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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1905)
Tinr. or.zcou 1 W- A I W--- . , . - ,..,. jiiioossKtsTorasats . .. . . -' ,-- ' T , . . . . - , . . . . ' e . ' - . . i . -.- f BEAT ma RSCCr-S TRY ONE. yMlvJibM COS HIGH ID DE I Potato With Atpirationi Emu ; latet" Jonah' , Gourd and r'.V' Jack Bean Stalk, ; As Soon as Ownership of Burned Property , Is.- Established . 7,. :--' 7 f Work. to Begin -r: V;r MYRTLE PARK PROUD OF ' ,QUICK-CROWlNG TUBER MEANWHILE WORKMEN r ARE GIVEN EMPLOYMENT - -. ... -ci's. . Over Eight Feet High It Still Atpirea fif tndAttracU AttcnUon of iPeoplt i .Who Do Hot Know of Productiv It U Possible That One Mill Will ; B Built in Place ol tha Two Dew "troyed, the Companiea Combining ity of.QcegoWl So;;;,' - Their Interests. HIT r-rr r":iX i-joain ii saia to. nave Mil sw i-f that aarved as bad tree, and there ". i l a legend concerning Jack's beanstalk ' J that broke aon-ie growing recorda, but l alde from legendary history the feat , ef a Myrtle ark potato, vine ta probably i tha most-remarkable. .-j.- ' . v. . i ' Last spring O. -H. Bursas of Myrtle i I'ara piumea a row sany nose pomioee ;,jn the -hard clay soil of hie back yard. - j 4-? v4 :O.H. Bargest and Hi Remarkable Potato Vine. Mil the Tines bat one died. It exhibited : 'unusual . vigor and - reached the usual .development . ef mature ' planta in a - -TOonta-end then- proceeded te grow aome .more. A three-foot stake was given It -to climb on and It quickly shot Its .shoots above this; then a five-foot stake supplied and thla in turn was -oult crown; then a seven-foot timber was v given the hustling vine, and today the "plant Is a foot and a half above the top of thla, and la atlll growing. : ,X potato vine" eight and 'fc half "Test -.-"Iugh- and still - growing Is A wonder even In Myrtle Park, and Mr. Burgess is holding Informal receptions in his .back, yard ta curious neighbors. ' Every ' morning it Is supposed the. vine :must, f have reached Its llmitr at the evening's gentle close It is found that It has sent" 'tuiiu uiui uwavu iuvi vmTw miiu pushed up another Inch or so, It has 1 . reared Its head above the woodshed, has, leftths tall back fericpBh1ndan6rt ' getting Into the forest monarch elass wlth,-loog. strldesr r v t Just wtiy the -vine -raade-jup Us mind- to break-sJJ .records Is. -not- apparent. In appearance. It Is merely a potato vine with a stalk somewhat . smaller , than the usual plant.. Nothing but wash wate 'has-been' given the Vine to feed on. the ground about . Its roots Is yellow! clay -"and " apparently not unusually ", fertile,' -end the sun, does not get much of a chance-at It. What would have : happened had the Tine been fertilised, ;-. grown In - the direct blase of the saw and i carefully, tended la something - Mr. - . Burgess does not care to think about. for he (has visions of - potato forests. . and-.vines hat tickle the stars. ' . -The vine has not - expended all Its atrengthrln top growth, for recently an " Industrious' hen scratched two large po ' tatoes out of the hill; these lay lust under the surface 'and If the roots go ' down as the top has gone up the crop ' of potatoes, will probably, run somewhat lower than Hhe Mount Tabor .artesian well and may lead tbs explorers into the Chinese rice ftelda,, - , ;. , --.., , ' - Moral Wave ta ataks City. X r .Special Dispetea te Tse Joersatl Baker City. Or- Sept. 1. Mayor C. A. Johns has issued orders to the police to close up certain-notorious resorts IB the heart of the elty.t Th Is the first attempt made by the local authorities to regulate the social -evil,- r '. (gpeelsl Mpatca te 3k JearaaLt ; ' Corvallls. .Dr.. 8ept.94.-E. N. Melville lies at-hls home two miles west of town eerioasly. Injured 'sk a result 'of an At tack by a bull, who banted and trampled his almost Into Insensibility. His life was saved by the fact that the bull had no. Jionrs.-, - . the ator Morrlsoa Th- a-- mtAm trm at Th JearBll ll IS tor r Mrs. r. w. ucKinser. w u-eeu xeieseooe aim - . When It Is lafinltaly settled. Just whe own the two lumber mills destroyed a at Tnhna veaterdav nlans will, be an- aniinnrf - onncarnins rebuilding ' the plants. Both properties changed hands last week, but in neither esse was im transfer complete. This will bring, up complications', end : while thers Is no disposition on the part of the parties to the tranaactlona to shirk lust losses. there are soma Questions " which must bo settled. .- ' ' - - '' -In tha case of the" Cons property, whose transfer to N. J. Blagen, manager of the Bucoda Lumber company, was ,.rw.r wv a doubt has arisen as to the .i nwner. ; ifr. Blasen stated thut morning that a sals contract had been signed and a payment made on the property by himself, but that a flaw In part of the title had delayed the final transfer, and until this was cleared up and tbs question of ownership settled no plans eould be announced. ' The loss waa about ISO.eoe, the Insurance til.OOf and the contract price was 6e.00. , The sale pries of the Bt. Johns Eum ber company waa IS0.000. but It haa not been definitely ascertained whether the property belonged to Mr. Douglas or to D. Breeht, who had negotiated for fu purchaee.--v-'-- - Among moneyed interests of St Johns today the confidant hope was expressed that a- larger mill would rise -to replace the two destroyed., and it. wee asserted that union of resources would be made that' would give to the several owners a ahare In a single institution. Mr. Blagen stated that such a comblnaion might take place and In general ex pressed himself aa -favoring - the con struction of a substantial plant, subject, however, to the proper settlement of th problems that are Involved. y As far as possible the men thrown out of emplornent by th burning of tbs mills will be taken care of by other Industries, and many wilt find employ ment at the veneer factory and tha big woolen mills. Probably moat of those thrown out of work by ths conflagra tion will, be given employment at home without delay, ss several large building enterprises are plsnned and under way. m the place and the general labor field Is. encouraging. .: Nrr - "1 ARLETA SCHOOLt STARTED. Tew Temporary Vulldlaf f os Overflow -' Classes ,olag Constructed. - "WffrBrnaBbeeri" started en,"-the Arlets- temporary schoov-smuellng, which,' is ex pected to care for the overflow attend ance. There ae -between Wfsn'd e children of school sgs in the district, and but three two-room stsuctores are- available. - The nen building is of a makeshift sort, as are the three erected, and It will be crowded before the school year la far advanced, the growth, of ths district, having been rapid during the Si i nsi.c fr rnmhinM r1llrata medicinal and emollient properties derived from Cuticura, the great , Skin Cure, with the purest of .' cleansing ingredients, and ; most .xefreshing ;of flower xxlors-For preserving, . purifying, and beau tifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, for Irritations of the skin, heat rashes, tan, sunburn,, bites and 5 stings of insects, lameness and soreness Incidental to summer sports, : for . sanative, ' antiseptic cleansing, and for all the purposes of the toilet bath, and nursery Cutictira Soap, assisted by CutK cura Ointment, is priceless. "Pott DnCCsBMBBBkC as'U.l) JVi,-aMAoauwtu.- , i KLAMATH IRRIGATION IS : : LOCKED BY TWO MEN apedsl IMspatek te Tbe Toenul.) Klamath falls,' Or.. Sept t-At a mass meeting -held In this city, prom inent i clttsens denounced large land owtiers-of "the mamathbarn whdare holding up the government Irrigation project here. Among the speakers were. J. W. Hamaker. Judge.-Baldwin, and others. - .Resolutions were passed bind ing every buetnese-man to get -ths re- ,: '. Display at Lewis and Clark Fair 1 ' f. North Annex of Transportation Building Repository 330-336 East Morrison Street -Mlllllllllll r III lerk ir ll - n I . I I I . t , I I I U U lUlVlUMg UiULlXiviVigU C 11111 ..." .i. V : PORTLAND, OREGON mWM quired signatures to'the deeds. 1 Among thoser who . have -reruaea , thus iar to sign, are Abner Weed of Dunsmulr, Cali fornia, and Evaa Reames of Klamath Falls. If these two men would sign up their holdings It would make more than the required T( per cent and acjlve work would begin at ones. for .Ne York, -Sept. 4. Fifteen thousand dollars in prises haa been offered archi tects of all natlona , for .plans for ths peace palace' tor use of the' permanent court of arbitration at The Hague. The palaoe contemplated, in ths announce ment Is to cost about iMOjpoo. TEN THOUSAND MILES TO ; CATCH PROMISED HUSBAND , CJoarael IsmUI erne.)' '-.. VAUentewa,''."Pa -'. Sept.--1. Ootqieb Ollle waa made a bridegroom last night after a le.OOO mile chase by Julie Wex-;' ler.'Whe has follewed him from-Aesi-tralta. where he promised to marry her . It months ago. Hs suddenly disappeared and came to America." Hla. promised . bride overtook him at Copley yeaterday and aa hour later the couple were made man and wife. . -. - lUTniBifr rr, . Nest year It is plsnned to build a per. manent structure .of. eight rooms and to Mnuster- out ' of service -the' two-room sheds aifar as possible. rThe building under . way will be used for either an assembly hall or gymnasium for several years, ss It Is planned on llnea more substantial than the' Other buildings of the district. ' It Is hoped to have It com pleted for use of classes on opening day.' - ; r-TCMACM VYliL IK -perfectly' iafe ; and- re liable remedy for AVomew and Girls 'Is the Bittfers. Every bottle Unbacked ; by 'over t3 Years -of cures;of wonanly iljs' such' as Month ly ?rilaritiesr'-Bckachef,, Insomnvu Bloating, j - i , vr. iii r:.' ..-.trs or jygpcpsieu i ry. it'J NEW ELEVATED ROADWAY. Work Btarted em Xlgkway Troat Vaioa Aveaas West em aast .TamhiU anreet. Work has been 'started on an elevated roadway ' from. Union avenue . west . on EUlt Tamhill ta Water street, a distance of four blocks. For many months noij sisvsted roadways" bavs been built on the east aide, the efforts. of the tax navsrs ha vine been. confined to keeping In repair thosthat did exist and in filling sloughs so that roadways on stilts were not necessary. '; The dis trict served by the roadway under con struction, Is chiefly a sodden marsh; no building races the street until water street is reached, and the need of tbe new thoroughfare; Is -hardly' 1 apparent The elevated roadway a block north of the present work, serves a much more thickly settled district, but half of It Is closed to trsffle and the remainder 1s used by aa occasional team only. The project under way waa taken up a year or more ago, end a nor bids had been gsked and received tbe entire thing was thrown up and the bids rerused. ; EASTV SIDE" NOTES. ; 'V- ' '!-! r ;,:.'': I -.O ' i'-Z ' Repairs to ths Madison street bridge are progressing . slowly.' Tbe. entire planking has been found to be so worn and rotten that It must be replaced and weeks will pass before general traffic la edmlted to tbe structure. i - Multnomah camp. Woodmen ef the I World, dedicated : lta hall at East I Sixth and Alder streets last evening be fore an audience that packed the big I building and which ' represented every I Woodmen a camp In tha city and adjacent territory. ' A large class was also in itiated -. The Kadderly building.- gutted by nhe I east tide fire IS daya ago, le being re- j modeled as a warehouse. .The floors, of I three stories were swept awey and the interior woodwork-was- -burned, ut-he Tirlck walls were not heated intensely enough io injure them and ths building be remodeled at a wait of about . ts-H 1 - INVESTIGATE FULL? COUNT THE COST ani FACTS will prove to you conclusively that OAS is pre eminently, and WITHOUT question the cheapest and best fuel. - AFiHt NOVET.IDER 1st THE PRICE GAS WILL EE $1.15 FEtt THOUSAND CUE'.C FEET V:Hi I J i Of .. ' awa - DHirr " I lWn IlHrC IFJCT At I IfTfI ; for Purchase price w- will set up ready for use, which riUlfi ilUJl UIll of forty feet otpIpeOn-a4 you a, discount -of ten per; cent Where a fuel stub irtureadjrin the kitchen and no pipe isr -r- necessary a;discount of tweuty pet cait Is made. :r - T". . worn was 'uomuienoed yesterday onl the addition to the Lents school, whlclx wnen completed will accommodate -,the I V""iw classes. Jt will consist or six lere rooms and will be completed early next year, untu which time the classes win oe held in rented rooms. FALL FROM HORSE . RESULTS IN DEATH ' (RpeeUl tnspetch te Tke 3earMLlA Helena.l M ont Sept. . John M Ta WiMm tem, son Vol' B. H.' Tatem. aasayer la cnarge oi ine l ni iei sutes assay of flee. In this city, died thla evening as a. result of Injuries susuined by a fall frpm a horse while rounding up cattts . . s . . .,..'-' i - . 7 r . -e . .... " : . ..- FIFTH AND YABLHILL STS. sswsbs BasBMaBMMBeassBaessaaasssasBBBwsBBswsswss 4 f ' . -"e- '-' ' Trrrsrr, I II , :; . . . . r - - .. .ThrMimnda now cnok with OAS for its J I I sr?TTV3:ir-:.7 1 II -?W-r; 1 : ? : : : ' Othff tlvjnsarkis for iti Effidenw: and ' f-v I ".11 f.'iX7WAM.'.v.a Mi I II iha TIMR IS NHW AT HAND when I - ' - I - II -mtVVXttWZi ll II ? - i ALL- oeoole should cook with OAS for ' : - I I a I ' II- " '..'i '..V.',-,v;m, ,; i 111 I II .. -. "-;'....; . :'. . -. , s- , , . . , . - . . .. ' . , . I I r .',('. i.-. . . F ' ' - ---'..'.''''.''., .'-'.. ' : VAat . .'- - ' - '..-... .:'-''-'. , I I '; V I ': r. I : . . : .. . . ... . .... ......... . ... ' " f. I U. !e ..,iki U,, rfaa make t. . . jux. ll muiui uw ijr wejf s w uian w H I ' - J ' -" ' - - ' ' 1 . I ' ' 4-..W-I I ri liH miii .-Si "r f '"l - - , I ll I I .11 ll n - J s Bl . . x a i - . : . . ' i . . I . -. 1 aVal or I a I . ; I ... -.. - .( .- . ; I v ;.cl::v'-i-;-r.:V;;:'::-.7 0 t " c r :i ' -47'-' An;D.fuggists,:?;; a hie Ssverml t- .. SIS ' -3BBBSBSBBBSaX7i . -. , - -