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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1905)
r: ,jm. . . ' - rrr'j roxicxrt Amnxzrm. larqnai , -lUae, Baker... -Irrlo... lur ... . Untl ... I lit Barnetor." .....,.:...."Allc ef Olu, Vlu-r Ifuaiiral '' ."A titiusiwr Heroine" n VauWIl ...... YaudaTlu - uj ioi ona a wat i - -r- . sabaerlbar t Tb Joaraal who r Mrs for a wmH at looser aar aa paper atoppad at tbalr reeldeaeaa 4 eat t a a adflr by null a "res-alar rata, tod eollaetloa arill b ad bj ruUr earrlr after rtsra to tba jtjp, acnt at Loos Barb an4 Saaald. wliar Tb Jouraal ku ra ' tar carrier delivery. On Bk f Ilwac, Waahluf to, bu ebarse ( Tb Journal a U Bmeb and Lewis . i Co. ef Maid ban rbarg of Tba om-aal oa Sald ar CliUo baarb. BrUvnr will b Bad 'at thaaa tw BOJDta I Mmla. - . - ' -' mm -nr. CIt. your, ehju!- ot-addea a aoa-- I nrnar or l-aoo Mala auo a ad prompt ti.aiwa win Be gives au Jar- v The II Sunday excursion' to the Cae- t --rede Locks fend return on the fastest of f - all' the Willamette and Columbia' river 't ! , steamers, the Charles R. Spncr, start ! tnr from the foot of Washington street V v at a. ni. 'and returning about ( p. vn-. l. aiorda on of the moat delightful atearnhnat riAmm In Ida n.U Than la no other trip on earth enshrined in so mucn grandeur and wealth of scenery. The steamer passes through' a constant t .' panorama or mountains and glens, cata 7 ! i V raota and' canyons, hill and dale, mighty ' foresta and ralllnar nealrlaa. ftaAwhaels ; in operation and. Ins wonderful caacade -4- locks, built at an expense of 14.000,000 '. and II years constant-effort. Tourists 'come thousands of miles to view the - - entrancing beauties of the 'Columbia - between Portland and the ' locks. p i -beclslly Multnomah- falls.' 150 feet, and V II this matchless beauty may be seen .. 'ilunday at an expense of II. Excellent meals aerred on board, 10 cents. . aaiaw narnvi Tinea, wno paa own mw- K rotary of the local T. W. C. A. during ' the past year 'and resigned to. accept a i . shnllsr position at I-eoria, Illinois, was .. . tendered a reception last night at the .1 .headquarters ot the asaoclatron at Sixth and Oak streets. . Miss Helen P.. Barnes .J 'f Chicago.-national secretary, made a ' brief speech. Mlsa Helen Sexton, who . - has charge of the local association, re- celved laat night, assisted by Mrs. Alice - M. Mackey, Dr. . Gertrude Lamberson. Dr. Jessie McOarln, Misses L.nitan Fisher, . Marguerite - Flemmlng, Mabel ' . Haseltine. Martha and Sarah, Case. As a farewell present from the members of the association.. Miss was pre- aented with a handaomef "steamer. trunk . and a large Indian blanket; the preset r - tatlon waa made. by Mlsa Martha Case, - The ' Oeneral Ministerial association of Portland will resume Its sessions V next Monday morning at 11:10 o'clock - In the auditoriurri ef-the Young 'Men's Christian association.' j . As this Is the ' first- session -after vacation It - Is ex-- peeled that there wilt-be a full at . tendance., A program of - special In tereat will be given. - The Rev. Bishop 1 William Fraser McDowell will make an address. Dr, - James M. King - of ''i- Philadelphia, .-a distinguished Protes tant author, will 'also be T present A double - quartet of i Norwegian and Danish ministers will sing. The Rev. - .Arden M. Rockwood will - conduct the f i ' devotlonar exercises. Dr. FranclsNBur gette Short will have charge of - the pinging, and IV B. . Ford will, preside. - -. V"T 7::.i' ' .."v.-- i.'" j An informal roceptldn was ghrea by the Mtn'a clutt of the First Congrega- .tlonal church last night-In honor -of Dr. Francis J. van Horn, pastor of t he rl ret Congregational church - of Worcester. assachusetts. ' Dr. ' van . Horn : has filled the pulpit here for the past three Sundays, while Rev; B. 1m House was last evening tnat nad oeen invited . to preach In numerous English cities ' this summer, but that he had accepted the invitation of "Rev. Mr. House to - come 'to Portland, and .tliat he had not , regretted bis choice. . f ' First Congregational church, Park and v. Madison streets Dr.. Van Horn -v will i. occupy the pulpit at both services. Sub? i Ject morning.. "The Only Name;" even ' Ing, :The Sunreme Definition of Ood." ' , . This will be Rie last opportunity to hear Dr. Vtn Horn, as ho leavea foY the east ' Monday morning. He Is one of the greet est preachers In this country. Special ;'; music, by . quartet Mrs. - Rose Bloch- ' Bauer, MlaS McClung and Messrs. A. U '. Alexander and W. A. .M&ntgomery. . fho funeral of General H. B. Comp- son will take ; place tomorrow,, at 1 o'clock at .Finley'a chapel. The mem - bars of the G..A. R. and the Elks,-General Compson having belonged ' to both VIIRIIIHUVUB, Will liaiTW LllllfB V 1HI r scrvlcea, 1 which .will be conducted by . .Judge H. H. Northup,. assisted by Rev, - H. A.' Barton local, chaplain of the O. , A. R. Burial In the. G. A. R. cemetery, ';$.' "The Royal Hiwatlan band will fur ; nlsh the Instrumental and vocal music at the aacrament of confirmation to be v "'conferred by Archbishop Christie at St. "2. l-JPatrlcxfs ."curch,.corner of Nineteenth m1 Bavler streets, at 10:10 o'clock mass j V1 '-'oniorrow morning. . All the members of The Hawaiian band, which Is giving a , Series of concerts at the Lewis and a-. Clark 'exposition, are Catholics. " -A County Clerk Fields - wishes all ojd a: soldiers to retnember that next Monday. : ', September 4. ,ls a legal holiday, and that - his office wilt be closed. It will, how jj: ever be opened early Tuesday morning v ivwira id ina wanif vi pvuaiunera, rof whom 'there are over '10.0 in this ,f county. -. .. ; 'ru:-'.-. The state of Oregon Is 14 SI 'richer tnan it would 'have been had -not -the last legislature paesed a law making all ?! -hunters of fish, fowl and four-legged ' animals take out a license, paying II '..- therefor. - That Is. ths aute ls. that T much richer from ths returns-'from this C0W4EASE Lf rue way ro pvr it on. Contaant Nothing tivo& ' '..Tr.' ; Very Ei', Apply. ' ITOM Til ITtZS VaOM BITIJI0) ' ' Vl1 I Uw tree r eeaj need atllk wbea aot trmeated ltb " To 1 do bee. rrT a.ia ra fw Hir a dm. Iloea ever. M ceata ajaart, 11 (all- Uall erdere Sliad. . . . arffwm. . --'iir P"''rr nrill and t ertlilwaT' 1SI rraat Strj.. Brar 'rarinr, feet la ad. Or, "' i, ' S IT'.w '': - . ...... . Display of county alone. V County Clerk -Fields has issued .411'. licenses; three ' of -which were, to men Jiving outside of tbestste; these must pay 10 each for. their right to hunt. .... ' ',. ' " , 2:, '' s . " -Private E. P. Strandberg of the Cen tennial guarda at 'the exposition met with a aerlous accident yesterday. while firing a salute in honor of President Qoode'a birthday.. Strandberg Is a bat tery man and was ramming one of the guns. Evidently he-had not' swabbed the --cannon perfectly and. aa: be was reramming- it, the powder left' In the chamber Ignited and with terrific force shot . Jheramrod .abouU100 ..yards ovet the lake. .Strandberg s' glasses prevent ed the loss of his sight, but his fore arm was fractured and-his arm. severely burned., He was taken to the eikergency hospital', where his wounds - were dressed, - He attributes tho blame for the. accident to himself, saying; ha did not -exercise sufficient caution. - v-!-.;- William Grimes has 'the habit; ''there Us no question about, that. His habit Is selling liquor within the bounds of Alon ta villa,' where the selling of goods of this sort la by law forbid.. William was arrested yesterday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff .G ruse I on a bench warrant la sued by Presiding. Judge Fraser.., At the time William was' out on ball," hav ing been arrested several weeks ago cih a Sjlmllar. charge, 'and was to have been tried September 1. Sudge Fraser this morning fired his new. bonds at 1600. The complaint on -which yesterday'a I warrant was jsauea w.i eianeti or VJ. on J Brown, ,wlioX alleges that he purchased beer from Grimes on August 21. Although a deputy sheriff tramped about the hills and valleys of Troatdale for hours' be was, unable to find one George "A. Williams. - ex-saloonkeeper. WIlllomai.h4S.aUatlyfoliad. tils-dew V gathered hla family about hint and left for the wllda of Washington. J. W. Bell filed a suit against him. for 1514.74, alleged to bo due Ferdinand Weathelmer A Sons and the North Paclflo . Brewing company for goods furnished -Williams-' cafe. Bell la acting as agenty for . tba firms mentioned. It's all careful " work from the ' time we get your order- until you get your suit. Tou need never be afraid of Do ing unfairly treated -when you deal with us. i We v would like to show you our nice line oY new goods. J Remember" wt make sny suit in the house to order, III; any panta. 17.50; no mord, no less. Satisfaction guaranteed. Xlnlque .Tailor ing Co., 147 Washington, near Seventh. , v. Dellshtful trolley trip on O. W. P. tomorrow:. To Oregon City, j Canemah Park and Willamette falls, 21 cents round trip.? Dancing at Canemah Park pavilion afternoon.. and evening. Cars leave First and Alder streets on ths odd hour and every, 40, minutes.. .. , v v'- ; - : The Rev. James Mixing, D.'D., cor responding secretary of. the board - of church extenalon .. of , the Methodist Episcopal church, one of the - dlstln guished officials of his church. Is In the city attending the. Norweglan-Ddn Ish conference, and Will preach foil Dr. T. . B. Ford , In, the , Sunnyald Methodlat Episcopal , church next- Sun day evening. , "Special round trip rates tomorrow: On the-O. W. P, to-Greaham. Si cents; all points east ' of Oresham to and in cluding rEstacads. 60 cents. -Dinner at Hotel Estacada. 71 -cents. Cars leave Flr.t and t Alder . streets, r 7:10, , 1:10, 11:10. 1:10,' :40,M4r7:l.' ? ..- r.: - Portland Tamale - Parlor. ' 141 Park & - . street, between Alder and Morrison, the only place- In town ' where enchiladas, chile con earns with frljoles, Mexican style, also the celebrated Frits tamalea, are made. - Open from 11 m. to 11 p. m. Trolley excursions on the 0. ;W.. P.t Seeing Portland In and out. 100 miles for 11.00 with two-hour stop st Estacadi for . lunch at tha hotel. Train leaves First and Alder streets daily, except Sunday, at :40. a. in.,' return 4:00 p. m, -pr. B rougher atith White Temple Sunday, MornlD gJXhrea ..Jtylss .At Walkink : lyord supper observed. Night.- "Was Jesus Christ a Social ljCllUlsUACtitla4lUS9lQU. W.' Herman Moran. assistant chief of the United States secret service, la visit ing the fair and looking over the work of the department In the northwest. ' Steamship Alliance sails from Couch street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka Tuesday night,' September I, at I, F. P Baumgartner, agent.: Main 11. ; Antiques Mahogany., furniture. braaaea bronae and nawtar. ' Onlv atora of Its kind on the coas III Washing ton street. v- . . . . .- Mrs. Mary Johnson, a Flna was com mitted to the Stste Insane aaylum at Salem. and she will be conveyed there todsy, ' ' ; -Arde-of- liwoipwrallnn weTe" fTIel with the county clerk this morning for the Oregon Manufacturing company, by - ... Apples Made at the Fair by Umatilla no;:ofi,iEiOfivoF IRISH HEROES " X" Monumefit,Wxford, Tt Ireland, to Those Who Fell A r - WNIne-Elght. ; ;, ,'4 GREAT DEMONSTRATION : BY SONS OF OLD ERIN Patriotic Speeches and Parades Conv metnoratc 'the -Gallant IJffort to 12 Shake Off . tie i English - Yoke V . Century Af o. --.' r ' There . was , unveiled at . Wfxford,. Ire land, - last . month ', a , monument to the memory of the men who fell In the Irish .rebellion of 1791. : under circum stances which -mark an erwch , in . th history of .the town and. county'.. which led auch a gallant effort Ao shake off the English -yoke' 107 years ago. ' ; The occasion ; wss mad - one ' for ' demonstration of the Irlshparty - sel ddm seen in -reeent -years. It began on Saturday evening, August I. with a dis play of fireworks and beacon lights flam ing from all the hilltops in the vicinity. On Sunday the unveiling ceremony took place and thousands of people frunv atl parts of the country participated-In the1 event.'- More than 10 bands accom panied the visitors, who earns ' from Dublin, Tipperary and all parts of Ire land. . A - picturesque ' procession fol io wedwlth floats in which 1,000 Irish men wearing the - badges of the gaello clubs marched to the scene of .the cere monies. , - , .... it''... i " The 'mayor of Wexford presided' and telegrams of regret ' were read from John E-VRedrflond.. Michael Davltf and other famous Irishmen. Speeches -wer made by prominent local leaders and the distinguished guests. 'Father Havana gt. as orator of "the day. spoke on the sin of war and condemned enlistment In the British .army. J.- p, Sinnott. father-in- law of John T. McDonnell of MoAllen Te McDonnell, of this city waa present. ' The statue is a bronso-and lathe work of . an Irish sculptor,- Oliver Bhepard. The conception ts bold, s representation of a peasant of 11718. -who, goadev. to desperation, -ruahes, pike - In. hand, to light and die. ' Ths figure weighs a ton and a half. 'is seven feet three Inchet and-stands- upon' a pedestal of Tulla' more - limestone. - ' One of . the panels bears- the- simple Inscription 17l." W. K Moore. HS A. Moora and K. 2. Glnn." - The object IW to manufacture and sell a patent - seeker.-other pstent rights and personal property, to deal-In real estate and to lend, money. . Canltal ,1ml, Im aK AAA : : . . '"" ". .. : -v.. .-. . .;, .- : . Very cheap. Would sell dental practice.' cnair, engine, ana some rurniture. Cor ner Wastringtoti . and Second streete. ' Why psy ll.ts to 110 for eye glsssesl when we guarantee a perfect fit for lit Mctsger Co.. in sixth street "; . ' Signs aa . you want them. ' Foster it Klelser, Fifth and Everett, ' Dr. Amoa, surgeon. . Dekom building. FrHs's tama1s are tb -best i .. i "iii','. REDUCED PRICES ARE V POPULAR AT OAKS The new 15. 60 and 71 cent scale of prices which went into force at the big Last Day a of- Pompeii" spectacle last iRtOlAKEZMORE; 'MONEY- Working for us than aa type- writers, T WE WANT ELECTRIC IRONERS - . . ..... Who are competent to do the best rises of work. 'Ours is agreat laundry, provided with tha very latest makes of, machinery,' our work la Al, hod an appreciative -publla keeps us rushing sll tha time. We have the only steam heated collar snd cuff polishers In the state., Theae do not burn the ' linen.;. j.., ;. '.. - . . . . UNION LAUNDRY TeL Mala SSf. ; Id, aad OoIambU. . r County. night had the effect of drawing one ot the' largest crowds of the week to the Oaks.- Tha beautiful tpyrotechnlo rep re aen tatlon, l '-Niagara- Falls . In .Fire," created groat enthusiasm, as did also many of the- other fireworks devices. In cluding soma novel water pyrotechnics. - Tonight one of the principal features wllf be a huge flreworka portrait of Portland's handsomest society woman. . But one week more remains In which to .see this fascinating summer-night show In Portland, as the big spectacle Is due to open In San Francisco on Sep tember I. A Sunday night performance will be given with an ."Unusual elabo rate ' fireworks display."" The - ITUrbano Royal Italian tend renders a popular concert - program between- I and 1:45 o'clock nightly lg tire fireworks. Inclosure. i P. G. (,1'LEAN TILL DO THE r HEAVY PART AT LYRIC v Capital Compahybf Stock Play era Begin Season at Popular . x -. 7 Playhouse Monday "" Beginning Monday ; afternoorrthe Lyric . theatre will have - practically a new stock . company, . headed by P. G. Mtftfjean.iT formerly - leading - man at Cordray's, V- -.. "i Mr. MacLean cams to the coasC two years ago to play leads with, the .Wsl- i 1 P. 0 MscLcan. ters. stock company In Seattle. After ward be waa. at Cordray's, and at-the close of a very successful season went to San Francisco, where he. was led Ing man at the California, theatre; latet he 'was with Florence Stone In the same capacity at the Grand opera house and stage director at the Lyceum.-' At . the Lyrto Mr. i MacLeah will be supported, by the following stock- play' ere: Marjorle Mack. Herbert Ashtdn, Dave Henderson, -Robert Markenale, Lil lian Branacombe,'' Charles Connors, Lil ian Griffith and Cttlck Keogh. STATE SPIRITUALISTS WILLHOLD MEETING i The State Spiritualists' association f Oregon will hold an all day meeting In LArtisAns' ,halL In Ablngton building, on Third Street,,' between Washington and Stark streets, - tomorrowrbeginnlngat 11 -o'clock with a conference. At I o'clock , there will be short .talks by the pioneers and '' prominent ' worker In spiritualism, after which circles will be formed. ' ' .; , In the evening Dr. A. F. Ravi In. pas tor tf the First. Srrlritjr-soclety wtr) deliver" a lecture onTThe"14ear Ap. preach of a Great Spiritual-Awakening 8 "Ch as Has rlf VSf Been Kjnawn ntt Thu Planet." Rev. G. C. Love, president of ths -Stale pwtttnttirrriissoe ratroti,-wur give the eloslng address. - V Fair Feature. Administration -' Restaurant, J ' fair grounos, servo popular svo oinner irom 11 a. m. to I. p.-m.j also a la carts and quick lunch, ' r :: U'. VYhen in Seattle. Go to the Rathskeller, a hlsh-clasa place to eat Sea foods, aastern meats, large orchestra-daily. . .. . . Milwaukie Country Club. Eaafern snd Seattle races. ' Take Sen- wood and Oregon City. ears st First and Alder...... . ... .,. . .; . .... '.' ' I ' Army leaders aUvarm,'' ' Brigsdler and' Mrs. Jenkins, leaders of ths Salvation Army la the Pacific north- -a-r. -J 1 ., a Our Rrlc Haiti Roaat Beef . Small Hlrlnla Milk.. gUas Ta. put Lasmnade , ....... lee Ta .10 .10 .1 Half rhlekea . ... Saadwlcb. Haat.'.. Kaadvlrb, ebtwa. ttandwlrb, Ef(.. ftaadwlrh, eblckea Haadwleb.i club... Two fried Eire.. Baeoa and Ka.. Ham a ad Kan.. .mi .10 .ml .10 Hob Oold. . rtaa. . .S Hup Void, aula: : .10 Hat Oold. Nat . .15 Hop Cold. euartj-M Bine BllrixMK, pt. : .30 lllu Blbboa, gt. .00 Mixed Drlnka .X8 .15 .35 Col Hua ...... M .10 Potato ........ Baked Beaaa .... Bread and Butte. ('racket t'blefce Brotbivtr VeeUble Soap Hlsh Ball ....... . '.10 Cocktail ..... .SO Stralfbt Wbiakey. .1 Wklt Hark . Soda Water" ";r."'.io ApuUlaarla .1 5 WId. Clarvt. glaaa .IS Wt. rtart, tt-.S WlM. Port. gUHl.U Wlaa, RaatcnM, 4t i.50 Win, gaaterae. St .TS .10 .OS .IS '. .101 vrera reaa 161 RiraSSslir.:;- .19 IS Urn. per est; .10 Jr u-aaai .10! Porter, nips...... M Kllead Toaaato,, J Porter. 1 8llod Camiabm.- ,lej At, alp Jllcd Water maloa . .10 Maaiaa, pi Slltd Tomato, , Porter, glass .- .1 pint... a. to Cantaloup., seder. .11 Maaiai, quart.... SO roffe. ip... .osorapa Jalre, (laas .10 Hot Cakes wtta smbIs arrap a ad butter. . : JO M't earry tasebea wea yea eaa eeaw place and buy at wbat roa waat at prtr. Bawabr tb . pi: 1 te tb a DOT Last balMlag a left aid of Trail. AKUI 3 Monlaaa stmt bf ea ttb aad Tta, l.inninilrl . , TOMOBT AT : O'CLACK. - : ; Vvary algbt tbls weak wltb a , aedstrrtn ma use Bararaay, F?7P A I Ths C tSias les sll ttsew KENDALL, la Bldsy Bdseaf eld's :OosMdy-DraaM, . "m BABimoaUfxa, ."-' rat Praseatatloa Aay - gtsgSjl'.'!'. ' FBICgg Matin, xflejejfte-, --sOe, -TS aad'fl. Msbt SSe, , SSe. 50e, TOe, 1 aad J1.B0. ' . Bewta Kow SalllDg for the Kntlr Week. MARQUJiM GJLAJHD THBJtTXB Advaaee SJ Opa Tatey far- WILTON LACKAY(J . "TO WT" toaday. SepC-d; TaaHay. lept. 5: Wedimday, -Sept: S. -v 'TJirLBT" Tharadar, Spt. Tf-frldaf. BepCI; Satnrday Matlaee. Sept. S. PRICES Lowar floor, eieept 'last I rows, fl.OO: laat t raw, il. Balcony. (Irat S rows, II; third S raw. The; last I rowa, BOe. Oal lerr, 2be and SSe. Boxes aad fcages, 110, Seats bow sal Ua- for the atlr wk. - , ' Belasco Theatre uZSm 14tb. sad Wash. BUse Mayer, Props. (' :',; :; V,: -. TOBTIORT AT U . at Alt, VTXX eALICEOFlBytnosc OLD yOUBTggJTTH WIEX aZLASOO STOCK OO. VINCENNES - UrflUII Bt.tDaT MATHIM-AW MWHt, A DraataMaatloa ef Maarle Tboeapaes's Kevel. Matin .S tarda aad Seadaj. . DDirPQ Marta.aa ge..- aad SOe. wa-iw Ki,b SBe. S5e. SOe aad Tie. WXXT WTTX K lit TTT"! BOZT1IOOa. BAKER JHEATRB OgKOOX THKATM CO.. LCgggKS, ' OKO. U SAKSB. atANAOKS. Tonii3:ht--dAJl This Week "-rfornuryd-fctaroajbt KatlBsae Saadar, Wed.; Tsars, aad Sat, V MUSICAL BURLESQUE Tke lUesgstssd Leaeer ef' Thaaa AO,," Fay Foster Co. vgBTTHINCt BgXOND COMPABISON. BgAUTtryt. OIBLS. OOBOKOt'B flTBHtBT i acssAAiunai, nuvu,xisa. Prires Nla-bta. tSc. gse. See. TSei aurlsaaa. loc, aoe,. aoe, otie. ' -t. bixt wxxx-.m biioatjixbs." "TBI atOST MVUXAB ' TBXaTKX. Coi tb ragalar . Fall aad ' Wlster THTDAT atATnrrX. gXPTZaTBIB . gneelal - anaaaaoaaat ad Cbaa. A. TarWa K.w Vork unrnnln tut ajaear. tka haat a.lo. araaune ore amaanoa la eiMwae. praaaatlng enlr Tartar's -tilars vadee- bts an W- soaal direct lo a. epealsg wltb tbe Wg draSutt "ESCAPED FROM THE HAREM' PUT, Ceatpaay, Sraery, Wardroe fS-to-Dat ana nt-eiaa. Best Attraetlo f tb Ktad a 4tarta As- paaruig aa repajHU mcea. . BVEXtNO 15. JS. tt aad BO rest, r : MATIN BE 10, It fad U eests. Sale ef SeaU Oseas rridsr. 10 a. i BXOBXATIOV IABJC -; .-.--. . Oetaes Taagha aad Twvatr-fwrta. . PORTLAND rs, OAKLAND , umnn .' OBAKDSTAKD, BSe. CHILDBEX. lSe. Boa tickets aad raaaread saala ea sals st sea rnee. - v , . i . THE QRAND . . ; -. - TATTTat, - - - i . - TTTB BUCKETS tBJO. - - BAST, BESSIE 00. . -j THE DB TATS. .''.; BTB, TBEB PUXIITTOB. ': . ' TXB SBABOISOOrX. OeSeriil admlaafcai 10 -mtm: naai nd ah SO eeata, Ualljr matin, entlr lorr seas 10 eeata: bos seats SB eeats, Soadara saav ties aa s:av I iv:s p. am, . THE STAR ". anrsTOAL xxznr. TAkaCg ft LALOXSA. I- WAtTEB fEBBT, ,'' .'-.,'.. B0T K'BBAIB. ' - TBX tTABOBOOrX.' fieaSrat - adnlaatoa 10 aaata; laaai ad enta.,Tallr aiStlneea, afire lower Soar tlnaona I SO te 10:S . BOBXXAXB BBIOXTa. Tie Port la ad Ualak. ea aad aa. aft ai Bastbors Terra, mm Mot Creaa eas Has, Me eUsiblas. Kletrte aemaar. Bm Waatlfol atteet seirarfal searebtlcbt fraa to f lowsr. .. Toe ess eat a dalatr laaab wblle etowlag tb sasst Bwsairiee! seeawf a aama. upsa l a. a. la a, a. sloa I" eta. LOUIS H. BOLL Plsne Studio will otmhi Seotembor L Parlors and IS. I41U Washington si west,' have1 returned from Astoria, where corps was established this week. They will conduct peclal irvlcs tomor row alt da at Ihe headquarters ball, 110 rourth trtreet.. ; rourtmrtr rrsferr Sao Osjaaad eseds. Allen V Lewis' . Best Brand. VAO AWARDED THE COLD HICAV at the St. Lbuisr Exposition. Nine-tentha of til cr; . . . reporters In America write it; riot more than 2 r a hundred a light-line, no-position system,-"'. We tec! " Pitman Exclusively, ; qualify our. students as fir$t-clj:: : stenographers, and then send them .to good positions. f'i'f PO RTL AN D DUOI N EGG CO LLCG C ' Park so4 WMblnttosi Strtwts - - - A. P. Arastroaf;, U. B., Prtacld Behhke Portland, ; THE SCHOOL that placet its graduates in good paying ' potations,' .. , " ::i'.'VV-''''v '''" iTHE SCHOOL that will riot ditappoint you. either in . :.2:--preparation for a position or in placing you when w competent 'f;' "C ':';v-,', U . THE SCHOOL that placed 207 of itt pupils and had . ' more than 600 callt. for competent help during the . -- V;;. patt jwv-;i'i;u:XV : THESCHOOL that trains bookkeepers by making all trantactiont acrott the counter the tame as in butU. --''4 v- nett life. L' '. - .- -: '; ' ; '-y-. .'X -x 2;: , ".k v THE SCHOOL that preparet its' stenographer! in tuchi -a way tnat many ot 7xperienced help., .. THE SCHOOL that will help you, not only while in college, but at any time in the future when in need ' -of help. .----;-..-.,-;,',-; ; ; :v'. .. ;i ..::;' ' Call and talk it over with bk . f' - - rvpen aay ana tugnr.-r H. W. BEHNdKE, : '"' :' , ' - t; PretidenCW ' : Phone - Ton " have' ample . time to make . ar rangements to be In attendance. will ponduet thoroxiph courses In OFFICE OTCC3S, scoaraifu), Prof. C. W. Kltt. former vtcavnrealdent of the Onn School of Chleaam. la nrin- clpaJ of our school. Mr. Kltt Is one of the strongest commercial teacmrs In the United States. He haa trained hundreds of commercial teachers as well as thous ands of persons for commercial posi tion He la ably aaalsted by competent instructors. . COST of a course with vs Is one third less than is offered by any school lit the city. If you contemplate a course at ail, you anouia enter early in the sea son to get full benefit of the low rates. Mignt ectiooi begina at the same date. Rates very reaaonable. -., . .- - w u.-a. ajLbin. MANA0ER.' '- r.njLTFi'o;.iAn cusiaEss Tel. XCatB 4SOS. S Wgth araroet Tb aebeel saaiDrlaast . " ' aa wsmitary aeSoi. wtta friauwy aad saasaar mdaa. Aa aeadesir see see. wbleh Sta Sar aaal na i aad weatera calleg, .- ( . .. aoaroina Bail lor glraj. ' OfSr bears ef tt srlnetpsls dsrtsg tb sasiBwr. from S a. si. s IS st tb aeadaaay. For aatalogae. sddraas - POBTLAND ACADBstT, Tblrt atb aad Harrtaaa. Pvtlaad. Oeaseav Portland tatav City Steam Dyeing end tk:i kib Vi,'-'- . . ' ': ' 1 HERMAN BNKE. Proprietor. '';'..;.' Dry Cleaning and Dyeing of Every Description . . MOtRNINO CLOTHES DTKD ON SHORT NOTICE. ) . j lWa Works, Eiit Ittrd pi Eut'As!i $b' "nxi Usim ? xWaam. A BafgBaf AVtlliai tt Sixth Street. Phone Mafn 1T11.. 411 H Morrison St. Phone Main I74. ir TAYEC3 SlTiSP x. rraaols atargerse aTkort, Paster. :! a. m a. as. ................. Classes ! .-.;.V. Morning Sermon REV. JAKIS lLir;S. b D. eoretary Okvek, Bbsaatom Boelety. 1J:M p. m. P. m j... i. Sunday School Kpworth League p. a. j..,.-. .'.Evening Sermon . ' BT PASTOR. . : . Subject "Touching Jesus. t v.. Soloists Miss Ilanneford and Mr. Glos. ' Sfrbngere Invited. ' r-V.THH PErtPt.xrs rOFVLAR Oregon our dcsc arms preiermcm to '. i us or tend for a catalogue. -C .... ..'... . - s , I. M. WALKER, . '.. .'-v PrincipaL Main 590. A Girl of 14 BfOtt miaete blindfolded, Crecc - - ' ' '' i M i'- 1 f--eJ4tji 4At bv Wastofrtcial'cearttrtperter: Totingest reporter In the World. Gots bur lary. write for booklet that ' : tsiia about her. Oren svstena oulckaat ta learn becasss based on longhaad prlav- eipiesL . Only authorised teachers In Portland. LEMONS BY MAIUI1S. Write for (frae) Illustrated aatalo, J U c2Si::zss ccui:: t7 T. XL c. A. Mag.. aWUaa. Oragva. rilkr.ctte Uziven!'. Nine schools and colleges. ' Porty-five frofesaora .and Instructors. ' New'' i horoughly modem laboratory equ. j-ment. 1 1 o w o r d CclIecfLCirdAiir Increased Iff attendance 0 per cent during tha past year. , . . ;r-:;oBar BBPTBhtBam te, - For catalogue and particulars, address a WZ&laaU Balam, Oseaxoa. Si Work CalUd For mnd Do iloorod FREE. I I a e - Viaa JrjQw..Bastsjjalf,oa-tCTqiqAr" PIANOS la what brtngs ws-lhe traij. People will not pay a big pries for sow unknown or Inferior dnak when the can get one of the following for l 1 money and the assurance of permane satisfaction. ' ' ; -, STEI.ViVAY ; A. B. CHASE ; !v'E"T: emerson ' r-t:. . i C:::.'.w:7 r f itlrj S" 1 r... r. ? r R r 1VUiUaVfUU IU 0 9 - 1