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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
A- - Auction 2ab5 L ,rv f. '. ; . j i -mi you noucaa mi ui mi esisie dealers of thla oity ar buyingr asked nromlnent Dirmertv-holdar list even. ing, "Watch them. Tbey know whloh - way th wind la blowing. Thar atudy the Malty alluatlon mora than any other ' peraon. Tbay have baan doing ' about aa much buying on thalr own account la many Instance a tor thr. That knaw that ther wUJ Ja ... ruah for -'fnf1Iifl hVAns m - thlt lhV Villi hava opportunity to mak- big -money ,tuilnf thalr holdings, or by keeping It until the lncreaa In valu earns tham good Interest on thalr, Jnvaaf want." : . , 1 t- '. Bom of the' heaviest purchases here recently km bm (w man who deal ' In raat estate. - Mora than ascor of two month, coma of tham representing investment of from $89,000 to 1 100,000, Host .of auch purahaaaa hava baan of inside holding, but not always Im proved. Boras war tamed Immediately ,t atnar people, at a nnnosom proiw, but tn a majority of ease tha dealer n haldin what the hava bought and 'Will DVV IUIOA VI ,H4t.,4a) " ... - market tot anything near what they paid xor re,' : v r ; Ounat la hot a dealer la the ususl aanaa of tha word, but be via one of the - neaviesi reaiiy operator m nma inn- . oiaeo. Hi DOUgni mx a rignr oinors regarded high. Ruaaall Blyth have been buying also. iThay aecured bus!- neaa block aitea and fjo not Indicate any purpoe ef nailing. J. M. Haaly hag been buying.' and while calling alao, ' bo hag been adding . to' hla ' pergonal holdlnga rapidly: D. 0. Stearns has WWI UOrviIlMlIin ssusues eyaa gas wsvs saw count, and sV a faith In- the immedi ate future which cannot be ahakea by any peesimisuo rvpuru uumr eeoja nor namea, nut in uiusxraie tha point made by the critical observer. and pave the way for hie ooacluaion: Thar wr-tlme when men watched the flight of blrda for omens property ownera are now watching another omen, and It la the buying by the realty eeal- m. , T mm nB mnA llnM In tha bual- naaa. Thaaa aaalara hava been In touch with the outaide capital pawing through and are tha, flrat to take the tip that there will be something doing hero goon. They will make money. ,,. ' Tha' week cloned with g tittle buret of . jireworKS, out aia not average weu. too many persona are away for many sales. ' Moat of the prominent property ownera aravtaklna- a vacation at thla season and , are not in a mood for hitataese. .Tha preceding week waa buatling. which seemed to have opened the fall -sesson . with a blare of truapeta, but tt hap- meeting of venaor and purenaser in - several negotiations that had been pend ing. Th heavy tradlngTor fall, which THE H00 1100 PORTUIIID HUM BREAKS ALL RECORDS ':;-T:::;:';;'- ..' .? ;!yH Mor" Than Two Hundrtd Can- .''idates Inducted Into thV . ; V- Ordr Last vNighL . WEST SUPPORTS; INMAN FORN ARK OF UNIVERSE , Chicago and Oklahoma .City Art in tha Pifht torto jtet Meettnf ; Placa Hundreds ot - Talagrama Pour in From tha Abaant. . Uor than enndldat wer ini tiated last night Into th Concatenated Order of . Hoo Hoo. It waa a. rcord- nreeking etasa; tha next largest ever taken in waa . Pacif lo - coaat Hoo Hoo Are ' alated at the fin ahowing ' made, and cite ' th larg attandaac L-a tha Mnhw of initiates aa proof that tb holding of th annual meeting " In Portland waa a win mora for th rdr. ' . The Hoo Hoe, which ar now tn th .fourteenth annual session, ar having - an enjoyable time, and visiting mem bers prats th hospitality proffered by th western wearers of th emblem ar ma King iirvne wimiwiu w, D. Inman of Pertland for the office of anark of th universe, now filled by C X. Bourk of Urbana. I1L They aa- eerted last night that tnay wr vir . tuaUv assured oe his election. Th support of Mr. Inman I asked on th . . -wa m . It Afll MAmhra in muna iiu" v good standing reported yesterday by Bcrlvenoter i. H. Balrd. about 1,0 are reeident on th ooast, witn several thousand In the lnter-mountaln region regarded as tributary territory; His only opponent la A. C. Bamsey of Mia- : tj,i avanins Bcrlvenoter Baird pre pared the official list of members by States, showing tn oisinouuon or me . .w - . k - A nft,A mlmtmm Mil according to tha unit rule of political : conventions. , and the number of baj- lots by each on wUl be aa follows: Alabama tlx, Alaska 1, Artaona , Ar : kansaa 0C Calif ornln UK Colorado Itl, Columbia 10 Florida tOf. Georgia 157, . .... . -. T .1 A . Idaho T minow i mii , lr ... - rM-M.A eiv i . . . . a . I a jveniucay ', -" "". . . ' .7 . ' - jn I , WHU -va. amm i ' t . - , uuuMt. t An. aftaafaatnnl 43. Missouri 111. -afontan 40. Ne braska M. Nevada . New Jersey 10. New Hampshir 1, New Mexico It New : York , North Carolina -14 a, North Da ' kota 40. Ohio , Oklahoma HO, Ore gon 140, Pennsylvania tt. Khod Island . e L.b naMilna. 101. South Dakota It. Tennessee 104. Texas 0T. lltali .44. Var , mont 1. Virginia It. Waahington' TOa, Weat Tlrglnla IIX. wisoonain v.n ada SI4r Hawaiian Ulee I. Mexico 41. Cuba t. foreign 41, nnknown 111; . total . II.00L " - - the next annual meeting; Chicago and . . . . .V. . an mmAlAim- lKlHnOTT-B ,HW ..-w " " " . ana oaagee are -wvim r --- of the tw places. Inman badge, too. ' ar conspicuous on th coat lapela of ; th western members, and many aastera Ho Hoo wear them. Thar ar no legislative measures of Importance, excepting th proposal of Snark Rourk for the Increase of the ' salary of the errvtiotr to 1,. a rr. It I claimed mat tn wcrmmm required to expand eonetderabU money In the dlscharg of hla duties ana that tn ssiary proposea is n.m abla Mt. Baird Is ixwly a candldajt , tot tb office for another year. ' t Win Tlait Wklte .pta. V TLast night at th concatenation an in vitation waa received from Jtt,-, la assured by every algn on the horlson, a yet to commence. It la .to. the air; aagea say that a rush is due. and by tha time that people return from tbelr out ing, thlnga ehould be doing. - - 1 ' Conservatives who were foreboding evil following th fair are Just being shaken loose. Borne of .them, have been' nego tlatlng eagerly, with the implied. con- fesslon that the slump opectednftart the fair will never ceme, and they must buy now if they get In low... Thla aentt mant developed rapidly the past week. With th result that several heavy, deal were In, th air. By the time that Sep tember la waning, there ahould be much greater growth of the same spirit, until all posaible confidence of m never-receding future la felt .". . . Among the dealer and heavy prop, erty ownera there is more elation oyef developments aa ' the end of tha' ' fklf approaches than ' thla city bag aver known. The visitors to' the fair, after enjoying Its beautlea, have performed th greater aervlee of telling citttcne that they have' spch a wonderfully healthful look and ar entering upon a period tt development which haa nevei been suggested In evert fondest local dreams, Inatead of recoiling from the brief splurge of prosperity, home. peop! have been. taught to expect far greater thing for them' tharf the fair could be tow In any material nana, -j ' Charles K. Ladd- hag sold the block between Twelfth and Thirteenth and Pavi and Everett gtreet to John Kier nan, for ttS.000. - . The - deal was oioaed yesterday - by Pavld 8. Stearna. Mr. Klernan was out of tha city, and. It was Impossible learn what he intended doing with the property, but It la eald'by those close to him that improvements will be mad there In th near future. The block 1 la what has become a choice business district, where values have been climb tngrapldly. - The demand for warehouse and factory altes haa Increased rapidly thla summer, and thla class of buildings I being planned In numbers beyond the wholesale and retail districts. With a full block for a alt, whatever Is don on th tract Just sold will la all prob ability be on a large scale. . ' Moor Brother, formerly banker of Mora, Waaoo county, yesterday sold through E. J. Daly the southwest cor ner of ' Sixteenth . and Washington streets for f 20.000. Th purchaser wa 11. Lead better of thla city. The tract embraced an area of So feet on Wash ington street, lie feet on" Sixteenth, I1U feet on Alder, and . waa 141 feet wide at th west end. . .: .-. - A short time 'ago Moor Brothers bought this entire block - from - th nlchn estate for lean than ItO.tlOO and th tract sold yesterday la th last of th property to b transferred - by them. : -The last sales bav been at a C D. Roarke, Snark of tha Unlverna. Whttcomb Brougher, paator of th First Baptists church, to attend -services this morning, and was accepted. i . '. . It was announced also ' that the Osirlan cloister, which. held Ita annual session Friday and, banqueted that even ing, would hold -a- special meeting- this morning in Elks' hall, at 16 o'clock, for th Initiation , of a, number, of , candi dates. ,,. '4 .v-T'V . ' All day yesterday and laat-ntgh tele, grams poured.- Into th ) office of the scrlrenoter from absent Hoo Hoa ' It Is one f th law of the order that very member must . either attend the annual session or send a letter or tele gram. -Tbes messagea hav com by th hundred, and bund reds' more await th acrivenoter at his horn In Kaahvllle, Tnnw ,, . . " Oammltaaaa ef ga4on. Th working committees of thts ses sion wer named . yesterday afternoon by Snark Beurke as follows: Constitution : and by-law W." ' B. Bams, chairman; W. M. Stphnson. 13. B. Martin, C.A. Glore. B. A Johnson, tL B. Boggesa, Oeorg V. Denpy. . Next meeting-T. H, Rogers, chair man; A. H. Weir. Donald Ferguson. John Oxenford. Jo Oppenhelmer, W. F. Lowenet-Hn. W. E. Hall. - ' : , tiegislatton N. A. Gladding, chair, man; W. I. Ewart. A. C. Bamaey. Cap taJn John Feist. R, W. English. Auditing B F. Cobb, chalrmaa; B. A. Brandon. O. H. Bectaaua Oood of th order R. D. Inman, chairman; Piatt B. Walker, Henry Tem pi eman, S. H. Bollinger, C H. Hobba. lress Victor - H, Bekman, chair man: Fred Oilman, W. W. Everett. J. H. Baird. . - ' , - Resolutions Colonel A, D. McLeod. chairman; rant B. Cole, Gardner Li jonee, n. a. Tenser. . i. At the onotenatlon tiPlhe Armory the - commltte on applications, which had expected In th afternoon that it would hav ISO candidates, found that there wer about W additional aspirants for membership, and the beginning of th Initiatory - ceremonies Was delayed an hour or two In making out th neces sary papers and receipting for the -due. Th committee was Lloyd J. Wentworth. Charlea E. Sawyer, Oeorge M. Cornwall, Georg Taylor and David Davie. ' The Armory wa decorated with flag and evergreen d around th lmmaa room th "kitten wer marched aa they passed through th evolutions ae esory to .Induction Into th order, of Hoa Ho. , : -,. , a . , , , , Thoa Wa Basama Bee Be . After th Inltlatioa had been Completed tha entertainment commltte took charge of th. concatenation, and th. "oa th Ki-. au ' -v, . ih miHhiu uric. SO that thla invaatment haa been a winning one for the eaatern -Oregon men. Mrs Daly says that no nnoa property in JI.,-1 waHj.W .MM. baMit. Ihin tHW I IV. IULU -mw,v a... w ' usual, and that the Increase In values tnereaoouc naa una uvn . present year. t -Tlrsatrspand-7ltirdyrTh4 100 by 100 feet on th' southwest cor ner ef Twelfth and Flandere . etreet. Details could not i be ascertained, but from good authority It was learned that Freedmaa Bros, baa maa ; tn pur chase. " ' - ' . This firm baa bought ' fiv or six quarter block In th district near their store at Tenth and Davis within the past four months, and on a part of them buildings will bp erected. . Too firm has great faith In property of that district, where values have been rather low for several years, and - has been making the purchase with the- assur ance that there would be a rapid rise aoon. . ..w.''-, . . ! A deal waa reported In realty circle yesterday, although -not 'recorded, of the half block en Irving street netween Sixth and Seventh streets. tb vendor being John Klernan and the deed wag to the Security Savings Trust com pany. Aa Mr. Klernan Is away, and the trust company nsver reveals facta of thla character, particulars could not be learned. The consideration was . said to b about (60,(00. - ' One of. the quickest turns mad re cently, whereby an Investor realised a blr. profit on a small sura or money, waa when Dan "J. Malarkey gold-the southeast comer, of Ninth and Davis streets this week for St.740.. Mr. Ma larkey bought this same piece of prop erty from E. J. Daly recently for IS.S00, which, would net him tl.ttv on ' the deaL "" Tha two sales at th northeast corner of Tenth and Couch atreeta 'to t. C Perrin of Loa Angeles, and at the southwest corner of Tenth and Flanders street to Dsn J. Malarkey for tlt.000, put a score ef property owneis on dge with sxpectation. Tha phrchas Bead by Fredman Bros. In the same locality hava been of the bull order alao.' until the district la tha center of general in terest. , Wakefield. Fries A Co., who purchased th warehouse property at-.Blvntb and Irving atreeta for ItO.OQO, have mad no nnounemnt of their plans regard ing th future of th property. Th place was occupied ; by th J. . Mc- Craken company a a warenoue ior lime and cement John Cap lea of Forest Grove purchased the property lees than a year ago for $11,000, and -the sale for 120,000 netted nim ii.oeo. neamea rentals that may have been received. roof feativltle began. A long counter had bean built from whloh th Hoo Hoo were aerved wltha buffet lunch, sitting at small tables. Thar was a program cf muslo by th Hawaiian band, a per forms no by 'a troupe from Fair Japan on tb Trail at th exposition, a fir aUng "stunt" by-Kl Kl of th Tempi of Mirth, a monologu by- Mis Bva Thatcher of th Star theatre, and a num bar of acts by a company from th Lt Daya of Pompeii" at the : Oak. , Tha candidates Initiated ware: .'. A. H. Avernl, O. O. Graves. J. C i Humphreys, W. F. Dillon,' Joseph Grlp- Iper. J. Jr. Clark, C. H, Brown, J. W. MacKanxie. A. n. MCDonaia. w. c. He Bride. H. I. rfewberry. C W.Cather. O. H. Hamilton. B. A. Mara hall, Abner S. Blair. B. F. Helman, Alfred F. Smith, iChailea, Payette, M. O. HaU. F. P, Baumgartncr, , J. 8. Kelso, James Muckle, II. E. Judge. C. A. Galllnger, E. w. Demaresw F. B. west. W. O. Wright, A. I.. Toung. William Sander- cock, EL C Meara, E. K. Coovert, J. P. Hagadona, 8. Farrell, Robert & Farrell, 8. Benson, d. M. Staple ton, John West, J. J. . Kelly, A. A. Courteney, Walter jenra. ttonert x,utae, k. smith. F. s. Stanley, William Pens Evan a, Caspar H. ,- Brews, A. IX Forelander, Burke Richards. F. If. Brady, W. W. Clark, U Boldern, Fred A. Krcbs, H. W. Hall, Paul Shoup. Harold C Howes, R. H. Hawkins. - Willi 1 Strough. U T. Banks, Samuel Budlong Weacott. W. P. Mulchay, John B. Candllsh, Charles Henry Fisher, Manley Z. Smith, Clar ence Emory Moulton. " Marcus Allen Peel, Clifford Gear Sheffield. Jantea P, Carney, Day 8. Hutchins, William Isaao Harris. Wallao Clinton BarrettTCnarlea Augnstu - Malarkey, Arthur Leopold Kmtinger. w. a. Faulkner. : John P. Rasmussen, Willis Gosa Neumeyer, Paul Bliss Thompson, Charles August Burg, Otto MarMshaart I Bchsman. Oeorge urougnton, WMlartf-w. Jonas. 'J. Ernest Laldlaw, -John O. -B. Scobey, Blagen Clarence Garfield, Alex M. Clark, Seth Marshall, Hiram M. Hamilton, W. E. Wilkinson, Birace Chapman. Portlnnd; Charle T. Karly, Hood River. Oregos; jamea K. Uameron, Menomlne. Oregon; C. H. - Hafer. Med ford. Oregon: B. C. Miles, - Newberg. Oregon: Charles tC. Bpauldlng, Frank M. Brown. Salem, Ore gon; R. J. F. Thurston, CrawfordrviUe. Oregon; M. F. Dixon. Bridal Veil, Ore gon; H. B. Bettutn, Knappton, Washing ton; A. Glover, Charlea F. Ho cue. John P. Miller, A. C. Mowry, Sellwood, Ore gon: p. J. Brix, J. W, Vane, C. C Patrick. Cr A. Hayden. Frank B. Pat ton, Astoria: N. B. Bain, Seaside, Ore gon; E. H Ellsworth, Carlton. Oregon; John A. Sbaw, Mill city, Oregon; An drew 8 V en eon, A. 8. Frislld, J. 8. Crumb ly, Seaside, Oregon; Robert A. Shaw. Mill City, Oregon: R. B.. Bryan, Fall City. Oregon: . W. Hupp, 8. B. Hicks, Seattle, Washington; J. & Beady, A. M. Dickinson, J. M. - Fowler, - University Park, Oregon; William 'QoTman, Btella. Washington; C. K. Morley. Aberdeen. Washington;. G. X. Carlson. St. Johns, Oregon; Perry 8. Olson, Ben 8. Olson, W. & Dllley, Little raiia Wisconsin; A. E.- Sagwln. Kelso, Washington; W. T. Fairish. Asotin, Washington; George F. King, Medford. Oregon; Clarence B. Hill, Taeoma, Washington; James C So per, Vancouver, Washington; Jeffer on Davla Cook, Medford. Oregon; Car lo Buggies, Springfield. Massachusetts; Frank !. Hale. MoCormlok. Wlseonain: Hiram HaSkell Wlthee La Crosse, " Wis consin t Ed Btddle, Dallas, Texas; Frank WitM Allav. RrulMSFfl-. frrarrtii - John Mole Bell. Wlnloak, 'washing- ton:- Louis Volney- AverllL Seattle Washington; Robert Charles- Bell, Deep River. Washington; Charles Jl. Soney, Woodland. Washington: .jamea Ells worth Nelson. SkamokawaWashington George Andrew Steel, -.Winchester, Washington; - Carroll Leonard Brown, Chehali. Washington; . Georg H. Ab bott. BeattI. Waehlngton; C H. Green tree, J. J: Johnson, John W. Sandstrom, Peter A. Connaher, St. Helena. Catifor nta; John B. Teon, Rainier, Oregon; John Martin Letter, Bridal Veil. Oregon; Waiter- -Watson Emery,. Wlnlock. Washing ton: Edgar 8. Ha sen. Medford. Oregon; Lynn Aiden Marsh, Seattle. Washington James C. Gardner, Mobile. Alabama; Edward Jame Withers poon, Portland Lena N. Dennis. Oeorre Harris, Lin coln Howard Rands, Frederick Henry Fogarty, Pertlaad; Milton Ftanola Ho watt. Ban Francisco;-J. P. Carponter, Charlea O. Wlndle, Portland: W. F. Baker, Seattle; Charlea M. Gwln. Port land; B. F. Wall. Bncoda,' Washington; , J. T. WIIXON t . Auctioneer '- y "" r Monday, Tomorrow, t Sales--rt room, - ISO First- Stt eetv-atlO Our sal tor1 thla day compile larg hall tree, chiffonier with mirror, oak bedroom sets, dressers, commodes, man tel and folriina haLuiron.ide swings and mattresses, wardrobe, toilet setsL center tables, rooKers, onaira, -pictures. ao curtain, bedding, sneets, puiows. quilts, dining-room effeats, dishes, glass ware, kitchen equipments, TAR. ES TATE 8TEKL RANGE, Stoves, eta Note In addition to the above list, we hav a tin assortment of carpets, rugs and floor coverings, etc. , , , Tuesday; Sale ji- On the Premises, 3C3 -Thirteenth , Street, Corner Montgomery, at 2 p. m. , On account of depart ure snd by order of Mrs. J. A. i Charlstori, "- -xr-rif-rrt . W will offer at nubile auctloa th fine appointment of her home, compris ing la rt FINK OIL PAINTINGS BY ST. CLAIR STUART AND STRAUSS (COST 7 EACH), desirable rocker in leather upholstery, willow rocker, mahogany parlor table, couch, Brussels carpets, fine oak hail tree, dining-room effects, oak extension table, box seat chalra to match. Oak sideboard, FRENCH CHINA DISHES, HAVILAND WARE, pictures, etc In the sleeping rooms you will find oak and walnut bedroom sets, springs, hair mattresses, feather beds, walnut chiffoniers, ladles' desk, rockers, tcr Th kitchen equip ments comprise Universal steel range, gas plates, run line -f bwdwi wwn hose, lawn mowr, tc Wednesday Sale At Salesroom, 180 First Street at 10 a. m., chattel mortgage sale. ftaV. taa tsmWsJI ti IStI Afa b.a .iH.lsklas At an la) r aras wtallw rwin Hm sUIUISUIUS- va. we as - dence, to b sold to satisfy the claim Of ins mortgage, corapriwina ivj.'-v. . . ana UAbn riAnu, niiinwr, i i parlor furniture, kitchen equipments niDuu ici, , v...... . - ana eioer Friday Sale At Salesroom, 180 First Street, M10 aT lT Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, etc. , .' ; l una uMi table oilcloth.' It roll hall runner, Japanea lanterns, mirrors, 400 yards remnant curtain good and a va ried assort ment of other merchandise. N. B. W buy and pay cash for fur niture and other merchandise, phone J. X. wiuiun, aiouimw. BCHUBACH. Prop. Auction Sales At 211 FIRST ST. Furniture, 3 Rolltop Desks, Very Antique Dressers, etc, will be ' - sold Tomorrow, Monday, at J 2 p.-m. - Great Stock of Dry Goods Will Be Sold Tuesday Next at 2 at 211 Firtt Street . Furniture. Carpets Etc Will Be 'Sold ' Wednesday Next at 2 p. m, at 211 First Street. Ladies' and Gents ' Furnishings . Will Be Sold Thursday Next at 2 p. m. at 211 First Street. Furniture and Other -iGoods- -r WiU Be Sold Friday Next at 2 p. m. at 211 First Street. V; t - C I FOBD, Auconr. If You Want to Sell It Th Portland Auction Rooms Is th place you ar looking for. Find ua at 111 First street Phon Main i55. A. S. Oaiselll. - Oat, Washington ; Boss A. Price, Portland; Dean Blanchard. Rainier, pragon; . Frank P. Beasgreen, Corvallli. Oregon E. L. Taylor, O. P. Murray, Joeeph Richard Ryan, Portland; W.- D. Plu. Rainier, Oregon; W. - H. Corbett. Edward E. Thomas. W...O. Perkins, Lewis Montgomery. Portland; J. D. Cook. Medford, Oregon; John Gardner, R. H. Murr, w. B. Zimmerman. Portland; H. K. Dent, Seattle; C Ather ton, Portland;. Oeorg hockey. Rainier, Oregon; J oha- R. Douglas, Aberdeen, Washington: Anthony Neppach, Port land; 1. D. HlUs. Seattle; J. 8. Gamble. Benjamin. Trenkman, , Portland; David M. Snyder, Olendale.' Oregon; " J. B. Karshner. M. D. Twight, Glendal. Ore gon; Frank O. Banners, Sliver Lake, Washington; T. W. Robinson. Hoqutam, Washington; W. N. Woodbrldge, Che halls. Washington; H. R. Whit. Con dor sport, Pennsylvania. Thla evening Boiling Arthur Johnson of Chicago will give his lector on Hoo Hoo, Illustrated with stereoptlcon view. Mr. Johnson will glv tickets to all who apply to him at th Portland hotel. Monday th business session will begin. In ' tha evening- the . Hoo Hoo will be entertained at the Oaks, Toes day evening they will hav a moonlight excursion on th river and Wednesday evening they will "hit th Trail WOMAN'S DREAM LEADS TO DISCOVERY OF GOLD . v - anaBsBBkmassBnsBM ' ' ' (Ssedal TMspatch by Uaaed Wire ts The Jearaal) - Bloomlngton, I1L. Sept. Ther Is conalderabl excitement In Pike county over th dlscwvery ef gold. Two years Portlrind Auction Rooms sgo Frank Claaebrook of Tott county purchased 41 acres of land on a bluff three quarter of a mtl southwest, of Montesum. Soma year previous -tils wife had dreamed ef aeelng a spring of water wttb gold issuing with the aqua Recently while inspecting the newly ac quired farm In company with her hus band, sh saw a spring which ah d clared waa Almost tha xaa counterpart i'i ' '':' !' '.. -vV Put their spare cr-b ia Portland realty, ar.i today thett people toil not nor tl .f. Their original investment long ago assured them competency. , Equally prudent pcrtrzi t the thousands ar today finding just as good opportunities for investment as ten yctrs f . : and thy find them every day In THE JOURNAL'S -REAL ESTATE" columns. MIMrtt MMMttMIMvreMfMMMIttatM . GIULAT SI-3AF.1 NAVAL DAtTLS! .i Rut in nn crnln nut to Vernon of a dear day can see the snow iSt, Helens and Adams, tho gee the nicest part of Portland Don't Jail to get a lot in Vernon 2 on easy terms. Prico of lota now t30 to $400v ' '.-,.'. ; Moore Iiwcit Bargains for the Wise Vho Sec Us fottht Jest Buys It.lOOMsgninoent s JM-aer farm, all , -'stocked and equipped, beautiful S-soem reaidanoe. barns and oth- . ' r( buildings: rich, siKll, living , TT water; H4, mllee electrio ears, 10 miles ouLVijdandy for th mony. . 13.10 Very tyllglu.atrlcUy modern. up-to-dat .7-room Queen Ann r, cottage, every modern conven . lence; no grander home can be seen on the east aide; tbautlful lwn, elegant decorations. On JO. L Eleventh street, walking dls Zi. Unce to business center. Very ; ..r.... easy . -r-- II.MO On verycasy payments. Corner lot, double (-room cottage. Mill street, weat tt0 Very beautiful quarter , block with handsome, colonial I -room " y residence, ground that ar a filctur to behold. Very churni ng horn fronting on suburban - vsva aauast - $l,t0 Vry charming auburban horn. acres wim rivuhu, tage, magnificent in th extreme. You ahould not fall to see thla ni... vma'll oartalnlv admire it. tl,100Vry'tylih -room rosidenc. lull " 191 on EjixjMnrw. , - T-tm A YT-LK1 $l,i Full lot, cholc fruit. bauful r s-room coiiagv niii . T... V. A thin. ... 1 TI Quarter block, beautiful J00 Woodstock cara. , 100 mall. but ooay Va with a - lots, clos to tatlon, Wood- .. lawn. ... v . - I JO Nice t-cr ' P'aca, ona acre cleared, with email shack. Clack- -. -: AVhafs tha matter with, Oak GroveT Thos beautiful river front acreage tracts, romahtlo, - sandy beach. deep waterf ront. high, ruaUo banker lofty i tree, rippling brook , rystllng springs; -so clos to Portland, and hav nvr been cold. : For furthr particular p .' . ply to .. . O THE DUNN LAWRENCE CO. R. M. Wilbur toe KeZAT BtrttBIBO. - -' Has for aala a larg "nnmbsr of real state properties, paying from i to 11 pr cnt - ACRE TRACTS, r Ar..tawlM aaaig "11 naa fangf WlrbtfrsT lane, at prices below the cpst of nr-1rtfunfflnrpfOPrlV:ThasaJi-ala have aeTer oevn u-iw PORTLAND HEIQHTS The rattiest building alt with view to the north, ast and west, haaiust k. nut on th market and placed In our hands for sale. For location and prices see ' . P. V. ANDREWS & CO. KssalUoa Balldlag. 1X1 Third Street. Warehouse Sites On Thirteenth street: sidetrack; any is. - Will buy ground and build - for tenant on long lease, R. M. WILBUR - - SO TaTcstAT BXJB. . :'- FOR SALE SIXTH ST. 100x100 Brick Building ' LOUIS' SALOMON . - - lltH Flrat Street Real Estate Owners Who wish to sell, plans call an. ma or cau up aiam zaav. R. M. WILBUR SOS MoKAT SnnXBIB0, of the otia In her dream. After an effort ah persuaded her husband to ex plore tha bio II near th spring and he waa amaxed to And gold la -paying quan tities. A aampl of 100 pound of sand and gravel assayed, a ton. . . ..A Hoo Hoo' Day. Tt the river to Oregon City with its delightful sconry.x Cool and refreshing ride. Ton cannot arrora to mis xoim trip. Take th wife and children r vour best glrL Nothing will plea and delight her more. ' Three boors' ride nd th round trip Monday cost amy 41 cents, with th privilege of returning k -iu,-tM m RoataLlssiv TavlOl street dock morning 0:10 and .11:10 'cloak and 1:10 . na. ' , - ' Call t tha Northern Paclfia ,'vi off lc. Hi Morrison street, comer 1 V for full particular regarding low r trip recursion rate t th asL WILL WOT ; ' . Columfeia river and many other beautiful sights. . Theyrwill also ; SuiSt; Phono Xldn It3 TH2 SHA V-FEAR COMPATA' ' Is now located in hs new office at 245V Stark etreet and is better equipped than aver before to care for business placed in ita charge. . FARMS Tne Hat of farms comprise more than 50,000 acres and . "some of the very beat on the markaL' Send for list. . 7 .." ." ' " CITY PROPERTIES Wa have a larta Hat of city properties, . busineaa. residence and vacant lots, and invite an inspection y in- jtending ptirchaaers. . - ; '' Special tsrma can be made with thoae wiahiri; to build on any .of our vacant lot..; . '-,;'.,; ;- . , ' , ' RENTALS We solicit charge of busineaa and residence prop erties. These will have special attention, and tha interest of owners ''carefully guarded. ''' . ; .- Lj- -r--r--- v -zr: rSUBUKBAN ACREAGE We have chofce-acreage ton the Ora - gon City car Una and Willamette river, the best property of tUT' kind about the city, and at reasonable prices and on easy term. : These tracts will prove a good investmtnt, whether improved or not. i Wa shall be pleased to ahow them to interested parties. HOUSES! HOUSES!- f Persons desiring" ; new, J X biuUt "houses, dose in on o the east aide aria very rea- ; ; V, sonable in price, either for ; 1 1 a home or for investment. should call upon C. K. HENRY i K'. 0'7S SUtk St. SPECIAL TO HOME BUYERS on rooms, on rooms, ready for oc cupancy, low prie; term If wanted. East Salmon and SOU) sts; treat im provement made; haa all modern con veniences. Buy bow; atop rant leak. , F. W. TORQLER - inc twroi iy-v ininiai i WO OktMVUI BtvlUIIVV - 313,000 Full lot. Park street, adjoining 0-story brick; Income 171. 312,000 , 100x1 A. Aider street corner; only snap on etreet .. i V1-V,WVr . .- j' lOOslOO, Tenth etreet south of 01lan:4 nouses on lot; an new street improve ments: price rapidly sdvsnclng In this locality. . - 311.000 100x100. nanders street near Twelfth; four bouses on lot; a snap. c. - E. J. DALV SSS rants BnJlaUasv ' ' . A ; Great' Bargain Six acre cf land on O. W. 1. letrlo line: I acre cleared; new houa with I finished roomo-on lower floor; second floor unfinished; a TaeauUful place; ex cellent oil, good water, tc Thla placa win be sold at a bargain and oa easy tanne. , j Knapp & Mnckcy Bsssa S, Ohasaber af PARR!sii.v?Arin::3oco. BetabUasad - , ' , , 1 1 REAL ESTATE tr: 1 r mm MMMt;mHt: : - capped tops of Mounts Hood, wniie tney art cneap ana soia ; . .; ' " 'r;z'- a New AdditicnD Binffnm!J.'':7;;:' On' th Fulton ear . lin and Mount . . Adam road.' end directly opposite the : Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co.'e plant. All lota 9xl00 feat. Hcs It0 t 100. -tv.', MtadraiT : ' X'.; i On th O. W. I. Co.,a Una, near ate wart's gtaUoo. tots 100 to i:i. Overton PnrllAcrco W hav sub-divided Tract "C' Into - acre lot snd can sell them . away down. Take the O. W. P. Co.'g car to An bell or Suwsrt's. Prices $460 to 9 eMuLserWL. auiu- . WaKefield, Frifeo . Go. rbose Xaln 14. SSS Staja Stawat. HOW 1ST r 50xl(XV with 3-atory brick, centrally located on West Side; income $175 month; $2200. . ; ; 210-214 Abington, 106y Third St LO O KI OX0IC1 LOTS Cf . AtxICc o Dcy This rapidly ' gmrlBg eatmrb Is sa fa VX. Scott electrie ear liue. SS BlaatM' ride fnp SMlaee enter, se fare; Sean lie ate e jr weten block aav alley. Don't tenet la real estate tO yea aav visited EVSI.YS. (-. ..--. B. ALFORDOON OTTICB BVBXTsT ' STATIOW. St. Jte' Oregos, . tha - Pa tor sTeaafaerartaJ ' Orate f Pottlaaa. . - Wa.. V..M ,mm4. .Km m, irtAm than ever In tne future. We ere on tn eve or a great uiausiriai meveqwai, in.i will make our city th formo th coaat aa a factory town. . Acres re. blocks, house and lo a th prevailing low price. Cail and aw W. H. KINC StJchs Holladay's Adf::::: rev gal- ar f-teeai "!.. sU e vntr, fan h"'. llferl eed !- Ikes sarte t to rtir. fullv tmpee"; 4,ii--.'le tloi: .eeet t . "- IhT Men, rntepM.. 'r reeer '"- IV Let e.o. Nt to " -.' Ti Crtrca Reil Cite! 3 C ski, TM St.. 9m a