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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1905)
oii'iiiiiii sis: Oi'Eii SOXi ExpoltJorr-txhiblt of Clooded Animal Will B on Vlvv . All Day Tomorrow. PORTLAND HUNT CLU3 y':fj VISITS PENS IN A CODY If any New PrUe Award Announced and Interest in ' the Great Col lection of Thoroughbred! Increase . With Each Day of Show. (e.v ,' - . . :, . ' -.. '. The management of the expo 4 ' eltton''deelres tt understood that d ' the great, Lewie and Clark ,llve 4tock ehow will be open tomor e .. row, a on anr . other day, . and e Judging will continue. , The livestock show continues to at tract Immense crowds, and Is -beyond Question one of. the most suecessf ul (ea turce of the-exposition. .The Portland Hunt club waa at the grounds this aft ernoon and added to the already. Urge attendance. The. members gave special attention to tha horaa section and ad mired the thoroughbred 'animals which ara on exhibition, i , , y ,.. - Tomorrow- at o'clock In the after noon there wtll be a- horse parade with a band leading, and thereafter every day at 10:3 D th morning the parade will, be glyeiv. with cattle parade at J In the afternoon. . '. . . . The stock ahow will be open tomor row. The awards made today were: ' In the competition between prise winners of standard trotters In secttone It to tO. Inclusive., the following cham pions were announced: No. 0. Vernon Jones, Joe Pender, Portland. Junior champion and -reserve grand champion prises; No. it, Chsbsjem, J.A, Jones, Spriagbroohv- Oregon,, reserve Junior champion prise; No. 1. Moonlight Belle. O. A. Westgate, Albany, Oregon, grand champion prise; No. T. Wtlllam etto D.. J. H., Wilkinson. .Chllllwack, B. C. reserve grand champion prise; No. B, Zombro, George Beckers, Loe An geles, grand champion -prise. ahlre aTorsss. '-v'-. r ' ,'' '? Stallion, ' 4 years ' old or over-Wrst, champion and grand champion prises, Redlyacb. J. J. . Eldaon ;. of Silverton, Oregon.,- t , - ' wallow OatUa, ".'''. '.' ' - . ' Bull, t years old or over- First, cham- ?lon and grand champion prises. Worthy II. C E. Clarke, Bt. Cloud, Minnesota; second. Chief II of Btepford. W. M. Brown eV Son, Carroll ton, Missouri. ' Bull, months and under t4 months old First, Junior champion and reserve grand champion prises. Mosstrooper V, C B. Clarke of SC Cloud. Minnesota.' Bull. IS montha and under lSmonths Old First, Planter II. W. U. Brown A on, Carrollton, Missouri. "' - - J- ; , s ' Bull, r months and undes IS months bid Firs t, grand-champion and- reserve rand champion- prises, - Black " Knight III, C B. Clarke, St. Cloud. Minnesota; aecond. His Eminence, W. M. Brown Son, Carrollton. : Missouri. J Cow,' I rears old or over First, and ' senior-champion prises, Eveline Sd of AvondaJe,-W. M. Brown- Bon Carrollton, Mo.; second. Favorite lth pf Lochenklt, C. E. Clark. BU. poud. Minn. - ,-- Heifer, I years old and under S First and reserve . champion prises,; Grace Wild wood, W. M. Brown A Bon, Carroll ton.' Mo.! aecond. Mies McDourall. aame owner; third. Lady, Hernden. C B. Clsrkv L nond. Minn. 1 -- v Heifer, 1 montha old ftnd under 14 rirst, iay May uers, Bt. Cloud,. Minn.: second, St. Louis to See, yv. M. Brown A Son, Carrollton, Mo. - Heifer, -I year old and under II months First, Lady Charlotte, C E. Clark. St Cloud, Minn.; aecond. Follow Moody. W. M. Brown A Son, Carroll ten.! Mo. " - Heifer, montha old and under I year First. Cora of Meadowlawn. C E. Clark of St. Cloud; second. Eglantine, W. M. Brown tt Son of Carrollton; third. Miss- Portland. W. M. Brown Son of Carrollton. ' - i - . y . Heifer, under f - months eld First, Sadie of Meadowlawn, C E. Clarke. St. Cloud, Minn. : . " , Aged herds, bull I years old or over. cow yeara or over, heifer from years old down First prise waa taken by C K. Clarke of Bt. Cloud, and the second by W. M. Brown A' Son of Carrollton. . v' ' ' Ootowoia keep;v IX"'- Harrl, S years old or over First. Ross, owned by C. E. Ladd. North Tamhlll; second,- Oregon Lad. John B., Stump, Monmouth, Oregon. - - yj , Ram. 1 yeer old or under 1 First Games SS. C E. Ladd. North Tamhlll; second, Rlddelle 40, William Rlddell A Sonsv Monmouth, Oregon; third. Games 117. C E. Ladd. North Tamhlll; fourth. Oregon Led. John B. Stump, Monmouth; fifth, Rlddella .' William Rlddell A Sons, Monmouth.-' - - - . Ram, montha old or under . 1 year First, Duerete Tt, Duerst Broa, Mc MlnnvlUe, Oregon: second, Duersts 74, same owners; third, Rlddells tit, Wil liam Rlddell A Sons, Monmouth; fourth, Ladds Cos, C E. Ladd, North Tamhlll; fifth, Rlddella tS, .William Rlddell A Bona, Monmouth. SaMopekira Sheep. Ram. S yeara old ' or - over First. Lloyd Jonsa 811, C B, Ladd. North Tam hlll, Oregon; second. Ladds 160, C E. Ladd, North Tamhlll; third, Bernadotte, Sohmldt Bros., Oregon . City, .Oregon; fourth,. Clsvelands S03. Charles Cleve land, Greeham, Oregon.. ' Ram, 1 year old and under I First, PROMPT DELIVERIES : OF niGH-GBADE MyERTtRANSKITTlNG MACHINERY 'je i W Ara the Pacific NortJiwest Afent for 'the - 1 DODQE MANUFACTURINQ COMPANY , The larteet producer of Hlfh-Claa Power-Tranmittin( Special tie in tb world. ' ' ' ' ' - In oar warehouse we carry in stock a complete line of SOLID and SPLIT IRON and STEEL PULLEYS, PLAIN, CAPILLARY AND RINO OILINO PILLOW BLOCKS. HANGERS, FLOOR STANDS AND POST BOXES, SHAFTING, COUPLINGS AND COLLARS, FRICTION CLUTCHES. : . Any special equipment not tarried in stock may be' quickly manufactured in our ahops, which are the LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED IN OREGON. No other concern offer yon. such opportunities lor PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE. v Willamette Iron '& Steel Works r TLAL'D, OREGON, U. S. A. ., u . - ii Cedar Grove Chief Hi. Charlea Cleve land, Greaham; second. Orestes, Schmidt Bros.. Oregon City; third. Tyladea, same owners; fourth, Cleveland's 3S3. Charles aeveUnd, Greeham; flfth, Cleveland's lit,' aame owner. .; '' . ''. Ram, ( montha old or under l'year First, - Challenger 8 Schmidt . Bros., Oregon City; second, Ladd' 40$, C. E. Ladd, North TamhlU; third, Cleveland's SOS. Charles Cleveland, Greeham; fourth, Choice Goods, Schmidt Bros., Oregon City; fifth. Wd's 412, C, E. Ladd. JSortb L vamhlll. : : t Ewe. S yeara old or over Firat, Ham mer W. a C, C. E. Ladd, North Tarn hill; second. Lloyd Jones, sam owner; third, Cleveland'r 17 Chsrles Cleve land. Gresham; fourth, Schmidt's 47. Schmidt Bros., Oregon City; nfth, Cleve land'a 17. Charlea Cleveland, Gresham. The following prises were awarded at the Lewis and Clark livestock show yesterday In addition to those published In Friday's Journal:. ':.-. a Aware om Morsee. fi-y In this class all awards were carried away y J. Crouch A Son. The prise winning "animala were: . Senior cham pion, Dura; reserve champion, Mlgnon; reserve grand champlotujpura; , Junior champion and Junior grand . champion, Flndlenne. . 'r -: Btallions Champion senior and grand champion, HannlbaL i -. Merest 4 yeara or over First, Alama, exhibited by C. X. Larrabee. Portland;. second. Red Lea, J. H. and J. T. Wilk inson Chilli wack. B. C. ; third, Zombow yetta. v L. H. Todhuntes, Sacramento; fourth, Alta Cora, August -Erickson, Portland; fifth, Daisy Q. Hill. J. Jones, .Springbrook. Oregon' Marea,S .yeara and under 4 First, Red Colleen, J- T. and J. H. Wilkinson. Mares, S yeara and under S First, Willamette D.. W. A. DeLasbmutt, Port land; aecond. . Zlballne, George ,W. C roe- field, Wasco, .v , :. ...j.: ; .... ; Mares. 1 yeer and under S First, Cora Patchen, August Erlckson; second. Chehalem May. J. A.- Jonea - Mares, under 1 year1 First, Moonlight Bolls, G. - A. Westgate, Albany, Oregon. ' ' Awards on Champ ions. Ciyflesdalee Snlor champion, award ed to Premier Prince, exhibited or a. M. Vaaey; grand champion also awarded to Premier. Prince; junior champion. Onward. Forbea Proa.; reserve Junior champion. Royal Macqueen, J. P. Gor don. Dundee. Oregon. ; Champion Clydesdale marea Senior champion. Lady Jane, J. D. Gordon: re serve senior champion, Helen Barlasa, Forbea Bros.; Junior champion. Cherry Blossom, Forbes . Bros. I reserve Junior champion. Wyoming Lassie, Forbea Broa. ; grand champion, unerry Blos som, Forbea Broa.; reserve grand Cham nlAn. Tilv Jane. J. I J nerdim. , Get of one aire, four animala of either sex, any are First and second prises taken by Forbes Bros.; third, lu M. Vaser. - Produce of one mare,- two animala of either sex-First and aecond prises won by Forbee Bros.: . third. H. M. Vaaey; fourth. John Painter. .. Stallion and three marea, S yeara or over Diploma awarded toftlL Vasey, Special cash prises were offered for prise winners in this class by ' the American Clydesdale association.. 'The special prise of $60 for. the best bred American stallion, . any age, went' to Premier Prince, exhibited by H. M. Vaaey. ; The grand championahlp special award of a sliver cup. for the best Clydesdale stallion, any age, went to the same jmimal. . A similar award, for the best bred Clydesdale mare, any age, went to -Cherry Blossom, exhibited by Forbea Bros. - ' Aberdeen Angna Chassplrma , , Champion bulla, I yeer or over Lord Mounatneer. exhibited by Louis Baumann: reserve bull, Howard Darby, Richard Wilson. .!.'" - v Chamnlon cow. S veara or over Bon ftte Girl, Richard Wilson; reserve) cham pion cow, Andora, Richard Wilson. - Grand champion bull, any age Lord Mounaineer, Louie ' Baumann; - reserve bull, Howard Darby, Richard Wilson. Grand champion cow or heifer Bon nie Girl, -Richard Wilson; reserve cow or helf4r, Andora, Richard Wilson. Galloways, Duns, ! yeara or - over First prise,' Worthy Third, O. B. Clarke. St. Cloud. Minn. t second. Chief Second of Stepford, W. M. Brown A Son, Car rollton, Mo. - ' ', - ' " i Bulla, 1 montha and under 14 First, Mosstrooper, C E. Clarke. Bulls, IS months and under 14 First, Planter Second, W. M. Brown A Son. Bulls, months and under 11 First, Black Knignt Tniro. u. E. Clarke: aec ond, Hla Eminence, W. M. Brown A Son. Cows, s yeara old ' or over First Evallne Second, of Avondale. W. M. Brown-A Bon; second,. Favourite Six teenth of Lochenklt, C. E. Clarke. Heifer, I yeara and under . S First. Grace of Wlldwood, W. M, Brown A Judges at jWork on. the Shorthorn Herd at the Son; second. Miss McDougall. W. M. Brown A Son: third, Lady . Harden of Meadowlawn,- C. B. Clarke. , - " ' ' v Heifer, II montha and under 14 First, Lady May Seoond, C E. Clarke; second. 8t Louis To See. W. M. Brown A Son. - Hetfer, 1 year and under II months First, Lady Charlotte, C. E. Clarke; eeo ond. Follow Moody, W. M. Brown A Son. Heifer. ( monthe and under' 1 year First. Cora of Meadowlawn. C. E. Clarke; second. Eglantine, W. M. Brown A 'Son; third. Meg of Red Cloud, G. W. Lindsey, Red Cloud, Web. ' Heifer,- under- - months FlrsLreaie Of Meadowlawn, C. B. Clarke. - la the Brown Swiss class all awards In every section were taken by E. M. Jayne of North Taklma, WssIl, without competition..- Mr. Jayne took seven first prises, five seconds and one third award. He also got ths awards for champion ship and grand championship animals in thla class. - . ;-.y. ; (; Award esi fereeya. - Heifer, yeara or under I First, second and third, W. B. Ladd' aetata, Portland, with Eurybla'a - Daughter, Mary. Mlsa and Golden Lad's Matilda, respectively! - fourth award, i Govern o Lilly's Marigold, Atkinson Bros, New berg, Or.; fifth, Marlee Golden Queen, D. Ht Looney, Jefferson. Or. Heifer, 1 year or under' First prise, Marea's Golden ' Fogis, ' D. H. Looney: second. Golden Marigold Queen, W. S. Ladd estate: third. St. Heller's Coney, B. C Alt man. Gresham; fourth, Pomela, W. 8. Ladd estate; fifth. Fancy Marigold, Atkinson Broa. . - Heifers under" 1 year First and seo ond prises won by W. S. Ladd estate. with Bt Heller's voltana and Gotten Chief e Olga, respectively; third and fourth. Atkinson Bros., with Beauty Marigold and Govern or"a ; Betty, re spectively; fifth, Empreee ' of ; Sunny Bank. H. West. Scappoose. Or; : In the Ayrshire class. sreloan sweep of all awards waa made by Mrs. William Honeythan of Portland, with no compe tition. . Mra. Honeyman's animals" brought eight . first awards and three third awarda. ' AU awards - on herds were also secured, giving the exhibitor premier champion - championship for breeder and earns far exhibitor.; - . , ' Award as Swtae, Chester Whites, boar, t years or -over First prise- taken - by - Ed- School. Al bany. Oregon. " Boars, 1 year or under t First, C H. Murphy. Caledonia. Mlnneeota. u . Sows, yeara or over First, second and third prlaea taken by Ed ShoeL Same exhibitor geta first prise on sows 1 year or under I. and the first second and third on sows under months. Same exhibitor geta first award for beat boar and three sows; first and second prises on best get of ons sire, four; first and aecond prises on beet produce of one sow; diplomas for best sow any ago; also premier championship for- breeder and exhibitor; (diploma for best boar, any age, awarded to C. H. Murphy. Boar, I years or " over First prise awarded to Richard Scott, Mllwaukle, Oregon. - - Boar, 1 year or under t First H. M. Vaeey, Ladner, British Columbia; second. Richard Scott. ' - . Boars, montha or under 1 year First, second, fifth, Richard Scott third and fourth. H. M. Vasey, Boer, under montha, age considered First, second and third swards, Rich ard Scott; fourth : and fifth, H. M. Vasay. . Sows. 1 year or over1 First, seoond and third prlaea, Richard Scott; fourth, H. M. Vasay., Bows, montha or under 1 year First,- aecond. and fifth- prlaea, - Richard Scott; third and fourth. H. M. Vasey.. . . Sows, under months, ago considered First, fourth and fifth prises, Richard ocott; aecond and third, H. M. Vasey. In ths class for Essex all awarda were taken by C H. Murphy, wltb no competition. , . j. ; ..... :.. , , GRESHAM MEN : (Continued from Page One.) ting his friend. Before he could change hla position the animal attacked him. and there waa a , hand-to-hand battle of several mlnutea . between the ; two men and the bear. .' -. ' .. Roberta received a severe wound on the right leg from the animal's pa wr and hla hat brim waa torn.' The' bear, with decidedly the beet of the fight, suddenly showed fear and fled, making its escape through the underbruah. The expeoition aa a aeer- hunt was a success. The men secured 11 deer, from which they took 111 pounds of venison. No bear were killed, although a number were seen. The hunters camped In a deserted cabin on the bank of the San' tianv One day while cooking dinner they ' were called upon - by two , large black bear each ' weighing " about ; 400 pounda. Tfte bear escaped, and aa the huntere were without doge they did not give chasov . o sttaata pitaam Ths Southern Pacific company haa placed on sale at Ita Portland offloee round trip ticket to Shasta Springe at rate or Z0. Beautiful. Ul oat rated pamphlets descriptive of thla resort can be secured from any . Southern Pacific agent . " . MrU as Printer. (jearaat Special Chicago. Sept. II Girls are being iieed by the Chicago Typothetae to break the printere' strike. - Advertisements ap peared today for lop stenographers to learn the linotype. Don't Neglect Your Kidneys n: ml erHllr toe tanl vsi ent feeling la the Bmrnlnf. are sure sites of KMnev Trouble. Irvine s Barhe wsrpfs eixee tne aiena. knlld ne ta hrnls walls nt the Kidneys, mmvtng IM esae eea iae peia wns ii. sole at sue so r S. O. Sktamora Ooh Irrnjrfteteltr Taira sv, sola agents rot romaaa, wz. Livestock Show HOSPITAL SERVICE UNDER FIRE Secretary Shaw Orders art ln Lr vestigation Into Affairs of -f,"; " Marine Surgeon.', C '. CROSS EXTRAVAGANCE IS BASIS OF CHARGES i' Looacne in -Diabarteraent System - Shown by . the Embezzlement - of : Twenty . Thousand . by Clerk Ex pense Hav Doubled Recently. '; ; Ueoraal gpedU Servlee.) Washington. ' Sept II.. Secretary Shaw la so dissatisfied with the conduct of the affairs of the marine hospital service that he lias directed a thorough investigation. He is especially . im pressed wltb tha charge that the service la ' grossly extravagant ' and la . not pleased with the method of making dis bursements. ' . -. Looseness In the - disbursement sys tem waa ahown a few dsya ago, when It waa learned that a clerk in a subordi nate position had succeeded In, embes- sllng 120.000. - Supervising Surgeon-Oeneral Wyraan baa been subjected to a good deal of questioning - by Secretary Shaw. The details of ths investigation will be left In the hands of the committee. It haa ' been found that the marine hospital eervice la earing for only a few more alck sailors than a few yeara ago and expenses on thla account alone are nearly .aouoieo. secretary unaw no- lleves that the aervloe has had alto gether toe free hand.' 7 '- .... ; r MAY RECLAIM SWAMP ' : (Continued front Page On.-. Into service all tha men and teams avail able and hasten the completion of the streets aa rapidly aa tha work could be done. .'.. ... v.. . . "I want to evolve a plan that will dis pose of these perplexing . matters. It will be a large project. It must be an. tared upon In aapirtt of willingness te cooperate .and every one who la neces sary to the success of the schema must be. brought to see ita utility. -"Any one who la familiar With con ditions In the district referred to knows that there la pressing need for attention to. the -Immediate necessities; no plan must be laid that wtll comprehend mak ing those concerned wait for aome Indef inite future time for .relief. , f " , , , Work X Started. ' J '"; "Today City Engineer Taylor was In structed to take up the matter at once. He wtll eea property owners and others concerned and we will atrive to bring things to pass. . It will be tha plan to provide eome means af once for the ac commodation of the business houses la tha district affected, and at tha aame time prepare' for the larger works If no Insurmountable obatacle la encountered. "Portland haa reached a point In her development that places on every one here the duty of abandoning tha' old manner of doing things and operating upon a real ciiy.Dasis. 'Our commerce will expand Immensely In the next few years. The entrance of the Northern Pacino with fta north bank road down the Columbia river will give an impetus to things here that is not now realised by the average busi ness man.' . ...t,.. - "We must remember that wa ara com. petltore of other seaports. We must have facllitfca to carry on our traffic Wa must not condemn to a permanently useless condition the waterfront from Hawthorne avenue to Burnside streat. Water traffic is growing rapidly here, and that stretch of It blocks Is worth too much potentially to permit Ha be ing longer neglected. -; ' Thiaka Plan Feasible. "I learn that the sand comoanisa have profitably . dredged the river all along the district under discussion and nave eoia ine gravel in immense quan Htlaa. I am aura that, a plan sou Id be evolved for the operation of , dredares which would pump gravel on to the low lands la the territory, mentioned and that at tha aame time there could be provision for laying sewers and other pubiio utility works, v , "If the-project la rightly undertaken tha cost could be apportioned between the city, the Port of Portland commis sion and the property-owners, and. an equitable adjustment bo made. ' - "I am aensible that thla la no boy'a plan that may be carried out In a day, or with. ease. It Is a-tremendous pro ject, worthy the absorption of one'a en ergies for a long time; but I' am con vinced that It bears posslbtlltlen'of benefit greater than that which would come from almost any other plan that could be offered." ' City Engineer Taylor ta heartily fn accord with Mayor Lane, and it Is known that the former city engineer, Charlea Wanser, was anxious ' to carry It. OUt v , . ' ' ' Many citisens have been approached and think f vnraM v at tt. it th m. examination. nd f Waaoia X. Veabody Bead, ' Jearaal Speclel Servtee. - Bostnim Sept. IS. Francla ".H. Pea hody." founder of the flrnf of - Kidder, Pea body A Co., banker, U dead, aged . OU prbbably doh't believe that IieatlnfTt and ':,;:e scientific principles of; it, must bs com-::biri-;togi j 7 If you just want ti' furnace (or what como v dealeris call a furnace), nothing more, i?et one. '''', ' .-'"V '.fv - ' r''-'-.;" , . ' - -; -,(.; aJ-iiisaisBS But let us tell you, without seaming egotistical, that we know from whence i our business has come just a little thought about bur business, combined, with the ibestxworkmanshlpi-and material. . . : the w. o. Mcpherson co. "V ' ' ' HEATINQ ENOINEERS 63 TIES Ad HOUR Second Gasoline Car Built by Union Pacific Make Remark- : able Trial Trip. 4 ; HEAVY CARS ORDERED BUILT BY THE SYSTEM Combination Coach e WU1 Drive Lo comotive Out of Business ta Local Traffic Trailer to Be Attached to New Cr. - ' 'y (Jeamal SpecU Serttee.) ' Omaha. Sept. SI. A apeed of t miles an hour was attained by the Union Pa cific's seoond gasoline- motor car on its official trip, from Omaha to Fremont. The run includes ons of tha steepest hills on, the main line and the car climbed It with the greatest ease. Superintendent of Motive-Power Wil liam R. McKeen, Jr.. the designer, waa at the throttle. The passengere were General Manager Mohler and a party of dlstlnculshed guests. - , 1 AU aussta remarked tha perfect ven tilation and also the total absence of Jar in starting or stopping, and it .was the unanimous opinion that tne oar was destined to drive the locomotive out. of business in local traffic. . . ' Mobler waa so pleaeed with the silo ceaa of ths trip that ha Instructed Mc Keen to proceed at onoa with the con struction of two new oars With enginee of 100 horsepower. The preeent car haa 100 horsepower. These new eara will be different In principle,- the .. motor being constructed to carry the engine, lighting plant, baggage-room, mall sec tion and a trauer used to haul pas sengers. ' CHILDREN MARCH (Continued from Page One.) and atirred tip a good deal of enthusi asm. ' At the critical point In bia re remarks, when he asked "What Is your worst enemy V a boy's voice in the gal lery shouted "Boose!" - - The speaker looked nervously In that direction and came back with- thla: "If yon saw a snake in the graea would you run T "No!" cried the same voice, Td kill itr ' . - But It waa a temperance Jubilee, for all that. Before long Mr. Howard had hla audience denouncing gin in concert and with emphasis. Other sddresses were made by J. Glass, Mrs. Antonette Hauler, L. T. L. Children. I. H. Amoa and the presiding officer of the day. Mr. Lucia H. F. Additon. A muelcal feature greatly enjoyed waa the elnglng by Miss Ethat Lytic or "Star Bpangled Banner.' At 1 o dock thla afternoon an In. formal reception took place in the Ore gon building. An address of welcome waa made by Preeldent Jefferson Myers of the centennial commission, and an original poem waa read by Mra. A A Hanley. Musical featuree wera eoloa by Edna Protsman, Mae Donaldson and Mary Adale Case. . FATALLY INJURED IN ; - . " SAWMILL AT FLORENCE - (Special Dlspatrh te The JoemaLI Eugene, Or..-. Sept. . 2. Oscar Wis dom, a single man, aged about 10 years. was perhapa fatally injured In O. W. Kurd's sawmill at Florence Thursday afternoon. - While working on the gang edger something about the machinery went wrong and the board which waa going through the edger. flew up and struck young Wisdom - over the heart and again over the abdomen. He wai knocked unconscious and Internally in Jured. Hie condition waa precarious at last accounts, v . Round Trip Daily to AstorftcH Excursion steamer Telegraph makee round trips dally (except Friday), De parts from Alder street dock T:I0 a. ra. From Astoria I p. in. Arriving Portland 1:10 p. as. Sundays leaves Portland I a. m. Arrives Portland a, m. . ' Totee to AOUUte. 1 I (7oaraal Bpedal Bervtes.) , ; Washington, rx C, Sept it. The Colorado Stat Federation of Labor haa decldeiemilate with the national organisation. The executive council haa adjourned to meet In Pittsburg, Novem ber 11. . 11.. I Jggg" W- B Strikes BUddea Boekav - When your ship of health strikes ths hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneumo nia, etc., you are lost If you don't get help from Dr. King s New Discovery fi Consumption. J. W. WoKlnnon of Tal ladega Springe, Ala., writes: "I had been very 111 with pneumonia, under the care of two doctors, but waa getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first doae gave relief, and one bottle cured ma" Sure cure for eore throat, bronchitis, coughs and cold Guaranteed at gkldmnre Drug Co., Itl ON riOTOR CAR bottle free. . . ! . AWfetatse Prepare tlonrof As similating SieF(XXlandBeula-LiiguStoiDCBsaislBcnfBl3or Promotes DigesHonJCbserfut ness and Restontaln3 neither Opaim.Morphine norHkiecaL Nor Haxlc otic eW- Aperfecl Remedy for Consfips Tion, Sour StonvnDiarrtioea Worms .Convulsions Jcvrriah nrss and Loss or Sleep. r" Fax Simile Signature of KEW "YD UK. .e A complet ihpwin of gmart ho, . In all leather, for fall wear. They combine quality gad tyle at modents price. FU1HIS Shoe is made of JL patent colt leather, with dull finish mat kid tops. Extension welt soles, Cuban heels. ' A ery dressy shoe . for street -Vv ft0(EfV FULL AI3 283-85 M0REI30N DT assrsTsMfr--assi sVsssi -sssi sfca at at i IF YCU ViiSn TO ADYE.1T1I IN NEWCPAPC AWYWMCRB AT ANimz3 CeO est a Writ tt: irti JXAPtC0sTyWsUBaEsU) ' I ill h y wi 1 TTlnfantj and CMlirm, , Jla Kind Yea lhr;3 -. AlvvayG DoL'hr : Bears tho Signature of -In Oso For Ovdr Thirty Yoar G R Hefliilar Hecfllzn of Journd Want Ads, ; regular-weighing;- and ' balanciox of the opportunities they present, is a practical , education. You learn the city, its peoplesrvaraes" of things,- human nature, what to believe and what to reject -and you learn to know a real oppor tunity at first sight, .That spells success. sr ';.-.-,-! .- ,, Journal "Want Ads." are in teresting. '5' '-' . ' - '-i ' We Klcht Tern Cat , Pocr Prlatlsg If we eet eotaeNes abeat K. eat we ere ef practlee la taet rmvtt that we iDtaahw we 'wool auke e reek failure of the Joh. w eeeneet that the week worfld se flret-claee la eplte e( ell ear ettsete. We are reeaweed fw the . . eseelleace ef ear sciaUag. , ;,. (ZrtrppafttMn fata 147 FRONT ST. Tal afats j : Bet. Morrison and Alder. - TEETH ... .'- -' fa sjtodern- dental wern. Werta-ew aewaed soeelaUet Loweat prices eensisteat with I new yc::: vz:m revz-rz r rrr " " - Ops y - t1 : 1 ff I J AW ' w : Or esaMeana, : r.