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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
TIIS OHSGQN SUNDAY JOUr-:iAL roTLAND, SUNDAY. V7MlQj SZPTZlIStS 8,- , .. ... .1 UrJFuZGEDErJTED VALUES v'.VALUor-,. ' IfJ ALLv DEPARTMENTS IN ALL , A profusion of values in a general clean up of all our left-over specials. 4 These epedal sale goods are limited in quantity, end ' not being enough to make up a special sale of any one particular article, nave been combined into one great sale ana pncca to move them quickly. A look in our show windows will convince all of the sincerity of this announcement as regards value and quality. SALE BEGINS TUESDAY-ENDS SATURDAY $noo your choice i;i t::is coLu::irioi.oo FOUR HANDSOME CJ1.OO-Y0U.T CHOICE l.'J THIS C0LO1 pl.OO DEPARTntNTS Weathered Oak PI att : Hack, in Mission design, -; " 40 inches long, 19 inches fcigl S inches deep. Has ; . two groovedplate shelves ' fnd six brass cup hooks. . yyvy-;y '.yyAv- cncriAi ,. -f: '.' :"c. '.''J y .$y.r 1 ''.f -Tt'"" t.. . I j v w .'." A,:;.. ;v' .V;1' I -'"" I yy -- 5 Weathered Oak-Stand, in Mission desirn, 2$ . Weathered Oak Paper Racks, 18 inches high ' inches high, 14-inch top. - Haa two shelves, and 20 inches wide. Has colored pyro etched -suitable.. for magaxinea or booka.'- .-. . . panel and chain ispcnsion. -: - ' - r :AA. Special1 $1.00;;: y-: Ai Special $1.00 y JMrvnr--TM - - j tin' '-I l. ,21. I-;IVM - I. if mm y.n: U . s , u! iHn.aki,T;,or 'S- Miiaton Taboret in Weathered Oak, IS inches i ItiVf P Wghly ioIhed- I high, with 14-incb top, strongly and weU fitted " also lowersneU. rZ...X-.rirtfo bolts. -: '? ... ypecial;$l.003;J ,''"..v 'i,v j1. AyA'lAlA Border Carpet Remnants, in all crades and colors. Manv patterns to choose from. Lengths average from 30 inchesy I to 60 inches. These make excellent rues. - v Ari.i If 4 excellent rugs. Special $1.00 y& Artintlt Bcreena. in enamel and y ; ' ' polished, frames, 60 inches 'high Clover Fiber Rues, a new. revercihle. frinvMl lirh m- tn mnA SO inchea wide.. Has three ''" silkoUnein' ' "-'AyP.AyyyyA dainty patterns and colorings.: , AH-Wool Smyrna Rugs, 16x30 inches, reversible' and fringed. , ; ; i ; ! . V, lwiai t.w . ; special ji.vy :--,;: SPECIALS IN OLASSWARE BE3RRY 8BTS 'A- y':yh:-'(;s- f: T&A SETS ' v C 'TrtT Berry Sets, in dear class, tinted toot Prrttv'Shaned Tt4 Sett in dear rlasa. tinted 1 carpet consists .of six small dishes. top end gold capped: set consists of butter- l cne Dvirj- oibo. Special $1.00. Set' dish, cream pitcher, sugar bowl and spoon dish. peclal$K00jSet: ll. raiesTTiTctear . glasaTTluted putsideimshand well-trimmed artistic, top. Special ;$ 1.00 T . Handsome parlor divans, same as design.- Excel- -lent mahogany finish, hand polished, spring seat covered in embossed velours and . silk tapestries. uoa Tuc uwt. -..j , . 'fe : Special 3.50;. Fine mahogany parlor arm chairs. ' Backs are made of selected veneers. . Has comfortable Roman seat. "upholstered in silk tapestries and velours. Only a lew Jetu- :'-- - .- . ;'' t't- J '. t . . Mahosanv finished corner chairs of Kraceful design. : Spring seats, upholstered in silk tapestries, all col ors. An exceptional otter. . - ' ., ',' i 'f '' '. Special $3.60 Gold Leaf Chairs, well : v turned, and of pretty. ' design. 4 Three -patterns to choose from, ' plain .and upholstered ' backs, coverings are of silk; in many colorings"' . and designs A pretty , t ti ; "j sw jvvvr. .1,. 1 special , 3i0 f r r' 1 I pyrh v. i r-s i Artistic Pictures in brown, black r and t gilt frames! ' Many subjects ' and sixes to choose from. i MmmxiAAA SLCO : -lit v - : ''.1,1.1 - v;ysyfkj iA:yy-yM.y rJI WBAAAm. TTtIVv' X . ... ?yy-& Metal Umbrella Stands, finished In gold and Substantial Iron Umbrella Standa, amoodily ucbpi, iuonK ana wiu nor i nntanea in discs: - ana tan enamei, goto mm I show wear; 25 inches high. , ... --thed; $ inches high. ; ; -;'5-4SjecIali$ AmmmmmMAT mym finisbed in pousned uoiaen uax. tias curvea , uoiaen usk feoestai tsase laooret, is tncnes legs and fancy edged top. y yy special ;$ 1 .00 high and 12-inch top; well turned and polished. C . ;. Special $1.00 'CURTAINS PILLOW ; TOPS ;poiuB;;,:if D002 BAGS h : TAPESTRIES C A Ay y Tw SL, Op y ( DWFERYt . . DEPART. : ? I KENT Ruf fled Muslin Curtains, in dainty stripe effect. patterns to select from. - N SpecIaLSI.OO Pair , ' r. Nottingham White Net .Curtains, full width and full length. Two patterns to select from, Special. $1.00 Pair' . i av j 4S KENT aooR Snowflake Curtaina, Jn. dainty fed and. gold Tyro Etched Leather Doilies, IS inches and stripes , FuU width - and length.- Fringed - 22 inches in diameter. Has pyro etched floral ' bottom. v : 1 .-T : . ; 5 Telour appliqua and hand-paihted tenter. ' . , Special $ll00 Pair ; . Special $1.00 Eacli, -Japanese Silk Pillow Tops, with Mount Hood - 'r.-rv mnA. Columbia River, i scenes;' also Japsnesc Pretty Linen Doilies and Doorbaa-s. hand em - Metal Tapestry Pillow Tops.'M inches square. woidercd in ailk, 24 inches square, r speci'al,s in bbddinq BEDOPREADO arrttarjhCctcCoinfcTtsrro ' width; all colors. ' , N Din ana blue colors y..y:A..i special $ i .por Special $1.00 a w i j CLOSED : all Am Mm. NO MAIL OR TELEPHONE M ORDERS " '. ": TAKOlL . o no ,,o NO MAIL 03 TELEPHONE ' ORDERS '. 'taken STOUe CLOSED ALL; DAY r.:o;jDAY V LACOn DAY p AT -