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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
V-, Tins ' onzcoN suiiday jouenai; portla:;p. sutroAY i:on:iii:o, . czrri:::r- 10, i:::. A 7V Entered t th BarofSea of "i. ft inufcrttUM sJareugh asalJB elaa snattec. . . Panic bi etegre capias: - . . . v.. ..a ia a 11- a magna eopiew. . page HPS. 1 W t go Bag"". sum ' U 44 pages, seats. - ... ' .'f : tdttertal l , ""u!;! S3 luiiim Oftem.. ........ FOBm ATMTISJJt EIMWMT"- . a. i .. ASrertletxut Agency, ,4- :"' inWURIM BATM..-, ;;' ' T.i Vr fnrr1 i n The Paily loonil. 1U Saaday. '""VS Th Dally Journal, with Ssnday. Besothe. sts E8 The Dally Journal, a Btsntas Dally Journal. avaotna..... im Dally Jouraal. with Sandsy, xeoota. VS Dally Joarul, month...... - Dally Jouraal. with Buaday, I Th JW I'M ii j ugu w.u. "wt "T i- - TBC IMliy. MC WaB. ' ta ctaded ... ..-' " The rMlyYpsY iriik, deUvmw. BwBday esptad....... . ...... ;' (HW T VL " e, J1 The Daily Journal, with Sunday, t nn Th. Tiallv ioarul. year Z II Tka rw.ii ini with Sander. 4 sxouta. ' ? . 78 : "Tk flail Inmul a mMttha the Dallr JoaraiL with ftntxUr, t Tha Dallr lonraal, t Bontha...,. Tha Dallr loaraal. with Suadaf, 1 th. 180 ..... -tt Th aoowr Jaairmi, 1 ar. ..... .,.... y , Caw SmuUj Joajmai. oth.. .,..... " ., n, tai.wakly JiomI Tha hari-Wartlr wrol. " ' V Mh lam. lUMtrat-4. AlU Bwrkat f$t b tpoa4 w mm rt tt fclkrwtoc Dlaeaat - our IDAHO H. Mar A 0. ' CHICAO( ISatortoa Waira cMBfmart tj ttmt- DENVER. COUtl. BUek. BbtMBtk as4 Ch- Ua atraant. ' " Al8Ai CITT Vt Kor Kawa tnmptmr MIVNBAPOMS U. J. Kmawgiw . M Ttitrd atnat. . ' , .OMAHA Millard Hotel Naw aaad; Urrvath StatioocrT eomnaor. IMS rarana conpav. hi t l iirtt riTTartM nntt Mawa ata4: Bamw Braa.. I Waat hm rnat, aoath. WT. LOUI8 Pgfnp Knratr. ! UOCa ..wwni . BAN rBANCISCO W. B. Ardlnf. P Ufa HoW Haw atan ani tor Markat traai Ool4 aailth Broa. tart tattar (Mat a4 aalat rraota hotel: Foar A Aiw, Fairj hajilaV in; N. Wliaatl7, awaabi wiwa ataa. or mar Markai anal Kaaj7 atraatav ' EATTLB Baialrr.Graa4 Naw aUads W. U Mvaaka, Botl 8attl Naw atand. rBPOKAMB. WAarNOTONJ W. Bralu tacoma. WArmNfrro entTi Kaw Oo- Pn7; Hot Tanttna Nawa atanA. , TirTOBIA. BRITISH COHJMBIA TirtorU WEATHER REPORT. ' Ibrian hava falkn tnUr in waatara Waah Itvrtoa. whlla ta otbar porttom of tha north Partrte atataa m rata of maqnane uwiiad. otwlthataadtnc Hx watbar wtw rlotnly aad aooMwhat Chrettaninf dariac tba graataf por tion f tba dy. Tb tcmparmtar baa rcmatnrd wKat ata tknary. t . . . . Tha taMlleattnna ara for abawcra Bandar . ia tartbwaatara Oraam and wratara Waahlnfton. aod clmMlr and orraatonall thraataalnf waatha . aaat aC the Caacad avmntala OBaarratioas to ft a- Max iron w taipara tor. TO Arams: atlnlman tanparatnra, 3d rieareea; rtrar raadlna at 11 a. n X frrt; rharur ta past S4 boars. 0.) foot;, total prertnt. tatVoa. S p. bi. ta p. a none; total prarlpt. tattna siaoa Paptainbar X. 19HS. nnns: aortaal rvlnlutkoa atnea BVclatahar' 1. IKOd. 0.M toco! detvWnrr. 0.S4 tnrht total aanahiaa Saptaaf bar R. lIMal. a,:fls poaalhtr aanahra Brptambrf n. laoa, ii:n": naromatar ireaocM ta aaa will at p. m.. .0. -,t t . nil iiia.aaailiiajiiiiiia,rnasaaaataaaMaB MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. ft. flltaeoa., M; Kathrra Hardca. S4. r. B. Wataoa. 34: Roth U llrarac, SI. W. A. Wbaaicc, S3; BattJs Hill. M. , - Wrddlns Cards. W. A. Smith Oa., Waahv ta(toa bldf., ear. Fourth and Waahtnftoa at. S3 aiafle trarca 110. . famllr lota (70 ta 11,000. Tb oalr ecmrtrrr ta Portlaad whlrh par. prtoallr aulotalna and raraa for lota, for tall lafnrmatioa apply f W. B. alackvaal, tfar saatar block, city. W. 14V Ladd. arasldeat. ' Daaalna. McEntr A Cllhaash.' 1 Itnaalna A Canploa. aadrrtakcra and mhalia. ara. Modrra ia ararr detail. hTmth and 11 ua. fhaaa Mala 430. Lady assistant. i-Tb toward Hohaaa- Vadertekliic cotopaay, fwrteral dlractora and rabalBMr. 220 Third ,. street. . Pbana oOT. M. r. rtnley B Soa. rsnrral dlrvrtora and ' mbslaiera. eoraar Third and Madison atreeta. Of Bee of aaaatr earar. , Telephone Mala a. ' lrneral wreatha and rat flower a epeeialty ' st Koae Clt Greaahoaae. Twenty aecond, and East Morrlasa. spp. crmctary. tOet fsnr lasnranc and abstracts to real aetata rrom the Title Gaarantee Trast can . CrOOO XrOOATIOBT. ; x f. LARGE LOT Woodstock W fornlak plan an( - aarasoa . tb . muwT to fnua. It yo earn tpara fas Ntk sBoatk ron iu'I afford to patj , ra BBOtbat auomt. WE HAVE the most liberal building prop osition in the rittf givingv safety to both buy er ' and seller.' '-.V : J : PORTLAND TRUST C0!i:PAPfY OF ORECOH IM TUr .Ttrsat. .. "-ias lots -;.. AH lit S bjovtw An Hawthama avafniiaL Will sail them wtyry rsr.sonably. Wnta I- particmarai. jvo aaTODta. . BTXTBBrBB BBOaU BBATTXB, Will. NOTICE." M ? !l .T.T w"ltal, rraadara'a aaeat THi Jb-"al sad btisiiw Bedlam, . wTll Jl" "'" ia four city ViLXZf ' r-aolng f.r SOe. am aire Cl . " ariue aua-notl maaaace. m7 ".tws . calrriida al- A wm $250 NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR TIMBER TKS8TLK Tlanlrd bids will a recrlTrd up to t p. m., aVptawber ' 14. UMS, by th Portland. VancoBTrr A HI. Juboa Railroad company-for th bulldlnf of a railway treatl, ferry IncHo. (to., suoat ' 11,000 feet lone. froa Shaw a Island, of.po.lte Vantmarer, t a pulat near th Cuwaibls Bkonah road. . - - I'lans and snerlflcstlons caa ba axamlned at room dlf. Mohawk bld., whara tb bid aie lu o T-HwiTTO A. aarttftul ri - tor ' tt 000 WtTl b r- aulrsd with sack Md. ta forfeited as fixed - sod liquidated dan. art la case tba bidder refuses to enter into contract and prorlde a suitable bond for the faithful parfnrsMuea of aald work la case contract at awarded him. Th right Is reserrrd to reject any or all . bide. A. H. RICHMOND. ... Chief Bnatneer Portland. Vaaomrer A St. ' ': Johna Ballroad Company, . , , TO-THB ' TAXPAYERS OP MULTNOMAH COL WTT. ,OK.I nolle, IS naroy girea ioa . oa Monday, October 2. lSUSs the board of equalisation of Multnomah county will attend ' at th of fie of th county clerk or aeta cnanty snd publicly esamln tb aaaeaament . roll for tn year 1IXV5, and eorrect all rror la ealuatioa, desniptioa r qualities of laud. let or other property, sad it ia - (ha duty of all peraona Inter eated to appear at the time and place appointed, and If It shall ' appear ta such board of equalisation that -there ara Any lsnda. Iota or other property earned twice or U th asm of a person ar persona not th owner of the same, or saraad adder or bcyead It Tslua, or any lands, , lots or ether property B4 aaaeaaed. . said board of ouallsaUoa shall make tb proper rarreetlons. . " , B. D. 8I0LEB. County Assessor. Portland. Or.. September , ltMA. . . - . PORTLAND, Or.. Sept. S,-10 Sealed bid will be receirea at ta oinc i ine eroooi clerk, rlty ball p to 13 m. sa Wednesday. September 20, 1006. for alcaratlnc and oMsoa work for the baeement, etc., for tba Kaat Portland Hlh School tmlldlhf. Plans a fid spedflcatleua for the sau caa be aeen at the office of tha sebool clerk. A certified check for 10 par eat at tha amount of tb vropoal mnat accompany th (ame-otberwla tba bid will not be rooaldered. Tba acbool hoard lannil tha right t reject sny ar alt aide. ' V. J. JONES, Archlteet. MRS. M. B. PAIjMEB, elalrroyant and trance medium, anil sit epecial readings mis weaa for toe. 1K3 ilorrlaoa at. LOST AND FOUND. ' LOST la mnrlng between 'Woodstock snd flta phen'a addition, a- ckitbeanasket, containing V aaa'i and chlldrsa'a clothing; liberal reward. USaM.-7SBta el. 1 -r-r-rr-. LOST Lady's banting case repeater gold watch. - B. O. on H, ,.1 if riu Fntiw hhi reward. IX) KT Be twees Woodstock snd Stsphens addl j lion, a clothe baaket filled with men's-snd ehtldrea'a clothing; reward. - 461 E. 10th, 8. LOT Sa tarda y night, a pockstbook containing 100. Bwrd If retorrved to M 47. JonrnsL , ear V . i D. K. B. PRATE RN ITT PIN. Return to room 10. McKay bldg. and raraira reward. TWnCD Bald faced llstit sorrel horaa. Call w. T. Turner, tfr. rroet at. HELP WANTED MALE. WAXTED TODAT Mlllwrlghta, M.SO; aawyer. mall mill. 60; trimmer man,; 2 planet feedsia, 126; lumbar grader. 12.20 to 1 SS; 4 ptler. 12.50; cook for 10 men. $40; mill and yardmen. $2; 4 boys, $1.29; 2 aaab and doer machine awn, 1250 ap; t taller. ' SS; 4 hacker, $2.75. 10 $2.0; 10 awampcra, $2.50; 4 raftmen, (2B0; 24 Mborwa. $2.25 to i $2.50: other. Offlc opea Sunday. , LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUKCADV x ,- - i 206H Morriaon St. MEN and bay wanted to leara plnmblng trade; great demand for gradaatra; t SO oayi may com p let course la two months; jrradnates admitted to Union and Master Plumhers' seaoclatloa. Coyn Bros. Oa.'a Plumbing School. Now York, Cincinnati Bad St. Louis. Day and Bight class.) Far free catalogue address 230 luts. ara.. New York. - -. , TOO PICKERS to pick 24 acre Sops; all de al re accommooatioos. grocery, salary, re taarant, bnuherbop. beautiful camp grands, dance halt pur mountain water, etc.; re duced excursion rates: apeelal train, 1$ cars. Boom 441 Sherlock bldg.. Third snd Oak WAITTED Imawdlatsly. planing mill foramen. wagea lino per montnt eaarpee ana nana sawreT. $3.60 par day; awa, $a; stair builders, $4( none bat ateady and flrat claas men need apply, Addraaa Mlaauula Lamhar Co., MtsaeaU, Moatans. : a-.- . WANTED Men to prepar for Noawmbar etrll aemca-aaamiaauona. x. h. v. a. BTening Inatltatai paraoaal tna tract Vo. ror ruit in r forma tioa i apply to adnestlonal director, Aa bldg third floor, cor. Fourth and aorlatlon YaavblU sts. SALESMAN Cood maa to eorer Oreaoa, a- eancy Beptember i; contract tor lata yeer and seat If salsa astlsfartoryi commissions and $35 weekly adranc for oxpensea. i. N. ' Clark Co., 6SS-648 KoeUd are.. C lore land, O. WANTED A maa to take charge of real aetata ornce; aiaat inraet $uo ana samcaa; inreat meat secured by on half tntereet and $100 ' per month: good pay; old eetabllahed huatneaa. Addraaa P $2, car Journal. . , - SALESMEN 300 to 800 per cent profit aclllag apeciaity erary mermant ana ausineas maa waata; quick caah sales: unlimited quaarltlea. Wrtta Sulllraa Co, 406 W. Yan Bursa at., Chicago. I1L ' . BTAMTSP . Adeai llalng atillt'luirsr reliable' puh- . liratioos, noerai commieaion; apienaia special edltkon preposition: quirk .mmry; luTestlgsta 1m mediately. S38 Cbaiuber of Commerce Uldg. STATION MEN. rack work; coo work, lots of It, aids cats, all winter, eastern Oiwsoa: free fire. Particulars st Hansen's Employment Offles, SS North Second at. WAXTED Janitor, man baring experience with at earn boiler preferred. Apply employment secretary, Y. M. C A., between t.M and 10 a. m Poarth and TambID ate. WANTED Bright boya. It or Id, for offlc work and grocery a tor, apply employment secretary, X. M. 0. A.. Fourth and Yamhill at a., between 10 and 10:30. EXPERIENCED nun o rrecery wagon who wants steady work; state ago, where em. ployed Mat; salary expected. Address P 44, car JaaraaL -.--- WANTED OsatlenuB of good address snd abil ity, ta represent a unsocial proposition; tb best oa tb ' coast. ' CaU at room 207 Pea ton bldg. . WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer, two bill clerks, meeting men to appoint repre asntatlTee ta Oregon. 110 Second t. WANTED A limited nambar of good aolleitor for a honaeoolO nocaaaity. Innulre at Lenta. J Or P. O. store, a. w P0UB good, strong men wanted for warrbouaa won at rertiaaa rioar muis. atoms, aionaay morning; wares $2.75. WANTED Boy to lean oniraTlwg Kuslneea, 1 a week for nrat iwxaiiis., B. x. uusbtoa, 421 Mohawk bldg. . ' WANTED A boy to learn prlntlrr trad: good opening for a tangni noy. ( -riaeuiy rreee, ii Proof st. WANTED --Mia oa ladles tillering; mnat ha s good ratter aaa titter. Address M 00, car Journal. ' f ' ' FIRST -CLASS broiler end lancbnua. . Address O. M. Campbell, 120 Ja- a sU Seattle, Waab. . .-.!:....,".. , BARRETT'S DetecttT School I.eet elssa this term; reduced rate. 27vt waabtnrtoa at. WANTED Shsemakera, Is at era. factory hands. app'y ispm boos is.. Oregon city. or. ADVBRTIS1N0 asllcttora. $3 to $10 daily. alien xaornings. ivt Bnerioen piag. - COMPETENT girdener; recommendation re- qvirru. i Apply at 1S BtaQiaon sc. WANTED A flrat -claas carpet maa. Addraaa B VI, evurne.1 afiic. , FIRST-CLASS washer wanted at Pacific Lauadry BOY wanted. Apply Kkrlst Scbaels, printers. WANTED Boy arltk wheel, ion Book Store, HELP WANTED FEMALE. W!" Bl nxpenencwo mssrrns IMS ap; Jurreii uuiasry a aura, 114 Taltd HELP WANTED FEMALE. too PICKERS to Dick St4 acres boas: all de al red a ceo oi mad t loos, grocery, bakery, ree- lauraat, batcher eaop. oaautuul camp aroaaaa, dance ball, pur monataia water, etc.; r- . duosd icaraiua raws: uriai tram, ju cam Boom 441 Wtwrlack bldg.. Third aud Oak. . WANTED 100 - girts -to auk aweralla and ahlru: Inarructloiia siren to Inexperienced. Apply . Keuetadtar Hroa., Standard ractory taysji in ui uiu WANTED Competent girl for cooking and gen eral aeosawork; good wage, s in tamuy, aw children. Call THMI East tttsrk at. I uka Mt, Tabr car to Weat are. WANTED A rood girl from coaatry to do light Housework ror poara ana room ana to o school. AOdraas Mrs. U 4. Sherrod. 1S3 Eaat Spring St. tAbY'aaelatsnt for branch offlc of manufsc- taring house; aejsry sis wwssiy; permaaenx poslilon. .Addrass Managr, 329 Deeruora Cnicsgo. ' . . - - r - . WANTED Oensral houerieeper, willing - to work out or city ; stats wage, aaorsss Mrs. W. B. Dennis, fUackbatte, Oregon. . . . , 01 RL wanted for housework la smaU family. Call forenoon no. . xa tcaar snirenin ah. aoutk. . Ankeny or Pise at, aaav-..-. . HANSEN'S LADIES' A0ENCT. S48H Wasblng- 1011 Si., eor.' BOTrntn. upavaii-a. f urn aaaua 1MU2. t'emale balp wanted. - ' WANTED Young lady of good s-ppearane wba can a Log; win pay nig aauury. y axumeaa urn Cardo, general -dsllrery. . , WANTED Skirt and waist bands, alas sa apprentice. 1 CaU Bop wasoingtoB at. 61 RL a woman for general bouaework. Oregon at. fboo vast mvi. - WANTED 2 girla for dining-room and kltcTOaa work at iv-a norta nerenis ex. - . WANTED 10 girls fer dreaamslOng scneol. 271 H Morrison St., sor. lourth. 01 RL wanted tor repair Johnstoa, tb tailor, 604 Washington at. WANTED Ctrl for light boosswork. , Apply ms norxn Awutiwia ax. GIRL for general noose work; mnat ba extenpa - tent. Phoae Bast 4150. , WANTED 1 girl to Wash dlsbsa at 1044 North Heeenth t. MALE AD FEMALE HELP.. THE demand for competent book kee pare and steaograpbera la greater than tha supply. Prom August 1. 1004. to Angsat 1, 1006, we placed " SOT la good positions; bad calls for mora thaa 600; our gradustes ar ALL employed; we will assist yon to a position wben competent; enroll now; day or nlsht. Bebnke-walker . Bnaloeaa College, Stearns blk.. blxth and . Morrtsoa sts. . , WANTED Teachers: Principal, $00 and bb warda: grads teaeber. $t6 and upward; music, rocsl and Instrumental. $00: acteaca, man, $80; English aad Latin, maa. $70; rural. - to- 5. - lsk Teechers'- Agency.- 1200 Williams ara. Pbons Bast 844. HOP-PICKERS, som boarded, tent free; SllTsr ton. Amity, other pieces: call 11 a. m. Sunday. . Also want ckambarmslda. cook a, wsltreesss, dishwashers, camp cook $25,- waiters, hotel ' rook $00, negro $14 (fare), dlsbwasbera, teamsters, farmhand, 1 ererybodjr., Drak'a, 200 Washington at. . . WANTED Knenretle, traatworthy man or . wotnau to work la Oregon representing large manufacturing company; aalary $40 to $00 per month, paid weekly f expenses adTaaeed. Address, with stamp, J. H. Moors. Port laud. Or. - ' WANTED At once, a bright, ; sttergerlc, pre. .seatabl man or woman, a good talker, to ' take ap aa attract) re proposition. Inquire T$8 Chamber ot Commerce, a. m. WANT first-claaa lady ar gentlemen tnsursne aolletor with refereaeeei fine opportunity for right party. Thornton, SIT Chamber at - Commerce. ' ' SALESMEN Excluair agency fin underwear aad aeamleee hosiery: good opening for bright men and women. $11 Commercial blk. WANTED 200 more nopptckera at ones; best yard, good accommodations, sopiy xo s.s- ' drew SlSB st Co., 287 Morrison at. SOLICITORS Men or women; nermanen psoyment to bnatlers; experiescs an , aary. 006 Dekum bldg."- HELP wanted and supplied, male ar female. B. O. DRAKE, 206H Washington at. day 446. GOOD cook for lunchroom, $S par week. North Sixth at-; call today. mt SITUATIONS 4 WANTED MALE. THOROUGH bualneea man. wide acqnalntenc thronahoat west, wants poalUon; would pro- mota enterpria . of merit. t Addraaa R 61, Journal. YOUNG maa wishes to learn th butcher trad or work In grocery) experienced; know tba city; references,, N 46, Journal. PRINTER 29 years' experience, good on job work or make-up: sis good writer and aollrltor. '' Addres B 40, car Journal. WANTED Position by xperleneed man at shingling or rongh carpentac work. Address P 00, car ot Journal.. CARPENTER wants small johsi repairing -a apecuny, terms moo era re. t-none Black ia. SlTUATlCWAWEll-EMXrE A PORITI0N to assist with light boosswork . And sewing In small family (no children) by .refined women in retam for pleasant bom ami small aalary, or as eoxupanlon to elderly . lady: good references. R &, Journal. . SITUATION wanted, capable, reepectabl young woman," boy 2,. bousekeepar widower. , 230)4 . YamblU. Pbon Mala 6412. BOOKKEEPER and eaahler, experienced In both: salary $50 to begin with. Address P 42. care JournaL . YorNO lady wsats work parf of each day, ; either morning or after neon. Address P 68, car Journal, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 0B MEN. 28 N. Second st. . - Pbon Main 16M- PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contrae tor: help free to employers. 216 Morriaon. WANTED AGENTS. . WANTED Energetic maa each cnemty te post signs, adxertlae and distribute samplesi . aalary $18 weekly. $3 per day for expeueea; - noneety snd airletg more emrntlal thaa experience. National Co., 720 Cheat nut U, f Philadelphia. THE AGENT ("bla paper") la devoted entirely to the canraaeer; the latest near, facm and stir seat lot ia are- found la this "go-htxrea" of th agent and manufacturer; trial S months for a dim. Tb P. . Agsat Pub. Co- Sa lem. O. ' ' . ' ' i AGENTS- WANTED T sell our saperioc high grade Brrraery stock ; new and complex out . it furnlaned free; cash weekly; -write today for choice territory. Capital City Maraary Co., Salem, Ore go. WANTED At one: Agent to repreeerrt' an " old. reliable bouse 00 commission or guaran teed salary of $12 to $18 per week. Apply or addreas W. E. Scott, room 24, SttlU Aider St., Portlaad Or. . . . AGENTS make big money selling oar "Mend. arip" to farmers; yon hare th "bull by th ' born"; It sews. It rleats, T. Foot Co., Loa Aagelea, CaL . WANTED At oaoe, 80 ranraeeera at 60$ Waab- ingtoa at. WANTED TO " RENT. WANTED Ta rent, com mend ng October 1, email bone ar $ anfnrntabed houaekeening . rnotna within walking dtatanc of poetofflr. ., Write, etatlng rent aad location, to Bog 847, Portland. Or. t . . . . WANTED To , rent, $ or 10 acres clow to ear . line; plenty of water. Imnrored for good chicken ranch: gf full particular. Hoosa ' A Taggert, 108 Sixth at. $ OR 8-ROOM cot tare, cloa In, oa east alde box bvbt au. Aouree a , inrnu, 1 I WANTED TO RENT. IfS AND AGENTS will find It t OWNElfS AND AGENTS will find It to their sdraatsga to list their racaut soosea aaa , flate with our Fee ateotal depart meat. Out vaaant house dlrsctorr has beosaie a raeag. -Bleed hiatltuttoa In Portlaad, baadreda vf teasnts bel ng weekly- placed la ealtabla quarters. Y make a chars wbaterer and owner should take adrantaga of this aarxice by caUlug at our rental departmaat and nuing in aa "inrormaxioa niapa. . 11 'on sate a Tacatnr noase, pnoo in par lcular and tear th rest to as. Wa won't allow It to remain long Idle. U. . BDWARDS, lloiiSEFURNISHBB. 1 . Free Beatsl Department. - , " , 183 to 181 First St. UNFURNISHED bona by Oc4oae4n, 10 or 12 ( room, modem, rent reaaonani; waixitif uis- xbbkw xh oils I uses ajxexnew aounss V we. Jonrnal. . 1. . . WANTEDI' of piano aad parlor la mddene eentrany sucaiea, oa west am, inr axiae- Booua each wek ... Addrosa p SO. J oars l. WANTED Desk room In not rery bay offlc ; Sir rent asked, location ana eooreiuance. . 0. Heymaa, genersl dalleory, dry. WANTED To rent, hous near car ltaa. with S to acres land suitable for berry raising Addrtar P 5le ear JovrnaL -- . WANTED Young maa dealree room ta yoaag widow's bom. Adoresa H 43. journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. S Alxaia ' XX ACT xa.1 u s nits, eiuva.. isswixry. milt, grata and Bop tarmai must na goon and ressonsDM la pries; glrs rail aeecrrpiion, price and terras. 206 AHsky bldg. ., WANTED S to 40- aer traete Dear ettyi bar coaxocoer ror xnem ix oargiios. - Tt ? oueaa VYooa. im iiretsi. . . WANTED 2 small ottagee for $800 sad $000 rash; mast ba cheep. . Poos Boat 626. . 404 Eaat Morriaon. . .-, - J. LANDIOAN will pay cask for cheap oottage ana rurnitur. rnon Hood ia. I V: WANTED FINANCIAL.. WANT to borrow gS.OOO'Oa fnrnltur oP room' lll-trOlUSW WVTUX . , V. SW , .WW vl rats or inieresi ; inura tor fiu, uuo .ic rn hsre tba money InTeatlgate thla. P 40, car Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, a praying aad whltawaabtng tress. Daaemenis, Darns, oocas, sxe.; aargeex gaaoiine spraying outfit oa tba coast. M. O. Morgaa A Co., 870 MUwaakte at. Pbon East 2017. ORCHESTRA,- S place,, waata esiga foments remnga, iMBaays; musi tor ail oeca stone rery hi. Lncrotte at. tl siain-tuuei. HIGHEST caah Brio paid for bottles and )ank 01 every ncecription. rorriana bocii rrappiy Co, si North Eighteenth. Phone Mala 22&M. WELL-KNOWN piano forts teaeber wxmld Uka to exchange kseeooa ror poard twitnoat roocui. Addrssa P 47, Journal.- . BOOKS noaght, sold and axchangad at tba via 1001 a tor, xm xamaiu ax. P. J. RYDER, printer, Reoood and Waahlnftoa sts. rtyi Main oaao. v WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE ROYCREST, 17$ Twelfth at., ceroa xamnlll Juat opened; ezeiuairs rooming aa eommodatlooa ; hone and furnishings entirely new; elegant salt, with hot and cold water. on Bed; also single rooms; will real a limned number af rooms now ta people; trenalants solicited. THE KINO New bxrlldlnaT Blsbad. eonlpped with erery modern teace; an direct car Una to exposition exits id rooms; beat, gaa, electric lights, aorea laln bathe: tstt low re sea: take Fifth at. car. from Union depot to. $00 Jefferson at. mi - xxati. ,'...-, - HOTEL YAN NOT. ' -' Commarclal mea'l besdernsrters, flrat class. Water In all th rooms, oath fro. eetraJ, direct car to depot) aad exposition. 621 Third at. car. Pins. FINELY furnished front room; within' walking distance, on ear Hoe; priest family, no children; with erery coarenleaaa, porcelain bath and phone. Pbon Main 2S64. .481 Third at., corner College- ' - .. - THE HAMANN. 185 N. 18th cor. Hoyt Newly fnrniebrd room, 91.00 ap; aonrmlent locatioa, 15 mlnuta' walk to fair grounds; Morrison car at anion depot direct to bona. Pbon $470. NICELY fn nibbed room, only T blocks ft"! bridg. en eaat aide; rent reasonable hy osy or week. i, cusiij St.; xaa u car to Cherry. . . . MARQUAM HOUSE. 14BV 8th Rooms n salt . or loglv bouaekeeplng rooxna; gas store, bath, slectrlo lights; trsneleuts aolldted. BO A RD and room t offered young men ta print family $1 day; bath, electric light, phone level ruled. Addraaa B 68, Journal. $4.26 EACH Boom and board for two men . occupying . same room; near -Ankenyv, aad Grand ara. Addraaa P 48, ear JournaL - FURNISHED room, 414 Jefferson Newly fur .. Blshed, .. thoroughly anodern homn; rooma sa suits or single; permanent or transisBt. . fHEERFUL room, 80.. Including, prlxilaga of parlor, phone snd kitchen, to lady only; arl rata bom. 472 Saxenth St. THE BELLEVUB 80 rooma nicely fnrnlahed; prices reiannable: xrarellngT pubua eo lid ted. SUM Fourth at. Hood Till. , FIYK-ROOM modern cottage, good Beigbhorbood; porcelain bath, gaa. tuns; no chlidrsn. Ad ' drsaa R 68, rare JournaL - 721 FIRST ST. Nicely fomtsbed noma, SO cents a person: S car direct from door to fair. Pnone Mam 4700. FOB RENT Permanently, nicely tarnished front room in cottage. 482 Salmon at. i gsn ' tlemea preferred. BEAUTIFClLx furnished front room; private family: gaa, bath; raaeonable. Main 2398. ' 887 OUsan. -,. , . FRONT parlnr for gentlemaa of refinement who wlahea room near tba center ot city. 681 Everett at. ELEGANTLY fnrnlahed room for oaa or two gentlemen; private, family gaa, bath. 661 Taylor st. BOOMS to rent, electric light, bath, , pbon, Jrivat family, $4 a week. Aadraaa B 68, ournal, THE GLADSTONE 6121, Savler St., fnrnlahed rooma; under new management; prices rea - sonabl. . v.. - CHEAPEST and boat located rooms In Portland, . 81 week and ap. Oilman, First and Alder ata. TWO choice sunny room, food location, private family;, rent reaaonablc. Phone Scott 8810. BOOMS with double beds, electric Ilgtits, bath, " $2 per week 71 Eaat Eleventh. North. T2t FIRST ST Large fnrnlahed front room for 8 men: light, best, bath, phone, $18. BOOM and board $4.&0 furnished Mr. M. Tans, 874 Macadam road. $5. THE OR AND, 45 H N. Third at. Rooms for men, $lTTO per wssk snd ap. , TAKE "8" car to POT Corbett st.1 tttosly fur nished rooms, 60s person. THE CASTT.E-872 Washington gtt; furnlahad rooma. Phone Main 1678. UNFURNISHED, ROOMS. TWOTPplaiaaBTaaen anfrirnlahed. The Hall, 414 Fifth, eor. Hall. ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS rooms and board for permsneat people, $22.50 and $26 per month; table board a per week. As tor house, Jth aad Madison ata. Tel. Main tmi,' THE IRVING Elegsat - sccomrnodstloxra, bo : exorbitant charges; dlnlng-mom la connetj. Hon; prices right. Corner 18th aad Irving. BOOMS with board for prrmsnent tenants. reeaonablei flrat-claas boms aooklng. 281 ' HlxU at,. - FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FOB BENT Fnrnlahed housekeeping rooms ta - beet brick btotik oa east side; gas rang. bath, etc.; no trauatenta price moderate. . Logan blk., 1084 Union are., corner East Aider. - f boo en loa a&u. 3 LARGE famished housekeeping rooms, first rioor; water, bath, phoae; nice, quiet neiga berhood; S blocks to car )lns. 888 Mont HOUSEKEEPING rooma or tents, full equip. mnt, $8 per month. Phone East 4128. Lewis had Clark camp, ML Tabor Uclghta. FURNISHED rooma with privilege of cooking In kltcbea, either gaa or coal cook a tore; t oau; one utay in noose, rnon ssst azia. HOUSEKEEPING apartments, quiet locatloai terms moderate; so minute trom city, inw son. Vnlreralty Park, i'noo Scott 1298. SUITES of nfurnlibed housekeeping roots la - gooo- aocaxron ror sa to sv per uonxa. tsu . sx six iToni St., txirsnoaai. , NEATLY fnrnlahed housekeeping en It, plea. autiy 10c a tea; nsaoc pais aaa pnone. , eii'y ' mast Buxnata St.; HOUSEKEEPING 414 Jefferson; slcgsnt for housekeeping; rent 8-rosB-4to 886 per month. HOUSEKEEPING rooma, modarata rate. lee. , trie light and pboaa taeludod. 801H xtBtsr st. ... j.,- . . rTWO fumlabed rootos, singla or light bouse- seepmg; ua or ssta aud naooa. a iw NEATLY fnmlahsd housekeeping and sleeping rwutm, mob u; nam. tw a an in, near bibti THREE rooma, first floor, partly fnrnlahed for bouaekeeplng. Apply at '674 Front, cor. Grant. TWO nice anfmrnkabed bonaakaaping rooma for xwax. xui jnortn xwoutn sc. near uorajoy LAROB boasekeeptng rooms. 2ba per night. xexoei aoiex, i-ents; ait. noon car, oc lira. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, use ot bath. so aiueasu at. Take Mlsaleaippi car. LARGE new elegantly furnished boaurakesplsg snn singia rooma. axwyj Alder at. 84 FIFTH at earner of Market Fnralabed roonai lor rent, one nousekeeping. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOB BENT BT THE DUNN-LA WBEN CB COM - PAN Y. . . $20.09 8-rooa boase, hot and cold water, gaa sua oxoer asoacrn . conreiuancee , boo bib axixeei. $18.00 7 -room brass.' large lot, beeatifn! tree . ana anranoerir; ie s. 17 th, near sat mont. $125 Beautiful, saw, strictly tour) era S-raata oottage. an elegant plane; will rent it . with handsome furniture for $20; Pig ai. inrlalon. . . $10.00 iN'lce 8-room twos, barn; beautiful nlaea to lire; 602 Umatilla are. $200 per annum 10-acre place oa Mt. Tabor - - witn B-rxasan nonaa. .gooo, narn; a xsie before the rosh commsocea . - Apply at 148H Ftrat at . NEW T-roots hooae, hot and cold water, near montariiin car una, norta or mt. xanor post office, In Orchard Home tract, cheap ta rigat party, inquire pa . premise, w. r. mo COTTAGE, modorn, fre room aad bathroom, rail erics oasemenx, no. tuts ataaieoa at. Innulre Wakefield. Fries A Oa, and Jobs KlostermaB, 81 North Twanty-flrst at. STUART atatlon. Mount Scott car 4 large rooxna, smtouiioxiiga, . naoxterai parxiea wixnout hlldren; fnrnltar for ask.. Call tba Belle s. Fourth and SaJnaoa. - , . . . TWO now sVroota boase. tost completed. an modern ana ap-to-aste improvements. Tog and 704 Northrop St. . TaUphon Mala 4023 for ky. ate. NICELY furniahed 4-room cottage ' with yard. to paroas witponi cauaren; - raasonaDiei path ana pnone, , East 1722. CaU 816 B Disxn x FOB. BENT rurrrlelied fist af 8 rooms, lower two, witn ratn; nair Dlocx irom L, car Uaa. Call 771 Albina ar. Phoo East 1802. FOB tha winter. - to adnlt. xrell faralabad niodArn 8-room nonaa: flna view.. Call fors aoon. 180 Lan. eor. Watsr; -B-xTar Bonth. . T-BOOM hooaa, fall haeement, large groanda. one Biorg rrom tw car lines. Highland, oast id. $16 per xnoBth. Phone Scott 1042. NEW P-room house with quarter block, Hancock and Kaat Twenty-aixth eta. gaT.oO. b. al. Lombard, 814 Chamber of Commerce, - FOR REXT $1260. S-roflx honaa, BOS Matste- sippt av. jnquir or . jaeger, jn Morriaon at. Phone Bood 2C18. FOB BENT Largs hones snd bcantlnl groniKla, on uoitaoay are. apniy at w waatungton St.. ar Wa Front 182. S-BOOK cottage, Madleoa and 24th Its., aaat aiae. inquir tbb aaat jaaaisoa sx, rnoa Beat 1488. COMPLBTELT fnrnlahed T-roora hous foe a year or boot. rnon morning t Eaat 121s. FOB RBNT Modern A room bcews. T46 East yam at. . . . - FOB BENT Modem S-room hoesva. T4T Baal Main st. HOUSES FOR :- RENT FURNL TURE FOR SALE. FOB best resuita on FURNITURE, -Whether to bar or aril, ring Bp Vain - PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, 211 Flrat st. - BBAND-NKW ouartared oak fnrnltur fl rooxna , at aacriflca, and Btodera 6-room enttag with in walking aiatanc tor rent cheap: ready to walk la and go housekeeping. Pbon East 2701. LOOK $175,. fnrnltar of S-room house, fur nished complete, Including piano; cheap boos rent: close In, 2 block from city hail. 828 Fifth at. No agents; cash. FOB BALE Furniture of S-room hooee; desir able locatioa, pays well, rent reaanaahl; rooma alwaya full. Address 0 48, JoaraaL FUR NITERS af a-roota flat at aacriflca; fin location, rooms all fall at big pticeo. 170 H Tenth at.. Afternoon. FURNITURE of a new 8-room eottag for sal, furnliur saw last falL Addreas P 41, cars of JournaL . . FURNITURB B-roohi house, entirely new, mod ern; not $25, 104 Twelfth St. . Call la . morning. FURNITURE of 7 -room bouse for sale; bsw rang. Tak "S" car south. 206 Whltsker st. FURNITURE ot 4-room bonae for rale; hoaa for rent, $8 monthly. 648 Fourth at. WELL fnrnlahed 10-room house, central, elegant location, $460. Phoaa Main 881T. FURNITURE of T-roora hoaa for Bab) ' and hoosa for rent. 224 Mill at. - FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. LARGE top floor for Vesss. Mfrrrlao at.r near ntofflcei alevator: suitable for offlc. Ad a M 41, care Journal. OFFICE-ROOM sough bldg. for rent. Apply alevator. FOR RENT FLATS. 8-B00M lower flat, modern conranlencee, close to cars, T88 East Madison at... Phona Kaat 148. BUSINESS CHANCES. SAWMILL partner wan tad: must-hiva $S,000; will pay yoa 6160 a month salary beside -'your profits. - Full parttcttlara, 248 14 Stark st. FOR BALI A lar bargain In a enuntry store may b bad by seeing or addressing U H. Smlek, Dlxooxllle, Doaglaa coxraty, Oregon. EATING tba elty, will sell my partially establkshed rmalnesa very cheap: Hat of 00 customs re 1 18 formal. 814 Sixth sc FOR SALB Eatsbllabed photograph tndl: sphmdld eqnlpment, good baalnees,, , Adoresa P. O. Bo 407, Oregon City, Or. I OWN lath Vntll: will ttrgda It at perfect , bargain: what bar root fith mills Bay 1 flas. Owaar, phona Uala 4539. . BUSINESS CHANCES. .' . i 1 . : BOOUINO-H0USB BBAJjQT'AKTBRa. . Boema 123-8-8A Aotngtea Bias. ;. ..;- - '.. ." ' j! V W gusnnts to auk any a who buy say of the, following place good, big snooty oa tha taVtotmentT. V ) .... Formar Prlo V ' ';'.,.. Vtv,.... price. 'Now. 80 roomq, central ............. ..,$8,000 $4,000 88 . .cloa la n.500 6.008 82 " ' extra good .'....., 4.000 8.000 0 .'"" money-maker ...... ,,r 6.oia ,uoo 26 ; ,M . very central $.000 : 1.608 20 , . Very modern 2.000 . 1,206 IS . near Washington 1.200 T. 8in IT . " . right down lows ...... 828 14 , " oa 6th at l.Sta) BOO IT " i Sua location l.ftiO K 1$ - ' . swell olscd 1.100 - 000 10 ' M Bear postofflce .j...... 1.100 ' ,' T50 near Aider ....... 1,000. '650 S " 7th st.. sear Madiaoa.. TOO ' 828 S . an Weat Park 6o0:' 650 11 ' M ' aa 11th at BOO 8T6 Tha above la partial Mat. If yoa ar look lug tor nargaina, bow ia xn um n taaa uram tu. tait co. ' ' -. 122-S-B-8 Ablnftoa Bldg. LOOK- thla -up, If you want to go tato .baat- Besar on a smail capital, wear yon cava oh ta $20 par day' tha year around, with a nle clean atock that man and wit eon handle, and profit are large, sarr 1 a chance; It reonaree a capital af about $2,000; wUl glva tlm oa on half, to ba made from th bualneea; locatioa M good, rat cneap. rarticuiars, U. W. Miller, sua isosar Bough Bldg. - PATENT cersrlng leveral countlaa a ' aa srucia xnii is wsntea oy acn exosw saw Is a reedy sailer, moat ba Bold oa account ot other bus lore; bar la a chase to gat into ousineaa on email capital, wncar 70s cen make big money la a abort time,; will -Belt-county righta cheap and win "take tcre ' aga or lots la axchanga; lnroatlgata this If yoa ar raokisg lor a otisiaeee epeaisg. H. W. MILLER, 109 Sixth at. SPECIAL BAB0AIN $$ FOB $L Traeta $2 front foot, S16 fast deep; aaa bar sa many front feet a roa'waat from 60 feet opi all la cultivation, all level and alghtly, .6 tatautea to good 10-room ecbool, $ gradea. Bear stores, poatofflce, church and car stattoa at Lenta; 8-cant far to any part of Portland. Tola la 1-8 price; term If wanted. u. K. Adalton. Loots, Uiegxea, owner. Take Mt. Scott car, 6 cents. IN ORDER to taatstt mill nt tha property la near future, will sell a riaeenahle ataeunt of Yellow Jew si tock at bed rock pries; re member pro party la a repreeeated and guaranteed by ss good man aa tha state affords; It yoa wish . to become a atock- bolder - la a ajTldeod-aaylng mln la future, join ua now, InquVra for all t leu la re, H. W. Miller. 208 Qoodaoagh I Bar BUO ug, nseai agaar lor aampaay. A GOOD hot! la Hood River, a aaooev-aikar gooo ooraar, lutrxiuo reet; wouia ecu 11 au, ar aell th furniture and rent tha building. Wa hare a number of flna buslnos chances, grocery tore, bakery, ho tela aad roomlag oousee. call and aa as; wa caa get 70a , a Bargain. - - " "" . ORTJNDY-MELRATH CO.. - - 25 H Morrison St., Room IB ' a aiuiuitin nmiaa aisnilM 4-room boas, S hiocka from Wasblngtoa atC, aentral; furattur good; best paying hone of else Ib elty; full year roand rent $40, lease $400; $160 now a, halaaea monthly pay. $4601 $160 down. bsiABCS menu. 0RE00N ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, . - ioot ixMirta at., avoom an. BBSTACBA NT Seating SO people, aid a tab us bed. wu aquippea stana; clear iroxwa J2S0 per month; rant only $40, less; with hi goes ale 10-room rooming house that a leara around 276 par month) wa will aell aU for $1,060. Horn Land Co.. 146 Flrat at. FOB SALB Fin located confctkonry, dang . and tobaee - etore; a loo lc cream parlor. doing rood nnatneaa: a rears' Mass: a living roomaJU) tb rear and baeement; big bergs la; goon region lor sailing; aa agsnts. Aaoroa P 40, JournaL FREE LANDS IN OREGON. FERTILE aoll. pur water, delightful climate-. laaa or siraira, appiee aaa oiovr. ror nil lnfortoatloa address tha Columbia So there Irrigstloa Co., 689 Worcester blk.. Portland. GROCERY FOR SALB Well selected Balabl atock, - good - flxtarea; - profltaol saw trade that can aa mere can; larre, exnnxorxsoi living room; very low rent; aaly $600. Land Co., 16 First Bt Houm WILL TRADE f own buslneea bar, ctaara betwecB $.100 and $500 each htonth; win trad It for $2,000 vain.- What hv yea! Thla la perfect bargain; permanent business. Owner, phona Main 4689. .- FOR SALB Oa account of sickness, ales, clean, mooey-msktnf bualneea on east elde; asw from 816 to $38 per day; price $1,400, ar will tnvolca; aa ageata wanted. O 69, Th Journal. PARTNER, alas general agent. $800 to $508 eapitai reqatroa, tuny aeenrea; iignc manu factoring, new article; household necessity; normous profits. Boom 19. 226H First at. WANTED A partner hi eetabllahed manuf. turtng baalnees; small Investment requlmi; ' opporlnnlty ,ot a llfetlmei no trlfrera. Pa cific Realty Co, $17 CommercUl bldg. ... FOB SALB One half Interest in real estate' aad kwa ofne. established 16 years; will pay to Investigate; psrtner leaving city. Address H 67, cars Journal. RESTAURANT, esat aide, rcelpta $28 to $38 aauy, ateaoy; low rent, long leaae; answer . Immediately ; owner leavee city next week. Addraaa P 67, ear JournaL . . WANTED Man with small amount of capital. to taie aair rnisreet in spienata. paying pmnnaltton. Full particulars 208 Uoodaougl. building, Portland, Oregon. BARE bargain If taken thle week, reetanrant oppoeita riedraont car barns: fin busline chance. Cell or addreee 92 kUlltngsworth ara., oa SU Johna car Una. SPECIAL Knerratlc man with 81.200 cna bay nsu rnreresi in aa 01a aataDitabed caah oaal no and make from $300 ap ovary mouth. Particulars, 248H Stark at. BARB chance for. a merchant, general merchan. a lee, country etnre, gn.oou; doing a big boel neae: closest InveaUgatloa solicited. F. Foob, 149 First at. FOR SALB Half Interest la beet paying per- - maaeni imeineea ia eityl have mors than r , can, do: $.too to good maa ar lady. I w .a r 1 Addraaa WB ara ta tha market for all kind of mining stocks; win pay caaa or trao city iota or f,V7nIropr.r!7'- ic'Jl j..CW.-1 Ablngtnn blilg. , WANTED To confer with those contemplating a ouaineea course; to your personal sad finan cial iDlereat ,to Nlaveatlgat. lAddrsas J 43, cars JournaL : IF you - wlah to tnveet a small amount ta legitimate, well-paring taaiaxis, ' tnvaatifat this. . Addraaa B 49, Jonrnal. ' . FOR SALB Rooming -bona; IT room; aewly rnrmsDeo ; cio to car anrtna, - l&qulr 121 14 Boeeell St. Pbon Unloa 602. WHEN locking for a location, altbsr rlty or connrrv, can u xn noruwost aigna VBw an Morrlaoa at. room 211. . LIVERY eele stable bualneea tor sale; will cell st invoice; thle ts a good paying nuetnrw. Addreee P 53, Journal. . - . CHANCE for maa with $200 to boy a baelnaaa snn mats fxi a week! axperkerjc Call 248n Stark at. ' JCUriNAL - "Went Ad" Rates UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION Five t. palish No ad tokea for baa thaa 18s pa Sap. . Sevan words, aa a rule, eons tl tat a Ua. bat each 11b Is charged ragartUeea of tha Bomber of word a. . - WAaAXT BATE taiartlon (laeUdSsg "SosTTaLT B ATB laatadia all aaday . tame) sn.od per tin xwrmsaxa. AJVATIka3lr maat Ba a lauraat burtasaa elaoe by IS aalesk week , fsd y 14 e'oleek BsxBrAay fee Dlaplay rate gtvaa.auea, appUaatiaa at , .... . th aftea. . THE JOURNaAX i: BRANCH OFFICES in ha received at raarelar . mala nfgaa rates. Folkowlag Is a list aaiksxriaeel ageata. whs will forward aaa all real laa meat is tltaa for ash I loa Ilea la to aaat and Tburmaa atresia. . - J Nob HIU Pharmacr. 880 ttssa sttaat. 1 "wngaxeBBBj WVniJIUta . A. W, Allea. pkarmaalst. arlktaaath aad Marahall atrsata. . . . . ... McOsmmoa'r Ptarauay, Wlaituath ami Waahlagtoa streets. . . ' B. F. Jonas Co dncglsta. Oihba etraeta. Cottal Drag somfaay, Ftrat . FaaUa Bytwley. e81s- 4)00 Xaftsna Street, era aer Tenth. , , Bsttmsa's Pharmacy, larmaf Bzta and Bsrrlaoa streets. . Plonuner Drug aampaay, BM TAtrfl atraat, earaar JaUdlaaa., . .... '. ,, WAS sernw. ,Vv . W. 8. Laow, diugglat, exarasnr en a nan Bnrnsios sxxsanw -Nichols A Thompsoa. 128 aornr AiDtna s venue. 4sneka urns cami sauA ixreeA esian W. O. Cable. Smerla venua sad Larraso , aaiaat. B. A. Wllaoa. 12$ Or tat Bast M orrxaon. ..... B. W hlL W But aWrsatk) HtoBXABD. ' CUrk, dragglet. 100S Morta r. 9. Wsrth. BXOOXXTV. ahasxaxTya Pbarumcy muwbbai atreeta. a, - , - ABLXTA 0BBOOB7. -' - - vf Artata Pharmacy, Mors aad lasts BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB SALE My bandry plaat low ted la good Ongoa iosrav) writs) st BC. Adraa M 64, JournaL - ONB HALF mterest ta good paying real aetata offlc to grmj partner; pay to m vestige taw. P. O. he MO - WANTED Ta la vast $200 or $800 with aarwlcea la.aetabllsBSxl paymg BustDaes. Aoxlrasa - , 44. JoarnaL FOB SALB Brick hotaL SS roosaa. reed tor, spienciia iseea) in rortiaxvo. r ea, Jour sal. FINE epporxinlty ta eetabllahed haatoeaa: need help ana capital. Avoovosa u 04, ear Journal. SAIXKIN Pries $1,300; will ptoaaa yes) aft your fuUeat Investigation. Call 248m Stark at. IF yea want employment that will make yoa BVaBSlll aXBTBSx. nsiaiaT eaii-ex earn wsianrtas at at waa... - - FOB SALE Small dairy; leas 1 year, sa St, Msiana roao. Answer i , ear joavnal. COUNTRY aaaspauer wanted ta WaAhiiuTton. iddrssa B 40. Journal MALL cigar store at a aacriflcs; goad laaattaa. aub suurxa bx. near Vf aaoingTon. PARTNER at reel aetata! maat ba a aad sat. sue sua. axes axueir owe. . . FOB SALB A good paying; elgu aaore. Call 192H Third st., elty. , . . GOOD paying rasUaraat, $00. -F. 4Va ax. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' ' - T0UB 0WW H0MB. - Why Umlt yourself to an ordinary steed building lotf Yoa aaa purchss lots say. . wher aad avarywher. bat when you deelr . aa aer tract, yon ara at ones oa tb boat: they ara hard to find, and wbea 004x1 pared to lota ara a ana to a thousand. A great -many people want at least aa acre: we know . they do 1 that's why ws ara In th hnrlnaas. . znat la our pscisixy, to sail yoa aa acre treat (equal to or S lots) sa terms that . you practically tnaet aa th puree as ot, oaa ordinary lot. . - , - - - Ws put tbeae tracts with fttll-slasd Streets with water piped to each acre; wa plat them so that Is future If you desired to cut them Into lots yoa eag do ao. Wa art them at 1 price from H ta H what tha aaas amount ' of land casta yoa when bought In Iota. Wa ' sell them on terms of $10 cash. It yoa like, .aad $10 par month par acre. , Thla gives yoa -a chance to uaa your ready money to build aad start a boose. Aa aa laveetmeat or a a starter for a bom later eu, your tadg. ment is good If yen. purchase. Ton go to thaa acre an tha aame ear and pay tha . asm 6 fsrs th lot maa pay. Tha Jot maa Is your neighbor, bat he la restricted la poo- , albfutlea. Yoa ar a wheetssler, tha kit . Baa la a rstaller. A, . CHUBCHTLIi 4 OfA, ., .'. , 110 Second at. ' . ' BUOHTEL'S BARGAINS, 870 East Barnslde. , " $0 seres Insld city llmite. flna Improrad prop erly ana anitaoio xor piaxxxug. .... Quarter block aa Bast Tenth and Pma. 15 kcTe - oa : WOUmetta rivet trout, urrtk modara Improvecuente. - . Hon see and lots In Hswtbnrna'6 addltiaa, Bear Ladd are., $a,sw to ,aw, nrma. New modern A room house, aa offer.f ' ..' "" ' S-room modem honaa. barn, orchard, sta., $2,20 In on Block from car tma; wurra oouoi xno prio. a., . ; .I... . :. property t hargaim at great bargain. acre TBACTSi ' ;;r,-.. V ., 0UB SPECIALTY 18 iCBI TBACTSI Full-sUed Itreete, water to rack sor. ' , TERMS $10 PER ACRB CAST .,, $10 PER ACRB FEB MONTH. . Toa go to these acre oa tba asms car, - Cy the earn 6c fsrs lbs lot man pays. ' Tba t maa la your neighbor, but as Is re. ,'atrieted la majority at fsatarsa that task . g true saborMB bom. . , A. C CHURCHILL CO., t- d . .. . 110 Seeoad St. ,.,T, TO ACRES. 2 ' mOea from railroad stattoni boues, bam. snon ana cnicxcu -house; aarng . cleared, 40 ell fenced, fin . etresm of . . -1, m at eao anoo . wavers e,"'. SO acres, 26 in cultivation; good hmtsm bars ' ' and dryer: 10 sere errnarn; fin location, 1 10 mile from Portland; $8,800, ea half eaeh. 10 acres, $ miles from courthouse, all cleared - .and la rruit; email nouee,. oa $008 roadj T 82.000. email payment down. acre Bear Portland, no gravel ; $300, $100 caaa. . . 1 , , " New 4-rsnm hoass on ran Una, lot 60x100; ai Usx klOO rash. $12.6. . . ' To trsds for a small farm,' $ aeraa la eft - limits: nouss 01 e rooana, narn, running enter, good. spring, fin nrrhsrd; $l,0. , ' CHARLERON A KKII.I. . ' $1 Atufhy bldg.. cor. Third aad Montana. ' tnodera 1 bonsss ' oa ' esat sMs, $8,300 mt $8,800. . .- . , flna location; maka , - (Bona west eai. v 1.