs the Consolldatedtsllwsy company to remove the tracks. on the thoroughfsre on th ground that - th corporation had loat It frnchl be cauae it hag failed to run care pver It tracks for nearly one year. The . western union Telegraph com pany waa granted permission to Install nightwatch eystsm end connect Are alarm boxes .with th headquarters of the lire department,' - - v'-; , , a - it win -cost-Notning - , to'examine into the. advantages we .offer. You can make corapari sons;, we can harjly do so.' Visit our school, if possible. If not. " . -I W " , ! 'II W . " send some one-in your place, - have the best, herce our urgent ically--bur school' will bear HJi work,' business forms, etc., free POKTLAINU ISUMINUb CUL.L.bUti ; Park tod Waehlngtoa ajfaeaU. 7v Twelve Bcbiikc-: Walker Graduates are holding fine pc sitforis with the O. Re. N.Railway Ca Seven With the MerthtU """Wells Co., four with Meier ; & Frank Co.. four with Tull & Gibbs, four-with Hazet- : wood, two with M. seller at ' ; Co., three with the Morgan Go., two with Olds, Worb s. v mar & King, two with Lip- ; matt, Wolfe C Co. ; . , Dehnke-Walkersradnatta 7T. f t along in the world.'x hey c prosper, for they have a .' business equipment' that fis valued by the firms where . thev obtain situations.-Then. too, we watch out for them, i.nd lee.lhat themomentny graduate if rout of work for v ; any good reason, there is' an other position available. No - other - college takes such i V personal interest in its grad m nates as does the Behnke Walker Business College. Lftit yoflp wo placed 207 pupils in positions, ini year : we , can . place $00, judging : , from the great demand -tnat :. exists , for : Behnke-Walker graduates. ' - . , . . - - Next mosth we move into .3 new quarters; -Elks- Build ' "7 ing; finest quarters; built to our order; new fittings; bus iness desks; fine, light; cheery; you'll be . proud to . '.study there.Vi write for. cat aloe .that contains a spe cial offer of may ob it ain a handsome souvenir by performing,, light service lor us.., vr..,,7: - ' : Send direct to Dept 19.. Portland; Oregon Th plan of tht choot Is enUrely different from the eld-time business col lege. Pereonal instruction and Individ ual attention with u mean something. W take a limited number et pupil In business subject. Shorthand and Eng lish, and five them th personal atten tion that stamp our instruction with Individuality. Day and evening session begin en Monday, September , It. Our tuition rate Is the lowest. . THE MULTNOMAH BUSINESS INSTITUTE raoae Bfaia eeos. . M BtatT tree. THIEF. ACTS AS AGENT v ' AND GETS TYPEWRITER Rom clever erook etole a new type writer belonging te a local agency a few days ago. Tbe machine had been rented to Dr. Day, a mining expert, in the Min ing building at the fair. . He took It to the gatekeeper when he was through with it and Instructed him te deliver it to an employe of the agency who would call for it the next day. Fifteen minutes later a nan appeared and claimed the machine In behalf of the agency. When the company eent Its employe after the machinethe theft waa discovered. -The police were not Informed of the occurrence until yeeter day. Detective Hartman IS' "trying to locate Jthe machine, j . , r. . ''', . The sjoTeme Manes -, Are recommended to the public for thelt power, purity, richness end quality of tone and are consldsred the most dur able and reliable made. Sold at . 150 Alder etreet ! ARTHUR JOHNSON LOSES - LIFE IN SMITH RIVER (Special Dlipatek te Th Joril.) ! , '-' Eugene, Or-- Sept tt. Arthur John- eon, a farmer living on Sweet creek. In th lower 81ufaw country, was drowned in Smith river. In tha western end of Douglas eounty, while engaged In log ging In that stream Thursdsy. No par ticulars of the drowning hav been re ceived here. Th unfortunat man was poor and leavee a wife and a number of mall children. Startling Mortality, ' Statlatlcs show stsrtllne mortailtv from appendicitis and peritonitis. To Prevent and cure these awful dlsaaaee here Is lust one reliable remedy, Dr. Klnfs New 1.1 fe Pills. M. Plsnnery, of 14 Custom House Placei Chicago, saysi 'Thsy hsve no equal for constipation snd blltoiienees." 2!o at Sbtdmore Drug Co lit Third etreet.. , . .. '.-'. AT Our - ' ' . ., . ' Seeing is believing. We know we invitation to call. Investigate crit Open all the year,' Catalogue, pen Call, telephone or write, i ' f A- P. Armstrong, U.I, Principal.' Looking; For Work ? Enroll la tbe I. C. SJlad . ; you will not have to look ' , Ions;. The demand for tech-: nlcally trained men is far in ' excess- of the supply. Ob-, ' tain the technical knowledge contained, in one - of our: Courses and yon' will sootji. be one of the thousands ' that owe their -success to .' our instruction. I. W can:, help you. qualify at.-Jiome,. 'in' spare 'time, and' at small " . expense. Jot Any.of -the foK ' lowinjr positions 1 -s lictalcsl, QKtrtCS. SttSB, 1 CW. sr,': Hskf biteer; Briftisujs; Arttr Iset tocser; tttsMpistsr: SterKarl rttaf ; ,. Malts Brtner; sr U wYnwv - - - WrIU TODAT, ateting whleh peat tlea laearast yaw, ta :- INTEnNATIONAL Correspondence ; Schools. e em M ecn Mcaa sarruanjriiTivai .I eao. ' US Second St PRIVILEGES FREE , - 1. ; .. ... . S - . " ' The classes of the Holmes Busi ness College are' being held in the Y. If. C A. Building, pending con struction of new quarters. . , 1 By special arrangement we ex tend to- our students all the privi leges of gymnasium, - nstatorium, handball court, bath, reading-room, etc, that go with membership In the Y. M, C.A. ' :';- ;., .' ' These r special ' privileges ; ar FREE no , extra tuition charge whatever. , w'- '.-V,"' '.. ',. - Watch .for announcement concern ing our now location. Finest quar ters in tho city, being specially built and equipped for our uea. Write for Information about, com mercial course, or call, ...... nn BUSINESS COLLEGE 17-M T. M. O. A. Bide., Pertlasd, Ofeges. Nina schools and colleges. Perty-five frofessors and Instructors. New- snd horoughly ' modern laboratory equip- ment .... s. . - . , College of Liberal Arts increased Its ettendsnce SO per cent urlng th past year. ' x oni nmrtan as. - For catalogue and parUculara, address Wlf.IastSTTX TjaiVUSZTT, "' . Sales, Oregen. sniisnjiaKinjiDwt " MBTLAjroroBsabsri . ' .:. ..... .....) :. . ;' ' forty-seventh echoUatle year begins Tuesday, September s, 10I. , ; ; rtrst-claaa- boarding and day . school for girl. . . ,, , .. r ; . ' , . ; Course ef elementary, aecondary and hlgbr education, . - . Conisrvatotlaa ot music and art , Willamette 5 Uniyemjty